Series 1: Works, 1921-1973
Consists of addresses, essays, books, and poems by Allen Tate, as well as works of other authors. Of note is Subseries 1B, which contains the manuscripts for The Fathers, and Subseries 1D, which contains manuscripts and drafts for Tate's poetry, the bulk of works by Tate. Subseries 1E primarily consists of the works of authors included in Princeton Verse Between Two Wars, edited by Allen Tate.
This series is arranged by type of work (i.e., addresses, essays, etc.) and then those are arranged alphabetically.
Assumption University Speech, 1957
Francis Ferguson, undated
Kenyon College Address, 1963 April
"A Short Sermon", 1963 April
The Fathers, undated
Miscellaneous Essays, undated
Unidentified Manuscripts, undated
"The Battle of Gettysburg", undated
"The Father", 1933
"Longinus", undated
"A Lost Traveller's Dream", undated
"The New Provincialism", undated
"Note on Dewey's Esthetics", undated
Reactionary Essays, circa 1930-1936
"A Reading of Keats", undated
Reviews written by Allen Tate, 1924-1930
"Three Types of Poetry", undated
"A Trivial Meditation", undated
"The Vigil of Venus", 1943
"What is Creative Writing", undated
"Yeats' Romanticism", undated
Proof sheets, circa 1932
Notes on Poetry, 1942-1943
"Aeneas at Washington", circa 1932
"The Ancestors", undated
"At Nightfall", circa 1928
"Carmen CI", 1928
"The Cross", 1929 September
"A Dream", 1928
"Emblems II. The Wolves", circa 1931
"The Eye", dates not examined
"False Nightmare", 1941 October
"Jubilo", undated
"Love Song", dates not examined
"The Maimed Man", dates not examined
"The Meaning of Death", undated
"Message from Abroad", undated
"More Sonnets at Christmas", undated
"Mother and Son", dates not examined
"Obituary", 1925 February
"Ode to the Confederate Dead", 1926
"Pastoral", 1934
Poems: 1920-1945, circa 1946-1948
Poems: 1920-1945: Printer's copy of edition published by Eyre & Spottiswoode, circa 1946-1948
"Shadow and Shade", 1933 January
"Sonnet at Christmas", undated
"Sonnets at Christmas", 1933
"Sonnets of the Blood", undated
"The Swimmers", circa 1952
"Tatal Splinterview", 1931
"Three Poems", 1932
"The Twelve", 1929
"Two Unpublished Sonnets", 1921
"The Vigil of Venus", undated
Related Correspondence, 1923-1942
Arrowsmith, William, undated
Barbour, Thomas, undated
Beatty, John, undated
Beier, Carl, undated
Bennett, Joseph, undated
Bottrall, Ronald, undated
Burlingham, R. G., undated
Chamberlain, John, undated
Cooper, Harold, undated
Coxe, Louis O., undated
Fisher, Alfred Young, undated
Heringman, Bernard, undated
Horton, Philip, undated
Lowe, Robert Liddell, undated
MacLiesh, A. Fleming, undated
Mathews, T. S., undated
Mayberry, George, undated
Meredith, William, Jr., undated
Mizener, Arthur, undated
Morgan, Frederick, undated
Morse, Richard M., undated
Peaslee, David, undated
Riggs, Thomas, undated
Salinger, Herman, undated
Severance, Frank, undated
Spackman, W. M., undated
Spencer, Theodore, undated
Stauffer, Donald A., undated
Steese, Edward, undated
Tate, Allen, undated
Ward, Allen, undated
Warren, Alba, undated
Watkins, W. B. C., undated
Wellington, H. G., undated
Whaler, James, undated
Wiggam, Lionel, undated
Wise, Robert, undated
Miscellaneous Notes, 1941
Unidentified Works, circa 1932-1941
Barbour, T., 1940
Beatty, John, dates not examined
Beier, Carl, 1941 June 4
Chamberlain, J. P., 1937-1941
Coxe, Louis, dates not examined
Dunham, Henry, 1941
Horton, Philip, 1931
Mayberry, George, 1941
Meredith, William, circa 1941
Peaslee, David, undated
Salinger, Herman, 1941
Severance, Frank, 1941
Spackman, William Mode, 1941
Ward, Allen, undated
Warren, Alba, undated
Watkins, W. B. C., undated
Wellington, H. G., undated
Wise, Robert, undated
Series 2: Correspondence, 1911-1979
This series represents the bulk of the collection and contains correspondence with major literary figures (such as Ernest Hemingway and T. S. Eliot), publishing companies, schools and universities, friends, family, and fan mail.
This series begins with literary and topical correspondence first and follows with general correspondence, which comprises the bulk of the series.
Accent, 1940 July 11-1941 January 14
The Adelphi, 1931
The Alcestis Press, 1938 June 6
America's Young Men, 1934 January 8
ARS, 1955 June 29
The Atlantic Monthly, 1937 June 2
The Century Co., 1927 June 28
The Chimera, 1942 June 26
The Colt Press, 1941 May 9
Coward McCann, Inc., 1934 January
Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1937 March 31
Direzione Editoriale, 1961 May
The Examiner, 1938 April 18
Free America, 1939 May-June
HIKA, 1939 January 18
Joseph, Nannine, 1942 April-August
The Kenyon Review, 1939-1942
McIntosh and Otis, Inc., 1933
Mark Twain Society, 1930 June 2
Millett, Fred B., 1937 April 15
The Nation, 1931 May 12-1936 July 23
New York Times, 1937 November
Outlook, 1931 October 29
Parnell, Adella, circa 1924
The Poetry Review, 1937 October 11
Random House, Inc., 1938 November 22
The Reviewer, 1922
Spirit, 1941 March
T'ien Hsia Monthly, 1940 April 20
Time, 1942 January 16
This Quarter, 1931 March 12
Transition, 1927 September 17
Twentieth Century Press, 1938 July 7
The Wave, 1923
Unidentified Correspondence, 1939-1967
Aaron, Daniel, 1977
Abbott, Charles, 1937-1960
Abrams, Michael H, 1967
Academy of Achievement, 1962
Academy of American Poets, 1947-1975
Accent, 1942-1943
Ackerman, Frank W., 1954
A. D. Quarterly Magazine, 1951-1952
Adams, Adam G., 1975 April 21
Adams, Alice, 1946 November 16
Adams, Elliott, 1950-1971
Adams, Giorgio, 1972 March 5
Adams, Hazard, 1968-1971
Adams, Howard, 1969 August
Adams, James Donald, 1943-1971
Adams, Léonie, 1939-1966
Adams, Mildred Goodpasture, 1966
Adams, Nicholson Barney, 1944
Adams, Taylor, 1958
Adams, William Howard, undated
Adams, William H., Jr., 1939-1966
Adelphi College, 1946
Aden, John ("Jack"), 1958-1970
Agee, James, undated
Aiken, Conrad Potter and Mary, 1926-1971
Alabama Union, 1966
Alabama, University of, 1955-1975
Albrecht, Friar Keith, undated
Alcestis Press, 1933-1936
Alderfer, Margaret K., 1966
Aldridge, John Watson, 1950-1969
Alexander, Henry Aaron, 1941-1959
Algonquin, Hotel, 1944 February 24
Aliferis, Viola, 1968 March 14
Alington, Giles, 1953
Alitalia, 1962
All Souls College, 1959
Allen, Henry, 1968 June 7
Allen, Paul L., 1950
Allen, Susan Emily, 1978 March-April
Allen, Walter Ernest, 1966
Alma College, 1973
Altieri, Charles, 1974 October 3
Amberg, George, undated
American Academy in Rome, 1953-1962
The American Circle, 1954 August 27
American Council on NATO, 1953
American Express, 1966-1968
American Hospital of Paris, 1957
American Library Association, 1956
American Literature, 1952
The American Scholar, 1945-1966
Amherst College, 1954-1975
Anania, Michael, 1971-1974
Andersen, Charles R., 1958
Anderson, Lee, 1945-1962
Anderson, Margery S., 1957
Anderson, Sherwood, undated
Anderson, Wallace L., 1947
Andrews, Lyman, Jr., 1960-1973
Annalena, Pensione, 1962-1963
Antæus, 1971-1975
Antonius, Brother, 1962
Appleman, Philip, 1969-1971
Appleton, Sally, undated
Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1958
Applewhite, James, 1969-1974
Aquinas College, 1967-1974
Archon Books, 1964
Arizona Quarterly, 1950
Arkansas, University of, 1951
The Arlington Quarterly, 1967-1969
Armstrong, Phyllis E., 1949-1958
Armstrong State College, 1967
Arnason, Hjorardur H., 1963-1966
Arnold, Sylvia, 1942-1945
Arrowsmith, William, 1942-1976
Art News, 1958
Arts and Letters for Humphrey, 1968
Arts Club of Washington, 1944
Ashby, Richard, 1944
Ashton, Dore, 1958
Atheneum Publishers, 1960-1975
Atkins, Elizabeth F., undated
Atkins, John N., 1944-1946
Atkinson, Bengta, 1976 March 17
Atlantic Monthly Press, 1962
Atlas, James, undated
Auberjonois, Fernand, 1948-1969
Auburn University, 1969
Aucerobi, Luciano, 1954
Auden, W. H., 1946-1972
Audience Magazine, undated
Audio Visual Center, 1955
Auer, Deborah, 1974 March 29
Augsburg College, 1963
Aurora Publishers, Inc., 1974 May 17
Austin Motors Distributors, 1953
Austin Peay State College, 1967
Author's Club, 1953-1967
The Authors Guild, Inc., 1969 May 6
Aviles, Alonso, 1949
Axelrod, Steven, 1974-1978
Axley, Lowry, 1939
Babbitt, Irving, 1930
Bach, Monique, 1963
Bachmann, Ingeborg, 1957
Backus, Elizabeth, 1950
Baer, Howard, 1948
Baie, Diane, 1974 October 21
Baker, Carlos, 1944-1963
Baker, Gus, 1972 July 20
Baker, Howard, 1930-1939
Baker, Philip G., 1966
Balch, Earle H., 1952-1958
Ballantine Books, 1953
Balsdon, J. P. V. D., 1958
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1948
Bandy, William T., 1948-1964
Bannerjee, G. C., 1957
Barber, Melanie, 1944
Barbour, George B., 1953
Barbour, Thomas, 1942-1946
Bard College, 1946
Barjansky, Michael, 1963
Barnes, Djuna, 1946-1966
Barnes, Donald E., 1942 April 24
Baronis, Ruth, 1957
Barr, Sister Mary Anthony, 1974-1976
Barr, Stringfellow, 1940-1961
Barres, Oliver, 1977 January 18
Barrett, Alfred J., 1951
Barrett, Laurence, 1968 June 17
Barson, Alfred, 1971 January 2
Barthell, Edward E., Jr., 1949-1964
Bartlett, Alice Hunt, 1948
Bartlett, Elizabeth, 1968-1973
Basic Books, Inc., 1964
Basler, Roy, 1963-1974
Bassett, John, 1973 September 20
Baughan, Denver E., 1945
Baum, S. V., 1960
Baumgardt, David, 1944
Baylor University, 1960
Bazemore, E. L., 1955
Beach, Bea, undated
Beach, Joseph W., 1951
Beach, Sylvia, 1961
Beatty, John C., 1946
Beatty, Richmond C., 1938-1951
Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 1964
Beck, Warren, 1946
Begin, Z. L., 1953
Beil, Dorothy, 1974
Belgion, Montgomery, 1938-1946
Belitt, Benjamin, 1947-1948
Bell, Allen, undated
Bellarmine College, 1963
Bellman, Barbara, 1957
Belloc, Hilaire, 1935
Belmont College, 1966-1967
Bemidji State Teachers College, 1952
Benamon, Michel, 1958
Benbow, Pamela, 1974 November 15
Benét, William Rose, 1944-1949
Bennett, J. Jefferson, 1973-1976
Bennett, James R., 1966
Bennett, Joseph D., 1943-1966
Bennington College, 1946-1960
Benoit-Smullyan, Emile, 1946
Benton, Richard P., 1967-1969
Benzinger, James, 1962
Berg, A. Scott, 1972 September 7
Berg, Martin, 1970 April 12
Berger, Lisa, 1969
Berland, Alwyn, 1950-1953
Berlind, Bruce, 1947
Berne-Joffroy, André, 1960-1963
Bernetta Quinn, Sister, 1948-1977
Bernhard, Dora, 1955-1963
Berry, David C., 1971 July 10
Berry, Francis, 1959
Berry, Wendell, 1970-1974
Berryman, John, 1936-1971
Bethany College, 1965-1966
Bethurnum, Dorothy, 1947-1957
Betsky, Seymour, 1964
Between Worlds, 1959
Bewley, Marius, 1952-1953
Bicentennial Hymn Contest, 1975
Biddle, Edmund Randy, 1969-1973
Biddle, Francis, 1944-1974
Biddle, George, 1960-1966
Biddle, Katherine, 1944-1973
Biddle, Stephen, 1969 September 16
Bier, Jesse, 1952
Billings, Harold, 1967
Billman, Carl, 1946
Bingham, Mary, undated
Birkbeck College, 1963
Birtwistle, J. David, 1967
