Series 1: Correspondence, 1908-1934
Consists of Kahn's major correspondence with his friends, family, colleagues, and business associates, and concerns his main interests. The folders are arranged in alphabetical order by name of person, organization, or topic. Some of the folders also contain business documents, photographs, and press clippings. Included among the correspondents are such significant political figures as Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Winston Churchill, and the well-known composers and performers Cleofonte Campanini, Enrico Caruso, George Gershwin, Alma Gluck, Lee Shubert, Jacob J. Shubert, and Arturo Toscanini. There is a broad range of files pertaining to the arts, political organizations, and businesses, such as the Metropolitan Opera House, other major opera companies, the Council on Foreign Relations, and railroad organizations. In addition, there is great amount of family correspondence and real estate files dealing with Kahn=s estates. See also VI. General Correspondence for additional, miscellaneous letters. "See X" and "see also X" references are given to provide additional links to related correspondence. If the reference (i.e, the "X folder") is not found in Series I, the user should try Series VI.
Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.
Aarons, A. A, 1926-1930, 1932
Abbey Theatre, 1927, 1930-1932
Abelman, Julian, 1931
Abrahams, Harry G, 1937
A. B. See, 1914-1917
L'Accueil Français, 1928, 1932-1934
Ackerman, Carl W, 1923-1924, 1931
Acme Newspictures Inc, 1931
Action Membership Inc, 1934
Actors' Fidelity League, 1922
Adamic, Louis, 1931
Adams (general), 1925
Adams, Almeda C, 1928
Adams, Express, 1914-1915
Adams, Franklin P, 1927
Adams, Frederick Upham, 1918- 1920
Adams, Fred W, 1929
Adams, Tamara, 1928
Adelson, Albert, 1929
Adie, Leslie, 1930
Adler, Felix, 1916
Advertising Federation, 1931
Aero Pick Up Service Corp, 1930
Aetna Life Insurance Co, 1933
Affleck-Robertson, I, 1918, 1920
African Corp, 1928
African Dramatic Co, 1933
Afternoon Theatre, 1932
Agassiz Association, 1929, 1930
AGFA ANSCO Corp, dates not examined
Agniel, Marguerite, 1932
Agon, Phadrig, 1915
Agriculture Experiment Station, 1931
Aitkin, H, 1915
Aitken, Sir Maxwell, 1912-1916
Aitken, W. M, 1911
Akins, J. Z, 1917
Alavoine, L. & Co, 1913
Albany Academy, 1930
Albee, E. F, 1923
Alber, Louis J, 1930
Alberta, University of, 1932, 1934
Albertieri, Luigi, 1922
Albion, Eduard, 1919, 1925
Albrect, Kurd, 1924
Albright, C. E, 1921, 1930, 1931
Aldrich, Mariska, 1916
Aldrich, Winthrop W, 1933
Alexander (general), 1931
All America, 1930
Allen (general), 1923-1932
Allen and Cammann, 1913
Allen, Frederick M, 1920
Allentown Chamber of Commerce, 1922
Alliance Français, 1916, 1931
Allied Real Estate, 1914
Allied Theatrical Producer, 1929
Allis, W. P, 1916, 1919
All Russian Ballet, 1930, 1932
All Souls' Hospital, 1915
Ally, Rebecca, 1929-1930
Almanac Theatre, 1929
Alterman, N. H, 1914
Altman, Ruth, 1928, 1930, 1933
Alton Productions, 1929
Alvin Theatre, dates not examined
Amato, P, 1929
Amberg, Emil, 1922-1923
Ambrose, Thomas, 1923-1924
America-Austria Society, 1931
American (general), 1910
American (general), 1911
American (general), 1912
American (general), 1913
American (general), 1914
American (general), 1915
American (general), 1916
American (general), 1917
American (general), 1919
American (general), 1920
American (general), 1921
American (general), 1922
American (general), 1923 A-G, 1923
American (general), 1923 H-Z, 1923
American (general), 1924
American (general), 1925
American (general), 1926 A-L, 1926
American (general), 1926 M-Z, 1926
American (general), 1927 A-C, 1927
American (general), 1927 D-S, 1927
American (general), 1928 A-G, 1928
American (general), 1928 H-R, 1928
American (general), 1928 S-Z, 1928
American (general), 1929 A-K, 1929
American (general), 1929 L-R, 1929
American (general), 1929 S-Z, 1929
American (general), 1930 A-C, 1930
American (general), 1930 D-H, 1930
American (general), 1930 I-Q, 1930
American (general), 1930 R-Z, 1930
American (general), 1931 A-L, 1931
American (general), 1931 M-Z, 1931
American (general), 1932 A-K, 1932
American (general), 1932 L-Z, 1932
American (general), 1933 A-L, 1933
American (general), 1933 M-Z, 1933
American (general), 1934
American Civic Reform Union, 1914
American International Corp, 1924
American Miracle Co. #1, 1915
American Miracle Co. #2, 1915
American Red Cross, 1917
American Rights League, 1917
Amerop Travel Service, 1929
Ames-Ao, 1926
Ames, Winthrop, 1910-1913, 1915
Les Amis de Blérancourt, 1924
Amis de L'Odeon, 1929
Amities Françaises, 1923
Amos Society, 1925, 1926, 1932
Amstelbank, 1924
Amter, F, 1915
Amtorg Trading Corp, 1929, 1931
Les Anciens de la Etrangère, 1932
Anderson (general), 1923, 1927-1929
Anderson, C. A, 1924
Anderson, C. Kaas, 1928
Anderson, Garland, 1925
Anderson, Hendrik C, 1926
Anderson, Sherwood, 1928-1930
Anderson, Wm. S, 1914
Andrade, Cyril, 1925
Andreae and Co, 1914-1915
Andrew, A. Piatt, dates not examined
Andrew, M. P, 1917, 1918
Andrews (general), 1929
Anegelone, Romolo, 1932-1933
Angier, Martha M, 1930
Anglo-American Exposition, 1913
Animal Rescue League, 1931
Anrep, Bores, 1928
Anson, Alfred, 1924
Ansco-Photoproducts, 1928
Antigrat, Henri, 1919
The Antiquarian, 1929
Appelbaum, Misha, 1919-1920
Applications, 1920
Arabian Horses, 1920
Arbitration, 1923
Arbitration Society of America, 1924
Architects' Small House Bureau, 1932
Ardant, G, 1921-1922
Ardelle, Kathleen, 1926, 1932
Ardis, W.F., 1928
Arenberg, Fritz, 1931
Ariani, A, 1917, 1926
Arizona Biltmore, 1932
Arlen, Michael, 1926
Arley Productions, 1929
Armstrong, 1923, 1929
Armstrong, Mrs. Hamilton Fish, 1928
Armstrong, Sir Harry G, 1926
Arnesen, D. V. E, 1932
Arnold, Bernard H, 1929
Arnold, J. A, 1915-1916, 1926-1927
Arnold, J. A, 1928, 1930-1933
Arnold, Mande L, 1932
Art (general), 1929, 1930, 1932
Art Alliance of America, 1919
Arthur, Frank, 1929
Artists & Writers Club, 1933
Artists & Writers Dinner Club, 1934
Artists & Writers House, 1932
Arts & Decoration, 1921
Asbury, Samuel E, 1929
Asch, Sylvain, 1932
Asch, Wm & Co, 1913
Assembly of Peace, 1931-1932
Associated (general), 1926
Associated Rayon Corp, 1931
Association (general), 1921
Association (general), 1923
Association (general), 1925
Association (general), 1926
Association (general), 1928
Association (general), 1929
Association (general), 1930, 1933
Astuni, Donato, 1924
Asylum of St. Vincent De Paul, 1922
Atherton, Gertrude, 1926
Atkinson, Lloyd H, 1929
Atlanta D. A .R., 1919
Atlantic, 1924, 1929, 1931, 1932
Altantic Yacht Club, 1921-1923, 1925
Atlas Corp, 1932
Attolico, Prof. B, 1919-1920
Atwill, Lionel, 1924-1925
Auf-der-Mauer K, 1920
Aussenac, M. A, 1926
Austin, Mrs. E. C, 1932
Austro-American (general), 1929
Austrian Ladies Help, 1933-1934
Authors' Club, 1924-1926, 1930, 1932
Authors' League of America, 1923
Automobile Club de France, 1915
Automobile File, 1926-1927
Auzello, Claude A, 1924
Averill, Esther, 1931
Aviation - Aviators, 1931
Aviation Capital Inc, 1933
Aviation Corporation, 1929
Aviron, H.J., 1923
Axelroad, Benjamin, 1932-1933
Aydelotte, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.H., 1923
Ayer, Mae, 1929, 1930, 1931
The Babies Hospital, 1929
Bach Association, 1924
Bacon, Clara, 1930
Badener Heimattag Karlsruhe, 1930
Badische Heimat, 1931
Baer, 1924, 1930
Baer, Flora, 1922
Baier, M, 1916
Baird, E. K, 1913, 1916
Baker (general), 1923, 1926, 1928
Baker, C. V, 1913
Baker, D. C, 1918-1919
Baker, Della, 1920
Baker Electrics, 1915
Baker, George Pierce, 1914
Baker, Joseph L, 1928
Bakhmetieff, George, 1916
Baldwin, L.W., 1927, 1930
Balfour, 1923
Balfour, the Earl of, 1922
Ballard, Mrs. G, 1923-1924
Balloon, dates not examined
The Balsams, 1929
Bangsberg, Irene K, 1931
Bank-Bankers, 1928-1932
Bank of Huntington, 1919-1925
Bar Harbor (Map), 1911
Barbarich, Alberto, 1931
Barcelona Exposition, 1928-1929
Barjot, Dr. L, 1931
Barker, J. Ellis, 1921-1922
Barker, H. Granville, 1911-1916
Barlow, Sir Montagne, 1919, 1924
Barometro, Economico, 1929
Baron, Miss M, 1930
Barr, Mark, 1923-1924
Barrère, George, 1921, 1924, 1930
Barrett (general), 1924
Barrett, Irene, 1925
Barrett, Rev. Harry A, 1922-1926
Barron, J. W. D, 1912-1913, 1915
Barta Press, 1931
Barzun, H. M, 1919
Bashford, J. C, 1931
Basshe, Emjo, 1922, 1926-1934
Batchelor, B, 1923
Batchelor, E. Crouch, 1921, 1924
Batchelor, H. Crouch, 1921, 1924
Bateman, S. S, 1924
Battleman, G. G, 1913, 1930
Bauer, Harold, 1916, 1931
Bauer, Louis, 1913
Baumfeld, Dr. M, 1910-1912
Baumgartner, J. H, 1931
Bayless, Marie, 1931
Baylis, Willard, 1921
Bayne, Mrs. J, 1920-1922, 1924, 1933
Baynes, Nanette G.S., 1932, 1934
Bazzi, Maria, 1925, 1930, 1933
Beach, Charles, 1919
Beach, S, 1911
Beach, W. G, 1921
Beale & Inman, Ltd, 1928, 1931
Beaton, Donald, 1922-1924
Beatty, A. Chester, 1922, 1929
Beauclerk, D, 1914-1916
Bechmann, Mme G, 1917
Beckel, George W, 1927-1928
Becker, C, 1932
Beckhard, Arthur J, 1931
Bedaux, Charles, 1931
Beddington, Mrs. G, 1929
Bedell, Harriet, 1922
Bedfor, A. C. & E. T, 1919
Beekman Street Hospital, 1922
Beegle, M.P., 1916
Beers, Clifford W, 1923
Beethoven, 1927
Behr, A. W, 1919
Behre, Charles H, 1923
Behrens, A., dates not examined
Behrens, E. B, 1925-1927
Behrens, Karl, 1929
Bégue, Benard, 1914
Belasco, D, 1915, 1922, 1924
Belgian-Belgium, 1917, 1928-1930
Belgian Relief Fund, 1914
Belgium, 1919
Belgium (Queen Elizabeth Fund), 1919
Belian, Erni, 1927
Belisha & Company, 1931
Bell (general), 1929-1930
Bell, Lillian, 1921-1922, 1928
Bell, Monta, 1928
Bell, Susan Weber, 1922
Bellaire, Blanche, 1929, 1933
Bellanca, 1928
Belliard, V, 1917
Belmonte, Marquesa, 1918
Belmonte, Nena (Countess), 1932
Benard, Georges, 1926, 1931-1933
Benatzky, Ralph, 1926
Bendelow, John, 1933
Bendix, Ludwig, 1927
Benedict & Benedict, 1916
Benedict, Rosewell A, 1922
Benenson, Gregory, 1927
Benet, Sm & Co, 1933
Benignus, W, 1919-1920, 1926
Benjamin, Dr. Harry, 1932
Bennèche, F, 1915
Bennett, Arnold, 1927-1928, 1930
Bennett, David C, 1930-1934
Bennett, William G, 1932
Benson, Arthur D, 1922
Benson, Mrs. Stuart, 1932
Berckholtz, Else, 1929
Berenger, Victor H, 1926
Berenson, Bernard, 1916, 1920
Bergdorf-Goodman, 1932
Berger, 1928
Bergman, 1913
Beriza, M, 1915
Berl, Oskar, 1930-1932
Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft, 1920
Berliner-Joyce Aircraft Corp, 1931
Berliner-Tageblott, 1929
Bernard, O. P, 1925
Bernhard, Kahn Lesehalle, 1926
Bernhardt, A. J, 1910, 1915
Bernheim, Mrs. Max J, 1927
Bernstein, 1924, 1929-1930
Bernstorff, 1911
Berry Bros, 1915, 1922
Berry Isabel D, 1923
Berry, Martha, 1926
Bertelli, R, 1930
Berthold, M, 1927
Bertling, K. O, 1927, 1929-1930
Bertram, H, 1911-1912
Berton, Griscom & Jenks, 1912
Berton, S. R, 1916-1917
Besuner, Pearl, 1931
Bethany Presbyterian Church, 1931
Bethmar Inc, 1933
B Finance, 1911-1912, 1914-1917
Biarritz Co. (Polo Club), 1923
Bibesco, Prince, 1921-1922
Bickerton, Joseph P. Jr, 1931
Biddle, Mrs. Hélène, 1934
Bier, J. M, 1910
Bier, Selma, 1924, 1931
Bièrce, Claude S, 1916
Big Brother, 1930, 1933
Big Pictures, 1923
Bigongiari, Dino, 1926
Binde, Helen L, 1931
Birge, Margaret, 1929
Birmingham Fire Insurance Co, 1930
Birmingham, Thomas, 1920
Bjorkman, Olaf, 1918, 1921, 1924
Black, Lora Lee, 1931
Black, Major G. C. S, 1934
The Blackman Co, 1926
Blackmar, Beatrice, 1926
Blackwood, M.G., 1925
Blake, Marguerite, 1929
Blake, William Dorsey, 1930
Blanchard, Blanche A, 1926, 1929
Blanche, Madame, 1926
