Series 1: Writings, 1968-2009
This series contains Margo Glantz's manuscripts drafts of books and short fiction, critical essays and talks, and adaptations for theater, radio, and TV.
Three subseries arranged by genre: Subseries 1A: Books and Short Fiction, 1B: Critical Essays and Talks, and 1C: Adaptations for Theater, Radio, and TV.
Animal de dos semblantes, 2004
Apariciones, 1993-1996
Early draft, 1993
Later draft, 1996
"Cae", undated
"Se mira en el espejo", undated
"Ha aumentado la claridad", undated
"Las visiones", undated
"Mi único tormento", undated
"Anillos en los dedos", undated
"Boca arriba", undated
"La misma queja", undated
"Milagro de los milagros", undated
"La codicia de esa sed", undated
"La historia del retrato", undated
"Luna reciente", undated
"Tiene frío", undated
"Lleva el ritmo", undated
"Reglas de conducta", undated
"La templanza", undated
"Tus lecturas", undated
"Los lugares del corazón", undated
"Estás a cuatro patas", undated
"Usa una camisa blanca", undated
"Se desespera", undated
"Los ojos revelan un deseo", undated
"El velo negro", undated
"Un andar descuidado", undated
"Su falda es ancha y roja", undated
"Calla largo tiempo", undated
"Una pena sabrosa", undated
"El lecho de abrojos", undated
"La posición más natural", undated
"Adivinas su mirada", undated
"Estás en el bar con él...", undated
"Las sirenas del mundo", undated
"Una pared", undated
"Los lugares del corazón", undated
"El hilo de luz es tenue", undated
"Tiemblas", undated
"La sombra de su boca", undated
"Ya estás desnuda", undated
"Usa una camisa blanca", undated
"Los dedos índice y anular", undated
"La historia de la mujer", undated
"Su extraordinario natural", undated
"Estás a cuatro patas", undated
"¿Quién nombra?", undated
"Ella lo araña", undated
"Adivinas su mirada", undated
"Tu falda es de terciopelo", undated
"¿La has oído?", undated
"Reglas de conducta", undated
"Ella se comporta mal", undated
"Cierras los ojos", undated
"Tus lecturas", undated
"Las manos crispadas", undated
"Alzas los brazos", undated
"Lleva un pijama rojo", undated
"Las rosas blancas", undated
"Sus pantalones son azules", undated
"Una extraña figura", undated
"El lecho de abrojos", undated
"Calla largo tiempo", undated
"Milímetro a milímetro", undated
"Lecciones de ortopedia", undated
"No necesitan alimento", undated
"La hermosa de sus ojos", undated
"La aureola es rosada", undated
"Un descuido", undated
"Se quita los zapatos", undated
"El cuerpo enjuto", undated
"Los desacuerdos de la voz", undated
"Se desnuda el torso", undated
"El cuerpo mengua", undated
"Ha cambiado de figura", undated
"Mira de reojo", undated
"Las voces del claustro", undated
"La morada del pueblo", undated
"El velo negro", undated
"Con delicadeza", undated
"La templanza", undated
"Pecar de orgullo", undated
"La posición natural", undated
"La misma queja", undated
"Cierta cadencia", undated
"¡Bien de mi corazón!", undated
"El hilo de luz es tenue", undated
"Una conducta ejemplar", undated
"En el borde de la cama", undated
"Con las palmas abiertas", undated
"Un andar descuidado", undated
"Vestida como de costumbre", undated
"Las palabras sencillas", undated
"Anillos en los dedos", undated
"Una pena sabrosa", undated
"Te asombras", undated
"Sonríe", undated
"La revelación", undated
"Desmorece", undated
"La comida se sazona", undated
"Lloriqueas", undated
"Cae", undated
"Luna reciente", undated
"Se conduele de su pena", undated
"Un traje anodino, barato", undated
"Un largo escalofrío", undated
"Sabes bien quien es", undated
"Las visiones", undated
"Se mira en el espejo", undated
"Milagro de los milagros", undated
"Llleva el ritmo", undated
"Tiene reclinada la cabeza", undated
"Los ojos del cuerpo", undated
"Con sigilo", undated
"Boca arriba", undated
"La morada del pueblo", undated
"Su pantalones son azules", undated
"Vestido como de costumbre", undated
"Ella lo araña", undated
"Un largo escalofrío", undated
"Ella se comporta mal", undated
"Las rosas blancas", undated
"Las voces del claustro", undated
"Las palabras sencillas", undated
"Como perras", undated
"Se conduele de su pena", undated
