Graduate Degrees Earned, 1900-1909
Consists of academic files.
Arranged by the year that the degree was earned, and alphabetically by student's last name within each year.
Brown, John Hart, 1900
Diehl, Charles E., 1900
Dobson, Roy Calvin, 1900
Evans, Silas, 1900
Jones, T. Catesby, 1900
Lewis, Robert Lee, 1900
McDermott, Herbert, 1900
Pringle, Alexander, 1900
Webster, Richard, 1900
Case, Charles A., 1901
Euwer, Norman L., 1901
Griffith, Hugh W., 1901
Horn, William, 1901
Nevin, James, 1901
Preston, John F., 1901
Sakamoto, Tusutoma, 1901
Smith, Oscar N., 1901
Vail, Harry B., 1901
Wyatt, Harvey L., 1901
Aoki, Chojuro, 1902
Brewer, Wesley C., 1902
Cochran, Peyton, 1902
Culp, Cordie Jacob, 1902
Dodd, Albert B., 1902
Doeltz, Paul, 1902
Doltz, Paul, 1902
Ferrell, Dudley S., 1902
Frank, Adam G., 1902
Hare, David Henry, 1902
Leetch, Robert G., 1902
McDowell, Samuel, 1902
Paist, Benjamin F., 1902
Phillips, Walter, 1902
Rath, Charles E., 1902
Smith, Charles J., 1902
Thompson, David A., 1902
Urban, Leigh R., 1902
Bowlby, Harry L., 1903
Glassmeyer, Edward, 1903
Isett, William C., 1903
McBath, Walker E., 1903
Murray, Walter Rue, 1903
Odell, Edward A., 1903
Phillips, Cecil, 1903
Pierce, Robinson, 1903
Prentice, Ezra P., 1903
Scott, George T., 1903
Smith, Alexander, 1903
Thomas, John Roger, 1903
Verkuyl, Gerrit, 1903
Blair, Herbert E., 1904
Brooks, William E., 1904
Brown, Hugh, 1904
Browne, David, 1904
Cox, Leander J., 1904
Crane, Jasper E., 1904
Grigg, Albert W., 1904
Gross, Albert, 1904
Hammond, Edward F., 1904
Hattori, Bunshiro, 1904
Hickok, Ralph K., 1904
Johnston, Henry A., 1904
Kerr, Howard Ickis, 1904
Kerr, William C., 1904
McClenaghan, Harry, 1904
Morgan, Thomas, 1904
Morrell, James D., 1904
Osbourn, Samuel E., 1904
Peale, John Rogers, 1904
Pires, Emanuel C., 1904
Poor, John M., 1904
Ricker, Thad Weed, 1904
Spear, James, Jr., 1904
Angus, Samuel, 1905
Barnes, Edward D., 1905
Bethel, Martin L., 1905
Bissell, Louis G., 1905
Boyd, James Oscar, 1905
Chapin, Dwight C., 1905
Cleeland, Earl C., 1905
Coyle, Thomas, 1905
Crawford, Jack R., 1905
Daniel, Leroy L., 1905
Eagleson, Edwin L., 1905
Edwards, Dwight W., 1905
Harrison, Bert B., 1905
Kane, John Francis, 1905
Knox, Robert, 1905
Makino, Magotaro, 1905
Morrill, Guy Louis, 1904
Patterson, Karl B., 1905
Rinker, Richard A., 1905
Russell, Andrew, 1905
Simpson, Herbert, 1905
Steen, John Ewing, 1905
Stratton, Paul, 1905
Thomas, Daniel L., 1905
Thompson, Wade H., 1905
Walker, Olney K., 1905
Ward, Clarence, 1905
Wilcox, Herbert A., 1905
Wilson, Alfred Lee, 1905
Conwell, George M., 1906
Davies, Howell D., 1906
Dodd, Samuel Ward, 1906
Eames, Charles M., 1906
Ferry, Ebenezer T., 1906
Finney, John Clark, 1906
Forsythe, John, 1906
George, William H., 1906
Gill, John Lewis, 1906
Irwin, Watson, 1906
Jackson, David E., 1906
Lamme, Charles, 1906
Lategan, Daniel, 1906
Lee, Theron, 1906
Linton, Josiah M., 1906
Martin, John L., 1906
McLeod, William C., 1906
Moore, Lynford L., 1906
Nakagawa, Taketaro, 1906
Robinson, Thomas, 1906
Rue, John D., 1906
Seki, Wachi, 1906
Senouye, Hironari, 1906
Stemple, Wade H., 1906
Stern, Nathan, 1906
Wright, John, 1906
Aull, Wilson, 1907
Barrows, Walter L., 1907
Bean, James W., 1907
Beatty, Frank E., 1907
Betts, Albert D., 1907
Bunn, Benjamin F., 1907
Cook, William A., 1907
Davis, Olin, 1907
Freeman, Robert G., 1907
Hamblen, Albert A., 1907
Hiromasa, Kosuke, 1907
Hodgson, John, 1907
Iles, Ivory Victor, 1907
Kane, George, Jr., 1907
Leiper, Macon A., 1907
Morse, Anson Ely, 1907
Nakamura, Kichizo, 1907