Bishop, Christopher, undated
Bishop, Elizabeth, 1939-1954
Bishop, Ferman, 1962-1970
Bishop, John Peale, 1928-1951
Bishop, Morris, 1940 February 23
Black Mountain College, 1947
Black, Robert L., 1935
Blackmur, R. P., 1938-1965
Blair, Margaret White, 1968 October
Blake, Marion E., 1954
Blanc-Roos, René, undated
Blanshard, Rufus A., 1957
Blegen, Theodore C., 1952
Blotner, Joseph, 1971 April
Blum, William, 1974-1975
Blume, Peter, 1973-1975
Blumenthal-Weiss, Ilse, 1951
Boatwright, James, 1963-1977
Bode, Carl, 1958-1959
The Bodley Head Ltd., 1962
Bogan, Eugene, 1975
Bogan, Fred M., 1932-1957
Bogan, Louise, 1931-1970
Bohaty, Ken, 1973 September 11
Bologna, University of, 1967
Bonner, Amy, 1949
Bonsanti, Marcella, 1962-1966
Book World, 1969 March 3
Books Abroad, 1969-1970
Books for Libraries, Inc., 1967-1972
Boorstin, Daniel J., 1962
Booth, Philip, 1969 May 2
Booth, Wayne C., 1954
Border Poets of Texas, 1950-1952
Borgerhoff, E. B. O, 1952
Borgese, Elisabeth M., 1955
Boroff, David, 1954
Bosco, Henri, 1942
Bosquet, Alain, 1955
Boston College, 1949-1958
Bowdoin College, 1957-1965
Bower, Warren, undated
Bowers, Edgar, 1954-1958
Bowers, Mrs. Fredson H., undated
Bowling, Lawrence E., 1946-1950
Bowling Green State University, 1954
Bowman, William M., 1963-1964
Bowron, Barney, 1972-1974
Boyars, Arthur, 1951
Boyd, James, 1943-1944
Boyd, Julian, 1949-1967
Boyers, Robert, 1977 September 29
Boyle, Kay, 1958-1963
Brabham, M. V., 1943
Bradbury, John M., 1958
Bradford, James, 1975-1976
Bradford, Melvin Eustace, 1966-1973
Bradley, Denis J. M., 1972 January 7
Bradley, Van Allen, 1948
Bradley, William Aspenwall, 1929
Brague, L. Harry, 1968
Brandeis, Irma, 1960
Brandeis University, 1957-1966
Brandt, Joseph August, 1946-1948
Branscomb, Harvie, 1950
Brantley, Fred, 1949
Bratton, Edward W., 1976 January 23
Bratton, John G., 1974 July 31
Bray, Charles W., 1946
Braybrooke, Neville, 1948
Brazeau, Peter, 1976
George Braziller, Inc., 1966-1970
Breaden, Dale G., undated
Breit, Harvey, 1950-1951
Brenson, Vera, 1951
Marcel Breuer and Associates, 1966
Brewer, Joseph, 1935-1949
Brewster, Harry, 1955-1972
Brickman, Connie Schwartz, 1955
Briggs, Austin, Jr., 1970-1971
Briggs, H. E., 1947
Brigham, Mrs. Henry H., 1944
Brinnin, John Malcolm, 1944-1957
Brock, Ignatius Wadsworth, 1945
Brockshire, Paul R., 1946
Broderick, John C., 1978 January
Bronowski, Jacob, 1952-1959
Brooks, Cleanth, 1931-1976
Brooks, Ernest, Jr., 1961
Brooks, Roger L., 1976 January 7
Brooks School, 1960-1961
Brooks, Van Wyck, 1962-1966
Brottmiller, Debi, undated
Broughton, Irv, 1974-1975
Brown, Ashley, 1958-1978
Brown, Clarence, 1964-1974
Brown, Dave L., Co., 1968
Brown, Elizabeth, 1959
Brown, H. Glenn, 1946
Brown, Harvey, 1940
Brown, Huntington, 1946-1953
Brown, James, 1947
Brown, John L., 1958-1962
Brown, Margaret Wise, 1952
Brown, Steve and Gilbert, Jess, 1976
Brown, Stuart Gerry, 1947
Brown University, 1960
Brown, William Slater, 1976-1977
Brownell, Baker, 1937 February 3
Bruccoli, Matthew J., 1969-1977
Bruce, Joseph, 1974 September
Brustleiw, Alain, 1944 December 20
Bryant, Joseph Allen, 1966-1978
Bryn Mawr College, 1953-1955
Brynes, Asher, undated
Buchanan, Scott, 1939-1941
Buchanan, W., 1971 September 27
Buckingham, Mrs. Hugh E., 1943-1945
Buckley, F. Reid, 1971-1972
Buckman, Gertrude, 1957
Buckman, Marion, 1949
Buffalo, University of, 1946-1960
Buffington, Robert, 1967-1978
Bulgin, Mac, 1971 October 10
Bullock, Marie, 1967-1971
Bultman, Mrs. Fritz, 1961
Burford, William, 1953-1954
Burke, Kenneth Duva, 1929-1975
Burke, Mrs. Richard L., 1951
Burke's Peerage Limited, 1970
Burkett, Eva, 1946
Burlinson, John, 1976 September 17
Burnett, Whit, 1967
Burns, G. Frank, 1971-1972
Burnshaw, Stanley, 1955-1973
Burton, Lucia M., 1946
Busch, Raymond T., 1962
Bush, Alfred L., 1967-1973
Butler, Alida, circa 1969
Butler, B. C., 1952
Butler, Francis (Frank), 1958-1970
Butler, Janine, undated
Butscher, Edward, 1977 January 9
Button, [G.?], undated
Byrne, Evelyn B., 1968
Cacciaguerra, Perla, 1970-1971
Cadle, Dean, 1946 October 20
Caedmon Records, Inc., 1965 May 28
Caetani, Marguerite, 1949-1961
Cairns, Huntington, 1943-1974
Cal[d?], Quin, undated
Calder and Boyars, Ltd., 1967
Caldwell, Christina, 1961
California, University of, 1955-1961
Calkins, Robert D., 1952 October 24
Callum, R. B. W., 1958 October 31
Cambon, Glauco, 1953-1954
Cameron, James, 1959-1963
Campbell, W. J., 1936-1950
Campion Hall, Oxford, 1963
Canby, H. S., 1925-1938
Cane, Melville H., 1947
Canell, Richard A., 1963
Canaviga, Marie, 1947-1949
Cannon, William Maury, 1944
Cargill, Oscar, 1947
Carleton College, 1952-1968
Carleton, Mrs. John, 1976 April
Carlson, Eric W., 1969 July 15
Carlson, Maurice I., 1960-1971
Carmichael, C. C., 1941 February 10
Carmody, Francis J., 1952 December 5
Carnochan, W. Bliss, undated
Carper, Wood B., 1942-1971
Carrick, Lynn, 1932
Carringer, Michel, 1951
Carroll, Donald B., 1959-1961
Carroll, James, 1968-1974
Carroll, Paul, 1962-1965
Carruth, Hayden, 1949-1970
Carter, Elliott C., 1948-1951
Carter, Gerald C., 1967
Carter, Melinda, 1967
Carter, Thomas H., 1952
Carter, Tom, 1960
Casey, Father Marion, 1962
Catholic Renaissance Society, 1955
Catucci, Joe, undated
Caxton Press, 1956
Cecil, Lord David, 1953-1966
Central Michigan University, 1959
Century Association, 1952-1972
Chakravartz, Amiya, 1948
Chambrun, Jacques, 1945-1946
Chapin, Henry, 1973 October 15
Chapman, Robert, 1942-1951
Chapman, Ruth, 1947
Chappell, Fred, 1970-1972
Chase, Gilbert, 1953
Chase, Richard, 1951
Chattanooga Times, 1960
Chatto and Windus Ltd., 1965
Chen, Shih-Hsiang, 1948-1952
Cheney, Brainard, 1945-1976
Cheney, Fannie, 1950-1968
Cheney, Lon, 1943-1968
Cherry, Kelly, 1974 July 24
Cheuse, Alan, 1969 October 15
Chiari, J., 1949 September 15
Chiat, Jay, 1967 January 10
Chicago Daily News, 1952
The Chicago Evening Post, undated
Chicago, University of, 1947-1954
Chicago Review, 1955-1974
Chitty, Arthur Ben, 1970 October 8
Christenson, Kathryn, 1968 June 13
Christian Culture Series, 1958
Church, Henry, 1939-1945
Cipoletta, Bonaventura, 1963
Cirino, Linda, 1972 June 12
The Citadel, 1962
City College of New York, 1948-1950
Claire, William Francis, 1967-1975
Clancy, William, 1971 December 16
Clapp, Frederick Mortimer, 1947-1951
Clark, Alden Hyde, 1951
Clark, Alexander, 1953-1967
Clark, B., 1974
Clark, Eleanor, 1944-1945
Clark, Harry Hayden, 1945
Clark, John Williams, 1957-1977
Clark, Lillian Pearce, 1944-1945
Clark, Roy C., 1969 February 12
Clark, Sam Lilliard, 1945
Clark, Samuel, 1958
Clark, Saville T., 1927-1946
Clark, Thebla, undated
Clark, William Smith, II, 1952-1972
Clarke, Gilmore D., 1968-1970
Clarksville Public Library, undated
Clemens, Cyril, 1943-1970
Clifton, Yerger Hunt, 1967 May 2
Cobb, William, undated
Code, Grant, 1947
Cody, Sherwin, 1948
Coe College, 1954-1958
Coen, Fabio, 1964
Coffman, George R., 1938 March 8
Coghill, Nevill, 1958-1963
Cohn, Angelo, 1964
Coindreau, Maurice, undated
Colby, Fanny Sedgewick, 1946
Colby, Rob, 1972 October 30
Coleman, Elliott, 1947-1962
Colgate University, 1956-1964
Collier Books, 1961-1965
Collins, David M., 1956 August 21
Collins, Fletcher, Jr., 1958-1966
Collins, Margaret, undated
Collins, Seward, 1933-1937
Colonnade, 1952
Colorado, University of, circa 1968
Columbia University, 1935-1966
Combes, Gladys Ewing, 1948 April 21
Commentary, undated
Common Sense, 1944
Commonweal, 1951-1953
Comparative Literature, 1958
Conarroe, Joel, 1977
Concordia College, 1958-1960
Cone, Edward T., 1968
Connecticut College, 1950 March 14
Connolly, Cyril, 1947 March 26
Converse College, 1957-1963
Cook, Stephen, 1972-1973
Cook, Thos. and Son, Ltd., 1945-1948
Cooper, Philip, 1967
Cooper, Prentice, 1943
Corbin, Dick, undated
Cordell, William H., 1934 July 25
Core, George, 1967-1977
Cornell, Julien, 1945
Cornell University, 1950
Corry, Andrew V., 1974-1975
Cosmopolitan, 1958
Cosmos Club, 1946-1953
Couch, William Terry, 1945-1963
Coueney, Niña M., 1958
Coulson, Richard P., 1955
Countryman Press, Inc., 1936
The Courier-Journal, 1968 May 24
Coutinho, Afranio, 1942 June 18
Covici, Pascal, 1947 October 3
Cowan, Louise S., 1950-1976
Cowles, Fleur and Gardner, 1951
Cowles, John, Jr., 1967
Cowley, Malcolm, 1924-1978
Cox, Bill, 1969 April 25
Cox, Edward G., 1943
Cox, Shelby S., 1961
Coxe, Louis, 1946-1978
Crane, Bessie M., 1933
Crane, Grace Hart, 1932-1933
Crane, Hart, 1922-1930
Crane, Hart (Photostats), 1922-1929
Crane, Ronald Salmon, 1949-1950
Craven, Ken, 1968 March 22
Craven, R. Kenton, 1967
Crawford, John, 1946
Creekmore, Hubert, 1944
Creeth, Edmund H., 1973 May 11
Creighton University, 1966
Criterion Books, Inc., 1956
Cronos, 1948
The Crosby Corporation, 1947-1950
Crown Publishers, 1946-1972
Crump, Galbraith M., 1974 October 14
Cumming, W. P., 1939 March 17
Cummings, e. e., 1949-1962
Cummings, Marion, 1947-1963
The Cummington Press, 1943-1951
Cummins, Virginia K., 1942
Cunliffe, Marcus, 1953-1961
Cunliffe, Mrs. Marcus, 1962
Cunningham, Dolora, 1952
Cunningham, James V., 1961
Curnow, Allen, 1950-1962
Curry, Kathryn Worth, 1933-1934
Curry, Walter C., 1937-1967
Curtis Brown, Ltd., 1937-1954
Cushing, Edward H., 1950 June 1
Cushman, Joe, 1972
Dabney, Sam'l B., 1931 December 9
Daedalus, 1960-1965
Dahlberg, Edward, 1958-1970
Daiches, David, 1941-1969
Dairs, J. H., 1967
Dakin, A. H., 1947
Dakin, Rodney G., 1963
Dallas Public Library, 1950
Dallas, University of, 1968
Dalmas, Carol S., 1971
Dalmas, Victor P., Jr., 1970-1974
Dalven, Rae, 1949 October 28
Daniel, Robert W., 1942-1968
D'Arcy, Martin C., 1955-1963
Dardis, Thomas A., 1949
Dasgupta, Pravaleendu, 1964
Daughdrill, James H., Jr., 1977
Davidson, Donald Grady, 1922-1926
Davidson, Donald Grady, 1927-1933
Davidson, Donald Grady, 1933-1942
Davidson, Donald Grady, 1943-1951
Davidson, Donald Grady, 1952-1970
Davidson, Gustav, 1948
Davidson, Philip, 1942
Davies (?), L., 1975
Davin, Daniel, 1959-1965
Davis, Catherine Breese, 1948-1951
Davis, Dianne, 1970-1971
Davis, Herbert, 1961-1965
Davis, John H., 1967 April
Davis, Lambert, 1958
Davis, Louise Littleton, 1948
Davis, Richard S., 1955-1960
Davis, Robert, 1932
Davison-Paxon Co., 1939 March
Dawkins, Maria, 1974 September 24
Dawson, Carley, 1966 April 25
Dawson, Christopher, 1940
Day, Robert Adams, 1972 February 15
John Day Company, Inc., 1946
Day-Lewis, Cecil and Jill, 1944-1965
Dean, Charles W., Jr., 1973 July 5
Dean, Leonard, 1954 December 19
DeBaggin, Henry T., undated
Decker, Clarence R., 1942-1948
DeHuszar, George B., 1958
Delafield, Eugene L., 1972 May 7
Delaware, University of, 1948
Demetz, Peter, 1961
DeMeules, Gretchen, 1964
The Denneys, circa 1934
Dennis, Arthur G., 1953 December 4
Denver Quarterly, 1967
DeSilver, Margaret, 1951-1952
Detroit, University of, Press, 1962
DeVane, William Clyde, 1958
The Devin-Adair Company, 1951
