Consists of the novels, short stories, poetry, articles, notes, photographs, post cards, clippings, recipes, maps, architectural plans and more related to John Peale Bishop.
This series is arranged into twenty-two subseries: Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, Drama, Articles, Book Reviews, Anthologies and Projects, Notes, Genealogical Material, Juvenilia, Ornithological Writings and Drawings, Photographs, Post Cards, Recipes, Miscellaneous, Clippings, Maps, Obituaries, Reviews of Bishop, Others' Work, Bibliographical Data, and Architectural Plans for the Bishop House.
Characters, AMs, dates not examined
2 TMss, fragment, dates not examined
TMs, outline, dates not examined
3 TMss, fragment, dates not examined
The Exiled Duke: TMs, outlines; 2 TMss, outline fragments; TMs, fragment, dates not examined
TMs, fragment, dates not examined
TMs, fragment, dates not examined
To Helen, TMs, dates not examined
The Dream, TMs, dates not examined
Class Poem, TMs, dates not examined
The Hours, TMs, dates not examined
Portrait for a Background of Flat Gold (A Brighter Lady), 2 TMss 1914 August 2 TMss, 1914 August
Apparition, TMs, dates not examined
Mushrooms, TMs, dates not examined
Sonnet, TMs, dates not examined
Losses, TMs, dates not examined
Faustina, TMs, dates not examined
The Island ( The Castaway ): 3 TMss, draft; 4 TMss, fragment; AMs, fragment, dates not examined
Parallel: TMs; 2 TMss, carbon; 3 TMss, draft; 5 TMss, fragment; AMs, fragment, dates not examined
"These green pines arrived like sailors dripping mist," 2 TMss, fragment, dates not examined
Authority, TMs, dates not examined
The Return, TMs, dates not examined
Ode, TMs, draft, dates not examined
The Return, TMsS, dates not examined
Poem, TMs, dates not examined
The Mothers, TMs, dates not examined
Art, TMs, dates not examined
The Saints, TMs, dates not examined
A Frieze, TMs, dates not examined
Radio City, TMs, dates not examined
The Date, TMs, dates not examined
AN, unidentified, dates not examined
2 sketches, dates not examined
In a Cab, TMs, dates not examined
Song, TMs, dates not examined
The Statues, TMs, dates not examined
The Date, TMs, dates not examined
The Promise, TMs, dates not examined
Baroque, TMs, dates not examined
Narcissus, TMs, dates not examined
Art, TMs, dates not examined
1914 August, TMsS, 1914 August
To a Critic, TMs, dates not examined
Occupation of a City: TMs with comments by Allen Tate; 4 TMss, fragment, dates not examined
Chainpoems and Surrealism, 1940 TMs, carbon ( New Directions in Prose and Poetry, 1940), 1940, 1940
Diction, TMs, dates not examined
Obscurity, TMs, dates not examined
Diction, TMs, dates not examined
Obscurity, TMs, dates not examined
TMss, fragment, 6 pp., "If we are witnessing the end of bourgeois culture", dates not examined
Finnegan's Wake, TMs with note and corrections by Allen Tate (The Southern Review, ), 1940 Winter
Newport and the Robber Baronesses: TMss, fragment, 11 pp.; TMs, outline, dates not examined
West Virginia: TMs, prospectus, draft; TMsS, prospectus; TMs, prospectus, dates not examined
The Poetry of A. E. Housman: TMs, fragment; 3 TMss, outline; 3 AMss, notes, dates not examined
The Passion of Pablo Picasso: TMs, notes; AMs, corrections; TMs, carbon, dates not examined
Picasso: A Divagation, TMs, 1932
Picasso: A Divagation/The Passion of Pablo Picasso, TMss, fragment, 34 pp., dates not examined
