Series 1: Administrative, 1975-1995
The Administrative series documents the founding of Women's World Banking (WWB) and the subsequent management of the organization. The series includes financial records, meeting minutes of the Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, guidelines and handbooks, and annual reports. The series also contains records related to the ten-year assessments conducted about WWB by the Management Training Institute and by Development Finance Consultants, and documents related to planning a conference in Atlanta to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of WWB.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or document type.
Annual Reports, 1984-1987
Appointment Book, 1984
Atlanta Conference, 1980-1991
Agenda, 1989-1990
Affiliate Mailings, 1989-1990
Affiliate Responses, 1989-1990
Atlas of Global Trade, 1990
Awards, 1989-1990
Brochure Requests, 1990
Brochures and Invitations, 1990
Budget, 1989
Carter Center, 1988-1990
Committees, 1980-1990
Contacts, 1990
Citicorp, 1990
Emory University, 1990
Honorary Co-Chairs, 1988-1990
Huyler, Helen, 1988-1990
Pitchell, Lorri, 1990
Ritz Carlton, 1989-1990
USAID, 1990
Young, Andrew, 1989-1990
General, 1988-1990
Earth Day, 1989-1990
Entertainment, 1989
Evaluations, 1990
Expenses, 1990
Funding, 1989-1990
Georgia State University, 1990
Gifts and Promotions, 1989-1990
Information for Participants, 1985-1990
Initial Proposal, 1988-1990
Initial Proposal, 1988-1990
Logistics, 1987-1990
Marketing, 1990
Notes, 1990
Organizations, 1989
Panasonic and Sony Video, 1990
Panelists, 1988-1990
Acknowledgements, 1990
Address List and Agenda, 1990
Background, 1988-1990
Correspondence, 1988-1990
Regrets, 1990
Participants, 1990
Planning Committee, 1989-1990
Planning Meeting, 1989-1990
Posters, 1990
Press Releases, 1990
Previous Conferences, 1980-1984
Progress Reports, 1990
Proposals, 1988-1990
Public Relations, Pro Media, 1990
Publicity, 1989-1990
Registration, 1990
Reimbursements, 1990
Ritz Carlton Logistics, 1989-1990
SEWA Invitations, 1990
Spelman College, 1989-1990
Sponsor Regrets, 1989-1990
Trade Fair Marketplace, 1990-1991
Translation Services, 1990
Transportation Services, 1990
Trustee Responses, 1990
United Nations Invitations, 1990
Updates, 1989-1990
Video Notes, 1989
Volunteers, 1990
Walsh, Michaela Papers, 1985-1990
Workshop and Panels, 1989-1990
1978-1981, 1978-1981
1980-1987, 1980-1987
1981, 1981
Board of Trustees, 1981
1982, 1982
1983, 1983
Executive Committee, 1983
Executive Committee, 1983
Finance Committee, 1983
1984, 1984
1985, 1985
1986, 1986
1986-1987, 1986-1987
1987, 1987
1988, 1988
Board of Trustees, 1988
Executive Committee, 1988
Executive Committee, 1988
1989, 1989
Board of Trustees, 1989
Executive Committee, 1989
Executive Committee, 1989
Finance Committee, 1989
Partner Review Meeting, 1989
About WWB, 1979-1981
Administrative Charts, 1977
"Background Paper", undated
Educational Brochures, 1975-1980
Finance, 1976-1995
Audit (1987), 1987-1989
Audit (1988), 1988-1989
Audit (1989), 1990
Bank America International, 1981-1991
Bank America International, 1986-1987
Chemical Bank, 1985
Chemical Bank, 1985
C&S Investors, 1986-1987
Budget Preparation (1985), 1982-1984
Budget Preparation (1986), 1985
Budget Preparation (1987), 1986-1987
Budget vs. Expenses, 1987
Global Venture Fund, 1988-1990
Income Analyses, 1978-1986
Investment Companies U.S., 1976-1983
Investment Fund, 1979-1981
Monthly Payment Reminders, 1988
1981 Payroll, 1981-1982
1982 Payroll, 1981-1982
1983 Payroll, 1982-1983
Africa Growth Fund, 1987
Background Papers, 1982-1989
Background Papers, 1982-1989
Contact List, 1988-1989
Correspondence, 1987-1990
Curricula Vitae, 1988-1989
Planning and Research, 1986-1989
Preliminary Term Sheet, 1987-1989
Private Memorandum, 1989-1990
Prospectuses, 1989-1990
Bask Business Handbook, 1986
Introductory Pamphlet, 1987
Limited Edition Handbook, undated
Operations Manual, 1986
Operations Manual Revisions, 1986
Organization Manual, 1988
Organization Manual Material, 1982
Personnel Manuals, 1987
Executive Secretary, 1987
Marketing and Development Manager, 1987
Programs Manager, 1987
Programs Manager, 1987
King Baudouin Prize, 1991-1993
Management Training Institute, 1988-1990
Ten-Year Assessment, 1988-1990
Time Sheets, 1987-1991
Series 2: Affiliates, 1964-1991
The Affiliates series contains records related to affiliates and prospective affiliates. The records include letters from organizations expressing interest in joining WWB as an affiliate, general information sent by WWB to organizations about their programs, and information about the affiliates such as loan reports, budgets, correspondence, fundraising and marketing materials, documents from workshops, and information about the country or institution. The amount and type of material for each organization varies considerably. The series also contains general documents pertaining to WWB affiliates, such as model affiliate agreements and loan contracts, fundraising guides, and documents related to an affiliate development seminar.
Arranged alphabetically by country or region.
Administrative, 1983-1989
Affiliate Development Seminar, 1987-1988
Fundraising, 1985-1987
Affiliate Needs, undated
Funding and Resources Manual, 1987
Ideas for Affiliates, 1985
Meetings, 1986-1987
Mailings, 1985
Africa, 1981-1988
Brochures, undated
Budgets, 1984-1986
Contacts, 1986
Correspondence, 1987-1988
Expenses, 1985-1987
Fundraising, 1985-1987
Kenya Workshop, 1981-1982
Marketing and Publicity, 1987-1988
Nairobi Conference, 1985-1986
Other Countries, 1985-1987
Regional Workshop Report, 1986
Summary Report, undated
Argentina, 1986-1990
Australia, 1985-1989
Austria, 1982-1987
Bahamas, 1983-1985
Bangladesh, 1976-1988
Barbados, 1985-1986
Belgium, 1986-1989
Bolivia, 1979-1989
Brazil, 1975-1990
Clippings, 1990
Correspondence, 1975, 1981-1988
Correspondence, 1975, 1981-1988
Fundraising, 1986-1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1987-1988
Burundi, 1982-1988
Cameroon, 1985-1987
Canada, 1985-1989
Chile, 1983-1988
China, 1986-1988
Colombia, 1981-1989
Administrative Documents, 1987-1988
Cali, 1981-1989
Background, 1983-1989
Brochures, undated
Forms, undated
Fundraising, 1985-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1982-1987
Newsletter, 1987
Publicity, 1981-1985
Vignettes, 1984
Medellin, 1983-1988
Background, 1986
Correspondence, 1983-1987
Documents and Contracts, 1985-1987
Fundraising, 1985-1988
Loan Portfolio and Status, 1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1986-1988
Costa Rica, 1982-1989
Background, 1984-1987
Correspondence, 1982-1987
Documents and Contracts, 1985-1987
Fundraising, 1987
Loan Report, 1987
Organizational Profile, 1987
Denmark, 1982-1987
Dominican Republic, 1975-1990
Affiliate Agreement, 1982-1987
Background, undated
Brochures, undated
Client Interviews, undated
Correspondence, 1975-1987
Donor Reports, 1987-1990
Fundraising, 1983
Loan Portfolio Reports, 1981-1986
Marketing and Publicity, 1986-1987
Newspaper Clippings, 1989-1990
Other Organizations, 1988-1989
Publicity, 1981-1986
Reports, 1982-1987
Ecuador, 1981-1987
Egypt, 1986
Egypt, 1986
England, 1984-1987
Ethiopia, 1986-1991
Finland, 1981-1986
France, 1986-1988
Gabon, 1986-1987
The Gambia, 1982-1989
Correspondence, 1982-1987
Fundraising, 1988
Women in Development Project, 1986-1988
World Bank Report, 1987-1988
Germany, 1982-1987
Ghana, 1978-1988
Correspondence, 1982-1987
Fundraising, 1983-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1987-1988
Textile Export Project, 1983-1985
Greece, 1987
Guadeloupe, 1986-1989
Guatemala, 1984-1988
Guyana, 1985-1987
Haiti, 1980-1990
Background, 1982-1990
Brochure, undated
Correspondence, 1980-1986
Documents and Contracts, 1986-1987
Financial Matters, 1986-1987
Financial Statements, 1983-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1987
