No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Agnew, Spiro, 1971, 1973
Allen, James B, 1970
Allott, Gordon, 1969
1922, 1922, 1930-1940
1941-1945, 1941-1945
1946-1950, 1946-1950
1951-1973, 1951-1973
American University, 1934-1973
Andrews, Glenn, 1965
Arnall, Ellis, 1952
Arnold H, 1944
"How the Constitution was Violated in the New York Newspaper Strike" ASNE Bulletin, 1954 January 1
Atkins, Ollie, 1970
Atomic Bomb, 1964
1931-1956, 1931-1956
1957-1963, 1957-1963
1964-1968, 1964-1968
1970-1973, 1970-1973
Bard, Ralph A, 1942
Barry, Robert R, 1962
Baruch, Bernard, 1917, 1931, 1933-1935, 1937, 1939-1942, 1944-1947, 1949-1950, 1952-1965, 1969
Beatty, Robert O, 1972
Beck, James M, 1935
Bander, George H, 1947
Bennett, Charles E, 1956
Berding, Andrew H, 1961
Berry E.Y., 1917, 1969
Biddle Francis, 1938
Black, Hugo, 1933
Re Blacks, 1919, 1957
Bolling, Richard, 1969
Boone, J.T., 1952
Bow, Frank T, 1965
Bowen, William G, 1973
Brandt, Karl, 1960
Re Breakfast Group, 1942-1973
Brimmer, Andrew F, 1967
Brooks, Jack, 1961
Brooks, Overton, 1955
Brucker, Wilber M, 1956
Bush, George, 1969
Cahill, William T, 1965
Campbell, James W, 1970
Capehart, Homer E, 1956
Caplin, Mortimer M, 1963
Carney, Robert B, 1955
Carter Boake, 1930, 1938
Chandler, A.B., 1938
Chase, Stuart, 1956
Clark, James T, 1967
Clark, Joseph S, 1962
Clark, Tom C, 1949
Clausen, Don H, 1971
Clay, Lucius D, 1971
Clothier, Robert C, 1940
Cobb, Irving S, 1921
Cohen, Benjamin V, 1939
Cole, W. Sterling, 1951
Collins, Michael, 1970
Re Communist Party, 1954
Compton, Arthur A, 1939
Connally, Tom, 1949
Corwin., Edward S, 1938
"Credibility Gap", 1966
Crowe, Philip K, 1958
Davis, Elmer, 1949, 1955
Davis James J, 1944
Day, Harold C, 1967
Dies, Martin, 1954-1955
Dinwoodey, Dean, 1944
Dix, William S., 1972
Dobyns Norman L, 1961
Dolan, Howard, 1965
Dole, Robert, 1973
Duff, James H, 1955
Duncan, John J, 1965
Earhart, H.B., 1937-1955
Earle, Edward Mead, 1945
Eckhardt, G.S., 1971
Edge, Walter, 1918
Re Ehrenberg, Ilya, 1947
Election, 1952, 1952
Emeny, Brooks, 1936-1938
Fanin, Paul J, 1965
Fascell, Dante B, 1963
Feis, Herbert, 1934
Fisher Irving, 1938
Fitzgerald, D.A., 1957
Flag-Burning, 1967
Fleming, Philip B, 1941
Flexner, Bernard, 1940
Folger, John H, 1947
Ford, Henry, 1920-1921
Fortas Abe, 1961-1969
Frankfurter, Felix, 1937
Fuchs, Herbert, 1973
Gibbons, Sam M, 1970
Gompers, Samuel, 1918
Goodell, Charles E, 1968
Gossett, Ed, 1948
Goulding, Phil G, 1967
Graham, Philip L, 1955
Gravel, Mike, 1971
Gray, Gordon, 1956
Gray, J.S., 1933
Green, Theodore F, 1957
Green, William, 1938
Grover, Wayne C, 1962
Gruening, Ernest, 1960
Guatemala, circa 1954
Guffey Joseph F, 1936
Guthman, Edwin, 1963
Gwinn, Ralph W, 1956
Haldane, Robert, 1922
Halsey, Edwin A, 1944
Hansen, Clifford F, 1969
Harget, Maud, 1943-1944
Harrison, Pat, 1934
Harrison, W.H., 1950
Hart, Horwell, 1951-1952
Hart, Philip A, 1972
Harvey, James, 1961
Harvey Paul, 1954-1956
Hatch Carl A, 1948
Hays, Brooks, 1950
Henley, Wallace, 1970
Herzog, Paul M, 1916
Hetzel F.J., 1943
Hibben, John Grier, 1917
Hill, Robert C, 1957
Hogan, Larry, 1972
Holcom, Luther, 1969
Holifield, Chet, 1957
Holt Push D, 1954
Re Hood, Ed, 1937
Hook, Charles R, 1938
Hopkins, Harry L, 1938
Horan Walt, 1947
Howe, W.D., 1940
Hruska Roman L, 1958
Humphreys, Robert, 1961
Hutchins, Robert M, 1931
Irwin, Leaton, 1937
Jackson, William, 1951
Jeffers, W.M., 1943
Jenner, William E, 1955
Johansen, August E, 1959
Johnson, Harold K, 1968
Jones, Walter, 1969
Kahn, Otto H, 1929
Kearns, Henry, 1959
Keith Hastings, 1912
Kendall, David W, 1955