Literature and the Myth (Myth and Modern Literature), TMss, fragment, 15 pp., dates not examined
The Hamlet of L. MacNeice, TMs, carbon. On Autumn Journal, by Louis MacNeice, dates not examined
A Catholic Poet, TMs, draft. On Weep and Prepare, by Raymond E. F. Larrson, dates not examined
Final Dreading, 2 TMss, carbon. On The Assassins, by Frederic Prokosch (Poetry), dates not examined
An Unconstraining Voice, TMss, fragment, 12 pp. On Another Time, by W. H. Auden, dates not examined
TMss, fragment, 21 pp., and 3 AMss, notes, on Cantons LII-LXXI, by Ezra Pound, dates not examined
Points to be Verified, 4 TMss with questions on translation, editorial notes, dates not examined
Review of American Harvest, by Percy H. Boynton, clipping from The New York Post, 1942 December 2
"In the Sleeper," from "Of Time and the River," by Thomas Wolfe; TMs, carbon, dates not examined
"El Rey Borborigmi," by Conrad Aiken, tr. Angel Flores y Leon-Felipe; TMs, dates not examined
"Astra Castra," by Emily Dickinson, TMs; "Astra Castra," tr. Santiago, TMs, dates not examined
"Mending Wall," by Robert Frost, TMs; "Pared a Refaccionar," tr. Santiago, TMs, dates not examined
"Conquistador," by Archibald MacLeish, tr. Francisco Aguilera; TMs, carbon, dates not examined
"Blue Girls," by John Crowe Ransom, TMs; "Ninas Azules," tr. Angel Flores, TMs, dates not examined
Advertising, AMs, dates not examined
TMss, 4 pp., character descriptions: the Putnams, the Herseys, Dr. Coffin, dates not examined
TMss, 6 pp., of information on the Bishops, Lords, Smiths, Cochrans, etc., dates not examined
Check List, Winter, Cape Cod, 1936 November 15-December 15, TMs, 1936 November 15-December 15
Check List, Cape Cod, 1936 December 15-1937 January 15, TMs, 1936 December 15-1937 January 15
1937 Cape List, AMs, 1937
1938 - New Birds Cape Cod, AMs, 1938
Time Table of Birds About Boston, published by the Boston Society of Natural History, 1936 February
"For a Bird Sanctuary," reprint from the Bulletin of the Mass. Audubon Society, dates not examined
"First Principles of Bird Protection," pamphlet of the Mass. Audubon Society, dates not examined
Price List of Publications on Birds, New England Museum of Natural History, dates not examined
"Know Your Hawks," printed by the National Association of Audubon Societies, dates not examined
Drawing: Ruddy Turnstone, Young, Adult; Piping Plover; Wilson's Plover. All ½, dates not examined
Drawing: Upland Plover, Willer, Western Willer, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Willer, dates not examined
Drawing, Ruddy Duck: Male, Nuptial Plumage; Winter Plumage, Female; Male, dates not examined
Drawing, Canvasback Duck (Male and Female), Redheaded Duck (Male and Female), dates not examined
Drawing: American Golden Eye, Male and Female; Barrow's Golden Eye, Male, dates not examined
Pate a Pate, AMs, dates not examined
Gnocchi, TMs, dates not examined
How to Make a Perfect Pie Crust, from N.Y. Herald-Tribune Home Institute, dates not examined
Where To Buy Decorative Coffeemaker, from N.Y. Herald-Tribune Home Institute, dates not examined
"The Banquet," by Malcolm Cowley in The New Republic, 1942 October 19 2 copies, 1942 October 19
10 poems, TMssS, dates not examined
2 sketches, dates not examined
watercolor, dates not examined
6 pieces, dates not examined
5 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