Loan Portfolio and Status, 1985-1987
Loan Reports, 1983-1987
Loan Reports, 1983-1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1983
Notes, 1987
Honduras, 1982-1988
Background, 1982-1987
Correspondence, 1982-1988
Documents and Contracts, 1983-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1987
History, 1985
Marketing and Publicity, 1985-1988
Iceland, 1985
India, 1976-1991
Ahmedabad, 1981-1991
Financial Statements, 1981-1988
Funding Proposal to Dutch, 1988
Fundraising, 1986-1987
History, 1983
Loan Forms, undated
Loan History Report, 1983-1987
Loan Portfolio, 1987-1988
Loan Portfolio Status, 1982-1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1981-1984
Bangalore Correspondence, 1987
Correspondence, 1976-1987
New Delhi Correspondence, 1986-1987
Indonesia, 1985-1987
Ireland, 1987
Israel, 1985-1986
Italy, 1977-1988
Correspondence, 1985-1987
Fundraising, 1987-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1988
Ministero Degi Affari, 1978, 1983
Ivory Coast, 1985-1987
Jamaica, 1977-1990
Affiliate Agreement, 1983-1987
Background, 1987
Correspondence, 1977-1990
Correspondence, 1977-1990
Financial Statements, 1984-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1987
History, 1985-1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1986
Reports and Publications, 1986-1989
Vignettes, 1987
Japan, 1985-1987
Kenya, 1964-1988
Background, 1964, 1983-1984
Brochure, undated
Correspondence, 1974-1987
Correspondence, 1974-1987
Fundraising, 1985-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1986-1987
Reports, 1985-1987
Vignettes, 1986-1988
Korea, 1984-1987
Kuwait, 1982-1987
Budget and Expenses, 1985-1987
Caribbean Background, 1978-1987
Fundraising, 1985-1986
Regional Meetings, 1988
Lesotho, 1988
Malaysia, 1981-1988
Brochures and Reports, 1984-1985
Correspondence, 1981-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1987
History, 1987
Marketing and Publicity, 1988
Vignettes, 1987-1988
Mali, 1982-1987
Mauritania, 1988
Mexico, 1985-1987
Mexico, 1985-1987
Morocco, 1985-1987
Nepal, 1985-1989
Correspondence, 1983-1988
Fundraising, 1986-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1986
New Zealand, 1984-1987
Nigeria, 1988
Norway, 1986-1988
Pakistan, 1983-1988
Papua New Guinea, 1983-1987
Paraguay, 1985-1988
Peru, 1986-1989
Philippines, 1977-1989
Asian Development Bank, 1986
Clippings, 1988-1989
Correspondence, 1977-1987
Fundraising, 1987
History, undated
Marketing and Publicity, 1986-1988
Publicity, 1984-1987
Yap and Company, 1986-1989
Portugal, 1986-1987
Russia, 1986-1987
Rwanda, 1987
Senegal, 1982-1987
Sierra Leone, 1987
Singapore, 1984-1985
South Africa, 1985-1987
Fiji, 1985-1987
Micronesia, 1986
New Caledonia, 1985-1986
Solomon Islands, 1985-1987
Tonga, 1985-1986
Western Samoa, 1985-1987
Working File, 1985-1986
Spain, 1986-1987
Sri Lanka, 1985-1987
Swaziland, 1987
Sweden, 1981-1988
Alfa Laval, 1984-1987
Elizabet Brummberg, 1986-1987
Mini-Dairy Equipment, 1984-1987
Mini-Fruit Juice Plant, undated
Correspondence, 1981-1988
Switzerland, 1984-1987
Tanzania, 1985-1987
Thailand, 1986-1989
Ann Duval Visit, 1988
Correspondence, 1986-1987
Fundraising, 1987
Loan History Report, 1987-1989
Marketing and Publicity, 1986-1988
Women's World Enterprises, 1987
Togo, 1987
Tunisia, 1985
Turkey, 1985
Uganda, 1981-1988
Correspondence, 1981-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1986
Reports, 1986-1988
United Arab Emirates, 1985
Alaska, 1986
Arizona, 1986
California, 1986
Connecticut, 1985-1986
District of Colombia, 1987
Georgia, 1987-1990
Hawaii, 1985
Illinois, 1986-1987
Maine, 1987
Massachusetts, 1985-1987
Michigan, 1986
New Jersey, 1987
New Mexico, 1980, 1986
New York, 1986-1988
Ohio Brochure, undated
Oregon, 1985-1986
Pennsylvania, 1976-1988
Texas, 1984-1987
West Virginia, 1984-1988
Fundraising, 1986-1987
Loan Application, 1986
Marketing and Publicity, 1984-1988
Vignettes, 1985-1986
Wisconsin Project, 1982-1986
Uruguay, 1981-1988
Background, 1982-1987
Correspondence, 1981-1987
Documents and Contracts, 1981-1987
Fundraising, 1986-1988
Loan Portfolio and Status, 1986-1987
Venezuela, 1982-1987
Zambia, 1983-1988
Brochure, undated
Correspondence, 1983-1987
Fundraising, 1987-1988
Marketing and Publicity, 1987
Zimbabwe, 1981-1988
The Correspondence series includes correspondence, faxes, and telexes, largely between the New York office to members of the network, and also between WWB representatives and other organizations. The correspondence section is composed of letters written by individuals at the New York office and includes communications to affiliates about programs and assistance, letters from the WWB Administrative Coordinator about expense accounts, appointments to positions and other administrative matters, and follow up correspondence regarding meetings and contacts with other organizations interested in working with WWB. The faxes are predominantly from the New York office and discuss coordinating meetings, travel, and expense accounts with WWB members, as well as providing descriptions of WWB to other organizations. The telexes are very brief messages, typically from network members to the New York office with regards to arrival dates, meeting times, sending reports, and receiving letters.
Divided into three sections: correspondence, faxes, and telexes. Each section is arranged chronologically.
1984 February, 1984 February
1984 March-April, 1984 March-April
1984 April, 1984 April
1984 April-May, 1984 April-May
1984 June-July, 1984 June-July
1984 July, 1984 July
1984 August, 1984 August
1984 September, 1984 September
1984 October, 1984 October
1985 November, 1985 November
1985 December, 1985 December
1986 April, 1986 April
1986 May, 1986 May
1986 July-August, 1986 July-August
1986 October, 1986 October
1987 March, 1987 March
1987 April, 1987 April
1987 May, 1987 May
1987 June, 1987 June
1987 July, 1987 July
1987 August, 1987 August
1987 November, 1987 November
1987 December, 1987 December
1988 January, 1988 January
1988 February, 1988 February
1988 February, 1988 February
1988 March, 1988 March
1988 April, 1988 April
1988 May, 1988 May
1988 May, 1988 May
1988 June, 1988 June
1988 July, 1988 July
1988 August, 1988 August
1988 November, 1988 November
1988 December, 1988 December
1989 January, 1989 January
1989 February, 1989 February
1989 March, 1989 March
1989 April, 1989 April
1989 May, 1989 May
1989 June, 1989 June
1989 June, 1989 June
1989 July, 1989 July
1989 August, 1989 August
1989 September, 1989 September
1989 October, 1989 October
1989 November, 1989 November
Faxes, 1988 March-1989
1988 October, 1988 October
1988 November, 1988 November
1988 December, 1988 December
1989 April, 1989 April
1989 May, 1989 May
1989 May, 1989 May
1989 June, 1989 June
1989 July, 1989 July
1989 August, 1989 August
1989 September, 1989 September
1989 October, 1989 October
1989 November, 1989 November
1989 November, 1989 November
1989 December, 1989 December
Telexes, 1984-1988 November
1984 March-May, 1984 March-May
1984 May-December, 1984 May-December
1986, 1986
1988 April-November, 1988 April-November
Series 4: Organizations, 1973-1995
The Organizations series is composed of documents pertaining to the wide range of organizations with which WWB collaborated, including banks, corporations, government departments, grant and aid agencies, philanthropic foundations, universities, women's associations, the United Nations, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The level of collaboration varies and includes WWB expressing interest in working with the organization, information exchanges and discussions of programs, representatives of WWB attending meetings and offering input on reports, and working together to develop programs. The documents include correspondence, proposals and reports, brochures, questionnaires, conference materials, publications, and contracts.
