No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1 flyer, undated
2 flyers, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
3 flyers, undated
11 flyers, undated
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1 flyer, 2000s
2 flyers, 2003
1 pamphlet, undated
Autoconvocatoria No al Área de Libre Comercio para las Américas (ALCA) (Buenos Aires), 2002-2005
1 flyer, 2003
Comisión de Cultura del Foro Social Mundial en Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), dates not examined
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, circa 2003
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, 2002
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2003
Note: Materials in this section are organized by the name of the neighborhood concerned. Some neighborhood names vary, and listings here reflect the relative accuracy of what is printed or written on the materials themselves.
1 pamphlet, 2005
2 flyers, undated
2 flyers, 2002
10 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyers, undated
1 flyer, undated
Año 1, no.2, 2003 June
Boletín informativo Asamblea popular de Avellaneda. Asamblea Popular de Avellaneda, 2002 June-July
4 flyers, undated
2 flyers, undated
16 flyers, 2002-2003
1 pamphlet, 2002
No.1, 2002
No.4, 2004 September
3 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, 2005
2 flyers, 2002
3 flyers, 2002-2003
No.1, 2004 December
2 flyers, 2002
4 flyers, 2002-2003
7 flyers, 2002-2004
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, undated
No.1, 2002 November
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, undated
Toma: orto lugar desde donde ver las cosas. Asambleas Populares en la Zona Sur., 2003 February 14
5 flyers, 2004
1 pamphlet, 2004
1 poster, 2004
Ano 1, vol.1, 2002 May
Año 7, no.75, 2004 March
3 flyers, 2002
Año 1, no.1, 2002 July
No.1, 2002 February 11
4 flyers, 2002
Boletín, 2002-2003
1 flyer, 2002
Boletín asamblea vecinal. Asamblea Vecinal Scalabrini Ortiz y Córdoba, 2002 February-September
1 flyer, undated
Asamblea Interbarrial Parque Centenario. Asamblea Interbarrial Parque Centenario, 2002 January-April
No.1, 2002 January-April
4 flyers, 2002
1 pamphlet, undated
5 flyers, 2002
7 flyers, 2002
Paternal (Asamblea Popular de Vecinos de Paternal Diego "Nano" Lamagna) (Buenos Aires), 2002-2003
Asamblea. Asamblea Popular de Vecinos de Paternal Diego "Nano" Lamagna, 2002 January-September
Año.1, no.1, 2002 July
26 flyers, 2002-2003
3 pamphlets, 2002-2003
2 flyers, undated
1 flyer, 2000s
2 flyers, 2002
3 pamphlets, 2003
1 pamphlet, 2003
5 flyers, 2002-2003
14 flyers ( , ), 2002
1 flyer, 2002
2 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, undated
2 flyers, undated
2 flyers, undated
9 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, 2002
1 pamphlet, undated
No.2, 2002 April 6
No. 1, 2002 October
2 flyers, undated
2 flyers, 2002
Año 1, no.1, 2003 June
No.3, 2002 September
14 flyers, 2002
1 pamphlet, 2003
No.14, 2002 December 14
No.4, 2004 March-April
No.1, 2002 July
5 flyers, 2003-2004
2 pamphlets, 2004
2 flyers, undated
Note: Materials in this section are organized by the name of the factory concerned.
1 flyer, undated
2 flyers, undated
1 flyer, undated
2 flyers, circa 2003
1 pamphlet, undated
No.2, 2003 February 28
No.2, undated
12 flyers ( , ), 2003
1 poster, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Año IV, no.13, undated
No.1, 2002 July
3 flyers ( , ), 2002
1 poster, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, 2000s
No.76 2004 July-August - no.77 2004 September-October, 2004 July-August, 2004 September-October
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, 2000s
No.2, 2003 August
Asociación Correntina de Desarrollo Comunitario (A.Co.De.Co.) (Buenos Aires), dates not examined
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
4 flyers, undated
1 flyer, undated
No.7, 2004 July
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, circa 1994
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, undated
Amuyen, 2004 February
No.5, 2004 February
Boletín drc., 2004 July
Año 2, no.5, 2004 July
Ano XV, 2004 July-August
No.153, 2004 July-August
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2003
3 flyers, undated
1 flyer, 2001
1 flyer, 2002
2 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, 2002
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2000s
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, 2002
3 pamphlets, 2001
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2002
1 pamphlet, 2003
1 flyer, 2003
1 pamphlet, 2004
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, 2000s
Frente Nacional contra la Pobreza por el Trabajo y la Producción (FRENAPO) [Buenos Aires], 2000-2009
2 flyers, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, undated
Global en español, 2003
Año 1, no.0, 2003
1 flyer, 2000s
Instituto de Cultura Popular Rivadavia (INCUPO) (Reconquista, Santa Fé), 2003 May-2004 November
El Plan Lavagna: ¿¿Lo están haciendo de nuevo?? Alejandro López Mieres and Claudio Lozano, 2002
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2003
Ladran Sancho: Sindicato Independiente de Mensajeros y Cadetes (Buenos Aires), 2002 January-June
1 pamphlet, circa 2004
1 flyer, undated
Rebelión, 2004 September
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 poster, 2000s
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2002
3 flyers, 2002-2003
Año 1, 2004 May-October
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, undated
Mo.P.I.S., 2004 October
No.6, 2004 October
1 poster, undated
Movimiento por una Jornada Legal de Seis Horas con Aumento General de Salarios (s.l.), 2004 August
No.1, 2004 August
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, circa 2004
1 calendar, 2005
1 flyer, circa 2005
2 flyers, 2002