2 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
2 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
2 pieces, dates not examined
2 pieces, dates not examined
3 pieces, dates not examined
5 pieces, dates not examined
Related Correspondence: ALS and TL (17) to William McKnight Bowman from Mrs. Bishop, 1936-1941
Related Documents, 1937-1941
Consists of correspondence with individuals such as Sherwood Anderson, e. e. Cummings, William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Marianne Moore, Katherine Anne Porter, and Edmund Wilson, as well as others.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Aiken, Conrad. 1L to JPB, 1940
A (General), 1927-1943
Abbott, C. D. 1L to JPB, 1937
Adams, Leonie. 1L to JPB, undated
Aley, Maxwell. 1L to JPB, 1942
Aragon, Louis. 2L to JPB, undated
Atkinson, Ruth A. 1L to JPB, 1935
Auden, W. H. 1L to JPB, 1941
Bishop, Jonathan, 1971-2008
Folder #3, 1934-1947
Benet, Mrs. Stephen V. 1L, 1944
Benet, William Rose. 1L, 1944
Cummings, E. E. 1L, 1944
Cummings, Marion. 1L, undated
Donahoe, Edward. 2L, 1944
Dos Passos, John. 1L, 1944
Fitts, Dudley. 1L, 1944
Hemingway, Mrs. Merrit. 1L, 1944
Internal Revenue Service. 1L, 1934
Lindsley, Lorna. 1L, 1944
McCarthy, Francis. 1L, 1944
MacLeish, Archibald. 2L, 1943, 1944
Mizener, Arthur. 3L, 1947
Mosher, J. S. 1L, 1944
Pate, Maurice. 1L, 1944
Poore, Dudley. 1L, 1944
Porter, Katherine Anne. 1L, 1944
Rackermann, Francis M. 1L, 1944
Rorty, James. 1L, 1944
Slock, Elfie B. 1L, 1947
Stallman, R. W. 1L, 1947
Wahl, Jean. 1L, 1944
Wescott, Glenway. 1 telegram, 1944
Wheeler, Monroe. 1 telegram, 1944
Wight, Frederick S. 1L, 1944
Wilson, Edmund. 2L, 1944-1947
Wolf, Max. 1L, 1943
Young, Stark. 1L, 1944
B (General), 1917-1943
Barr, Stringfellow ("Virginia Quarterly Review"). 1L from JPB, 1933; 2L to JPB, 1933, 1933, 1933
Basford, Emory S. 1L to JPB, 1943
Bayly, Charlie. 1L to JPB, 1928
Beatie, C. R. 3L to JPB, 1933-1934
Bell, Clive. 2L to JPB, 1929-1931
Benet, Wm. R. 1L to JPB, 1917
Bogan, Louise. 1L to JPB, 1934
Brashear, Elmer. 1L from JPB, 1941
Brennan, T. 1L to JPB, 1942
Brooks, Van Wyck. 2L to JPB, 1940
Bynner, Witter. 1L to JPB, 1936
Englekirk, John E. 7L to JPB, 1943
Loth, David. 1L to JPB, 1943
"Notas Para Una Autobiografia, TMs, 9 pp., a brief autobiography of Carrera, dates not examined
C (General), 1922-1947
Caldwell, Erskine. 1L to JPB, 1939
Cazilhac, E. 1L to JPB, 1928
Chambrun, Jacques. 1L to JPB, 1934
Colwell, K. G. 2L to JPB, 1922
Coward, McCann, dates not examined
Cunard, Nancy. 1L to JPB, undated
D (General), 1931-1943
E (General), 1929-1943
Faulkner, William. 1L to JPB, 1932
F (General), 1922-1944
Fleming, Berry. 1L to JPB, 1935
Fletcher, John G. 1L to JPB, undated
Flores, Angel. 1L to JPB, 1944
Fowler, Ludlow S. 1L to JPB, 1935
"Furioso.", dates not examined
Goll, Ivan, 1942-1943
Tearsheets, dates not examined
"Chansons de France," by Ivan Goll, cover drawing by Fernand Leger; 2 copies, dates not examined
G (General), 1922-1944
Gauss, Christian. 1L to JPB, 1939
Gierasch, Walter. 1L to JPB, 1943
Ginn and Company. 2L to JPB, 1940
Gouin, A. 1L to JPB, 1933
Gregory, Horace. 1L to JPB, 1933
Griscom, Ludlow. 1L to JPB, 1936
Hemingway, Ernest. 1L to JPB, 1937
H (General), 1924-1943
Hale, Nancy. 1L to JPB, 1937
Harper, Ray. 1L to JPB, 1937
"Harper's.", dates not examined
Hays, H. R. 1L to JPB, 1942
Herald Tribune. 1L from JPB, 1939