Blathwayt, Raymond, 1918
Blauvelt, Hiram, 1926
Blech, C, 1923
Bledsoe, Julius, 1924, 1927
Blinn, Holdbrook, 1913
Bloch, Ernest, 1917
Bloch, Frederic, 1921-1923
Block Community Organization, 1932
Bloodgood, Olive M, 1930
Bloom, Sol (congressman), 1924-1928
Blue Cross Fund, 1915
Blue Ridge Corp, 1929
Bluemner, Oscar, 1930, 1932
Blum, Gustav, 1920-1921, 1925
Blumenberg, Marc A, 1912
Blumenthal, Charles, 1922, 1924-1930
Blumenthal, George, 1928
Blumenthal, Gustavos A, 1926
Blumenthal, Sara, 1932
Boardman, Arthur, 1926
Boardman, George G, 1932
Boas, Franz, 1921
Bockstette, Ferninand, 1920
Bodanyi, Louis, 1932
Boehm, G, 1912
Boemare, L, 1918
Boetecker, W. I. H, 1919
Bogdanov, Peter A, 1930
Bohland, Gustav, 1934
Bohler, Fred, 1931
Böhm, Josefine, 1922-1923
Boileau, Emily, 1933
Boileau, Mrs. Philip, 1923
Bois, J, 1916
Bois-Herbert, Countess, 1916
Boissevain, D. G, 1925, 1927
Boissevain, G. L, 1916
Bok, Edward, 1919, 1924
Boleslavsky, Richard, 1925
Bollack, Leon, 1918
Bolm, Adolf, 1917
Bonaccorsi, A, 1929-1930
Bond Club of New York, 1930, 1933
Bond, Harry, 1920
Bond, Rollin, 1924
Bonded Tobacco Co, 1930
Bondy, Miss E, 1930
Bonnie, Braefarm, 1929-1930, 1933
Bonner, E. E, 1920-1924, 1926-1927
Bonner, Irene, 1922
Bonnet, Joseph, 1917-1918
Book League of America, 1929
Borah, William, 1921
Borckel, A, 1923
Bossan, Lola, 1926
Boston, 1918, 1927
Boston Opera, 1912-1914, 1917
Boston Post, 1926
Boston University, 1930, 1933
Bottenheim, S, 1922
Bouilliez, Auguste, 1916-1918
Bourbon, D, 1924, 1926, 1931-1932
Bourke, Schiff & Co, 1929-1932
Boutnikoff, Ivan, 1930-1932
Bouy, Jules, 1922
Bowen, Louise, 1928
Bowie, J. R, 1933
Bowman, Grace, 1917-1918
Bowman, John, 1924, 1929
Boyd, E. G, 1917
Boyd, Madeline, 1930
Boyer, Rachel, 1916
Boykin, Clarence, 1930
Boyle, Stuart, 1926
Boys' Athletic League Club, 1933
Boys' Club, 1910-1917
Boys' Club, 1918-1922
Braden, William, 1926
Bradley-Palm Beach Property, 1925
Brady, Peter J, 1929
Brady, W.S., 1920, 1922-1923, 1926
Brailowsky, A, 1921
Braincraft Co, 1930
Brainerd, Erastus, 1919
Braithwaite & Miller, 1928-1933
Bramhall Playhouse, 1915
Braminoff, Basile, 1931
Bramley, K.G., 1930
Branca, Guido, 1933
Brandeis, Louis, 1911
Brandes, J.F., 1917
Branham, Lucy, 1922
Branseph, 1915
Brard, Alfred, 1918
Brard, Magda, 1924
Braun, Edith, 1915
Braun, Franz, 1923
Brazil, dates not examined
Breakfast Club Inc, 1930
Brecher, Leo, 1931
Breen, Alice, 1911
Breiteushcer, Anna, 1922
Brewster & Co, 1910-1913, 1915-1918
Bridewell-Benedict, C, 1917
Brignole, Pietro, 1918
Briggs (general), 1924, 1928
Brinkley, John R, 1913, 1920, 1922
British, 1918, 1920-1927, 1929-1931
British War Relief, 1915-1916
Briton, Mary, 1920
Brittain, Alida, 1920
Broad, Bertha, 1923
Broad St. Hospital, 1929
Broberg, Eric, 1920
Broda, Estelle, 1915
Brodrick, Alan, 1921-1922
Broesel, Herman, 1922
Bromberg, Edward, 1918
Bronner, dates not examined
Bronx (general), 1930
Bronx National Bank, 1922-1924
Brooke, Mrs. E, 1932
Brooke, Sydney, 1917, 1923
Brooks, Charles D, 1931
Brooks, Sydney, 1917, 1923
Brooks-Bright Foundation, 1929
Brooks-Ostrur Co, 1919
Brookwood, 1928, 1932
Brosseau, A.J., 1931
Brotherhood Investment Co, 1923
Broundoff, Platon, 1921
Brower, Josephine, 1916
Brown (general), 1931-1932
Brown, George, 1922
Brown, Grace, 1922
Brown, Herbert, 1914-1917, 1921
Brown, Robert D, 1930
Brown, Stanley, 1917
Bruckner Society, 1932
Brunetta, Serafina, 1930
Brush, M.C., 1922-1930, 1932
Bryant, Louise, 1930-1932
Bubna, Berta, 1922
Buchhandlung, Georg A, 1931
Buck (general), 1929-1930
Buck, Gene, 1928, 1931, 1933
Budge, Siegfried, 1925
Bulgakov, Leo, 1930-1932
Bullen, Perry, 1929-1930, 1933
Bullock, Charles J, 1922
Burchard, H, 1922
Burchard, Otto, 1922, 1926
Bureau of City Inquiry, 1915
Burkan Nathan, 1929, 1932
Burlin, Mme P, 1919
Burne-Jones, Philip, 1912-1913
Burnelli, Vincent J, 1931
Burnham, Lord, 1926
Burnham, Ralph, 1932
Burritt, Richard C, 1924
Burton, Perry, 1915-1917
Burton, Theodore B, 1922, 1924-1926
Buschmeyer, Mrs. V. H, 1918
Bush, B.F., 1915
Bush, Irving T, 1919, 1924
Bush, James I, 1928, 1932
Bushnell, Horace, 1931
Business, 1930
Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1932-1933
Butler, Rush C, 1930
Buttenwieser, B.J., 1924
Bynner, Witter, 1915, 1928
Byrd, Richard E, 1930, 1933
Byrne, William J, 1931-1932
Cabot , Philip, 1920
Cacciateore, Prino, 1926
Cadman, Charles W, 1916-1917
Cadman, John Parks, 1928
Cadman, Rev. S. Parkers, 1930, 1933
Caetani, Gelasio, 1923-1925, 1928
Cahn, J, 1914
Calder, Wm M, 1920-1921
Caldwell, R.J., 1924, 1932
Call, Norman, 1930
Callies, Charlotte, 1928-1932
Calvé, Emma, 1924
Calvert Associates, 1930
Calvert, Louis, 1921-1923
Cambridge School of Drama, 1930
Cambridge University Press, 1911
Cameron, Arnold Guyot, 1930
Cameron, Violet Root, 1930
Camilieri, I, 1916-1918
Camp, 1929-1930
Camp Fire Girls, 1932-1933
Camp Sussex, 1932
Campanini, Cleofonte, 1917
Campbell (General), 1924, 1931
Campbell, J. Arthur, 1932
Campbell, John P, 1915, 1917-1918
Canadian (general), 1924
Canadian Club of N.Y., 1926
Canfield, Cass, 1928
Capper's Magazine, 1930
Caragol, A.B., 1918
Carl, W.C., 1917
Carlebach, Ernest, 1932
Carew, Miss Theo, 1916
Carlisle, Ralph, 1929, 1931
Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, 1926
Carlson, Charles, 1912
Carlson, H. J, 1920
Carlton House Terrace, 1912
Carmean, G. L, 1931
Carnegie Hall, 1929
Carnochan, William, 1911, 1914
Carpenter, S. S, 1914
Carré, Albert, 1927
Carrère &Hastings, 1912, 1914
Caroll, Mrs. Charles, 1914
Caroll, Earl, 1930-1931
Caroll, T. J, 1930
Carter (general), 1928
Carter, A.J., 1924
Carter, Amon, 1926-1930
Carter, Charlotte, 1918-1920
Carter-Flather, Charlotte, 1923-1924
Cartier Inc, 1931
Caruso (general), 1921, 1929
Caruso, Enrico, 1914
Casa del Rio Development Corp, 1928
Casa Italiana, 1924
Casadesus (general), 1919
Casals, Pablo, 1916-1917, 1929
Cassel, E, 1913
Casselberry, George, 1924
Casselberry, Horace, 1932
Cassiobury Mansion, 1911
Castiglioni, Augusto, 1929
Castleman, 1911
Castleman, J.P., 1910
Castner, C. C, 1919
Catawba College, 1929
Cathedral, 1925, 1932
Catholic, 1926-1928, 1930-1933
Catts (R. M.) Corporation, 1927
Caubaye, Suzanne, 1929
Caubat, S, 1920
Causey, James H, 1923
Cecil, Lord Robert, 1923
Ceip-Ferro, Maire, 1929
Centanini, E.V., 1910
Central, 1930
Central Park, 1926
Central Park Civic League, 1917
Central Union Trust, 1918-1923
Central Union Trust, 1924-1926
Central Union Trust, 1927-1929
Century Opera Co, 1914
Cercle des Annales, 1932
Cercle Inerallie, 1919
Chabert, P, 1918
Chadbourne, Thomas L, 1923
Chadbourne, William, 1932
Chainey, Mary, 1929, 1932
Chaliapin, Fyodor, 1929
Challis, Bennett, 1928-1929
Chalmers, T, 1915
Chamberlin, Carrie F, 1929
Chance, Wade Co, 1912
Chandler, Douglas, 1926
Chandler, Henry A.E., 1922
Chang, P. C, 1930
Chard, Mrs. J. Alfred, 1930-1931
Charing Cross Hospital, 1931
Charity, 1931
Charlton, Louden, 1920-1921, 1923
Chase National Bank, 1930-1933
Chayes, 1915
Check, David, 1931
Chelsea Producing Corp, 1923
Chemet, Madame Renée, 1931
Chemical Foundation, 1930
Cherry Lane Players, 1924
Cherry Lane Productions, 1928
Cherry Lane Theatre, 1931
Cherubini, 1923
Cheureau, M, 1933
Chiaverini, Vito, 1931
Chicago, 1918, 1924
Chicago Daily News, 1932
Chicago Grand Opera Co, 1911-1916
Chicago Opera Association, 1919
Chickering, 1923
Chilcott, Sir Warden, 1933
Child Welfare Committee, 1929-1930
Childers, L. V, 1924
Children's, 1930
Children's Aid Society, 1933-1934
China-Chinese, 1924
China Famine Relief U.S., 1930
Chinese Regent, 1910
Chino Copper Co, 1913
Chiperfield, B. M, 1934
Christensen, A, 1920
Christians, Mady, 1932
Chisolm, 1910
Christian Science Manor, 1922
Christenson, Wm L, 1931-1932
Christie, Charles, 1932
Chronicle, 1917
Chronicles of America, 1923, 1931
Church, S. H, 1931
Church Peace Union, 1928-1929
Church of Transfiguration, 1930-1932
Churchill, Lida, 1922
Churchill, Randolph Spencer, 1931
Cisco, Mrs. G, 1919
Cities Service Co, 1930, 1931
Citizens, 1925-1926, 1933
Citizens Budget Committee, 1932
Citizens Municipal Committee, 1913
Citizens' National Trust Co, 1929
Citroen, André, 1931
City, 1919, 1926, 1930, 1933
City Club, 1910-1912, 1914, 1923
City Club of New York, 1915-1917
City Deep Ltd, 1915
City Music League, 1924
City of New York, 1912
City of New York Commission, 1932
Civic, 1930
Civic Repertory Theatre, 1927, 1929
Civil Service, 1910
Clapp, Howard, 1926-1927
Claridge's Hotel, 1920, 1930-1931
Clark, 1922-1923, 1926, 1937
Clark, Groover, 1930
Clark, James E, 1920
Clarke, 1929
Clarke, Lewis L, 1919
Clarkson, Governor B, 1922-1925
Claudel, Paul, 1929
Clearpool, 1929, 1932-1933
Cleaves, Helen M, 1930-1931
Clemenceau, Georges, 1922
Clement, Marguerite, 1917
Clementel, Stephane, 1924
Clendenin, Rev. F.M., 1915
Cleveland, Burdett, 1931
Cleveland, Converse, 1931
Cleveland Institute of Music, 1922
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1930
Cleveland Press, 1931
Clifford, Mrs. E, 1913, 1917
Clifton, Chalmers, 1919
Clock Manufacturing Co, 1932
Clurman, Harold, 1928
Coates, 1923
Coates, Maria, 1929
Coburn, C. D, 1916-1918, 1929
Cochran, Eleanor, 1917
Coe, Charles W, 1926
Coe, Katherine, 1933
Coerne, L. A., dates not examined
Coffin & Co, 1915
Coghlan, Rosaline, 1927
Cohen (general), 1926, 1931, 1933
Cohen, J. D, 1933
Cohen, Rabbi R, 1915
Cohn, Jefferson D, 1931
Cohn, Nathan, 1927
Coini, Jacques, 1914-1915
Colcord, Samuel, 1931
Cold Spring Harbor, 1915-1916
Cold Spring Harbor, 1917
Cold Spring Harbor, 1918 #1, 1918
Cold Spring Harbor, 1918 #2, 1918
Cold Spring Harbor, 1919
Cold Spring Harbor, 1920-1923
Cole, B. D, 1932
Cole, R, 1925
Cole, W. R, 1929
Coleman, Mary, 1927
Coler, Bird S, 1932
Colfax, Sibyl, 1929
College, 1931, 1933
College of Ozarks, 1932
College of Poetry Society, 1932
College of St. Francis Xavier, 1923
Collier, Constance, 1917, 1928
Collier, R. J, 1916
Collier, William, 1926
Collignon, Austa, 1922
Collins, D. M. & Co, 1930
Collins, L. S, 1917
Colliny, Isabella de, 1930
Colonial Bank, 1914
Colson, P, 1911-1915
Colt, Samuel, dates not examined
Columbia Broadcasting, 1930-1934
Comas, A. J, 1931
Comedy Company, 1923
Comic Opera Guild, 1931
Comitato Italiano, 1923
Committee of Fourteen, 1930
Committee of Mercy, 1914-1915, 1917
Committee on Unemployment, 1915
Common Sense, 1928
Community, 1926
Community Councils of New York, 1924
Community Drama Association, 1917
Community Music-Drama Center, 1930
Community Playhouse-Omaha, 1927-1928
Concert Dancers' League, 1930
Congress of Forums, 1917
Connelly, Marc, 1929-1931
Connick, H. G. H, 1920
Conning, Brace, 1931
Connolly, J. V, 1922
Conover, S. A. R, 1916
Conrad, Con, 1928
Conrad, Mrs. E, 1931
Constantinople, 1920
Constitutional, 1921
Constitutional Club, 1919
Consular Academy of Vienna, 1923
Consumer & Producers Committee, 1924
Consumers' Research, 1931
Contemporary Arts, 1931
Continental, 1925
Conyers, G, 1931-1932
Coogan, Jay, 1934
Coogan, Jesse, 1919
Cook (general), 1930, 1933
Cook, George C, 1918
Cook, Miss Robbye, 1928
Cook, Sir Theodore A, 1922-1926
Cook , Will Marion, 1925-1926, 1932
Cooper (general), 1929-1930
Cooper, Frederick W, 1930
Cooper, J. H, 1914
Cooper, John Julius, 1931-1933
Cooper, Lady Diana, 1924-1929
Cooper, Lady Diana, 1930-1933
Copaceanu, E, 1931, 1933
Copeau, Jacques, 1919-1920, 1923
Copeland, Royal S, 1923-1932
Coppicus, F. C, 1925, 1931
Coppicus, M. H, 1916
Corbin, A. O, 1924
Corbin, John, 1916
Corley, Donald, 1930
Corman, William, 193, undated
Cornith Theatre, 1928
Cornell, Katherine, 1925