Nelson, John, 1907
Pratt, Charles H., 1907
Smith, Walter E., 1907
Snyder, Lloyd H., 1907
Thompson, Le Roy, 1907
Vail, William Penn, 1907
Whallon, Albert K., 1907
Atwood, John Baird, 1908
Brown, Fay Cliff, 1908
Camp, William Hoke, 1908
Carton, Alfred T., 1908
Connor, Francis A., 1908
Davis, Claude K., 1908
DuBois, Henry P., 1908
Duschak, Lionel H., 1908
Elsing, Warren, 1908
Finney, Samuel Guy, 1908
Gorecki, Thaddeus, 1908
Green, Joseph C., 1908
Harris, Henry, 1908
Ilsley, Leroy C., 1908
Kleven, Nils, 1908
Lewis, John W., 1908
Lynn, William McG., 1908
Midkiff, Harry P., 1908
Moore, Samuel, 1908
Norton, Philander, 1908
O'Connor, John B., 1908
Power, Robert, 1908
Rice, Claton Silas, 1908
Rowan, Thomas, 1908
Shafer, Glenn M., 1908
Steffens, Jacob J., 1908
Thomas, John Gregg, 1908
Wakimoto, Motojiro, 1908
Yano, Isaburo, 1908
Yatsu, Zenjiro, 1908
Cary, Lewis R., 1909
Chapin, Roy Vinet, 1909
Cleland, John S., 1909
Daniel, Zaccheus, 1909
Davies, Joseph J., 1909
Davis, Asahel Judd, 1909
Ewing, Nathaniel, 1909
Ferry, Asa J.H., 1909
Field, Lloyd B., 1909
Gilmore, James, 1909
Haile, Charles H., 1909
Halsey, Jesse, 1909
Hansel, Ernest, 1909
Hashimoto, Ryozo, 1909
Hayman, Herbert H., 1909
Hulbirt, Edwin Ray, 1909
Kway, Zung Ziang, 1909
Leeper, William F., 1909
Lord, Frank Howard, 1909
Mackie, Alexander, 1909
McCleary, Boyd, 1909
Orr, John, 1909
Overholt, John D., 1909
Takahashi, Ryozo, 1909
Walter, Howard A., 1909
Weld, William E., 1909
West, James R., 1909
Graduate Degrees Earned, 1910-1919
Consists of academic files.
Arranged by the year that the degree was earned, and alphabetically by student's last name within each year.
Beam, John Cooke, 1910
Billheimer, Albert, 1910
Chase, John W., 1910
Clark, Clifford P., 1910
Coulson, Robert E., 1910
Finck, Edgar M., 1910
Goodell, Percy B., 1910
Holt, Olen S., 1910
Hoyt, Ray S., 1910
Keeney, Orel Pope, 1910
McMartin, David, 1910
McNeill, Frederick, 1910
McQuade, Arthur, 1910
Meseroll, J. Homer, 1910
Muller, Hugo A., 1910
Otsu, Teru, 1910
Pomeroy, John C., 1910
Read, Conyers, 1910
Reid, Hollace M., 1910
Reynolds, Hewitt, 1910
Rhee, Syngman, 1910
Rice, Ward B.S., 1910
Rogers, William F., 1910
Scull, John Irwin, 1910
Small, Charles R., 1910
Smith, Charles A., 1910
Spaeth, Sigmund, 1910
Sterrett, John A., 1910
Stout, Selatie E., 1910
Thomas, Isaac, 1910
Thompson, James M., 1910
Vale, Roy E., 1910
VanDyke, Frank, 1910
VanStrien, David, 1910
Ver Straate, John, 1910
Walker, Raymond C., 1910
Barnum, Harry H., 1911
Bell, Howard J., 1911
Benbow, Earl W., 1911
Berry, Allan H., 1911
Boyle, David H.M., 1911
Braskamp, Bernard, 1911
Browne, Fred Z., 1911
Burr, Hugh C., 1911
Carver, Wallace H., 1911
Connell, John, 1911
Crenshaw, James L., 1911
Dale, Julian K., 1911
Ditto, Raymond C., 1911
Elder, Frank Ray, 1911
Evans, David R., 1911
Eves, William, II, 1911
Freese, Ambrose, 1911
Giles, Henry E., 1911
Grauer, Albert L., 1911
Higginbottom, Sam, 1911
Huffman, Frank H., 1911
Hyde, James Lewers, 1911
Joy, Alfred H., 1911
Kerr, Edgar Davis, 1911
Kimball, Paul, 1911
Kishinami, Tsunezo, 1911
Kubo, Tetsu, 1911
Layman, George A., 1911
Leishman, William, 1911
Matter, Milton, 1911
Northwood, Arthur, 1911
Rankin, Donald, 1911
Richards, Aute, 1911
Roche, Charles E., 1911
Roche, Robert T., 1911
Rodman, Charles R., 1911
Shaw, Glenn Harvey, 1911
Willey, Norman L., 1911
Wilson, Edwin Bird, 1911
Aston, Arthur, 1912
Braden, Samuel Ray, 1912
Buck, Harry Woodin, 1912
Cline, Thomas L., 1912
Collord, James H., 1912
Compton, Karl T., 1912
