Consists of lecture notes in notebooks or bound volumes.
Series 1: Lecture Notes in Book Format, 1772-1974 is arranged alphabetically by the lecturer's name with an alphabetical listing of course titles. Please be aware that, in a few instances, two sets of notes appear in one volume. In these cases, both lecturers' names are listed. The volume itself is filed under the name of the lecturer to whom the initial set of notes appears upon opening the volume.
Adriance, Walter Maxwell, 1916
Albion, Robert, 1943
Albion, Robert, 1927-1928
Alden, Douglas, 1947-1948
Alexander, Stephen, 1853
Alexander, Stephen, 1855-1858
Alexander, Stephen, 1858-1859
Alexander, Stephen, 1864-1865
Angus, William, 1953-1954
Angus, William, 1954-1955
Atwater, Lyman, 1874-1875
Atwater, Lyman, 1874-1875
Atwater, Lyman, 1878
Atwater, Lyman, 1858-1859
Atwater, Lyman, 1864-1865, 1873-1874
Atwater, Lyman, 1875-1877
Atwater, Lyman, 1875-1876
Atwater, Lyman, 1860-1861
Atwater, Lyman, 1877-1878
Axson, Stockton, 1902 March
Axson, Stockton, 1904 May
Axson, Stockton, 1905 June
Baker, Carlos, 1947
Baker, Carlos, 1944-1945
Bauer, John, 1916
Barnett, Clifford, 1934-1935
Basore, John, 1928-1929
Basore, John, 1922-1923
Beller, Elmer, 1935-1937
Bender, Harold, 1922-1923
Bergman, Robert, 1974
Black, Cyril, 1946-1947
Blau, Max Friedrich, 1917-1918
Bowers, David, 1939-1940
Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1935-1936
Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1936-1937
Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1936-1937
Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1937-1938
Boyce, Gray Cowan, 1936-1937
Brackett, Cyrus Fogg, 1891-1892
Brackett, Cyrus Fogg, 1906 July
Brackett, Cyrus Fogg, 1874-1875
Bray, Charles, 1937-1938
Bray, Charles, 1947-1948
Brown, Philip, 1915-1916
Brown, Philip, 1920
Buffum, Douglas, 1928-1929
Butler, Howard, 1904 May
Cameron, Donald, 1859-1860
Cantril, Hadley, 1947-1948
Cantril, Hadley, 1948
Cantril, Hadley, 1943
Cantril, Hadley, 1948-1949
Cantril, Hadley, 1937-1938, 1946-1947
Carpenter, William Seale, 1934-1935
Carpenter, William Seale, 1921-1922
Carter, Jesse Benedict, 1903 April
Carver, Thomas R, 1955-1956
Causey, David, 1927
Cawley, Robert Ralston, 1944
Cawley, Robert Ralston, 1947-1948
Cawley, Robert Ralston, 1929-1930
Chandler, Henry Milligan, 1953-1954
Chandler, Henry Milligan, 1957
Chandler, Henry Milligan, 1955-1956
Chevalley, Claude, 1943-1944
Clark, Robert Judson, 1974-1975
Clement, Preston Rively, 1955-1956
Coffin, David Robbins, 1973-1974
Coffin, David Robbins, 1974-1975
Cohen, Stephen Frand, 1974-1975
Cooke, George Hammell, 1872-1873
Cooke, Hereward, 1928-1929
Cooke, Hereward, 1928-1929
Copeland, Edward, 1971-1972
Cornwall, Henry, 1906 July
Corwin, Edward, 1932
Corwin, Edward, 1921
Craig, Gordon, 1946-1947
Craig, Gordon, 1947-1948
Crespi, Leo Paul, 1945-1948
Croll, Morris, 1919-1920
Croll, Morris, 1921-1922
Croll, Morris, 1922-1923
Daniels, Winthrop, 1906-1907
Danielson, Michael, 1971-1972
Dell, Burnham, 1935-1936
de Tolnay, Charles, 1945-1946
de Tolnay, Charles, 1941-1942
Devereux, Edward C., Jr, 1948-1949
Dixon, Frank Haigh, 1926-1927