"En el borde de la cama", undated
"¡Bien de mi corazón!", undated
"Los miras", undated
"Te asombras", undated
"Tiene reclinada la cabeza", undated
"Las manos crispadas", undated
"Alzas los brazos", undated
"Se desnuda el torso", undated
"Sonríe", undated
"Una extraña figura", undated
"El cuerpo enjuto", undated
"La comida se sazona", undated
"Milímetro a milímetro", undated
"El cuerpo mengua", undated
"La hermosa de sus ojos", undated
"La aureola es rosada", undated
"Desmorece", undated
"¿Cupido o arcángel?", undated
"Me quito los zapatos", undated
"Una pared", undated
"Un descuido", undated
"Una posición inverosímil", undated
"Como perras", undated
"Tu falda es de terciopelo", undated
"Lleva un pijama rojo", undated
"La revelación", undated
"Lecciones de ortopedia", undated
"Cierras los ojos", undated
"Un traje anodino, barato", undated
"Con las palmas abiertas", undated
"La historia de la mujer", undated
"Los miras", undated
"Sabes bien quien es", undated
"Los dedos índice y anular", undated
"¿Quién nombra?", undated
"¿Quisieras maquillarla?", undated
"Su falda es ancha y roja", undated
"La niña ha viajado", undated
"Los ojos revelan un deseo", undated
"Se desespera", undated
"Mi único tormento", undated
Draft index, undated
Apariçoes, 2002
Doscientas ballenas azules, 1979
Las genealogías, 1988
"Historia de un pleonasmo", undated
"Historia crónica", undated
"Historia sobrerrealista", undated
"Historia naturalista", undated
"Historia ecológica", undated
"Historia de buen gobierno", undated
"Historia de algunas serpientes que han transitado por la escritura sagrada o no.", undated
"Fabulillas dedicadas a Tito (alias el gusto) Monterroso, a Marcial y, sobre todo, a Gilou", undated
"Historia ginecológica, historia de algunas figuras retóricas e historia editorial", undated
"La lengua de las vacas", undated
"Historia de las hormigas, las lenguas de las vacas, historia de algunas serpientes", 1976 June 21
"Historia proverbial", undated
"Historia oncológica", undated
"Historia de una semejanza", undated
"Historia de cuaresma", undated
"Historia de pequeñeces", undated
"Historia modernista", undated
"Historia secreta", undated
"Historia de mausoleos", undated
"Historia miniada", undated
"Historia con sermón", undated
"Historia de un vaticinio", undated
"Historia musical", undated
"Historia de la acústica", undated
"Historia de un castigo", undated
"Historia con laureles", undated
"Historia sin fin", undated
"Historia híbrida", undated
"Historia de mutantes", undated
"Historia banal", undated
"Historia encubierta", undated
"Historia zoomórfica", undated
"Historia que da color", undated
"Fábula leonina", undated
"Historia de ovejas negras", undated
"Historia de circo", undated
"Historia ornitológica", undated
"Historia del Ave Roc", undated
"Historia geológica", undated
"Historia módica", undated
"Historia de brujería", undated
"Historia de mamíferos", undated
"Historia afrodisíaca", undated
"Historia ginecológica", undated
"Historia demoníaca", undated
"Historias de ballenas", undated
"Historia de una virgen", undated
"Historia de una mujer que pronunció un discurso el día que la eligieron senadora", undated
"Historia africana", undated
"Historia evangélica", undated
"Historia de milongas", undated
"Historia de metamorfosis", undated
"Historia pastoril", undated
"Historia caballeresca", undated
"Historia de Cenicienta", undated
"Historia inmortal", undated
"Historia gótica", undated
"Historia farmacéutica", undated
"Historia comestible", undated
"Historia cardiológica", undated
"Historia familiar", undated
"Historia imperial", undated
"Historia sin límites", undated
"Historia con perspectivas", undated
"Historia sísmica", undated
"Historia entomológica", undated
"Historia patria", undated
"Historia genética", undated
"Historia calisténica", undated
"Historia perifrástica", undated
"Historia sudamericana", undated
"Historia púdica", undated
"Historia de juventud", undated
"Historia de los cóndores", undated
"Historia de monjes", undated
"Historia clásica", undated
"Historia volátil", undated
"Testimonios", undated
"Historia voyeurista", undated
