The Biographical Materials series contains newspaper articles about Derso and Kelen and other biographical ephemera like business cards, press passes, and advertisements for their syndicated cartoons and writings. Exhibition catalogs are included in this series. Of particular note is an essay written by Betty Kelen, Kelen's wife, providing a brief, but personal and humorous view of Derso and Kelen's friendship and artistic careers.
Arranged alphabetically by topic and then chronologically within each folder.
The Correspondence series consists primarily of personal letters each artist received from friends and colleagues and sometimes from publishers. Notably, the majority of the letters are written in Hungarian with a few letters in French, English and German.
The letters are arranged chronologically when the date is known.
Series 3: Writings, 1935-1975
The Writings series documents Derso and Kelen's secondary careers in writing, which began after World War II. Derso's writings consisted of a few essays published in the New York Times and a proposal for an 'art book' of portraits of Jewish statesmen, diplomats, and writers submitted to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for which he received a fellowship. There is also a skeletal draft script for a motion picture on the history of the League of Nations.
All essays, stories, and drafts are arranged alphabetically by the title of the work under each artist's name.
Derso, Alois, 1935
Kelen, Emery, 1914-1975
At Sea in a Sieve, undated
The Birth of a Maharaja, 1946
Book suggestion, post, 1950
The Chinese are Coming, undated
Miscellaneous, 1946-1972
On Second Thought, undated
Platypus at large, 1960
The Sentimental Scarecrow, undated
Sizing Up the Champ, undated
Written in his Face, A-Hu, undated
Written in his Face, J-Mi, undated
Written in his Face, N-Sa, undated
Written in his Face, Sl-Z, undated
Your Character is Showing, undated
Series 4: Art Works, 1922-1975
The Art Works series forms the bulk of this collection and consists of over 900 cartoons and caricatures created in simple media like pencil sketches or ink drawings to formal limited edition portfolios of lithographs or richly hued watercolors. The vast majority of the works were produced between 1920 and 1950, the active period of collaboration between Derso and Kelen. Once their artistic partnership ended in 1950, Kelen produced cartoons and drawings for United Nations' publications and his own personal book projects and Derso supplied the National Review with numerous portrait sketches for their articles.
The cartoons and caricatures have been grouped by size and then divided by theme, except in the instance of oversized materials which are organized by the title of the cartoon or caricature. One further exception is 8.5" x 11" portrait sketches which are arranged alphabetically in Subseries 4A: Portrait Sketches.
Abetz, Otto, dates not examined
Acheson, Dean, dates not examined
Adenaver, Konrad, dates not examined
Afifi, Haez, dates not examined
Agnew, Spiro, dates not examined
Aiken, Frank, dates not examined
Aitkin, Max, dates not examined
Akatani, Genichi, dates not examined
Ala, Hussein, dates not examined
Alemán, Miguel, dates not examined
Ali, Mahmud, dates not examined
Aloisi, Pompeo, dates not examined
Ambedkar, B. R., dates not examined
Amhadov, Ahidjo, dates not examined
Anderson, Marian, dates not examined
Antonescu, Ion, dates not examined
Apponyi, Albert, dates not examined
Arnold, Henry, dates not examined
Attlee, Clement, dates not examined
Austin, Warren, dates not examined
Avenol, Joseph, dates not examined
Baker, Howard, dates not examined
Baker, Josephine, dates not examined
Balbo, Italo, dates not examined
Balfour, Arthur, dates not examined
Bárdossy, László, dates not examined
Barkley, Alben, dates not examined
Beneš, Edvard, dates not examined
Bergery, Gaston, dates not examined
Bevan, Aneurin, dates not examined
Bey, Fawzi, dates not examined
Bidault, Georges, dates not examined
Biddle, Francis, dates not examined
Bloom, Sol, dates not examined
Bourret, Henri, dates not examined
Bowles, Chester, dates not examined
Brando, Marlon, dates not examined
Brandt, Willy, dates not examined
Braun, Otto, dates not examined
Briand, Aristide, dates not examined
Brooks, Angie, dates not examined
Browder, Earl, dates not examined
Budyenny, Semyon, dates not examined
Buisson, Fernand, dates not examined
Byrd, Robert, dates not examined
Byrnes, James, dates not examined
Caillaux, Joseph, dates not examined
Çakmak, Fevzi, dates not examined
Casals, Pablo, dates not examined
Casey, Richard, dates not examined
Castillo, Najera, dates not examined
Castro, Fidel, dates not examined
Castro, Raul, dates not examined
Cecil, Robert, dates not examined
Chaplin, Charlie, dates not examined
Chiang, Kai-shek, dates not examined
Chiao, Kuan-hua, dates not examined
Chicherin, Georgiĭ, undated
Chou, En-lai, dates not examined
Claxton, Brooke, dates not examined
Cohn, Roy, dates not examined
Connally, Thomas, dates not examined
Corbin, M., dates not examined
Cordier, Andrew, dates not examined
Cripps, Stafford, dates not examined
Crowe, Colin, dates not examined
Curie, Marie, dates not examined
Curtius, Julius, dates not examined
Darlan, François, dates not examined
Dash, Sam, dates not examined
Davila, dates not examined
Davis, Norman, dates not examined
Dayan, Moshe, dates not examined
De Boisenger, dates not examined
De Briere, dates not examined
De Valera, Eamon, dates not examined
Dean, John, dates not examined
Dean, Patrick, dates not examined
Deng, Xiao Ping, dates not examined
Diem, Ngo Dinh, dates not examined
Dill, John, dates not examined
Doolittle, Jimmy, dates not examined
Doriot, Jacques, dates not examined
Doughton, Robert, dates not examined
Drummond, Roscoe, dates not examined
Early, Stephen, dates not examined
Eaton, Cyrus, dates not examined
Eban, Abba, dates not examined
Echeverría, Luis, dates not examined
Eckhardt, Tibor, dates not examined
Eden, Anthony, dates not examined
Edward VIII, dates not examined
Eichmann, Adolf, dates not examined
Einstein, Albert, dates not examined
