Series 1: Correspondence, 1920-1989
Contains Labatut's correspondence with fellow architects, architectural organization, schools of architecture, and the French government; however, a significant amount of correspondence will also be found in III. Subject Files, as any correspondence regarding a given project remains with the remainder of the material for that project. For instance, all correspondence pertaining to the New York World's Fair (1939-1940) will be found with the rest of the materials for that project in III. Subject Files, C. New York World's Fair (1939-1940).
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Aalto, Alvar, dates not examined
Académie d'Architecture, 1958-1973
Académie d'Architecture, 1974-1980
Azmy, Ahmed, dates not examined
B (General), dates not examined
Barrou, François, dates not examined
Batista, Eugenio, dates not examined
Cain, Walker O., dates not examined
Caravia, Enrique, dates not examined
Chang, Amos, dates not examined
Chinard, Gilbert, dates not examined
Chueng Chu, dates not examined
Cromelin, John, dates not examined
D (General), dates not examined
Denel, Bigli, dates not examined
E (General), dates not examined
Expo '67, dates not examined
F (General), dates not examined
Février, Henri, dates not examined
Ford, Benson, dates not examined
France: Ambassade, 1930-1960
France: Ambassade, 1961-1972
France: Ambassade, 1973-1981
France: Philippe Grousset, 1954-1959
France: Philippe Grousset, 1960-1965
France: Philippe Grousset, 1966-1977
Frick, Edouard, dates not examined
G (General), dates not examined
Guiraud, Georges, dates not examined
Hubrecht, Robert, dates not examined
I (General), dates not examined
J (General), dates not examined
Jacobs, Alan, dates not examined
K (General), dates not examined
Laloux, Victor, dates not examined
Leclerc, Albert, 1933-1972
Leclerc, Albert, 1973-1979
LeCorbusier, dates not examined
Leveau, Théo, dates not examined
Mango, Roberto, dates not examined
Maritain, Jacques, 1956-1962
Maritain, Jacques, 1963-1964
Maritain, Jacques, 1965-1966
Maritain, Jacques, 1967-1971
Maritain, Jacques, 1972-1973
Millochau, Paul, 1930-1932
Millochau, Paul, 1933-1974
Morales, Victor, dates not examined
Murcier, Louis, dates not examined
N (General), dates not examined
O (General), dates not examined
O'Brien, Russell, dates not examined
Ordre des Architectes, 1948-1974
Ordre des Architectes, 1975-1979
Perret, Auguste, 1951
Perret, Auguste, 1952
R (General), dates not examined
Stade, Charles, dates not examined
Sudler, James, dates not examined
T (General), dates not examined
Thum, F. Charles, dates not examined
Todd, Anderson, dates not examined
U (General), dates not examined
V (General), dates not examined
Venturi, Robert, dates not examined
W (General), dates not examined
Zahran, Mohen M., dates not examined
Unidentified, 1920s-1940s
Unidentified: &, 1950s-1980s
Series 2: Writings, 1929-1979
This series consists of the manuscripts for articles and speeches by Labatut.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
"Application of Science to a New Type of Aesthetic Expression" 1939, TMsS, TMs, TMs(carbon)S, 1939
"The First Capital of the State of New Jersey in the City of Trenton" 1967, TMs and Xerox, 1967
"Light, Illumination and Architecture" 1939, TMss (copies) with holograph corrections, 1939
"Some Impressions and Reflections and the Toronto Chapter Exhibition" 1935, TMss (copies), 1935
"Urbanisme, Architecture, Paysage dans le France de Demain" 1945, TMss (carbons) and Xerox, 1945
Unidentified, dates not examined
Series 3: Subject Files, 1920-1981
This series includes the files for all of Labatut's major and minor architectural projects, as well as other special interest files maintained by Labatut. These files contain a variety of materials, including correspondence, documents, notes, sketches, plans and blueprints, photographs, and printed matter. If there is oversize material for a given project, it has been noted (in pencil) on the folders and in the following box and folder list and can be found in X. Oversize. The sub-series have been arranged in alphabetical order:
This series is arranged into six subseries: Miscellaneous Subject Files and Minor Projects, Monument to José Martí (Havana, Cuba), New York World's Fair, Princeton University, Stuart Country Day School (Princeton, New Jersey), and Travels.