Arranged alphabetically by organization.
Accion, 1990
Aetna, 1988
American Indian National Bank, 1984
Arts and Artifacts, 1990
AT&T, 1987
Avon, 1983-1988
BankAmerica Foundation, 1977-1989
Banker's Trust Corporation, 1986
Barclay's Bank PLC, 1980-1990
Beirut University College, 1987-1989
Body Shop International, 1988-1989
Boston Globe, 1987
Burlington Industries, undated
Correspondence, 1984-1990
Development in Africa, 1984-1987
"Programme Rwanda", 1986
Reports, 1985-1989
Carnegie Corporation, 1981-1991
Carnegie Corporation, 1981-1991
Charles Kettering, 1985-1986
Chase Manhattan Bank, 1985-1987
Chemical Bank, 1983-1986
Church of the Brethren, 1987-1991
Citicorp, 1982-1987
Coastal Enterprises, 1985
Coca-Cola Foundation, 1983
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, undated
Coopers and Lybrand, 1984
Diane von Furstenberg, 1985
Eastman Kodak, 1987
Eaton, 1987
Emhart Corporation, 1987
Equitable Life Insurance, 1977-1987
Essco, 1987
Estee Lauder, 1984-1985
Exxon, 1982-1985
Facet BV, 1991-1992
FemConsult, 1987
Fluor Corporation, 1987
Food and Health Foundation, 1988
Ford Foundation, 1977-1990
Ford Motor Company, undated
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1983-1984
Fuller (H.B.) Company, 1987
Fund for New Jersey, undated
Geico, 1987
General Electric Company, 1987
General Foods, 1985-1986
General Motors Corporation, undated
The George Jewett Foundation, 1982
Global Fund for Women, undated
Global Women's Project, 1987-1988
Grant Sector Management, 1985-1986
Gulf and Western Foundation, 1982
Hambro Investment, 1989-1990
Hershey Foods Corporation, 1987
Hewlett Foundation, 1986-1988
HIK Communications, 1985
Hitachi Foundation, 1988
Honeywell, 1988
Howard Heinz Endowment, 1987-1988
The Hunger Project, 1991-1992
Hunt Alternatives, 1986
IBM, 1986-1989
Inter-American Foundation, 1984-1990
J. P. Morgan Guarantee, 1977-1989
J. Paul Getty Trust, undated
James Irvine Foundation, 1988
John Snow, Incorporated, 1990-1991
Johnson & Johnson, 1987-1988
Joint Foundation Support, 1983-1984
The Joyce Foundation, 1991
Jubilee Fund, 1985-1987
Konrad Adenaeur Foundation, undated
The Kresge Foundation, 1985-1987
Leadership America, undated
Levi Strauss Foundation, 1979-1989
Lipper Analytical, 1985
Luce Foundation, 1982-1987
Lucis Trust, 1987
McGraw Hill, 1987
Merrill Lynch, 1978-1986
Motorola, 1987
Ms. Foundation for Women, 1985-1989
Namchi United Enterprises, 1988
National Alliance, 1984
National Ministries (ABC), 1990
Navajo Nation, 1987
Near East Foundation, 1987
Nest Foundation, 1989-1990
Netherlands Foreign Ministry, 1981-1990
New Alchemy Institute, 1980
New Hampshire College, 1987
New Options, 1987-1990
New Renaissance, 1985
New Ventures, 1984-1986
New York City Business, 1984-1987
New York Public Library, 1981-1984
New York University, 1984-1985
Niagra Institute, 1989
Nippon Electric Co. (NEC), 1979-1988
Omega Institute, 1987-1988
Opportunities for Women, 1988
Opportunity International, undated
Orchidées, 1988-1989
Overseas Development Council, 1984-1992
Overseas Development Network, 1986
Oxfam America, 1983-1990
Odysseum, 1982-1986
Pace University, 1986-1989
Paine Weber, 1984
The Peace Corps, 1982-1989
Pew Charitable Trust, 1981-1989
Philip Morris, 1983-1987
The Port Authority, 1984-1986
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1987
Presbyterian Hunger Program, 1985
Presiding Bishop's Fund, 1987
Princeton Institute, 1989
Princeton University, 1984-1986
Project Africa, 1990
Project for Public Spaces, 1982-1988
Projecto International, 1986-1988
Prudential Foundation, 1986-1988
Public Market Collaborative, 1988
Purdue University, 1985
Quadrom, 1987-1988
Quality Living, 1987
Rabobank, 1978-1980
Radcliffe College, 1986-1990
Ralston Purina, undated
Refugee Services, 1983
Resource Publishing, 1984
Results, 1987
Ribbon International, 1987
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, 1973-1982
Rockefeller Foundation, 1982-1990
Rocky Mountain Institute, 1983-1989
Salzburg Seminar, 1989
Save the Children, 1986-1989
Shelter International, 1987-1988
Sisters of Mercy, 1982-1990
Sloan-Millman Productions, Ltd, 1988
Social Investment Forum, 1983-1989
Social Venture Network, 1988-1990
Sony, 1990
South Shore Bank, 1978-1987
The Synergos Institute, 1988-1990
The Synergos Institute, 1988-1990
Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA CREF), 1987-1992
Terra Christa Communications, 1992
Toyota Foundation, 1986-1990
Trade-Aid, Incorporated, undated
Treetop Panorama, 1988
Tremont Partners, 1987
Trickle Up Program, 1985-1991
Trickle Up Program, 1985-1991
Triodos, 1983
Tri-Source Group, undated
Tropico Humedo, 1986
TRW Foundation, 1987
Unico Banking Group, undated
United Nations, 1975-1993
Capital Development Fund, 1989
Children's Fund, 1980-1985
Colombia Workshop, 1981-1982
Correspondence, 1991
Proposals, 1975-1983
General, 1978-1989
Women, 1980-1992
General, 1983-1990
Bureau for Africa, 1987
Colombia Materials, undated
Loan Contract, 1983-1984
Loan Correspondence, 1982-1984
Proposal, 1984-1986
Reports, 1983-1984
General, 1990
Contracts, 1984
Correspondence, 1982-1987
Form 270s, 1983-1990
Form 272s, 1982-1986
Historical File, 1983-1986
Marketing, 1984-1986
Marketing Study, 1985-1986
Micro-Enterprise, 1988-1990
Micro-Enterprise Conference, 1988
Publications, 1991-1992
General, 1982-1989
General, 1982-1989
Contracts, 1982-1984
Promotional Video, 1984-1986
Proposal, 1983-1984
Reports, 1983-1985
User's Guide, 1989-1990
Young, Arthur, 1988
General, 1983-1989
United States Senate, 1984-1988
United Technologies, 1987
University of Chicago, 1987
University of Florida, 1984-1989
University of Kansas, 1988
University of the West Indies, 1991
Urban Bankers Coalition, 1987
Urban Interface Group, 1985
Vappner, Ursula, 1988
Venture Capital Network, 1988
Village Video Network, 1988
Vision Mondial Internacional, 1988
Vivamos Mejor, 1986
Voice of America, 1988
Voices Initiative, 1989-1990
Volunteer Opportunities, 1985-1988
Volunteering Consulting Group, 1988
Volunteers in Asia, Stanford, 1987
Vrouwenberaad, undated
Wilford Lewis, Inc, 1985
William Keck Foundation, undated
Winkler McDermott, 1986
Winrock International, 1984-1989
W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1985-1991
Womanbooks, 1985
Women and Employment, Inc, 1988
Women and Men, 1979-1989
Women and Money, undated
Women and the Environment, 1991-1992
Women and the Third World, 1988
Women for Women Foundation, 1992
Women in Development, 1989-1990
Women in Leadership League, undated
Women News, 1988-1990
Women of Enterprise Award, 1987
Women of Europe, 1990
Women Sense, 1988
Women's Economic Club, 1984
Women's Forum, Inc, 1984-1987
The Women's Foundation, 1984-1989
Women's Funding Coalition, 1985-1986
Women's Housing Coalition, undated
Women's Institute, 1983-1989
Women's International League, 1985
Women's National Bank, 1982-1983
Woodland Trust, undated
Woodstock Institute, undated
Working Assets, 1986-1989
World Affairs Council, 1987
World Bank Consultants, 1985-1991
World Bank, 1977-1990
World Council of Churches, 1985-1989
World Development Forum, 1984-1985
World Neighbors, undated
World Resources Institute, 1984-1989
World Resources Institute, 1984-1989
World Share, 1987-1988
World View International, undated
Worldwide, 1986-1990
W.W. Grainger, 1977, 1985
Xerox, 1987
Yale University, 1981
Yamaha Motor Corporation, 1987
Young Ideas, 1984-1985
Zonta International, 1982-1987
The Topical Files series contains articles about WWB personnel and programs, and reports and publications about women's participation in the economy and receiving credit. The series also includes country files with publications on conducting business in those countries and general information about the economic, social, and political conditions.