Cornell University, 1930
Cornish School, 1930
Cornstalk Products Co, 1927-1928
Cort, Harry L, 1928
Corwin Mrs. J. S, 1923
Cosden, J. S, 1926
Cosgrave, O. H, 1912
Cosmopolitan Opera Co, 1928-1929
Cosmos Newspapers Syndicate, 1928
Costa Rica, 1915
Cottenet, R. L, 1911, 1915-1916
'Country Gentlemen', 1922
Country Lanes Com, 1932
County, A. J, 1930, 1932
Courier-Post Newspapers, 1931
Couzens, James, dates not examined
Couzinou, R, 1919
Cowdin, J. C, 1932
Cowen, Gertrude F, 1916
Cowl, Jane, 1914
Cowles, Grace, 1921
Cox, 1932
Cox Memorial Art Center, 1930
Crabbe, John, 1915
Craft, Marcella, 1916, 1919-1922
Cragg, Alliston, 1926
Cragston Yacht & Country Club, 1930
Craig, Anne Throop, 1921
Craig Colony, 1930
Craig, Rudolph, 1910-1911
Crane, Hart, 1925-1932
Crane, C. Howard, 1924
Cravath, Paul, 1910-1912, 1914-1918
Cravath, Paul, 1919-1925
Cravath, Paul, 1926-1933
Cravath & Henderson, 1913, 1916-1920
Cravath & Henderson, 1921-1926
Crawford, Rebekah, 1917
Crédit Lyonnais, 1916
Creed, Percy, 1926
Creel, George, 1918
Creese, James, 1929
Creil, Edward, 1923
Criscuolo, Luigi, 1926, 1930
Crocker, Wm H, 1915
Crockford's, 1932
Cromaine Society, 1926
Cromwell, J. H. R, 1925
Cronau, Mrs. Rudolph, 1929
Cronegg-Callies, Charlotte, 1916
Cronin, J. J, 1932
Cropsey, James C, 1930
Cross, Anson K, 1926, 1929, 1933
Crothers, Rachel, 1926, 1929, 1933
Crowell, James R, 1925
Crowningshield Shipbuilding, 1922
Crowley, A, 1915-1916, 1919
Crowther, Samuel, 1932
Crusade for the Children, 1933
Cuba, 1930
Culkin, Charles W, 1929
Cummings, Arthur J, 1931
Cunard Steamship Co, 1914, 1920-1923
Cunard Steamship Co, 1930, 1932-1933
Cunningham, Mary, 1927
Curran, Edward Lodge, 1928
Curtis, Marguerite, 1924
Curtis Institute, 1932
Curtis & Henson, 1912-1920
Curtis & Henson, 1921-1926
Curtis & Henson, 1927-1933
Cushing, Harry C. III, 1931
Cushing, Leonard J, 1930-1931
Cutchins, John A, 1920
Culter, Gerald Ives, 1925
Cutler, James G, 1923
Cutting, Fulton, 1927
Cuyler, Thomas de Witt, 1910-1916
Czeczowicka & Sohm, 1930
Czernin, Count, 1922, 1927-1929
Czernin, Hans, 1930
Daggett, Windsor, 1978
Dagobert, Elsa B, 1932
Daily, 1931
Daily, Clifford, 1924
Daily, Express, 1933
Daily, Matilda, 1929, 1932-1933
Dale, Graham, 1933
Dallas, Texas, 1926
Dalrymple, Jean, 1932
Dalton, Mrs. Noel, 1931
Dalton, Test, 1926, 1929, 1933
D'Ambricourt, Mme, 1923
Damrosch, Frank & Walter, 1911
Dana, William B. & Co, 1932
Danbé, Felix, 1918
Dance, dates not examined
Dance Observer, 1934
Dance Repertory Theatre, 1930
Dancers' Club, 1930, 1932
Dandré, V, 1932
Daniels, Walter S, 1933
Danner, Marie, 1921
Dante Alighieri Society, 1931
Dark Harbor Club, 1929
Darling, Harriet T, 1930-1931
Dartt, James G, 1932
D'Artaux, Countess, 1918, 1923, 1932
Darve, Lavinia, 1929-1930
Das, Nirmal, 1933
Data-Auty, Philip, 1919
Davennes, 1915
Davenport, Eleanor, 1932-1933
Davenport, Mrs. John, 1931
Davenport Theatre, 1929
Davidson, Jo, 1925-1929
Davidson School, 1915
Davies, Edgar B, 1920
Davies, Joseph E, 1926
Davies, Lillian, 1926
Davies & Son, 1920
Davies, William, 1926
Davis (general), 1924, 1926-1931
Davis, Charles, 1931
Davis, Helen, 1923
Davis, James J, 1931
Davis, John W, 1932
Davis, Meyer (musician), 1923
Davison, F. Trubee, 1929
Davison, H. P, 1917
Dawes, C. G, 1911, 1914, 1917, 1924
Dawes, Edgar, 1922
Day (general), 1928
Day, Dorothy, 1930
Day, Henry H, 1931, 1933
Day, Joseph D, 1920, 1929, 1932
Dayot, Armand, 1917
Dayton Art Institute, 1930
De Beaulieu, R, 1932
De Beaumanoir, B, 1918
De Bernyz, Mrs. B, 1921
De Blois & Elderidge, 1914
De Bokker, L. J, 1923, 1925
De Bourbel, Kathleen, 1922
De Brogile, Princess J, 1928
De Bruce, Robert, dates not examined
De Bruyn, Mrs. Roger, 1929-1930
De Bussy Movement Fund, 1929
De Bustamante, A. S, 1932
De Cartier, Baron, 1921
De Chambrun, M, 1929
De Cordora, Rudolph, 1920
De Courville, Albert, 1922
Deegan, Major William F.F., 1930
Deeter, Jasper, 1928-1932
De Feo, George (Opera), 1923
De Forest, 1913
De Forrest Radio Co, 1930
D'Harcourt, Eugène, 1917
De Hayes, Countess, 1923
De Hevesty, Paul, 1932
De Grunne, Comte G, 1931
De Kaladine, V, 1925
De Koven, Reginald, 1915-1917
De Kubinyi, Victor, 1927
del Drago, Josephine, 1911
De La Jarrie, G, 1921
De La Jarrie, Madame, 1925, 1930
De La Marca, R, 1915, 1925
Delaney (general), 1925
Delaney, Mrs. Gladys, 1926, 1927
Delaney, L. B, 1929
De Lange-Eiser Development Co, 1926
Delano (general), 1929-1930
Delano, Fred & W.A., 1914
Delano, F. M, 1932
Delano, W. A, 1921
Delano & Aldrich, 1916 #1, 1916
Delano & Aldrich, 1916 #2, 1916
Delano & Aldrich, 1918 #1, 1918
Delano & Aldrich, 1918 #2, 1918
Delano & Aldrich, 1919
Delano & Aldrich, 1928
De Léché, Alain, 1930
De Leone, Francesco, 1924
De Lignemarie, W, 1926
De Lingette, G, 1925
Dell, R, 1910, 1912
de Mille, Agnes G, 1930
De Luca, G, 1915
De Marion, Mrs. A, 1916
de Merrit, Mrs. L. P, 1922
Democratic, 1928
Demont, Henri, 1923
De Murrieta, Cristobal, 1910
Deneke, M, 1929-1930
Dengler, H. W, 1924, 1926-1928
Denison, C. E, 1923
Denner, Marie, 1922
Denning, C. C, 1916
Dennis, J. B, 1915
Denver Opera, 1912
Denville Herald, 1933
Deppé, W. P, 1923
de Polignac, Marquis, 1917
De Rodyenko, Beatrice, 1931
Derrick, Paul E, 1920
De Reszke, Jean, 1923-1925
Derome, J. A, 1920-1927
Derome, J. A, 1928-1930, 1932-1933
Deru, Mme Edouard, 1916, 1924
Derwent, Clarence, 1926
De Sandoval, Madame, 1931
De Schamps, P, 1931
De Scheel, Countess, 1931, 1932
Desider, W, 1930
De Smolianinoff, Olga, 1930, 1933
Desmond, Shaw, 1931, 1932
De Spoliansky, J. G, 1921
De Szymanski, Etienne, 1928, 1932
Detroit (general), 1929-1930
de Turenne, R. R, 1920
Deutsch, Frank, 1932-1933
Deutsch, George, 1929
Deutsche, Zeitung, 1928
Deutscher Press Club, 1910
Deutsches Haus, 1931
De Valdor, Joseph, 1923
De Valley, A. V. K, 1916
Devaux, George, 1917
Devin, John C, 1931
Dewart, William T, 1926
Dewitt, Marguerite E, 1924
Dewitt Clinton High School, 1932
Dewitz, H (Bram), 1923
de Wollfe, 1919
Deyo, Ruth, 1928-1930
De Young, Halle, 1916
D Finance, 1914-1919
D'Harcourt, 1917
Diaghilev, Serge, 1911, 1916
Diamant, Rudoph, 1923
Diamond, Milton, 1930, 1911
Diaz, H. Angel, 1915
di Cellere, 1918
Dick, Fairman R, 1932
Dick, G, 1919
Dick, Kenneth C, 1931
Dickson & Eddy, 1918
Di-Dio, Vittorio, 1930
Diefenbach, E. G, 1917
Diem, Wilhelm, 1931
Di Giambattista, S, 1922-1925
Dillingham, Charles, 1925
Dillion, Virginia, 1920
Dillion, Walter F, 1923
Di Magnano, Duchess, 1926
Di Marias, X, 1931
Dining Club, 1915
Dippe, Carl, 1925-1926
Dippel Opera Comique, 1914
Directory of Directors Co, 1933
Di Robilant, 1924
Disabled American Veterans, 1924
Di San Faustino, Princess, 1924
Dittman, G, 1927
Dittmar, Irene, 1929
Diva, Vraie, 1928
Dixon, Thomas, 1922
Djabadar, Prince, 1924
Doctors' Hospital, 1929
Dodds, H. W, 1932
Dodge, John, 1925
Dodge, Marjorie, 1930
Dodge, Wendell P, 1932
Doff, Mrs. Louis, 1928
Doff, Melba, 1930-1931
Dollar Christmas Fund, 1914
Donahue, John Vincent, 1923
Donalda, Pauline, 1914-1918
Donnelly, Charles, 1924
Dorchester Hopital, 1915
Dorfman, Zelda, 1930-1931
D'Orgeix, Marguise, 1924
Doriot, George F, 1932
Dorman, S, 1928-1929, 1933
D'Ormesson, Vladimir, 1931
Dormy House Club, 1930-1932
Donnelly, Charles, 1924
Dorchester Hospital, 1915
Dorsha, Miss, 1927
Doty, Lorraine K, 1916
Doubleday, 1913-1914
Doubleday, Felix D, 1924
Dougherty, Marian A, 1930
Douglas, Mabel, 1929-1930
Douglas, Robert W, 1920, 1924, 1926
Douthitt, J. F, 1930
Dove of Peace, 1912
Dowling, William, 1930
Dowling, V. J, 1931, 1933
Downtown League, 1933
Doyle, 1924
Drago, dates not examined
Drake, 1929
Drama, 1930-1931
The Drama, 1923
Drama Corporation, 1929
Drama Society, 1915
Draper, C. D, 1917
Draper, George, 1923
Draper, Ruth, 1929
Dreiblatt, Martha, 1931
Dreier, Katherine S, 1923
Dreiser, Theodore, 1931
Dresden (Kreuzchor), 1929
Dresedner Bank, 1932-1933
Drewes, Werner, 1930
Drey, 1914
Drieman, J. B, 1932
Drinkwater, John, 1924
Drivers, Jonas & Co, 1922
Drossner, Charles, 1928
Drover, L. A, 1931-1933
Drummond, John H, 1928
Dryfoos, Mr. & Mrs. W. S, 1930
Dubarry, C, 1932, 1933
Düberta, G, 1917
Dubois, W. E. B, 1930
Duccini, E, 1927, 1929-1931
Dudley, Caroline, 1926
Duesenberg Motor Co, 1925
Duffy, Father Francis (Fund), 1925
Dulles, John Foster, 1928
Du Maurier, Daphne, 1929-1931
Dumont, Paul, 1922
Duncan, Isadora, 1915-1916
Dunn, Bernice, 1923
Dunn, J. H, 1915
Dunn, Robert R, 1922
Dunning, James, 1918-1920, 1922
Dupont, Catherine, 1911
Dupont, Coleman, 1919, 1927-1928
Durant, W. C, 1929
Duric, Ernest, 1929
Duryee & Co, 1917
Duse American Memorial Fund, 1925
Duse Fellowship Performance, 1929
Dushaw, Amos I, 1924
Du Val, Guy, 1926
Du Val, Hélena, 1924
D'Vys, George W, 1920, 1928-1930
Dwight, Mrs. Stanley, 1931
Dwork-Turowsky, William, 1931
Dye, Rex, 1932
Easley, Donna, 1922
Easley, Mrs. R. M, 1918
Easley, Ralph, 1919, 1926
East-Eastern (general), 1926, 1929
East Neck Holding Corp, 1931
East Tennessee, 1932
East-West Player, 1916-1917
Eastern(general), 1931
Eastern Yacht Club, 1911, 1916, 1928
Eastman, Max, 1933
Easton, Mrs. D. E. F, 1920
Eastwood, Smith & Co, 1933
Eaton, Allen, 1923-1924, 1926, 1933
Eaton, William R, 1930
Ebenback, Arthur, 1932
Eberle, Anne, 1930
Eberstadt, E. F. (& Zélie), 1917
Eberstadt, E. F, 1918
Eberstadt, Ferdinand, 1923, 1932
Ecker, F. W, 1929
Eckert, G, 1923
Eckstein, Louis, 1920, 1924-1933
Economic Club, 1917, 1922, 1930-1932
Edgar Allan Poe Shrine, 1925
Edgewood Publishing Co, 1923, 1925
Edwards, Mrs. Jesse, 1928-1929
Edwards, J. R. & Co, 1932-1933
Edwards, T. P, 1927
Educational, 1924
Educational Alliance, 1915
Educational Dramatic League, 1916
E Finance, 1914, 1917
Ehrich Galleries, 1910
Ehrgott, William A, 1929
Eighth Avenue Assoc, 1926, 1927
Eisenkraemer, Max, 1931
Eisenberg, David E, 1926
Eisler, Paul, 1925, 1930, 1931
Eistenstein, S. M, 1930
Eitingon Schild Co, 1931
Elder, R. L, 1917
Eliot, Charles W, 1924
Eliot, Gilbert, 1926
Elliman, Douglas & Co, 1926
Elliot, Howard, 1926
Elliot, Zo, 1931-1933
Ellis (general), 1915
Ellis, Mrs. Katherine W, 1930, 1932
Ellman, Samuel H, 1920
Elsenhiemer, 1920
Elverhoj Theatre, 1930-1931
Elwell, F. E, 1919
Ely, H. E, 1931
Ely, Richard T, 1921-1922
Emergency Employment Committee, 1930
Emerich, Paul, 1931
Emerich-Thau, Alice, 1930
Emerson, John, 1925
Emery, Gilbert, 1925-1926
Emhardt, William C, 1936
Emmet, Burton, 1930
Emmet, Devereux, 1920-1922
Empire Club of Canada, 1930
Endres, E. A, 1933
Engineers Land Corp, 1933
England, C. A, 1930
Englisches Theater Deutscher S, 1930
English Grand Opera, 1924
English Speaking Union, 1926
Enos, Mrs. John S, 1931-1932
Enright, 1928
Enters, A, 1926
Episcopal Actors' Fund, 1924
Episcopal Actors' Guild, 1925, 1929
Epstein, Max, 1931
Equitable Appraisal Co, 1927
Equitable Corporation, 1930
Equitable Life Assurance, 1923, 1930
Equitable Trust Co, 1916-1920
Equitable Trust Co, 1921, 1922
Equitable Trust Co, 1923
Equitable Trust Co, 1924-1925
Equitable Trust Co, 1926-1927
Equitable Trust Co, 1928-1931
Equity Player, 1923-1924
E Railroads, 1914-1915
Erdely, Alex, 1922
Erlanger, Emile, 1922
Errante, Baroness M, 1930
Eschebacher, E. C. & Howard, 1931
Eschenberg, C. J, 1929-1930
Eskell, Douglas, 1925
Eskimo Sisters Reindeer Co, 1933
Essex Fox Hounds, 1914-1916
Estelrich, J, 1930
Ethical Culture Society, 1910, 1914
European Relief, 1921
Evangelisches Krankenhaus, 1931
Evans, Mrs. E. D, 1932
Everett, Mrs. J. E, 1916
Ewell, Lois, 1923
Ewell, R. D, 1931
Ewers, H. H, 1914-1917, 1920, 1922
Experimental Cinema, 1930
Eymael, C, 1915, 1918, 1930
Fabian, Mary, 1914
