The bulk of the correspondence comprises the period 1965-1968, and it is arranged alphabetically. Included are letters by Homero Aridjis, Miguel Angel Asturias, Max Aub, Mario Benedetti, Adolfo Bioy Casares, Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Julio Cortázar, José Donoso, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel García Márquez, Juan Goytisolo, Jorge Guillen, Manuel Mujica Láinez, Nicanor Parra, Nelida Piñon, Octavio Paz, Manuel Puig, Ernesto Sábato, Severo Sarduy, Luisa Valenzuela, Mario Vargas Llosa, and others.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
A (General), dates not examined
Ainsa, Fernando, dates not examined
Alfred A. Knopf, dates not examined
Alonso, Rodolfo, dates not examined
Alvarez, Manuel, dates not examined
Amorim, Enrique, dates not examined
Amorós, Andrés, dates not examined
Análisis, dates not examined
Angelo, Ivan, dates not examined
Arias, Augusto, dates not examined
Aridjis, Homero, dates not examined
Arteche, Miguel, dates not examined
Asomante, dates not examined
Aub, Max, dates not examined
Ayala, Francisco, dates not examined
B (General), dates not examined
Banks & Miles, dates not examined
Barthes, Roland, dates not examined
Belitt, Ben, dates not examined
Bellow, Saul, dates not examined
Benedetti, Mario, dates not examined
Bianco, José, dates not examined
Bosch, Juan, dates not examined
Botsford, Keith, dates not examined
Boule, Annie, dates not examined
Bromfield, Louis, dates not examined
Buitrago, Fanny, dates not examined
Buñuel, Luis, dates not examined
C (General), dates not examined
Cabos, Pierre, dates not examined
Canning House, dates not examined
Carr, Raymond, dates not examined
Castillo, Othón, dates not examined
CCF Publications, dates not examined
Chocron, Isaac, dates not examined
Christ, Ronald, dates not examined
Cohen, J. M., dates not examined
Combie, Elsie, dates not examined
Commentary, dates not examined
Conti, Haroldo, dates not examined
Cortázar, Julio, dates not examined
Cotelo, Rubén, dates not examined
Coulthard, G. R., dates not examined
Coyné, André, dates not examined
Cúneo, Dardo, dates not examined
Cunha, Juan, dates not examined
D (General), dates not examined
Daedalus, dates not examined
Díaz, Jorge, dates not examined
Donoso, José, dates not examined
Draper, Theodore, dates not examined
E (General), dates not examined
Edwards, Jorge, dates not examined
Editorial Losada, dates not examined
Editorial Lumen, dates not examined
Ehrman, Hans, dates not examined
Encounter, dates not examined
Espinosa, Mario, dates not examined
Estenssoro, Hugo, dates not examined
Eudeba, dates not examined
F (General), dates not examined
Fell, Claude, dates not examined
Ford, Anibal, dates not examined
Fraire, Isabel, dates not examined
Franco, Jean, dates not examined
Fuentes, Carlos, dates not examined
G (General), dates not examined
Goytisolo, Juan, dates not examined
Goytisolo, Luís, dates not examined
Grases, Pedro, dates not examined
Guido, Beatriz, dates not examined
Guillén, Jorge, dates not examined
Gullón, Ricardo, dates not examined
H (General), dates not examined
Hanke, Lewis, dates not examined
Haslund, Ebba, dates not examined
Harss, Luis, dates not examined
Hispania, dates not examined
Holder, Roy, dates not examined
I (General), dates not examined
Irbi, James E., dates not examined
J (General), dates not examined
Jitrik, Noé, dates not examined
Jones, Ernest, dates not examined
K (General), dates not examined
L (General), dates not examined
Lago, Elda, dates not examined
Lastra, Pedro, dates not examined
Laughlin, James, dates not examined
Lewis, Oscar, dates not examined
Librairie Pilote, dates not examined
Lida, Raimundo, dates not examined
LIFE en Español, dates not examined
Lihn, Enrique, dates not examined
Liscano, Juan, dates not examined
Lynch, Marta, dates not examined
M (General), dates not examined
Madrid, Juan, dates not examined
Mafud, Julio, dates not examined
Magis, Carlos, dates not examined
Mander, John, dates not examined
Marcha, dates not examined
Marichal, Juan, dates not examined
Michaux, Henri, dates not examined
Milla, Benito, dates not examined
Moirano, Eduardo, dates not examined
Moyano, Daniel, dates not examined
