Writings, 1904-1979
Consists of Florovsky's writings, in the form of typescript and manuscript drafts of his articles and reviews, and related research materials, in the form of notes, bibliographies, and bibliographical card files.
Writings are arranged into three primary file groups: Articles and Reviews, Notes and Bibliographies, and Bibliographical Card Files.
Articles and Reviews, 1904-1979
Articles and Reviews, 1922-1926
Articles and Reviews, 1927
Articles and Reviews, 1928-1929
Articles and Reviews, 1930-1932
Articles and Reviews, 1933-1935
Articles and Reviews, 1936-1939
Articles and Reviews, 1940-1948
Articles and Reviews, 1949
Articles and Reviews, 1950-1952
Articles and Reviews, 1953-1954
Articles and Reviews, 1955
Articles and Reviews, 1956
Articles and Reviews, 1957
Articles and Reviews, 1958-1960
Articles and Reviews, 1961-1962
Articles and Reviews, 1963-1964
Articles and Reviews, 1965-1966
Articles and Reviews, 1967-1979
Articles and Reviews, undated
Notes on S. Frank's "Filosofskie prodnosylki despotisma" and on Novgorodzev's Writings, undated
Notes and Bibliographies, 1925-1980s
Teaching Materials, 1938-1978
Consists of materials related to Florovsky's role as a professor at Harvard Divinity School, Princeton University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Boston University, Saint Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, and Columbia University. Materials include course rosters, syllabi, and reading lists for his courses on church history, orthodoxy, and other topics; internal administrative documents and memos; student papers and examinations; and letters of recommendation and related files on his students.
Arranged by institution or type of material.
Boston University, circa 1954-1955
Harvard Divinity School, circa 1956-1963
University of San Francisco, 1973
Albert, Frank J., circa 1958-1961
Brown, John, 1971-1973
Crum, Winston, 1957-1962
Fousek, Marianka, 1956-1961
Krstitch, Slavko, 1958-1963
Romanides, John, undated
Student Papers, circa 1955-1962
Student Papers, 1970-1972
Student Papers, 1973-1974
Student Papers, 1975-1976
Student Papers, 1977-1978
Student Papers, undated
Correspondence, 1919-1990
Consists of letters to and from Florovsky, primarily in Russian, from the 1920s through the 1970s. The majority of correspondence is incoming.
Correspondence is divided into incoming and outgoing letters, and then arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
To Florovsky, 1919-1990
Abbott, Eric, 1937-1939
Abbott, William J., 1956 January 19
Abou-Adal, Constantine, 1954
Academia Velehradensis, 1949
Adams, James Lutley, 1960
Adams, Theodore F., 1946 May 13
Adondakis, John, 1964 November 6
Afanasiev, Nikolai, 1932-1965
Afanasii (priest), 1947 January
Afanasii (Hieromonk), 1966-1971
Agourides, Savas, 1971 December 10
Ahmed, Aleka M., 1937 September 17
Albert, F. J., 1950 March 1 - 1964
Albert, Iris Bunch, undated
Alberti, Irina, undated
Albright, Raymond W., 1950 March 3
Alekseeva, Antonina, 1949 March 3
Alekseev, N., 1950 April 14
Aleksei (Priest), 1947-1958
Allan, C., 1936 August 25
Allen, Horace T., Jr., 1963 March 28
Alliluevna, Svetlana, 1974-1977
Alloy, Vladimir, 1975 December 9
Anchikov, M., 1955-1956
Anderson, Gerald, 1955 May 31
Anderson, Paul, 1935-1978
Anderson, William P., 1966 May 23
Anderson, W. W., 1937 June 25
Andrei (Metropolitan), 1949-1961
Andrews, Kathleen, 1951 July 1
Angelos, John (Fr.), 1974 July 5
Anschuetz, Carol, 1970-1971
Antonii, 1953-1965
Antonii (Archimandrite), 1950
Aplin, Lawrence, 1945 November 28
l'Archevêque-Primat, 1937
Arnold, R.M. ("Dick"), 1978
Arseniev, Iurii, 1927-1932
Arseniev, Nikolai, 1921-1977
Athenagoros (Bishop), 1955-1967
Atkins, John R., 1971 March 11
Auld, Helen H., 1955 May 15
Austin, Bill, 1959
Avraamii (Father Abraham), 1929
Avramedes, Stephen, 1972-1975
Babchenko, B., 1947
Babington, Margaret, 1951 June 7
Bachelot, Jean, undated
Bachmann, E. Theodore, undated
Backens, Oswald P., 1971 March
Bader, Jesse M., 1948 October 28
Badr, Habib, undated
Bagrov, L., 1948
Baicousheff, Anesti A., 1956-1959
Baicousheff, Eugenia, undated
Baillie, John, 1946
Bakhst, V., 1935
Balás, David L., 1967 June 25
Balasheva, Maria, 1930 April 20
Balfour, D., 1937-1938
Banning, Andrew, undated
Barida, Michael N., 1971 May 30
Barker, J., 1938 March 1
Barmann, Lawrence F., 1966
Barton, Fred M., 1950 April 25
Battle, Sol, 1960 August 23
Battles, Emily, undated
Batty, Dorothy, undated
Baxter, J.H., 1960 December 27
Baynes, Norman M., 1935 August 9
Beall, Paulette, 1959
Beaman, Florence, undated
Beaupère, René, 1954-1968
Beaver, R. Pierce, 1952 December 16
Bebis, George S., 1958-1974
Beck, Louisa, 1970 February 4
Beekman, F.W., 1947 May 16-June 18
Behr, N., 1933-1937
Beliaev, N., 1929
Beljaeva, Tatiana, 1946
Belford, Lee A., 1950August 10-22
Belmont, Roger, undated
Belousow, C.G., 1949 July 22
Bennett, Maurice E., 1952
Bennett, Virginia, 1965-1971
Bensin, Basil M., 1954-1965
Bentas, Christos, J., 1959-1960
Benz, Ernst, 1950-1969
Berdiaev, Nikolai, 1923-1934
Beregesky, Shirley, undated
Berg, Paul L. (priest), 1963 July 9
Berkov, Pavel Naumovich, 1962-1964
Berlin, Charles, 1972
Berman, Paul L., 1935 July 20
Bernard, Raymond, 1969 March 3
Berne, Stanley, undated
Berner, Regitze, 1950-1952
Berthold, Fred Jr., 1978
Bervitskii, Sergei, 1958 May 21
Besharov, Justinia, undated
Beskid, Stephan, 1954-1977
Beth, Elmer F., 1959
Bévenot, Maurice, 1964 March 16
Biden, E. M., 1939 May 28
Bihuniak, Georgia, 1955-1958
Bikoff, Mrs. N., 1949 August 26
Billard, Peter, 1949 October 9
Billington, James H., 1949 November
Bilitz, John J., 1954-1959
Bimenov, Mikhail, undated
Bishop, H.F., 1936 April 22
Bishop, Tiran, 1947 April 15
Bitsilli, Peter M., circa 1922-1937
Black, David (priest), 1973-1975
Blair, Kathleen, 1948-1949
Blair, Russell, 1956 January 31
Blake, Eugene C., 1977 December 8
Blane, Andrew, 1963-1978
Blaves, Florence, 1960 August 30
Bleskin, Anne, 1947 January 8
Bliamptis, Emmanuel, 1957 January 51
Bliss, Kathleen, 1964 October 15
Block, Marguerite, 1952 October 21
Blood, A.G., 1949 March 15
Boba, Imre, 1963-1972
Bobeev, N., 1931
Bobrinskii, Boris, 1948-1950
Bödy, Paul, 1965
Boegner, Etienne, 1970-1971
Boegner, Marc, 1946-1960
Bogoiavlenskaia, M., 1959 January 17
Bogolepov, A. A., 1951
Boldyrev, Oleg, 1937-1952
Bolotov, V., 1931-1950
Bolshakov, S., 1950
Booth, Alan R., 1949
Booth, J.R., 1956
Borgstedt, Douglas, 1954
Borichevsky, Vladimir S., 1954-1961
Borodaevskaia, A., 1957 July 1
Borovitskii, Sergei, 1935
Borton, Cameron, 1968 December 3
Bosley, Harold A., 1949-1950
Bourdeaux, Michael, 1971
Bourneuf, Agnes, 1972 October 28
Bowden, Rena, 1934 September 27
Bowditch, James L., undated
Bowen, J. W., 1946-1949
Bowling, Jack D., 1958
Bowman, Herbert E., 1959 October 23
Boy, H., 1946 August 28
Boyle, Ashby, 1976 May 12
Boys Town, 1953 June 17
Bradow, C. King, 1959 June 5
Bradshaw, Marion, 1956 April 27
Braikevich, Kseniia, 1934-1936
Bratsiotis, P. I., 1937-1951
Breningstall, Galen, 1973 January 19
Brenna, Frances, 1957 March 13
Bridston, Keith R., 1950 July 5-31
Bright, Howard H., Jr., 1955
Bring, Ragnar, 1947
Brizilli, P., 1937
Brown, Clarence, 1968-1971
Brown, Douglas, 1972 November-1977
Brown, Harold O.J., 1961-1970
Brown, Marjorie, 1951 December 3
Brown, Thomas, 1957
Browne, Charles, 1937-1948
Browne, Eleanor Kent, 1947-1962
Bruce, Michael, 1933-1967
Brunner, Emil, 1954-1962 April 26
Bucalae, Aurel G., 1971 December 7
Buckley, Francis J., 1972
Bukswann, Judy C., undated
Bulgakov, Sergei, 1926-1938
Burgi, Richard, 1964-1969
Burkhart, John E., 1950 October 21
Burkhart, LeRoy B., 1958
Burt, C. David (Reverend), 1973