Fabre, Camille, 1921
Faerber, Carl E, 1929
Fair Tariff League, 1922
Fairchild Aviation Corp, 1931
Fall, Aleer B, 1923
Faller, Anna L, 1930
Family Welfare Association, 1933
Farbre, Riva, 1928
Farmer, James H, 1928
Farmers', 1917, 1927
Farmers' Loan & Trust Co, 1924-1925
Farnham, Dwight T, 1923
Farquhar, 1912
Farquhar, A. B, 1916, 1921
Farquhar, I. Dudley, 1933
Farquhar, Percival, 1911, 1926
Farrar, Geraldine, 1918
Farrell, T. R, 1928
Farrow, H. P, 1919
Farwell, Gertrude, 1933
Fasola, F. B, 1928-1930, 1932
Fauber, W. H, 1920
Faulkner, Wm. Harrison, 1918
Favata, Louis, 1931
Faversham, William, 1913, 1917, 1921
Fay, Bernard, 1921-1924, 1929-1931
Fay, Charles N., dates not examined
Fay, Maude, 1916
Fayant, F. H, 1917
Federal, 1933
Federal Advertising Agency, 1929
Federal Finance & Credit Co, 1927
Federal Reserve Bank, 1922, 1930
Federal Trade Commission, 1923
Federation, 1921-1926, 1928-1933
Federation Bank & Trust Co, 1931
Feilchenfeld, Berta, 1931
Feist, Bessy R, 1924
Feldman, William, 1933
Felshin, Joe S, 1929
Felt, D. E, 1919
Fenyvessy, Arpad, 1932
Ferenzo, Misha, 1932
Ferguson, Charles, 1921-1922
Ferguson, Elsie, 1928
Ferreiara Deep Ltd, 1916
Ferrero, G, 1915
Fialkowski, Marie, 1920
Fidello, Raymon, 1932
Fiene, Ernest, 1926
Fifth Ave. Playhouse, 1929
Filene, Mrs. A. Lincoln, 1926
Filene, Edward A, 1924, 1928
Film, dates not examined
Film Arts Guild, 1928-1929
Film Bureau, 1928
Filmont, J, 1921
Finance Forum, 1911
Finance Magazine, 1931
Financial, 1921
Financial News, 1911
Financiecle Maatschappij, 1924
Financier, 1919
Finck, H. T, 1912
Finding Co. of America, 1911
Finesinger, Abraham, 1926
Finlay, Henry, 1921
Finocchiaro, F. P, 1918
Finsterwald, Maxine, 1928
Finzi, Aldo, 1924
Fire Detecting Co, 1914
First (general), 1930
First Avenue Association, 1928
First Baptist Church, 1916
First Institute of Podiatry, 1929
First National Bank (El Paso), 1928
First Trust Appleton, 1931
Fischer, 1928
Fischer, Sarah, 1927, 1930
Fischer, V. G, 1913
Fischerauer, F, 1924, 1931
Fischmann, Norbert, 1929
Fishe, S. S, 1922
Fisher (genera), 1928-1931
Fisher, Irving, 1932
Fishman, Simon, 1925
Fisk University, 1929
Fitz-Gerald, Kay, 1932
Fitzgerald, Ed M, 1933
Fitzgerald, Edward M, 1932
Fitzgerald, Evelyn, 1913
Fitzgerald, F. A, 1919
Fitzgerald, Harold, 1924
Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. J, 1928
Fitzgerald, M. Eleanor, 1930-1933
Fitzgerald, Nellie, 1932
Fjorde, Grace, 1914
Flather, Miss C. C, 1921
Flaunlacher, L. W, 1931
Flavia (text opera), 1931
Fleck, Donald, 1931
Fleck, Henry T, 1915-1916, 1919
Fleishcher, Charles, 1924-1931
Fleming, Robert, 1918, 1924
Fletcher, Duncan, 1934
Fletcher, F, 1913
Flexner, Abraham, 1919
Flick-Steger, Carl, 1930-1931
Fliesler, Joseph R, 1931
Flood, Val, 1938
Florida, 1929, 1931-1933
Florida Property, 1923 #1, 1923
Florida Property, 1923 #2, 1923
Florida Property, 1924
Florence Crittendon League, 1915
Florian Plaut & Co, 1930
Flower, A. D, 1922
Flower Hospital, 1930
Flying Cloud (yacht), 1927
Fokine, Michael, 1922
Fomin, Demitri, 1929
Fonariova, E. B, 1917
Fonariova, Mme G. B, 1916
Fonazione Toscanini, 1928
Fonnesbeck, Lydia, 1929
Fontaine, S. S, 1929
Forbes, B. C, 1913, 1916, 1922
Ford, Edsel & Henry, 1929-1930
Fordam, Herbert, 1931
Foreign, 1922-1923, 1925
Foreign American Film, 1930
Foreign Enterprises, 1927
Foreign Press Service, 1919-1921
Foreign Purchases, 1926
Forgione, William, 1933
Formaria, S, 1929
Formente, Mrs. L. E, 1923
Forster, R. Halford, 1931
Fortnum & Mason, 1931
Fort, Paul, 1932
Fortier, Father, 1926
The Fortnightly Musical Review, 1928
Fortune, 1930, 1932
Forum Publishing Co, 1926
Fosdick, Henry Emerson, 1930
Foster (general), 1933
Foster, George G, 1924
Foster, Stephen, 1933
The Foundry, 1930
Foundry Press, 1930
Fourth of July, 1915
Fox, Aaron, 1929
Fox, Beaurais, 1928
Fox, Lois, 1917
Foyer du Blessé, 1916
Fraenkel, J, 1911-1912
F Railroads, 1912, 1919, 1926
François-Marshal, F, 1919
France, Joseph Irwin, 1923
France-America, 1922, 1925
France-America Society, 1916, 1928
Frank, Mrs. Henry, 1916-1919, 1921
Frank, K. G, 1932
Frank, S. J, 1913
Frank, Waldo, 1918, 1926, 1928-1931
Frankel, Mrs. Simon, 1920
Frankfurter, Alfred M, 1932
Franklin, Fabian, 1918
Fraser, Charles, 1922-1923
Fraser, Charlotte, 1931
Fraser, Herbert, 1914
Frazer, F. F, 1932
Frederick, L, 1923
Free Milk for Babies, 1928, 1930
Freeborn & Co, 1932
Freeborn & Co, 1933-1934
Freedley Productions, 1932
Freelax Productions, 1931
Freeman (general), 1926, 1930
Freeman, Donald, 1929
Freeman, Helen, 1921
Freer, James A, 1923
Freiburg Passion Players, 1929
French, Daniel Chester, 1917
French, Tom, 1917
French American, 1926
French Drama Society, 1913-1914
French Institute, 1920, 1924, 1927
French League, 1918
French Theatre, 1915
Frésé, Rudolph, 1916, 1921
Freshman, Ann, 1929-1934
Freund, Agnes, 1925, 1930-1933
Freund, J. C, 1919
Freund, R, 1929
Freundenthal, Martin, 1932
Frewen, Moreton, 1920
Friars, Club, 1931
Frick, H. C, 1919
Friendlander, Auste, 1923
Friendlander, M. J, 1911
Friend, G. Edmund, 1929
Friends of the Young Artists, 1917
Frigidair Sales Corp, 1931-1932
Froelick, Louis D, 1923
Frohman, Daniel, 1913, 1915-1916
Fuerholzer, Edmund, 1930, 1932
Fuerst, W. F, 1912-1922
Fuerst, W. F, 1923-1932
Fukami, Akira, 1932
Fuller, Loië, 1914, 1921-1922
Fuller, Paul, 1916
Fulton Building, 1911-1912
Furthman, Charles, 1928-1932
Furland, M. H, 1916
Futrele, Mrs. J, 1920
Gaevernitz, Von S, 1931-1932
Gage, Du Relle, 1924
Gahagan, Helen, 1929
Gaiger, Phillippe, 1925, 1928-1933
Gaines, Noel, 1923
Gallahad Corp, 1927
Galen, Liana, 1931
Galli, Rosina, 1925-1926
Galli-Curci, Amelita, 1924
Gallo, Fortune, 1922
Galtier, Rev. E, 1919-1922
Gandhi, Mahatma, 1931
Ganeau, Wilda, 1931
Garden, Emile, 1922
Garden, Mary, 1917, 1921
Garland, Hamlin, 1926
Garner, William C, 1929
Garret, Garet, 1922
Garret, Thos, 1917
Garretson, L, 1912
Gasoline Tax Refund, 1929-1931
Gates, Eleanor, 1933
The Gateway, 1918-1919
Gattie, A. W, 1921
Gaunt, Guy R, 1916, 1928
Gauthier, Eva, 1916, 1932
Gay, Paul, 1932
Gayler, E. A, 1926
Geddes, Sir Aukland, 1922
Geddes, Donald G, 1915
Geddes, Virgil, 1929-1930, 1932
Gedeon, Fred, 1932-1933
Geifes, Hans, 1929, 1931
Geiger, August, 1931
Gemier, Fermin, 1925
General, 1920, 1929-1930
General Motors Corp, 1920
General Trading Co, 1910
Gentle Reader, 1931
Georgian Terrace, 1914
Gérard, Daniel, 1929
Gerard, James W, 1926
Gerard, Sumner, 1923, 1932
German Dramatic Players, 1923
German Institute in Rome, 1923
German University League, 1916
German League of Nations Union, 1932
Gershwin, George, 1925
Gest, Morris, 1916-1918, 1920-1924
Gest, Morris, 1925-1928, 1931
Giacobazzi, Gilberto Casali, 1919
Gibralter Bonds, 1926
Gibson, Dora, 1916
Gibson, Henry F, 1921
Gibson, Irene, 1925
Gibson, Lillian, 1927
Gibson, Preston, 1916-1918
Gibson, Mrs. W. B, 1924
Gielow, Henry, 1926, 1928, 1933
Gierach, R, 1911
Giese, Fritz, 1924, 1930
Giesen, Vivienne, 1932
Giglioli, Professor, 1930
Giglo, Beniamo, 1930
Gilbert, Cass, 1926
Gilbert Fund, 1911
Gilbert, Henry F, 1917-1918, 1920
Gilder, Rosamond, 1923
Giles, Howard, 1923
Giles, Thomas, 1924
Giliard, Frank, 1928-1931
Gillespie, Michael, 1911-1912
Gillotin, Lucienne, 1922-1924
Gilmore, Paul, 1929
Gimpel, Rene, 1921
Ginsburg, Ethel, 1927
Girl Scouts, 1930-1932
Gish, Lillian, 1930
Given, John B, 1923
Glaenzer, Eugene & Co, 1913, 1915
Glen Cove City, 1932
Glen Oaks Golf Club, 1924
Globe Music Club, 1919
Gluck, Alma (Zimbalist), 1912-1914
Glyn, W. E, 1931
Gobey, Mrs. Kathryn, 1925-1926
Godfrey, Hollis, 1926
Godkin, Lawrence, 1916-1917
Goetz, E. Ray, 1925
Goethe Society of America, 1932
Gold, Michael, 1928, 1930, 1932
Goldbeck, E, 1913
Golden, John, 1932
Golden Rule Foundation, 1929-1933
Goldhammer, Adolph, 1928-1929
Goldman Band Free Concert, 1923
Goldman, Edwin Franko, 1919-1920
Goldman, Frank S, 1928
Goldsborough, Ann, 1930
Goldschmidt (general), 1928-1929
Goldschmidt, Jakob, 1928
Goldschmidt, Kahn & Co, 1914, 1919
Goldstein (general), 1929
Goldstein, Samuel, 1930
Golf, 1923-1924, 1926-1928, 1932
Gomez, Natalie, 1930-1931
Gompers, Samuel, 1923
Good Housekeeping, 1930-1931
Goode, Sir William, 1922-1923
Goodman, Edward, 1915, 1918
Goodman, Philip, 1930
Goodwin & Goodwin, Inc, 1931
Gordbeck, Edward, 1914
Gordon & Co, 1912-1914
Gordon, Sir Charles, 1923
Gordon, Grace, 1925, 1931
Gordon, Linley V, 1932
Gordon, R. R, 1917
Gorer, E, 1911
Gorgas Memorial Institute, 1929
Goritz, Emma, 1929
Goritz, Otto, 1928
Gorman, J. E, 1925
Gormully, N, 1914
Gorton Division, 1913
Gos, Charles, 1928, 1930, 1933-1934
Goslin, Omar P, 1933-1934
Gotlieb, Myer, 1923
Gotshal, Sylvan, 1930-1931
Gottlieb, Mrs. B. M, 1921
Gottlieb, Myer, 1925
Goulding, Edmund, 1922, 1931
Gourvich, Paul, 1921, 1930, 1933
Governor's Island, 1926, 1929-1931
Gower, Lady Alistair, 1920
Graam, Marie, 1924
Gradenwitz, Willy, 1914
Graefenburg, Rosie, 1932-1933
Graf, Dr. Herbert, 1930
Graft & Eliminations, 1914
Graham, Miller, 1921
Graham, R. A, 1914, 1916, 1920
Graham, W. M, 1924-1925, 1928
G Railroads, 1910, 1915
Gramercy Boys, 1933
Gramling, Clara, 1928
Gran Guignol, 1926
Grand Hotel, 1931-1932
Grand Trunk Railway, 1910
Grand Opera, 1930
Granjany, Marcel, 1929
Granich, M, 1928
Grau, Robert, 1914-1915
Gray, David, 1926-1930
Gray, H. C, 1916
Gray, W. C, 1919
Graziola, Enrico, 1929
Great-Greater..., 1929
Great Lakes Boat Building Corp, 1919
Greek Play Committee, 1915
Green (general), 1926
Green, A. W, 1917, 1920
Green, A. W, undated
Green, Henry, 1917-1918
Green, L. H, 1917
Green Light Club, 1917
Greene, Belle de Costa, 1911, 1920
Green's Farms, 1914-1915, 1917-1919
Greenstein, Benjamin, 1929-1933
Gregor, Hans, 1922
Gregor, Joseph, 1929-1931
Gregory, Della, 1921
Gregory, Eliot, 1910-1915
Grenfell, Sir Wilfred, 1930
Grening, Mrs. P, 1918
Grey (general), 1930, 1932
Grey, Robin, 1912
Grieg, A, 1926
Griffith, William, 1931
Grimshaw, Robert, 1928
Grinetta, Ralph, 1913
Griswold, B. H, 1915
Griswold, Frank Gray, 1913
Griswold, Mrs. Katherine, 1929
Grob, Samuel, 1929
Grombacher, H, 1921
Gropper, Lottie, 1929
Grosshans, Fritz, 1928, 1930
Groth, Catherine, 1916-1917
Groton School, 1918-1921
The Group, 1930, 1932
Group Theatre, 1932
Groussau, C, 1922
Grover, Anna B, 1911, 1930
Grover (Middlesex Theatre), 1914
Gruber, Lois, 1930
Gruenbaum, Eric N, 1932
Grün, Eugenie, 1923
Grun, Oscar, 1928
Grünbaum, Heinich, 1922
Grunberg, L. T, 1915
Grunewald, B. M, 1931
Grunsky, Hans A, 1931
Gruntz A, 1928, 1931
Guaranty Trust Co, 1933
Guard, W, 1911
Guardabassi, F. M, 1924
Gude, John R, 1929
Guenther, Koch & Co, 1922
Guenzel, Martin R, 1923
Guest, Lionel, 1923
Guggenheim (general), 1930
Guggenheim, D, 1913
Guggenheim, Harry F, 1927
Guggheimer, G. S, 1913
Guilbert, Yvette, 1916, 1920, 1922
Guild Hall, 1925-1926
Guild of Vocal Teachers, 1926
Guillot, F, 1910-1914
Guilmant Organ School, 1924
Guinness, Mrs, 1914
Guinness, Benjamin S, 1916
Guitry, Sacha, 1927
Gulbenkian, C. S, 1921-1922, 1932
Gummert, Karl, 1929
Günter, Martin, 1922
Gurney-Raymond, Florence, 1928
Guston, Mrs. Gobie, 1930
Guston, Mrs. Kathryn, 1931-1932
Gutenberg Museum, 1925
Guy, Ernest, 1922
Gwallia Music and Art Studio, 1929
Haas, Alexander, 1931
Haas, Dr. Fran, 1922
Haas, Max, 1930-1932
Haas, Mrs. R. B, 1915
Habima Theatre, 1932
Hackett, James, 1915-1916, 1921-1922
Hadley, Henry, 1916-1918
Haensel & Jones, 1922
Hagedorn, Herman, 1918
Hagen, C. L, 1911
Hagen, Karl, 1922
Hahn, F. F. Kurt, 1928
Hahy, H, 1926
Halasz, Géza, 1924
Hale, Richard, 1929
Halff, W. F, 1925
Hall (general), 1926
Hall, Blakely, 1919