Muller, Mauricio, dates not examined
Murena, Hector, dates not examined
N (General), dates not examined
Neruda, Pablo, dates not examined
O (General), dates not examined
Oliva, Alberto, dates not examined
Orgambide, Pedro, dates not examined
Ortega, Julio, dates not examined
P (General), dates not examined
Padilla, Heberto, dates not examined
The Paris Review, dates not examined
Parra, Nicanor, dates not examined
Parrilla, José, dates not examined
Pastori, Aurelio, dates not examined
Pedreira, Hector, dates not examined
Pendle, George, dates not examined
Pereda, Fernando, dates not examined
Pinillos, Manuel, dates not examined
Piñon, Nelida, dates not examined
Plural, dates not examined
Primera Plana, dates not examined
Puben, José, dates not examined
Puig, Manuel, dates not examined
Paz, Octavio, dates not examined
Q (General), dates not examined
Quijano, Carlos, dates not examined
R (General), dates not examined
Reyes, Alfonso, dates not examined
Ríos, Julian, dates not examined
Rivero, Isel, dates not examined
Rodman, Selden, dates not examined
Rojas, Gonzalo, dates not examined
S (General), dates not examined
Sábato, Ernesto, dates not examined
Saer, Juan José, dates not examined
Sainz, Gustavo, dates not examined
Salvador, Tomás, dates not examined
Sánchez, Néstor, dates not examined
Sarduy, Severo, dates not examined
Segovia, Tomás, dates not examined
Solari, Aldo, dates not examined
Sontag, Susan, dates not examined
Street, John, dates not examined
Sucre, Guillermo, dates not examined
Suescún, Nicolás, dates not examined
Sur, dates not examined
T (General), dates not examined
Timerman, Jacobo, dates not examined
Todorov, Tzvetan, dates not examined
U (General), dates not examined
Ulcia, Manuel, dates not examined
UNESCO, dates not examined
Uribe, Germán, dates not examined
V (General), dates not examined
Vallejos, Roque, dates not examined
Vilariño, Idea, dates not examined
Viñas, David, dates not examined
Vitier, Cintio, dates not examined
W (General), dates not examined
West, Anthony, dates not examined
White, Edmund, dates not examined
Wilson, Edmund, dates not examined
X (General), dates not examined
Xirau, Ramón, dates not examined
Y (General), dates not examined
Yale University, dates not examined
Yglesias, José, dates not examined
Yopo, Boris, dates not examined
Yurkievich, Saúl, dates not examined
Z (General), dates not examined
Zagury, Eliane, dates not examined
Zani, Giselda, dates not examined
Zea, Leopoldo, dates not examined
Zona Franca, dates not examined
Unidentified, dates not examined
Consists of manuscripts and typescripts for articles, reviews, and notes such as "Cuba: la escritura de su historia," "Isidoro Ducase, lector del barroco español," and "Retratos y autorretratos: el hombre Freud y su biógrafo," as well as others. Also includes appointment books.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
Consists of the papers of others, such as Jorge Aguilar Mora, Carlos Delgado, and Juan Aguilar Mora, as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
Aridjis, Homero, dates not examined
"Aristarco", dates not examined
BBC (London), dates not examined
Benarós, León, dates not examined
Delgado, Carlos, dates not examined
Donoso, José, dates not examined
Ibañez, Roberto, dates not examined
Lugo, Aniceto, dates not examined
Marra, Nelson, dates not examined
Monat, Olympia, dates not examined
Nieto, Carlos, dates not examined
Pendle, George, dates not examined
Salinas, Pedro, dates not examined
Sánchez, Nestor, dates not examined
Sarduy, Severo, dates not examined
Steiner, Carlo, dates not examined
Trobo, Claudio, dates not examined
Wajda, Andrzej, dates not examined
Zand, Nicole, dates not examined
Unidentified, dates not examined
Consists of book orders, photographs, film reviews, press releases, and theater and movie programs, as well as other printed material.
Arranged by genre of material.
Book Orders, dates not examined
Photographs, dates not examined
Press Releases, dates not examined
Consists of recordings originally on audiocassette and reel-to-reel featuring interviews Emir Rodriguez Monegal conducted with various Latin American writers as well as conference and seminar procedings.