Cordova, Carlos C., 1912
Dauerty, James S., 1912
Duval, Edmund P.R., 1912
Engle, Carroll A., 1912
Fleck, Carl W., 1912
Fleece, Charles L., 1912
Gordon, William P., 1912
Gross, John H., 1912
Hawkins, Alfred C., 1912
Heemstra, Jacob, 1912
Iijima, Nobuta, 1912
Ishikawa, Tetsu, 1912
Jackson, Joc Thorn, 1912
Kampmeier, Otto F., 1912
Keyes, Homer Eaton, 1912
Limper, Louis H., 1912
Mabon, William S., 1912
Maier, Frederick, 1912
Mason, Frank Edgar, 1912
McDonald, John J., 1912
McQueen, John A., 1912
Moses, Paul Edward, 1912
Phelps, Walter A., 1912
Platt, Horace, 1912
Pugh, William B., 1912
Schehr, Lazar, 1912
Sheard, Charles, 1912
Smith, Frederick, 1912
Stover, James D., 1912
Strock, Harry B., 1912
Tanner, Rollin H., 1912
Thomas, Phillips, 1912
Walker, Elmer, 1912
Ward, Carroll R., 1912
Berry, William R., 1913
Brown, Charles R., 1913
Carlile, John S., 1913
Castle, Earl W., 1913
Chaplin, Maxwell, 1913
Edwards, David R., 1913
Elder, Earl Edgar, 1913
Garthwaite, George, 1913
Hunter, Merlin H., 1913
Huoy, W. E., 1913
Ingram, James Eben, 1913
Jamieson, Roy W., 1913
Kawakami, Isamu, 1913
Kircher, Carl E., 1913
Linn, Sheridan, 1913
Martin, James C., 1913
Martin, John F., 1913
McCahon, George, 1913
Meeter, Harm Henry, 1913
Mitman, Carl W., 1913
Muyskens, John, 1913
Ohno, Nao Chika, 1913
Peters, John B., 1913
Phifer, Lyndon B., 1913
Shapley, Harlow, 1913
Shapley, John, 1913
Stavig, Edwin O., 1913
Stewart, William, 1913
Taylor, Guy Baker, 1913
Warfield, William, 1913
Waterman, Alan T., 1913
West, Randolph, 1913
Wichers, John, 1913
Bagby, English, 1914
Beetle, Ralph D., 1914
Blunk, Conrad F.E., 1914
Burr, Karl Edward, 1914
Capps, Julian H., 1914
Cohoon, James W., 1914
Dale, Nelson Clark, 1914
Davis, O. G., 1914
DePorte, Joseph V., 1914
Dodds, Harold W., 1914
Eagleton, Clyde, 1914
Ford, Franklin, 1914
Fox, Arthur Eugene, 1914
Fritts, Frank, 1914
Galajikian, Haig, 1914
Ghiselin, Charles, 1914
Hartmann, Henry M., 1914
Herrmann, Jesse, 1914
Hertzog, Phares H., 1914
Irwin, John Henry, 1914
Jacobs, Melvin C., 1914
Kayden, Eugene M., 1914
Koontz, Jacob V., 1914
Larrick, Asa R., 1914
Llewelyn, Arthur, 1914
Lytle, James P., 1914
Matter, John, 1914
McComb, Kemper G., 1914
McCutchan, Frank, 1914
Napp, James Elias, 1914
Pomeroy, Ralph B., 1914
Porter, Eliot, 1914
Reeves, Prentice, 1914
Resser, Charles E., 1914
Rodgers, James Orr, 1914
Sampson, Edward, 1914
Shear, Hiram Ray, 1914
Shimatani, Ryosuke, 1914
Sibley, Robert L., 1914
Stone, Donald Lane, 1914
Suydam, Vernon A., 1914
Swanson, Arthur A., 1914
Tevis, Charles C., 1914
Uhler, John Earle, 1914
Voris, Paul C., 1914
Watt, James, 1914
Yasui, Sekiji, 1914
Armour, Norman, 1915
Baker, Horace Ross, 1915
Bennett, Albert A., 1915
Block, William E., 1915
Bovard, William M., 1915
Bowman, Henry N., 1915
Brown, Gordon, 1915
Bryan, Robert R., 1915
Chaffee, Arthur R., 1915
Compton, Wilson M., 1915
Cox, Samuel F., 1915
Dickinson, John, 1915
Dulles, Allen W., 1915
Farley, Samuel, 1915
Hand, Ralph Wesley, 1915
Harvey, Irvin A., 1915
Heft, Edward I., 1915
Hosoi, Tobey Rutei, 1915
Ischy, John W., 1915
Keen, Paul E., 1915
Koenig, Henry T., 1915
Lane, Henry H., 1915
Larsen, Henning, 1915
Lester, Horace H., 1915
Mather, Thomas Ray, 1915
Meinders, Hans J., 1915
Ramsay, Mebane, 1915
Redpath, Robert W., 1915
Riddle, Robert L., 1915
Risley, Clinton E., 1915
Roberts, Harold S., 1915
Sanders, Shipp G., 1915
Saville, Henry L., 1915
Sayre, James Frank, 1915
Sessler, Dietrich, 1915
Shively, James C., 1915
Song, Hurn J., 1915
Stewart, John C., 1915