Arranged alphabetically by topic.
Articles, 1986-1989
Filing Scheme, undated
Index, undated
1989, 1989
Canada, 1989
India, 1989
Latin America, 1989
United States, 1989
1988, 1988
Africa, 1988
Asia, 1988
Australia, 1988
Bangladesh, 1988
Chile, 1988
Latin America, 1988
Malaysia, 1988
Nepal, 1988
United States, 1988
1987, 1987
Africa, 1987
Canada, 1987
Caribbean, 1987
Europe, 1987
International, 1987
Latin America, 1987
Malaysia, 1987
The Netherlands, 1987
Spain, 1987
United States, 1987
1986, 1986
Africa, 1986
England, 1986
Finland, 1986
International, 1986
Jamaica, 1986
Latin America, 1986
The Netherlands, 1986
Sri Lanka, 1986
Sweden, 1986
United States, 1986
undated, undated
Atlas of Global Trade, 1989
Australia, 1989
Bangladesh, 1987-1988
Benin, 1989
Bolivia, 1986-1989
Brazil, 1985-1989
Burundi, 1988
Canada, 1987-1989
Chile, 1984-1988
Colombia, 1986-1989
Costa Rica, 1986-1989
Denmark, 1989
Dominican Republic, 1987-1988
Ecuador, 1981-1988
Finland, 1989
France, 1987-1989
Gambia, 1986
Ghana, 1985
Guadeloupe, 1986-1987
Haiti, 1987-1989
Honduras, 1987
India, 1985-1989
Italy, 1977-1988
Jamaica, 1985-1989
Kenya, 1985-1989
Lesotho, 1981-1988
Liberia, 1987-1989
Malaysia, 1988-1989
Mali, 1986
The Netherlands, 1987-1989
Nigeria, 1987-1988
Norway, 1987
Paraguay, 1983-1989
Philippines, 1986-1989
Rwanda, 1977, 1985-1989
Senegal, 1988
Sierra Leone, 1986
Singapore, 1989
Spain, 1985-1988
Thailand, 1988-1989
Uganda, 1988
Unites States, 1984-1989
Uruguay, 1988
Venezuela, 1989
Zambia, 1988
Zimbabwe, 1988
The Pisces II Experience, 1985
The Pisces Studies, 1981
Proposal Development Workbook, undated
Women in Agriculture, 1984
Women in Food Production, 1983-1984
Workshop for Policy-Makers on Women's Participation in Institutional Credit, 1977, 1982-1983
The Walsh, Michaela Files series contains the personal files of the first president of WWB, Michaela Walsh. The files document Walsh's role in the work of WWB, as well as with other related organizations, and include correspondence, reports, speeches, grant proposals, research materials on financial practices and organizations, and documents related to conferences and her travels. The series also includes black and white photographs of women entrepreneurs at work.
Arranged alphabetically by subject or document type.
Affiliates, 1975-1989
Africa Region Newsletters, 1986-1989
Asia, 1982-1986
India, 1975-1989
Background, 1982-1989
Background, 1982-1989
Credit Agreement, 1981-1982
General, 1975-1982
Philippines, 1982-1989
Brochures, 1985-1988
Correspondence, 1982
Essay Contest, 1987
Science and Technology Development, 1989
Thailand, 1980-1989
Administrative, 1983-1989
Brochures, 1983-1988
Brochures, 1983-1988
Correspondence, 1980-1987
Loan Guarantee Contract, undated
United States, 1982-1983
Business Operations, 1977-1994
Business Plans, 1986-1990
Form Letters, 1977-1989
Fundraising Manual, 1983-1985
Limited Edition Handbook, 1986
Operations Manual, 1986
Regional Workshops, 1981-1982
Ten-Year Assessment, 1989
Clippings, 1979-1990
Conferences, 1975-2009
Give Women Credit, 1989-1990
Globe 1992, 1990-1992
Assorted Conferences, 1980-2009
Contacts, 1980-1990
Contributors, 1980-1989
New Contacts and Editions, 1985-1990
New Contacts and Editions, 1985-1990
New Contacts and Editions, 1985-1990
Printed Lists, 1989
Printed Lists, 1989
Rolodex Cards, undated
Correspondence, 1982-2000
1982-1988, 1982-1988
1989, 1989
1990-1996, 1990-1996
Henderson, Hazel, 1986-1990
Retirement Letters, 1990
Telephone Messages, 1990
Volvo, 1998-2000
Articles, 1985-1996
The Optima Fund, undated
Venture Economics, 1988-1989
Venture Investing, 1990
Biosyn, 1991-1992
Committee of 200, 1982-1987
Garbage Club, 1979, 1985
Global Studies Center, 1986-1987
Newavom, 1990-1991
"The News" Television Program, 1990-1992
Ocean Arts International, 1981-1987
Right Livelihood Association, 1982-1992
The Stanley Foundation, 1991-1992
Village Video, 1977-1985
Notes, 1974-1988
Ideas, Investment, 1982-1985
Ideas, Women, 1984-1985
Quotations, 1974-1987
Quotations, 1974-1987
Miscellaneous, 1979-1988
Office of Technological Assessment (OTA) and Rockefeller Brothers Foundation Work, 1967-1985
Contacts, 1976-1978
Correspondence, 1974-1985
Photographs, undated
Report, 1980
Research Materials, 1967-1985
Research Materials, 1967-1985
Research Materials, 1967-1985
Research Materials, 1967-1985
Proposals and Grants, 1980-1989
Capital Fund Drive, 1982
Fundraising Records, 1987-1989
USAID Proposal, 1981
Publications by WWB, 1987-1988
Speeches and Articles, 1968-2017
Articles, undated
Speeches, 1975-1980
Speeches, 1981-1983
Speeches, 1984
Speeches, 1985
Speeches, 1986-1994
Speeches, undated
Pacific Democrat Union Speech, 1984
RVB Netherlands Speech, 1986-1987
Speeches and Articles, 1968
Speeches and Articles, 1982-1984
Speeches and Articles, 1986-1987
Speeches, 1988-1989
Speeches and Articles, 1990-1992
Speeches, 1994-1996
Speeches and Articles, 2000
Speeches and Articles, 2002-2003
Speeches and Articles, 2004-2006
Speeches and Articles, 2007-2008
Speeches, 2009-2010
Speeches and Articles, 2012-2013
Speeches and Articles, 2014-2017
Speeches by Others, 1988-2006
Travel, 1978-1990
Austria (1987), 1981-1988
Austria (1987), 1981-1988
Canada, 1985-1990
Colombia, 1986-1988
England, 1989
Europe (1982), 1982-1989
Europe (1984), 1984-1985
Europe (1985), 1984-1985
Europe (1986), 1986
Europe (January 1987), 1986-1987
Europe (April 1987), 1978, 1987
Europe (April 1987), 1978, 1987
Finland (1986), 1979, 1986-1987
Iraq, 1985
Israel and the West Bank, 1983-1989
Israel and the West Bank, 1983-1989
Italy (1987), 1987-1989
Italy (1989), 1989
Kenya (1986), 1986-1987
Kenya (1988), 1986-1988
The Netherlands (1987), 1987-1988
The Netherlands, 1990
Norway (1986), 1985-1986
West Germany (1989), 1981-1989
Twentieth Anniversary Party, 1995
The July 2009 Accession contains historical documents originating in the offices of the Linkages and Learning Team (Nicola Armacost, Director) and Presidents Mary Ellen Iskenderian, Nancy Barry, and Michaela Walsh. They pertain to workshops, programs, training, media coverage, and meetings. Materials include compact disks, correspondence, newletters, and reports.