"Historia populista", undated
"Historia del arte", undated
"Historia diplomática", undated
"Historia náutica", undated
"Advertencia final", undated
Memoria leve, undated
No pronunciarás, 1981
El rastro, 2001
Saña, 2009
Síndrome de naufragios, 1975-1979
Calderón de la Barca, undated
"La segunda naturaleza", undated
"Los trasvestimientos", undated
"Alma y vulgo", undated
"Fieras afemina amor", undated
"Bataille y la imposibilidad", 1997
"Jean Franco", 1998 July 10
"Poesía y erotismo", 2002
"Juan Gelman", 2000 November
"El imposible ecumenismo", 2001
"Arcadio en la brega", 2009 May 7
"Carlos Monsiváis", 1987
"Santa, ¡otra vez!", 2003 January
"Carlos Monsiváis", 2007
"Homenaje a Pacheco", 2009 June 27
"El elogio más calificado", 1998
"El discurso y sus políticas", 1998
"El jeroglífico del sentimiento: la poesía amorosa de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz", 1998 November
"La relación entre el saber cotidiano y el saber científico en la disputa de los sexos", 2002
"Quiroga sigue ejerciendo una gran fascinación en la literatura hispanoamericana...", undated
"Notas a esta antología", undated
"Cronología", undated
"Borrador", 1986-1988
"La autonomía universitaria", 2004
"Variaciones en torno a Japón", 2006
"Los de abajo", 1976 July 25
"Martín Garatuza", 1976 June 7
"Astucia de Luis G. Inclán", undated
"La hija del judío", 1976 May 10
Series 2: Correspondence, 1956-2008
This series consists of Glantz's correspondence with friends, scholars, and writers . Mostly Spanish, with some English and French.
Arranged alphabetically.
Abn-Alv (General), undated
Ame-Arr (General), undated
Asc-Azu (General), undated
Agosín, Marjorie, 1979-2002
Araújo, Helena, 1969-1987
Araújo, Helena, 1988-1995
Bal-Baron (General), undated
Baron (General), undated
Barr-Bas (General), undated
Bat-Bol (General), undated
Bra-Bus (General), undated
Brintrup, Lilianet, 1980-1984
Buitrago, Fanny, 1981 April 20
Cab-Car (General), undated
Cas-Con (General), undated
Cor-Cos (General), undated
Cot-Cyp (General), undated
Campodónico, Miguel Ángel, 1981-1983
Campos, Julieta, 1972-1986
Dag-Dur (General), undated
Ede-Ezc (General), undated
Eltit, Diamela, 1994-1995
Faf-Flo (General), undated
For-Fue (General), undated
Ful-Fut (General), undated
Fauchereau, Serge, 1986-1987
Ferré, Rosario, 1984, 1986
Fonseca, Rubem, 1981-1983
Gai-Garcia (General), undated
Gari-Gos (General), undated
Goutman (General), 1962-1976
Goutman (General), 1976-1987
Gra-Gut (General), undated
Guy (General), undated
Gambaro, Griselda, 1978-1982
Goldemberg, Isaac, 1982-1985
Gorodischer, Angélica, 1981-1996
Hai-Her (General), undated
Hic-Huf (General), undated
Hwa (General), 1974-1975
Hwa (General), 1975-1979
Hwa (General), 1980-1993
Henao, Raúl, 1981-1982
Henao, Raúl, 1983-1984
I (General), undated
J (General), undated
Kad-Kat (General), undated
Kin-Kra (General), undated
Kozer, José, 1983-2002
Lag-Lav (General), undated
Lea-Ley (General), undated
Lib-Lug (General), undated
Libertella, Héctor, 1985-1990
Lihn, Enrique, 1983
Mac-Mat (General), undated
McC-Mey (General), undated
Mig-Mon (General), undated
Mor-Mue (General), undated
Mue-Mye (General), undated
Medeiros, Paulina, 1980-1981
Mercado, Tununa, 1986-1996
Miranda, Julio, 1981-1992
Molina, Enrique, 1983
Monsiváis, Carlos, 1970
Moura, Beatriz de, 1980-1987
Naj-New (General), undated
Nic-Nue (General), undated
Obr-Ort (General), undated
Ote-Oya (General), undated
Orphée, Elvira, 1979-1981
Pac-Ped (General), undated
Pel-Pérez (General), undated
Peri-Pick (General), undated
Picon (General), undated
Picon-Pil (General), undated
Pin-Pup (General), undated
Pacheco, José Emilio, 1979-1986
Paso, Fernando del, 1971-1981
Perera, Víctor, 1983
Piñón, Nélida, 1981-1982
Pitol, Sergio, 1982-1983 August
Pitol, Sergio, 1984
Pitol, Sergio, 1985 January-August
Pitol, Sergio, 1985 September-1986
Pitol, Sergio, 1987-1993
Poniatowska, Elena, 1987 August 4
Porzekanski, Teresa, 1980-1982
Q (General), undated
Ram (General), undated
Ram-Ric (General), undated
Rig-Ros (General), undated
Row-Rus (General), undated
Rama, Ángel, 1978-1983
Sabat (General), undated