Stuckey, Lewis N., 1915
Tong, Yoeh-liang, 1915
Webster, Roy, 1915
Welch, Harry V., 1915
Wilke, Henry F., 1915
Williams, Arthur, 1915
Young, Paul T., 1915
Baldwin, Thomas W., 1916
Baruch, Ismar, 1916
Benade, James M., 1916
Brown, Andrew, 1916
Carothers, Neil, 1916
Chang, Tso-Shuen, 1916
Chen, Shiu Yuen, 1916
Cloyd, Alva L., 1916
Davis, Roy Lee, 1916
Denit, Leo A., 1916
Doxsee, Carll W., 1916
Eastman, Albert S., 1916
Fleming, Russell, 1916
Frasca, Michele, 1916
Gillis, Edward, 1916
Gilman, Ray Edwin, 1916
Godwin, Blake-More, 1916
Goss, Byron C., 1916
Gould, Harley N., 1916
Green, James S., 1916
Haring, Malcolm M., 1916
Harper, Fred L., 1916
Hayes, Warren H., 1916
Hersh, Amos Henry, 1916
Ho, Ping Sung, 1916
Honess, Arthur P., 1916
Howard, Stanley E., 1916
Hsun, Swei, 1916
Kagawa, Toyohiko, 1916
Kellogg, John Hall, 1916
Kent, Henry T., 1916
Kidd, William C., 1916
Lambert, Gerard B., 1916
Lewis, Roy L., 1916
Lin, Tien Lan, 1916
Liu, Kuang Ching, 1916
Mack, Edward, Jr., 1916
McIsaac, Robert M., 1916
McLanahan, John D., 1916
Nyberg, Joseph A., 1916
Ogiri, Keiki, 1916
Read, Clement C., 1916
Renick, Felix, 1916
Smith, Leon E., 1916
Smyth, Charles P., 1916
Tomcsanhy, Aladar, 1916
Van Dyck, David B., 1916
Willcox, Dudley, 1916
Willson, James B., 1916
Wood, Ernest B., 1916
Wood, Frank Edwin, 1916
Wooddy, Carroll H., 1916
Young, Walter S., 1916
Barnard, Bascom W., 1917
Brahana, Henry R., 1917
Cannon, James, III, 1917
Dobie, Louis Boyd, 1917
Eells, Earnest E., 1917
Elson, Harold A., 1917
Fullerton, Hugh S., 1917
Gebhard, Henry E., 1917
Gilliam, Otis Levi, 1917
Heck, Edson Burr, 1917
Hendel, Charles W., 1917
Hewitt, Richard M., 1917
Ho, Mo, 1917
Hunter, William C., 1917
Irish, Oliver John, 1917
Kaufman, Isador, 1917
Kitazawa, Keijiro, 1917
Knight, Lewis H., 1917
Le Baron, Robert, 1917
Luke, George E., 1917
McNeill, Joseph, 1917
Mow, Harold Goss, 1917
Nelson, Cyril A., 1917
Perrin, Herbert T., 1917
Pratt, Frank R., 1917
Riddle, Jesse H., 1917
Roe, Joseph H., 1917
Seibert, Frank M., 1917
Shultz, Irvin S., 1917
Sisson, Charles N., 1917
Snyder, Daniel L., 1917
Tuers, Russell V., 1917
Twining, Simon E., 1917
Wang, Chenghsu H., 1917
Wester, Reuben A., 1917
Whipple, Thomas K., 1917
White, Donald S., 1917
Whiteford, Cameron, 1917
Wyeth, John Allan, 1917
Yui, Stewart E., 1917
Batten, Joseph M., 1918
Belknap, Maitland, 1918
Beltman, Henry, 1918
Brown, Leon Atwood, 1918
Butt, S. McCllelan, 1918
Bye, Arthur Edwin, 1918
Campbell, James M., 1918
Clarke, Robert, 1918
Cost, Harry F., 1918
DeGroot, William, 1918
Eells, Hastings, 1918
Kawakatsu, Kurata, 1918
Long, Ward W., 1918
Melchior, J.C., 1918
O'Brien, Ainsworth, 1918
Rowland, Reginald, 1918
Selby, Raymond, 1918
Shafer, Bentley S., 1918
Smyth, Henry D., 1918
Speidel, Carl C., 1918
Watanabe, Ryuzo, 1918
Becker, William, 1919
Benton, Arthur F., 1919
Bevin, Newton P., 1919
Blau, Joel, 1919
Bouma, Clarence, 1919
Bowman, John Wick, 1919
Cude, Harold E., 1919
Danforth, Ralph E., 1919
Dougherty, Gregg, 1919
Eppley, Marion, 1919
Erdman, C. Pardee, 1919
Goris, George, 1919
Grier, Joseph L., 1919
Houck, John Walter, 1919
Ishikawa, Kin-ichi, 1919
Konno, Yutaka, 1919
Logan, Robert L., 1919
McCormick, Gordon, 1919
Nelson, Ole A., 1919
Perry, Ben E., 1919
Roeandt, August, 1919
Rogers, Ross, 1919
Shing, Chi-Ting, 1919
Twinem, Francis P., 1919
Wilson, J. Christy, 1919
Graduate Degrees Earned, 1920-1929
Consists of academic files.
Arranged by the year that the degree was earned, and alphabetically by student's last name within each year.