Hall, J. Elliot, 1916
Hall, M. Grace, 1918
Hall, William E, 1933
Hallett, Louis, 1927
Hallgarten & Co, 1916
Halpern, Sigmund, 1930
Hamilton (general), 1929
Hamilton, Clayton, 1919, 1929
Hamilton, William P, 1922, 1928
Hammerstein (general), 1928
Hammerstein, Arthur, 1925
Hammerstein, Oscar, 1917, 1920
Hammond (general), 1928
Hammond, John Hays Jr, 1930
Hammond, Percy, 1926, 1928
Hampshire House, 1931
Hamsa, H, 1930
Hanbury, Vahrah, 1922
Hanson, Earl, 1926
Hapgood, Isabel, 1918
Harbison, S. P, 1929
Harbord, J. G, 1931
Harcourt, Brace & Co, 1929
d' Harcourt, Eugene, 1916
Hardenbrook, Ten Eyck, 1928, 1931
Hardenbrook, W. T, 1915, 1923, 1930
Hardin, A, 1914
Harding, J. Horace, 1918
Harding, Warren G, 1920-1923
Hardy, Lamar, 1918
Hardyman, Mrs. Alfred, 1926-1927
Hargreaves, R. C, 1919
Harlem, 1928
Harlem Deferation, 1911
Harney, Helen, 1916
Harpin, Antoinette L, 1932
Harriman (general), 1910
Harriman, Mary W, 1916, 1926
Harriman, N. F, 1921
Harris (general), 1926, 1928-1930
Harris, Frank, 1915-1923, 1926, 1930
Harris, George, 1910-1911, 1914
Harris, John F, 1924
Harris, Major A. R, 1920
Harris, Rachel M, 1923
Harrison (general), 1928-1929
Hart (general), 1918
Hart, E. Jerome, 1918, 1919, 1923
Hart, Henry W. Publications, 1930
Hart, P. W. E, 1919
Hart, W. H. H, 1921
Hart, W. O, 1920
Hartmann, Oscar, 1930
Hartman, Sadakichi, 1921, 1930-1931
Hartsig, L. W, 1930
Harzfeld, J. A, 1924-1928
Harvard Club, 1918
Harvard University, 1911, 1919-1925
Harvard University, 1926-1933
Harvey, George, 1917
Harzfeld, J. A, 1924-1928
Hastings College, 1925
Haven, George G, 1914, 1917
Haviland, Howard P, 1914-1915
Hawkes, M. D.z., 1911
Hay, Albert E, 1917
Hayden, Charles, 1926, 1929
Haydin, J, 1914
Hayes, John W, 1919
Hayes, Rev. James T. C, 1930-1931
Haynes, E. J, 1914
Haynes, Helen, 1931
Hays, Will H, 1923, 1932
Hays, William R. A, 1932
Haztrander, Helene, 1917
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 1916
Hebrew Technical Institute, 1931
Hecht (general), 1928, 1929, 1931
Hecht, Mrs. Rudolf (Marjorie), 1924
Hecht, Rudolf, 1913-1921
Hecht, Rudolf, 1922
Hecht, Rudolf, 1923-1929
Heckmann, H, 1922, 1931
Heckroth, H, 1933
Heckscher, August, 1925
Hedgerow Theatre, 1928-1931
Hefferan, Anne, 1931
Heilbrun, Julius, 1929
Heimerich, Dr, 1929
Heinebund, 1931
Heineman, Daniel, 1927-1928, 1932
Heinemann, G. N, 1931, 1933
Heinersdorff, G, 1924
Heinrich, J. C, 1914-1915
Heinsheimer Estate, 1912
Hellman, F, 1912
Hellman, George S, 1913-1914, 1919
Hempel, Frieda, 1926
Hemphill, Noyes & Co, 1927
Henderson, A. E, 1917
Henderick, P. A, 1916
Heney, Ben, 1926
Henriques, R, 1929
Henry, G. E, 1915
Henry, Lucien, 1916
Henson, F. B, 1917
Hentz, H & Co, 1922, 1927-1928
Herbert, Arthur, 1916
Herbert, Henry, 1926
Herbst, H, 1919
Herkimer, Inc, 1920
Herndon, Richard G, 1920-1924
Herrmann, Erich, 1933
Herrschaft, Maria, 1932
Herschmann, Arthur, 1917
Herts, H, 1914
Herzfeld & Stern, 1915
Hessian Hills School, 1932
Hetfield, C. M, 1918
Heuser, Frederick W. J, 1932
Hewitt, Mrs.Mattie E, 1928
Heyworth-Davis, 1932
H Finance, 1913-1917, 1920-1921
Hibben, John Grier, 1923
Hice, J. L. P, 1913
Hickerson, Harold, 1932
Higgins, L. P, 1918
Hildesheimer, S, 1933
Hill, Miss Alice L, 1916-1917
Hill, Mrs. David, 1910, 1912, 1914
Hill, Waltt, 1934
Hillman, Alex, 1931
Hils, Adolf, 1928, 1932
Hine, Charles, 1919
Hines, Walker, 1919, 1923
Hinkley, Theodore B, 1919
Hinterscher, Josef, 1927
Hinzenberg, W, 1922
Hippel, Walter, 1923
Hirsch, Heinrich F, 1920, 1927
Hirsh, J. S, 1919, 1922
Hirschfeld, G, 1929
Hirschfelds, Juda, 1931
Hitchcock, Mrs.E . B, 1922
Hoadley, Lauterbacht & Johnson, 1927
Hock, Rudolf, 1928
Hocker, C. M, 1932
Hodder & Stoughton, 1924
Hodenphyl, G. H, 1926
Hodehphyl, M. C, 1923
Hodgkinson, Charles A. Ltd, 1923
Hoey, G. W, 1910
Hoffman, Arthur S, 1918
Hoffman, E, 1923
Hoffman, Malvina G, 1916
Hoffman, Pola, 1929
Hoffman, Rebecca, 1932
Hofman, Ernest, 1926
Hofmann, Mrs. Josef, 1931-1932
Hogan, Mary F, 1922
Hogg & Sons, 1931, 1933
Holbrooke, J, 1915-1916
Holland, David H, 1928
Holland, E. L, 1928
Holland, Moorehead B, 1931-1932
Holland, W. A, 1931-1932
Holley, Dr. R, 1919
Hollister Engineering Co, 1932
Holly, J. Arthur, 1923
Hollywood (general), 1928
Hollywood Daily Screen World, 1929
Holmes, C. L, 1919
Holmes, John Hedges, 1925
Holt, Hamilton, 1928, 1930
Holt, Henry & Co, 1913
Holt, Roland, 1914
Holthoir, B, 1915
Holy, 1933
Holy Cross Rectory, 1922
Holzer, B, 1929
Holzapfel, Rudolph, 1926
Home, 1917, 1928, 1929
Home News, 1922
Homestead, 1917
Honyikova, Rosa, 1929
Hooker, Elon H, 1920, 1924, 1927
Hoover, Herbert, 1925, 1928
Hopkins, Arthur, 1915
Hopkins, J. A. H, 1912, 1931
Hopkins, O, 1932
Hopp, Julius, 1911, 1913-1916, 1922
Horak-Hirschfeld, Clara, 1933
Horinouchi, K, 1933
Hornblow, Arthur, 1924
Horne, Robert, 1921
Horses & Carriages, 1915
Horvath, Arpad, 1928
Hosmer, Mildred, 1927
Hospital for Deformities, 1912
House, Col E. M, 1918
Houston, Mrs. David, 1931
Houston, Herbert S, 1922-1924, 1926
How, C. N, 1932
Howard (general), 1927, 1929
Howard, Clarence H, 1926
Howard, Edward Percy, 1922, 1924
Howard, Kathleen, 1915
Howard, Mona, 1920
Howard, Sydney, 1912-1913
Howard University, 1925
Howell, Annie, 1922
Howell, C, 1912-1913
Howell, Douglas M, 1933
Howell, Mary, 1931
Howlett, Mrs. Morris, 1923
Howlett, Neysa, 1921
Howlett, Mme Schonberg, 1922
H Railroads, 1918-1919
Huban, Eileen, 1915, 1918-1919, 1932
Hudson (general), 1932
Hudson Guild, 1926
Hudson Motor Car, 1917
Hudson River Bridge, 1921
Hughes, Charles Evans, 1921, 1923
Hughes, Thomas, 1913-1916
Hugo, Francis M, 1920
Hume, Samuel J, 1928
Hungarian Estate Mortgage, 1927
Hungarian-Hungry (general), 1926
Hunt, Rev. Edward Lawrence, 1923
Hunt, Sheila, 1928
Hunter, Ernest, 1919-1920
Hunter, H. M, 1923
Hunter, Sara, 1928
Hunter College, 1923
Huntington Bay Club, 1921
Huntington, Long Island, 1915-1925
Huntington, Long Island, 1926-1933
Hurst, Fannie, 1926
Hurston, Zora, 1931-1932
Hutchinson, J. C, 1923
Hutchinson, Miller R, 1926
Hutton (general), 1929
Hutton, W. E, 1928
Huyler's Syndicate, 1926
Hyman, Harold James, 1923
Icart, Louis, 1922
Idaho, College of, 1932
I Finance, 1915, 1917
Illiachenko, A. J, 1931
Import Film Co, 1922
India House, 1915, 1921, 1929
Indian River School, 1934
The Independent, 1923
Index Number Institute, 1932
Industrial, 1920
Industrial Welfare Society, 1928
Institute (general), 1931-1933
Institute of Musical Art, 1916
Institute of Pacific Relations, 1932
Insull, Samuel, 1925
Inter, 1920
International, 1926-1931
International, 1931-1933
International Aviation Contest, 1910
International Encyclopedia, 1916
International Garden Club, 1915
International News, 1929
International Trade Conference, 1919
Inter-Racial Council, 1919-1920
Intimate Revue Group, 1933-1934
Intown Country Club, 1932
Investment Banking, 1931
I Railroads, 1916, 1919-1920
Irish Players, 1928
Isaacs, A. S, 1919-1920
Isaacson Free Concert, 1923
Isely, C. C, 1932
Islesboro Inn Co, 1929
Israel Orphan Asylum, 1932-1933
Italian - Italy (general), 1927-1934
Italian Embassy, 1931
Itow, Michio, 1919
Iturbi, José, 1931-1932
Jacchia, A, 1915
Jackowska, Suzanne d' Astoria, 1931
Jackson (general), 1930, 1932
Jackson, Janet, 1917
Jackson, Paul E, 1937
Jackson, William Purnell, 1931
Jacques, Delphine, 1918
Jaffe, Arthur, 1933
Jaffe, Lois N, 1927
Jamarin, J. de Canson, 1921
James, Arthur Curtis, 1920
James, Henry, 1910, 1912
James, J. B, 1932
James, Peter, 1930
Janney, Russell, 1922
Janni, Vincenzo, 1930
Janvier, M. and Jean, 1919
Japan - Japanese..., 1928-1934
Japan Society, 1915
Jay, Zara, 1931
Jéanes, Jean, 1921
Jeannin, M. L, 1916
Jefferson Memorial Association, 1923
Jellicote Rest Sailors Home, 1930
Jèfferies, Ambrose, 1929
Jenkins, J. C, 1911
Jenner, Rudolph S, 1927
Jennings, Mrs. A. B, 1926
Jennings, Walter, 1931
Jensen, J, 1913-1914
Jeritza, Maria, 1927
Jewett, Frances, 1926
Jewish (general), 1928-1934
Jewish Daily Bulletin, 1926-1927
J Finance, 1920
Johns, 1930
Johnson, J. C, 1916
Johnson, James Weldon, 1925
Johnson, R. U, 1911, 1916
Johnson, W. E, 1920
Johnson, Woolsey MacAlpine, 1931
Johnson & Johnston (general), 1920
Johnson & Higgins, 1910
Johnston, R. E, 1911, 1914, 1921
Joint (general), 1932
Jonas, Clark, 1916
Jonas, Fritz, 1932
Jones, Mrs. A. D, 1917, 1922
Jones, Arthur J, 1918
Jones, A. Marshall, 1917
Jones, Mrs.Cadwalader, 1916
Jones, Claire, 1934
Jones Marshall Co, 1920
Jones, Morgan, 1918
Jones, Robert Edmond, 1924
Jones, Rosalie, 1920
Jones & Co, 1920
Jonnesco, Mme, 1923
Jordan, E. D, 1915
Jordan, Jules, 1916
Jordan, M. H, 1916
Jordan, A. J, 1926
Jordan, J. Numa, 1926
Joshua, A, 1912-1913
Jouvet, Louis, 1924-1925
Jouravel, Lisa, 1929
Jourdain A. & Wiensene, 1916
J Railroads, 1914, 1916, 1918
Judah, Carmen, 1930
Judel, Maxson, 1926
Judell, M. F, 1927-1931
Judson, Arthur, 1920
Juenger, Adolf, 1932
Julliard School of Music, 1932
Jüllig, Hans, 1929
Juns, Georg, 1923, 1931
Junger, Adolf, 1930-1931
Junior Theatre of Washington, 1929
Justice Producing Co, 1927
Kadison, Alexander, 1930
Kahle, R. F, 1913-1915
Kahn (general), 1915-1934
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1914-1919
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1920
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1922
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1923
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1924-1925
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1927-1928
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1929-1930
Kahn, Addie (Mrs. Otto), 1932-1933
Kahn, Gilbert, 1919, 1921, 1924-1925
Kahn, Gilbert, 1926
Kahn, Gilbert, 1927
Kahn, Gilbert, 1928
Kahn, Gilbert, 1929 #1, 1929
Kahn, Gilbert, 1929 #2, 1929
Kahn, Gilbert, 1930
Kahn, Gilbert, 1931
Kahn, Gilbert, 1932
Kahn, Gilbert, 1933
Kahn, Maude E, 1916, 1919, 1920
Kahn, Otto H, 1915-1916
Kahn, Otto H, 1917
Kahn, Otto H, 1920
Kahn, Otto H, 1921
Kahn, Otto H, 1922
Kahn, Otto H., 1923 #1, 1923
Kahn, Otto H., 1923 #2, 1923
Kahn, Otto H., 1924 #1, 1924
Kahn, Otto H., 1924 #2, 1924
Kahn, Otto H, 1925
Kahn, Otto H., 1926 #1, 1926
Kahn, Otto H., 1926 #2, 1926
Kahn, Otto H., 1926 #3, 1926
Kahn, Otto H, 1927
Kahn, Otto H, 1928
Kahn, Otto H, 1929
Kahn, Otto H, 1930
Kahn, Otto H, 1931
Kahn, Otto H, 1932
Kahn, Otto H, 1933-1934
Kahn, Otto: Catalogue, 1930
Kahn, Otto: Finances, 1921
Kahn, Otto: Interviews, 1923
Kahn, Mr. & Mrs. Otto, 1910, 1923
Kahn, Robert, 1914, 1924, 1921-1933
Kahn, Roger, 1924-1926
Kahn, Roger, 1927
Kahn, Roger, 1928
Kahn, Roger, 1929
Kahn, Roger, 1930
Kahn, Roger, 1931
Kahn, Roger, 1932
Kahn, Roger, 1933
Kahn & Co, 1927, 1930
Kallich, Berthe, 1930
Kallevig, John S, 1931
Kalman, Eugene, 1931
Kalna, Mme Mai, 1916
Kaltenborn, Franz, 1911, 1918
Kampf, Pr. W, 1911
Kanders, Helene, 1917
Kane, P. F. W. A, 1915
Kane, Robert, 1931
Kaplan, Eugene, 1929
Kaplan, Mortimer, 1920
Karelsen, E. A, 1918
Karl, K, 1920
Karlsruher Notgemeinschaft, 1931
Karolyi, Appony (Countess), 1929
Karrer, Mary M, 1927
Kassman, Alexander, 1933
Katterjohn, Monte, 1925
Katz, Sam, 1929-1930
Katzin, Winifred, 1927, 1929
Kaufmann, Otto, 1928
Kaufman-Kaufmann, 1926
Kawohl, Hans, 1929
Kay, William F, 1929
Kayzer, Samuel, 1914-1916
Kearney, Mrs. Alfred, 1933
Kearney, Mildred, 1930
Kearney, Patrick, 1932-1933
Keen, A. R, 1915
Keesing, L, 1919, 1932
Kehaya, Mr. & Mrs. E, 1926
[not used], dates not examined
Kellard, J. E, 1915
Keller, A. R, 1924, 1931, 1933
Kellermann, Fred, 1920
Kelly (general), 1926, 1930
Kelly, John B, 1933
Kelly, Margot, 1923
Kelly, P. K, 1917