A. I. A. Octagon Competition, 1964
Evansville, Indiana, 1966-1967
Paris Exposition, 1937
Princeton Research Park, 1956-1958
Valparaiso: Correspondence, 1956
Washington, D.C. Zoo, 1961
Who's Who, dates not examined
Yucatan, dates not examined
A. I. A. Convention, 1950
Alan, early, 1920s
Castilleja de Gusman, 1926-1931
Competitions: General, undated
Competitions: Prix Godeboef, 1923
Competitions: Prix de Rome, 1926
Competitions: Prix de Rome, 1926
Highways, dates not examined
J. C. N. Forestier / Cuba, 1928-1929
Lisbon, dates not examined
Martres-Tolosane, dates not examined
Tunnel of Havana, 1957
Budgets, dates not examined
Contracts, dates not examined
Contracts, dates not examined
Correspondence, 1941-1955
Correspondence, 1956-1958
Correspondence, October, 1959-1960
Payments, 1954-1956
Payments, 1957-1958
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Receipts, 1955
Receipts, 1956
Receipts, 1957
Receipts, 1958
Receipts, 1959-1960
Travel Schedules, 1952-1960
Unidentified, dates not examined
Correspondence, 1936-1937
Correspondence, 1938 January-August
Correspondence, 1939 January-July
Correspondence, 1939 August-December
Correspondence, 1940 January-May
Correspondence, 1940 June-December
Correspondence, 1941
Contracts, 1937-1940
Fliers, dates not examined
Maps, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Pay Stubs, 1938-1939
Project Journal, dates not examined
Reports: 1938 (fireworks), 1938
Reports: 1939 (fireworks), 1939
Plans and Blueprints, New York World's Fair 1939-1940: Fountain Plans (Photographs), 1939-1940
Sketches: "The History of Three Flowers," Fountain Spectacle (Photographs), dates not examined
Sketches: "The World and the Cathedral," Fountain Spectacle (Photographs), dates not examined
Sketches and Drawings, 1937-1940
Oversize Plans, undated
The World and the Cathedral, undated
Clay to Steel, undated
Finland, undated
World's Fair Fireworks, undated
Photographs and negatives of the New York World's Fair and of Labatut's home, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Exhibition of Fountain Spectacle Sketches for the New York World's Fair, dates not examined
Fireworks, dates not examined
Shields, dates not examined
Printed Matter, 1936-1941
1936, 1936
1937-1938, 1937-1938
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
undated, undated
Newspapers, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Correspondence, 1927-1931 February
Correspondence, 1932-1941
Correspondence, 1942-1947
Correspondence, 1948-1952
Correspondence, 1953-1959
Correspondence, 1960-1961
Correspondence, 1962-1966
Correspondence, 1967-1974
Football, dates not examined
Honorary Degree, 1975
Honorary Degree, 1975
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Planning Reports, dates not examined
Press Releases, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Projects: Antioch Court, 1952
Retirement, dates not examined
Teaching Materials, 1940-1945
Architecture 409, 1940-1941
Architecture 409, 1941-1942
Architecture 409, 1942-1943
Architecture 410, 1942 Summer
Hand-outs, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Programs, dates not examined
Programs, dates not examined
Programs, dates not examined
Programs, dates not examined
Programs, dates not examined
Schedules, dates not examined
Student Lists, dates not examined
Student Projects, dates not examined
Student Projects, dates not examined
Student Projects, dates not examined
Student Projects, dates not examined
Student Projects, dates not examined
Correspondence, 1942-1943
Exams, dates not examined
Hand-outs, dates not examined
Lecture Notes, dates not examined
Lecture Notes, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Technical Papers, dates not examined
Technical Papers, dates not examined
Unidentified, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Boulders, dates not examined
Convent Chapel, dates not examined
Correspondence, 1961-1967
Landscape, dates not examined
Main Chapel, dates not examined
Map, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Notes, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Plan General, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printed Matter, dates not examined
Printing Plate, dates not examined
Sketches, dates not examined
Sketches, dates not examined
Tabernacle-Altar, dates not examined
Way of the Cross, dates not examined
Travel, 1930s
Travel, 1936: Hindenburg, 1936
Travel, 1940s
Travel, 1947: United States, 1947
Travel, 1950s
Travel, 1958
Travel, 1968: Miscellaneous, 1968
Travel, 1968: Rome, 1968
This series includes contracts, passports, citizenship papers, and French military and government documents. Most of the documents contained in the Labatut Papers can be found in their respective project folders in III. Subject Files.
Arranged by genre of material.