Bushallow, Thomas, 1963 October 1
Bushnell, L., 1961
Butler, G. Paul, 1951 February 13
Butler, Margaret, 1956-1975
Buttrick, George A., 1958-1960
Cain, David, 1968-1969
Calhoun, Robert L., 1955-1958
Calian, Carnegie Samuel, 1965-1970
Campbell, A.W., 1965
Canner, Arthur, 1934 October 20
Carey, Ellwood, 1953 October 30
Carey, J.M.G., 1956
Carlquist, G., 1954
Carpenter, H. J., 1937 September 28
Carpenter, Joan, 1937 September 21
Carpenter, Kathleen, 1937-1939
C[asoneva?], A., 1924-1928
Cassien, visiting card, undated
Cavert, Samuel McCrea, 1948-1950
Chadwick, Henry, 1962-1977
Chanas, Walter V., 1954 August 12
Chandran, J.R. (Reverend), 1961-1971
Cherniavsky, Michael, 1973 June 15
Chernikova, Aima, 1936
Cherrey, Joseph T., 1957 August
Chertkov, M., 1937 September 28
Chetverikov, Aleksandr, 1970-1977
Chetverikov, Sergii, 1929-1938
Chifflot, Th.-G., 1946-1947
Chirigos, Helen, 1957 October 23
Chisca, George I., 1972 March 2
Chitty, Derwas J., 1932-1953
Chizhevskii, Dmitrii, 1922-1972
Chizhevskaia, Tatiana, 1963-1972
Choloyan, O., 1976 February 26
Chon(?), Frederic, undated
Christoff, Peter, 1932-1963
Christou, Panagiotis, 1960-1965
Clark, David, undated
Clark, Martin, undated
Clarke, Bernard, 1934 August 7
Clarke, Evelyn M., 1952 April 5
Clarke, Oliver Fielding, 1933-1934
Clarkson, Jesse D., 1965 January 9
Clasen, Sophronius, 1972-1974
Clavier, Alain, 1948 January 12
Clayton, James W., undated
Clemens, Florence, 1960 September 23
Clements, Bruce, undated
Cline, Myrtle, 1950 June 3
Cobham, J. O., 1939 April 12-May 10
Cockburn, N. J., 1951 March 21
Cokic, O. and D., 1954
Cokotas, James, 1957 April 18
Cole, Franklin, 1957
Coleman, Kenneth R., 1960
Columbia University, 1953 May 25
Conant, Kenneth, 1952 March 4-1957
Connelly, Kenneth, 1966 January 25
Constantinidis, Michael, 1935-1939
Cooper, Cecil, undated
Corbin, Henry, 1939 June 5-25
Corkbuov, Norma J., 1938 December 30
Corneanu, Nicolae, undated
Coryell, Christina, 1966 August 24
Coulouras, Constance, 1959 May 9
Coulshed, Frances, 1967 October 12
Craig, Clarence Tucker, 1949-1950
Craig, Rena, 1949 April 18
Crawford, John B., 1962-1965
Crite, Allan Rohan, 1956
Cross, F. L., 1935-1967
Cross, Leslie, 1933 October 12
Crum, Winston, 1955-1976
Cullmann, Oscar, 1972 April 4
Cunningham, B. K., 1933-1937
Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 1960-1962
Czap, Ivan Michaelson, 1949-1972
Dahn, A., 1927
Daine, A., 1949 July 15
Dale, Kenneth J., 1950 April 12
Dale, Violet, 1937 September 2
Dallas, John T. (Bishop), 1954
Dall'Asta, Eberhard R., 1971 July 21
Damos, Albert, 1966 September 21
Danas, Peter J., 1959 February 1
Danilo, Hieromonk, deacon, 1961-1975
Danilova, A., 1948 April 27
Dashword, L. S., 1938-1939
Davey, Noel, 1946-1948
David, Zdenek, 1961-1964
Davies, Richard L., 1955 May 13
Davis, Frank H., undated
Davis, Raymond W., 1977 February 5
Davis, W. O., 1936
Davis, Ursula, 1935 July 29
Day, Peter, 1949 August 12-October 3
de Garde, Torence, 1947 June 10
de Graaf, J., 1948
DeGroot, A. T., 1951 April 4-1967
Dejevsky, Nikolai J., 1969 March 9
de Kay, Drake, 1954 March 31
de Koby, S., undated
Demos, James F., 1954 July 19
de Pierrefeu, Elsa Tudor, 1961-1963
Der Nersessian, Sirarpie, 1955
de Smitt, Vladimir, 1951
Devadutt, V. E., 1951 October 25
Dhingra, Baldoon, 1959
Diacon, Charles, undated
Diavatis, Spyros (Reverend), undated
Dickman, Ralph W., 1954 November 2
Diétrich, Suzanne, 1953 April 27
Dillenberger, John, 1950-1952
Diniaco, Thalia, 1955
Dirscherl, Denis, 1964-1967
Dittow, John, 1934 August 22
Dix, William S., 1965-1969
Dobbie-Bateman, A. F., 1933-1963
Dobrokovskii, A., 1931-1937
Dolenko, Veronika, undated
Donat, Dietrich, 1962-1963
Doney, Noel, 1946 November 4
Doran, Kenneth T., 1955 June 8
Doroshevskaia, Irina, 1935-1955
Douglas, Canon J. A., 1937-1939
Douma, Sophie, 1958
Dowd, Mary, undated
Dratsellas, Constantine, 1962
Drysdale, Jean, 1948 October 5
Dubbink, J. H., 1947-1950
Dublin, John, 1938-1950
DuBois, Albert J., undated
Dubose, S. Wilds, 1952-1953
du Bourguet, Pierer, 1960-1961
Dudack, George, 1958 September 18
Dulavetz, Vera, 1956 March 21
Dulchov, Igor, 1938-1947
Dumont, C., 1946-1965
Dun, Angus, 1951-1955
Dunaev, V., 1948 July 8
Dunlap, Dale, 1950 May 10
Dunn, Ethel Deikman, 1955-1975
Dunphy, William H., 1947-1952
Duprey, Pierre, 1966 October 13
Dyer, Randolph H., 1954 March 30
Dzhaparidze, David, 1954 August 8
Dziama, (Mrs. Michael), 1953
Eapen, C.T. (Reverend), 1954-1961
Eastern Orthodox Church, circa 1930s
Ebori, William, 1939
Edenburger, Kenneth, 1949 January 15
Edsall, D., undated
Eekman, Thomas, 1971 April 24
Eeman, Beryl, 1974
Egorov, Iu, 1948-1950
Ehrenström, Nils, 1946-1955
Eichrodt, W., 1947
Eklund, Emmet E., 1964 February 18
Elhers, William W., 1950 October 16
Elias, José R., 1958
Eliseev, Sergei, 1957 May 6
Elizaveta, (nun), 1961-1972
Elmer, Alice H., 1947 October 28
Empire, Paul C., 1954
Englezakis, Benedict C., 1971-1973
English, John C., 1956 November 3
English, W. W., 1947 October 23
Engles, Margaret, 1951 March 17
Eppler, Ilya, 1953 January 28
Epps, Archie, undated
Erlich, Victor, 1967-1969
Ermolaev, T. and G., 1978
Ermolov, B. N., 1939
Eusebius (Deacon), 1952 March 23
Esteban, Jesús, 1973 October 7
Evans, David B., 1961-1978
Evans, Joan, 1966
Every, Edward, undated
Every, George, 1935-1968
Evlichev, M., 1935-1937
Ezekiel (Reverend), 1952
Farmer, William R., 1966-1967
Fearon, Cuthbert, 1967-1970
Fedotov, G. A., 1947
Feingold, Jessica, 1948-1950
Fekula, P. M., 1949-1964
Feldstein, Grace Cali, 1971 April 4
Felger, Frederick A., undated
Fellers, Marvin, 1959
Felton, Nancy P., 1964 February 26
Fenn, Eric, 1933-1936
Fenniger, Laurence, 1951 March 27
Feofan (Archimandrite), 1931-1949
Ferguson, Janet, 1951 August 8
Ferrar, Michael, 1947-1949
Ferre, Nels F. S., 1949 October 7
Ferrier, G., 1946 June 4
Findlay, A. J., 1937 June 15
Fine, John, 1966-1974
Finklestein, Louis, 1950-1958
Finney, P. Corby, 1964
Fisch, Ernst-Emil, 1949 May 23
Fisher, E.J., undated
Fisher, Magdaline, 1930-1934
Fletcher, William C., 1967-1974
Flack, E. E., 1949-1951
Flew, R. Newton, 1946-1949
Flew, Winifred, 1947 October 22-23
Florovskaia, Ksenia Ivanovna, 1947
Floyd, Eugene H., 1950 February 1-8
Fondaminskii, I., 1927-1936
Fondulis, Marie, 1963 November 19
Ford, Joan, 1948 July 8
Ford, Sally, 1961 July 20
Foreman, John A., undated
Forrer, Mary O., undated
Forester, Henry, 1962 January 11
Foster, Amy, 1939
Foster, Ludmila, 1968-1971
Foster, Sue M., 1952 October 7
Fousek, Marianka, 1957-1978
Fouskas, Const. M., 1960
Fowler, Alexander (Nevski), 1938
Francis, John, 1958 October 11
Francis, N.A.M., 1954
Frank, Joseph, 1967-1971
Frank, Tatiana, 1951-1963
Freeze, Gregory L., 1969-1974
French, R. M., 1935-1939
Frere, Walter, 1935 August 8
Fridlow, John, 1955 February 24
Friedeberg, Ilse, 1954
Freidrich, Paul, 1963
Friend, A. M., 1950-1953
Friess, Horace L., 1950 May 8-1954
Frissel, H.L., 1961 February 27
Froehlich, Karlfried, 1972-1976
Froom, L.E. (Leroy Edwin), 1954-1955
Fry, Barbara E.J., 1960-1967
Fry, Franklin Clark, 1960 August 18
Gahlin, G., 1948 March 2
Gallos, George, 1953 July 24
Gapp, Kenneth S., 1949-1950
Gardner, L.A., 1957 February 10
Gardner, Mary L., 1934 February 17
Garland, Harry, undated
Garmotis(?), 1965
Garrand, John G., 1969-1972
Garrett, Paul D., 1976
Geanakoplos, Deno, 1954-1974
Geeza, Boris, 1953 January 16
Gegoroff, George, 1948-1949
Gennadii, I., 1952
George, Munduvel V., 1949-1961
Georgiadis, Helle, 1948-1958
Georgiev, I., 1927
Gerschenkron, Alexander, 1960-1969
Ghislain, F., 1958
Giagios, Dora, 1962 April 18
Giantris, Louis M., 1955 October 13
Gibson, Paul, 1935-1936
Gibson, R. Jerrold, 1960-1963