Allen, Morse S., 1920
Baron, Emanuel H., 1920
Blayney, Wilson L., 1920
Brindle, Robert H., 1920
Brown, Marlyn, 1920
Burke, Armand, 1920
Burslem, George A., 1920
Cairnes, Clive E., 1920
Colt, John Milton, 1920
Cresse, James, Jr., 1920
Cuncannon, Paul M., 1920
Doll, Edgar Arnold, 1920
Dunn, Laurence B., 1920
Eddy, Clarence F., 1920
Flemming, Bryan, 1920
Fontanet, Georges, 1920
Franklin, Philip, 1920
Fujisawa, Sadao, 1920
Gehman, John L., 1920
Gotoh, Teizo, 1920
Guild, Eugene S., 1920
Hammond, Edward S., 1920
Hankey, Ralph L., 1920
Harris, Seymour E., 1920
Hill, Thomas M., 1920
Johnson, Gibson R., 1920
Kelly, James P., 1920
Kita, Soichiro, 1920
Lilly, Edward G., 1920
Lilly, Henry Tracy, 1920
Lowry, Homer H., 1920
Meighan, Merl H., 1920
Mellon, Thomas, II, 1920
Mutschler, Ernest, 1920
Orwig, S. Earl, 1920
Rogers, Maurice, 1920
Saunders, John R., 1920
Smith, Charles M., 1920
Stuart, Joseph C., 1920
Sturgis, Cony, 1920
Swingle, W.W., 1920
Teague, Merwyn C., 1920
Townley, John, 1920
Tsen, Deh-Chang, 1920
Unger, James Kelly, 1920
Updike, Ira Amon, 1920
Wu, Andrew V., 1920
Yen, Y.C. James, 1920
Barker, Lincoln, 1921
Bauhan, Rolf W., 1921
Breen, Quirinus, 1921
Bretz, Harry, 1921
Burden, Henry John, 1921
Chiba, Saburo, 1921
Dougherty, Gregg, 1921
Gerlinger, Charles, 1921
Herben, Stephen J., 1921
Hoover, Horace E., 1921
Jackson, Sumner A., 1921
Kakuda, Keigaku, 1921
Kramer, John S., 1921
Lee, George Kim, 1921
Lo, Kia-Luen, 1921
Lutz, Roland Bruce, 1921
Malone, Kemp, 1921
McPeek, Charles E., 1921
Mimovich, Ilija, 1921
Naess, Almar, 1921
Nagasawa, Masao, 1921
Neville, Harvey A., 1921
Post, Emil L., 1921
Prichard, Paul, 1921
Roberts, Murat H., 1921
Stillwell, Richard, 1921
Swift, Emerson H., 1921
Tarr, F. Courtney, 1921
Van Zeeland, Paul, 1921
Vigneras, Louis A., 1921
Walley, Harold R., 1921
White, Arthur Kent, 1921
White, Ray B., 1921
Wilcoxon, Frank, 1921
Akimo, James (Kim), 1922
Bassett, Melvin E., 1922
Butler, David C., 1922
Chiba, Yoshio, 1922
Chuang, Chai-Hsuan, 1922
Djang, Fang, 1922
Dodd, Stuart C., 1922
Frantz, Samuel G., 1922
Grisemer, Walter, 1922
Helm, McKinley, 1922
Holsen, James N., 1922
Hood, Harvey Allen, 1922
Hood, Harvey Allen, 1922
Hyma, Albert, 1922
Isarankura, M.L.P., 1922
Leber, Charles T., 1922
Liu, Chi Fung, 1922
MacInnes, David S., 1922
McCune, George, 1922
Miller, Cedric V., 1922
Miller, Edmund F., 1922
Muto, Kaichi, 1922
Neher, John H., 1922
Ogden, Robert F., 1922
Park, Julian S., 1922
Parke, Robert I., 1922
Powell, Garfield, 1922
Schwartz, Philip, 1922
Slater, John E., 1922
Spratt, David J., 1922
Vinacke, Harold M., 1922
Walter, James R., 1922
Ware, Moses Weld, 1922
Weir, William W., 1922
Yamaguchi, Tamon, 1922
Yao, Yu Tai, 1922
Adams, Martin Ray, 1923
Araki, Eikichi, 1923
Baker, H. Drewry, 1923
Bard, Philip, 1923
Barr, Alfred H., 1923
Bathgate, James E., 1923
Beebe, Ralph A., 1923
Bender, Harold S., 1923
Boyce, Joseph C., 1923
Campbell, Kenneth, 1923
Chovey, Paul P., 1923
Chung, James, 1923
Cottier, Hamilton, 1923
Cummins, E. E., 1923
Dean, Prentice N., 1923
Evans, John Lloyd, 1923
Eyquem, Augusto, 1923
Fennelly, John F., 1923
Fox, George G., 1923
Goeree, Peter C.J., 1923
Graf, Charles Earl, 1923
Graham, Morton D., 1923
Groves, Walter A., 1923
James, William F., 1923
Kagin, Edwin, 1923
Knoll, Alva W., 1923
Lagerqvist, Henry, 1923
Lamar, Rene, 1923
Lawler, Thomas B., 1923
Lee, Syung-Whee, 1923
Little, Henry, Jr., 1923
Lucas, Arthur F., 1923
Lyon, Quinter M., 1923
MacLaren, Malcolm, 1923
Martin, Basil K., 1923
Mason, John Philip, 1923
Mead, Douglas S., 1923
Murray, Henry S., 1923
Myers, LeRoy, 1923
Namkung, Hyek, 1923
Nickell, W. Paul, 1923
Olmstead, Paul S., 1923
Pierce, Edward L., 1923
Powers, Donald H., 1923
Purdy, Jason G., 1923
Reed, Glenn P., 1923
Riester, George J., 1923
Schacht, Paul Lamb, 1923
Strang, Stephen B., 1923
Turner, Louis A., 1923
Van Beek, Johannes, 1923
Van Dyken, Albert, 1923
Webb, Thomas J., 1923
White, Houston, 1923
Yoe, John Howe, 1923
Young, John Parke, 1923
Zi, Dung-Hwe, 1923
Baselt, Fred C., 1924
Beekley, John S., 1924
Botty, John, 1924
Bramley, Arthur, 1924
Brown, Robert E., 1924
Butler, Lee D., 1924
Cameron, Edwin R., 1924
Chen, Ping-Tsang, 1924
Chu, Tsung-Foh, 1924
Collins, Edward M., 1924
Crokaert, Jacques, 1924
Cumming, Bruce A., 1924