Materials remain in their original arrangement.
Miscellaneous, 1998-2000
Women's World Banking, Case Studies, Regional Program to Build Microfinance Networks…, 1997-1998
Women's World Banking, Senegal Meeting Networks Report to Build Microfinance Networks…, 1999-2000
ASA Complete, 1995
Folder with Compact Disks Inside, 1995 May 05-1998 February 20
ASA Charts in Excel, AFU Charts in Excel, AFU Charts in MSWord 6.0, 1996 October 30-1996 October 31
ASA and AFU Spreadsheets and Instructions, 1996 May 24
Affiliate Self Assessment Original, 1996 August 13
Credit Application Fundopem, 1997 April 09
Millisa.doc, Adopem Application, 1997 April 23-1997 June 04
Untitled, 1997 December 16
WWB, 1997 March 10-July 11
Compact Disk: CORFEC – Ecuador, Actualizacion Financiera de La Afiliada del WWB, 1995 June 16-July 22
1. APEF Burundi, 2. Finam Chile, 1995 June 26-July 10
FWWB 1997 ASA, 1997
Compact Disks, 1997
AFU/ASA Cover, 1997 September 23-November 04
Affiliate Self-Assessment (ASA), Affiliate Financial Update (AFU), 1997 October 31-November 05
ASA96A, 1997 October 31-November 14
ASA, AFU Excel, AFU Lotus, 1997 October 29-November 02
ASA Old Versions, 1997 July 11-September 30
Import Spanish Checklist, 1997 January 10-April 4
ASA 1996b. xls, 1997 September 08-November 11
Aims Documents, 1997 June 27
Aims Docs II, 1997 June 27-July 09
Self Assessment – 2, 1996 July 20-August 04
Self Assessment – 3, 1995 July 26-October 19
Financial Update – 1, 1995 May 22-July 17
Self Assessment – Copy, 1995 June 23-July 17
Self Assessment – 2 Copy, 1995 July 20-August 04
Self Assessment – 3 Copy, 1995 July 26-October 19
Financial Update – Copy, 1995 May 22-July 17
Financial Update – 2 Copy, 1995 July 20-August 04
Affiliate Financial Update – 3 Copy, 1995 August 22-November 13
Self Assessment – 1, 1995 June 23-July 17
Cristina Center for the Advancement of Women, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 May 24-June 13
Center for the Advancement of Women, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 May 24-June 13
Fundacion Hondurena para el Desarrollo de la Mujer, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 October 1
Final - ASA and AFU Spreadsheets and Instructions, 1996 May 24
Center for the Advancement of Women, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 February 04-June 13
Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 May 24-June 18
Ecuador AFU, 1996 August 05
Canada ASA and AFU, 1995
Gambia ASA and AFU, 1996 July 17-31
Bolivia, Fundacion Boliviana para el Desarrollo de la Mujer, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 September 09
Ghana ASA and AFU, 1996 June 21-July 12
ASA Present , ASA Spanish, 1997 October 29
Affiliate Self Assessment (ASA), Affiliate Financial Update (AFU), 1997 October 31-November 04
AFU – Excel, Debjani, What VC Sent, 1995 May 10-1997 December 02
AFU Excel, 1998 January 19
AFU User's Guide/Instructions, 1997 October 31
Kenya ASA and AFU, 1996 May 24-August 03
FWWB India ASA and AFU, 1996 July 25
Fundacion Banco Mundial de la Mujer, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, Argentina, 1996 August 13
Russia (Moscow) ASA and AFU, 1996 August 13
Bucaramanga AFU, 1996 August 09
Corporacion Femenina Ecuatoriana, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 September 11
Kenya ASA and AFU, 1996 May 24-August 03
Costa Rica AFU, 1996 June 28
Gambia ASA and AFU, 1996 July 17-31
Ghana ASA and AFU, 1996 June 21-August 12
Bucaramanga AFU, 1996 August 09
FWWB India ASA and AFU, 1996 July 25
Burundi ASA and AFU, 1996 June 17-July 12
AFU Argentina, 1996 August 21
Fundacion Uruguaya de Ayuda y Asistencia a la Mujer, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 October 15
Corporacion WWB/Filial Chilena WWB, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 September 06
Asociacion Dominicana para el Desarrollo de la Mujer, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 September 11-16
Costa Rica AFU, 1996 August 13
Costa Rica, 1995 AFU, 1996 June 28
Duterimbere WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 May 24-September 30
Fundacion Mundo Mujer Popayan, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1980 August 24-1996 September 03
Corporacion Mundial de la Mujer Medellin, WWB Autoevaluacion de la Afiliada, 1996 August 13-September 13
AFU Zambia, 1996 September 03
Women's Opportunities Resource Center, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1995
Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Karnataka, WWB Self Assessment and Affiliate Financial Update, 1996 May 24-July 18
Canada ASA and AFU, 1996 July 31
Ecuador AFU, 1996 August 05
Untitled, 1998 June 30
ASA, 1998 June 24-July 14
Untitled, undated
Scott Screenplay, 1998 January 23
ASA Compact Disk, 1998 April 07-May 18
Spanish/English Version of Letter, ASA, 1998 June 02-12
ASA, c: Milissa, This is My Life, 1997 January 16
Untitled, undated
ASA, 1990 January 17-1998 April 07
Untitled, 1998 June 15
Untitled, 1998 June 15
Autoevaluacion, WWB Argentina, can't read, 1995 August 18
ZWFT, blank, 1995 June 27
Untitled, undated
Untitled, undated
Untitled, undated
Untitled, undated
ASA (3 Versions), 1998 February 18
Affiliate Self-Assessment, 1998 June 09
Affiliate Self-Assessment, 1998 June 09
ASA 96 Excel, Honduras, 1998 May 13
1994 Self – Assessment and Financial Update Master Compact Disks, 1995 May 05-June 19
Compact Disk: Kenya ASA AFU, 1997 October 31-1998 January 09
Compact Disk: Uganda ASA AFU, 1997 October 31-1998 January 15
Compact Disk: Uganda ASA, 1998 July 31
Compact Disk: Popayan Autoevaluacion de Afiliadas, 1994
Compact Disk: CALI Fundacion WWB, Autoevaluacion de Afiliadas, 1997 October 31-1998 January 15
Compact Disk: Philadelphia ASA AFU, 1997 October 31-December 17
WWB Japan ASA, 1998 September 22
Compact Disk: ASA – Poland LAW, 1998 June 15
Compact Disk: ASA Chile, 1998 August 25
Compact Disk: ASA Medellin, 1998 July 16
Compact Disk: Bucaramanga ASA, 1998 June 15-July 20
Philippines WWB Affiliate Financial Update, 1995 September 25
Group of Papers, 1998
Papers, undated
Coalition Media, 1995
Mali Press, undated
Media: Spanish, undated