Kersten, Charles J, 1954
Kirkpatrick, C.C., 1960
Kronstadt, Henry L, 1968
Krug, J.A., 1946
Lambert, Gerard, 1939
Langen, Odin, 1970
Lanham, Henderson, 1957
Larson, Arthur, 1957
Lasky, Victor, 1962
Lawrence, David, 1907-1973
Lawrence, Ellanor C, 1965-1973
Lear, Ben, 1944
Lee, Ivy, 1931
Lee, Ivy, Jr, 1972
Leedom, Boyd, 1961
Leman Albert N, 1910
Lennartson, Nils A, 1961
Leslie, John W, 1960
Lewis, Anthony, 1958
Lindsay, John V, 1962
Link, Arthur, 1948
Re London Times, 1919
Long, Russell B, 1967
McClean, Robert M, 1929
McClellan, John L, 1957
McCloy, John J, 1960
McDowell, P.E., 1951
McGrath, Howard, 1949
McLeod Scott, 1956
McMahon, Brien, 1950
Mann, Thomas C, 1964
Marrs, Theodore C, 1968
Martin, Jim, 1965
Re Masaryk, Thamas, 1918
Mathey Dean, 1954, 1960
Mencken, H.L., 1940
Re Metropolitan Club, 1930
Re Mexico, 1911-1918
Meyner, Robert B, 1959
Miscellaneous, 1916-1955
Morse, J.F., Jr, 1959
Murphy George, 1960-1969
Murphy, Robert, 1957
Murray, James E, 1954
Murray Philip, 1936
Murray Thomas E, 1951
Muskie, Edmund S, 1966
Neal, Will E, 1957
Nelson, Gaylord, 1972
Re New Deal, 1934
Nimitz, C.W., 1944
Nunlist, Frank J, 1969
O'Brien, W.E., 1963
O'Conor, Herbert R, 1952
O'Connor, J.F.T., 1934
Okinawa, 1945-1946
Olney, Warren, III, 1954
O'Neal, Edward A, 1938
Paar, Jack, 1961
Packwood, Bob, 1972
Page, Walter Hines, 1917
Palmer, Arthur J, 1967
Papen, Franz von, 1959
Re Passports, 1957
Patman, Wright, 1965
Patterson, H.E., 1948
Peacock, Richard D, 1967
Re Pearl Harbor, 1944
Pearson, James B, 1963
Re P.E.N. Club, 1930
Pepper, Claude, 1947
Perkins, Frances, 1939
Pershing, John J, 1930
Philbin, Philip J, 1953
Phillips, John, 1954
Pickle, J.J., 1970
Pinchot, Gifford, 1916
Poe, Edgar A., Jr, 1956
Putnam, Peter B, 1973
Pyle, Howard, 1957
1923-1924, 1923-1924
1927-1932, 1927-1932
(1 of 2), 1933
(2 of 2), 1933
1934-1942, 1934-1942
1951-1952, 1951-1952
Re Radio Education, 1930
Re Radio --Freedom, 1943
Rankin, Jeannette, 1917
Re "Reader Mail", 1919-1973
1919 - 1924, 1919 - 1924
1935 - 1936, 1935 - 1936
1937 - 1943, 1937 - 1943
1944 - 1945, 1944 - 1945
1946 - 1948, 1946 - 1948
1949 - 1950, 1949 - 1950
1951 - 1953, 1951 - 1953
1954 - 1955, 1954 - 1955
1956 - 1957, 1956 - 1957
1958 - 1960, 1958 - 1960
1961 - 1963, 1961 - 1963
(1 of 2), 1964 - 1967
(2 of 2), 1967 - 1971
1972 - 1973, 1972 - 1973
Re Reed, Daniel A, 1955
Reed, John, 1916
Reynolds, Conger, 1960
Rickover, H.G., 1970
Rockefeller Nelson A, 1942, 1944-1946, 1949-1952, 1955, 1958-1960, 1962, 1964-1965, 1967-1969, 1972
Rogers, Paul G, 1962
Rogers, Will, 1930
Re Root, Elihu, 1920
Rosenberg, Anna M, 1953
Rosenthal, Jacob, 1965
Rousselot, John H, 1962
Rover, Leo A, 1953
Rusk, Dean, 1966, 1968
Russell, Francis H, 1951
Russell, Richard B, 1960
Schary, Dore, 1958
Scherer, Gordon H, 1959
Seaton Fred A, 1950-1959
Seibels, Edwin, 1933
Sheehan, Timothy P, 1958
Sherriff, Andrew R, 1931
Short, Joseph, 1951
Simon, Leonard, 1971
Simpson, Milward L, 1966
Sinclair, Upton, 1936
Re Sirhan Sirhan, 1961
Sledd James B, 1964
Smith, Alfred E, 1929
Snow, Conrad E, 1951
Snyder, Murray, 1951
Squires, Paul R, 1957
Re Steel, 1948, 1962
Steelman, John, 1950
Steiger, Sam, 1972
Stephens, Harold M, 1949
Stratton, Samuel S, 1971
Stump, Felix, 1954
Taylor H. Ralph, 1961
Thomas, Norman, 1918
Thurston, Elliott, 1939
Thurston, Lloyd, 1922
Tower, John G, 1968
Re United Nations, 1945
Re United States News Survey of classification of political policies of United States News, 1938
Utt, James B, 1960
Velde, Harold H, 1954
Vickers, L.T., 1947
Vinson, Carl, 1949-1951