Gibson, Winifred M., 1947 February 5
Gillett, Charles, 1933-1939
Gitlin, Emmanuel M., 1956-1957
Glubokovskii, N., 1922-1934
Godiaev, Aleksei, 1946-1977
Goen, C.C., 1975 February 24
Goetchins, Ann, undated
Gogats, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C., 1952
Goldenweiser, Alexis, 1951-1954
Goldthwait, Priscilla, 1954 May 2
Golob, Eugene O., 1964
Golub, Ivan, 1970 December 18
Gorletskaia, Vera, 1951
Goodhand, Arthur W. Jr., 1955-1956
Gordy, Zane W., 1967 February 17
Gorodetskaia, N., 1937-1939
Goudy, M. L., undated
Goul, Roman, 1967-1972
Grabania, George, 1967-1969
Grabar, Andre, 1931-1957
Grabko, Dolores, 1966
Graham, Eric, 1934-1939
Graham, Loren, 1970
Grant, Frederick C., 1948-1951
Grapp, E. J., 1937 September 27
Graves, Charles, 1963-1968
Greenberg, Simon, 1948-1949
Greene, Esther, 1953 April 28
Greer, W. D. L., 1937 April 14
Gregg, Alice H., 1955
Gribanovsky, Paul, 1961-1976
Griffiths, A. B., 1939 April 19
Griffiths, James, 1965 July 27
Grillmeier, Aloys, 1955 December 14
Grisbrooke, William J., 1956-1966
Grondijs, L. H., 1938 March 13
Groningen, H. Van Oyen, 1947
Grossman, Stefani, 1965 April 13
Groupe Académique Russe, undated
Gruzin, M., 1974
Gulin, E.G., 1958
Gunther, John J., 1961-1963
Gustaw, Romuald, 1965-1966
Gutry, Shirley, undated
Hacker, Louis M., 1949-1957
Haimson, Leopold H., 1969-1970
Hain, Dan, 1970 July 31
Haines, John, 1965 January 15
Hall, Homer J., 1948 October 11
Hall, Phyllis M., 1955
Hammerich, L.L., 1966
Hammond, Peter, 1949-1950
Hampshire, Stuart, undated
Hampson, Eric, 1959
Handy, Robert T., 1953-1954
Hane, Howard S., 1956-1978
Hannah, Walton, 1937 May 12
Harakas, Stanley, 1974
Harari, Marie, 1946 June 28
Hardcastle, Anthony, 1937
Hardy, Edward, 1947-1953
Hargadon, Thomas, 1960
Harrelson, Walter, 1959 October 2
Harriman, John F. (Fr.), 1967
Haselmayer, Louis A., 1948-1949
Hategan, Vasile, 1948-1959
Hatzakis, George, 1952 March 19
Hatziemmanuel, Emmanuel, 19570-1969
Haugh, Richard, 1971-1976
Hauglund, Eskild, 1949 November 2
Hausner, Marion K., 1954
Hawkes, Kseniia, 1934
Hawks, Marion, 1961
Hay, David W., 1954-1963
Hay, Irene, 1956-1978
Hayem, E. M., 1953 May-June
Hayman, Eric, 1955-1968
Hazelton, Roger, 1951 July 13
Heasly, Will S., 1937 July 6
Heck, J. A., 1949-1950
Hearing, Herman J., 1949 August 6
Heikling, Clarice, 1936 November 12
Heitz, A., 1947 February 26
Henriod, H. L., 1932-1947
Herber, Constantin (Abbé), undated
Herpers, Richard, 1950 July 1
Hilliard, K. M., 1938 March 2
Himka, John-Paul, 1971 May 15
Hippe, Mrs. William, 1963
Hippisley, Anthony, 1966 May 6
Hoare, Nancy, 1946 December 28
Hodgson, Leonard, 1947 October 10
Hoeffding, W., 1952
Hoff, W. R., 1948 August 27
Hogg, W. Richey, 1966 December 13
Holm, Julia, 1974-1977
Holmer, Earl A., 1951 January 31
Holmes, Prue., undated
Holt, Ivan Lee, 1950 March 15
Hood, Frederic, 1948 September 7
Hoover, Anne, 1958 April 14
Hope, G.B., 1937
Hope, Norman V., 1977 November 8
Hopkins, C. Howard, 1970 May 25
Horn, Jeffrey, 1967 March 27
Hornus, Jean-Michel, 1965 January 8
Horsky, B. G., 1950
Horton, Douglas, 1955-1968
Horton, Walter M., 1949 October 9
Hoskyns, Edwyn C., 1936 May 13-19
House, Francis, 1947 March 3
How, John D., undated
Hruby, Blahoslav, 1950-1951
Hryniewicz, Wactaw, 1971-1973
Hubbard, Celia T., 1960 February 27
Huckabee, Weyman C., 1950 April 28
Hudson, Winthrop S., 1949-1950
Huggins, Gordon, 1955 July 21
Hulls, Morris, 1956 January 5
Huster, P., 1954 May 29
Hutchinson, H.S. (Reverend), undated
Hutchinson, Paul, 1950 August 10
Hyslop, Ralph Douglas, 1956-1960
Iakovenko, B., 1919-1930
Archbishop Iakovos, 1960-1973
Iartsev, N., 1948-1949
Iliescu, A. C., 1937-1938
Iliescu, Constance C., 1954-1969
Ilin, V., 1929-1938
Iliopoulos, Nicholas D., 1954
Ilitch, Iakov, undated
Inidal, William S., 1937-1952
Father Ioann and spouse, undated
Ioannides, Basil, 1958
Ionescu, Nae, 1926-1927
Irvine, Donald Q., 1950
Isaakii (Archbishop), 1928-1937
Isacu, Coriolan (Reverend), 1990
Istavridis, Vasil T., 1961
Iswolsky, Peter, 1961-1965
Ivanis, Milos, 1975
Ivanov, Lev, 1946-1947
Ivask, Iurii, 1957-1978
Izvol'skaia, Elena, undated
Izard, Thomas C., 1957
Jaeger, Werner, 1955 April 30
Jakobson, Roman, 1953-1954
James, William A., 1973 October 2
Jardetsky, W., 1946 May 25-June 29
Zhardetskaia, Tatiana, 1946-1977
Jardetsky, Wenceslas S., 1946-1961
Jeffery, Mrs. Arthur, undated
Jeffery, Peter, 1978 October 31
Jenkins, Madeline Hart, undated
Jenkins, R. G. F., 1937
Jeppesen, Axel B., 1947
Joannides, James, undated
Johler, Mrs. Jack K., 1966 March 25
Johnson, Frank A., 1960 September
Johnson, Howard A., 1946-1963
Johnson, Jess W., 1950 September 14
Johnston, W. R., 1938 August 8
Johnstone, John, Jr., 1956-1962
Jonah (Archimandrite), 1950
Jones, D., undated
Jones, Howard M., 1961 May 29
Joseph, C.K., undated
Jossua, Jean-Pierre, 1971-1972
Juell-Skielse, Benedikt A., undated
Jula, Stephen N., 1954-1978
Jung, A. D., 1950-1952
Jung, Charles (death notice), 1959
Jurjevich, R.M., 1966 January 11
Jurji, Edward J., 1962
Kadic, Ante, 1969-1971
Kahlenberg, Joseph, 1955
Kalellis, Peter, 1953
Kallin, Anna, 1948
Arkhimandrit, Kallist, 1955-1962
Fr. Kallistos, 1971 September 11
Kamenskii, Vasilii, 1950-1954
Kaminski, Andrzej, 1970
Kappipus, Iwavvus, 1949
Kapral, Michael, 1949
Karamechedis, Miltiadis A., 1955
Karas, Michael A., 1957 April 29
Karavelov(?), circa 1937
Karinsky, Andrei, 1932-1936
Karmiris, John, undated
Karpenko, A., 1946 January 26-May 7
Karpovich, M., 1950 April 24
Karpovich, Vera Valentinovna, 1954
Karsavin, L., 1923 September 4
Kartashev, A., 1935-1953
Kasel (?), A., 1946
Kashkin, 1937
Kasinec, Edward, 1970-1972
Kastaris, Panagiotis, 1970
Katkov, Georgii, undated
Katre, Ilia, 1959
Katsanis, Andrew, 1956 April 2
Kaur, Rajkumari, 1961
Kaushman, Tatiana, 1947 April 19
Kay, Mary H., undated
Kaye, S. A., 1948-1949
Kazanas, Constantine J., 1954
Kazemzadeh, Firuz, 1968-1969
Keenan, Edward L., undated
Kegley, Charles W., 1957-1963
Kemp, J,., 1957 June 5
Kerr, Adelaide, 1955-1956
Kerr, Hugh T., 1950 January 21
Kesic, Veselin, 1954 July 12
Khoche, Georges, 1952 February 1
Kholodnaia, Militsa, 1972-1978
Khouri, Ellis, 1948 December 3
Khristostom (Archbishop), 1937
Kichegovsky, Alexis, 1935
Kides, Bes, 1951 March 8
Kieffer, Jay, 1949 September 28
Kima, W. F., 1926 August 15
Kimball, Florence S., 1951 January 5
Kiortsis, V., 1947
Kirchmeyer, J., 1966 August 15
Kirik, A., 1931-1938
Kirkpatrick, John T., 1969 July 22
Kiryluk, Natalie, 1951-1953
Kiryluk, Nicholas T., 1957-1963
Kiselev, E., 1934-1939
Kiser, Melissa, 1976-1977
Kitzinger, Ernst, 1957-1959
Kiunesh, M., undated
Klansko, John G., 1968 May 6
Klepinina, Tamara, 1963-1978
Klimov, Aleksei, 1968-1977
Kline, George L., 1967-1971
Klokatcheff, D., 1955
Klostermanch, Melania, 1933-1937
Kluender, Paul L., 1961 January 30
Knapp, F., 1947 May 5- 1967
Knox, John, 1952 February 8
Kobasa, Mercedes, 1949 June 21
Koester, Helmut, 1968 April 22
Kohanik, Peter G., 1966-1967
Kokulak, Olga, 1955 May 19
Kon[...?], Mikhail, circa 1934
Konidaris, Ger., undated
Konon, Vincent, 1953
Konovalov, S., 1946-1949
Kopestonsky, Stephen, 1952 June 14
Kopp, Walter R., 1960-1961
Korniloff, V. A., 1947 May 6
Korsakoff, A., 1947 April 23
Korsunetz, Sophy, 1959 September 29
Kotis, John, 1955 June 15
Kotsonis, Hieronymos, 1954-1962
Koulomzine, Nikita, 1954 February 19
Kovalenko, Tatiana, undated
Kovalevsky, I., 1934
Kovalevsky, Piene, 1948
Kovrovskii, P., 1928
Kowansky, John, 1957 May 25
Kozin, Kirill, 1967 December
Kraemer, H., 1950 August 26
Kretschmar, Georg, 1964-1965
Krivoshein, Kirill, undated
Krivoshein, Vasilii, 1937-1973
Krugovoy, George G., 1967