Media: Polish, undated
Media: Dutch, undated
WWB – Media, 1995
WWB – Media, 1994
WWB – Media, 1997
WWB – Media, 1993
WWB – Media, 1992
WWB – Media, 1991
HBS Case Study, 1999
USEEM Book, undated
WWB – Media, 1990
AFMIN Meeting, 2003
AFMIN, 2003
Benin Policy Forum, 2004
AFMIN, 2004-2005
AFMIN, 2004-2005
Topics in Mis, 2000
WWB Fact Sheet, 1996
WWB Fact Sheets, undated
Board – English, undated
Board – French, undated
Board – Spanish, undated
GNBI – Spanish, undated
GNBI – French, undated
GNBI – English, undated
AFMIN – Spanish, undated
AFMIN – French, undated
AFMIN – English, undated
ELN Tome: Spanish, 1995
Microcredit Summit, Washington, DC, February 2-4, Participant List, Summit Council Members.., 1997
Summit, November, 2002
What's New: CMP, 1995
What's New: Rwanda, 1995
English, 1997
ASA, 1996-1997
The Eurolink, 1998
Women's World Banking , Global Meeting, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Large Binder), 2003
Global Meeting, 2003
Brochures: Renaissance Hotels - Jaragua Hotel and Casino, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2003
Global Reunion, 2002
WWB Gloabal Meeting: Affiliate Meeting, NY / Global Mtg., Amadabad, India: Growing with…, 1998-2000
GNBI Wecome Package Docs. English, Global Meeting, Best Practice Workshop, Terrytown, NY, 2000
GNBI Wecome Package Docs. Spanish, Global Meeting, Best Practice Workshop, Terrytown, NY, 2000
WWB Global Meeting: Travel Information - Flights from U.S. cities to Westchester Airport, 2000
WWB Global Meeting: Logistical Information - Flights, Hotel, etc., Marrakech (large binder), 2005
Global, 1994
Global Meeting, 1994
BP Evaluations, 1998
GM Evaluations, 1998
CGAP – General, undated
CGAP Training, 1997
Responses 8/25, 1997
Profiles, undated
Wholesaling, 1998
Managing the Change to Individual Lending: Transforming Group Microfinance Organizations, 2005 May
Policies, Regulations and Systems that Promote Sustainable Financial Services to the Poor, 2002
Beijing Results, 1995
Mr. Tu: PR Beijing, 1995
NGO Forum on Women, Look at the World Through Women's Eyes, Schedule of Activities, Beijing, 1995
Untitled, undated
CGAP Responses, undated
Untitled, undated
Untitled, undated
Untitled, 2000
Policy Forum, 2000
Untitled, 1999
Policy, 2002-2003
CMP, LAC, 1995 June
Capital Markets, 2004
Capital Markets, 2003
Capital Markets II, 2002
Capital Markets, 2006
Logistics GNBI, 2002
GNBI/The Hague, 2007
GNBI Meeting, 2002
GNBI Meeting, 2007
Pension Follow Up, 2002
WWB Global Meeting: North America Banking Innovation Council -Various Meetings, Agenda..., 1995-1996
WWB Global Meeting: Tercera Reunion Annual de la Red Global Para la Innovacion…Mayo (1/2), 2004
WWB Global Meeting: Tercera Reunion Annual de la Red Global Para la Innovacion…Mayo (2/2), 2004
CIDA Evaluation, 1992
WWB History, 1984-1991
Cali Workshop, 2005
Individual Lending, 2005
Mature Market, 2002
Marketing, 2005
E-Course CD (FRM), 2006
WWB Awards, 2007
WWB Awards, 2006
WWB Awards, 2005
WWB Awards, 2004
30 Year RSVP, undated
Asia Society, undated
April 27 – Replies, 2007
April 23 – Replies, 2007
SF Responses, 2007
April 23rd NYC, 2007
Asia Society, 2008
Asia Society, 2007
Asia Society, 2006
Asia Society, 2005
Asia Society, 2004
Asia Society, 2003
Forito, 2007
Exchanges Expenses, 2004
Exchanges, 2003-2004
Ghana Exchange, 2007
Exchanges, undated
Banker's Exchange, 2006
MDP Followup, 2005
MDP TOT India, 2006 May
Manila, 2004
MDP TOT India, 2005
Mexico MDP, 2004
MDP LAC, 2004 September
GNBI Statistics, 2000
AFMIN Statistics, 2000
Standards, 2000 November
Statistics, undated
Associates, undated
Cost Sharing, undated
Standards, 2000 November
Standards, 2003
Affiliation, 2003-2004
Statistics, undated
Media Historical, 1992
WEAN (Nepal), 1995
Media: Newswires, 1997
Articles, 1990-1993
Michaela Walsh, undated
Marketing, undated
Video Project, 1996
Video Library, undated
WWB Global Meeting: Monitor: Strategy Session, Constituent Research, Scoping Teams, …, 2000-2001
WWB Global Meeting: Monitor on Strategy, Customer Insight, "Real Professionalism", May 8, 1998
Event Pro Software, 2005
Budget Adjustments, 2006
Budget L and L, 2008
L and L Plan, 2006
L and L Planning, 2007
BSC Results, 2005
L and L Results, 2007
L and L Results, 2006
L and L Results, 2005
L and L Results, 2004
L and L Results, 2003
L and L Results, 2002
WWB Archives, undated
Equilibrium, undated
AfriCap, 2002
FELABAN, 2006-2008
Memoria Annual, 2005
Oikocredit, 2004
Banco Solidario, 2002
Nuestras Raices, undated
ING in Society, 2003
Memoria de Labores, 1998
Memoria Anual, 1999
FEBRABAN, undated
Women's World Banking – Building Domestic Financial Systems that Work for the Majority, undated
Acleda Bank Plc, undated
Benin: Legislation, 2001
CGAP Press Kit, 2005
ModernAge, undated
WWB New CEO Search, 2005
University of Dar-es-Salaam – Gender Dimension Programme Committee, 2004 July – December, 2004 July
Sotheby's: Contemporary Art from the Estate of Xavier Fourcade,1987 November 4, dates not examined
Annals of Earth, 2008
Green Folder, undated
Capital Markets, 2008
Key Docs, 2008
E-Learning, undated
WWB Global Directory of Banking Innovations in Microfinance, Section on Latin America, 1999 November
WWB Poster, undated
Futurist, 1977 April
Centerpoint Now, undated
Public Administration and Non-Governmental Organizations – Opportunities for Cooperation, 2003
Synergos, 2002
Families in Focus, 1995
Planning Week, 2005 July
Staff Retreat, 1994 May
This accession includes records of the organization's global leadership program in Tanzania, correspondence, meeting records, program records, VHS tapes of television appearances, and a box marked "misc. records." They were transfered to the Mudd Manuscript Library by Michaela Walsh in April 2011.
Materials remain in their original arrangement.
Learning to Lead, 2008
GSL: Orientation, 2003
Correspondences, 1986
WWB 1986 Proposals, 1986
La Vie Francaise, 1992
The late 2011 and early 2012 accessions from Women's World Banking include records from regional visits, correspondence, financial information, and audiovisual materials.
The order in which these files were transferred to Princeton has been maintained.