El Zayatt, dates not examined
Ellender, Allen, dates not examined
Erhard, Ludwig, dates not examined
Eriksson, dates not examined
Ervin, Sam, dates not examined
Evatt, Herbert, dates not examined
Farley, James, dates not examined
Fawzi, Mahmoud, dates not examined
Faysal, dates not examined
Fish, Hamilton, dates not examined
Foch, Ferdinand, dates not examined
Foncha, John N., dates not examined
Ford, Gerald R., dates not examined
Ford, Henry, dates not examined
Frangui, dates not examined
Freud, Sigmund, dates not examined
Frondizi, Arturo, dates not examined
Gaitskell, Hugh, dates not examined
Gamelin, Maurice, dates not examined
Gandhi, Indira, dates not examined
Gandhi, Mahatma, dates not examined
Garner, John, dates not examined
George II, dates not examined
George, Walter, dates not examined
Giral, José, dates not examined
Glass, Carter, dates not examined
Goebbels, Joseph, dates not examined
Goldman, Nahum, dates not examined
Goldwater, Barry, dates not examined
Goring, Hermann, dates not examined
Grandi, Dino, dates not examined
Green, William, dates not examined
Greenberg, Hayim, dates not examined
Grew, Joseph C., dates not examined
Gromyko, Andrei, dates not examined
Guani, Alberto, dates not examined
Guevara, Che, dates not examined
Guffy, Joseph, dates not examined
Guinazu, Ruiz, dates not examined
Gutt, Camille, dates not examined
Hague, Frank, dates not examined
Haldeman, H. R., dates not examined
Hamilton, John, dates not examined
Harris, Arthur, dates not examined
Harrison, Pat, dates not examined
Hasluck, Paul, dates not examined
Hassen, Dega, dates not examined
Hays, Will, dates not examined
Heil, Julius P., dates not examined
Heines, Edmund, dates not examined
Helliman, Audrey, dates not examined
Helprin, Mrs., dates not examined
Henderson, Leon, dates not examined
Hess, Rudolf, dates not examined
Hillman, Sidney, dates not examined
Hintchuk, dates not examined
Hirohito, dates not examined
Hitler, Adolf, dates not examined
Ho, Chi Minh, dates not examined
Hoare, Samuel, dates not examined
Hodgson, dates not examined
Hoffman, Paul, dates not examined
Homma, Masaharu, dates not examined
Hoover, Herbert, dates not examined
Hoover, J. Edgar, dates not examined
Hopkins, Harry, dates not examined
Horthy, Miklós, dates not examined
Hua, Huang, dates not examined
Hull, Cordell, dates not examined
Hymans, Paul, dates not examined
Ickes, Harold, dates not examined
Inonü, Ismet, dates not examined
Inouye, Daniel, dates not examined
Ishii, Kikujiro, dates not examined
Jacobsson, Per, dates not examined
Jamali, Fadhil, dates not examined
James, Edwin, dates not examined
Jenkins, Ray, dates not examined
Jessup, Philip, dates not examined
Johnson, Hiram, dates not examined
Johnson, Louis, dates not examined
Jones, Jesse, dates not examined
Juin, Alphonse, dates not examined
Kaas, Prälat, dates not examined
Kádár, Jánas, dates not examined
Kalinin, Mikhail, dates not examined
Kasavubu, Joseph, dates not examined
Kashani, Mullah, dates not examined
Kaye, Danny, dates not examined
Kehrt, Heim, dates not examined
Kelen, Emery, dates not examined
Kennedy, Edward, dates not examined
Kennedy, John F., dates not examined
Khan, Ali, dates not examined
Khan, Ayub, dates not examined
Khan, Zafrullah, dates not examined
Khoman, Thanat, dates not examined
Khrushchev, Nina, dates not examined
King, Ernest, dates not examined
Kissinger, Henry, dates not examined
Knox, Frank, dates not examined
Knudsen, dates not examined
Koht, Halvdan, dates not examined
Konoe, Fumimaro, dates not examined
Koo, Wellington, dates not examined
Kovarsky, Lev, dates not examined
Kozlov, Frol, dates not examined
Krofta, Kamil, dates not examined
Kurusu, Saburo, dates not examined
Landon, Truman, dates not examined
LaRue, Frederick, dates not examined
Laugier, Henri, dates not examined
Laval, Pierre, dates not examined
Lawford, Nicolas, dates not examined
Layton, Walter, dates not examined
Lebrun, Albert, dates not examined
Lehman, Herbert, dates not examined
Lenin, Vladimir, dates not examined
Lewis, John, dates not examined
Lewis, Sam, dates not examined
Liang, Kao, dates not examined
Liang, Yuen-li, dates not examined
Lie, Trygve, dates not examined
Lifar, Serge, dates not examined
Lincoln, Abraham, dates not examined
Lloyd, Selwyn, dates not examined
Lucas, Scott, dates not examined
Lumumba, Patrice, dates not examined
Luns, Joseph, dates not examined
Luther, Hans, dates not examined
Lyons, Leonard, dates not examined
Maisky, Ivan, dates not examined
Malchek, dates not examined
Malik, Charles, dates not examined
Malik, Yakov, dates not examined
Malvy, Louis, dates not examined
Mandel, George, dates not examined
Mansfield, Mike, dates not examined
Mao, Zedong, dates not examined
Mardian, Robert, dates not examined
Marin, Louis, dates not examined
Marshall, George, dates not examined
Mathieu, George, dates not examined
Matsuoka, Yosuke, dates not examined
Maxwell, Elsa, dates not examined
Mboya, Thomas, dates not examined
McClellan, John, dates not examined
McGovern, George, dates not examined
McNeil, Hector, dates not examined
McNeill, Ronald, dates not examined
McNider, dates not examined
McNuh, Paul, dates not examined
Mdivani, dates not examined
Meir, Golda, dates not examined
Menon, Krishna, dates not examined
Michael I, dates not examined
Mikoyan, Anastas, dates not examined
Milch, Erhard, dates not examined
Millikin, Eugene, dates not examined
Mitchell, John, dates not examined
Modijku, Theo, dates not examined
Molnăr, Ferenc, dates not examined
Montoya, Joseph, dates not examined
Moore, Richard, dates not examined
Morrow, Dwight, dates not examined
Mosconi, Antonio, dates not examined
Moses, dates not examined
Motta, Guiseppe, dates not examined
Moynihan, Daniel, dates not examined
Müller, Adi, dates not examined
Müller, Hermann, dates not examined
Mundt, Karl, dates not examined
Murray, Philip, dates not examined
Nadolny, Rudolph, dates not examined
Nagano, Osami, dates not examined
Naidu, Sarojini, dates not examined
Nakagawa, Toru, dates not examined
Nansen, Fridtjof, dates not examined
Nase, Nasti, dates not examined
Neff, Louis, dates not examined