Krull, V. P., 1951 October 28
Krumm, John, 1954 March 2 - 1955
Krysin, M. and A., 1963-1964
Kryzhanovskaia, Vera, 1953
Kublik, Julie, 1990
Kudriavtseva, Anna, 1953
Kuizenga, Henry, 1960 November 5
Kulikovsky, T., 1950 October 31
Kulchinsky, Helen, 1950 February 14
Kulomzina, S., 1955-1956
Kunett, R. P., 1951-1955
Kushta, Nicholas, 1955 March 13
Kuvakin, Valerii, 1974 December 11
Kuzmuk, John, 1951
Kyriacou, Stephen Harry, 1972
Kyriakakis, James, 1965-1976
Labur, Raoul, 1929 August 31
Lagovskii. T. and I., undated
Lamb, P.J. (Reverend), undated
Lambert, Russell Wharton, 1960
Land, Aubrey C., 1964 April 27
Landa, Konstantin, 1957 December 3
Lane, W., 1947 August 6
Lashlee, Ernest L., 1962-1965
Lattès, M., 1940-1948
Laubenstein, Paul F., 1949-1955
Läuchli-Jordan, Samuel, undated
Frère Laurent, 1960 February 22
Laurie, D., 1947-1951
Lauth, 1972 February 21
Lawless, George P., 1978 January 18
Lebel, Maurice T., 1966 January 21
Leckie, Hélène, 1949-1951
Ledkovskaia, Marina, 1952-1977
Ledwith, Michael F., 1970 January 20
Lee, C. Nicholas, 1964-1969
Leenhardt, Maurice, 1947 March 15
Lehman, Herbert H., 1957 August 14
Lehmann, Paul L., 1960 June 16
Leibrecht, Walter, 1960-1961
Leiper, Elizabeth, undated
Leiper, Henry Smith, 1947-1968
Lenahan, 1931 November 19
Lenneberg, Eric H., 1964 May 12
Leogeead, 1947 September 15
Leonard, Grace, undated
Leontovich, Viktor, 1929-1959
Archimandrite, Léonty, undated
Metropolitan Leonty, 1954-1956
Leorozov, I., 1947 April 28
Levin, Ephraim, 1957 July 28
Lewis, Ben F., 1965 December 7
Lewis, B. Gibson, Jr., 1953
Lewis, Fred, 1954
Lialin, K., 1949-1958
Librairie Plon, 1949 February 2
Lieb, Fritz, 1928-1970
Liberis, Nicholas, 1971 March 18
Ligovskovskoi, I., 1938-1939
Lilienfeld, Fairy V., 1958-1971
Lilje, H., undated
Limberakis, J.A., 1956-1957
Lindenmeyr, Adele, undated
Lindquist, Daniel, undated
Lindsley, R., undated
Linnik, Philip S., 1957
Liolin, Arthur, 1965
Lipa, Mark (Bishop), 1959-1962
Litvek, M., 1936-1947
Livingstone, E.A., 1971
Liutov, P., 1947-1950
Lobanov, Alexandr, 1949-1955
Lodge, Eton, 1951 January 5
Lolis, Sophocles D., 1949
London, Ivan D., 1958 June 6
Long, John Francis, 1956
Loos, A. William, 1948 February 18
Lopuchin, Petr Sergeevich, 1946-1947
Lorentz, Joan, 1961-1964
Losskaia, M., 1964-1965
Lossky, F., 1948
Losskii, Nikolai, 1937-1955
Losskii,Vladimir (and M.), 1948-1958
Lot-Borodina, M., 1930-1952
Sister Mary Louisette, 1960-1965
Lound, R. S., 1934 November 10
Lovett, Joan C., 1951 December 13
Lovsky, F., 1943 February 3
Lowrie, Donald, 1933-1965
Lu(...?), Y. T., 1949 December 15
Lubimoff, Vladimir, undated
Lukkanen, T., 1957 December 8
Lund, Ragnar Bring, 1946
Lundgren, Kenneth, 1960
Lund-Quist, Carl E., 1949 August 30
Lunt, Horace G., 1956 August 27
Lutge, H. Karl, 1954
Lynch, Irina, 1961-1972
Lysenkovskii, A., 1948
Lytle, Herbert C., 1949 February 8
MacCartney, Louis M., 1964 January 4
MacDuffie, John, 1956
Macfee, Dareen, 1950 December 15
Macheriotis, Hariton, 1974-1978
Mackay, John A., 1950 April 10
Mackensen, Heinz F., 1965 June 4
Mackie, Robert C., undated
Macko, John, 1961 June 21
MacIntosh, Douglas M., 1958 March 8
Mackin, Kevin, 1969
MacLeod, Kenneth, 1965 January 4
MacNaugghten, Edgar, undated
Mafte, 1935 August 11
Mahonec, Michael, 1951 February 14
Mailleux, Paul, 1959 May 20
Malia, Martin E., 1949 November 10
Malinchoc, Julia, 1950-1964
Maloof, Mintaha, 1956 September 24
Maloney, George, 1966-1970
Maltby, Margaret I., 1938-1939
Malyshevskaia, Liudmila, 1950
Mamas (monk), 1974 March 13
Mandelbaum, Bernard, 1950 October 12
Manfred, Ernest Fred, 1947 April 23
Mann, Jesse A., 1968 February 16
Marichione, R., undated
Marco, Zucchini, 1970 September 10
Sister Maria Assunta, 1966 March 31
Sister Marie Rosarie, 1966 July 22
Maria, 1949 February 13
Maritain, Jacques, undated
Marke, Robert, 1937 September 23
Markoff, Michael, undated
Markov, F., 1946
Markov, M., 1934
Marsh, Daniel L., 1949-1950
Marsh, John, 1963
Martin, Dr. A. v., 1927 June 27
Martin, Ch., 1956 June 30
Martynovskii, Dmitri, 1937
Sister Mary Consoata, 1963 May 21
Mascall, Eric, 1933-1962
Massaux, Edouard, 1971
Mastrantonis, George, 1953 - 1974
Maulicks, Dorothy, 1952
Maury, Philippe, 1935-1949
McCaughey, Davis, 1947-1949
McCloy, Frank Dixon, 1959-1967
McCluhan, John, 1947 April 2-4
McConaghy, William H., 1960-1961
McCord, Hazel, 1974 May 29
McCord, James I., 1964-1978
McCrossen, V.A., 1960
McDaniel, William M., 1961 October 5
McDonald, Robert, undated
McFalls, Richard W., 1949 February 9
McHugh, Michael P., 1974 January 9
McIlhiney, David B., 1962 December 7
McInnis, Joseph E., 1964 January 24
McKay, Pauline, 1957-1964
McKee, Elsie, 1977 November 15
McLaughlin, John E., undated
McNeil, John T., 1949-1962
McNulty, Arthur F., 1960
McVay, Martin Scott, 1967 January 19
McVey, Kathleen, 1972 September 28
McWilliams, Larry, 1967 December 6
Mean, Paul, 1953 October 29
Meena, James C., 1954 October 19
Meerson-Aksenov, Michael, undated
Medlin, William K., 1964
Mefodii (clergy), undated
Megela, Elizabeth, 1970 March 3
Méhat, A., 1960-1964
Meiendorf, Ivan, 1949-1978
Mélia, Elie, 1955-1971
Melentieff (Madame), undated
Melnik, Peter, 1954-1978
Merwin, Marjorie, 1957 November 3
Messick, Andrew, 1954 June 27
Mestakidis, G.J. (Reverend), 1990
Metaxas, Emmanuel, 1961 January 31
Methodius, 1937-1939
Mewes, J., 1946
Meyer, Pavel, 1949
Michael (Archbishop), 1950-1958
Michelfelder, S. C., 1949-1950
Mickleus, P. A., 1946
Milochevich, Liouby, 1954
Mikhalchev, D., 1930-1933
Mikhailov, Nikolai, 1938 February 9
Mikailovska, Nikola, 1938 July 19
Milin, Lazar, 1967 February 26
Milkovich, Annette, 1972 November 27
Millard, Douglas, 1938-1946
Miller, Colin F., 1961-1962
Miller, D., 1956 March 12
Miller, Ernest E., 1962 January 2
Miller, Francis P., 1954 October 6
Miller, H. B., 1949 January 13
Miller, Howard B., 1958 September 11
Miller, S.J., 1955 April 22
Miller, Samuel H., 1960-1967
Miller, William Robert, 1969 May 16
Minarskii, V., 1959 April 18
Minchin, Basil, 1961-1968
Minear, Paul S., 1955-1971
Minnich, Ray A., 1961 December 18
Sister Miriam, 1974 May 10
Mischanko, Julia, 1953 April 18
Mitchell, Mary, 1951 October 30
Mitchell, Maurice B., 1971 March 5
Miulenburg, Mary K., 1960 January 11
Mochulski, K., 1933
Mockburn, Norman, undated
Moede, Gerald F., 1970-1971
Moeller, Charles, 1966-1971
Mogilat, E., 1952
Mojaisky, Mr. and Mrs., 1950
Mojzes, Paul, 1966-1977
Molchanov, P., undated
Molchanova, I., 1948 April 10
Molnár, Amedeo, 1956 February 23
Monas, Sidney, 1965-1966
Mondin, Battista, 1968-1970
Moniz, John R., 1973
Monnier, Henri, 1955 December 29
Montgomery, Robert P., 1966-1967
Morden, J. Grant, 1962-1967
Morden, Sigrid, 1946 January 3
Morehouse, Clifford P., 1948-1957
Morgan, James, 1949-1952
Morgan, Mary L., 1960 February 22
Morozov, 1954
Morozov, I., 1950 June 17 - 1975
Morris, William S., 1961-1962
Morrison, S. S., 1952 April 15
Morse, John D., 1956 April 12
Morshead, Barbara, 1960-1972
Morton, Helen, 1956 May 16
Morton, Helen A., 1937
Moschos, Demitrios, 1959 March 8
Moser, Charles A., 1971
Mosley, Philip E., 1954 January 23
Moshin, Vlad., 1945
Moskin Stores, Inc., 1952 March 26
Moskov, E. A., 1949
Moss, C. B., 1939 July 19
Moustakis, Basil, 1961
Movolski, P., 1948-1949
Mudge, Lewis Seymour, 1950 July 23
Müller, Else, 1959 July 29
Muller, Ludolph, 1952 March 20
Mumma, Rich and E., 1962 October 3
Murdock, Betty C., 1957 July 26
Murphy, Declan, 1974
Murphy, George, undated
Murphy, J. Stanley, 1960
Murray, Robert, 1950 July 24
Muste, A. J., 1948 June 10
Neal, Frances, undated
Nader, Sam, 1961
Nadkarni, Edward, 1937 November
Nash, D.J., 1973 March 21
Natasha, 1921-1937