Kelsey, F. W, 1914, 1920, 1922
Keltie, Madeline, 1929
Kemmerer, Wm G, 1931
Kennan, George, 1915, 1919
Kennelly, Wilheim, 1930
Kennerly, Mitchell, 1916, 1924
Kent (general), 1929
Kent, George A, 1925
Kent, Sidney, 1930
Keppel, F. D, 1929
Keppel, Frederick P, 1921
Kerrison, Davenport, 1916
Kessel, Leo, 1930-1931
Kessler, Camillus, 1927, 1931-1932
Kessler, Eva, 1933
Kessler, G. A, 1912, 1916
Kessler, J. B, 1929
Key, Pierce, 1914, 1932
Keyes, Mrs. Charles W, 1927
Keyes, M, 1912
Keynes, J. M, 1922
Keystone View Co, 1923
Kidder & Peabody Co, 1921, 1926
Kidder, Samuel, 1916
Kieckhoefer, Marie, 1913
Kiep, O. C, 1932
Kiepura, Jan, 1916
Kilborn, Orson, 1928
Kilby, Lemuel, 1920, 1930
Killen, E. B, 1932
Kilmer, Joyce Fund, 1932
Kimball, Ingalls, 1920
Kimber, Helen, 1932
King (general), 1926, 1930
King, C. Washington, 1921
King, Mrs. Walter, 1932-1933
King, Willard, 1914
King & Vogt, 1923
Kingman Zinc Co, 1917
Kingsley, D. P, 1922
Kinney, Troy, 1922
Kip, Frederic E, 1920
Kips Bay Boy Club, 1929, 1931, 1933
Kirchoff, Walter, 1931
Kissel, W. T, 1923
Kithil, 1911
Kithnou, J, 1929
Kitterell, Norman C, 1929
Kiwanis Club Speech, 1927, 1934
Klaw, Mark, 1916, 1922
Klein (general), 1930, 1932
Klein, Henry, 1929, 1931
Klein, J. J, 1922, 1928
Kleinberger Galleries, 1926
Kleinholdz, Lewis, 1930
Klinker, H, 1922
Klock, J. Howard, 1930
Kment, Olga, 1930
Knauth, Oswal, 1923
Knecht, Marcel, 1931
Knecht, Walter, 1919
Knife & Fork Club, 1923
Knight, Frank & Rutley, 1912
Knight, Peter O., dates not examined
Knoeppel, C. E, 1921-1923, 1924
Knopf, S. Adolphus, 1929
Knopp, W, 1928
Knothe, E. C, 1930
Koblée, Philip, 1925
Kohler, J. D, 1911
Kohn, George, 1928
Kohn, Ralph A, 1928
Kohut, Mrs. Alexander, 1931-1932
Kolitach, V, 1925
Kolokolnikoff, Mary, 1931
Kolster, Radio Corp, 1930
Konkle, Burton Alva, 1921
Konody, P. G, 1919
Konrad, K, 1927
Koons, Walter E, 1930
Kopp, Hedwig, 1927
Korb, Frida, 1933
Korber, Hilde, 1930
Kosinka, Irene, 1928
Koster, Anite, 1927
Kosmos Publishing Co, 1923
Kouchita, Vassili, 1930
Kousseuitsky, Serge, 1925, 1928
Koutnezoff, Mme, 1923
Kowaliga School, 1929
Kracht, R. von, 1914
K Railroads, 1927
Krass, Nathan, 1930
Krause, C. A, 1932
Krebs, S. Walter, 1923
Krech, Alvin W, 1928
Kreisler, Fritz, 1916-1917, 1923
Kremer, W. V, 1928
Krepel, J, 1929
Kreuger & Toll, 1929
Kreutzer, J. P, 1914-1918
Kriens, Christian, 1921, 1926, 1929
Kriens Sympathy Club, 1924, 1930
Krissel, Daniel P, 1928
Kritzer, Jean, 1930
Krock, Arthur, 1923, 1928
Kroll, Charles, 1922, 1930, 1931
Kronenberg, 1930
Krones, Hans V, 1930
Kronfeld, Sanders Inc, 1930
Krug, Baron von Nidna, 1932
Kruttschmitt, J, 1914
Krysa, Emmy, 1929
Kubie, Mrs. I, 1922
Kuebler, Paul, 1928-1934
Kuhn (general), 1924
Kuhn, Bernard, 1931
Kuhn, E. F, 1915, 1930-1931
Kuhn, Loeb & Co, 1931-1933
Kumpf, L, 1929
Kunath, Agnes, 1912, 1915
Kunning, C. H, 1932
Kunz, Mattie G, 1926
Kurt, Melanie, 1918
Kusch, O, 1929
Kush, Oskarheinz, 1928
Kutscherra, Hilda, 1916
Kutzeb, Walter, 1922, 1924, 1926
Kuyper, Elisabeth, 1924
Kyle, S. Clyde, 1930
Lachaise, Gaston, 1929
Lachelier, B, 1928
Lachenmeyer, G, 1923
Ladd & Nicholas, 1918
Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co, 1926
Laemmle, Carle, 1925, 1932
Lafarge, C. Grant, 1916
La Fayette Fund, 1915
La Fayette Memorial Inc, 1932
La Forge, Frank, 1921
Lagner, Lawrence, 1924
La Guardia, F, 1930
The Lambs, 1930-1931
Lambton, Ralph C, 1917
Labatut, Jean, 1929
Labor Drama, 1916
Labor-Trouble etc, 1911
Ladd & Wood, 1913-1914
Lamoureux, Albert, 1919-1922
Lamson, Garder, 1916
Landreth, C. P, 1923
Lane, Nancy, 1928
Lang, Clara, 1923, 1929
Lang, O, 1912
Langerfeld, Otto, 1932-1933
Langner, Laurence, 1923
Lanier, Harriet, 1922
Lanier, Mrs. J. F. D, 1916
Lanier, Mrs. W, 1910
Lansing, Robert, 1918
Laparram R, 1917
Lape, Esther, 1922
Lara, E, 1932
Larkin, Adrian, 1913
Larrieu, A, 1916
Larrimore, Francine, 1924
Larsen, John M, 1922
Lasker, Albert D, 1930
Lasker-Shuler, Elsa, 1928
Lasky, Jesse C, 1924, 1928, 1930
Lassaablière, Jolia, 1919
Lastone, Paul, 1922
Latta, E. C. (Mrs. S. J.), 1923
Lau, Cida, 1926, 1929
Lauer, Heinrich, 1931
Lauer, Wm E &Co, 1933
Laughlin, Irwin, 1930
Laurence, Wm, L, 1931
Lauri-Uolpi, G, 1930
Lauterbach, Edward, 1910, 1913
Law, Bonar, 1911, 1923
Lawell, Kay, 1926
Lawlor, L, 1913
Lawrason, Arthur L, 1930
Lawrence, David, 1933
Lawrence, F. H, 1931
Lawrence, G. C, 1923
Lawrence, George A, 1931, 1933
Lawrence, Gertrude, 1924, 1927
Lawrence, Lucile, 1914, 1916
Lawrence, Bishop William, 1923
Lawson, John Howard, 1926
Lawson, F. A, 1927, 1932, 1933
Lazzari, Sylvio, 1918
Leach, A. B. & Co, 1915
Leach, Henry G, 1933
Leach, Nellie, 1920
Leaf, Walter, 1920
League for Actions, 1932
League of National Unity, 1926
League of Nations, 1928-1929
Leavitt, M. B, 1915, 1921
Le Bec, Jean, 1933
Le Blanc, Georgette, 1921
L'Ecluse, Milton, 1923, 1927
Le Conté, R, 1914
Le Doe, Marion F, 1926
Lee (general), 1923-1930
Lee, Catherine, 1915-1916
Lee, Higginson & Co, 1911
Lee, Ivy, 1915-1916, 1918-1933
Lee, Ivy, 1922-1927
Lee, Ivy, 1928-1933
Lee, J. W, 1921
Lee, Rev. James, 1918-1919
Lee, Jocelyn, 1932
Lee, Margaret, 1931
Lee, Trent, 1911
Leeming, Thomas, 1914
Lees-McRae College Library, 1932
LeFebvre, Leo, 1919
Legal Aid Society, 1911, 1932
Lehar, Franz, 1924
Lehigh University, 1930
Lehman Brothers, 1929, 1931
Leigh, O. H. G, 1910, 1913
Leighton, C. W, 1926
Leighton, George B, 1912, 1916
Leiper, Henry Smith, 1930
Leipziger, H, 1916
Leiser, Clara M, 1932
Leishman, 1911
Leith, Gordon, 1930-1931, 1933
Lekebusche, E. T, 1932
L'Enfant, Major Charles Pierre, 1929
Lenihan, Winifred, 1926
Lenox Hill (general), 1928-1933
Leon, L, 1931
Leon, Maurice, 1910, 1914, 1927
Leopold, A. F, 1913-1914
Le Roux, Y. M, 1921
Le Roy, Rene, 1930
Lert, Erst, 1931
Les Amis de..., 1919
Leux, Imgard, 1933
Levenson, Boris, 1922
Leventritt, Bernise L, 1924-1925
Levinson, Bessie, 1920-1923
Levinson, Fanny, 1931
Levison, S. O, 1920-1923
Levi, A, 1917
Levita, Claud William, 1931
Levy (general), 1924, 1929-1930
Levy, Berta, 1922
Levy, Florence N, 1920
Levy, Louis S, 1928
Lewis, Albert, 1932
Lewis, George, 1913, 1920-1921, 1932
Lewis, H. H, 1922
Lewis, Mary, 1923-1925
Lewis, Sir Reginald, 1933
Lewis, Trevor, 1932
Lewis Development Co Inc, 1926
Lewisohn, Adolph, 1932
Lewisohn, Alice, 1927
Lewisohn, Irene, 1926-1929
Lewisohn, Sam A, 1930, 1933
Lewison, Benno, 1931
Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre, 1932
Lexley Productions, 1929
Liberal League, 1925-1927
Liberfield, Albert, 1921
Liberty Loan, 1917-1918
Liberty Opera Co, 1922
Library War Council, 1917
Libro de Oro Ibero Américano, 1928
Lichtenstein, Juluis V, 1931
Lieb, Henry, 1930
Liebler & Co, 1912
Liebling, George, 1926
Liebling, Leonard, 1930, 1932-1933
Liebmann, A. G, 1919, 1922
Lierke, Hanna, 1929
Life Insurance Polices, 1930-1931
Light's Golden Jubilee, 1929
Lilienthal, B, 1930
Lille Fund, 1919
Lilley, Frederic W, 1921
Limited Editions Club, 1931
Lindars, Herman, 1931
Lindholm, Fran, 1931
Lindenthal, Gustav, 1923
Lindpainter, Paul, 1928
Lindsay. Mrs. M, 1916
Lindsey, Ben B. (Judge), 1925, 1929
Linz-von-Kriegner, 1930
Lipkowska, Lydia, 1921
Lippman, Walter, 1932, 1933
Lipschutz, Paul, 1932
Lion, Karl, 1922, 1926
Lions Club of Newark, 1922
Lisman, F. J, 1919, 1923
Lister, P, 1910
Literary Digest, 1928
Literary Vespers, 1930
Little, 1926, 1931
Little Cinema Theatre, 1928
Little Cinema Theatre, 1929 #1, 1929
Little Cinema Theatre, 1929 #2, 1929
Little Cinema Theatre, 1930-1931
Little Cinema Theatre, 1932-1933
Little Picture House, 1932
Little Review, 1918, 1921-1922
Little Theatre, 1912, 1917
Little Theatre Monthly, 1926
Little Theatre Opera, 1928, 1929
Litwin, Abe, 1930
Liveright, Horace, 1929, 1932
Liveright, Inc, 1932
Livermore, Philip W, 1929-1932
Living Age, 1931, 1933
Living Theatre Productions, 1933
Livingston, Arthur, 1929
Livingston, Crawford, 1916
Livingston, Don, 1931
Livingston & Co, 1914-1915
Lloyd Cedilia, 1920
Lloyd-Greame, Philip, 1922-1923
Lloyd-Sabaudoline, 1923
Loasby, Arthur W, 1915
Lobel, Malvina, 1911
Lockhart, P. E, 1932
Lockwood, W. E, 1911
Lodijensky, R, 1923
Loeb, James, 1922-1923
Loeb, Sophie, 1927
Loew, Harry K, 1926
Lollo, Albert D, 1930
London (general), 1920, 1931, 1933
London Times, 1912, 1913, 1915
Long, Robert E, 1923
Long Island Committee of 100, 1923
Longone, Paul, 1931
Loomis, E. E, 1931
Loos, Anita, 1925, 1930
Lopokova, Lydia, 1916
Lopoukowa, 1911
Lord, General H. M, 1926
Lorenz, John, 1923
Lorenz, Karl, 1929
Lorenzo, M, 1931
Los Angeles Music League, 1925
Loscalzo, Marie, 1930
Losch, Tilly, 1925
Losee, Harry, 1933
Lotos Club, 1916-1917
Lottoman, George, 1928
Loudon, J, 1921
Lousent, Robert, 1931
Lowden, C. Harold, 1931
Low, Seth, 1912
Lowe, Eugene Knight, 1931
Lowenfels, Walter, 1932
Lowes, Marvin McCord, 1930
L Railroads, 1910-1933
Lubitsch, Ernst, 1928
Luce, Henry R, 1930
Ludwig, Anton, 1923
Ludwig, Ernest, 1924, 1930-1932
Luebeck, N, 1914
Luejinska, V. L, 1926
Lumm, Philip F, 1932
Lummer, Erna, 1932
Lusak, James, 1928
Lutge, Norma, 1922
Lutton, William H. & Co, 1928
Lvoff, Princess, 1921
Lyautey, Le Maréchal, 1926
Lyceum Bureau, 1919
Lydig, Philip, 1911-1917
Lynn, Grace, 1922, 1924, 1929, 1930
Lynn, Robert, 1929
Lynn-Jenkins F, 1921
Lyons, Alexander, 1930-1932
Lyons, Maurice F, 1925
Maas, Franzl, 1932
Maas, Gerald, 1915
Maas, Lili, 1930
Maazel, I, 1918
Maazel, Marvine, 1917, 1919, 1930
Macchiore, Baroness, 1926
MacConnell, A. G, 1928
MacDonald, Claire, 1921-1927, 1929
MacDonald, J. Ramsay, 1933
MacDowell, Mrs. Edward, 1922, 1929
MacFadyen, Virginia, 1925
MacFarlene, W, 1913
MacGarr, H. L, 1916
MacGarr, K. L, 1923, 1928
MacGowan, Kenneth, 1923, 1927, 1929
MacKay & Hughes, 1916
Mackaye, Percy, 1915-1916, 1927
MacKenzie, Mrs. Tandy, 1932
MacLaurin, R. C, 1916, 1918
MacLean, Ella De Vue, 1913
MacLean, H. C, 1920
MacMillien Charles E, 1915
MacMillen, Claire, 1916
[not used], dates not examined
Madison , Doris L, 1930
Madison, R. M, 1919
Madison Square Boys Club, 1928, 1932
Maddaford, Mrs. R. J, 1931
Madore, Charles, 1927
Maerker- Branden, 1930
Maeterlinck, Georgette, 1912
Magna Charta Day Association, 1922
Magonishe, H, 1920
Mahler, Gustav, 1910
Maher, Martin, 1923
Mahin, John Lee, 1922, 1929-1930
Mahler, Robert, 1931
Maier (general), 1929-1933
Maier, D, 1923, 1925-1928, 1930-1931
Maier, Frau Adolf, 1923
Maier, H, 1921
Maier, M, 1928-1931
Maier-Phoenix, Friedrich, 1931-1932
Mailhouse, I, 1918
Maine, Gerard, 1922
Maine Central R. R, 1913
Maisel, Robert, 1919
Maitland, L. E, 1914
Maitre, Jean, 1922
Major, Clare Tree, 1921
Malheur, Canon Line, 1910
Malkin Music School, 1915
Malishev, B, 1923
Mallet-Prevost, S, 1916
Mallon, George B, 1922
Malone, Blondelle, 1931
Maly, Herme, 1930
Mamoulian, Rouben, 1926
De Manby, Alfred, 1915
Manchester, Maderia, 1917
Mandel, Henry, 1928-1929, 1933
Mandelstam, Valentin, 1930, 1932
Mandowsky, Liligarai, 1931
Manhattan Railway Co, 1933
Makiewicz, Herman, 1928
Manley, B, 1910, 1914
Mann, Bill & Ware, 1914
Mann, George Hiram, 1922
Mann, Klaus, 1928
Manners, Charles, 1915
Mannes, David, 1916-1917, 1919, 1921
Mannheimer, Jeanie, 1916
Manning, Bishop W. T, 1923
Mansfield, Helen C, 1910
Mansfield, Howard C, 1910
Manufacturer's Record, 1917
Marbury, Elisabeth, 1919
Marca, Marie, 1923
March, Juan, 1927
Marchand, Louis, 1928-1929
Marconi, Guglielmo, 1927
Margolies, E, 1921
Mariani, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1916
Marie, G, 1921
Marky, Alexander, 1922
Marmein, M, 1930
Marmeine, The, 1925
Marriot, Major, 1920-1926
Marrow, Macklin, 1932