Dixon, Frank Haigh, 1926-1927
Dod, Albert /Henry Joseph, 1841-1842
Dod, Albert, 1842-1843
Dod, Albert, 1839-1840
Dod, Albert, 1838-1839
Douherty, Gregg, 1934-1935
Duffield, John, 1859-1860
Duffield, John, 1862-1863
Duffield, John, 1856-1857
Duffield, John, 1856-1858
Duffield, John/Hodge, 1858-1859
Duffield, John, 1858-1859
Duffield, John, 1864-1865
Duffield, John, 1875-1876
Duffield, John, 1851-1852, 1859-1860
Duffield, John, 1859-1860, 1865-1866
Duffield, John, 1865-1866
Duffield, John, 1866
Edwards, Bateman, 1936-1937
Egbert, Donald, 1946-1947
Egbert, Donald, 1945-1946
Egbert, Donald, 1938-1939, 1946
Egbert, Donald, 1938-1939
Elsasser, Albert, 1932
Elderkin, George, 1913-1914
Elderkin, George, 1941-1942
Elliott, Edward, 1904
Elliott, Edward, 1906 July
Farr, Marcus, 1928-1929
Farr, Marcus, 1902 March
Fetter, Frank Albert, 1924-1925
Fetter, Frank Albert, 1917
Fetter, Frank Albert, 1924-1925
Fetter, Frank Albert, 1917-1918
Finch, Jeremiah Stanton, 1943
Fite, Warner, 1919-1920
Ford, James Bacon, 1941-1942
Ford, James Bacon, 1946-1947
Foster, William, Jr, 1924-1925
Foster, William, Jr, 1920-1921
Fox, Ralph, 1954-1955
Frankl, 1947
Friend, Albert M., Jr, 1941-1942
Friend, Albert M., Jr, 1950-1951
Furniss, Edgar S., Jr, 1948-1949
Garfinkel, Harold, 1950-1951
Gerould, Gordon Hall, 1916-1917
Gerould, Gordon Hall, 1921-1922, 1934
Gerould, Gordon Hall, 1933, 1943-1944
Gilbert, Gustave, 1948-1949
Gillis, John, 1970-1971
Gillispie, Charles, 1947-1948
Gillispie, Charles, 1947-1948
Goldman, Eric, 1947-1948
Gordon, Peter Benjamin, 1948
Graham, Frank Dunstone, 1931-1932
Graham, Frank Dunstone, 1933-1934
Greene, Theodore Meyer, 1934-1935
Greene, Theodore Meyer, 1937-1938
Griffith, Wayland, 1955-1956
Guyot, Arnold, 1857, 1859-1860
Guyot, Arnold, 1858-1860, 1874-1875
Guyot, Arnold, 1902 March
Haas, Felix, 1954-1955
Hall, Clifton, 1926
Hall, Clifton, 1936-1937
Hall, Walter Phelps, 1916-1917
Hall, Walter Phelps, 1934-1937
Harbison, Elmore, 1937-1938
Harper, George, 1904
Harper, George, 1916-1917
Harper, George, 1800-1899
Harper, George, 1902 March
Harper, George, 1922-1923
Hastings, Walter Scott, 1922-1923
Heacock, Frank, 1953
Heermance, Radcliffe, 1919
Henry, Joseph, 1835, 1836
Henry, Joseph, 1835
Henry, Joseph, 1836-1840
Henry, Joseph, 1837
Henry, Joseph, 1840
Henry, Joseph, 1841
Henry, Joseph, 1846-1847, 1847
Henry, Joseph, 1847
Henry, Joseph, 1857
Hibben, John, 1903 April
Hibben, John, 1904 May
Hibben, John, 1905 June
Hitti, Philip, 1947-1948
Hope, Matthew, 1847, 1850, 1851, 1852
Hope, Matthew, 1853
Howard, Louis Norberg, 1954-1955
Howard, Stanley, 1925-1926
Howard, Stanley, 1926-1927
Howard, Stanley, circa 1927
Howell, Sheldon, 1921
Hubler, Edward, 1947
Hubler, Edward, 1943
Hubler, Edward, 1943-1944, 1944
Huppe, Bernard, 1947-1948
Hunt, Theodore, 1892-1893
Hunt, Theodore, 1892-1893
Hunt, Theodore, 1873-1874
Hutner, Simeon, 1948
Johnson, Allan, 1936-1937
Johnson, E.D.H., 1946-1947
Johnson, Walter Curtis, 1954
Johnson, Walter Curtis, 1955-1956
Kaufman, Walter, 1951
Kemmerer, Edwin, 1926
Kemmerer, Edwin, 1917-1918, 1925
Kemmerer, Edwin, 1917-1918
Kennedy, Charles, 1940-1941
Kittredge, Clifford, 1955