Sab-San (General), undated
Sap-She (General), undated
Sic-Sne (General), undated
Sol-Sos (General), undated
Sot-Ste (General), undated
Sto-Szy (General), undated
Seligson, Esther, 1982-1996
Soriano, Juan, 1978, 1988
Tam-Tay (General), undated
Thi-Tor (General), undated
Tov-Tus (General), undated
Uns-Vaz (General), undated
Ver-Vyd (General), undated
Valdivieso, Mercedes, 1979-1986
Valdivieso, Mercedes, 1987-1996
Valenzuela, Luisa, 1979-1996
Vicuña, Cecilia, 1982, 1988
Wat-Zav (General), undated
Zaid, Gabriel, 1977-1998
This series contains audiovisual recordings of Glantz's interviews and appearances on radio and television.
Three subseries arranged by type of material: Subseries 3A: Audiocassettes, 3B: Compact Discs and DVDs, and 3C: Videotapes. Material is organized chronologically within each subseries.
- Scope and Contents
The collection contains typed manuscript drafts with author corrections of several of her major works: Las mil y una calorías, No pronunciarás, Doscientas ballenas azules, Las genealogías, Síndrome de naufragios, De la amorosa inclinación a enredarse en cabellos, Apariciones, and Saña. Typed manuscript drafts of short stories, critical essays and talks, and theatrical, radio, and TV adaptations of La hija del Judío also appear in the collection. Correspondence consists of letters from friends, scholars, and Latin American writers, including Angélica Gorodischer, José Kozer, Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas, Sergio Pitol, Mercedes Valdivieso, and Luisa Valenzuela. The collection also includes audiovisual material about Glantz and about numerous writers and intellectuals (mostly Mexican), such as audiocassette, CD, DVD, and VHS recordings of Glantz's interviews and TV and radio appearances.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Glantz, Margo
Margo Glantz is a Mexican novelist, essayist, and literary scholar. She was born in Mexico City on January 28, 1930, to Jacobo Glantz and Elizabeth Shapiro, Jewish immigrants from the Ukraine. She earned a Masters in Modern Letters at UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) in 1953, and completed a doctorate in Hispanic Literature at the Sorbonne. After her return to Mexico, she joined the UNAM faculty in 1959, where she spent most of her career. She taught for four years at Montclair State University (1970-1974) and was appointed the Mexican Cultural Attaché in London (1986-1988). From 1982 to 1983, she served as the Director of Publications and Libraries in the Mexican Department of Education and as the Director of Literature at the National Institute of Fine Arts (Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes) from 1983 to 1986. Her literary criticism brought international attention to the poetry of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Her most well-known work, Las genealogías (1981), explores her family history, beginning in early twentieth-century Ukraine and culminating in Mexico in the 1980s.
- Acquisition:
Purchased from Margo Glantz in January 2010 (AM 2010-79).
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Alyssa Meyers in 2010. Finding aid written by Alyssa Meyers in 2010.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Margo Glantz Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-24
- Subject Terms:
- Jewish authors -- Latin America.
Latin American literature. -- 20th century
Mexican essays. -- 20th century
Mexican fiction. -- 20th century
Mexican literature -- Criticism and interpretation. -- 20th century
Women novelists, Mexican -- 20th century -- Manuscripts.
Women novelists, Mexican. -- 20th century -- Correspondence - Genre Terms:
- Audiocassettes. -- 20th century
Compact discs. -- 20th century
Correspondence -- 20th century
Interviews. -- 20th century
Manuscripts, Spanish -- 20th century
Videotapes--20th century. - Names:
- Gorodischer, Angélica
Kozer, José
Masoliver Ródenas, Juan Antonio (1939)
Pitol, Sergio (1933-2018)
de la Cruz, Juana Inéz, Sor (1651-1695)
Valdivieso, Mercedes
Valenzuela, Luisa (1938) - Places:
- Mexico -- Intellectual life. -- 20th century