Holland, Kenneth. 2L to JPB, 1942
Huffman, G. R. 1L to JPB, 1927
Humphries, Rolfe (League of American Writers). 6L to JPB; also typed poems, translations, 1934-1943
Hutchins, Fannie C. 1L to JPB, 1931
Hutchins to Harriet Orbison Hutchins, undated; 1L to R. G. Hutchins from his mother (?), undated
I (General), 1916
Ingli, S. 1L to JPB, 1916
J (General), 1933-1943
K (General), 1925-1942
L (General), 1916-1943
Lafitte, M. 2L to JPB, 1919-1923
Latham, H. L. 1L to JPB, 1942
Lee, Muna. 1L from JPB, 1942
Leon, Rulux. 1L to JPB, 1942
Levinson, Samuel. 1L to JPB, 1942
de l'Horwe. 1L to JPB, 1919
Library of Congress. 1L to JPB, 1943; also certificate of appointment to a Library Fellowship, 1943
Lion & Crown. 1L to JPB, 1933
Lutz, Adam. 2L to JPB, 1933
Lyle, David. 3L to JPB, 1940
Masefield, John. 2L to JPB, undated
Moore, Marianne. 4L to JPB, 1943
Folder #1. 3L go JPB, 1927-1931
Folder #2. 70L, 4T to Margaret Bishop Myers concerning the death of her mother, dates not examined
M (General), 1918-1943
MacArthur, Charles. 4T to JPB, 1931
Mackie, Paul T. 1L to JPB, 1935
"The Magazine." 1L to JPB, 1933
Marlt, Thomas. 1L to JPB, 1937
Marvin, A. D. A. 1L to JPB, 1936
"Mesures.", dates not examined
Middlesex School (Frederic Wolsey Pratt). 2L from JPB, 1941, 1942; 1L to JPB, 1941, 1941, 1942, 1941
Mizener, Arthur. 1L to JPB, 1940
Moore, Nicholas. 2L to JPB., 1943
Morse, Richard M. 1L to JPB, 1941
Martin, Townsend. 2L to JPB, 1918
Myers, Alice Lee. 1L to JPB, 1939
N (General), 1921-1944
O (General), 1932-1942
Porter, Katherine Anne. 2L from JPB, 1941, 1942; 3L to JPB, 1941 1 undated, 1941, 1942, 1941
P (General), 1918-1943
Paris, Marc. 1L to JPB, 1934
Pearson, Thomas. 1L to JPB, 1933
Phi Beta Kappa. 3L to JPB, 1942-1943
Plsulick, Elia. 1L to JPB, undated
"Poetry." 2L to JPB, 1933, 1943
Prokosch, G. 1L to JPB, undated
Proskauer, Joseph. 1L to JPB, 1943
Ransom, John Crowe ("The Kenyon Review"). 2L from JPB, 1941; 4L to JPB 1 undated, 1941, 1940-1941
Rees, Richard. 1L to JPB, 1933
Reynolds, Jimmy. 1L to JPB, undated
Richardson, Juliet. 1L to JPB, 1936
Rorty, James. 4L to JPB, 1943-1944
Rutledge, Archibald, 1913 July 26
Ryan, Kay. 2L to JPB, undated
Ryan, Louise. 1L to JPB, 1936
Stevens, Wallace. 3L to JPB, 1943
S (General), 1922-1944
Seldes, Gilbert. 3L to JPB, undated
Solano, Solita. 1L to JPB, 1922
Stanley, Reginald A. 1L to JPB, 1933
Steese, Edward. 1L to JPB, 1942
Steloff, Frances. 1L to JPB, 1939
Stolper, B. J. R. 2L to JPB, 1942
Story, dates not examined
Strauss, Claude. 1L to JPB, 1943
Swing, Raymond. 2L to JPB, 1944
Tate, Allen, 1929-1945
Folder #1, 1929-1935
Folder #2, 1936-1944
2L from JBP; 90L to JPB, 1936-1944
1L to Frank Mullen, 1942
1L to JPB from Monroe Wheeler, 1943
T (General), 1931-1942
U (General), 1942
V (General), 1920-1942
Van Doren, Mark. 1L from JPB, 1942
Vanity Fair. 5L to JPB, 1920-1927
Van Vechten, Carl. 1L to JPB, 1941
Vice Versa, dates not examined
View, dates not examined
W (General), 1922-1943
Wahl, Jean. 1L to JPB, undated
Wallace, S. J. 1L from JPB, 1942
Walsh, Donald. 1L to JPB, 1942
Weekes, E. J. 1L to JPB, 1936
Wilkening, C. C. 1L to JPB, 1934
Wolf, Max. 1L to JPB, 1942
Wolfers, Arnold. 2L to JPB, 1940
Worth, Kathryn. 1L to JPB, 1935
Y (General), 1913-1934
Z (General), 1912-1941
Official Correspondence, 1941-1943
Unidentified, dates not examined
Consists primarily of bills, income tax data, and book contracts.