Devlin, Denis, 1944-1966
The Dial Press, 1942-1971
Dickey, James, 1965 April 26
Dickey, R. P., 1974-1975
Dickinson-Brown, Roger, 1968-1978
Dickson, Mrs. J. Moore, 1937
Diefenbach, Larry, 1971 April 25
Diekmann, Conrad, 1951
Diggory, Terence, 1973-1975
Dike, Donald, 1969
Dillon, George, 1946
Dingman, Larry, 1971 March 5
Diogène, 1954-1960
Dix, William S., 1974 November 13
Dobrée, Bonamy, 1956-1963
Dodge, D. E., 1974
Doherty, Rumble & Butler, 1954
Dolbee, Cora, 1946
Dolzen, Vincent J., 1943 October 25
Dominican College, 1962 September 18
Donahoe, Edward, 1965 July 15
Donahue, Shag, 1963 January 22
Donaldson, Norman, 1943
Donaldson, Scott, 1968 March
Donnelley, Thomas E., 1945
Donnelly, A., 1952
Donoghue, Denis, 1969-1978
Dorati, Antal, 1956 February 20
Dorenkamp, John H., undated
Dorrance, Ward, 1949-1975
Dos Passos, John, 1945-1949
The Double Dealer, 1922-1924
Douglas, Ellen, 1975 March 22
Douglas, Wallace W., 1945 November 7
Douglass Associates, 1970
Downer, Alan, 1945 September 4
Downey, Dorothy, 1968-1969
Doxtator, Richard W., 1968-1971
Doyle, John Robert, 1967
Drake, Robert, 1967-1978
Drew, Elizabeth, 1952-1964
The Dryden Press, Inc., 1957
Duffy, Hugh, 1951 October 28
Duke, Mathilde W., 1967 May 10
Duke University, 1975 March
Duncan, Ed, 1971
Duncan, Harry, 1948-1976
Dupee, Frederick Wilcox, 1948-1965
DuPont Library, 1968
DuPont, Marcella M., 1945 January 25
DuPree, Don Keck, 1974-1977
Dupree, Robert, 1973 March 19
Duquesne University, 1963 July 18
Durant, Kenneth, 1949
Durns, Beverly Jean, 1975 May 15
E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1965
Dyer, Lisa, 1952 February 28
East, Charles, 1973 June 27
East Texas State University, 1970
The East-West Center, 1974 April 17
Easterlin, Yancey, 1969 October 4
Eaton, Charles Edward, 1943-1975
Eaton, Evelyn, 1973 June 28
Eberhart, Richard, 1935-1977
Edgerton, Jay, 1960 May 6
Edinger, William, 1973 June 20
Edwards, Barry, 1971 December 4
Ehrmann, Jacques, 1953 April 3
Eliot, T. S., 1926-1963
Elledge, Scott, undated
Elliot, Jean, 1967
Elliott, Mathilde, 1953-1957
Elliott, William Y., 1929-1969
Ellmann, Richard, 1965-1979
Elton, William, 1949 May 4
Embler, Weller, 1945-1951
Emerson, O. B., 1967-1972
Emerson, Richard, 1949 July 25
Emory University, 1962-1964
Empson, William, 1959
Enck, John J., 1964 May 7
Encounter, 1965-1966
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1958-1973
Engle, Paul, 1946-1965
The English Institute, 1969
The English Journal, 1949 July 14
English, Maurice, 1963-1964
Enngsy (?), Hanna, undated
Ensor, Allison, 1971 December 1
E. Q. B. Club, 1945 February 9
Erskine, Albert, 1945 June 18
Ervin, John, Jr., 1962-1966
Esprit, 1964 October 5
Espy, Watt, Jr., 1969 March 21
Esquire, 1963 February 5
Estes, Rice, 1946 October 18
European Book Guild, 1948 October 28
Evans, Garrett Friel, 1974
Evans, Luther H., 1945 May 22
Evans, Oliver W., 1941 January 4
Evans, Robert, 1975 March 30
Everts, Lillian, 1945
Every, George, 1938-1939
Ewing, Mrs. Andrew, 1945 March 12
Exeter, University of, 1959
Experiment, 1946
Faber and Faber, Ltd., 1962-1968
Facet, 1950 January 3
Factotum, 1948 May 22
Fain, John Tyree, 1957-1978
Falck, Colin, 1965 June 11
Farb, S. Peters, 1949
Farber, Marjorie, undated
Farrell, David, 1977 November 28
Farrell, James, 1952-1966
Farrell, Paul V., 1951 February 1
Faulkner, Barry, 1952 August 15
Faulkner, William, 1932-1962
Fay, John Howard, 1957-1959
Feagin, L. B., 1972
Feder, Lillian, 1960-1971
Federal Theatre, 1936-1937
Fee, Robert W., 1973 March 23
Felton, Gordon H., 1943
Feng, David, 1968 March 21
Feo, José Rodriguez, 1954 April 2
Ferguson, James S., 1970 July 28
Fergusson, Francis, 1932-1978
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, undated
"Ferman", 1978 December 22
Fernandes, Norman J., 1958 March 4
Ferry, David, undated
Festival Foundation, Inc., 1965
Fetter, Frank Albert, 1946 October 6
Fick, Eloise, 1960
Field, Andrew, 1978 November 28
Field, Bob, 1975 March 19
Field, Harold M., 1944 November 21
The Fifth Third Bank, 1969 October
Fine, Sidney, 1960 July 15
Finkelstein, Louis, 1941-1945
Finlay, John, 1966-1974
Finley, Louise, 1945 April 6
Fischer, Henry G., 1944-1946
Fisher, Arnold, 1951 February 16
Fiskin, A. M. I., 1947
Fitch, Noel Riley, 1969-1978
Fitts, Dudley, 1947-1968
Fitzell, Lincoln, 1939-1945
Fitzgerald, Robert, 1947-1976
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 1949 April 6
Fitzsimmons, James, 1964 December 11
Fjeldi, Roy, 1946
Flaccus, Kimball, 1941-1954
Flemming, Arthur S., 1960 June 13
Fletcher, John Gould, 1927-1960
Flint, F. C., 1932-1948
Flint, Robert, 1951-1966
Flora MacDonald College, 1951
Florence, Italy, 1967 March 3
Flory, Sheldon, 1966-1967
Flye, Rev. James Harold, 1943-1968
Foerster, Norman, 1935-1945
Foote, Ellis, 1946 July 31
Ford, Charles Henri, 1970 February 8
Ford, Harry, 1945-1975
The Ford Foundation, 1952-1958
Ford, Ford Madox, 1927-1939
Fordham University, 1941-1951
Fort, John, undated
Fort, Josiah, 1945 June 15
Fort, Keith, undated
Fortess, June, 1973 June 26
Fortnum & Mason Ltd., 1970 July 28
Forum Italicum, 1971 June 17
Foster, Charles Howell, 1961-1975
Foster, Doris, 1966-1970
Foster, Malcolm, 1967
Foster, Richard, 1957-1965
Foster, Trafton, 1974 January 28
Four Quarters, 1962 May 23
Fournia, Paula, 1960 November 14
Fowler, Mary Jane, 1971-1973
Fowlie, Wallace, 1939-1954
Fox, George G., 1954 March 24
Fox, Mrs. George, 1955
Fox, Ida, 1971 July 3
Foxcroft School, 1963 February 12
Francis, James, 1944 January 11
Frank, Alison, 1952 March 5
Frank, Helen, undated
Frank, Joseph, 1946-1976
Fraser, Hugh Russell, undated
Fraser, Karen M., 1969 March 26
Fraser, Russell A., 1967-1978
Frazier, Katharine, 1941-1943
Freedman, Michele, 1953 April 19
Freifeld, Samuel D., 1963
Fremantle, Anne, 1948 September 14
French, John C., 1949 August 28
French Line, 1963-1964
Freyss, Jean-Paul, undated
Friar, Kimon, 1944-1961
Friedman, Donald, 1958
Friedman, Martin L., 1963 May 16
Friedman, Norman, 1963
Friedman, Paul, 1952 April 17
Friends of Literature, 1949 March 8
Frodin, Reuben, 1949 November 3
Frost, Robert, Memorial, 1961-1963
Fukuda, Rikutaro, 1961
Fulbright Fellowships, 1950-1961
Fuller, John, 1958
Fuller, Roy, 1963-1978
Fulton, Richard, 1976 August 10
Funk and Wagnalls, 1954-1974
Furguson, Curtis, undated
Furioso, 1949 December 31
Fussell, Paul, 1977 June 27
G., H. C., undated
Gabriel, Ralph Henry, 1945-1947
The Gadfly, 1947 January 16
Galantière, Lewis, 1957-1966
Gale, Richard P., 1966 April 19
Gallant, Jim, undated
Galpin, Alfred, 1971
Gamble, Kent, 1967-1969
Gambrill, Bessie Lee, 1944-1948
Gans, Alexander, 1968 January 15
Garber, Eric, undated
Gardiner, Harold C., 1967 June 28
Gardner Associates, Inc., 1962-1966
Gardner, Edwin S., 1974
Gardner, George P., 1959 November 18
Gardner, Helen, 1958-1973
Gardner, Isabella, 1975 January 20
Gardner, James, 1966 March 6
Gardner, John, 1945-1950
Garlington, Jeanne, undated
Garrelts, George, 1953-1958
Garrigue, Jean, 1955-1962
Garrity, Devon, 1946 September 17
Garvey, Hugh M., 1951-1952
Garwick, Walter C., 1948 November 1
Gates, Arnold, 1974 November 13
Gauss, Christian, 1939-1948
Il Gazzettino, 1965 October 5
Geffen, Felicia, 1973
Gehman, Richard, 1968 April 28
Gehring, P., 1951-1953
Geller, Henry, 1947 January 28
Gemini, undated
Genesis West, undated
George, Sister St., 1957 July 22
Georgetown University, 1957-1968
The Georgia Review, 1969 February 3
Georgia State University, 1971-1972
Georgia, University of, 1938-1952
Gerhart, Mary J., 1973 July 17
Gerlach, Lee F., 1955-1957
Germer, Rudolf, 1966 April 27
Ghiselin, Brewster, 1946-1978
Ghose, A. K., 1970 February 1
Giebink, Barbara, undated
Giesen Management, Inc., 1965-1969
Gildzen, Alex, 1972 January 4
Gillespie, Jay, undated
Ginn and Company, 1970 January 30
Giovanelli, Felix, 1949-1950
Girard, André, 1946 July
Giroux, Robert, 1955-1978
Girvetz, Harry, 1970
Giuffrida, A. R., 1953 November
Givler, John P., 1942 November 13
Givner, Joan, 1978 May 4
Glasgow, Ellen, 1932-1967
Glasheen, Adalaine, 1942 August 9
Glass Hill, 1949-1950
Glass, Malcolm S., undated
Glover, Helen B., 1978 September 29
Goddard, Harold C., 1949-1957
Goetz, John R., 1963-1974
Gold, Harry Patrick, 1972 October 11
Goldberg, Jerry, 1958 April 1
Goldgar, Harry, 1943-1947
Goldwater, Walter, 1946 May 1
Golffing, Barbara, 1947
Goll, Yvan and Claire, 1942-1955
Gollin, Rita, 1967 February 24
Goodhart, Arthur L. and Cecily, 1957
Gordian Press, Inc., 1964 May 18
Gordon, G. V., 1959
Gordon, James M., undated
Gore, Jeanne Guerrero, 1977 June 1
Gorlier, Claudio, 1963
Gotham Book Mart, 1945-1966
Gott, John K., 1972
Gough, Jeffrey, 1975 January 30
Gould, Abbott J., 1967 March 27
Gould, Florence, 1946 November 29
Govan, Gilbert, 1943-1944
Gower, Herschel, undated
Goyen, William, 1950
Grady, James J., 1947
Grannis, Mrs. Frank C, 1943
Grant, Neely, Jr., 1955 June 3
Graves, Robert, 1946
Gray, Richard J., undated
Graydon, Augustus T., 1973 March 20
Great Poetry Series, 1962 March 22
Green, Albert, 1946 December 18
Green, Julian, 1951 March 17
Green, Paul, 1939-1955
Greenband, Lorraine, 1947
Greenberg, S., 1949 September 19
Greene, Graham, 1944-1971
Greene, Ted, 1951 December 14
Greet, W. Cabell, 1958-1967
Gregory, Eileen, 1970
Gregory, Horace, 1932-1946
Grene, David, 1960 December 13
Greshoff, J., 1945-1946
Gresser, Seymour, 1951 April 5
Grey, Robert W., 1966 December 4
Griffin, Jonathan, 1963
Griffith, K. E., 1971 April 30
Griffith, Samuel, 1942 December 26
Grigson, Geoffrey, 1932-1946
Grindea, Miron, 1963 August 16
Grinnell College, 1947
Grisham, Frank P., 1974 November 13
The Grolier Club, 1948 February 17
Grolier, Inc., 1964 July 31
Gruber, Martin, 1967
Gude, J. G., 1961-1974
Guerard, Albert, 1945
Guerin, Ann, 1947 September 1
Guerry, Alexander, 1941-1946
Gutheim, Frederick, 1972 June 30
Hackney, Sheldon, 1973 October
Haffenden, John, 1966-1978
Hagstrom, Jack W. C., 1970 March 2
Haile, Thomas H., 1942-1947
Halcyon, 1947
Hall, Donald, 1961-1974
Hall, Fitzgerald, 1945 August 11
Hall, James, 1949 March 31
Hall, Jim, 1955-1960
Hall, Nancy, undated
Hall, Virginius, 1934 February 22
Hallman, David, 1977
Halton, Rev. Hugh, 1953 April 30
Ham, Gene, undated
Hamfor, Alfred, 1944 May 17
Hamilton College, 1946-1970
Hamilton, Fowler, 1960 August 8
Hamilton, Lynn, 1944 February 18
Hamm, Victor M., 1963 January 16
Hammer, Philip, 1945-1946
Hamovitch, Mitzi Berger, 1974-1975
Hampshire, Stuart, 1959
Hampton, Ambrose G., 1973 July 9
Hanchett, Elizabeth J., 1946
Hanighen, Frank, undated
Hanover College, 1956-1957
Hanser, Carl, 1957 October 16
Hanson, Kenneth O., 1950-1951
Hanson, Pauline, 1946 August 5
Hanzo, Thomas, 1963 September 4
Harding, Margaret S., 1937-1947
Hardy, Ed, 1957 March 15
Hardy, Evelyn, 1970 November 9