Natov, Nadine, 1971-1973
Navoround(?), Alesha, 1931-1935
Neill, Stephen, 1949-1950
Neiman, Daniel, 1974 March 27
Nellas, Panayotis, 1971-1976
Nelson, Dale L., 1976 January 31
Nelson, Thomas, 1962 April 16
Nersoyan, T., 1939 February 3
Nestor (Igumen), 1959-1960
Neumann, Janice B., 1950 August 17
Newbery, T., 1934 November 10
Newell, Herbert, 1948 September 23
Newport, Jack, 1951-1960
Father Nicholas, 1954
Nichols, James Hastings, 1956-1978
Nichols, Robert L., 1965-1972
Nicholson, Wesley Goodson, 1953
Nickerson, Hoffman, 1957-1961
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1951-1952
Niebuhr, Ursula M., 1956 May 9
Niess, Hans Peter, 1975 February 3
Nikishina, Mariia, 1977
Nikodim (Monk), 1938
Nikodim (Archbishop), 1961-1965
Nikola, father, 1976
Nikolai (Bishop), 1947 December 2
Nikolai (Bishop), 1955
Nikon (Bishop of Florida), 1957-1975
Nissiotis, N.A., 1966 May
Nixon, Charles, 1963 May 23
Nolan, Richard T., 1963-1968
Norgren, William A., 1963 March 11
Northam, Frank, 1947 November 12
Norton, R. Homer, 1963 December 20
Novak, Michael, 1961 June 21
Novella, M., 1956 August 30
Novgorodtsev, B., 1927-1929
Nogorodtseva, Irina, undated
Novgorodtseva, Lidiia, undated
Novikoff, V., 1949
Novitskii, Georgi, 1947-1950
Novotny, Daniel, 1958 November 29
Nuller, Sam, 1961
Nurser, John, 1957 February 21
Oakley, Austin, 1950 May 7
Oates, Whitney J., 1964-1966
Obolenskii, Dmitrii, 1970 January 15
Odegaard, Charles Edwin, undated
Oinas, Felix J., 1963-1978
Okolovitsh, K., 1947-1950
Okunev, A., 1935-1938
Okuneva, Irina, 1930-1939
Oleerman, Hevko A., 1959 July 24
O'Neal, F. Hodge, 1973 December 5
Opoku, Nathan, 1961
"Orthodox Catholics", 1957-1978
Osorgina, Antonina, undated
Osorgin, Mikhail, 1947
Osorgina, Elena, 1947
Ostrogorskii, B., 1946
Ostroukhov, P., 1924-1937
Outler, Albert C., 1950-1964
Owen, J. M., 1936 October 21
Owen, Leslie, 1933-1934
Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1932-1933
P, Ronergan, 1962 January - March
Pachmuss, Temira, 1962 May 9
Page, Charles, 1935-1938
Pain, James H. (Reverend), 1968
Paine, Joan, 1971-1975
Palashkovskii, V., undated
Pallas, Chris, 1965 October 15
Pallas, John (Father), undated
Palmer, Ann, undated
Palmer, Edwin James, 1939
Panichas, George A., 1960-1974
Papadakis, Emmanuel P., 1956-1958
Papajohn, John, 1950 April 19
Papajohn, John C., 1965 December 6
Papastephanos, E., 1951 November 19
Papov, Vladimir V., 1978 July 22
Pappas, John C., 1960 June 30
Pares, Bernard, 1926-1936
Parler, Charles C., 1957 December 13
Paro(?), undated
Pars, Leonard, 1935
Parsons, Donald J., 1965 September 8
Parvey, Constance, 1960-1973
Pascal (Father), undated
Paschal, James, 1954 July 29
Passias, Katherine, 1959
Patrick, Millar, 1935
Patrinacos, N. D., 1952 October 18
Patsavos, Lewis J., undated
Patterson, John O., 1956-1958
Patterson, Lloyd G., 1956-1957
Pauck, Wilhelm, 1952-1955
Pavel, O., 1950
Pavlovskie, Iu. and N., 1957
Pavlycheva, Seriafima, 1951
Pavlychev, Sviatoslav, 1947-1957
Pavlycheva, Svetlana, 1947-1951
Payson, Robert E., 1972
Pedley, Geoffrey, 1938 November 18
Pekatoros, N., undated
Pelikan, Jaroslav, 1963-1974
Pendergast, Patricia, 1952 October 6
Penny, Helen L., undated
Pepys, Anastasia, 1955-1958
Pereskneff, C., 1945 November 26
Pereshneva, Avgusta, 1977
Perret, John, 1934
Perrie, Alex, 1953
Perrin, David, 1952 February 20
Perus, 1930 June 1-13
Péterfahri, Dom Jean Damascène, 1946
Peterson, Raymond A., 1956 May 24
Petrides, Helen, 1958 November 6
Pfeifer, Marilyn, 1964 May 25
Pfutzner, Gustav, undated
Philipos, K. (Reverend), 1962-1966
Philippidis, Leonidas, J., 1965-1966
Phillips, Angelos J., 1958-1973
Phutrakis, Andreas, 1959 December 31
Pianov, F. T., 1947
Piepkorn, Arthur Carl, 1949-1950
Pike, James A., 1956-1958
Pipes, Richard, 1960-1963
Pishtey, Joseph, 1950 April 20
Pitt, Theodore K., 1973 August 19
Plagnieux, J., undated
Playne, J.S., 1939
Plirchev, M., 1934 September 29
Plumlee, Stephen, 1977
Pokrovskii, Sergei, 1928-1932
Polivka, Jiri, 1921-1922
Pollard, William G., 1990
Pollock, Ann L., 1950 April 21
Poloniato, Livio, 1978 December 18
Polychronis, Helen, 1956-1962
Ponsonby, Basil L., 1938 February 9
Pope, Herbert (Mr. and Mrs.), 1956
Pope, Liston, 1950 May 10-1955
Popescu, Theodore, 1937 September 19
Popovic, Justin, 1927-1928
Popovic, Spiridon, 1939
Poproujenko, M., 1947 July 1
Porter, Boone, undated
Posnova, I., 1968-1976
Potapova, Marianna, 1932 December 4
Potter, Francis E., 1957-1958
Poulos, Rev, and Mrs., 1956-1967
Powers, P. (Reverend), 1954
Pozov, A., 1954-1965
Prater, Gene, 1958
Prender, Regin, 1946
Prescott, Helen, 1951 February 21
Prestige, G. L., 1949 June 28
Prévost, Robert, 1946
Price, Charles P., 1963-1964
Price, W. Willis, 1938 January 4
Prislopsky, Vladimir, 1951
Probst, George E., 1954
Psomiades, Harry J., undated
Pundik, V., undated
Pushkarev, Sergei, 1950-1976
Putnam, George F., 1971
Pyle, John W., 1953 October 28
Quinn, Charles A., 1955
Quinn, Robert F., 1963 January 25
R., Aleksandr, undated
Rachko, Michael, 1955-1965
Rachkovskii, N., 1951-1975
Racs, Alphonse, 1953 October 16
Rader, Merill, 1970 September 5
Radchinskaia, S., 1953
Raeff, Marc, 1969-1977
Raevsky, Tatiana, 1954 August
Rafalsky, Serge, 1938
Rajewski, Theodor, 1952
Ralston, William, 1956 October 11
Ramsey, Michael, 1934-1948
Ramsey, Paul, 1973-1976
Ramsrotham, John, 1938 November 7-14
Rankinen, Eino O., 1958 February 6
Rassias, Jerry D., 1972 October 25
Rasmussen, Hugo, 1946 October 14
Rathey, Isabel, 1948 December 30
Ratica, Marie, 1957 April 4
Ratner, Lorman, 1972 January
Raven, Charles E., undated
Raymer, R. Richmond, undated
Rebezova, Adelaida, 1954-1956
Reddaway, Peter, 1962
Reeves, Paul, 1960 November 12
Reeves, R. Ambrose, 1929-1936
Reich, Herbert, 1949 January 29
Reimherr, Otto, 1956 June 6
Reimann, Hobart A., 1956 December 18
Relton, H. Maurice, 1939 January 2
Repella, Antonii, 1950
Ressetar, D.J., 1955 March 10
Revshako, I., 1952
Rex, E. Harrison M., 1958 April 22
Reynolds, Roger, 1965-1967
Reynolds, Stephen, 1973-1976
Rhyne, George, 1974 February 14
Rice, James, 1970 January 25
Rice, Valentine, 1964-1967
Richardson, Cyril C., 1951-1955
Richie, Howard M., 1945 February 7
Riddle, James D., 1962 December 21
Rigopoulas, Basil, 1973-1977
Rising, Norma, 1961 August 10
Ristow, Helmut, 1963
Roberts, Bruce, 1960-1961
Roberts, David E., 1953 April 29
Roberts, Walter N., 1949
Robertson, E. H., 1951 July 18
Robinson, George, 1972 September 22
Robinson, Geroid, 1953 June 4-1954
Robinson, William, 1951 December 14
Rodger, Patrick C., 1962-1965
Rodzianko, Kseniia, 1945-1946
Rodzianko, Vladimir, 1957-1971
Roelofs, Richard, 1961
Rofs, Daniel, 1946-1948
Romanides, John S., 1954-1972
Romanoff, A. and S., undated
Romanoff, Georges, undated
Romanova, N. N., undated
Roosevelt, Priscilla R., 1968-1971
Rose, Lawrence, 1954
Rosen, Ekaterina N., 1951
Rosenbaum, Nelson, undated
Rosengrant, Harry W., 1950
Rossi, Don Giovanni, 1960-1961
Rössler, Roman, 1955-1956
Rothnie, S., 1977 January 8
Roudanowsky, Léon, undated
Rousseau, Olivier, 1951-1975
Rovner, Arkadii, 1978
Rovner, Viktoriia, 1976
Rowland, Paul, 1963 October 4
Rowles, Emma A., 1949 November 29
Rozemond, Keetje, 1955-1956
Rudko, Wassyl, 1957
Rudnev, V., 1935-1937
Rudnick, Milton, 1952 November 20
Ruiskii, Konstantin, undated
Rune, Aleksandre, 1949 August 29
Run[gerd?], C., 1936 March 4-April 3
Runyon, Edith, 1950 February 1
Ruoff, I., 1930
Runes, Dagobert D., 1965 December 16
Ruprecht, Hellmut, 1939 May 17-1966
Russell, R. Neil, 1936 September 21
Saad, Joseph F., 1965-1967
Sabev, T., undated
Sabiy, Nikolai, 1935
Sage, George Ernest, 1938
Sahai, Ainsley, 1973 April 7
Sakharov, N., 1936