Arranged following the creator's order A1-A8 (interviews); B1-B3 (conferences); C1-C4 (lectures and interviews); D1-D2 (seminars and conferences); E1 (Latin American Novel program)
- Scope and Contents
The Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers consists mainly of correspondence between Rodríguez Monegal and a wide range of internationally prominent literary figures, scholars, critics, publishers, and academic institutions(much of it relating to Rodriguez Monegal's role as editor and literary critic of Marcha, and Mundo Nuevo(covering mainly the period from 1965 to 1968. The collection includes notes and manuscript and typescript drafts with holograph corrections of essays, lectures, and book reviews by Rodriguez Monegal. Included also are manuscripts and typescripts of poetry, short stories, and novels of authors such as Homero Aridjis, Cecilia Bustamante, Jose Donoso, Luisa Futoransky, Salvador Garmendia, Pedro Salinas, and Severo Sarduy, some of which were submissions by these writers to the aforementioned journals. There is also a large number of tape recordings of interviews, readings, and lectures by Rodriguez Monegal and others.
Miscellaneous and printed material concerns Marcha and Mundo Nuevo (instructions to contributors, payments to contributors, travel and entertainment expenses, etc.) and the International P.E.N. meeting in Bled, Yugoslavia, in July, 1965. There are also copies of book orders placed by Rodriguez Monegal, newspaper and magazine clippings, press releases, and theater and movie programs.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Rodríguez Monegal, Emír
Emir Rodriguez Monegal, literary scholar and biographer, critic, and editor was born in Melo, Uruguay on July 28, 1921, and died in New Haven, Conn. on November 14, 1985. At the time of his death he was Professor of Latin American Literature and Director of the Latin American Studies Council at Yale University. Rodriguez Monegal became in 1945 editor of the literary section of the weekly Marcha. In 1949 he founded the journal Número, which he co-edited with Manuel Claps and Idea Vilariño until 1955. In 1966 he founded and edited the literary and cultural journal Mundo Nuevo (published in Paris until 1969). He was the author of numerous books and articles many of which made important contributions to the understanding of modern Latin American writing, notably among which are El juicio de los parricidas: la nueva generación argentina y sus maestros (1956), Literatura uruguaya del medio siglo (1966), Narradores de esta América (1963; 1969), and El boom de la novela latinoamericana (1972).
Rodriguez Monegal was also know for his literary biographies of Andres Bello (El otro Andrés Bello [1969]), of Horacio Quiroga ( El desterrado: vida y obra de Horacio Quiroga [1968]), of Pablo Neruda ( El viajero inmóvil: Introducción a Pablo Neruda [1966] and Neruda, el viajero inmóvil [1977]), and of Jorge Luis Borges ( Jorge Luis Borges: A Literary Biography [1978]). He also edited critical and literary collections, among which are José Enrique Rodó, 1871-1917 (1963, 1967), El cuento uruguayo: de los orígenes al modernismo (1965), Borges par lui-memê (1970, 1978, Spanish ed. 1983), The Borzoi Anthology of Latin American Literature (with Thomas Colchie, 1977), Pablo Neruda (1980), and Borges, a Reader: A Selection from the Writings of Jorge Luis Borges (with Alistair Reid, 1981).
- Acquisition:
The papers were purchased from Thomas Colchie and Associates, Inc., in 1986.
- Appraisal
Nothing was removed from the collection.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Rodolfo G. Aiello in 1995. Finding aid written by Rodolfo G. Aiello in 1995.
Audiovisual materials from this collection were digitized in 2017.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
Audiovisual Materials (Reading Room Access Only): Digital access copies are accessible on a computer in RBSC's reading room. For preservation reasons, physical access to original tapes is restricted.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Emir Rodriguez Monegal Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Boxes 1-23; L-000025
- Subject Terms:
- Critics -- Latin America. -- 20th century
Latin American fiction. -- 20th century
Latin American literature. -- 20th century
Latin American poetry. -- 20th century
Novelists, Latin American. -- 20th century
Poets, Latin American. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Audiocassettes. -- 20th century
Interviews. - Names:
- Donoso, José (1924-1996)
- Places:
- Latin America -- Intellectual life. -- 20th century