Hari, Kenneth, 1974
Harper & Brothers, 1950-1954
Harper and Row, Inc., 1962-1964
Harper's Bazaar, 1940-1956
Harper's Magazine, 1964-1966
Harrigan, Anthony, 1947 May
Harris, Leon A., Jr., 1970 August 10
Harris, Louise E., 1929 March 1
Harris, Marguerete, 1968 June 9
Harris, Roger, 1968 September 16
Harrison, Charles T., 1953-1970
Harrison, Keith, circa 1965
Hart Crane Newsletter, 1977
Hart, Howard, undated
Hart, Jeffrey, 1965 January 18
Hartford, University of, 1967-1971
Hartley, Lodwich, 1940-1971
The Harvard Advocate, circa 1968
Harvard University, 1958-1977
Haskell, Henry J., 1947 September 27
Haskins, Katherine, 1948
Haugh, Robert F., 1971-1973
Haun, Eugene, 1951 November 12
Haun, Mildred, 1944-1945
Havird, David L., 1977 December 3
Hawaii, University of, 1961-1962
Hawkins, A. Desmond, 1937-1972
Hawley, Rev. William N., 1962
Hayden, Robert, 1972 April 3
Haydn, Hiram, 1951 September 5
Haykin, Ruby, 1948-1949
Hazel, Robert, 1948-1963
Hazzard, Shirley, undated
Healy, J. V., 1943 June 11
Heard, Alexander, 1965-1969
Hecht, Tony, 1950-1978
Hecht, Roger, 1950-1973
Heffernan, Thomas F., 1968-1970
Heilman, Robert B., 1944-1974
Hellman, Lillian, 1962-1970
Hemingway, Ernest, 1943
Hemphill, George, 1962-1972
Henderson, Leon, 1945 November 5
Hendry, Irene, 1944 May 22
Henn, Thomas R., 1964
Henry, Phineas M., 1964 November 10
Henry, Tom, 1942 May
Herald Tribune, 1963 July 29-31
Herbold, Anthony, 1965
Herbst, Josephine Frey, 1962
Herbst, Owen, undated
here and now, 1948 May 5
Heringman, Bernard, 1944-1951
Herndon, Brodie S., 1946 August 5
L'Herne, 1964
Herriott, J. Homer, 1953 February 10
Hersey, John, 1964-1974
Hershinow, Sheldon, 1977 August 11
Hertz, Richard, undated
Hessler, L. B., 1953 August 2
Heyen, William, 1975 June 18
Hibbard, Addison, 1929-1930
Higginbotham, S. W., 1962 July 31
Higgins, Frank, 1973 August 7
Hill, Geoffrey, 1957-1975
Hill, Robert W., 1977 July 15
The Hill School, 1948-1955
Hill & Wang, Inc., 1969 May 2
Hilles, Frederick W., 1953 October 5
Hine, Ginnie, undated
Hipps, Tom, 1971 October 21
Hjermstad, Lowell, 1962-1964
Hobson, Fred C., 1970 July 29
Hobson, Verna, 1967 February 17
Hodge, Toni Aiken, 1953 August
Hoehn, Matthew, 1951 March 7-13
Hoferd, Margaret, 1964
Hoffman, Daniel C., 1951-1976
Hoffman, Frederick J., 1945 June 5
Hofstra College, 1948 October 19
Hoke, Elizabeth G., 1967 May 15
Holcomb, Norma O., 1944
Holden, Harold, 1951 November 25
Holden, Raymond, 1929-1946
Holiday, 1960 May 5
Holladay, Hal L., 1967 November 11
Hollahan, Eugene, 1971-1972
Hollander, John, undated
Höllerer, Walter, 1957
Hollins College, 1963
Holmes, Charles, 1941-1955
Holycross College, 1959
Hood, Ed, 1957-1958
Hook, Sidney, 1949 March 22
Hooke, Malcolm, 1945 December 5
Hooker, Gertrude, 1955-1966
Hope College, 1967 June 23
Hope, Donald, 1961
Hopkins, Kenneth, 1966 August 3
The Hopkins Review, 1949-1952
The Hopwood Room, 1973 October 31
Horrell, Joseph, 1942-1975
Horton, Nancy, undated
Horton, Philip, 1935-1950
Horwich, Ruth, 1972 November 21
Hostovsky, Egon, 1945-1946
Houghton Mifflin Company, 1941-1972
The Hound & Horn, Inc, 1930-1934
House of El Dieff, Inc., 1962
Howard, Hubert, 1961
Howard, Jane, 1967 March 7
Howard, Richard, 1970-1975
Howard University, undated
Howe, Irving, 1948-1958
Howell, Isabel, undated
Howes, Barbara, 1967-1975
Hubbell, Jay B., 1954-1978
Hudson, Hoyt, 1943 December 29
Hudson Review, 1948-1972
Hudson, Sara, undated
Huggett, Colin, 1970 December 1
Hughes, Glyn, 1970
Hugo, Dick, 1964 December 3
Hulton Press Ltd., 1952 October 20
Humphrey, Hubert H., 1957-1965
Humphreys, Jeane, 1963 August 28
Humphries, Rolfe, 1951-1968
Hundley, Patrick D., 1975-1976
Hunt, Charles, 1973 July 2
Huntingdon College, 1969-1970
Hurlburt, Russell, 1967 June 20
Hurley, Leonard B., 1945 July
Hutson, Henry C., 1974 February 5
Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 1948 May 22
Hytier, Jean, 1946
Illinois, University of, 1949-1973
Indiana State University, 1971
Indiana University, 1950-1973
Indick, Benjamin P., 1970-1971
Informal Club, 1960 October 18
Inge, M. Thomas, 1965
Institute of Public Affairs, 1931
Institute of Social Studies, 1951
The Inter-American, 1945 February 21
International Student House, 1948
Iowa, State University of, 1937-1951
Isaacson, Walter, 1972 January
Istomin, Eugene, 1968 August 13-19
Italian Radio TV System, 1965
Ithaca College, 1966 June 14
Ives, Marian, 1945
Jacobs, Mark, 1971 May 9
Jacobs, Robert D., 1960 June 13
Jacobsen, Josephine, 1974
Jacqueline, Sister M., 1960 June 19
Jain, Nirmala, 1970 February 18
James, D. G., 1959 May 13
Janssens, G. A., 1965-1969
Jarrell, Randall, 1938-1977
Jaspee, Arthur, 1950 February 24
Jenkins, Lawson, 1966 August 14
Jennings, Elizabeth, undated
Jennison, Keith W., 1950 August 9
Jensen, Reynold A., 1962 November 6
Jervey, J. P., 1943
Jessup, Lee, 1966-1967
Jobe, Steven H., 1977 May 26
Johnsen, Carol, 1957-1973
Johnsen, Lucille, 1969 November 30
Johnson, A. Theodore, 1936-1938
Johnson, Buffie, 1950
Johnson, H. M., 1943
Johnson, J. Chester, 1971-1973
Johnson, Kay, 1938-1952
Johnson Agency, Margot, 1960-1961
Johnson, Oliver A., 1965 January 13
Johnson, Raymond, 1949 November 13
Johnson, W. R., 1946 September 12
Johns Hopkins University, 1949-1960
Jolas, Eugene and Maria, 1947-1948
Jones (?), John, 1969-1974
Jones, Kenneth, 1976-1978
Jones, Lee, 1973 December 6
Jones, Madison, 1967-1976
Jones, Perrie, 1957
Jones, Rosemary L., 1939 March 21
Jones, Thomas F., 1973 February 26
Jones, Will, 1968 February 10
Jonson, Carolyn, 1953 May 16
Joseph, Nannine, 1942-1946
Josephson, Matthew, 1928-1962
Kaiser, Neva R., 1968 January 16
Kalamazoo College, 1968 May 6
Kane, Patricia, 1964 June 3
Kansas State University, 1961-1962
Kansas, University of, 1965-1968
Kaplan, Peter Joseph, 1973
Karnik, V. B., 1956 October 18
Karten, David, 1963 May 21
Kasberg, Karl, 1958 May 9-19
Katz, Evalyn, 1942-1943
Kayden, Eugene Mark, 1951
Kaye, Howard, 1967 November 28
Kazin, Alfred, 1942-1947
Keating, John J., undated
Kedl, Phyllis, 1974 November 8-23
Keeble, Edwin A., 1939 April 17
Kennan, Margaret M., 1972 July 4
Keene, Madge R., undated
Kees, Weldon, 1942-1954
Kefauver, Estes, 1957
Kehl, D. G., 1968-1976
Keillar, Garrison, 1967
Kell, William R., 1968 January 6
Kelleher, Patrick J., 1970-1972
Keller, Mark A., 1966 May 31
Ken, Jeff, 1977 December 13
Kendall, Kenneth, 1970 September 14
Kendrick, Ben B., 1942-1977
Kennan, George, 1967-1968
Kennedy, James G., 1958 March 22
Kennedy, John F., 1961
Kennedy, Richard S., 1977
Kennedy, X. J., 1971-1972
Kenner, Hugh, 1962-1965
Kenneth Patchen Fund, undated
Kent, Robert, 1963-1977
Kentucky Library Association, 1969
Kentucky, University of, 1950-1967
Kenyon College, 1947-1975
Kenyon Collegian, 1964
The Kenyon Review, 1949-1964
Keogh, Joseph, 1968-1969
Kepes, Gyorgy, 1974
Kerley, Gary, 1972
Kermode, John Frank, 1958-1978
Kershaw, Jack, 1975 March 19
Khanna, K. C., 1956 November 4
Kher, Inder Nath, 1970 March 23
Kiely, Ben, undated
Kiilerick, Edith, 1960
Killorin, Joseph, 1972 August 14
Kilmer, Kenton, 1973 May 17
Kilroy, James, 1967
King, Albert Henry, 1946
King, Frederic R., 1956 January 11
Kingsley, Larry, 1967-1977
Kirby, Thomas A., 1942-1947
Kirby-Smith, Tom and Noel, 1969-1976
Kirchheimer, Manfred, 1966 April 1
Kirk, Russell, 1952 December 5
Kirk, Trina, 1964-1965
Kirstein, Lincoln, 1947
Kisner, Jacob, 1974 February 5-12
Kissinger, Henry A., 1959 May 27
Kizer, Carolyn, 1958
Kliewer, Warren, 1962
Klonsky, Milton, 1946 May 25
Knauber, Charles Francis, 1949
Knickerbocker, William S., 1926-1946
Knight, George Wilson, 1959-1965
Knight, Jere, 1971 September 1
Knights, L. C., 1963
Knoll, Robert E., 1958 July 3
Knopf, Alfred A., 1944-1957
Koch, Adrienne, 1944-1945
Koch, Claude, 1971-1975
Koch, Vivienne, 1944-1952
Koenig, Hedwig, 1938
Koestler, Arthur, 1951
Kohler, Charlotte, 1974-1975
Korges, James, 1964-1971
Kraft, Gilman, 1951 May 24
Kramer, Maurice, 1968
Kramer, Victor A., 1971-1972
Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1967-1970
Kray, Elizabeth, 1959-1974
Krementz, Jill, 1973
Krieger, Michael, 1963
Krieger, Murray, 1950-1959
Krim, Seymour, 1949 November 29
Krinkin, Alexandra V., 1946
Križanac, Matko, 1972
Krook, Eunice, 1943
Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Erik, 1953
Kumar, S. K., 1967 April 21
Kunitz, Stanley, 1960-1976
Kurt, Emeric J., 1974 April 8
Kwiat, Joseph J., 1953-1958
Lachenschmidt, Lydia, 1968 August 5
Lachlan, W. M., 1959
Lambert, Gerard, 1945 January 19
LaDrisere, Craig, 1944-1966
Laeb, James, 1967 March 8
LaFarge, John, 1955
Laidler, Harry W., 1962 August 29
Lairis, Daisy, 1971 December 2
Lambda Iota Tau, 1969
Lampert, Sarah, 1957 February 17
Lancaster, Jaclyn C., 1972 April 6
Landers, Tom, 1972-1973
Lane, Allen, 1969 June 25
Lane, Bill G., 1969-1973
Lanier, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle, 1924-1963
Lansford, J. C., 1946
LaPira, Giorgio, 1963 February 15
Larkin, Audrey, 1971 August 6
Larson, Clinton F., 1955-1958
Lattanzi, Luciano, 1954 April 1
Lattimore, Richmond, 1969 August 20
Laughlin, James, 1955-1972
Lawrence, Merloyd, 1969 March 3
Lawrence, Paul, 1967 April 22
Lawrence, Seymour, 1951-1967
Leary, Lewis Gaston, 1959 May 9
Leavis, F. R., 1952 February 2
Ledbetter, J. T., 1972
Lee, C. P., 1945-1947
Lee, Edwy B., 1952-1972
Lee, Mary Louise, 1946 January 22
Lee, Muna, 1946-1948
Leeds, The University of, 1958
Leger, Dorothy, 1968 March 11
Leisy, Ernest E., 1943 December 16
Leland, R. W., 1968 March 11
Lensing, George, 1973 March 19
Lentz, Perry, 1969 May 2
Leonard, William J., 1951-1953
Levant, Howard, 1963-1964
Levenson, J. C., 1957-1958
Levey, Richard, circa 1970s
Levin, Harry, 1964-1967
Levi-Strauss, Claude, 1946
Levine, Edmund, undated
LeWinter, Oswald, undated
Lewis, Stanley, 1968 April 10
Lewis, Wyndham, 1945-1946
U. S. S. Lexington, 1962-1963
Liberman, M. M., 1969
Librairie Gallimard, 1949-1953
Library of Congress, 1943-1974
Lichtenberg, Oscar H., 1945 May 5-7
Life, 1948 October 27-30
Lilly, Henry T., 1939 January 24
Limmer, Ruth, 1972 September 8-22
Lind, S., 1977
Linder, Erich, 1963-1964
Lindesay, James, 1977 March 17
Lindquist & Vennum, 1969-1970
Lindsay, Irene, 1958 May 13-19
Linenthal, Alice, 1946
Lippincott, Gertrude, 1965 January 1
Littlefield, William W., 1945-1947
Littmann, Sebastian, undated
Litz, A. Walton, 1968 July 1
Locke, Alain, 1951 January 30
Locke, Louis G., 1974
Lofgren, Lars, 1958 April 14
Logan, John, 1960 December 13
Logan, William, 1977
Logue, John, 1977 May 9
Lolli, Giorgio, 1958 January 28
Lombard, James S., 1952
London, David, undated
Long, E. Hudson, 1961 March 1-17
Long Pond Review, 1975 June 12
Long, Seymour, 1944
Longley, John, 1949 October 23
Longwood College, 1975 April 11
Loomis, Dorothy Bethurum, 1969-1973