Marshall, 1928
Martin, John, 1930
Martin, Ricardo, 1910
Martin-Harvey, Sir-John, 1923
Martinelli, Giovanni, 1925
Martino, Alfredo, 1922
Marum, Ludwig, 1910
Marx, Ernest, 1920-1921, 1932
Marx, S, 1911-1912
Marzen, Pietro, 1924
Masbe, Mrs. William, 1916
Mason, 1926, 1928
Mason, Henry T, 1923
Mason, Mary Florence, 1932
Mason, Miss Ruth Putnam, 1928
Masonic, 1926
Massie, Joel W, 1930-1931
Masters, Edgar Lee, 1926
Matheson, Annie, 1922
Mathey, Fabyan, 1930
Mathy, Marianne, 1933
Matzenauer, Margaret, 1916, 1930
Maude, Beatrice, 1928
Maurer, August, 1920
Maurer, Gustav, 1929
Maurel, Mme V, 1923
Maurer, H. P, 1923
Mauret, V, 1926
Maurigi, Marchese Carlo, 1919-1920
Mauricheau-Beaupré, Charles, 1931
May (general), 1930
May, Elizabeth, 1931-1932
May, Frederic, 1910-1913
Maycargue, Lucien, 1921
Mayer, Gaston, 1915
Mayer, Ludwig, 1922
Mayfair, 1918, 1932
Maynard, M, 1918-1919
Mayne, Elizabeth, 1919, 1922
Mazer, Paul, 1931
McAdoo, W. G., 191, 1921, 1925
McAneny, George, 1913
McAneny, Herbert, 1927
McAufliffe, E. G, 1915
McCaleb, Walter F, 1928
McCleary, James T, 1921
McCure, S. S, 1932
McCormick, H. F, 1915, 1917
McCullagh, Jane, 1931
McDaniel, Mrs. W. D, 1926, 1931-1932
McDowell, W, 1922
McEnvoy, Joseph P, 1933
McGarr, K. L, 1918
McGraw Hill Publishing Co, 1931
McHugh, M. J, 1931
McKee, D. T, 1931
McKeever, Marianne G, 1916
McMahon, Thomas J, 1931
McMillian Co, 1931
McMullen, Donald C, 1931
McMullen, Frank, 1931
McPherson, Logan G, 1919
Meakin, Charles W, 1930
Megane, Leila, 1923
Meier, Mrs. George Philip, 1931-1934
Meindl, Konrad, 1928
Meinhardt, H. S, 1926
Meinhardt, W, 1923
Meisels, S, 1923
Melamed, S. M, 1929-1930, 1932
Melba, Nellie, 1929
Melliand, M, 1930
Mellon, A. W, 1923
Mellon, Andrew W, 1924
Mendel, Arthur, 1927-1928
Menorah Association, 1928-1934
Menorah Journal, 1928-1929
Mengelberg, W, 1921
Men's Club Faculty Club, 1928, 1930
Menn, Olga, 1924
Menta, Mario, 1933
Menth, H, 1922
Meredith, Lois, 1927, 1929, 1931
Merentie, Marguerite, 1924
Merito, Ricardo, 1925
Meriwether, Lee, 1920
Messager, A, 1919
Messimer, O. W, 1922
Methodist, 1933
Metropolitan (general), 1929-1932
Metropolitan Opera, 1910-1913
Metropolitan Opera, 1914 #1, 1914
Metropolitan Opera, 1914 #2, 1914
Metropolitan Opera, 1915 #1, 1915
Metropolitan Opera, 1915 #3, 1915
Metropolitan Opera, 1916 #1, 1916
Metropolitan Opera, 1916 #2, 1916
Metropolitan Opera, 1916 #3, 1916
Metropolitan Opera, 1917 #1, 1917
Metropolitan Opera, 1917 #2, 1917
Metropolitan Opera, 1918
Metropolitan Opera, 1919
Metropolitan Opera, 1920
Metropolitan Opera, 1921
Metropolitan Opera (Ziegler), 1922
Metropolitan Opera, 1923
Metropolitan Opera, 1924
Metropolitan Opera, 1924
Metropolitan Opera, 1925
Metropolitan Opera, 1925
Metropolitan Opera, 1926
Metropolitan Opera, 1926
Metropolitan Opera, 1927
Metropolitan Opera, 1927
Metropolitan Opera, 1928
Metropolitan Opera, 1928
Metropolitan Opera, 1929
Metropolitan Opera, 1929
Metropolitan Opera, 1929
Metropolitan Opera, 1929
Metropolitan Opera, 1930
Metropolitan Opera, 1930
Metropolitan Opera, 1931
Metropolitan Opera, 1931
Metropolitan Opera, 1932
Metropolitan Opera, 1933
Metropolitan Opera, 1934
Metropolitan Street R' Way, 1911
Mettler-Saunders, B, 1931
Mexican News Digest, 1929
Mexican Picture Trust, 1932-1933
Mexico Society, 1911
Meyan, Lucienne, 1920
Meyer, Annie N, 1914, 1928
Meyer, B. Alexander, 1922
Meyer, Eugene, 1920, 1924
Meyer, Greta, 1927
Meyer, V. M, 1918
Meyer, Mortimer, 1928
Meynard, F. L, 1923
Meyrowitz, E. B, 1925
Michel, Louise, 1929
Michigan, University, 1932
Michot, Alya, 1933
Middleton, F. L, 1928
Midland Bank , Ltd, 1931
Mid-York Club, 1930
Mielziner, Leo, 1917-1918
Midgen, Adolph A, 1929
Mikita, Maria, 1927
Mildererger, Henry, D, 1929, 1931
Miles, C. B, 1923
Miles, M. M, 1921-1925, 1927-1932
Milford, Sara H, 1932
Milhaud, Darius, 1923, 1929
Miller (general), 1917, 1923-1933
Miller, Don, 1928
Miller, Francis, 1922
Miller, Gilbert, 1928-1929
Miller, J. W, 1922
Miller, T, 1913
Milliken, J. T, 1916
Milne, A. A, 1929
Mills, A. E, 1914
Mills, Ogden, 1922, 1924, 1932
Milton, Daniel, 1923
Milton, Robert, 1927, 1930
The Mimer's Little Theatre, 1925
Minahan, Katherine, 1919
Mindszenty, Maria, 1930
Minneapolis Tribune, 1933
Miner, Philip, 1923-1925, 1932
Minnesota University, 1932
Minnis, James L, 1919
Minotta, J, 1914-1915, 1920-1922
Minotto, Count, 1916
The Minute Man, 1927
The Minute Men of Lexington, 1923
Mirsky, Jeanette, 1923
Misgen, Florence, 1932
Mississippi Valley Trust Co, 1930
Missouri, University of, 1923
Mitchell, 1924-1925
Mitchell, Grant, 1929
Miura,Tamahi, 1929
Mizner Development Corp, 1926
Moch, Andrée, 1923
Mock, B, 1933
Modarelli, Antonio, 1930
Modern German Paintings, 1930
The Modern Stage, 1915
Moekel, P, 1913
Mogmar Art Foundation, 1928-1933
Moissi Productions, 1927
Moll, Leo, 1931
Molodovsky, Nicholas, 1925, 1929
Moncomble, Elizabeth, 1930-1932
Monnet, Jean, 1932
Monroe, W, 1931
Montague, Gilbert H, 1932
Monte-Gorsey, L, 1930
Montfort, Henry A, 1929
Montagu, Lord, 1912
Montague, Gilbert H, 1933
Montauk Yacht Club, 1931-1932
Montecchi, H, 1925
Montenegro, Princess of, 1931
Monteux, Pierre, 1917
Montgomery, Margaret, 1920
Montgomery, Robert, 1912, 1920-1921
Montreal Trust Co, 1916
Moody, John, 1929
Moody's Investment Service, 1932
Mooney, W. L, 1918
Moore (general), 1925
Moore, Frederick, 1927
Moore, Grace, 1924, 1931
Moore, Homer, 1920-1921
Moose Heart, 1928-1929
Mordant, Edwin, 1915
Mordwin, William, 1926
Moreland, E, 1917
Moreno, Hilda, 1930
Moreno, J. L, 1931
Moretti, E. M, 1930-1931
Morgan, Anne, 1911
Morgan, Appleton, 1922
Morgenthau, M, 1919, 1921
Morini, Rosalinda, 1932
Morley, Christopher, 1927, 1930
Morningside College, 1932
Morning Telegraph, 1928
Morris (general), 1916, 1931
Morris, H, 1916-1918
Morris County Golf Club, 1917
Morrison, Gibson, 1933
Morrow, Dwight, 1929
Morse, C. R, 1929
Morton & Harris, Rachel, 1923
Moscow Art Theatre, 1925
Moses, George H. & Robert, 1927
Moses, L, 1929
Moss, F. J, 1922
Motion Picture Club Producers, 1932
Motoko Corp, 1933
Motor Vehicle, 1930, 1932
Mott, Alice G, 1921
Mottet, Rev. Henri, 1919, 1925
Mottl, Frau Felix, 1923
Mount Ford, Harry, 1923
Mount Holyoke College, 1929-1933
Mount Sinai Hospital, 1929
Mouroux, A, 1921
M Railroads, 1910-1930
Mueller, Arthur, 1925
Mueller, Oberbuergermeister, 1931
Muhlenkamp, B, 1931
Muir, John, 1917
Mullen, Ernest L, 1932
Muller (general), 1926
Muller, Adrian H, 1927-1929
Müller, Heinrich, 1922
Muller, Phil, 1931
Muller-Sturmhein, E, 1930
Munford, Mrs. B. B, 1926
Munker, L, 1930
Municipal Post V. F. W, 1929
Munroe, James P, 1922
Munsell, Warren P, 1924
Munsey, Frank A, 1925
Münsterberg, 1912
Munstuk, Arthur, 1930
Murphy (general), 1924, 1926, 1928
Murphy, Robert J, 1932
Murray (general), 1914
Murrieta C, 1910-1916, 1921
Museum of the City of New York, 1928
Music League of America, 1914
Mutual Life Insurance, 1927-1929
Myer, E. M, 1930
Myer, Lois, 1912, 1914, 1920, 1923
Myerberg, Michael, 1933
Nadal, Mary, 1913, 1921
Namara, Marguerite, 1922
Naroday, Ivan, 1913, 1919, 1921-1922
Naroday, J, 1916
Nash, Lewis H, 1919
Nassau, 1923, 1927-1928
Nassau Bahamas Club, 1922
Nassau Committee, 1926
Nassau County, 1917, 1920
Nast, Conde, 1928-1931
Nathan, Richard, 1933
National, 1910-1912
National, 1913-1914
National, 1915
National, 1916
National, 1917 # 1, 1917
National, 1917
National, 1918
National, 1919
National, 1920
National, 1921
National, 1922
National, 1923
National, 1923
National, 1924
National, 1925
National, 1925
National, 1926
National, 1926
National, 1927
National, 1928
National, 1928
National, 1929
National, 1929
National, 1930
National, 1931
National, 1932
National, 1932
National, 1933
National, 1933
National, 1934
National Crosstie Co, 1917
Nau, Eugene, 1918-1919
Navy League of the U. S, 1915-1916
Navy & Marine Memorial, 1928
Navy Relief Society, 1932
Naylor, Zena, 1922-1923, 1926
Nazarene Congregational Church, 1931
Near East Relief, 1924
Nell, A. L, 1921
Nelson, Bertha, 1913
Nelson, Trust, 1933
Nelson, Mrs. W. S, 1919
Nethersole, Olga, 1926
Nette,Vera, 1922, 1926, 1930-1931
Neuberg, Adele, 1921
Neuer, Berthold B, 1930
Neuflize, Jacques de, 1916
Neumaier, Arthur, 1931
Neurath, Ludwig, 1923
Neurological Institute, 1910
Neurological Institute, 1911
Neurological Institute, 1912
Neustadt, Sigmund, 1916, 1920
Neville, Lord Richard, 1922-1923
Neville-Willing, Donald, 1931
Nevin, A, 1911, 1914, 1916, 1930
Nevin, George & Hardwick, 1929
New (general), 1926, 1929, 1932-1933
New Haven Clock Co, 1932
New Gallery, 1930
New Masses, 1929-1930
New Playwrights Theatre, 1927-1928
New Republic, 1917, 1922
New Symphony Orchestra, 1919-1920
New Theatre, 1910
New York, 1910-1912
New York, 1913-1914
New York, 1915
New York, 1916
New York, 1917
New York, 1918
New York, 1919
New York, 1920
New York, 1921
New York, 1922
New York, 1923
New York, 1924
New York, 1925
New York, 1926
New York, 1926
New York, 1927
New York, 1928
New York, 1929
New York, 1929
New York, 1930
New York, 1931
New York, 1932
New York, 1932
New York, 1933
New York, 1934
New York Railways Co, 1920
Newark Free Press, Inc, 1930-1931
Newberry, Marion, 1931-1932
Newby, Laura D, 1926
Newman, Elias, 1931
Newman, Ruth, 1922
The News, 1931
News Boys' Home Club, 1915
Newspaper Club, 1930
News Review, 1932
Newton, Perry, 1930-1931
Newton, Peter, 1913
Nichols, Beverley, 1928-1929
Nicolay, Carl, 1927
Nielsen, Kirsten, 1916
Niemeyer, Th, 1915
Nierhoff, Wilhelm, 1930, 1932
Nietzsche-Archive, 1930
Nijinsky, W, 1916
Nijinsky, Romola, 1925-1926
Nile Drama-Music Society, 1932
Nilsson Electrical Laboratory, 1933
Ninety-Ninth St. Property, 1921
Ninety-Ninth St. Property, 1921
Nitti, F. B, 1922
Nivart, J. H, 1931
Nobauer, Michael, 1929
Nobel Centennial Committee, 1933
Nocera, Carmine, 1929
Noeggrath, J, 1930
Nolan, Dorothée, 1926
Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, 1931
Noonan, W. T, 1923
Nordegg, Grete, 1929
Norfleet Camp, 1933
Norman, Charles, 1929-1930
Norman, Mrs. Edward A, 1932
North (general), 1929
North American Aviation, 1931
North Central Texas, 1928
North German Lloyd, 1931-1932
North Jersey Society, 1914-1915
Northern Ohio Opera Co, 1931
Northwestern University, 1929
Norton, Elliot S, 1930
Norton, Mary, 1932-1934
Norton, Richard, 1928
Notovich, Nicholas, 1923
Novak (general), 1916
Noxon, Frank W, 1918
Noyes, Charles & Co, 1931
Nusbaum, Sidney, 1931
Oasis Realty, 1926, 1933
Oban Cathedral, dates not examined
Oberg, Agnes V, 1932
Oberwager, Charles A, 1931
O'Brien, James, 1912
O'Brien, Jean, 1927
Ochs, Adolph, 1928
O'Connor, T. F, 1923
O'Connor Ocean Air Lines, 1928
Odéon, 1924, 1929
'Odin', 1924
O'Donnell, Grace, 1928
Oebschlegel, F, 1930, 1931
Oenslager, Donald M, 1930
Oesterreichishe, 1923
Oeuvre, 1916
Ogden, W. L, 1915
Ogleby, Kate, 1919, 1925
Oheka Yacht, 1926
Oheka Yacht, 1927
Oheka Yacht, 1927
Oheka Yacht, 1928
Oheka Yacht, 1930
Oheka Yacht, 1931
Oheka Yacht, 1932-1933
Old, 1929
Old, Clayton W, 1922-1923
Olmsted Bros, 1917
Omaha Community Playhouse, 1926
On the Square, 1918
O'Neil, Eugene, 1926
Open Air Theatre, 1916
Opera, dates not examined
Opera League, 1929
Opfel, Maria, 1921, 1932
Opper, Mrs. V. M, 1927
O Railroads, 1910-1918, 1921
Oraczewski, Mr, 1922
Orcott, B. S, 1922
Oregon Conservatory of Music, 1925
O' Riley, Ora, 1932-1933
O' Riley, Zelmar, 1934
Orman, Felix, 1931-1932
Orpen, Sir W, 1923
Orr, Alfred E, 1921-1922, 1933
Ort Reconstruction Fund, 1925
O'Ryan, General John F, 1925, 1927
Osaka Mainichi Publishing Co, 1930
Osborn, Mrs. H. Fairfield, 1930