Langfeld, Herbert, 1946-1947
Langfeld, Herbert, 1946-1947
Longwell, Horace, 1919-1922
Loomis, Elias, 1849
Loomis, Elmer, 1906 July
Lovett, Edgar Odell, 1907 August
Lowery, Howard Foster, 1944
Maclean, John, 1804
Macloskie, George, 1883-1884, 1891
Magie, David, 1928-1929
Magie, William, 1897-1898
Magie, William, 1897-1898
Marquand, Allan, 1914-1915
Martin, John Rupert, 1948-1949
Mason, Alpheus, 1934-1935
Mather, Frank Jewett, 1921-1922
Mather, Norman Wells, 1954-1955
Mayer, Arno Joseph, 1971-1972
McCabe, David Aloysius, 1926-1927
McCabe, David Aloysius, 1944
McCabe, David Aloysius, 1926-1927
McCay, Leroy Wiley, 1905 June
McCay, Leroy Wiley, 1905 June
McCay, Leroy Wiley, 1916
McCay, Leroy Wiley, 1917
McClenahan, Howard, 1898-1899
McClenahan, Howard, 1906
McClenahan, Howard, 1910
McClure, Charles F.W., 1905 June
McCosh, James, 1872
McCosh, James, 1874
McCosh, James, 1876-1879
McCosh, James, 1887-1888
McCosh, James, 1873-1876
McCosh, James, 1875-1881
McCulloh, Richard, 1849-1850
McCulloh, Richard, 1851, 1852
McCulloh, Richard, 1852
McIlvaine, Joshua Hall, 1867-1868
McIlvaine, Joshua Hall, 1865-1866
McMillan, Charles, 1908 September
McMillan, Charles, 1908 September
Michael, William, 1947-1948
Miller, Peter M, 1947-1948
Minton, Walter, dates not examined
Moffat, James/Guyot, Arnold, 1863
Moffat, James, 1882-1883
Mollenkopf, William, 1947-1948
Morey, Charles Rufus, 1940-1941
Morey, Charles Rufus, 1926-1927
Morey, Charles Rufus, 1908
Munro, Dana Carleton, 1919-1920
Murray, James, 1877-1879
Murray, James /Unknown, 1888-1889
Murray, James, dates not examined
Murray, James, dates not examined
Murray, James, dates not examined
Murray, James, dates not examined
Myers, Robert Cobb, 1948-1949
Myers, William Starr, 1919-1920
Neher, Fred, dates not examined
Noyes, Alfred, 1916
Oates, Whitney Jennings, 1933-1934
Oates, Whitney Jennings, 1947-1948
Ormond, Alexander Thomas, 1904 May
Ormond, Alexander Thomas, 1890
Ormond, Alexander Thomas, 1890-1891
Ormond, Alexander Thomas, 1890-1891
Osgood, Charles, 1928-1929
Osgood, Charles, 1922-1923
Palmer, Robert, 1947
Packard, William, 1876-1877
Panofsky, Erwin, 1941-1942
Panofsky, Erwin, 1939-1940
Panofsky, Erwin, 1945-1946
Parrott, Thomas, 1927-1928
Parrott, Thomas, 1922-1923
Parrott, Thomas, 1934
Parrott, Thomas, 1917-1918, 1923
Parrott, Thomas, 1920-1921
Pomfret, John Edwin, 1934-1935
Poole, DeWitt Clinton, 1934-1935
Post, Chandler R, 1923
Pratt, Carroll C, 1948-1949
Pratt, Carroll C, 1948
Prentice, William K, 1921-1922
Priest, George M, 1937-1938
Raleigh, 1951
Ramsey, Robert Paul, 1946-1947
Rankin, Walter Mead, 1922-1923
Richardson, Owen W, 1910 November
Rockwood, Charles G, 1877-1878
Rogers, Robert W, 1922-1923
Root, Robert K, 1919-1920, 1922-1923
Root, Robert K, 1923
Root, Robert K, 1926-1927
Root, Robert K, 1932
Root, Robert K, 1942-1943
Rowley, George, 1934
Rowley, George, 1937-1938
Rowley, George, 1941-1942
Rowley, George, 1945-1946
Rowley, George, circa 1951
Schumacher, Thomas, 1974-1975
Scott, William B, 1916, 1920-1921
Scott, William B, 1921-1922
Scott, William B, 1906 July
Semple, Richard James, 1953-1954
Shields, Charles W, 1877-1878