Looney, Katherine, 1974 January 3
Loras College, 1971 September 25
Lougée, David, 1955-1956
Louisville, University of, 1936-1948
Lovelace, Adriana M., 1961-1972
Lowe, Robert, 1946-1977
Lowell, Cal (Robert), 1946-1975
Lowell, Elizabeth, 1949-1964
Lowell, Jean, undated
Lowenfels, Walter, 1966 July 4
Lowenstein, Edward, 1966 October 17
Lowry, W. McNeil, 1957 December 4
Loyola University, 1957
Lubarsky, Jared, 1969-1971
Lucas, Jack, 1972-1973
Ludwig, Jack, 1962-1963
Ludwig, Richard M., 1958-1964
Lungherini, Sante, 1954
Luther College, 1954-1962
Luther, Susan, 1974 September 26
Luzi, Mario, 1962-1974
Lynch, William F., 1953-1978
Lynch, Lynch & Lynch, 1975 January 8
Lyons, Clifford P., 1939 January 17
Lytle, Andrew Nelson, 1929-1979
Maas, Willard, 1946 December 31
Mabry, Thomas D., 1931-1958
"Mac", 1937-1939
MacDonald, Bill, 1955 November 4
Macdonald, Dwight, 1949
Mack, Maynard, 1940-1952
Mackensie, Louis, undated
MacKethan, Lucinda H., 1970 May 16
MacLeish, Archibald, 1926-1975
Macleod, Norman, 1939-1958
The Macmillan Company, 1943-1966
MacNeice, Louis, 1952-1964
MacShane, Frank, 1954-1977
Madden, David, 1968
Madden, Kevin, 1966 November 18
Mademoiselle, 1949 May 9-11
Madison, Charles, 1952 December 4
Madison College, 1948-1966
Magdalen College, Oxford, 1953
Maitz (?), Bill, 1968 April 1-12
Makielski, Alice, circa 1959-1962
The Malahat Review, 1968 July 16
Malamud, Bernard, 1967 April 23
Malaquais, Jean, 1964 January 24
Mallan, Lloyd, 1952 November 8-17
Malery, Tom, 1968 September 11
Mander, Lady R., undated
mandrake, 1951 September 15
Manfred, Frederick, 1970
Mann, James, 1972-1974
Marcus, David, 1949 May 9-31
Marion, Jeff Daniel, 1975 April 1
Maris, David L., 1949 February 15
Maritain, Jacques, 1944-1961
Maritain, Raïssa, 1949-1957
Markle, David, 1963-1975
Marquette University, 1948-1971
Marshall College, 1961 January 24
Marshall, Margaret, 1943-1950
Martin, Abbo, 1946 April 29
Martin, Carter W., 1972
Martin College, 1967 April 5
Martin Gillet & Co., 1940 January 17
Martin, Houston, 1934 January 6
Martin, Jay, 1964
Martin, Mildred S., 1944 July 14
Marx, Leo, 1952-1960
Marx, Rev. Paul, 1967 December 16
Mary Carmel, Sister, 1965 July 22
Marymount College, 1967-1971
Mason, August H., 1948 May 28
The Massachusetts Review, 1964-1965
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1931 April 24
Mathewson, George, 1958 March 11
Matthews, James H., 1967 October 10
Matthews, Thomas S., 1958 October 30
Matthiessen, F. O., 1935-1948
Mattioli, Renata, 1977 July 10
Maurer, Louise, 1944 July 17
Mauriac, François, 1948
Maurice, Paul, 1971 October 28
Maxwell, Bill, circa 1971
Mayers, Odette G., 1952 May 6
Mayewski, Pawel, 1958 July 1
Mayfield, John S., 1932 January 1
Mayhew, George N., 1946-1947
Maynard, Merrill, 1947 June 11
McAleenan, Henry, 1943 September 28
McAneny, Wendy, 1950 April 5
McCall's, 1969 October 23
McCallum, R. B., 1958 October 14
McCarthy, Abigail, undated
McCarthy, Eugene J., 1960-1968
McCarthy, Mary, 1942-1945
McClaughry, John, 1971 July 20
McConnell, Steve B., 1970 July 1
McCosh and Sherman, 1954 March 5
McCrady, Edward, 1971 January 5
McCraw, David, 1975 June 1
McCrindle, J. F., 1957-1958
McCullough, Max, 1953 January 15
McDonald, William A., 1965 June 22
McDowell, David, 1968-1972
McFarland, Pat, 1977 September 26
McGalliard, John C., 1963 April 30
McGehee, Edward, 1946 May 6
McGhee, Paul A., 1948-1951
McGill, Ralph, 1943 September 29
McGill University, 1955
McGovern, Robert, 1967-1976
McGrary, Mary, 1948 February 7
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1952-1971
McGuire, William, 1977 November 4-29
McHwaine, Shields, 1943 September 6
McIntosh, Mavis, 1957 October 9
McKee, Mel, undated
McKinley, James, 1972-1973
McKinney, Robert, 1946
The McKnight Foundation, 1959-1960
McLuhan, Marshall, 1945-1958
McManis, Jack, 1972
McManis, Jean, undated
McMaster University, 1972
McNiff, Mary S., 1951 February 28
McPherson, William, 1967-1969
Mead, Robert Douglas, 1950 April 27
Measure, 1949-1950
Mehan, Valentino, 1963
Mehta, Ved, 1960 January 30
Mei, Francesco, 1953-1954
Meijer, Emil R., 1956 October 3
Meiners, Roger, 1959-1975
Meixner, John A., 1960-1970
Melquist, Jerome, 1946-1947
Memphis State University, 1966-1969
Menasce, Jacques de, 1954
Mencken, H. L., 1922 May 23
Mendoza, Helen A., 1967 May 5
Meneses, Rose, 1976 November 10
Mengeling, Marvin E., 1965 March 10
Menken, John, 1963 April 28
Mercer, Charles, 1969 July 14
Meredith, Bernard, 1975 October 29
Meredith, William, 1943-1978
Meridian Books, 1956-1960
Merkur, 1953 January 30
Merman, Ethel, undated
Merriam, Eve, 1950 September 22
Merriam, H. G., 1933 April 3
Merrill, Milton R., 1946
Merwin, William, 1953-1963
Metcalfe, John, 1947
Meuer, Gerard, 1969 October 21
Meyer, H. K., 1946 April 26
Miami University, 1961-1966
Michigan State University, 1967-1973
Michigan, University of, 1935-1972
Miles, Leland, 1957 November 16
Miles, Virginia, 1957 November 12
Milford, Nancy, 1978 April 21
Milius, Helen Covey, 1944 May 12
Miller, Arthur, 1972 February 7
Miller, Blanton, 1958 July 31
Miller, Gilbert, 1950 January 10
Miller, Henry, undated
Miller, Mary Owings, 1943-1944
Miller, Perry, 1957 December 7
Miller, Robert J., 1973 April 12
Millett, Fred B., 1945-1946
Millgate, Michael, 1959-1970
Mills, Maggie M., 1973 December 13
Mills, Ralph J., 1967 March 28
Milosz, Czeslaw, 1952
Mims, Edwin, 1937 May 28
Minnesota Indemnity, Inc., 1967
Minnesota, University of, 1950-1978
Minton, Arthur, 1942-1943
Mirollo, James, 1951
Misra, Saryu, 1960 November 29
Missouri, University of, 1965-1973
Mitcham, Howard, 1946 November 18-25
Mitchell, Burroughs, 1971 January 30
Mitchell, Julian, 1962
Mitchell, Neb, 1946 July 15
Mizener, Arthur, 1939-1977
Moe, Henry Allen, 1942-1963
Mokashi-Punekar, Shankar, undated
Monash University, 1972 July 31
Mondadori, Arnoldo, 1966-1971
Monk, Samuel H., 1942-1975
Monroe, Harriet, 1931-1932
Montesi, Albert J., 1954-1967
Montgomery Art Guild, circa 1971
The Montgomery Family, 1966 July 30
Montgomery, F. J., 1957-1962
Montgomery, Marion, 1966-1974
Moody, V. E., undated
Mooney, Stephen, 1969 May 12
Moore, Arthur, 1972 February 7-17
Moore, Bedford, undated
Moore, Geoffrey, 1952-1964
Moore, Mrs. John Trotwood, 1945
Moore, Lucille A., 1946
Moore, Margaret H., 1977
Moore, Marianne, 1934-1969
Moore, Merrill, 1922-1949
Moore, Robert E., 1969-1974
Moore, Stephen C., 1961 July 8-17
Moorhead, Hugh S., undated
Moorhead State College, 1962-1963
Morgan, Avila D., undated
Morgan, Frederick, 1942-1977
Morgan, Robert, Jr., 1958
Morgan, Walter M., undated
Morley, Frank V., 1944-1971
Morley, Hilda, 1974 February 5
Morra, Umberto, 1956-1963
Morrill, J. L., 1961-1964
Morris, Harry, 1962-1965
Morris, Jack, 1950
Morris, John N., 1975 October 21
Morris, Willie, 1969 December 29
Morrison, Ted, 1971 August 2
Morse, Dick, 1951
Morse, Samuel French, 1944-1972
Morte, Berthe, 1966
Mortimer, Barry, 1959 August 21
Mortimer, Roger, 1974-1975
Moss, Charles, 1967 April 19-21
Moss, Howard, 1964-1974
Mottashed, Thelma, 1944 April 22-28
Mount Holyoke College, 1975 April 28
Mouton & Co., 1967 August 8
Mucke, Edith, 1968 November 29
Muller, Herbert J., 1943 October 12
Mulliken, Eleanor, 1944 March 14
Mundus Artium, 1969 February 12
Munson, Gorham, 1922-1949
Murdoch, Iris, 1975
Murphy, Gwendolyn, 1949
Murphy, J. Stanley, 1957-1958
Murphy, Russell E., 1973
Mutiny, 1967 April 12
Myers, George B., 1943-1951
Myers, Hobart, undated
Myers, Lucas, 1969
Myers, Margaret C. B., 1945-1961
Myres, R. S., 1947 January 6
Nabokov, Nicolas, 1954-1960
Nabokov, Vladimir, 1946-1948
Namuth, Hans, 1948-1950
Nassau Community College, 1965-1968
Nassau, Gene, 1969 June 19
The Nassau Lit, 1965 March 10
Nasse, Pâquerette, 1970-1971
Nathan, Leonard, 1963 April 8
The Nation, 1933-1948
The National Arts Club, 1948
National Review, 1955-1957
Naumberg, Edward, Jr., 1946-1962
Neave, Alexander C., 1969 January 12
Nebraska, University of, 1954-1955
Needham, Thomas, 1946
Neely, Dorothy, undated
Nef, John, 1954
Negotiation Now!, 1967
Nelson, John, undated
Nelson, Mary, undated
Nemerov, Howard, 1946-1977
Nerber, John, 1945-1948
Netherton, John P., 1949 July 6
Neumon, Mary and Ed, 1957 June 27
New American Review, 1969 July 25
New College, Oxford, 1958-1961
The New College Poetry Society, 1959
New Directions, 1948-1972
The New Republic, 1925-1975
New Statesman, 1959-1962
The New York Quarterly, 1973-1977
The New York Times, 1951-1969
New York University, 1947-1972
Newman College, 1965-1966
Newman, Peggy S., undated
Newton, Douglas, 1944
Newton Free Library, 1958 February 8
Nichol, Katie D., 1959
Nicholson, Marjorie H., 1943
Niikura, Toshikazu, 1960-1963
Nims, John, 1955-1974
Ninkovich, Frank, 1975 January 8
Nixon, H. C., 1943-1944
Nixon, Richard M., 1968 December 2
Noferi, Adelia, 1954
Nollen, John Scholte, 1938
Noonday Press, 1952-1958
Norman, Charles, 1957
Norman, Mitchell, 1943 December 14
Norman, Ralph, 1967 November 24
Norris, Lawrence, 1954-1955
Norse, Harold, undated
Norton, Bayes M., 1948 May 2
Notre Dame, University of, 1954-1970
Noyes, Russell, 1947
Nünning, Josefa, 1967 November 28
Nye, Robert, 1974 November 26
Oates, Whitney J., 1950-1951
Oberlin College, 1952-1953
O'Brien, Gordon W., 1968-1974
O'Brien, Michael, 1971-1978
Occident, 1968 November 1
O'Connor, Gordon, 1965-1967
O'Connor, William V., 1943-1961
O'Donnell, George Marion, 1935-1950
Odum, John B., 1945
Oeri, Georgine, 1957 September 11
O'Gorman, Ned, 1953 July 31
The Ohio State University, 1948-1959
Ohio University Press, 1971 June 9
Oliver, Marcus L., 1972 December 6
Oliver, Raymond, 1973 February 8
Olivet College, 1936-1951
Olsen, Elder, 1949-1961
Ong, Walter J., 1953-1961
The Oratory, 1971 December 16
Oregon, University of, 1951-1973
Origo, Iris, 1952-1978
Orlando, Brother, 1952 August 26
Osgood, Eugenia V., 1971 October 8
Osmania University, 1957 February 27
Ossabaw Island Project, 1964
O. U. Critical Society, 1958-1959
Overholser, Martha, 1967 July 30
Owsley, Frank L., 1932-1955
Oxford, University of, 1958-1973
Oxford University Press, 1951-1973
Pacernick, Gary, 1970-1974
Pack, Robert, 1958
Paideuma, 1974-1975
Painter, James, 1944 November 4-12
Palmer, John E., 1947-1965
Palmer, Winthrop, undated
Pan American Union, 1942
Panichas, George A., 1967 January 2
Pantheon Books, Inc., 1947-1948
Paquette, Donald J., 1950
Parens, Rachel Anto, 1965-1970
Pargellis, Stanley, 1949 March 21-30
Parks, Caren, 1945
Parker, Percy, 1967
Parkinson, Thomas, 1967-1975
Parks, Evelyn, 1942 January 19
Parks, Lloyd, 1961 April 26
The Parnassus Press, 1936
Partridge, Eric, 1963 December 12
Partisan Review, 1938-1962
Patnaik, Deba P., 1972
Patrick, James, 1974
Patrides, Gus A., 1951 July 7
Patterson, Isabel, 1945 April 3
Patterson, Louise Lytle, 1947