Nelson, Donald, dates not examined
Neuman, Emmanuel, dates not examined
Nicolson, dates not examined
Nkrumah, Kwame, dates not examined
Norman, Montague, dates not examined
Norstad, Lauris, dates not examined
Nye, Gerald, dates not examined
Ogura, Masatsune, dates not examined
Oikawa, Koshiro, dates not examined
O'Kelly, Sean T., dates not examined
Palme, Olof, dates not examined
Papanek, Jan, dates not examined
Pasha, Nahas, dates not examined
Pauling, Linus, dates not examined
Pavlov, Vladimir, dates not examined
Paysanon, dates not examined
Pearson, Lester, dates not examined
Pepper, Claude, dates not examined
Péter, János, dates not examined
Peter II, dates not examined
Philoff, Bogdan, dates not examined
Pinoff, dates not examined
Pinay, Antoine, dates not examined
Pius XIII, dates not examined
Pleven, René, dates not examined
Poganifoure, dates not examined
Poincaré, Henri, dates not examined
Pound, Dudley, dates not examined
Presley, Elvis, dates not examined
Portal, Charles, dates not examined
Quisling, Vidkun, dates not examined
Quo, Tai-Chi, dates not examined
Rabin, Yitzhak, dates not examined
Radek, Karl, dates not examined
Raeder, Erich, dates not examined
Rahman, Mujibur, dates not examined
Rákosi, Mátyás, dates not examined
Rao, Sayaji III, dates not examined
Rayburn, Sam, dates not examined
Reading, John, dates not examined
Reed, John, dates not examined
Renkin, Jules, dates not examined
Reynaud, Paul, dates not examined
Rhee, Syngman, dates not examined
Riad, Mahmoud, dates not examined
Rickover, Hyman, dates not examined
Roa, Raul, dates not examined
Roberts, Owen, dates not examined
Rogers, Will, dates not examined
Rogers, William, dates not examined
Röhm, Ernst, dates not examined
Romulo, Carlos, dates not examined
Roosevelt, James, dates not examined
Rubenin, dates not examined
Rusk, Dean, dates not examined
Russell, Captain, dates not examined
Saba, H., dates not examined
Sakharov, Andrei, dates not examined
Salazar, António, dates not examined
Salter, Arthur, dates not examined
Saracoglu, Sükrü, dates not examined
Sarnoff, David, dates not examined
Sarrau, Albert, dates not examined
Sato, Naotake, dates not examined
Saud, Ibn, dates not examined
Scali, John, dates not examined
Schacht, Hjalmar, dates not examined
Scheel, Walter, dates not examined
Schober, Johann, dates not examined
Sékou, Touré, dates not examined
Selassie, Haile, dates not examined
Sen, Samar, dates not examined
Shahi, Agha, dates not examined
Sharett, Moshe, dates not examined
Sheean, Vincent, dates not examined
Shepard, Alan, dates not examined
Simon, John, dates not examined
Simonds, Frank, dates not examined
Singh, Swaran, dates not examined
Slim, Mongi, dates not examined
Smuts, Jan, dates not examined
Sobolev, Arkady, dates not examined
Sokolnikoff, dates not examined
Soong, Tzu-wen, dates not examined
Stalin, Joseph, dates not examined
Starace, Achille, dates not examined
Stark, Harold, dates not examined
Stegerwald, Adam, dates not examined
Stein, Boris, dates not examined
Stern, Grigory, dates not examined
Stimson, Henry, dates not examined
Stojadinović, dates not examined
Stoneman, Bill, dates not examined
Strachan, Gordon, dates not examined
Strasser, Gregor, dates not examined
Strong, Maurice, dates not examined
Sukarno, dates not examined
Sullivan, John, dates not examined
Suslov, Mikhail, dates not examined
Swanson, Claude, dates not examined
Sweetser, Arthur, dates not examined
Taft, Robert, dates not examined
Talmadge, Herman, dates not examined
Teleki, Sámuel, dates not examined
Tekoah, Yosef, dates not examined
Terauchi, Juichi, dates not examined
Teruzzi, Attilio, dates not examined
Thant, U, dates not examined
Thomas, Albert, dates not examined
Thomsen, Hans, dates not examined
Tito, Josip, dates not examined
Tojo, Hideki, dates not examined
Toynbee, Arnold, dates not examined
Trohan, Walter, dates not examined
Trotsky, Leon, dates not examined
Trudeau, Pierre, dates not examined
Truman, Harry S., dates not examined
Tshombe, Moise, dates not examined
Ulasewicz, Tony, dates not examined
Ulbricht, Walter, dates not examined
Valeur, Robert, dates not examined
Valko, dates not examined
Van Tam, Nguyen, dates not examined
Var, Lutti, dates not examined
Vargas, Getūlio, dates not examined
Velloso, Pedro, dates not examined
Victor, Emmanuel, dates not examined
Volpi, Count, dates not examined
Von Braun, Otto, dates not examined
Von Bülow, dates not examined
Von Epp, Ritter, dates not examined
Von Heeren, dates not examined
Von Papen, Franz, dates not examined
Von Seekt, Hans, dates not examined
Waldheim, Kurt, dates not examined
Walker, Frank, dates not examined
Wallace, George, dates not examined
Wallace, Henry, dates not examined
Weicker, Lowell, dates not examined
Welch, Joseph, dates not examined
Westarp, Graf, dates not examined
Weygand, Maxine, dates not examined
Whalen, Grover, dates not examined
Wheeler, Burton, dates not examined
Wilhelm II, dates not examined
Wilson, Hugh, dates not examined
Wilson, Woodrow, dates not examined
Winiewicz, Jozef, dates not examined
Winzer, Otto, dates not examined
Wohltat, Helmuth, dates not examined
Wood, Edward, dates not examined
Wooley, Mary, dates not examined
Yamada, Otozo, dates not examined
Yen, W. W., dates not examined
Young, Owen, dates not examined
Zeutr, Brüning, dates not examined
Zorian, Valerian, dates not examined
Motifs, undated
Newspaper clippings, 1910-1939
Newspaper clippings, KEN, 1938-1939
Newspaper clippings, 1940-1949
Newspaper clippings, 1950-1972
Newspaper clippings, undated
This Menu Cards series consists of menu cards created by Derso and Kelen for press luncheons in honor of the journalists accredited to the League of Nations from 1925 to 1937 and menu cards for social occasions or dinners honoring high level officials at the United Nations in the late 1940s and early 1950s. One menu card created for the first League luncheon in October 1925 that marked the conclusion of negotiations for the Treaty of Locarno is signed by each of the diplomats represented on the card. There are also 'cards in progress' with annotations and cut-and-paste elements by the artists.