Shields, Charles W, 1870
Shipman, Henry, 1918-1919
Sinclair, William John, 1921
Slichter, Sumner, 1948
Sloane, William, 1894
Sloane, William, dates not examined
Sloane, William, dates not examined
Sly, John Fairfield, 1947-1948
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1926-1927
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1945-1946
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1941-1942
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1926-1927
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1936-1937
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1922-1923
Smith, Earl Baldwin, 1936-1937
Smith, Herbert Stearns, 1907 August
Smith, Herbert Stearns, 1907 August
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1804
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1794, 1804
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1806, 1809
Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 1804
Smyth, Charles, 1943-1944
Spencer, Frank, dates not examined
Snyder, Richard, 1947-1948
Sollenberger, Norman, 1952-1953
Sontag, Raymond, 1936-1937
Sontag, Raymond, 1937-1938
Sorrenson, Alfred, 1947
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1915-1916
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1934-1935
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1917
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1919-1920
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1920-1921
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1928-1929
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1922-1923
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1933
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1933
Spaeth, John Duncan, 1931
Spahr, Walter E, 1926-1927
Sprout, Harold Hance, 1936-1937
Sprout, Harold Hance, 1936-1937
Stauffer, Donald, 1947
Stephen, Frederick, 1951-1952
Stephenson, Robert, 1921
Stewart, John, 1943-1944
Strayer, Joseph Reese, 1972-1973
Strayer, Joseph Reese, 1937-1938
Stohlman, W. Frederick, 1938-1939
Swingle, Wilbur, 1943-1944, 1947-1948
Taylor, Hugh Stott, dates not examined
Thilly, Frank, dates not examined
Thompson, Henry, 1905 June
Thompson, Lawrance, 1950-1966
Thorp, Willard, 1935
Thorp, Willard, dates not examined
Thorp, Willard, 1943
Torrey, John, 1846-1847
Tumin, Melvin, 1950-1951
Tumin, Melvin, 1951
Van Dyke, Henry, 1904 May
Van Dyke, Henry, 1903 April
Van Dyke, Henry, 1905 June
Van Dyke, Henry, 1921
Van Dyke, Henry, 1906 July
Van Dyke, Paul, 1906
Van Dyke, Paul, 1921
Van Dyke, Paul, 1921, 1921-1922
Van Est, William, 1953-1954
Van Ingen, Gilbert, 1916
Vreeland, Williamson, 1935
Wade, Ira Owen, 1922-1923
Warfield, George, 1956
Warren, Howard, 1905 June
Webb, Thomas, 1935-1936
Weitzmann, Kurt, 1942
Weitzmann, Kurt, 1945-1946
Weitzmann, Kurt, 1946
Weber, Shirley, 1933-1934
Welch, Roy Dickson, 1936-1937
Welch, Roy Dickson, 1947-1948
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 1936-1938
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 1918
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson, 1947
Wever, Ernest Glen, 1937
Wever, Ernest Glen, 1937