Arranged by genre of material.
1912, 1917, 1912, 1917
1919, 1919
1922, 1922
1923, 1923
1925, 1925
1928, 1928
1929, 1929
1930, 1930
1931, 1931
1932, 1932
1933, 1933
1934, 1934
1935, 1935
1936, 1936
1937, 1937
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
undated, undated
1937, 1937
1938, 1938
1939, 1939
1940, 1940
1941, 1941
1942, 1942
1943, 1943
1944, 1944
1934, 1940, 1945, 1934, 1940, 1945
Consists of periodicals by or about Bishop.
Arranged alphabetically by publication.
Adelphi, 1933 May
Decision, 1941 March
Fantasy, 1937
1944 Autumn, 1944 Autumn
1945 Winter, 1945 Winter
1945 Spring, 1945 Spring
1946 Winter, 1946 Winter
1935 July, 1935 July
1936 Winter, 1936 Winter
1937 Autumn, 1937 Autumn
1938 Summer, 1938 Summer
1940 Winter, 1940 Winter
1941 Summer, 1941 Summer
Tchelitchew, Pavel. Metamorphoses. Exhibition at Julien Levy Gallery, New York, 1942 April 21-May 18
Vice Versa, 1942 January
1933 April, 1933 April
1935 April, 1935 April
1936 July, 1936 July
1937 Winter, 1937 Winter
1938 Summer, 1938 Summer
- Scope and Contents
The collection consists of manuscripts, correspondence, documents, drawings, printed materials, and memorabilia of Bishop (Princeton Class of 1917). The collection includes manuscripts of 4 novels, including Act of Darkness and Many Thousands Gone; 26 short stories; about 950 poems; 6 plays; and various anthologies, articles, and book reviews. In addition, there are checklists--spanning many years--of birds Bishop noted seeing, as well as 15 folders of his colored pencil drawings of birds, mostly ducks. There are also architectural drawings for Bishop's house in South Chatham, Mass. Correspondents in the collection include E.E. Cummings, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Archibald MacLeish, Ezra Pound, and Edmund Wilson. Also included is a manuscript of The Hours, and a carbon copy typescript of Selected Poems (120 pp.).
- Collection Creator Biography:
John Peale Bishop was a noted author, poet, and editor. Born in 1892 in Charles Town, West Virginia, Bishop entered Princeton University in 1913, where he edited the Nassau Literary Magazine. Upon graduation in 1917, he published his first volume of poetry, but his literary career was put on hold when he was commissioned in the United States Infantry during World War I. He returned to the United States in 1920 and joined the staff of Vanity Fair, where he later became managing editor. He began publishing his own poetry but met very little success, so he moved to a small town in France with his new wife. However, the European literary scene was similarly unreceptive to Bishop's work, and he returned to the United States a few years later. Among his most known works are Many Thousands Gone, Now with His Love, Minute Particulars, Act of Darkness, and The Hours, an elegy for his dear friend, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
- Acquisition:
Class of 1917 Collection: Gift of: Landon T. Raymond, Princeton Class of 1917, in 1973 .
Postcard to Cecil D. Eby, Sr.: Gift of: Cecil D. Eby, Jr., on March 12, 1998 .
Posthumous correspondence related to Bishop's Collected Poems on August 16, 2010 .
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Barbara McElroy '81 in 1980. Finding aid written by Barbara McElroy '81 in 1980.
Biography written by Jessica Marati, '08.
In 2022, restrictions on an Ernest Hemingway letter where researchers were required to use surrogates were lifted as part of a restrictions review project.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
John Peale Bishop Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-26