Saliby, Elie (Metropolitan), undated
Salmon, H. Bryant, 1927-1937
Samuel, K.V. (Reverend), 1958-1962
Samuel, P. S., 1951 October 20-29
Samsonov, M.S., 1963
Sandoz, Ellis, 1967-1968
Sannicova, Natalia, 1950 December 7
Santiago, Mr. and Mrs., 1956
Sapsezian, Aharon, 1954 February 25
Sargent, L. Y., 1936 September 4
Sargent, Noel, 1950 December 7
Sarkisyanz, E., 1951 June 30
Sartory, Thomas, 1959 July 9
Saunders, Verina, 1954 July 6
Savin, G., 1937
Savitsky, A. K., 1947 April 14
Savitskii, Nikolai, 1935
Savitskii, P., 1927-1965
Savochuk, Anna, undated
Savva (Archimandrite), 1948
Sazonova, Alla, 1923-1939
Scar, William, 1963 June 13
Scarfe, Hubert G., 1934-1938
Scazzolo, Piero, 1969 May 13
Schaeder, Hildegard, 1954-1959
Schatiloff, V., 1963-1964
Schatkin, Amy W., 1977 November 10
Schatkin, Andrew James, 1972-1973
Schatkin, Margaret, 1969-1978
Scherrer, Jutta, 1964-1975
Scherer, Paul, 1957 December 20
Schilling, S. Paul, 1963 February 25
Schlink, E., 1957-1959
Schmemmann, 1953 May 12
Schmidt, John, 1954 December 6
Schmigla, William, 1952 August
Schnierla, P.W.S., 1954-1966
Schnierla, Shirley, 1956
Schneirly, Sulfin, 1952 June 25
Schneider, Herbert W., 1949-1951
Schrey, D.H.H., 1961 June 7
Schulze, Bernhard, 1956-1965
Schubert, K., 1972 August 15
Schumacher, Frederick T., 1951-1953
Schuster, Ursula, 1951 November 14
Schwarzen-Pach, Colette, undated
Schweitzer, W., 1949 September 19
Scott, R.B.Y., 1963-1973
Scotty, John (Reverend), 1955
Scrawley, J. H., 1934-1946
Segelberg, Eric, 1958 July 26
Seideman, Jane, 1961 April 25
Semanitzky, John, 1951
Semenov, 1932
Semenov-Tian-Shanskii, A., 1947
Senn, Alfred, 1948
Serafim, undated
Serafim, 1936-1938
Serafim (Igumen), 1946-1965
Serafim (monk) et al., 1970 April 8
Serampore College, 1952 June 14
Serbos, Nicholas S. (Mme), undated
Seredinskaia, O., 1948-1956
Sergeant, E. N. C., 1933-1935
Sergii (monk), 1934
Sergii (monk), 1947-1952
Episkop, Sergii, 1927-1954
Seydoux, Emma, 1959
Seyffarth, Jeanne, 1958 May 5
Shalding, Anne, 1939 June 4
Shaw, Mario Wm., 1966 January 15
Shaw, Philip, 1934-1935
Shchukin, Nikolai, 1932
Shein, Lev, 1966-1974
Sheldon, James Gail, 1954 April 10
Shelton, O. L., 1949-1951
Shenrock, Joseph C., 1974 October 29
Shepherd, Daphne, 1948 November 5
Sherrard, Philip, 1965
Sherrill, Mrs. Henry Knox, undated
Sherwood, Polycarp, 1955
Shestov, Lev, 1933-1937
Shevich, Kirill, 1929-1931
Shiel, James, 1955-1959
Shmeman, A., 1947-1968
Shor, Ol'ga, 1968 December 14
Shore, Ernest, 1947
Shtegelman, Anastasiia, 1936-1976
Shumova, A., 1946 September 22
Shura, 1947
Shure, Norma, 1951 May 31-June 13
Siegel, George?, undated
Sieveking, Vincent, 1968 April 3
Silas, Bishop of Amphipolis, 1972
Simeon (Archimandrite), 1957-1958
Simmons, Ernest J., 1953-1954
Simonoff, L., undated
Simonov, P., 1924 August 9
Simonov, V., undated
Simpson, C.A. (Reverend), 1959-1960
Simpson, David, 1955 December 9
Simpson, J. R., 1939 July 6-17
Sinclair, Margaret, 1948-1949
Sittler, Joseph, 1963
Skarr, H. Elizabeth, 1965
Skidan, Aleksei, 1974 May 16
Skobtsov, Iu., undated
Skornik, Mr. and Mrs., 1956
Skvir, Nika, 1975
Skydsgaard, K.E., 1960 June 22
Slaughter, Wilma H., undated
Slater, Edward T., 1937
Slava, 1949-1952
Slivenskii (Metropolitan), 1962-1964
Smerdova, E., 1921 June 1
Smiott, William K., 1957
Smith, C. Ryder, 1936 November 23
Smith, F. Harry, 1937-1938
Smith, J.S. Boys, 1968 October 24
Smith, R.G., 1955 January 21
Smith, Ralph J., 1954 July 7
Smith, Seymour A., 1952 March 21
Smith, Timothy L., 1968 May 1
Smolko, John F., 1959 November 2
Sofronii (Archimandrite), 1939-1961
Sokolov, N., 1935-1938
Sommerfeldt, John R., 1966 May 6
Sonhelm, Richard, undated
Sopensky, Anne, undated
Sorenson, Thomas C., 1974 January 22
Soubbotine, Hélène, 1959
Soulias, Constance, 1954 June 9
Sove, B., 1932-1962
Spasskii, O., 1949-1970
Spektorskii, E., 1934-1948
Spens, Maisie, undated
Sperry, Willard L., 1950-1951
Spidlik, T., 1973-1974
Spinka, Matthew, 1950-1962
Sprunger, C. H., 1950 June 15
Squire, P.S., 1968 June 12
Stafford, Russell Henry, 1955
Stair, Fred R., 1949-1950
Stamas, Peter S., 1964 February 17
Stames, Virginia, 1955 October 31
Stanciu, Celes A., 1967 December 1
Stanfield, Boris Mikhailovich, 1954
Stange, Douglas C., 1964 February 26
Stapleton, George T., 1950 May 22
Staudiner, Else, 1950 May 3
Steck, K.G., 1959
Stein, Jess, 1963 June 14
Stephanopoulos, Robert G., 1959-1972
Stephanov, A., 1952 May 9
Stephanovna, Julia, 1952 July 31
Stephens, Lois, 1963 May 8
Stevens, William J., 1952
St. George, C. F. L., 1936-1937
Stokes, Harry M., 1959 July 29
Stookey, Byron, 1959 April 29
Stovall, James L., 1953 November 18
Strach, Vladimir, 1956 October 22
Strash, Victor, 1952
Stratenwerth, Gerhard, 1948-1955
Strelsley, Katharine, 1960-1965
Strengen, Gustaf, undated
Stroman, James H., 1957-1958
Strong, Robbins, 1953
Strunk, Oliver, undated
Struve, Gleb, 1952-1977
Struve, K., circa 1927
Struve, Nikita, 1932-1979
Struve, Petr, 1924
Stuart, Vivian, undated
Stupperich, Robert, 1962-1975
Suard, Robert, 1959 June 22
Sumida, Gerald A., 1965 October 26
Suter, John W., 1947 May 5
Sverker, Per-Axel, 1976 April 14
Svetlana, circa 1932-1933
Swann, Arthur W., 1954
Sweazey, George E., 1973 February
Sweeney, James Ross, 1960
Swenson, Birger, 1951 January 30
Swing, Thomas Kaehao, 1971 April 28
Sylvester (Bishop), 1952 May 18
Szeftel, Marc, 1961-1964
Tachiaos, Antony Emil N., 1973
Taimanskaia, Tamara, 1935
Tait, L. Gordon, 1970
Talbot, 1936 January-February
Abbess Tamara, 1966
Tanenbaum, Marc H., 1972
Tanerman, E., undated
Tanis, Flossie, 1964
Tanis, James, 1958
Taplinger, Richard, 1965-1966
Tapp, Roland W., 1968
Taranovskii, Kirill, 1965-1977
Taranovskii, Nikita, 1947
Taranovsky, Théodore, undated
Tavard, George, 1954-1957
Taylor, Charles L., 1949-1966
Taylor, George, 1932 December 23
Taylor, Theophilus M., 1964
Tchekan, Alexandre, 1937-1938
Tchetvechikoff, 1935
Telford, Mrs. George, 1961
Templin, J. Alton, 1971
Terentieva, N., 1932
Terestchenko, Serge, 1926 October 4
Teskoviy, A. A., 1926 December 13
Theodosios, M., 1950 March 11-1978
Theokritoff, L., 1955
Thomas, J. Moulton (Reverend), 1960
Thomas, Larry D., 1962
Thomas, M.B., undated
Thomas, M.C., 1962
Thomas, M.K., 1955
Thomas, R.S.D., 1964
Thompson, Ernest Trice, 1951-1952
Thompson, Mrs. Paul, 1958
Thompson, Patrick, 1937
Thomson, S. Harrison, 1953
Throumoulos, Irene, 1957
Thurston, Burton B., 1966
Tillich, Paul, 1956
Tilsley, Girlym R., 1935 May 15
Timmer, Gerhard, 1960
Timofeev, Vasilii, 1948-1952
Timofei (Priest), 1972
Timtchenko, Stefan, 1958-1978
Tobias, Robert, 1954-1963
Toconita, John N. (Reverend), 1959
Todd, John M., 1963
Tokmakoff, George, 1936 December 20
Toloknov, Georg, 1948 October 14
Tolstaia, Aleksandra, 1959-1967
Tolstaia, Elena, undated
Tolstaia, Maria, 1948-1955
Tolstosheev, Boris, 1947 February 22
Tolstoy, Nikolai, circa 1920
Toman, Mila, 1974
Tomkins, Floyd W., 1953 May 4
Tomkins, Oliver, 1937-1952
Tompkins, Stuart R., 1949 June 4
Tonya, 1928
Torrance, Tom F. (T.F.), 1949-1975
Toumbakis, Daniel C., 1956
Towne, Claude, 1954
Townsend, Charles, 1971-1972
Travis, John J. (Reverend), 1973
Treadgold, Donald W., 1951-1953
Treadgold, Warren T., 1969-1976
Treasure, Anthony P., 1960
Trensky, Paul, 1963-1965
Tretjakewitsch, Léon, 1971
Trifa, Valerian (Bishop), 1959-1963
Trilevich, Vladimir, 1925 January 19
Trinterud, L. J., 1953
Triska, Jan F., 1972
Trocour, Georg, 1946 December 12
Troitskii, S., 1937-1963
Troyanos, Stephan, 1952
Trushnovich, Ianoslav, 1947
Trutza, John (Reverend), 1951
Tsankov, Stefan, 1937-1965
Tsowkalas, Ezekiel D., 1949 April 2
Tumina, Valeriia, 1959-1961
Turintsev, A., 1930 September 23
Turkeviches, 1971-1972