Affidavit, dates not examined
Contracts, dates not examined
Financial, dates not examined
French Military, dates not examined
Joseph Hewes, 1754
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Passports, dates not examined
Passports, dates not examined
Personal Forms, dates not examined
Receipts, dates not examined
Receipts, dates not examined
Series 5: Photographs, 1927-1957
Contains photographs of Labatut, structures, landscapes, unidentified persons, works by other architects, Maybury Hill (Labatut's residence), etc. Photographs of particular projects can be found in their respective project folders in III. Subject Files.
Arranged by subject of photograph.
Alan, dates not examined
Ambassade Monument, 1957 December
Artwork, dates not examined
August Perret Exhibition, circa 1949
Brittany, 1927
Cromelin, John, dates not examined
Fontainebleau, dates not examined
Gardens, dates not examined
Ile-de-France, dates not examined
"Jacobs" (?), dates not examined
Laloux's Atelier, dates not examined
Landscapes, dates not examined
Maritain, Raissa, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
"Navy", dates not examined
Paris, dates not examined
Princeton Quarry, dates not examined
Stowe and Canada, 1952
Structures, dates not examined
Structures, dates not examined
Theater, 1945 December
World War I, dates not examined
Negatives, dates not examined
This series includes the artwork-drawings, painting, lithographs, etc.-of Labatut. Artwork by other or unidentified artists can also be found here.
Arranged alphabetically by genre of material.
Drawings, dates not examined
Lithographs, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Paintings, dates not examined
Paintings, dates not examined
Sketches, dates not examined
Consists of such items as Christmas cards designed by Labatut, memorabilia, medals, plaques, stamps, notes, and architectural programs from the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design (New York, New York) and Fontainebleau. There is also an audiotape of Jacques Maritain.
Arranged alphabetically by genre of material.
Articles, dates not examined
Articles, dates not examined
Audiotapes, dates not examined
Business Cards, dates not examined
Christmas Cards, dates not examined
Christmas Cards, dates not examined
Curriculum Vitae, dates not examined
Invitations, dates not examined
Medals, dates not examined
Memorabilia, dates not examined
Postcards, dates not examined
Programs: French, dates not examined
This series includes a scrapbook, containing telegraphs and printed matter, compiled by Labatut, and a scrapbook compiled by his former students of their professional projects.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Consists of printed matter by and about Labatut, publications by others, and miscellaneous newspaper and magazine clippings.
Arranged chronologically.
By Labatut, 1930s
By Labatut, 1940s
By Labatut, 1950s
By Labatut, 1960s
By Labatut: 1970s and undated, 1970s
About Labatut, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
All oversize material from III. Subject Files, V. Photographs, and VII. Miscellaneous are included in this series. See the following Box and Folder List for contents.
Arranged by genre of material.
Consists of the papers of the Labatut family, including correspondence, documents, photographs, albums, and scrapbooks.
This series is arranged into five subseries: Correspondence, Documents, Miscellaneous, Photographs, and Albums and Scrapbooks.
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1928-1929
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1930
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1931
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1932
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1933
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1934-1935
Labatut, Gabrielle, 1936-1949
Labatut, Gabrielle, undated
Labatut, Gabrielle, undated
Labatut, Jeanne, 1949-1974
Labatut, Jeanne, 1975-1976
Labatut, Jeanne, 1977-1978
Labatut, Mercedes, 1916-1919
Labatut, Mercedes, 1920-1929
Labatut, Mercedes, 1930-1979
Labatut, Mercedes, undated
Labatut, Mercedes from Jean, undated
Labatut, Mercedes from Jean, undated
Labatut, Mercedes from Jean, undated
Labatut, Mercedes from Jean, undated
Labatut, Mercedes from Jean, undated
Labatut, René, 1927-1929
Labatut, René, 1930-1948
Labatut, René, undated
Labatut, Robert and Cécile, undated
This series includes later additions of photographic and audiovisual materials belonging to Jean Labatut. Includes Labatut's 1936 film of his eastbound transatlantic trip on the Hindenburg airship, as well as unprocessed materials.
Arranged by accession, then by genre of material.
- Scope and Contents
The papers include correspondence between Labatut and important twentieth-century architects, landscape architects, and designers, such as J. C. N. Forestier, R. Buckminster Fuller, Sigfried Giedion, Arthur C. Holden, Victor Laloux, Albert Leclerc, LeCorbusier, Auguste Perret, and Robert Venturi. Notable is his extensive correspondence with Jacques Maritain from 1956 to 1973.