Menu cards are arranged chronologically.
The Miscellaneous series includes material not related to the other series in the Derso and Kelen Collection and contains photographs depicting the artists as well as some photoreproductions of their works. Of interest is a photograph of Derso and Kelen sitting with Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt as she admires the drawing of herself by Derso and Kelen that appeared in the United Nations Sketchbook. There is also a tattered copy of Modern Caricaturists by H. R. Westwood published in 1932 by L. Dickson, Ltd. that includes a chapter on Derso and Kelen. Another item in this series is a guest book from an exhibition in 1976.
Arranged alphabetically.
The Oversize Cartoons series consists of oversize cartoons and illustrations listed by title. When known, the publishing history of the work is noted along with the date of the work and whether the work is monochromatic or color.
The cartoons are listed by title.
L'assaut de la Tribune, 1936
Rookies, 1938 March
The Kaiser/ The Kronprinz, 1938
Wintersport, undated
English Tailor, 1938
Il m'aime, il me m'aime pas..., 1934
Menu Card, 1926 September 10
Shotgun Marriage, 1938 May
Roumanian Oil Fields, 1938 June
Recognition, undated
Birth of the Tickets, 1944
Untitled, undated
Derso and Kelen's World's Fair, 1938
Geneva Merry-Go-Round, 1938
His Dream, 1938 April
Anglo-Italian Talks, undated
Menuet, undated
The Boot, undated
Untitled, undated
Une Conseil de la S.D.N., 1923
Shipwrecked, 1939
Passive Resistance, undated
Babes in the Wood, undated
A Great Wedding at Geneva, 1932
Untitled, 1944
Lloyd George: Do you want anything else Mr. Stamboulisky? Yes sir, I want Dedeagatch!, 1922
One World, dates not examined
L'Ordre Nouveau, undated
Atlantic Pact, undated
La foire des Nations, undated
Modern Spain, undated
Abyssus Abyssum Invocat, 1938
The 6 Tokio Brothers, 1932
United Nations Moving Day, undated
Sokols, 1938
Briand's Ark, undated
Jui Jitsu, undated
Untitled, 1953
Portrait of Ben Gurion, undated
Mene Tekel Upharsin, undated
Strange Culture, undated
Jugoslavia, 1941 April 13
Hunter College Gymnasium, undated
The Soviet Delegates, 1943 June
The Dream of the Pharaoh, 1933
The Dream of the Pharaoh, undated
Collective Security, undated
Opening of the UN, undated
I Was There 1941 - 1945, undated
Rhetoric Clapping Machine, undated
United Nations, undated
Bulles de Savon, 1937
Boxing, 1951
Stambolinsky, 1922
Happy Easter! Now Hatch it!, 1936
The British Delegation, 1943
He Won't Fight, 1940 September 25
Assembly League, 1938
St. Georg and the Dragon, undated
Polling Booth, 1940 November 3
Vichy Etat, undated
Iranian Tourists, 1941 August 8
Mais Qui Sera Mon Defenseur, undated
Untitled, 1940 October 1
The Stupendous Mr. Tojo, undated
Untitled, undated
General Keitel, undated
Polar Bear Club, 1940 December 29
The Holy Oil War, 1941 May 6
Untitled, undated
Untitled, 1940 November 27
Allo! Allo! Ici Radio Paris, undated
Uncle Sam, 1940 November 6
Mare Nostrum, 1940 November 15
U.N. World Fair, undated
Untitled, 1936
The Trojan Donkey, undated
The Wine Keeper, 1941 October 5
Untitled, 1929
The Yanks are Coming!, undated
The Stab in the Back, undated
Ready!, 1941 March 23
Untitled, undated
The Bomb, 1941 August 19
Vichy-Etat, undated
Detente, 1937
Barkley, 1952 July
Keep Them Humming!, 1941 December 17
German Plan, undated
British Plan, undated
Yoo Hoo Adolf, 1940 June 26
U.S. Defense, undated
Untitled, undated
Card Game, 1940 December 18
Spirit of St. Louis, 1940 August 11
Cou-Cou Me Voila!, undated
Untitled, undated
Peace Proposal, undated
Rumanian Oil, 1940 July 30
Hitler and Laval, undated
The Favorite of the Axis, undated
Jardin d'Acclimatation, undated
The War of Nerves, undated
Family Life in Europe, 1939
Mussolini, undated
Untitled, undated
The Man Who Lies, undated
Untitled, undated
European Hope, 1941 September 6
L'Admiral Change de Cheval, undated
Give Him the Hook !!, undated
Untitled, undated
Neutrality Act?, undated
The Thinker, undated
Peace Talk?, 1941 October 28
Untitled, undated
The Volga Boatmen, undated
Kefauver and Harriman, 1952
Liberator, undated
Justice Will Be Done...!, undated
Right You Are, undated
"Unemployed Kings", 1939 March 9
Sign in the Fire, 1941 August 21
Join the Axis!, 1940 September 29
Allan Barkley, 1952 July
Moisson dan L'Ukraine, undated
War Bill, undated
French Plan, undated
U.S. Plan, undated
Untitled, 1940 December 4
Protectors, undated
de Gaulle, undated
Untitled, undated
"She Got a Permanent", undated
Untitled, undated
To See How the Wind Blows, undated
Untitled, undated
The Great Von Ribbentrop, undated
Harvest in Ukraine, 1941 August 26
Untitled, 1936
Untitled, undated
Red Coach Taverns, undated
Third Party, 1940 May 2
English Tailor, 1938 December 1
The Boot, 1938 September 8
Shotgun Marriage, 1938
Jiu-Jitsu, undated
The New Lilliput, 1938 March
His Dream, 1938 June 2
Golden Jubilee, 1938 September 22
Minuet, 1938 November 17
Wintersport, 1939 February 23
United Nations, undated
Bear Drawings, undated
Life Drawings, undated
Artist Notes, undated
Untitled, undated
Series 8: 2007 Accession, 1930-1982
The material added to the original donation represents an expansion of the established series. Of note is the greatly expanded series of published and unpublished writings almost exclusively by Kelen and ranging in date from 1950 to 1975. The writings include proposals and manuscripts for unpublished illustrated books, newspapers columns, and short essays and manuscripts for published works including Peace in Their Time and the newspaper column, On Second Thought.