Turner, Alexander (Reverend), 1961
Turner, Gordon B., 1962
Turnin, Samuel, 1951 November 10
Turnipseed, A.S., 1960-1966
Tyshkevich, S., 1938-1962
Ub[enaeniy?], Boris, 1945
Ulitin, Vladimir, circa 1935-1964
Ullrich, Olga (card), undated
Ulmen, G.L., 1965-1968
Umoff, Paul A., 1961
United Nations World, 1947 April 18
University of London, 1936-1939
Unrah, B. H., 1928
Urdang, Laurence, 1963
Uspenskaia, L., 1964-1968
Uspenskii, Leonid, 1960
Vajta, Vilmos, 1950 August 11
Valastro, George, 1954
Valliere, Paul, 1970
Vance, Cyrus R., 1955
Vanchisin, John, 1951
Vandeleur, W. E., 1937 August 22
van der Bent, A.J., 1967
van der Leeuw, Gerardus, undated
Van Dusen, Henry Pitney, 1948-1958
van Dusen, Hugh, 1958-1961
van Halsema, Franklin, 1958-1965
Vaniga, F., 1952 October 20
van Leeuwen, Eric, 1957
Vansuch, Nicholas, 1951
Van Valkenburgh, J.D., 1954
Vaporis, Michael (Fr.), 1954
Varano, Larissa, undated
Vardaman, Edith, undated
Varia, 1933 February 21
Vasilii, 1939
Vassady, Bela, 1959-1961
Vassilieff, Georges, 1937 January 5
Vechesloff, I., 1951
Vellas, B., 1946-1965
Vera, 1926-1927
Verkhovskaia, O., 1951 April 23
Vernadsky, George, 1926-1969
Vernik, Igor, 1934-1977
Verosky, Joan G., 1949 October 22
Verry, Earleen E., 1958
Vesic, Veselin, 1952-1954
Vestfall, Larisa G., 1962
Viden(?), V. Fonz, 1932
Vieth, Richard F., 1967
Vilchkovskii, Kiril, 1927
Vilde-Lot, Irina, 1938
Vilenchitz, Irene, undated
Vilkov(?), A., 1927-1936
Villas, E.A., 1955-1959
Vinitskaia, Elena, undated
Virgulin, P. Stefano, 1966-1967
Virin, James, 1938
Virlopas, Henry, 1969
Virvos, James, undated
Vischer, Lukas, 1964-1968
Vladimir, A., 1936
Vladimir (Metropolitan), 1947-1956
Vliet, Terentii, 1959
Vogeler, Albert R., 1955
Volkonskai, Ekaterina, 1953-1956
von Mohrenshildt, Dimitri, 1958-1971
Vorlander, H., undated
Vorobiov, Masha, 1958-1978
Vorwerk, Friedrich, 1950-1959
Vos, Mathijs, 1964
Vuinich, Wayne S., undated
Vysheslavtsev, B., 1935-1952
Wachtel, Curt S., 1951 May 25-July 5
Waddams, H. M., 1939-1954
Wade, S. Walter, 1936-1937
Wagner, James E., 1962
Wagoner, Walter D., 1954
Wainwright, Alexander D., 1971-1976
Walford, Nicholas, undated
Walicki, Andrej, 1965
Walker, Franklin A., 1954-1964
Walker, Marshall, 1957-1958
Wallace, William A. (Rev), 1956
Walls, F. Sidney, 1957
Walsh, Catherine Cuddy, 1962
Walsh, Chad, 1951-1952
Walsh, Irene, 1964-1966
Walton, Ann, 1922 December 22-23
Walton, Robert C., undated
Walz, Hanna, 1958-1959
Wan(?), Charles L., 1936 December 31
Ward, E. H., 1935-1937
Ware, Kallistos, 1966-1972
Warnecke, Alexander, 1949-1968
Warren, Don, 1958
Washak, John (Fr.), 1954
Washburn, Kirk, 1961
Washinko, Pauline, 1951 January 18
Lady Waterlow, 1938
Waters, Stephen, 1967
Watt, J.H.I., undated
Weber, Joseph C., 1964
Weckman, George, 1966
Wedel, Theodore O., 1955
Wedmore, J., 1937 July 10
Weeks, Ramona, 1964
Wegner, Nichols H., 1963
Weibeck, W., 1961-1963
Weidle, W., undated
Weigel, Gustave, 1955-1957
Weijenborg, R., 1960
Weintraub, Wiktor, 1954
Weis, Earl A., 1967-1969
Weiskel and Williams families, 1974
Weisskopf, Victor F., 1976
Weitzmann, Kurt and Josepha, 1977
Welborn, Michael, 1949 September 20
Welch, Claude, 1961-1962
Wells, Helen, 1965
Wells, Jim, 1976
Weltin, E.G., 1963
Wendel, Francois, 1959-1961
Wentz, A. R., 1950 February 10
Werlich, Robert, 1972
Wertz, Richard, 1957
Wesel, Peder, 1972-1975
West, Edward Nason, undated
Westerhoff, John H. III, 1968
Westmacott, Irene, 1937-1939
White, Gabriel, 1954
White, Phyllis, 1950 February 9
Whitehouse, T.C., 1961
Whitman, Robert, 1964
Wickenden, Guy, 1967
Widdington, P. E. J., 1937 July 9-10
Wieck, Fred D., 1963-1965
Wiesner, Felix M., 1953
Wiest, Walter E., 1967
Wilcock, F., 1954-1968
Wilcock, S. J., 1952 July 5
Wilder, Amos N., 1950-1973
Wilhelm, Bernhard, 1967
Wilkinson, Edwina, 1961
Willard, Charles, 1974-1975
Willard, Marvin R., 1950 May 23
Williams, Eulalia, undated
Williams, George Huntson, 1949-1978
Williams, Marjorie, 1960
Williams, Neville J., 1976
Williams, Preston N., 1975
Williams, Robert C., 1965
Williams, Rowan, 1974
Williams, Suzanne, 1954-1955
Williams, Thomas K., 1969
Wilson, J. Christy, 1955-1956
Wilson, John F., 1971
Wilson, Ralph E., 1976
Wilson, R. Mercer, 1933-1935
Miss Windle, Invitation, undated
Windolph, F. Lyman, 1971-1973
Winfield, W., 1952 April 26
Wing, John, undated
Wingren, Gustaf, 1947-1960
Winslow, Bede, 1936-1955
Winslow, Donald F., 1966-1968
Winstead, Sara Anne, 1954
Wiren, Vera R.v., 1976
Wischmann, D. Adolf, 1959-1973
Wister, Wendy, 1960
Wlavimir, A., 1946
Wolf, H.H., 1962
Wolf, Herbert C., 1962-1965
Wolf, Richard C., 1965
Wolter, Gerhard, 1952 February 20
Woodbury, Harold W., 1962
Woodruff, Ronald, 1954-1955
Woodward, Kathryn V., 1968-1970
World Coucil of Churches, 1947-1948
Wright, C. Conrad, 1958-1967
Wright, G. Ernest, 1950-1965
Wright, Leon E., 1951 February 2
Wright, W. S. T., 1936
Wunderlich, Wolfgang, 1965
Yakobson, Sergius, 1965-1970
Yakovenko, B., 1928-1930
Yamaguchi, Tada, 1949
Yaney, George L., 1964
Yang, Ivan R., 1932
Yeomans, William, 1970-1971
Yerkes, Roberta W., 1956
YMCA, 1922-1952
York, Christopher and Daria, undated
Young, A. D., 1947-1950
Young, Franklin W., 1964-1966
Young, Ivan A., 1935-1939
Young, Manoog S., 1959-1960
Young, Merrill, 1964-1973
Zabala, Albert J., 1971
Zabelle, Vera, 1951
Zacharia, T.G., 1972-1973
Zakydalsky, T., 1970-1976
Zander, L. A., 1930-1950
Zander, Walter, 1970-1977
Zanetos, John, 1959-19600
Zanuba, Vladimir, 1948
Zavadskaia, L., 1949-1951
Zearfoss, Robert N., 1960
Zedlovich, Nicholas S., 1959
Zehentbauer, Josef, 1966
Zeib, Karl, 1947
Zeller, Winfried, undated
Zenkovski, Sergei, 1926-1938
Zenkowsky, W., 1930-1948
Zernov, Nikolai, 1932-1949
Zernova, Militsa, 1932-1935
Zhardetskaia, T., 1949 January 11
Zhardetskii, V., 1938 April 28
Zhavronkova, A., undated
Zheromskii, undated
Ziegler, Dom Paul, 1975
Zilonskii, Aleksandr (Bishop), 1978
Zinn, Grover A., 1969
Zizioulas, John D., undated
Zlobin, V., 1929 April 11
Zorina, Libushe, 1974
Zouraeff, Alexander P., 1966
Zouras, Nicholas L., 1967
Zubov, Petr, undated
Zulia, Petr, 1951-1957
zum Winkel, H.J., 1962
Zupukin(?), 1929
Zuzic, Marko, 1960
Zylstra, C., 1953
Organizations, 1946-1978
Benziger Brothers, 1965-1969
Byzantine Studies, 1974-1976
Canadian Slavic Studies, 1967-1971
Centre D'Etudes Oecumeniques, 1967
Church History (Journal), 1961-1978
Collier Books, 1962
Concilium, 1971
Daedalus, 1960
Dialog (Journal), 1963
Enciclopedia Italiana, 1974-1977
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1954-1972
Evangelisches Verlagswerk, 1958
G and C Merriam Company, 1955-1957
Harvard College, 1958-1971
Harvard College Library, 1964-1969
Harvard Divinity School, 1956-1971
Humanities Fund, Inc., 1968-1972
Interpretation (Journal), 1955-1970
Life, 1955-1967
Mouton and Co. n.v., 1965-1966
Oxford University Press, 1955
Princeton University, 1964-1978
Random House, Inc., 1963
The Clarendon Press, 1967-1971
The MacMillan Company, 1954
The Russian Review, 1962
The Westminster Press, 1949-1971
W. Kohlhemmer Verlag, 1966
World Council of Churches, 1946-1974
Yale University, 1961-1973
Publishing Miscellaneous, 1955-1977
Miscellaneous Book Orders, 1954-1977
Notes to Mrs. Florovsky, 1962-1964
Letters in Greek, 1954-1976
Honorary Degree Correspondence, 1974
Invitations, 1950s-1970s
Florovsky to A, 1956-1969
Florovsky to B, 1956-1964
Florovsky to C, 1953-1962
Florovsky to D, 1952-1973
Florovsky to E, 1954-1962
Florovsky to F, 1939-1962
Florovsky to G, 1954-1963
Florovsky to H, 1950-1966
Florovsky to I, 1958-1977
Florovsky to J, 1953-1966
Florovsky to K, 1959-1962
Florovsky to L, 1953-1959
Florovsky to M, 1946-1964
Florovsky to N, 1939-1960