Patterson, Marcellus, 1967-1968
Pattison, Sherry, 1972
Patton, Theodore, 1944 February 2
Pauker, John, 1940 November 30
Pauker, Virginia, undated
Paulhan, Jean, 1946-1949
Pavnaskar, S. R., 1969 July 18
Paxton, Avis M., 1944 April 14
Pearson, Norman Holmes, 1937-1966
Pearson, Ralph E., 1973
Peck, Robert M., 1978 March 10
Peden, William, 1946-1947
Pembroke Magazine, 1975 May 1
P. E. N., 1947-1967
Penguin Books Ltd., 1968-1974
Pennington, Lee, 1977 June 20-25
Peploe, Chlotilde, 1960 May 12
Percy, Walker, 1963-1978
de Pereyra, Diomedes, 1944-1945
Perkins, Maxwell, 1937 June 1
Perkins, F. Theodore, 1946-1947
Parmentel, Noel E., Jr., 1967 May 1
Pershing, Margaret J., undated
Perspectives USA, 1952 October 9-29
Peters, Patricia, 1967 February 10
Peterson, Edwin L., 1950-1951
Peterson, Merrill D., 1959
Peterson, Robert C., undated
Peyre, Henri, 1948-1956
Phi Beta Kappa, 1936-1963
Phillabaum, L. E., 1977
Phillips, Robert, 1972 March 15
Philosophical Library, 1946-1955
Piccione, Anthony, 1974
Pick, John, 1948-1950
Pickrel, Paul, 1949 November 28
Piety, Chauncey R., 1943 March 1
Pike, Steve, 1975 November 23
Pilkington, John, 1964-1971
The Pilot, 1963 October 7-15
Pinckney, Josephine, 1932
Pitchford, Kenneth, 1966 February 25
Pitchford, Robin, 1966 April 22
Pittsburgh, University of, undated
Platthy, Jeno, 1974
Plumley, William, 1969 October 13
Poems in Folio, 1957 February 18
Poet Lore, 1968 January 4
Poetry, 1942-1973
Poetry Awards, 1954
The Poetry Center, 1949-1973
Poetry International 70, 1969-1970
Poetry London-New York, 1943-1957
Poets & Writers, 1972
Poggioli, Renato, 1946-1953
The Pomegranate Press, 1972-1973
Pomona College, 1955 April 5
Popkin, Debra, 1974 August 15
Porter, Katherine Anne, 1930-1976
Posner, David, undated
Poulin, A., Jr., 1974 November 4
Pound, Dorothy, 1948-1949
Pound, Ezra, circa 1958-1959
Powers, Frances, Jr., 1973 April 3
Powers, J. F., 1949-1950
Powers, John H., 1964-1965
Poynter, Frank, 1970 June 10
Pozzini, Mary, 1966 April 21
Pratt Institute, 1947
Pratt, William C., 1964-1974
Praz, Mario, 1952-1957
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1946-1967
Price, Reynolds, 1969
Price, Theodore, 1950
Prince, Catherine, 1973 May 15
Prince, John, 1961-1976
Princeton University, 1939-1975
Principia College, 1967 February 7
Pringle, Henry F., 1942
Procope, Hjalmar, 1947 March 4
Prokosch, Frederic, undated
Prose, 1970-1971
Provincetown Review, 1961
Pruess, Saralie, 1968 March 13-25
Pryce-Jones, Alan, undated
Puchette, Stephen, undated
Pugh, Caroline, undated
Purdue University, 1968-1971
Purdy, Bob, 1975-1976
Purdy, James, 1939 February 28
Putnam, Phelps, 1926-1946
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1930-1969
Queens College, 1945 January 26
Quinn, Rev. John J., 1953-1974
Quinn, Kerker, 1949
Quinn, Patrick F., 1953 May 7
Radcliffe College, 1952-1953
Radford, Manson, 1935-1943
Radio Liberation, 1958 October 25
Radiotelevisione Italiana, 1954
Radlow, Joanne Turner, 1947-1967
Raffa, Maurizio, 1956 November 14
Rago, Henry, 1946-1969
Rahv, Nathalie, undated
Rahv, Philip, 1943-1958
Raimondi, Matthew, 1962 September 6
Rainbird, McLean Ltd., 1960-1961
Raine, Kathleen, circa 1973
Rains Galleries, 1936 September 11
Raiziss, Sonia, 1943-1961
Rajan, B., 1946-1965
Rajasekharaiah, T. R., 1966
Ralston, William, 1966-1973
Ramparts, 1963-1964
Ramsay, Robert G., 1947
Ramsey, Paul, 1959-1970
Ramsey, Warren, 1946-1951
Randall, James, undated
Randall, Julie, 1968-1970
Randell-Mills, Elizabeth, undated
Random House, Inc., 1944-1951
Ransom, Ellene, 1944-1950
Ransom, John Crowe, 1923-1973
Ransom, Reavill, 1971
Raphael, Maryanne, 1964
Rathbun, David, circa 1972-1973
Rathmer, Adolph, 1949 April 19
Rawson, Claude, 1973
Read, Dennis, 1977 November 22
Read, Herbert, 1927-1969
The Reader's Digest, 1968-1971
Reavey, George, 1949-1955
Rebay, Luciano, 1958 May 19
The Rebel Magazine, undated
Reed College, 1955 March 1
Reeve, Franklin, undated
Reeves, James, 1958
Regan, Robert, 1965 September 27
Regier, Bill, 1974 February 19
Henry Regnery Company, 1952-1963
Reid, Eleanor, 1974 September 5
Reid, Frank C., 1942 November 18
Reid, M. Frank, undated
Reidy, Rev. James E., 1961 March 10
Reis, Giovanni, 1965 April 17
Reishman, John V., 1974 November 18
Relm Foundation, 1965 May 10
Remenyi, Joseph, 1948
Renascence, 1951-1954
Renek, Morris, 1950 October 28
Reppert, Gustav, 1966 November 27
Resor, Robert, 1946
Reuben, William A., 1968 October 21
Rewak, William J., 1973 October 31
Rexroth, Kenneth, 1945-1948
Reynolds, Cedric S., undated
Reysen, Frank, Jr., 1974 November 6
Rhodes Scholarships, 1946-1970
Rhys, B., 1972-1977
Ricciardelli, M., 1971 September 14
Rice, Ann, 1974 March 1
Rice, Philip Blair, 1949-1951
Rice University, 1964-1965
Rich's Book Shop, 1939 March 23
Richard, Claude, 1967-1968
Richards, Carmen, 1960 October 2
Richards, Dorothea, 1968-1974
Richards, I. A., 1941-1977
Richardson, Lee, 1965 June 10
Richardson, Nellie Patton, 1956-1968
Richman, Robert, 1944-1964
Richmond, University of, 1970-1971
Rickels, Milton, 1962 June 15
Riggs, Tim, 1952 October 26
Riley, Susan B., 1945
Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1948-1950
Ringo, Miriam, 1978 November 9
Ripon College, 1967-1968
Riva, Paola, 1966
Rizzardi, Alfredo, 1955-1977
Roache, Joel, 1969 January 24
Roades, Antoinette W., 1974 March 19
Roberts, Andrew, 1963 June 5
Roberts, Delmar L., 1973 January 29
Roberts, Elizabeth, 1931-1932
Roberts, H., undated
Roberts, Laurence P., 1952-1960
Roberts, Len, 1976
Roberts, Lester, 1947 June 1-9
Roberts, Michael, 1935-1965
Robertson, William J., 1950 August 2
Robillard, Douglas, 1974
Robinson, Margaret, 1957 April 3
Robinson, Mary Etta, 1939 March 21
Rock, Virginia, 1958-1973
Rockefeller, Neva, 1966 March 31
Rockwell, Kiffin, 1973 February 4-14
Rodgers, Bertie, 1965-1966
Rodman, Selden, 1942-1961
Rodriguez-Feo, José, 1947
Roelofs, Howard D., 1941 May 5
Roethke, Theodore, 1947-1966
Rogers, Preston, 1971 November 5-16
Rogers, Winfield H., 1944 June 7
Rogsdal, Wilmott, 1951 February 7
Roloff, Leland H., 1972 April 2
Rolt, David, 1959-1965
Roof, Simon Lucas, 1939 April 12-22
Root, William Pitt, 1971 December 2
Rosary College, 1955-1957
Rosary Hill College, 1971 July 12
Rosebery, Marguerite T., 1943-1944
Rosen, Stanley, 1972-1973
Rosenbaum, Milton, 1948 June 16
Rosenby, Vita, 1949-1950
Rosenfeld, Isaac, 1951-1954
Rosenfeld, Paul, 1929-1946
Rosenmeier, Nick, 1966 December 22
Rosenthal Foundation Award, undated
Ross, Arthur Leonard, 1967 January 9
Ross, Donald, 1963-1967
Ross, Dorothy, circa 1974
Ross, James, 1944-1954
Ross, Malcolm, 1951 January 3
Ross, Nancy Wilson, 1969 October 7
Ross, P. W. T., 1933 March 21
Ross, Ralph G., 1956-1976
Rossiter, Clinton, 1953 October 24
Rothbard, Lorraine, 1950 January 25
Rotnem, Victor M., 1944
Rouse, Blair, 1959 August 5-24
Rowe, James, 1968 December 6
Rowse, A. L., 1971 February 17
Roy, Rob, 1972
Royal College of Art, 1956-1959
Royal Court Hotel, 1962-1963
Rubin, Louis D., Jr., 1951-1977
Ruchames, Louis, 1958 July 21
Rudman, Mark, undated
Ruffin, Paul, 1973 July 3-16
Rugg, Harold G., 1938
Rukeyser, Muriel, 1951 October 14
Rusch, Frederik L., 1968 January 10
Rushton, Peters, 1941-1945
Rusk, W. S., 1945-1946
Russell, Peter, 1949-1964
Russi, Antonio, 1950 January 9
Rutgers University, 1948-1969
Rutgers University Press, 1954-1967
Saffioti, Carol Lee, 1973-1978
Safford, Tamara, 1973 June 18
Saint Andrew's School, 1972
Saint David's School, 1952
Saint James Press, 1969-1975
Saint John, Donald, 1966 August 19
Saint John's University, 1953-1966
The Saint Laurence University, 1966
Saint Martin's Press, 1963 March 14
Saint Mary's Abbey, 1951 February 8
Saint Mary's College, Indiana, 1957
Saint Paul Art Center, 1965 April 24
Saint Peter's College, 1964-1965
Salem College, 1960
Salmagundi, 1965-1971
Salomon, I. L., 1970-1978
Sampson, Ashley, 1939-1940
Sams, Henry W., 1952 March 12-18
La Sanborn, undated
Sanborn, Herbert Charles, 1926-1960
Sanborn, Mary Moore, circa 1953
Sandburg, Carl, 1937-1943
Sanders, Fred, 1963
Sandlapper Press, Inc., 1972-1973
Sandys, 1953
Sanford, John, 1976
The Saturday Evening Post, 1961-1962
Savannah Writers' Conference, 1939
Sawyer, Julie, 1964-1966
Sawyer, Kenneth B., 1951 August 13
Sayigh, Tawfiq, 1950 February 5
Scarbrough, George, 1975-1976
Schnacht, Marshall, 1949-1950
Schaefer, William D., 1977 March 21
Schauffler, Robert Haven, 1947
Schilling, Bernard N., 1951 April 24
Schlamm, Willi S., 1940-1946
Schöpp, Joseph C., 1973
Schorer, Mark, 1948-1974
Schossberger, Emily, 1945
Schott, Webster, 1966 March 19
Schroeder, Ralph L., 1963 March 20
Schulman, Grace, 1977 June 20
Schwartz, Delmore, 1938-1960
Schwartz, Joseph, 1972-1976
Sciascia, Leonardo, 1954 March 19
Scoon, John, 1946 July 24
Scott, Elaine, undated
Scott, John Mark, 1930 October 5-15
Scott, Nathan A., Jr., 1963 May 24
Scouten, A. H., 1945 March 12
Scribner's Sons, Charles, 1929-1939
Scribner's Sons, Charles, 1940-1949
Scribner's Sons, Charles, 1950-1959
Scribner's Sons, Charles, 1960-1971
Scripps College, 1966-1967
Scully, Frank, circa 1976
Scura, Dorothy, 1974 March 4
Seag, Jane, 1971 September 29
Seaver, Edwin, 1966 February 9
Sedgwick (?), Sally, undated
Segal, Eloise, 1963-1971
Seib, Kenneth, 1970 July 8
Seibels, Gren, 1943 March 18
Seif, Morton, 1952 April 7
Selby, Hubert, Jr., 1973 September 8
Serafini, Guglielmo, 1953 November 6
Seldes, Gilbert, 1935-1965
Sequoia, 1960 November 15
Seven Gables Bookshop, 1967-1968
Sewanee, Bank of, 1967 November 22
The Sewanee Review, 1943-1967
Seward, William W., 1942-1977
Sewell, Elizabeth, 1958-1975
Shankar, D. A., 1966-1967
Shapiro, Edward S., 1935-1977
Shapiro, Harvey, 1949 December 11
Shapiro, Irving H., 1964-1965
Shapiro, Karl, 1943-1960
Shapiro, Meyer, 1951 February 1
Shaw, Ethel, 1965
Sheed & Ward, Ltd., 1951
Sheerin, Charles, Jr., undated
Sheffield, The University of, 1959
Shelly, Mary J., 1939 December 7
Shenandoah, 1962-1969
El Sherbini, Zenab, 1960 February 15
Sheridan, Philip, 1968 January 29
Sherman, John K., 1966 January 17
Sherwood, M., 1976 March 25
Sherwood, Robert E., 1945 June 14-19
Shi, David E., 1978 August 17
Shipley, Joseph T., 1943-1967
Shnady, Frederick, 1962
Shulenberger, Arvid, 1962 October 8
Sibon, Marcelle, undated
Siegelman, Ellen, 1956 July 19
Siena College, 1963 March 11
The Sign, 1962 February 12
Silet, Charles L. P., 1973-1978
Silverman, Oscar, 1960 November 6
Simmons, J. Edgar, 1963 October 31
Simon, Adelaide, 1954 May 5
Simon, Myron, 1973-1974
Simpson, Dallam, 1948
Simpson, Eileen, 1974 November 2
Simpson, Lewis P., 1971-1974
Singal, Daniel J., 1973-1974
Singleton, Charles, 1931-1961
Singleton, Eula, 1952 August 12
Sitwell, Edith, 1959 May 8
Six O'Clock Club, 1963 February 15
The Sixties, undated