This series is arranged by type of material: biographical, correspondence, writings, art works, and miscellaneous.
Derso, Estate Papers, 1964-1970
Kelen, Biographies, undated
Kelen, Exhibit, London, 1934
Kelen, Publicity, Agency, 1939-1960
Subseries 8C: Writings, 1930-1976
Adventures in Memoland, undated
An Apple A Day, undated
Animal Kingdom, undated
Beast in Us, undated
Beer Hall of Fame, undated
Bible Cookbook, undated
Body Snatching, undated
Bridge Builders, undated
Drawing Sportsmen, undated
Earthwatch, undated
Ecological Oddities, undated
End of the World, undated
Faces Are My Business, undated
Faces of America, undated
Faces of Power, undated
Faces of Races, undated
Farewell the White Rhino, undated
Glory of Violence, undated
Handshake Instead of a Kiss, undated
Hector Servadac, undated
How to be a Good Observer, undated
Human Face, undated
100 Year War of Disarmament, undated
Kelen's Art, undated
King is Naked, undated
Krylov's Fables, undated
Magic Wand, undated
Miscellaneous, undated
Musclemen in Politics, undated
Myth, Mirth, and Murder, undated
No Title, undated
Nothing But Monkeys, undated
UN Oratory, undated
Pavlov, undated
Pistol Packing Mamas, undated
Proverbs, undated
Psychiatric Case Histories, undated
Space Fantasy, undated
Steve the Fish-boy, undated
Trotsky the Man, undated
Washington Jungle Book, undated
Published Works, 1900-1975
Derso, By-lines, 1900
Kelen, By-lines, 1945-1975
Kelen, Drawn from Life, undated
Kelen, Food for the Valley, 1964
Kelen, Hammarskjold, 1966
Kelen, How to Judge People, undated
Kelen, Humor in Hungary, 1974
Kelen, Laughter is Our Ally, 1943
Kelen, Leonardo, 1974
Kelen, On Second Thought, A, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, B, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, C, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, D, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, E, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, F, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, G, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, H, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, I, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, L, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, M, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, N, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, O, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, P, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, R, undated
Kelen, On Second Thought, S, undated
Kelen, Peace in Their Time, 1963
Kelen, The Temple of Dendur, 1972
Unpublished Works, 1920-1954
Derso, Diplomatic Language, undated
Derso, Gandhi (Hungarian), undated
Derso, Interprêts (French), undated
Derso, M. Litvinov (French), undated
Derso, Notes (1 of 2), undated
Derso, Notes (2 of 2), undated
Derso, Poor Pig Is Dead, undated
Derso, Unidentified drafts, undated
Derso, The White Necktie, undated
Kelen, The Art of Diplomacy, undated
Kelen, Atom Bomb, undated
Kelen, Autobiography, draft, undated
Kelen, Balzac, undated
Kelen, Crazytown, undated
Kelen, Crazytown, undated
Kelen, Crazytown, undated
Kelen, Crazytown, undated
Kelen, de Gaulle, undated
Kelen, People at Random, undated
Kelen, The Fabulous Magyars, undated
Kelen, The Fabulous Magyars, undated
Kelen, The Fabulous Magyars, undated
Kelen, The Fabulous Magyars, undated
Kelen, The Fabulous Magyars, undated
Kelen, Faces of America, undated
Kelen, Faces of Man, undated
Kelen, Faces of Man, undated
Kelen, Faces of Man, undated
Kelen, Faces of Man, undated
Kelen, The Fat Imposter, undated
Kelen, God's Zoo, undated
Kelen, Hall of Fame, undated
Kelen, Horse and Buggy, undated
Kelen, How to View a Body, undated
Kelen, Ideas and Quotes, undated
Kelen, Impressario, undated
Kelen, Intelligence Report, undated
Kelen, Interpreters, undated
Kelen, Madmen and Criminals, undated
Kelen, The Man of Vision, undated
Kelen, Maternity Is No Joke, undated
Kelen, The Mixture of Types, undated
Kelen, Molnar, undated
Kelen, Notes (1), undated
Kelen, Notes (2), undated
Kelen, Pigment, undated
Kelen, Pont Neuf, undated
Kelen, Preview of the Face, undated
Kelen, Snack at Dawn, undated
Kelen, St. Elmo's Light, undated
Kelen, Sizing up the Champs, undated
Kelen, Tid Bits, undated
Kelen, The Thin Man, undated
Kelen, Unidentified drafts, undated
Kelen, Unidentified drafts, undated
Kelen, Unidentified drafts, undated
Kelen, What Is an Egghead?, 1950s
Kelen, Word Caricatures, undated
Abdel Rahman, Ibrahim, undated
Aguilar, Andres, undated
Ahidjo, Ahmadon, undated
Aichi, Kiichi, undated
Amin, Idi, undated
Andrews, Julie, undated
Arafat, Yasir, undated
Aussem, Cilly, undated
Backmann, undated
Balewa, Abubakar Tafawa, undated
Ball, Joseph A, undated
Ball, Lucille, undated
Ballangrud, Ivar, undated
Balzac, Honore de, undated
Barthou, Louis, undated
Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, undated
Beecher, Henry Ward, undated
Bella, Ben, undated
Bergson, Henri, undated
Bimstein, Whitey, undated
Bisbe, Manuel, undated
Blum, Leon, undated
Blumberg, Nils, undated
Boston, Ralph, undated
Bourguiba, Jr., Habib, undated
Bouteflika, Abdelaziz, undated
Bunch, Ralph, undated
Bunny, John, undated
Callas, Maria, undated
Caradon, Hugh Foot, undated
Carter, Jimmy, undated
Cavallero, Ugo, undated
Ceausescu, Nicolae, undated
Chagall, Marc, undated