Wever, Ernest Glen, 1943-1944
Williams, Thomas Ray, 1953-1954
Willis, Clodius Harris, 1947
Willis, Clodius Harris, 1956
Willoughby, William, 1916-1917
Willoughby, William, 1916-1917
Wilson, H. Hubert, 1972-1973
Wilson, Woodrow, 1904 May
Wilson, Woodrow, 1896
Wilson, Woodrow, 1895
Wilson, Woodrow, 1895-1896
Wilson, Woodrow, circa 1904
Wilson, Woodrow, 1893-1894, 1907
Winans, Samuel Ross, 1883
Witherspoon, John, 1772, 1794
Witherspoon, John (?), 1776
Witherspoon, John, 1791
Witherspoon, John, 1794
Whelen, Carl Joseph, 1933-1934
Whitton, John, 1951-1952
Young, Charles, 1908 September
Ziegler, William, 1945-1946
Ziegler, William, 1947-1948
Zigler, Michael Jacob, 1921-1922
Unknown, 1859
Unknown, 1906
Unknown, 1916-1917
Unknown, 1918
Unknown, 1918-1919
Unknown, 1919
Unknown, 1922-1923
Unknown, 1922-1923
Unknown, 1924
Unknown, dates not examined
Unknown, 1925
Unknown, circa 1927
Unknown, circa 1927
Unknown, circa 1927
Unknown, 1928-1929
Unknown, 1933
Unknown, 1934
Unknown, 1935-1936
Unknown, 1936-1937
Unknown, 1937
Unknown, 1937-1938
Unknown, circa 1837
Unknown, circa 1914
Unknown, circa 1914
Unknown, circa 1939
Unknown, 1943
Unknown, 1943-1944
Unknown, 1943-1944
Unknown, 1943-1944
Unknown, 1944
Unknown, 1944-1945
Unknown, 1945-1946
Unknown, 1945-1946
Unknown, 1946
Unknown, 1946
Unknown, 1947-1948
Unknown, 1950-1951
Unknown, circa 1951
Unknown, 1952
Unknown, 1969-1970
Consists of lecture notes in formats other than notebooks or bound volumes.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Series 3: Post-2003 Additions contains materials that were added to the collection after it was processed in 2003. Most of these materials were already in the possession of Mudd Manuscript Library prior to 2003, but they had not yet been described or associated with this collection. When known, the student who recorded the notes is listed as the creator and the instructor's name is recorded in the title.
The materials in Series 3: Post-2003 Additions have not been arranged in any particular order.
Chemistry, 1952
Chemistry, Physics, 1922
History, 1874
Rhetoric, undated
Ancient Art 301, 1925
Art 303, 1926
Greek History 304, 1926
Course Notes, circa 1956
Geometry of Complex Domains, a seminar conducted by Oswald Veblen and John von Neumann, 1935-1936
Renaissance Architecture 406, 1923
Renaissance Art, circa 1955-1956
Ancient Architecture, 1955-1956
Aesthetics, circa 1953-1956
Music 304: Haydn and Mozart, 1956
English 311, 308, 201, 202, circa 1948
Humanities I, circa 1940s
Physics 102, 1945
History 108, 1945-1946
Music 305, 1946
English 103, 1945-1946
Physics 101, 102, circa 1940s
French 104, 1945
Architecture 101, 1968-1969
Graduate coursework in the Department of History; History 220: Comparative Revolutions, Spring 1977
History 553, Fall 1976
ART 207 American Art, Fall 1979
- Scope and Contents
This collection contains student notes taken from lectures given by members of Princeton's faculty. They represent the broad range of courses taught at Princeton University. From the notes one can acquire a sense of student academic interests, advances in learning, and the increased specialization of courses.