Dew, Walter A., 1924
Dodds, Walter A., 1924
Edwards, Bateman, 1924
Elliott, Julian, 1924
Elsasser, Albert, 1924
English, Thomas H., 1924
Eubank, Weaver K., 1924
Ewing, Joseph M., 1924
Gorman, Frank T., 1924
Grubbs, Henry A., 1924
Harth, Henry C.P., 1924
Healy, Arthur K., 1924
Hooker, Roland M., 1924
Hope, Homer Ewell, 1924
Hori, Tatsuo, 1924
Hotelling, Harold, 1924
Howard, Henry C., 1924
Hughes, Howard L., 1924
Ingholt, Harald, 1924
Johnston, John A., 1924
Jowe, Frank Knox, 1924
King, Warren E., 1924
Koetter, Carl Eric, 1924
Layman, Andrew S., 1924
Leitch, Alexander, 1924
Levy, Harry, 1924
Long, Abram M., 1924
MacKay, Donald K., 1924
Meenes, Max, 1924
Menzel, Donald H., 1924
Morgan, Barney N., 1924
Nebolsine, George, 1924
Nicely, Harold E., 1924
Rankin, Robert S., 1924
Squires, Paul C., 1924
Stevenson, James, 1924
Sung, Zeu-Yui, 1924
Thomas, Charles H., 1924
Van Dyke, Martin, 1924
Van Lunen, Herman, 1924
Wade, Ira Owen, 1924
Walker, John F., 1924
Wallis, Everett S., 1924
Whalen, Herbert F., 1924
Willets, George L., 1924
Young, Clarence K., 1924
Yukishita, Katsumi, 1924
Zahn, Charles T., 1924
Zutrau, Morris, 1924
Baird, Matthew, 1925
Barr, Philip Mark, 1925
Bennett, Elbert L., 1925
Bensinger, Guy A., 1925
Buell, William A., 1925
Cameron, Donald F., 1925
Catel, Jean, 1925
Cheo, Chia-Shu, 1925
Church, Alonzo, 1925
Cotton, John P., 1925
Davis, Arthur P., 1925
Dilts, William H., 1925
Duncan, Acheson J., 1925
Dunning, Edgar D., 1925
Dunning, Ronald G., 1925
Eckart, Carl H., 1925
Egbert, Donald D., 1925
Faubel, Arthur L., 1925
Fudge, Donald G., 1925
Gapp, Samuel V., 1925
Gibson, James J., 1925
Gill, James E., 1925
Hamlin, John F., 1925
Ice, Lloyd G., 1925
Jackson, Doss N., 1925
Jamison, Milo F., 1925
Jordan, Sloan B., 1925
Kelly, William A., 1925
Kempers, John R., 1925
Kim, Kwan Sik, 1925
Kwei, Chi-Ting, 1925
Lee, Rensselaer W., 1925
Light, Sol Felty, 1925
Livingood, John J., 1925
MacKay, Charles A., 1925
Masutani, Hideo, 1925
Miles, John B., 1925
Morris, Jarvis S., 1925
Newton, Merritt D., 1925
Radcliff, Edward, 1925
Roberts, Donald, 1925
Sexton, Hardigg, 1925
Sloan, David E., 1925
Swetland, Mark W., 1925
Tucci, D. Robert, 1925
Turner, Burnett C., 1925
Updike, Oscar L., 1925
Vasady, Bela, 1925
Warner, Doyle D., 1925
Wills, Loren Dale, 1925
Wilson, Linton R., 1925
Wolf, Edward C.J., 1925
Wolfenden, John H., 1925
Young, T. Cuyler, 1925
Awad, Salah Hafiz, 1926
Barber, Harold R., 1926
Boughton, James F., 1926
Boyd, Powell, 1926
Bray, Charles W., 1926
Bruere, John, 1926
Bruzs, Boris, 1926
Chen, Chen-Yuan, 1926
Chesnut, Frank T., 1926
Costa, Joseph L., 1926
Coyle, Thomas L., 1926
Cutting, James R., 1926
Daley, Oscar L., 1926
Dalton, Philip, 1926
Dignan, Thomas S., 1926
Dubbell, Earl, 1926
Dudley, Gordon B., 1926
Engel, Edward W., 1926
Fisher, Louis McL., 1926
Fletcher, Philip, 1926
Frens, Richard J., 1926
Friedman, David, 1926
Goodchild, Donald, 1926
Hay, Ellis W., 1926
Holtrop, Oren, 1926
Hubbard, Oscar E., 1926
Hulin, Wilbur S., 1926
Hurt, Frank B., 1926
Jewell, Willard B., 1926
Joyner, Houston C., 1926
King, Edward S., 1926
Kinsler, Francis, 1926
Koehler, James F., 1926
Latham, Lenn L., 1926
Long, Richard G., 1926
Lowry, Thomas McC., 1926
Lucarni, Carl, 1926
Lukens, Alan F., 1926
Muzsnai, Ladislas, 1926
Neff, Charles H., 1926
Rodgers, John B., 1926
Root, Frank B., 1926
Rowley, George, 1926
Stearns, Elijah A., 1926
Steele, Wesley I., 1926
Thorp, Willard, 1926
Van't Hof, William, 1926
Whitten, Jesse L., 1926
Wu, Kuo-Cheng, 1926
Beatty, Harold A., 1927
Bennett, Ralph D., 1927
Burns, Earl Thomas, 1927
Cameron, James A., 1927
Capps, Edward, Jr., 1927
Cate, James Lea, 1927
Cline, James Mason, 1927
Culley, Paul E., 1927
DeLancey, De Vaux, 1927
De Long, Oscar A., 1927
Edsall, Preston W., 1927
Elder, Joseph D., 1927
Fairley, Arthur S., 1927
Folk, Edwin H., 1927
Foulet, Alfred L., 1927
Gerhart, Martin A., 1927
Glenn, Robert O., 1927
Hall, Robert T., 1927
Hibben, James H., 1927
Hill, Douglas G., 1927
Hope, William K., 1927
Hopf, Heinrich, 1927
Hopper, Vincent F., 1927
Jackson, George, 1927
Jepsem, Glenn L., 1927
Kaplan, Joseph, 1927
Kelbaugh, Paul R., 1927
Key, Ralph William, 1927
Kitazawa, Naokichi, 1927
Lauman, William M., 1927
Laurie, James W., 1927
Lockitt, Alfred G., 1927
MacRae, Allan A., 1927
Major, Randolph T., 1927