Cheron, undated
Chiang, May-ling Soong, undated
Childers, Erskine Hamilton, undated
Chnoupek, Bohns, undated
Churchill, Clementine, Lady, undated
Clemenceau, Georges, undated
Colson, Charles W, undated
Confucius, undated
Connally, John Bowden, undated
Coolidge, Calvin, undated
Coxey, Sr., Jacob Sechler, undated
Cranborne, Viscount, undated
Cushendun, Ronald, undated
Dante Aligheri, undated
David, Vaclaw, undated
Da Vinci, Leonardo, undated
Davis, Sammy, undated
Dali, Salvador, undated
Dean, Arthur H, undated
D'Este, Beatrice, undated
DeHunfalva, Kiss, undated
DeMorpurgo, Umberto, undated
DeMurville, John Couve, undated
Dempsey, Patrick, undated
Derso, Alois, undated
DesKaheh, undated
Devlin, Bernadette, undated
Dies, undated
Dietrich, Marlene, undated
Dillon, C. Douglas, undated
Dirksen, Everett, undated
Douglas, Paul H, undated
Doumer, Paul, undated
Durante, Jimmy, undated
Eotvos, undated
Evensen, undated
Ferdinand, Franz, undated
Fletcher, Henry P, undated
Florin, Peter, undated
Fullmer, Gene, undated
Galento, Tony, undated
Garner, John, undated
Gehlhoff, Walter, undated
Giscard d'Estaing, Valery, undated
Goldwyn, Samuel, undated
Goorman, undated
Goring, Herman, undated
Grant, Ulysses, S, undated
Grewe, Wihelm, undated
Grisson, Virgil I, undated
Hammarskjold, Ake, undated
Hammarskjold, Hjalmar, undated
Hardy, Oliver, undated
Hegge, Ole, undated
Herbert, Mr, undated
Hillery, Patrick, undated
Hodges, Luther Hartwell, undated
Hoo, Victor, undated
Humphry, Hubert, undated
Hutton, Barbara, undated
Huxley, Julian, undated
James, Arthur H, undated
Janos, Peter, undated
Jobert, Michel, undated
Johansson Family, undated
Johansson, Ingemar, undated
Johnson, Hewlett, undated
Jonas, undated
Karadordevic, Pavle, undated
Keaton, Buster, undated
Kelen, Emery, undated
Kelly, Emmett, undated
Kennedy, Robert, undated
Kim, Il Sung, undated
Kleppen, Hans, undated
Koca, Popovic, undated
Lacoste, Jean Rene, undated
Laird, Melvin, undated
Landmann, Heinz, undated
Lee, Robert E, undated
Leigh, Vivien, undated
Louis XVI, undated
Louis, Joe, undated
Loren, Sophia, undated
MacDonald, Ishbel, undated
Makarios III, undated
Malik, Adam, undated
McIntyre, Laurence, undated
McNamara, Robert, undated
Menninger, Karl, undated
Menshikov, M. A, undated
Mindszenty, Joszef Cardinal, undated
Mitchell, Martha, undated
Morse, F. Bradford, undated
Munro, Leslie, undated
Muskie, Edmund S, undated
Nation, Carrie, undated
Noble, Allen, undated
Novotny, undated
O'Brien, William Patrick, undated
Ohira, Masayoshi, undated
Olcay, undated
Olsen, undated
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, undated
Oppenheimer, Robert, undated
Park, Chung Hee, undated
Paar, Jack, undated
Piccioni, Attlilio, undated
Pierson, Lester A, undated
Potocki, Adam, undated
Qasim, Abd al-Karim, undated
Rand, Ayn, undated
Renoir, Pierre Auguste, undated
Reyes, Narciso G, undated
al-Rifai, Sameer, undated
Rubenstein, Arthur, undated
Ruth, Babe, undated
Rund, S, undated
Sadat, Anwar, undated
Sarnoff, David, undated
Saxby, William, undated
Scheel, Walter, undated
Schmidt, Helmut, undated
Scholz, Lilly, undated
Schumann, Maurice, undated
Scranton, William, undated
Smith, George Ivan, undated
Socrates, undated
Somervell, Brehon, undated
Starace, Achille, undated
Stevenson, Lewis Green, undated
Stilwell, Joseph Warren, undated
Streit, Clarence, undated
Stuelpnagel, undated
Symington, Stuart, undated
Tardieu, Andre, undated
Teng, Hsiao-ping, undated
Thunberg, Clas, undated
Tolbert, "Tieless Joe", undated
Tossizza, Evangelos Averoff, undated
Toure, Sekou, undated
Tshombe, Moise, undated
Unden, Osten, undated
Van der Stoel, Max, undated
Vigny, undated
Voltaire, undated
Wachuku, Jaja, undated
Waldheim, Kurt, undated
Welles, Orson, undated
Whitlan, Gough, undated
Willkie, Wendell L, undated
Wills, Helen, undated
Wilson, Harold, undated
Wirtz, Willard, undated
Wood, Kingsley, undated
Woolcott, Alexander, undated
Yerman, Jack, undated
Zaleski, August, undated
Unidentified portraits, undated
Cartoons, 1940-1959
Gromyko, Andrei, 1958-1959
Hitler and The Balkans, 1940-1942
Hitler and Britain, 1940-1941
Hitler and France, 1940-1942
Hitler and Nazism, 1940-1942
Hitler and Italy, 1940-1941
Hitler and Japan, 1940-1942
Hitler and Poland, undated
Hitler and Scandinavia, 1940-1942
Khrushchev, Nikita, 1958-1959
Sketch Books, 1940-1950
Animal Sketches, Bronx Zoo, undated
Democratic Convention, 1940
Gag Drawings, undated
Lake Success, 1945-1946
Lake Success, 1947
Lake Success, 1945-1950
Lake Success, 1945-1950
Miscellaneous, undated
Miscellaneous, undated
Miscellaneous, undated
Miscellaneous, color, undated
Sports, undated
United Nations, undated
- Scope and Contents
The Derso and Kelen Collection consists of over 1100 lithographs, watercolors and pen and ink drawings representing the wide-ranging artistic work and political commentary of Alois Derso and Emery Kelen. The subject of their political reportage focuses on the events of inter-war Europe with a particular emphasis on international politics, the diplomatic scene, and the rise of Adolf Hitler. The many open-diplomacy conferences in the 1920s and 1930s on peace, economics, and disarmament, the assemblies of the League of Nations in its hey-day, and, after World War II, the formation of the United Nations are also frequently illustrated subjects.