Vinson Fred M, 1931
Walter, Francis E, 1960
Warren Earl, 1956
Watkins, Arthur J, 1948
Whitten, Jamie L, 1969
Widnall, William B, 1963
Williams, John J, 1965
Williams, M.H., 1970
Wilson Earl, 1961
Wilson, Woodrow, 1910-1973
Re Book by David Lawrence, The True Story of Woodrow Wilson, George R. Doran Company, New York, 1924
Miscellaneous files, 1924-1973
Wood, Harlan, 1956
Woolsey, L.H., 1918
Wright, James, 1959
Wright, Lloyd, 1957
Yancey, Quillian S, 1959
Younger, J. Arthur, 1964
Zaccano Joseph P, 1966
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Appeasement, 1951-1969
Asia, 1951, 1965-1973
Budget, 1951 - 1973
Cabinet, 1953-1972
Christmas, 1933-1973
Civil Rights, 1954-1972
Clergy, 1954-1969
Colonialism, 1965
Communication, 1950-1973
Communism, 1950-1972
Congress, 1952-1973
Courts, 1956-1970
Crime, 1961, 1964-1973
Debt, 1960-1968
Defense, 1946, 1949-1973
Depression, 1937
Diplomacy, 1950-1972
Disarmament, 1951-1972
Dodd, Thomas, 1967
Dope, 1968-1971
Elections, 1950-1972
Employment, 1964-1971
Ethics, 1950-1971
Europe, 1952-1973
Federalism, 1958-1971
Fortas, Abe, 1960-1969
France, 1952-1970
Government, 1950-1972
Gun Law, 1963-1973
Health, 1955-1972
Hijacking, 1968-1972
Holidays, 1958, 1973
Intermarriage, 1956-1969
Isolationism, 1970-1972
Labor, 1950-1972
McGovern, George S, 1972
Mergers, 1966-1967
Mexico, 1917-1918
Middle East, 1967-1971
Minimum Wage, 1965, 1967
Moral Force, 1950-1971
Morality, 1956-1970
Okinawa, 1945
"Optimism", 1959-1969
Peace, 1950 - 1973
Pearl Harbor, 1966
People, 1963-1972
Philanthropy, 1962-1969
Philosophy, 1951-1969
Polls, 1968-1972
Population, 1968, 1970
Post office, 1967-1972
Prayer, 1958-1972
Presidency, 1940-1972
Press, 1943, 1951-1973
Prices, 1951-1973
Profits, 1952-1972
Prohibition, 1930
Pueblo, 1968
Religions, 1954-1973
Rhodesia, 1965-1970
Riots, 1961-1971
Space, 1957-1969
Students, 1968-1971
Supreme Court, 1954-1972
Taxes, 1950-1972
Terrorism, 1970, 1972
Thant, U, 1966-1968
Treason, 1967, 1969
Vietnam, 1954, 1962-1973
Yalta, 1945-1946, 1955
1905-1906, 1905-1906
1915-1920, 1915-1920
1922-1924, 1922-1924
1926-1930, 1926-1930
1931, 1931
1932-1933, 1932-1933
1934, 1934
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1938-1940, 1938-1940
1952-1953, 1952-1953
1954-1955, 1954-1955
1964, 1964
Miscellaneous Files, 1915-1973
By David Lawrence, 1933-1973
United States News, 1933-1947
Card Files, 1933-1973
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Galley Proofs, 1929
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1929-1930, 1929-1930
1932-1933, 1932-1933
1939, 1939, 1944-1946
1950, 1950
1952 July 4, 1952 July 4
1954-1956, 1954-1956
1957 June 2, 1957 June 2
1963-1965, 1963-1965
1966-1970, 1966-1970
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
Clippings, 1918-1975
No Date, undated
1938-1940, 1938-1940
1941-1942, 1941-1942
1943-1947, 1943-1947
1950-1951, 1950-1951
1952-1960, 1952-1960
1961-1975, 1961-1975
Scrapbooks of clippings, 1915-1973
Series 6: Film, 1947
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1947, 1947
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1904-1960, 1904-1960
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
1901-1970, 1901-1970
No arrangement action taken or arrangement information not recorded at the time of processing.
- Scope and Contents