The subject files contain all materials-that is, correspondence, documents, notes, sketches, plans and blueprints, photographs, and printed matter-related to Labatut's major and minor projects, which include the 1939-1940 New York World's Fair, the Monument to José Martí (Havana, Cuba), the Stuart Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (Princeton, New Jersey), and Labatut's entries for architectural competitions of the 1920s and the 1930s. In addition to project files, the subject files also contain the administrative papers and teaching materials accumulated by Labatut while he was the Director of Graduate Studies in Architecture at Princeton University (1928-1967); materials pertaining to various awards received by Labatut, including the Thomas Jefferson Medal and Professorship in Architecture awarded by the University of Virginia (1972-1973) and the ACSA/AIA Award for Excellence in Architectural Education (1976); and miscellaneous travel files kept by Labatut, which include photographs, sketches, and printed matter regarding his 1936 flight on the Hindenburg.
Included in these subject files is a large collection of Labatut's guache drawings for the New York World's Fair (1939-1940) fireworks, as well as plans and blueprints for the execution of the fireworks. In addition, there is a group of photographs (and negatives) and fifty glass lantern slides.
The papers also contain writings by Labatut, primarily in the forms of articles and speeches, photographs, artwork, audiotapes, stamps, plaques, Christmas cards designed Labatut, and printed matter.
In addition to Labatut's professional papers, the collection contains his family papers. Aside from correspondence exchanged between Labatut and his wife and brothers, the family papers include some papers and several albums of photographs that belonged to Labatut's sister-in-law, Mrs. Elliott F. Shepard (née Eleanor Terradell), who helped to operate a convalescence home founded by her husband for soldiers of World War I in Chantilly, France.
Also present is a 16mm lab copy of a film recorded by Jean Labatut as a passenger aboard the Hindenburg on a transatlantic trip from June 23-26, 1936. There are four cartons of reels and canisters containing uncatalogued film taken by Labatut--in questionable condition. These have been stored off-site for preservation purposes.
- Arrangement
The papers have been arranged in the following series:
- Collection Creator Biography:
Labatut, architect and teacher, was a primary force behind the development of Princeton University's School of Architecture, 1928-1967. During his 39-year teaching career at Princeton, he founded the Bureau of Urban Research, acted as consultant in charge of campus development of several other educational institutions, and designed and supervised architectural projects around the world, including Spain, Havana (Cuba), and Princeton.
- Acquisition:
The collection was gift of the Labatut estate. Additional materials, previously stored at the Architecture Library, were transferred to the Manuscripts Division in 2006 (AM 2007-42). A film by Jean Labatut was a gift of John McPhee, to whom Labatut lent it, in 2015 (2016-29).
- Custodial History
The collection came directly to the Princeton University Archives from Maybury Hill, the Labatut estate, in 1987. It was transferred to the Manuscripts Division in 1991 (AM 1992-22).
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Heather A. Shannon in 1999. Finding aid written by Heather A. Shannon in 1999 Some boxes were removed after processing was completed (i.e., after boxes had been numbered and labeled--hence, the numbering has gaps. Unused numbers are 15-20, 36, 46, 70.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Jean Labatut Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- This is stored in multiple locations.
- Firestone Library (scamss): Boxes 1-14; 21-35; 37-45; 47-69; 71-95; 98-101; 106-108; 64a; 67A; 67B
- ReCAP (scarcpxm): Boxes 102-105; 109
- Subject Terms:
- Architects -- France -- 20th century -- Notebooks, sketchboks, etc.
Architects -- France. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Architects -- France. -- 20th century -- Drawings
Architects -- United States -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Architects -- United States -- 20th century -- Drawings
Architects -- United States -- 20th century -- Notebooks, sketchbooks, etc
Architecture -- Awards -- France. -- 20th century
Architecture -- Awards -- United States -- 20th century
Architecture -- Competitions. -- 20th century
Architecture -- Study and teaching -- France. -- 20th century
Architecture -- Study and teaching -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
Architecture, Domestic -- United States -- 20th century
Architecture, Modern -- France. -- 20th century
Architecture, Modern -- United States -- 20th century
Fireworks -- New York (State) -- New York. -- 20th century
World war, 1914-1918 -- War work -- France. - Genre Terms:
- Architectural drawings.
Lantern slides
Scrapbooks. - Names:
- Hindenburg (Airship)
Maybury Hill (Princeton, N.J. : Estate)
Princeton University
Labatut family
Maritain, Jacques (1882-1973)
Martí, José (1853-1895)