While the majority of the collection consists of art works, there are also satirical newspaper articles and essays written by Kelen and Derso as well as a small amount of biographical information.
Please see series descriptions in contents list for additional information about individual series.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Emery Kelen was born in Györ, Hungary in 1896. He attended art school in Vienna, but with the onset of World War I was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army at the age of 19. He witnessed war firsthand at the battle of the Isonzo River near the Austrian-Italian border in 1917, which contributed to his enduring hatred of war. Kelen contracted typhus while on the battlefield and was sent to a hospital in Croatia to recover. He was ordered back to the front after he recovered, but, overwhelmed by his war experience, Kelen was sent to the Klosterka military insane hospital in Nagyzombat, Hungary. At Klosterka, he returned to drawing by sketching portraits of the insane and in his autobiography, Peace In Their Time, refers to Klosterka as his "academy of caricature."
Kelen returned to his hometown at the end of the war, but moved to Paris and then to Munich in 1919. While in Munich he worked as a sports cartoonist for Fussball and attended the art school of Hans Hofmann (1880-1966). In 1922, Kelen moved to Lausanne, Switzerland to continue his career in sports illustration. Gradually, due to his interest in history and politics, he turned his pen to freelance artwork illustrating the political and diplomatic scene.
Kelen met Alois Derso in 1922 at a chance meeting at a press bar in Lausanne. Sharing similar biographical backgrounds, both being Jews from Hungary and artists, they became friends and collaborators for the next 30 years – the first twenty years in Europe and the last ten years in the United States.
During the 1920s and 1930s, Kelen and Derso worked in Europe illustrating inter-war Europe with their cartoons. As witnesses to this history, they drew caricatures of famous diplomats and statesmen of the day and satirical cartoons of their activities. They traveled to the major European capitals observing the numerous economic, disarmament, and peace conferences (the 1925 Locarno Conference, the 1933 London Economic Conference, the 1932 World Disarmament Conference); they were also the dedicated pictorial reporters of the meetings and delegates of the League of Nations. As active members of the international press corps, their work was eagerly sought after providing a humorous daily record of events at a time when cameras were not allowed in the conference rooms. Their work was published widely in the European print media ( Illustrated London News; London News Chronicle; Le Rire; Tribune de Genève; Münchner Illustrierte Zeitung) and in 1934 they also mounted two exhibits of their works – one in London and the other in Geneva. In these decades most of their lithographic portfolios were either commissioned pieces like the "Round Table Conference" portfolio commissioned by the Maharaja of Kashmir or commercially released portfolios like the "Testament de Genève" that illustrated and commented upon ten years of 'international cooperation' at the League of Nations.
Kelen and Derso departed Europe on December 13, 1938 aided by friends who recognized the impending dangers facing them due to their Jewish heritage not to mention their open criticism of Hitler's rise to power. They settled in New York City making their living from a variety of commissions offered by magazines and newspapers. One of the cartoonists' contacts in New York was the editor of Esquire magazine, Arnold Gingrich, who was ready to embark on a new political publication entitled KEN. Though a short-lived magazine, Kelen and Derso were steady contributors illustrating for the American public the devastating aggression of Hitler. Other editors of prominent publications such as Fortune and the Christian Science Monitor sent Kelen and Derso to capture through illustrations the events of the 1939-40 New York World's Fair, the 1944 Republican Convention in Philadelphia, and the 1945 United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco. Their political cartoons were syndicated and published in major U. S. newspapers and magazines such as Esquire, the New York Times Magazine, Ken, the Daily Telegraph and Morning Post, Fortune, the New York Post, the Christian Science Monitor, the Washington Post). At times Kelen and Derso drew editorial cartoons for publications for the French, Polish, and Yugoslavian governments-in-exile. With the end of World War II, they turned their pens to the subjects of American politics and the formation and proceedings of the United Nations. As Kelen wrote in their 1950 publication, The United Nations Sketchbook, Derso and I "followed the peace junket through Locarno, Rapallo, The Hague, Paris, London, Washington, and New York, to jibe, joke, jollify, and so make a poor living."
By the late 1940s, Kelen and Derso parted company professionally. From 1948 -1956, Kelen worked for the Office of Public Information at the United Nations as its first television director and producer covering many historic speeches before the General Assembly including President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" speech. Kelen published a number of books on a wide range of topics from a humorous commentary on world politics to a biography of Dag Hammarskjöld as well as numerous children's books. After retirement, Kelen wrote character studies of prominent people titled "Written In His Face" for European newspapers and a column of reminiscences for The Hindu of Madras. In 1963, he published his autobiography Peace In Their Time. Kelen married Betty Stones on September 25, 1940; they had one child, Juli Kelen. Kelen died on October 12, 1978 in Vienna, Austria.