Video Report, Founding Meeting, Amsterdam, Master Pal, March 14 Tapes 1, 2, 3, and 4, 1980 March 14
Bangladesh, 1988-1991
Africa Trips, 1986-1988
Africa Visits, 1983-1986
Liberia, 1982-1988
Bangladesh Gazette, 1986
Cables and Telexes, 1982
Asia, 1988-1990
Bangkok Trip, 1985
In/Out Faxes, 1991 April
In/Out Faxes, 1991 May
Portfolio Info, 1990
Press Clippings, 1990
Seminars, 1986
Africa General, 1987
Lesotho, 1987-1991
Sierra Leone, 1987-1991
Liberia, 1983-1988
Women's World Banking 10th Anniversary, Margarita DeGuzman Narration, Revised, 1990 December 21
These records were used as research sources for the book Founding a Movement, Women's World Banking, 1975–1990.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Miscellaneous, 1988-2009
How-to Manuals, 1988
Ann Duval, 1989-1990
Interviews, 2008-2011
International Workshop of Women Leaders in Banking and Finance, Amstel Hotel Amsterdam, 1979-1981
"Report of the World Conference of the International Women's Year," Mexico City, 1975 June 19-July 2
Records in this series include materials related to International Women's day 2008, Board of Directors records, information about Union Theological Seminary, photographs of Women's World Banking in China in 1987-1988 and 59th annual United Nations Department of Public Information Non-Governmental Organizations Conference.
The order in which materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
These records came to Princeton as part of a regular cleaning-out of the Women's World Banking offices.
The order in which materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Articles, 1998-2001
Making the Connection: Partnerships in Sustainable Energy and Development Finance, 2007 April 7
Articles, 2005-2009
These interviews were conducted by or on behalf of Michaela Walsh. They support other research for her book Founding a Movement: Women's World Banking, 1975-1990.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Ela Bhatt Interview, undated
Ana Marie Giblen, undated
Ron Léger Interview, undated
Videocassettes in this series include press conferences, television appearances, recordings of meetings and promotional materials.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
This series contains audio and videotapes of Women's World Banking meetings and programs, especially its global meetings. The accession also includes Michaela Walsch's audio tapes.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Tape 50: TEST, undated
OTA, undated
WINROCK, undated
G BATESON III, undated
E.F. SCHUMACHER, undated
This series contains videotapes of Women's World Banking meetings and programs, most from Nancy Barry's tenure as president of the organization (1990-2006). There are also tapes of programs produced by other organizations on the topics of microcredit and female entrepreneurship.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Special Report on Operation Hope Los Angeles, CNN- Interviewer: Judy Woodruff, 1993 December 1
Una Esperanza en la Mirada - Junta Nacional de Solidaridad y Desarrollo Social de Bolivia, undated
Judith Kanakuze - DUTERIMBERE, RWANDA -WWB Center of Excellence 1992 into 1994, circa 1992-1994
WWB History, undated
WWB Uganda, 1990
SEWA SAVINGS AND Credit Scheme W/BITC - SEWA, based in Ahmedabad, INDIA was a WWB Affiliate, undated
UN Decade for Women Conference - Nairobi - Workshop of the World Economic Organization, 1985 July
This box contains files on individuals involved with Women's World Banking in various capacities. The files contain correspondence with the individuals, writings they authored, and personnel records.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
Sohl, Joyce, 1985-1987
Savage, Frank, 1983-1990
Hymer, Esther, 1986-1987
Leet, Mildred, 1986-1988
Jury, Karen, 1984
Hamock, John, 1981-1989
Dunlop, Joan, undated
Dulany, Peggy, 1987-1988
Campbell, Kathryn, 1985
Baensch, Robert, 1987
Bhatt, Mihir, 1987-1988
Duke, Rollin, 1980-1990
Holof, Georgia, 1983
Mair, Lucille, 1988
Morgan, Robin, 1987
Picker, Jean, 1978-1981
Smith, Loren, 1982-1984
Womach, Emily, 1978-1987
This box contains publications from Women's World Banking including annual reports, workshop materials, and informational packets. There are also documents pertianing to Michaela Walsh's "Founding a Movement: Women's World Banking 1975-1990" book and other personal documents.
The order in which these materials came to Princeton has been maintained.
- Scope and Contents
WWB's records document the administration of the organization, mainly during the tenure of its first president, Michaela Walsh, and include founding documents, financial records, correspondence, records related to affiliates and other organizations, audiovisual materials, and the files of Michaela Walsh. The records especially document the relationship between the New York City office and the affiliates.
Please see the series descriptions in the contents list for additional information about individual series.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Women's World Banking
Women's World Banking (WWB), one of the world's leaders in microenterprise financing, is a not-for-profit international financial institution founded by a global group of independent women working together with the support of the United Nations in 1979 to facilitate the participation of poor women entrepreneurs in the modern economy at the local level, especially those who are generally without access to established financial institutions. The organization consists of an international network of affiliates (independent local institutions that provide a variety of financial and training services to meet the needs of local women) with a central coordinating office in New York City. Through their work, WWB envisioned becoming a force for the economic advancement of women throughout the world, promoting economic development, fighting poverty, and, through facilitating women in taking leadership positions in their communities, changing the world.
The initial impetus for creating WWB came during the United Nations' International Women's Year conference in 1975, held in Mexico City. Attendees engaged in significant discussions about the economic problems faced by women. A small group of women resolved to create a practical way to improve entrepreneurial women's access to credit and financial services in their local economies, as well as support and training in management and business skills, to succeed in the formal economy. Over the next two years, this group of women grew and formally became the Committee to Organize Women's World Banking in 1977, a committee to establish the basic policies, procedures, and design of the organization. They studied a wide variety of traditional and alternative banking and credit programs before settling on the structure for WWB.
In 1979, they incorporated Stichting Women's World Banking as a not-for-profit corporation in the Netherlands. The founders were a diverse group of women from a range of backgrounds and countries. They received funding from the United Nations' Development Program to hold meetings throughout the world to explain their organization. In addition to support from the United Nations, WWB received initial funding from several governments. WWB is structured as an intermediary financial institution, cooperating with local banks and other financial institutions to provide credit and services to WWB clients. WWB operates as a business, not as a charity, finding financially sustainable ways to provide services to poor women.
WWB is governed by a Board of Trustees, a group of committed men and women from around the world who have achieved international recognition for their work in the fields of banking and finance, business, law, or community organizing. The Board manages the finances of WWB and approves its policies, strategies, and budget. An Executive Board, composed of members of the Board of Trustees, meets more frequently to review all aspects of WWB and to make policy and strategy decisions on behalf of the Board.
WWB maintains a central office in New York City with a staff of experts who serve as advisors, provide financial and business services, and coordinate the development of policies and best practices for the network. The office assists affiliates and potential affiliates in starting and developing their organizations and in program development. They provide prototype programs that affiliates can adapt to their needs, technical assistance through training, workshops and publications, and identify potential collaborators and resources available to the affiliate. As the communication center, the office mobilizes the knowledge of the network, sharing the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of individual affiliates and other WWB members across the network. The office is also the focal point for fundraising for the capital fund. WWB's capital fund serves as an endowment fund, its income funding the administration of WWB and providing a base for the loan guarantee program. The fund was created through the donations of several governments, foundations, corporations, and individuals.
The New York office is also the base of operations for WWB's president. The role of the president is to promote the vision of WWB throughout and beyond the network, and to ensure that the work of WWB is supporting WWB's mission. The first president of WWB was Michaela Walsh, a founder of WWB and one of the driving forces behind its creation. She came to the presidency with financial experience in both the private and public sector, including as a former partner of a Wall Street investment firm. Nancy Barry became the second president of WWB in 1990, after fifteen years working with the World Bank. She had served on the WWB Board of Trustees since 1981 and as its Vice Chairperson from 1988 to September 1989.
The central structure of WWB is the network of affiliates, which often take the name Friends of Women's World Banking. Affiliates are locally-established, women-led organizations located throughout the world, wherever the demand for services by poor women entrepreneurs is sufficient to support a business. Affiliates provide financial and training services tailored to best meet the needs of the women in their area. Most affiliates provide direct financial services, either through loans or loan guarantees. Many also collaborate with local banks to provide savings services for their clients, and some offer training and counseling services. To become an affiliate, the organization agrees to adhere to performance standards established by WWB, to operate in an ethical manner, and to contribute to the knowledge of the network. As part of the network, affiliates receive financial and business development products and services from WWB, and participate in information exchanges and workshops. Leaders from the affiliates are active participants in the annual meetings that determine the policies and strategies of WWB and serve on the Board of Trustees.