Some of the lecture notes are very thorough documents while others are brief. Most of the notes are handwritten in lined, bound notebooks or on typical notebook paper. Examples from the early 19th century often include ink drawings and even watercolors to illustrate such things as scientific apparatus (see Frederick Giger's notes for Joseph Henry's Natural Philosophy in 1840) or the Greek classical orders (see Charles Shield's notes for Albert Dod's Architecture in 1842). Researchers can track the evolution of certain frequently reappearing courses over time. Examples include Joseph Henry's Natural Philosophy, with notes from 1835 to 1857, James McCosh's Psychology, with notes from 1869 to 1881, and Albert Friend's Northern Renaissance, with notes from 1939 to 1950. Changes in pedagogy are also reflected; courses in the 20th century with defined subjects such as mathematics and physics fell under the rubric of Natural Philosophy during the 19th century. Generalized history and literature courses later become specialized, as in Professor Eric Goldman's History of American Liberalism or Professor Carlos Baker's Romantic Movement in English Literature.
Aside from five university presidents (Hibben, Maclean, McCosh, Smith, and Wilson), there are numerous famous faculty represented in the collection, including Stephen Alexander, Lyman Atwater, Carlos Baker, Cyril Black, Cyrus Fogg Brackett, Hadley Cantril, John Duffield, Donald Egbert, Frank Fetter, Arnold Guyot, Walter "Buzzer" Hall, Joseph Henry, Edwin Kemmerer, Charles Rufus Morey, Erwin Panofsky, and Thomas Jefferson Wertenbaker. Some well-known students include John Maclean, William Magie, John Duffield, and John Hibben. The collection includes the lecture notes of one nineteenth-century woman, Louisa B. Maclean, niece of President Maclean, who sat in on James Murray's English Literature in 1878.
- Appraisal
Appraisal information was not recorded at time of processing.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Christine Kitto in 2002-03, with the assistance of Elizabeth Miller '06, Will Taylor '04, Caterina Teuscher '03, and Elona Toska '05. Finding aid written by Christine Kitto, Elizabeth Miller '06, Will Taylor '04, Caterina Teuscher '03, and Elona Toska '05 in March 2002. Additions were processed and the finding aid was amended by Christie Peterson with assistance from Eleanor Wright '14 in March and April 2011. AR.2013.128 processed by Annalise Berdini in June 2018. Finding aid updated with multiple accessions by Phoebe Nobles in 2022. Finding aid updated with multiple accessions by Valencia Johnson in 2024.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. The Trustees of Princeton University hold copyright to all materials generated by Princeton University employees in the course of their work. For instances beyond Fair Use, if copyright is held by Princeton University, researchers do not need to obtain permission, complete any forms, or receive a letter to move forward with use of materials from the Princeton University Archives.
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- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Lecture Notes Collection; Princeton University Archives, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript LibrarySeeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Boxes 1-80; S-000267; S-000600
- Subject Terms:
- Lecture method in teaching. -- 18th century
Lectures and lecturing -- New Jersey -- Princeton. - Genre Terms:
- Lecture notes.
- Names:
- Princeton University
Princeton University Faculty.
Alexander, Stephen (1806-1883)
Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss (1813-1883)
Baker, Carlos (1909-1987)
Black, Cyril E. (Cyril Edwin) (1915-1989)
Brackett, Cyrus Fogg (1833-1915)
Cantril, Hadley (1906-1969)
Dod, Albert B. (Albert Baldwin) (1805-1845)
Egbert, Donald Drew (1902-1973)
Fetter, Frank A. (Frank Albert) (1863-1949)
Guyot, A. (Arnold) (1807-1884)
Hall, Walter Phelps (1884-1962)
Henry, Joseph (1797-1878)
Hibben, John Grier (1861-1933)
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter (1875-1945)
Maclean, John (1800-1886)
Magie, William Francis (1858-1943)
Marquand, Allan (1853-1924)
McCosh, James (1811-1894)
Morey, Charles Rufus (1877-1955)
Panofsky, Erwin (1892-1968)
Smith, Samuel Stanhope (1750-1819)
Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson (1879-1966)
Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924)
Witherspoon, John (1723-1794)