Though the record of Derso's early life is not well documented, it seems remarkably similar to Kelen's. Derso was born in Baja, Hungary in 1888. He attended art school at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest from 1908-1909. From 1909 through 1914 he studied at the Academy Colarossi and the Academy Grande Chaumière in Paris. According to the memoir essay written by Betty Kelen, Derso "was employed in the war by the Austro-Hungarian High Command as a church robber." He was to search the churches of conquered territory in northern Italy to evaluate the art work and "arrange for items worth stealing to be brought back to the homeland for safe keeping." After the war he was drawn to Switzerland for the same reason as Kelen's -- to pursue a career in pictorial journalism. Much of Derso's biography in the twenties and thirties corresponds to Kelen's story as once they became friends and artistic colleagues they traveled and worked in tandem.
In the early 1950s, while Kelen worked at the United Nations, Derso became a frequent contributor of portrait illustrations of politicians and policy makers for William F. Buckley's National Review, from its inaugural issue in 1955 until Derso's death in 1964; many of these portraits are in this collection. He also published his work in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Post. In 1959, Derso was awarded a fellowship from the 'Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany' to produce a book with the tentative title of "Jewish Profiles of Four Decades on the International Scene." Derso hoped to publish an art book of 100 portraits of Jewish statesmen, diplomats, writers, artists, scientists and bankers, but, ultimately, did not pursue the fellowship.
Derso never married and died in 1964 in New York City.
- Acquisition:
Betty and Juli Kelen, Emery Kelen's wife and daughter respectively, donated the collection in 2002 (ML 2002-14) to the Princeton University Library. Additional materials were received from the Kelen family in 2007 (ML.2007.005).
- Appraisal
No material was separated from this collection.
- Processing Information
Some drawings, lithographs, and watercolors have been cleaned and repaired by the Conservation and Preservation Department of the Princeton University Library.
This collection was processed by Christine W. Kitto in 2004 with the assistance of Debora Lin Class of 2004, Awo Addo Class of 2008, and Thomas Campana. Finding aid written by Christine W. Kitto in June 2005.Materials from a subsequent accession in 2007 were incorporated into the existing collection and the finding aid was updated at this time.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, any copyright vested in the donor has passed to The Trustees of Princeton University and researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of donor-created materials within the collection. For materials in the collection not created by the donor, or where the material is not an original, the copyright is likely not held by the University. In these instances, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have a question about who owns the copyright for an item, you may request clarification by contacting us through the Ask Us! form.
For Derso and Kelen images not found in this collection, please see for permission and reproduction information.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Derso and Kelen Collection; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Box 1-68
- Bibliography
Emery Kelen's autobiography Peace in Their Time: Men Who Led Us In and Out of War, 1914-1945 (Knoft, New York, 1963) was consulted during preparation of the biographical note.
- Subject Terms:
- Political satire
World War II. -- Caricatures and cartoons
World politics -- 1900-1945. -- Caricatures and cartoons - Genre Terms:
- Ink Drawings.
Water Colors. - Names:
- Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (1932-1934 : Geneva, Switzerland)
Conference on Near Eastern Affairs (1922-1923 : Lausanne, Switzerland)
United Nations
Republican Party. National Convention. (23rd : 1944 : Chicago)
League of Nations.
Locarno Conference (1925)
Indian Round Table Conference
Monetary and Economic Conference (1933 : London, England)
New York World's Fair (1939-1940 : New-York, N.Y.)
Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945.
Acheson, Dean (1893-1971)
Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967)
Attlee, C.R. (Clement Richard) (1883-1967)
Baruch, Bernard M. (Bernard Mannes) (1870-1965)
Brezhnev, Leonid Ilʹich (1906-1982)
Briand, Aristide (1862-1932)
Bush, George (1924-2018)
Castro, Fidel (1926-2016)
Chamberlain, Neville (1869-1940)
Churchill, Winston (1874-1965)
De Valera, Éamon (1882-1975)
Deng, Xiaoping (1904-1997)
Dulles, John Foster (1888-1959)
Eden, Anthony, Earl of Avon (1897-1977)
Eichmann, Adolf (1906-1962)
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David) (1890-1969)
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)
Gandhi, Indira
Gándhí, Mahátma (1869-1948)
Gaulle, Charles de (1890-1970)
Goebbels, Joseph (1897-1945)
Goring, Hermann,
Gromyko, Andreĭ Andreevich (1909-1989)
Guevara, Che (1928-1967)
Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, I (1892-1975)
Hammarskjøld, Dag (1905-1961)
Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell) (1891-1986)
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan (1901-1989)
Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945)
Hồ, Chí-Minh (1890-1969)
Home of the Hirsel, Alec Douglas-Home, baron (1903-1995)
Hoover, Herbert (1874-1964)
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines) (1908-1973)
Kelen, Emery (1896-1978)
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald) (1917-1963)
Kissinger, Henry (1923)
Kosygin, Aleksey Nikolayevich (1904-1980)
Krushchev, Nikita
Laval, Pierre (1883-1945)
Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich (1870-1924)
Lie, Trygve (1896-1968)
Lodge, Henry Cabot (1850-1924)
Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron (1803-1873)
Macdonald, James Ramsay (1866-1937)
Meir, Golda
Mussolini, Benito (1883-1945)
Nixon, Richard M. Richard Milhous (1913-1994)
Papen, Franz von (1879-1969)
Poincaré, Henri (1854-1912)
Ribbentrop, Joachim von (1893-1946)
Simon, John Allsebrook Simon, Viscount (1873-1954)
Stalin, Joseph (1878-1953)
Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing) (1900-1965)
Stresemann, Gustav (1878-1929)
Trotsky, Léon (1879-1940)
Truman, Harry S. (1884-1972)
Vyshinsky, Andrey Yanuaryevich (1883-1954)
Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924)
Young, Owen D. (1874-1962)