Florovsky to O, 1958-1976
Florovsky to P, 1957-1973
Florovsky to R, 1957-1962
Florovsky to S, 1949-1962
Florovsky to T, 1952-1964
Florovsky to U, 1958
Florovsky to V, 1957-1962
Florovsky to W, 1955-1964
Florovsky to Y, 1956
Florovsky to Z, undated
Florovsky to Unidentified, undated
Organizational Papers, 1915-1979
Papers related to various academic and church organizations with which Florovsky was active.
Arranged by organization.
Letters from Father A. Palmieri to Robert Gardiner Regarding the Roman Catholic Church, 1920-1924
Letters to Robert Gardiner, undated
Report of the European Delegation to the Commission on the World Conference on Faith and Order, 1915
Commission on Faith and Order, 1954
Commission on Faith and Order, 1955
Commission on Faith and Order, 1959
Commission on Faith and Order, 1960
Commission on Faith and Order, 1971
Commission on Traditions, 1953-1957
Commission on Traditions, 1958
Commission on Traditions, 1959-1961
Commission on Traditions, undated
Patristics, 1955-1976
Scandinavian Theology, undated
Christian Action in Society, undated
Rapid Social Change, undated
Morality of Industrialism, undated
Press, 1925-1955 May
Press, 1955 June-1959
Press, 1959-1975
Press, undated
Executive Committee, 1950-1952
Executive Committee, 1953-1961
Documents and Letters, 1947-1952
Documents and Letters, 1953-1955
Documents and Letters, 1956-1957
Documents and Letters, 1958-1960
Documents and Letters, 1961-1970s
Documents and Letters, undated
National Council of Churches, 1956
Documents Describing the Relationship of the National Council of Churches to the WCC, undated
Other Organizations, 1965-1977
International Rescue Committee: Documents and Letters Regarding Communist Redefections, undated
Friends of the WCC, undated
The Church Peace Mission, undated
Family Papers, 1921-1982
Consists of correspondence between Georges Florovsky and his wife, Xenia Florovsky (Xenia Ivanovna Florovskaia), the correspondence and writings of Xenia Florovsky, and the correspondence of other family members.
Arranged by genre of material.
Miscellaneous Letter, undated
Letters to Mamusichka, 1930
Correspondence, 1921-1929
Correspondence, 1930-1932
Correspondence, 1933-1935
Correspondence, 1936-1937
Correspondence, 1938
Correspondence, 1939-1946
Correspondence, 1947-1948
Correspondence, 1949-1953
Correspondence, 1954-1955
Correspondence, 1956-1957
Correspondence, 1958
Correspondence, 1959
Correspondence, 1960
Correspondence, 1961
Correspondence, 1962-1963
Correspondence, 1964-1965
Correspondence, 1966
Correspondence, 1967-1970
Correspondence, 1971-1982
Correspondence, circa 1920s-1960s
Correspondence, circa 1920s-1930s
Anton Florovsky, circa 1924-1965
Anton Florovsky, circa 1950-1967
Igor Florovsky, 1937-1965
Vasily Florovsky, 1927
Papers of Others, 1892-1977
Consists of the writings and letters of various other individuals.
Arranged alphabetically by author, title, or topic, with miscellaneous unidentified materials at the end.
A - D, 1925-1951
Berdaev, N. A., Letters, 1925
Russian Revised Standard Bible, undated
Bibliographies, undated
Excerpts from The Citizen, undated
E - P, 1925-1958
"Grigorii Palamas...", undated
Pan-Orthodox Review, 1949-1950
Poetry, 1961
R - S, undated
T - Z, 1964
Miscellaneous, 1892-1977
Correspondence of Others, 1852-1892
Correspondence of Others, 1953-1977
Correspondence of Others, undated
Unidentified Letters, circa 1968
Unidentified Audio Tapes, undated
Miscellaneous Documents, undated
Documents, 1916-1986
Consists of personal records and documents of Georges Florovsky, including government identification documents and immigration application papers, financial and medical records, address books and business cards containing his contacts, desk calendars, portraits and family photographs, bibliographies, clippings from articles regarding Florovsky, and programs for various conferences and events in which he was active. Some documents that pertain to his wife, Xenia Florovsky, are also present here. Additional documents for Xenia Florovsky, which were originally filed with her own papers, can be found within Family Papers.
Arranged by document type.
Passports and Visas, 1948-1966
Immigration Application, 1947
Medical Records, circa 1949-1978
Drawings, undated
Address Books, circa 1962-1969
Address Book Loose Pages, undated
Desk Calendars, 1950-1968
Financial Documents, 1952-1979
Photographs, circa 1931-1976
- Scope and Contents
Consists of works, correspondence, documents, photographs, and memorabilia of Florovsky, reflecting his career at various academic institutions, such as Saint Vladimir's Theological Seminary in New York (1948-1956) and Harvard Divinity School (1956-1964), teaching patristics and Russian religious thought, and later at Princeton (1964-1972), teaching Slavic languages and literatures. The collection contains articles and papers written in several languages, mostly Russian and English, but also French, German, Rumanian, Italian, and Greek; card files; his notes and bibliographic references; and bibliographies of his writings. Much of the material concerns his work in the World Council of Churches, as a member of the Executive Committee and the Commission on Faith and Order. Correspondence pertains, among other things, to his involvement in the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius in London, the Parisian emigre community, and activities at Harvard. Correspondents include Svetlana Allilueva, Nikolai Arsenev, Nicholas Berdiaev, Father Sergius Bulgakov, Peter Struve, and George Vernadsky. In addition, there are several boxes of Florovsky family correspondence. Correspondence is largely in Russian, with occasional letters to Florovsky written in English, German, Greek, and French.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Georges Florovsky, clergyman, teacher and author, was born in Odessa, Russia. Ordained as a priest in 1932, he held many academic posts in the United States.
- Acquisition:
Purchased from the author.
- Appraisal
No materials were separated from the collection during 2014 reprocessing.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed in 1995. Finding aid written in 1995. Correspondence was reprocessed by Lindsay Ceballos (GS) in 2014. Arrangement and description were enhanced and selective reprocessing was conducted by Kelly Bolding and Faith Charlton in 2016, with assistance from Isabella Litke (GS) and Fiona Bell '18.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research. Teaching materials (housed in Boxes 5-7) are closed for 75 years from the date of creation due to the presence of student records.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Georges Florovsky Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/ft848q630
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Boxes 1-83; B-000795; B-000796; B-000797; B-000798; B-000799
- Subject Terms:
- Clergy -- United States
Fathers of the Church.
Slavic languages -- Study and teaching -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
Slavic literature -- Study and teaching -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
Theology -- Study and teaching -- Massachusetts -- Cambridge. -- 20th century
Theology -- Study and teaching -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Articles.
Photographs, Original. - Names:
- Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius
World Council of Churches.
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary (New York, N.Y.)
Russkai︠a︡ pravoslavnai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ
Harvard Divinity School.
Princeton University