Affiliates are independent organizations and take a variety of structures, including trust funds, corporations, credit unions, and cooperatives. They are responsible for raising capital locally to fund their programs, establishing connections with local banks and businesses to facilitate their work, determining what services to offer, and choosing which clients to accept. Affiliates are diverse organizations, united by their shared goals and values, and by their focus on helping poor women enter the formal economy. By keeping the control of the organization at the local level, WWB is able to be flexible, adapting to the needs of a variety of regions, and to give the local people a stake in the organization, helping to motivate them to succeed.
At the time WWB was founded, a major hurdle for poor women was their inability to receive credit from established financial institutions because of social practices and the perception that they were too much of a credit risk, especially since many had no credit history. To counter-act this, one of WWB's first programs was to provide loan guarantees. WWB guarantees 50% of the loan and the affiliate guarantees another 25%, leaving the local bank with only 25% of the risk. Through this program, WWB encourages banks to work with network members and clients, enabling women to receive loans from local banks and establish their credit. In addition to providing access to the funding to start or expand their businesses, WWB also began providing technical and management training and a global support network to help their clients succeed. WWB also began working with governments, foundations, and financial institutions to change laws and business practices that restricted women's abilities to participate in the formal economy.
During the 1980s, the economy became more globalized and more commercial banks began providing micro-credit and loan guarantee programs due to the profitability of the emerging market. In response, WWB expanded their strategies to extend their influence beyond the affiliate network, although providing access to credit and the loan guarantee program remained important. In addition, WWB resolved to strengthen the existing affiliate programs to include a broader range of services, to use the world-wide recognition of WWB to facilitate collaboration within and beyond the WWB network to encourage investments in women's enterprises, to create prototype programs demonstrating ways to help women develop viable businesses, and to improve the confidence of businesswomen through training and by providing opportunities for them to learn about and meet successful women entrepreneurs.
During the 1990s, WWB became increasingly involved in leading work to create policies, regulations, and legal structures at the country and international level needed for financial systems to work for the poor majority, particularly women, and continued its efforts to build the institutional structure required to support a robust microfinance industry. During this period, WWB also began to expand its network to include institutions other than the affiliates. Beginning in 1997, WWB allowed other microfinance institutions (MFIs) to participate in the education and policy change activities of the network without becoming affiliates. Although not led by women, these MFIs shared important values with WWB and the core of their client base was poor women. Their relationship with WWB was formalized in 1999 as associates, making them eligible to receive services from WWB as well as participate in their education and policy change initiatives. WWB expanded again in April 2001 when they launched the Global Network for Banking Innovation in Microfinance (GNBI), with twenty-one founding financial institutions. The network meets to establish best practices and new products and improvements for the microfinance industry, as well as encouraging commercial banks to enter the microfinance sector by demonstrating the opportunity for profit.
As of 2006, WWB continues to be a network of organizations that offer services to poor women, enabling them to have access to the modern economy. The Global Team in New York, supporting affiliates and associates in their work as MFIs and as agents for change, offers services in four main areas. Members of the Global Team and WWB Talent Bank (experts from throughout the world) offer technical services, advising member organizations on strategies for building and strengthening their institutions, and on designing and implementing new products and processes. WWB continues to offer financial products and services to its members as well, including the loan guarantee program and the Affiliate Capitalization Facility. Established in 1997, the facility provides grants to high performing affiliates to enable them to expand. WWB is also still active in its efforts to influence policy changes to transform financial systems to benefit the poor, and to expand knowledge throughout the network, facilitating collaborations between members with workshops, exchanges and partnerships, and through producing and disseminating information on innovations and best practices in the field of microfinance.
- Acquisition:
This collection was donated by Michaela Walsh and Stichting to Promote Women's World Banking in November 2002 . Additional accruals were recieved in 2009 , 2011 and 2012 with accession numbers ML.2009.011, ML.2011.017, ML.2011.036, ML.2012.004, ML.2012.017 and ML.2012.041.
An accrual of oral histories was sent in June 2013. The accession number related to these materials is ML.2013.015.
Three cartons of videotapes were sent in May 2013, with accession number ML.2013.014. Additional audio and video tapes that comprise Series 15 and 16 were donated in 2014. The accession numbers associated with these donations are ML.2014.005 and ML.2014.008.
The materials that comprise Box 226 (Series 17) were also donated in 2014. The accession number associated with this donation is ML.2014.046.
The materials in Boxes 227-228 (Series 18) were donated in 2015. The accession number associated with this donation is ML.2015.017.
The Michaela Walsh materials in Box 229 were donated by Michaela Walsh in September 2017. The accession number associated with this donation is ML.2017.027.
- Appraisal
Duplicate materials, personal documents, and office receipts have been separated from this collection.
- Sponsorship:
These records were processed with the generous support of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission and the John Foster and Janet Avery Dulles Fund. The following donors supported the digitization of 40 boxes of early (pre-1990) WWB records: William H. Bohnett; Margaret Catley-Carlson; Patricia M. Cloherty; William M. Dietel; Virginia and William Foote; Donald, Arvonne, and Thomas Fraser; Elizabeth McAllister; Robert and Sarah McClanahan; Marion A. Monheim; Dr. Elizabeth Mary Okelo; Linda Schoenthaler; the Family of Martha Stuart; Barkley Stuart; Margaret Snyder; and Michaela Walsh.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Adriane Hanson, Christopher Shannon, and Hannah Wilentz in 2006. Finding aid written by Adriane Hanson in September 2006. Additional donations in 2009-2017 were processed by Mudd Library staff. Digital materials in Series 7 were processed by Elena Colon-Marrero in July 2015. The finding aid was updated by Caitlin Abadir-Mullally in 2023 to reflect recent accesions.
- Conditions Governing Access
Any meeting minutes received from WWB in the future will be restricted for 20 years after the date of their creation. Additionally, materials in Boxes 1-14, Boxes 27-33, Boxes 62-72, Boxes 102-108, Boxes 113-116, Box 122, Boxes 134-136, and Box 229 are out for digitization and are not currently accessible. The remainder of the collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, any copyright vested in the donor has passed to The Trustees of Princeton University and researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of donor-created materials within the collection. For materials in the collection not created by the donor, or where the material is not an original, the copyright is likely not held by the University. In these instances, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have a question about who owns the copyright for an item, you may request clarification by contacting us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
This collection contains 3.5 floppy disks. Researchers are responsible for meeting the technical requirements needed to access these materials, including any and all hardware and software.
- Credit this material:
Women's World Banking Records; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Boxes 1-230; S-000547; 142A; 142B; 147A; 147B; 149A; 149B; 151A; 151B; 152A; 152B; 159A; 159B; 167A; 167B; 180A; 108A; 180B; 108B; 181A; 181B; 186A; 186B; 188A; 188B; 225B; 225A
- Bibliography
The following sources were consulted during preparation of the organizational history: "Business People; Helping Women Abroad Get Started in Business," by Daniel F. Cuff. The New York Times (Late Edition (East Coast)), November 13, 1990. "Development Bank Puts Women in Business Around the World," by Carol Kleinman. Chicago Tribune, October 21, 1985. Materials from Series 1: Administrative and Series 6: Walsh, Michaela Files; Women's World Banking Records; Public Policy Papers, Special Collections, Princeton University Library. "Women and Development: Women's World Banking," by Nancy Barry. WIN News, vol. 24, issue 2, Spring 1998. Women's World Banking website, Accessed September 26, 2006.
- Subject Terms:
- Banks and banking.
Economic development.
Economics. -- 20th century
Financial institutions, International.
International finance.
Microfinance -- Developing countries.
Women -- Developing countries -- Economic aspects.
Women -- Economic conditions. -- 20th century
Women-owned business enterprises -- Developing countries. - Genre Terms:
- Administrative records.
Born digital.
Reports. - Names:
- Women's World Banking
Walsh, Michaela