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2002
2 flyers, 2004
El combatiente, 2004
Junio, 2004
1 flyer, 2000
4 flyers, 2002
Programa de Desarrollo de Recursos de Comunicación de Centro Nueva Tierra (Buenos Aires), 2003 July
Boletín DRC., 2003 July
Año 1, no.1, 2003 July
1 flyer, 2000s
Raas (s.l.), 2003
6 flyers, 2003
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, undated
Red puna, 2003 November
Secretariado de Enlace de Comunidades Autogestionarias (SEDECA) (Buenos Aires), 1995 July-2004
3 pamphlets, 2000s
2 flyers, undated
2 flyers, 2005
1 flyer, 2004
No.3, 2004
1 e-mail, 2003
1 flyer, 2004
No.1, 2002 August 13
1 flyer, 2004
Boletín de fábrica: delegados de la Comisión Interna y Trabajadores de Pepsico Snacks, 2003 April 24
No.5, 2003 April 24
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, circa 2005
1 flyer, undated
No.10, 2002 June
Año 1, no.1, 2000s June
No.3, 2002 November
Año 1, no.1, 2004 August
No.8222 2003 November-December - no.8223 2004 March-April, 2003 November-December, 2004 March-April
La RosaRoja, 2003 April
Año 1, no.11, 2003 April
2 pamphlets, undated
Series 6: Piqueteros, Movimientos de Trabajadores Desocupados (MTDs), and Protests, 1976-2009
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1 flyer, undated
Vía Libre, 2003 April
Año 1, no.1, 2003 April
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, 2003
Anti-represivo, 2003
Marzo, 2003
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
Nuestra política para construir un presente y un futuro con trabajo, dignidad y cambio social, 2003
Boletín de información de los trabajadores desocupados de La Matanza, 1996 October-2004 September
1 flyer, undated
Movimiento de los Trabajadores Desocupados (MTD) Resistir y Vencer (Buenos Aires), 2003-2005 August
1 flyer, undated
Dignidad, 2005 May
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, undated
1 pamphlet, 2002
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 poster, undated
1 flyer, 2002
1 flyer, 2002
1 poster, undated
1 flyer, 2004
2 flyers, 2004
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2004
3 flyers, 2004
No.58, 2004 February
El combatiente, 2003
Diciembre, 2003
No.135, 2004 March 18
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, undated
Hoy, 2004 March 24
2 flyers, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
Mare jada, 2004 March
Año 2, no.2, 2004 March
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 pamphlet, undated
1 flyer, 2004
Protest on 2004 December 19-20 anniversary of the rebellion of 2001 December, 2004 December 19-20
2 flyers, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
2 flyers, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, 2004
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, undated
Callejeros, 2004
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
2 flyers, 2005
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
Partido Obrero, 2005
3 flyers ( , ), 2005
1 flyer, undated
2 flyers, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
2 flyers, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
Democracia Obrera, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2000s
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2000s
2 flyers, 2005
1 flyer, undated
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, undated
Peronismo, July 26
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, 2005
1 flyer, undated
5 flyers, undated
1 flyer, 2005
- Scope and Contents
The materials in this collection provide a look at the economic, political, and social response that surrounded and followed the profound economic crisis in Argentina in 2001. They consist mostly of flyers, pamphlets, bulletins, serials, reports, and posters. While some materials published during the the second half of the 1990s were included in the collection, the bulk was created after 2001.
- Arrangement
The collection is divided into subject sections. These include sections on organizations and movements known in Argentina as ahorristas, deudores, asambleas vecinales (neighborhood assemblies) and piqueteros, protest movements, the debate over the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA / ALCA), and other political and social organizations. In most sections, materials are then grouped alphabetically according to publisher. The briefest pamphlets and flyers, usually two pages or less, are left untitled and grouped together.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Aimée Contreras, Ana Cordovil, Lauren Hooten and Amanda Post Whitehead in 2005. Finding aid written by Aimée Contreras, Ana Cordovil, Lauren Hooten and Amanda Post Whitehead in 2005.
- Conditions Governing Access
Oversize HC175 .S624 1983q
The Latin American ephemera collections are open for research use.
Originals are stored offsite at the ReCAP facility. Microfilm surrogates can be consulted in Microforms Service, Firestone Library (
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Credit this material:
Socioeconomic Crisis and Political Participation in Argentina, I; Latin American Ephemera Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- review: Boxes 1-11; 001; 002; 003; 004; 005; 006; 007; 008; 009; 010; 011
- Existence and Location of Copies
MICROFILM 7813 (Master printing copy. Available for reproduction only.)
- Subject Terms:
- Citizen's associations -- Argentina.
Demonstrations -- Argentina.
Free trade -- Argentina.
Political participation -- Argentina.
Protest movements -- Argentina.
Social movements -- Argentina. - Names:
- Free Trade Area of the Americas (Organization)
- Places:
- Argentina -- Economic conditions -- 1983-
Argentina -- Economic policy.
Argentina -- Politics and government -- 1983-2002.
Argentina -- Social conditions -- 1983-