McComb, John H., 1927
Moser, Coleman C., 1927
Oates, Whitney J., 1927
Okada, Sadatome, 1927
Purvis, E.D., 1927
Rian, Edwin H., 1927
Rick, Julius F.A., 1927
Ruigh, William L., 1927
Sanders, Albert J., 1927
Smith, Henry R.W., 1927
Steese, Edward, 1927
Taylor, Francis H., 1927
Vail, Howard Bruce, 1927
Van Til, Cornelius, 1927
Wahlert, Howard E., 1927
Adam, Douglas G., 1928
Alyea, Hubert N., 1928
Bizer, Ernst, 1928
Born, Lester K., 1928
Briggs, Garland B., 1928
Broomall, Wick, 1928
Charles, Martin A., 1928
Cochran, Louis V., 1928
Delarue, Allison, 1928
Derby, George T., 1928
Dunham, Barrows, 1928
Ewing, Rhea M., 1928
Fleck, Elmer E., 1928
Flosdorf, Earl W., 1928
Frink, Orrin, Jr., 1928
Goodman, Jacob, 1928
Gosnell, Cullen B., 1928
Graves, Robert W., 1928
Hart, Archibald M., 1928
Hawkins, Ernest, 1928
Hill, Samuel Estes, 1928
Hoketsu, Kota, 1928
Huse, William W., 1928
Irving, John Allan, 1928
Jones, William J., 1928
Kerr, Daniel E., 1928
Kimball, George E., 1928
Kitadai, Seiya, 1928
Knebelman, M.S., 1928
Korff, Serge A., 1928
Lansdon, Henry I., 1928
Lesch, Edward C.A., 1928
Marden, Morris, 1928
Maxwell, George S., 1928
McMillan, William, 1928
Metzger, Albert L., 1928
Morgan, Stanley O., 1928
Morrison, Hugh S., 1928
Myers, Edward DeL., 1928
Nelon, John Alfred, 1928
Parker, William R., 1928
Piedvache, Roger, 1928
Ralston, Harold J., 1928
Read, Cecil B., 1928
Rein, Edward R., 1928
Reynolds, Neil B., 1928
Riley, Donald C., 1928
Riley, Herbert P., 1928
Ross, Edward H., 1928
Rowe, Clifford, 1928
Schlosberg, Harold, 1928
Shaw, Alexander, 1928
Temby, Joseph L., 1928
Thurber, Gerrish, 1928
Underwood, Paul A., 1928
Waldorf, Adrian, 1928
Wellek, Rene, 1928
Wells, Edward H., 1928
White, Ralph M., 1928
Woolley, Paul, 1928
Yeomans, Edward G., 1928
Abbott, Jere, 1929
Aoki, T., 1929
Askey, Philip John, 1929
Babers, Frank H., 1929
Bennett, Theodore, 1929
Bogan, Edgar J., 1929
Bole, John C., Jr., 1929
Brewer, Selden, 1929
Bridge, Josiah, 1929
Brooks, Samuel S., 1929
Burrus, Charles C., 1929
Carhart, George S., 1929
Cheney, Elliott W., 1929
Cook, John Cooper, 1929
Dakin, Arthur H., 1929
Dalby, Gaston D., 1929
Dieudonne, Jean, 1929
Douglas, Jesse, 1929
Dugan, John Edward, 1929
Edge, Elton R., 1929
Faust, George P., 1929
Frey, Bernhard, 1929
Gergen, John Jay, 1929
Gordon, Lewis Hall, 1929
Gosdsik, Lew, 1929
Greene, Richard L., 1929
Hadsall, John McI., 1929
Hall, Francis C., 1929
Hewitt, Carter E., 1929
Hu, Tao-Wei, 1929
Inglis, J. Wesley, 1929
Jones, William H., 1929
Kenty, Carl E., 1929
Killian, Thomas J., 1929
King, Marchant A., 1929
Laws, Carl D., 1929
Leslie, John K., 1929
Lopez, Silvio H., 1929
Mack, Julian Ellis, 1929
Martin, Kenneth E., 1929
Mason, Ruric Coin, 1929
Monk, Samuel H., 1929
Moore, Thomas W., 1929
Morris, W. Frank, 1929
Morse, Philip M., 1929
Murray, William K., 1929
Read, Donald N., 1929
Roden, Albert A., 1929
Ruge, Raymond A., 1929
Sekigushi, K., 1929
Smith, James, 1929
Smith, Rhea M., 1929
Stoops, William N., 1929
Summers, Donald B., 1929
Takigawa, Kinja, 1929
Thorn, Eric George, 1929
Voelkel, Harold, 1929
Waite, Robert E., 1929
Webster, J. Carson, 1929
Weller, Allen S., 1929
Wright, Charles A., 1929
- Scope and Contents
The records consist of the academic files of former graduate students of Princeton University. The information contained in each file varies greatly but can include grades cards, Graduate School applications, a photograph of the student, letters of recommendation, as well as biographical information, lists of achievements, news clippings, and obituaries.
- Arrangement
This collection is arranged by the year that the degree was earned, and alphabetically by student's last name within each year.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Princeton University. Graduate School
The earliest form of organized graduate education at Princeton began when President James Carnahan announced the establishment of a Law School in 1846, which awarded its last degree in 1852. Graduate work in a formal sense emerged at Princeton in the 1870s when President James McCosh added new faculty and graduate fellowships. The introduction of graduate work in the sciences came with the opening of the John C. Green School of Science in 1873, offering both masters and doctoral degrees.