Consists of the papers of Lawrence (Princeton Class of 1910), including correspondence with John Foster Dulles, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Gallup, Herbert Hoover, Catherine Joseph, Ellanor Campbell Lawrence, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and many others; articles and speeches; a large file of his dispatches (1915-1973) as a correspondent for the Associated Press and later as an independent; editorials (1933-1973) for the U.S. News & World Report; transcripts (1927-1951) of radio broadcasts including his weekly series "Our Government"; and manuscripts for his books The True Story of Woodrow Wilson (New York: George H. Doran Co., 1924), The Other Side of the Government (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1929), and Beyond the New Deal (New York: McGraw, 1934).
The files also contain material concerning his early involvement in the negotiations after the Mexican revolution in 1911 and his article "The Truth About Mexico" (1917); reports and correspondence as chairman (1950) of the research project for the study of the county executive form of government in Fairfax County, Virginia; material about civil rights and the 14th Amendment; and letters (1942-1973) from senators, congressmen, and other members of the "Breakfast Group." In addition, there are geographical files of newspaper publishers, scrapbooks (1915-1973), tape recordings of radio broadcasts, a few photographs, a file of "reader mail," and memorabilia.
- Arrangement
This is an unprocessed collection and remains in its original arrangement.
- Collection Creator Biography:
David Lawrence was an American magazine and news service founder, editor, columnist, and author. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1888, Lawrence spent his childhood in Buffalo, New York, and graduated from Princeton University in 1910. While at Princeton, Lawrence was active in campus journalism and garnered the attention of the Associated Press, which hired him upon graduation. He covered political and international affairs for the AP until 1916, when he became the Washington correspondent for the New York Evening Post. In 1926, Lawrence founded the United States Daily, the first publication to be dedicated solely to national affairs. In 1947, this publication merged with another and evolved into the popular weekly news magazine U.S. News and World Report. Lawrence covered some of the most seminal issues that arose in the 20th century, including World War I, World War II, and domestic crises within the United States. He authored several books and wrote a nationally syndicated column that generally expounded a conservative opinion. Lawrence died in 1973.
- Processing Information
This is an unprocessed collection. The contents list provided is a preliminary inventory.
Biography written by Jessica Marati, '08.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
David Lawrence Papers; Public Policy Papers, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Box 1-395
- Subject Terms:
- Civil rights -- United States -- 20th century
Journalists -- United States -- 20th century
Newspaper publishing -- United States -- 20th century
Press and politics -- United States -- 20th century,
Radio in politics -- United States
Radio programs -- United States - Genre Terms:
- Audio tapes.
Radio scripts.
Scrapbooks. - Names:
- Associated press
Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) - Places:
- Fairfax County (Va.) -- Politics and government. -- 20th century
Mexico -- Frontier troubles -- 1910-
Mexico -- Politics and government. -- 20th century
United States -- Constitution -- Amendments -- 14th.
United States -- Economic conditions. -- 20th century
United States -- Politics and government. -- 20th century