Skard, Sigmund, 1954-1965
Skelton, Robin, 1962-1968
Smith, A. J. M., 1936-1951
Smith, Barbara Howes, 1945-1963
Smith, Chad Powers, 1936 April 8-29
Smith, Charles, 1944 December 5
Smith College, 1952-1953
Smith, Edgar S., 1949-1954
Smith, Francis, 1951 March 9
Smith, Frank E., 1968 July 18
Smith, Gerald J., 1973 April 11
Smith, Henry, 1955 April 14
Smith, Howard W., Jr., 1967
Smith, James M., 1977 June 29
Smith, Janet Adam, 1972 July 15
Smith, Louis, 1955 June 3
Smith, Mrs. Mark, 1967
Smith, Merian P., 1973 February 14
Smith, R. T., 1974 September 13
Smith, Robert W., 1967 May 10
Smith, T. Lynn, 1936 December 2
Smith, Willa, 1947 January 22-28
Smith, William Jay, 1957-1977
Snell, James D., Jr., 1974-1975
Sobiloff, H. J., 1957-1958
Sonnenschein, Hugo, Jr., 1972
Sormani, Egbert J., 1944 May 16
Souers, Philip, 1955
Sound Seminars, 1970
South Carolina, University of, 1969
Southern Illinois University, 1956
The Southern Review, 1963-1978
Southwestern At Memphis, 1970
Spackman, Peter, 1968-1969
Spark, Muriel, 1952-1964
Sparrow, John, 1958-1960
Speaight, Robert, 1961-1962
Spears, Monroe K., 1949-1977
The Spectator, 1964-1965
Spencer, Elizabeth, 1951 November 30
Spencer, Margaret, undated
Spencer, Theodore, 1939-1946
Spiller, Robert E., 1945-1946
Spindler, Elizabeth C., 1976-1977
Spivacke, Harold, 1949 June 7
Spivey, Herman E., 1950 January 27
Spoken Arts, Inc., 1961-1969
Springer, Norman, 1950-1952
Squires, Radcliffe, 1966-1977
Stafford, Jean, 1968
Ståhl, Pirkko-Liisa, 1977 April 26
Stahlmar, Millie, 1967 October 4
Stallknecht, Newton P., 1954-1971
Stallman, Robert Wooster, 1944-1960
Stallworthy, John, 1970 July 10
Stambaugh, Louise R., 1937 March 24
Stanford University, 1950-1972
Stang, Sondra J., 1978 August 2
Stange, Bob, 1956-1974
Stange, Pat, 1959 July 2
Stanko, S. C., 1970 March 15
Starbuck, George, 1972
Starr, Alfred, 1943-1951
Starr, Lois, undated
Starr, William W., 1977
Starrett, Vincent, 1950 March 1
State Teachers College, 1955 June 3
Staton, J. E., 1945-1946
Stauffer, Donald A., 1948-1950
Stauffer, Donald Barlow, 1972
Stavely, Margaret, 1944-1945
Steepmuller, Francis, 1969
Stein, Arnold, 1964
Steiner, Francis George, 1949-1950
Steinmann, Martin, Jr., 1971-1974
Stella, Sister Maris, 1952-1958
Stempfel, Robert, 1943 February 22
Stephan, Ruth, 1947 March 4-13
Stephens, S. D., 1941 January 10
Stephenson, Holly S., 1962-1967
Stern, Karl, 1960 January
Stevens, Holly, 1971 November 11
Stevens, Wallace, 1939-1967
Stevenson, Alec B., 1922-1971
Stewart, Fred, 1966 March 28
Stewart, George R., 1961
Stewart, George W., 1949 January 21
Stewart, John L., 1953-1966
Stewart, Randall, 1956-1962
Stewart, William, 1959 June 5
Stick, David, 1951 December 18
Stimer, Herbert, 1948-1949
Stirlim, Ted, 1977 May
Stix & Gude, 1975 March 12
Stock, Noel, 1966
Stone, Edward, 1949 January 11
Stone, Geoffrey, 1951-1953
Stone, Julie, 1962 April 18
Stout, Elinor, 1978 June 26
Stout, Katharine C., 1970 October 22
Strain, John Paul, 1969 February 13
Strickhausen, Harry, undated
Stritch, Thomas J., 1969 December 27
Strode, Hudson, 1955 November 18
Stuart, Jessie, 1967 March 26
Style, 1967-1975
Styron, William, 1969 October 19
Subbian, C., 1962-1968
Suess, John, 1973 November 21
Sullivan, Alvin, 1972 August 2
Sullivan, Tim, 1973 June 15
Sullivan, Walter, 1943-1976
Summers, Hollis, 1951-1953
Summit School, The, 1968 December 9
SUR, 1968
Surratt, Jeri, 1972 March 27
Suse, Sister H., 1974
Sutcliffe, Denham, 1948-1950
Sutton, Walter, 1961 January 25
Sutton, William A., 1968-1976
Swallow, Alan, 1943-1968
The Swallow Press, Inc., 1968-1975
Swann, Brian, 1977 September 28
Sweeney, Jack, 1951-1963
Sweeney, James Johnson, 1946-1953
Sweet Briar College, 1947-1952
Swenson, May, 1964 December 1
Swing, Raymond, 1944 January 13
The Symposium, 1932
Symons, Julian, 1964-1965
Sypher, Wylie, 1944 June 16
Syracuse University, 1963-1967
Taber, David, 1972
Taft, Robert A., 1949-1953
Talese, Nan A., 1974 November 6
Tambimuttu, 1964
Taplin, Sandra, 1964 February 3-27
Targ, William, 1971
Tarsis, Vely, 1966 March 9
Tate, Allen, II, 1965
Tate, Benjamin E., 1944-1962
Tate, Caroline Gordon, 1949-1977
Tate Family, 1930-1976
Taylor, Alison E., undated
Taylor, Coley, 1943 February 9
Taylor, Henry, 1970-1971
Taylor, John W., 1929-1948
Taylor, K. P. A., 1950
Taylor, Kim, 1964-1965
Taylor, Louise H., 1942 July 3
Taylor, Peter, 1941-1977
Tchilelrev, Paul, 1955 September 11
Tead, Ordway, 1952 January 7-17
Temple University, 1964-1968
Texas, The University of, 1931-1960
Thérèse, Sister, 1959-1962
Thiel College, 1968 July 22
Thirlwall, John C., 1954 March 30
Thomas, Gillian, undated
Thomas, Mary Carr, undated
Thomas, Russell, 1949 October 3
Thomas, William M., undated
Thomes, A. Boyd, 1965 June 1
Thompson, Cameron, 1963-1967
Thompson, G. R., 1967 October 19
Thompson, Jack, undated
Thompson, John, 1962-1971
Thomson, Virgil, 1970-1971
Thornton, Francis B., 1951
Thorp, Willard, 1939-1971
Thorpe, Clarence D., 1951 August 9
Thought Quarterly Review, circa 1957
Three Hands, undated
Thye, Edward J., 1957 January 18
Time, 1948-1960
Tirumalai, C. K., 1970
Titus, Edward W., 1944 March 27
Ruthven, Todd, 1958 May 24
Toledano, Benjamin C., 1960-1974
Tolman, H. C., 1922 May 31
Tolson, Melvin B., 1949-1951
Tomlin, E. W. Frederick, 1960-1968
Tomorrow, 1945-1947
Torian, Oscar N., 1946
Torrence, Ridgely, 1937 October 10
Touchstone, 1947 August 18
Townsend, John Wilson, 1931
Toynbee, R., undated
Trahern, Margaret, 1962-1966
Traverso, Leone, circa 1963
Trevillian, Harold D., 1945 April 16
Trevisan, Anna F., undated
Trilling, Lionel, 1942-1971
Trinity College, 1959-1965
Troy, Bill, 1944-1960
Troy, Leonie A., 1972-1976
Truax, John, 1977 December 27
Trypanis, C. A., 1958 October 22
Tuci, Niccolo, 1947 March 13
Tufts University, 1967-1968
Tunstall, Robert B., 1938 October 31
Turco, Lewis, 1973 December 8
Turner, Hill, 1943 September 17-25
Turner, Patton, 1974 November 2
Turner, Roland, 1977 May 6
Turner, Susan, 1949 November 7
Turner, Violet B., 1943-1944
Tuve, Ros, undated
Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1962 May 25
Tyler, John, 1952
Tyler, Parker, 1949-1966
Tyne, James L., 1954-1955
Tyson House, 1967
Uberti, Riccardo, 1948 September 7
Udall, Stewart L., 1962 May 1
Ungar, Frederick, 1964 March 9
Unger, Leonard, 1946-1977
University College, 1961
University Microfilms, Inc., 1963
University National Bank, 1959-1967
Unterecker, John, 1961-1976
Untermeyer, Jean Starr, 1947-1949
Untermeyer, Louis, 1928-1971
Upton, J. Duane, undated
Utah, State of, 1973
Utah, University of, 1950-1960
Utley, Francis Lee, 1943 December 10
Vaish, Yogi Nandan, 1963 March 15
Valenti, Lila, 1971 June 18
Valyi, Felix, 1948 August 20
Vanatta, Thomas, 1961-1969
Vanderbilt University, 1943-1971
Van der Veen, Adriaan, 1945
Van Dore, Wade, 1978 July 5
Van Doren, Mark, 1926-1972
Van Hook, Lane, 1948 April 6
Van Veen, Felicia, 1976
Vannei, Aldemaio, 1962
Vassar College, 1946 March 2
Vermont, University of, 1950
Version Records, 1950
Victor, Thomas, 1971 December 27
Viereck, Peter, 1947
Viking Press, Inc., 1950-1973
Villa, José Garcia, 1945-1951
Villaroei, Giuseppe, 1953-1954
Vinae, Jane, 1951 June 11
Virginia, Sister Mary St., 1951
Virginia State Theatre, 1949 June 1
Virginia, University Center in, 1963
Virginia, University of, 1960-1968
Visscher, Maurice B., 1970 July 29
Vivas, Eliseo, 1949-1972
Voice of America, 1949-1957
Voices, 1951 May 16
Volkmar, Claudia, 1973
Vonalt, Larry, 1972 April 24
Vuilleumier, J. A., 1950
Wabash College, 1958 May 14
Wade, John D., 1944-1962
Wadham College, undated
Wagenseil, Kurt, 1948 June 11
Wagone, David, 1978 April 19
Waggoner, Hyatt H., 1959 April 7
Wagner, Durrett, 1967 July 4
Wahl, Jean, 1943 March 20
Wain, John, 1965 March 30
Wake, 1948 August 8
Wald, Alan, 1977 February 27
Walden, Christopher, 1968
Waldrop, Frank C., 1944-1966
Walker, Biron, 1947 May 14-19
Walker, Charles R., 1949-1972
Walker Art Center, 1960-1963
Wallace, Emily M., 1970 August 10
Waller, James Muir, 1967
Waller, Louise, 1962 October 5
Waller, William, 1968 February 9
Walsh, Chad, 1947 December 1-3
Walsh, Dan, 1951 January 21
Walsh, Tom, 1949
Wang, Arthur W., 1963
Ward, Allen, 1950 August 14
Ward, F. Champion, 1949-1950
Ward, Leo R., 1958 April 5
Ward, Pete, 1968 November 26
Waring, Henrietta, 1972
Warner, Kerstin, 1973 January 4
Warren, Austin, 1946-1978
Warren, Robert Penn, undated
The Wasatch Review, 1958
Washington College, 1974
Washington, Isabella, 1945 May 5
Washington University, 1957-1975
Washington, University of, 1950-1975
Watkins, Edwin, 1967
Watkins, Franklin C., circa 1961
Watkins, Walter, 1943-1946
Watson, Francis, 1946 November 21-25
Watson, George, 1974 December 10
Watson, Robert, 1969-1977
Watt, H. A., 1942 March 27
Watters, Pat, 1973 November 9
Watts, Harold H., 1947
WCFM Radio Station, 1951 January 24
Weatherby, Hal, 1968-1973
Weaver, Judith, 1978 March 9
Weaver, Richard M., 1948
Webb School, 1967 April 19
Weber, Brom, 1948-1958
Webster College, 1960
Wechter, Dixon, 1941-1943
Wedde, Ian, 1971 May 7
Weddell, Frank, 1966
Wednesday Club of St. Louis, 1951
Wegelin, Christof, 1973 May 2
Weingart, S. L., 1963-1975
Weinstock, Herbert H., undated
Weiss, Theodore, 1968-1969
Welland, Dennis S. R., 1956-1961
Wellek, René, undated
Wellesley College, 1960-1968
Wells College, 1945 September 6
Welty, Eudora, 1971-1977
Wenning, Henry W., 1960-1964
Wentz, Herbert S., 1974-1975
Wescott, Glenway, 1941-1971
Wesely, Edwin, circa 1959
Wesleyan University, 1966 April 14
West, Herbert B., 1975 August 7
West, Holland, 1973 February 22
West, Ray B., Jr., 1946-1968
West Virginia University, 1946-1947
Westendorpe, Tjehbe A., 1967
Westerfield, Hargis, 1943-1944
Westminster Press, 1963 July 16
The Western Review, 1947 November 21
Weston, Susan B., 1973 September 14
Wetmore, Marguerite Reid, undated
WEVD Radio, 1932 June 15-24
WFMT Radio, 1960-1972
Wheelock, John, 1946-1977
Wheelwright, John B., 1931-1932
Wheelwright, Philip, 1962-1963
Whicher, George F., 1948 March 11
White, Robert, 1956-1970
Whitehead, James, 1976 December 29
Whiteley, Mary N. S., 1945-1946
Whittemore, Reed, 1946-1975
Wieck, Fred D., 1951-1953
Wigginton, Matt, 1962-1967
Wigglesworth, Frank, circa 1954
Wilbur, Dick, 1970-1977
Wilder, Amos N., undated
Wiley College, 1952 April 4
Willey, Basil, 1953
Williams, Ellen, 1973
Williams, Eric, 1953 January 23
Williams, Joe V., Jr., 1968-1969
Williams, Jonathan, 1955-1967
Williams, Oscar, 1940-1964
Williams, Peyton, 1972-1973
Williams, Robert, 1967 April 20
Williams, Wilburn, Jr., 1975
Williams, William Carlos, 1946-1954
Williams, Wirt, undated
Williamson, Alan, 1974-1977
Williamson, George, 1953 February 6
Williamson, K. B., 1943 July 23
Willingham, John R., 1962 December 7