Princeton's Graduate School, established officially by the Trustees in late 1900, began its operations in the fall of 1901. The School's first dean, Andrew Fleming West, sought to improve the quality of education by insisting on high entrance and academic standards and by creating what he believed to be the proper residential setting, a Graduate College, where the students would learn from one another. Merwick, located on Bayard Lane and provided by benefactor Moses Taylor Pyne in 1905, served as the first residence for graduate students. It housed twelve to fifteen students and served as a dining facility and center of recreation.
Upon her death in 1906, Josephine Thomson Swann, the first benefactor of the Graduate School, bequeathed $275,000 to Princeton for the construction of a Graduate College in her late husband's name. This money allowed Dean West and President Woodrow Wilson to formulate plans for the Graduate School, but controversy came with the building of the Graduate College, which would replace Merwick as a residence for students. West proposed that the College be remotely located, away from the distractions of undergraduate life, while Wilson favored a site near Prospect House. William Cooper Procter, Class of 1883, who contributed funds for what would become Procter Hall, strongly campaigned for the site near the golf links. He offered $500,000 toward the Graduate College, but found Wilson's choice for the site unsuitable and made his offer conditional "upon further understanding that some other site be chosen, which shall be satisfactory to me." Wilson refused to accept a gift upon such terms, and held tightly to his belief that West could not succeed in his plan to locate the Graduate College at the golf links, away from the "existing life of the University." Although Wilson had the support of the faculty and a majority of the trustees, Procter still insisted on his conditions.
After weighing the options, Howard Crosby Butler, the first Master-in-Residence of the Graduate College, agreed with West that a Graduate College apart from the undergraduates was wise based on his "practical experience with the group of graduate students at Merwick." Isaac Chauncey Wyman, Class of 1848, who came to side with Dean West and William Cooper Procter, left the bulk of his estate, initially estimated at two million dollars, to the Graduate College, and it was this that ultimately settled the question of its location. In his report to the trustees, Wilson finally accepted West's plan for the location and acceded to Procter's conditions. Once the site controversy was settled, architect Ralph Adams Cram, the "high priest" of American Collegiate Gothic, designed the College as a complex consisting of a quadrangle, the Pyne Memorial Tower for the residence of the Master of the College, and the great hall, Procter Hall, which became known for its stained glass windows, carved timber ceiling, and pipe organ. A "collegiate" lifestyle developed at the Graduate College, with recreation, lectures, and meals together in Procter Hall. The Graduate College provided graduate students with a communal life outside of the classrooms and laboratories.
World War I radically changed the character of the nascent Graduate School as students left for war service, and the Graduate College was leased to the military for training naval officers. Until 1922, the Graduate School had limited its enrollment to 200 degree candidates. Several departments, such as history, English, and chemistry, felt increased pressure to admit students beyond the 1922 quotas. By 1932, under Dean Augustus Trowbridge (1928-1933), enrollment was raised to 250, but it was not until the administration of Dean Hugh Stott Taylor (1945-1958), that the upper limit was finally removed. With increased research funds in math and sciences came assistantships for students. By World War II, Dean Luther Eisenhart (1933-1945), who had come on board during the Depression, had given the Graduate School a new sense of mission and increased claim to excellence. He changed doctoral regulations, redefined master's degrees, and created scholarships.
As World War II wound down and enrollment began strongly increasing again, the Graduate School faced a housing crisis, especially for married students. Married veterans and their families moved into what were at one time army barracks, the Butler Apartments, on Harrison Street. The shape of graduate education in the postwar years became a major interest, and Dean Taylor oversaw the postwar expansion of the Graduate School. He added new doctoral programs and brought alumni more fully into the University family through the creation of the Association of Princeton Graduate Alumni. The establishment of the Forrestal Campus in 1951, which included the Plasma Physics Laboratory and a particle accelerator, helped cement Princeton's reputation as a world-class institution in the study of physics
Under Dean Donald Hamilton (1958-1965), the enrollment of the Graduate School continued to increase steadily. The fellowship budget grew, as did the number of interdisciplinary programs. Princeton admitted its first woman graduate student as a special case in 1961, and in 1968 the Graduate School's doors were officially opened to women. Throughout the 1960s, the recruitment of minorities, especially African Americans, grew. Toward the end of the 1960s, with the global political climate changing, Princeton, like other graduate schools, felt increasing pressure to admit more students from other nations.
After weathering Vietnam War protests in the 1970s, the Graduate School faced further problems with funding, particularly in the humanities. Budget cuts served to reshape the Graduate School's demography, financing, programs, and morale through to the early 1990s. Steady growth throughout the latter part of the decade, however, can be attributed to doctoral students remaining enrolled in extended programs in order to conduct sophisticated research, acquire foreign languages and study in foreign countries, among other things. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Graduate School saw more specialties in academic departments and the establishment of focused research institutes and centers, as well as a strong exchange program with peer institutions.
- Acquisition:
Graduate Alumni Records are transferred to the University Archives on an annual basis.
- Appraisal
No materials are separated in the processing of Graduate Alumni Records.
- Processing Information
This finding aid was created by Lynn Durgin in 2017.
- Conditions Governing Access
Materials in this collection are subject to the terms of the University Archives Access Policy. Student Academic Files are restricted during the lifetime of the student.
- Conditions Governing Use
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- Credit this material:
Graduate Alumni Records; Princeton University Archives, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript LibrarySeeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library65 Olden StreetPrinceton, NJ 08540, USA
- Storage Note:
- Mudd Manuscript Library (scamudd): Boxes 3-47; 639