Wills, Henry W., 1941 December 19
Wills, Jesse E., 1921-1979
Wills, Ridley, 1976 February 19
Wilson, Angus, 1972
Wilson, Edmund, 1928-1977
Wilson, Fefa, undated
Wilson, Jack, 1968 September 6
Wilson, James, 1945
Wilson, Owen Meredith, 1963-1964
Wilt, Napier, 1951-1955
Wimberly, Lowry C., 1945 May 5-7
Wimsatt, William K., Jr., 1943-1976
Windmill, 1961 September 15
Winslow, Anne, 1943
Winslow, Marcella Comes, 1938-1949
Winslow, May, 1960-1966
Winter, Ethel, 1967
Winter, Warner, 1976 February 16
Winters, Yvor, 1926-1966
Wisconsin State College, 1962-1963
Wisconsin, University of, 1937-1964
Withers, Carl, 1943
Witt-Diamant, Ruth, 1954-1960
WLAC Radio, 1967 April 18
Wolard, Michael, 1942-1943
Wolf, Max, 1952 November 24
Wolfe, Don M., 1948 November 6
Wolfe, Thomas, 1949-1954
Wolff, H., 1955
Woll, Peter, undated
Wood, Allen T., 1967 April 2
Wood, Caroline, 1972 January 20
Wood, Nancy Tate, undated
Wood, Percy H., Jr., 1955 April 28
Woods, Cecil, Jr., 1946
Woods, Dee, 1954
Woods, Ralph L., 1973 March 1
Woodword, Felix, 1966 April 29
Woodworth, Katherine, 1948
Woolmer, J. Howard, 1973-1976
World Poetry Conference, 1967
World Review, 1952
Worth, Kathryn, 1937 September 28
Worthen, Eleanor, 1957-1974
Wright, David, 1963 December 1
Wright, James, 1963-1971
Wright, Stuart, 1977-1978
Wright, Ted, 1971
Wright, Tom, 1946 August 2
Wright & Company, Inc., 1949 July 2
Wrinkle, John, 1974-1976
Wunsch, W. R., 1944 February 23-25
Wygod, Vera, 1961 May 25
Wylie, Andrew, 1966 July 22
Wyner, Yehudi, 1958 April 10
Xerox Company, 1968 November 6
Yaddo, 1927-1957
Yale Review, 1931-1965
Yale University, 1940-1969
Yaray, Hans, 1947
Yarborough, Charlotte, 1946 July 21
Yoken, Melvin B., 1968-1971
York, University of, 1971
Young, James D., 1958 July 3
Young, Margeurite, circa 1946
Young, Stanley, 1946 May 13-14
Young, Stark, undated
Young, Thomas Daniel, 1966-1977
Youngblood, Sarah, 1973-1974
Zabel, Morton D., 1931-1963
Zaccard, Patricia P., undated
Zeigler, Harley, 1969 April 8
Ziebarth, E. W., 1973 August 16
Zilli, Ario, 1963
Ziprin, Lionel, undated
Zur, Bernard, 1958 April 14
Series 3: Documents, 1938-1975
Consists primarily of royalty statements and contracts from publishers, as well as personal and legal documents and financial papers.
Begins with Royalty Statements (arranged in alphabetical order by publisher), then contracts and agreements (general contracts first, then arranged in alphabetical order by publisher), and end with general documents, financial papers and legal documents.
Alan Swallow, 1952-1972
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1938-1973
Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1950-1968
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1931-1963
Harper & Row, 1960-1973
Henry Regnery Company, 1953-1954
Howell, Soskin & Company, 1943-1944
Kenyon College, 1952
Linder AG, 1967
Meridan Books, 1957-1959
New American Library, 1968-1973
Oxford University Press, 1944-1974
Pantheon Books, 1949
Random House, 1944-1947
World Publishing Company, 1960-1968
Car Documents, 1961-1965
Alan Swallow, 1947-1971
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1944-1971
Henry Regnery Company, 1952
La Salle College, 1970
McGraw-Hill, 1970
New American Library, 1965
Oxford University Press, 1969
Princeton University, 1967
Random House, 1940
Rütten & Loening Verlag, 1964
University Microfilms, 1958
University of Connecticut, 1950
University of Minnesota, 1951-1967
William Sloane Associates, 1949
Allen Tate's Will, 1966
Driver's License (Italy), 1955
Checks, 1947-1966
Bills and Receipts, 1951-1967
Federal Grant Documents, 1956-1962
Insurance Documents, 1954-1972
Prospectus for Poetry, 1949
Miscellaneous Notes, undated
Consists of newspaper clippings, programs, book and poetry reviews, invitations, and periodicals.
This series begins with programs, clippings, and reviews, and periodicals, ending with miscellaneous printed matter.
Programs, 1910-1964
Newspaper Clippings, 1936-1973
Reviews, 1928-1978
Off-Prints, 1935-1965
Works of Others, 1950-1970
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1974
Shenandoah, 1968
The Sewanee News, 1970-1974
Western Review, 1950
The New Republic, 1933
The Nation, 1931
Poetry, 1972
Poetry Pilot, 1973
Music Books Owned by Tate, 1909-1924
No apparent arrangement scheme.
- Scope and Contents
The collection consists of manuscripts, documents, and correspondence of Tate, a leading member of the Fugitive and Southern Agrarian literary movements. Among the manuscripts are typed drafts of The Fathers, galleys and page proofs for On the Limits of Poetry, a draft of an unfinished biography of Robert E. Lee, and drafts and printer's copies of Poems 1920-1945: A Selection, as well as addresses, essays, and poems. Tate corresponded with many well-known poets and authors, including John Berryman, Hart Crane, e. e. cummings, T. S. Eliot, John Gould Fletcher, F. O. Matthiessen, Ezra Pound, John Crowe Ransom, Theodore Roethke, Delmore Schwartz, Karl Shapiro, Louis Untermeyer, Mark Van Doren, Robert Penn Warren, John Hall Wheelock, Oscar Williams, William Carlos Williams, Edmund Wilson, Yvor Winters, and Stark Young. In addition to Tate's own works, the collection contains poetry manuscripts by Princeton students and graduates, which Tate selected for his anthology Princeton Verse Between Two Wars, and an early draft, entitled "Proud Flesh," of All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren.
- Collection Creator Biography:
(John Orley) Allen Tate (1899-1979), poet, critic, and professor of letters from the American South, was born on November 19 in Winchester, Kentucky. In 1918, he was admitted to Vanderbilt University, where he excelled, earning top honors and membership in Phi Beta Kappa. He became the only undergraduate admitted to membership in the Fugitives, an informal group of Southern intellectuals which exerted considerable influence on American letters throughout the 1920s and 1930s. In 1924, Tate married Caroline Gordon, a novelist. They had one child, and he later divorced her to marry Isabella Stewart Gardner. He then divorced Gardner to marry Helen Heinz, with whom he had three children.
Though he lived in France from 1928-1932 in the company of such writers as Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, Tate continued to focus his writings on Southern themes. He published numerous volumes of poetry and prose, including one novel, The Fathers (1938). He was a visiting professor and lecturer at universities throughout the country, including the University of Chicago and Princeton University. He was also a Fulbright professor at the University of Rome and at Oxford University. He was a member of many societies, including the National Institute of Arts and Letters, of which he was president from 1968-1969, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Southern Historical Association, the Princeton Club, and the Authors Club of London. He won numerous awards, including Guggenheim fellowships, the National Institute of Arts and Letters Award, the Bollingen Prize for Poetry, the National Medal of Literature, and multiple honorary degrees. He died on February 9, 1979 in Nashville, Tennessee.
1899 Born on November 19 in Winchester, Kentucky 1922 Graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt University 1923 The Golden Mean, and Other Poems 1924 Married Caroline Gordon 1928 Mr. Pope, and Other Poems 1928 Stonewall Jackson: The Good Soldier 1928-1929 Guggenheim fellowships 1929 Jefferson Davis: His Rise and Fall 1930 Three Poems: Ode to the Confederate Dead, Message from Abroad, The Cross 1932 Poems: 1928-1931 1934-1936 Professor at Southwestern College 1936 The Mediterranean and Other Poems 1936 Reactionary Essays on Poetry and Ideas 1937 Selected Poems 1938 The Fathers 1938-1939 Professor at the Women's College of the University of North Carolina 1939-1942 Princeton University poet in residence 1941 Sonnets at Christmas 1941 Reason in Madness: Critical Essays 1943-1944 Library of Congress Chair of Poetry 1944 The Winter Sea 1944-1946 Editor of Sewanee Review 1947 Fragment of a Meditation\MCMXXVIII 1947-1951 Professor at New York University 1948 National Institute of Arts and Letters Award 1948 Poems: 1920-1945 1948 Poems: 1922-1947 1948 On the Limits of Poetry: Selected Essays, 1928-1948 1948 The Hovering Fly and Other Essays 1950 Two Conceits for the Eye to Sing, If Possible 1951-1968 Professor at the University of Minnesota 1953 The Forlorn Demon: Didactic and Critical Essays 1953-1954 Fulbright professor at the University of Rome 1955 The Man of Letters in the Modern World: Selected Essays 1956 Bollingen Prize for Poetry 1958-1959 Fulbright professor at Oxford University 1959 Divorced Caroline Gordon; married Isabella Stewart Gardner 1959 Collected Essays 1960 Poems 1961 Brandeis University Medal for Poetry 1962 Gold medal from Dante Society 1963 Academy of American Poets Award 1966 Divorced Isabella Stewart Gardner; married Helen Heinz 1966 Christ and the Unicorn 1968-1969 President of the National Institute of Arts and Letters 1969 Mere Literature and the Lost Traveller 1970 The Swimmers and Other Selected Poems 1972 The Translation of Poetry 1975 Memoirs and Opinions, 1926-1974 1976 Oscar Williams Award 1976 Mark Rothco Award 1976 Ingram Merrill Award 1976 National Medal for Literature 1977 Collected Poems, 1919-1976 1979 Died on February 9 in Nashville, Tennessee
- Acquisition:
The collection began with a gift from Allen Tate in 1941, grew from additional gifts from him over several decades, and achieved its final form with a purchase from his widow in 1979.
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed and the finding aid written in 1993.
A revision of series and box numbers was done by Nicholas Williams '2015 in 2013, although much of the exisiting finding aid remained intact.
In 2022, restrictions on an Ernest Hemingway letter where researchers were required to use surrogates were lifted as part of a restrictions review project.
- Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Allen Tate Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-72
- Subject Terms:
- Agrarians (Group of writers)
American poetry -- History and criticism. -- 20th century
College verse -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
Fugitives (group of writers)
Poetry, Modern -- Study and teaching -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
Poets, American. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Fiction. -- 20th century
Manuscripts (for publication). -- 20th century
Poems. -- 20th century - Names:
- Confederate States of America. Army
Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward) (1807-1870)