Osborne Association, 1933
Oscela Players Inc, 1926-1927
O'Shaugnessy, Michael, 1932
O'Shea, Alfred R, 1930-1931
Oster, John, 1930
Osterhaus, L. R, 1911
O'Sullivan, Guy, 1916
Oswald, Eleanor, 1928
Ottinger, Albert, 1928
Oursler, Fulton, 1925
Outdoor Drama, 1926
Overland (Private Car), 1916
The Outlook Company, 1923
Owen, G. H, 1916, 1919
Owens, River Valley, 1913
Ozias, Charles, 1930
Pabot, T. Henri, 1921
Pacetti, Antonio, 1921
Pach Bros, 1930
Packard, E. H, 1922
Paderewska, Mme, 1916
Page, William A, 1926
Page, Tibson, 1915
Paget, Lord Victor, 1914
Painter, Eleanor, 1926, 1928
Paladino, M, 1910
Paley, William S, 1930-1931
Palm Beach, 1919
Palm Beach, 1921-1924
Palm Beach, 1925-1927
Palm Beach, 1928-1929
Palm Beach, 1930-1933
Palm Beach (map), 1916
Palm Beach Farms Co, 1919
Palm Beach Real Estate, 1917-1919
Palmer, 1929
Palmer, B. W, 1919
Pam, Max, 1916-1917
Pan America Society, 1914-1916
Pan America Society, 1918-1919
Pan America Society, 1923-1925
Pan America Society, 1927-1931, 1933
Panama Canal, 1914
Panofsky, Erwin, 1933
Pantaleone, Joseph, 1926
Panteleieff, Madame Maxim, 1929
Pantepec Oil Co. of Venezuela, 1927
Pantheon, Paris, 1929-1930
Papale, Anthony, 1930
Paradis, E, 1918
Le Paramount (Paris), 1927
Park, Association, 1931
Park Concert NYC, 1911
Parker (general), 1926
Parker, Charles, 1928-1933
Parker, George S, 1915
Parker, Gilbert S, 1929
Parks & Playgrounds, 1916
Parra, Juliette, 1931
Parrish & Co, 1933
Parrott, Ursula, 1933
Parsons, Argyle R, 1931
Parsons, James G, 1932
Parvin, Joseph, 1928
Paris Theological Seminary, 1929
Parisano, M. A, 1913
Parisotti, Sylvia, 1921
Parvin, Joseph, 1928
Pasternack, J, 1916
Pasteur Centennial, 1922
Paszthory, Héloise de, 1913, 1915
Partos Realty Corp, 1929
Patch, William Moore, 1920
Patterson (general), 1918
Patterson, Charles, 1921
Patterson, William, 1926, 1931
Paulist Choristers, 1923, 1929
Paulson, Arrid, 1932
Pauloff, Vera, 1927
Paulus, Léon, 1922
Paur, Emil, 1910, 1915, 1923
Pavlowa, Anna, 1915-1920
Pavlowa, Anna, 1921-1928
Pavlowa, Anna, 1929-1932
Payne, B. I, 1918
Payne, George Henry, 1922-1934
Payne, S. I, 1917
Peabody (general), 1924
Peabody, Endicott, 1918
Peabody Films Foundation, 1932
Peabody Museum, 1929-1930
Pearson, C. W, 1916
Pearson, E. G, 1919
Pearson, F. S, 1912-1913
Pearson, J. W. & Co, 1932
Pearson, Ralph M, 1930
Pearson Memorial Fund, 1922
Pedrick, Wm, 1916
Peebles, Mrs. F, 1928
Peek, George N, 1922
Peirce, Harold, 1920
Peixotto, George, 1932
Peixotto, M. P, 1922-1925
Peixotto, M. P, 1926-1927
Peixotto, M. P, 1928-1933
Peixotto-Adams, Lillian, 1927
Pell, O, 1910, 1913-1914
Pena, Jarier, 1923
Pendergast, Norbert R, 1911, 1916
Penfield, F. C, 1916
Pennsylvania Railroad, 1930, 1932
Penrose, Boies, 1917
Peret, Valentine P, 1921
Perkins, Dagmar, 1920-1921, 1927
Perks, Sir R. W, 1925
Perlman, Williams, 1927
Permanent Blind Relief, 1916-1917
Permanent Blind Relief, 1918
Permanent Blind Relief, 1919
Permanent Blind Relief, 1920-1921
Permanent Blind Relief, 1923-1924
Permutit Co, 1913, 1915, 1929
Perrine, V. F, 1911
Perry, R. Hinton, 1920
Pershing, General John J, 1933
Pershing Hall, 1930
Personal Check Association, 1921
Peter, Baron Michel, 1919-1922
Peter, Baroness N, 1926
Petri, Eduardo, 1915-1919
Petri, Eduardo, 1920-1926
Petri, Eduardo, 1927-1932
Petroncini, Giuseppe, 1930
Petter, J. R, 1933
Pfaff (general), 1930
Pfaff, Rosemary, 1931
Phi Beta Kappa, 1928-1931
Philadelphia, 1924, 1930
Philadelphia Item, 1913
Philharmonic Society, 1923
Philharmonic Society, 1923
Philharmonic Society, 1924
Philharmonic Society, 1925-1926
Philharmonic Society, 1927
Philharmonic Society, 1928
Philharmonic Society, 1929
Philharmonic Society, 1930
Philippe, Miss de, 1922
Philippe, Austin, 1924
Philippson, Mrs. P, 1933
Phillips, 1928
Physician's Home, 1926
Pichier, Paul, 1920
Pictorial Review, 1927-1932
Pieper, William F, 1928
Pier, Della, 1930
Pierce, Catherine, 1931
Pierre Hotel, 1929-1933
Pierrot Club, 1930
Pierson, Lewis E, 1919
Pietro, C. S, 1915-1916
Pilcher, Warren, 1929-1930
The Pilgrims, 1917, 1920, 1933
Pinchot, Gifford, 1929
Piolti, Serafino, 1924
Pirandello, Luigi, 1928, 1930-1931
Pisani, S, 1930
Pitman & Dean, 1914-1921
Pitman & Dean, 1922-1928
Pittrich, George W, 1928
Platter, J. W, 1916
Play Producing Society, 1922
The Playgoers, 1925
Players, 1929
Podrecca, Vitto, 1923-1925
Polacco, Giorgio, 1915
Polk, F. L, 1917
De Polignac, Marquis, 1916
Poling, Daniel A, 1930
Pollak, Mrs. Hedwig, 1931, 1933
Pollock, Channing, 1925
Polo, 1931
Pond, James B, 1919
Poniatowski, Prince A, 1911
"Pons", dates not examined
Ponsonby, Cecil B, 1917, 1923-1924
Poore, Henry R, 1924, 1932
Pope, Robert Anderson, 1926
Popper, Baron von, 1922-1923, 1927
Porché, Simone F, 1924
Porteous, Lucy, 1928
Porter, Charlotte, 1916
Porter, Grace C, 1923
Portmanteau Theatre, 1917
Porto Rico Earthquake, 1920
Post, James H, 1929
Post Wiley Dinner Committee, 1923
Potrero Sugar Co, 1927, 1929-1932
Potter & Co, 1928
Pound, Erza, 1931-1932
Powell, Grace, 1916
Powell, J. F, 1919
Powell, Lyman P, 1927
Powell Publishing Co, 1928
Power, John T. R, 1915
Poyntz, Juliet S, 1929
Pratt (general), 1925, 1928
Pratt, Mrs. J. C, 1931
Préfecture de Police, 1917
Prendergast, Lady, 1913
Prenez, Blanche, 1928
Prettyman, George, 1930
Preuss, Major W, 1925-1926
Price (general), 1927
Price, Charles, 1924
Price, George W, 1931
Prince, Theodore, 1932
Prince & Whitely, 1927
Prindle, Edwin J, 1931
Pringle, Henry F, 1930
Production Enterprises Inc, 1923
Prokofieff, Serge, 1920
Prosser, Robert H, 1922
Prunières, Henri, 1920, 1922
Pryor, Lucius, 1931-1933
Psychology Publishing, 1932
Public (general), 1910, 1929
Public Education Association, 1928
Public Schools, 1911, 1915-1916
Pugliatti, T. P, 1911, 1913-1914
Purdy, McLean & Co, 1930
Putlitz, Helena, 1931
Putnam, George Haven, 1918
Putz, André, 1922
P. W. French & Co, 1920
Pyne, Percy R, 1918
Quayle, Edward, 1930
Queens Evening News, 1931
Queens Valley Golf Club, 1931
Quinlan Thomas, 1914-1915
Raber, J. A. & Max, 1929, 1931
Rabinoff, Anastasia, 1930
Rabinoff, Max, 1910-1934, 1966
Radisse, Lucienne, 1929-1930
Radwan, G. Van, 1915
Raffalovich, N, 1923
Rainey, Henry T, 1932
Raleigh, Lawrence P, 1933
Ralston, Lillian, 1932
Rand, Edwin, 1911
Rand Mines Ltd, 1920-1921
Rand School, 1932
Randolph, Francis W, 1929
Ranke, Mme Marie, 1916
Rankin, Lamar, 1926, 1930-1931
Ranson, Edith, 1926
Ransopher, S. M, 1933
Ranucci, Claire de, 1911
Rasko, M. A, 1923
Raskob, John J, 1923
Rath, Julius, 1928
Rathbun, Alan, 1930
Rauch, C, 1911
Rauscher, Dorothy, 1929
Raushkolb, Joseph A, 1923-1924, 1931
Rausohoff (general), 1911
Rauth, Fritz, 1923
Ravensdale, Baroness, 1930
Raymond, Mabel, 1932
Raymond & Whitcomb, 1926, 1930-1931
Real Estate, 1925
Real Estate, 1926
Real Estate, 1929, 1931-1932
Rebhan, C, 1922
Red Cross, 1919
Redington, Edward J, 1919
Redlick, Leon, 1929-1930
Reed, C. F, 1916
Reed, Pleasant L, 1929-1930
Reed, Robert R, 1921-1922, 1931
Reeves, F. C, 1910-1911
The Reflex, 1928
Regan, James D, 1921
Regedanz, W, 1921-1923
Reiburn, Michael E, 1926-1927
Reichard, Lothar, 1932
Reichel, Lotto, 1929
Reichlin, Henry, 1931
Reid (general), 1928
Reinhardt, Alfred, 1914
Reinhardt, Gottfried, 1933
Reishchl, F. F, 1914
Reisner, Christian F, 1931
Reiss, Albert, 1914, 1921, 1930
Reliance International Corp, 1930
Renauld, Ernest, 1925
Renault (general), 1911
Renina, Dagmara, 1929
Renova, Anne, 1930
Repertory Theater Boston, 1926-1928
Repogle, J. Leonard, 1932
Republican, 1926, 1928, 1933
Research Corp, 1916, 1917, 1920-1923
Research Corp, 1924, 1927-1930
Research Corp, 1931, 1933
Rethman, Elizabeth, 1933
Retzkaff, Hans, 1923
Revelston, Lord, 1913
Revnes, M. S, 1916, 1919
La Revue Musicale, 1921, 1929
Reynolds, Bruce, 1931
[not used], dates not examined
Rheinstorm, Dr, 1929
Rhoades & Co, 1914
Rialto Theatre, 1916, 1926
Riano, Juan, 1916, 1926
Ribbe, Charles, 1923
Ribera (general), 1927
Ribera, Doris, 1910-1922, 1924
Rice, Edward E, 1922
Rice & Co, 1910
Rice Real Estate, 1915
Rich, Charles Henry, 1928
Richards, Idell, 1924
Richards, Myranna, 1920-1921, 1926
Richardson, Ethel, 1933
Richling, José, 1928
Richmond (general), 1918
Richmond, Miss Rodney, 1923
Richmond, S. C, 1915
Rickard, Tex, 1920
Ricker, Mrs. Abby, 1933
Ridder, Victor Frank, 1931
Rider & Driven, 1916, 1932
Rieber, Mrs, 1928
Rigaut, Jacques, 1924
Riggs, Lynn, 1926
Riggs School, 1922
Riis, Mrs. Jacob, 1922
Riley, Margaret, 1931
Rimington, Critchell, 1930
Ringe, Waldorf R, 1931
Riolo, Olga, 1923
Ripley, Wm, 1930
Risnek, Rhea, 1921
Risser, A. P, 1929
Ritter, W. M, 1921
Ritter-Crampi, Mme, 1929
Ritz-Paris, 1930-1933
"Rivals", 1919
River Club of New York, 1930
Rivera, Luis G, 1920, 1926
Rivoli Theatre, 1920
Roanoke College, 1926
Roath, Mrs, 1931
Robbins, Warren D, 1931
Roberts (general), 1926
Roberts, E. R, 1913
Roberts, Florence, 1929
Roberts & Nelson, 1915
Robertson, Douglas, 1932
Robertson, J. Forbes, 1919
Robertson, Ralph R, 1932
Robins, Elizabeth, 1920
Robins, Mae, 1931
Robins, Rae, 1932
Robinson, A. C, 1912
Robinson, Bird M, 1919
Robinson, Leland R, 1928, 1930
Roché, H. P, 1918, 1922-1923, 1925
Rochester Chamber of Commerce, 1923
Rodegg, Hanne, 1923
Rodey, Nicholas (Loan), 1922
Roeder, Frances B, 1913
Roerich Museum, 1929-1930
Roessler, William, 1931
Roger Wolf Orchestra, 1924
Rogers, H, 1930
Rogers, Will, 1922
Roggei, Edouardo, 1929-1930
Rollins, William Jr, 1929
Rollins College, 1926, 1931
Romeo, Nicola, 1922
Ronark, Mary C, 1929
Rooper & Wakely, 1930
Roosevelt (general), 1926, 1928-1930
Roppenchacker, Maria, 1930
Rose, Mrs. H. Durant, 1932
Roselle, W. A, 1922
Rosen, Baron Roman, 1914, 1921-1922
Rosen, Willy, 1923
Rosenbacher, Richard, 1921, 1928
Rosenbaum (general), 1927-1928
Rosenbaum, Herman S, 1930
Rosenbaum, W. & E, 1911
Rosenberg, James N, 1930, 1932
Rosenfeld, Henry L, 1921, 1924
Rosenheimer, Maurice, 1923
Rosenthal (general), 1929
Rosentrete, Julius, 1913
Ross (general), 1929, 1931
Ross, G. Philips, 1921
Rotary Club, 1922
Rothermere, Viscount, 1930
Rothier, Leon, 1911, 1932-1933
Rothman, Joseph, 1930
Rothmuller, Marko, 1931
Rothschild (general), 1923
Rothschild, E & H (Baroness), 1922
Rothschild, Meyer, 1932
Rothschild, Robert, 1931
Rothstein, Leo, 1921
Rouland, Mrs, 1919
Roumania Queen Marie of, 1921
Round Table Conference, 1932
Rowe, L. S, 1930
Roxy Theatre, 1926
Royal, 1919
Royal, William, 1930
Royal Academy of Arts, 1932
Royal Automobile Club, 1912
Royal Motor Yacht Club, 1927-1928
Royal Opera, 1914
Royal Society of Arts, 1920, 1923
Roze, R, 1917
Rozelle, A. M, 1920
Ruben, José, 1926
Ruberti, Jack, 1930
Ruble, Katie, 1928
Rubner, C, 1915
Rudie, Anna, 1915
Rudkin, C. M. C, 1926
Rueff, Clement, 1920
Rukeyser, Merryle S, 1926
Rukeyser, W. S, 1929
Rumbold, Hugo, 1925-1926
Runke, Edward J, 1929
Runkle, M, 1916
Runkle, David, 1930
Runshau (general), 1911
Ruschke, Egmont, 1921
Ruschpler, Thomas, 1923, 1933
Rush, Emmy A. M, 1929
Rushmore, Vivian, 1930-1931
Russell (general), 1927, 1929
Russell, Charles, 1923
Russell, Donna, 1923
Russell, Henry, 1912, 1915-1916
Russell, Patricia, 1928
Russell, Sheridan, 1932-1933
Russian, 1916-1917, 1922, 1929-1930
Russian Economic League, 1919
Russian Information, 1920, 1922
Russian Orthodox Church, 1928
Rustigan, Elizabeth, 1931
Rutland, Duchess of, 1922-1923
Rutgers College, 1919-1920
Rutgers College, 1922-1925
Rutgers University, 1926-1930
Rutgers University, 1931-1934
Ryan, Thomas, 1924
Saada, Jacques, 1921
Sabella, D. J, 1930
Sabin, Charles, 1918, 1920
Sachs, Pauls J, 1922
Sack, A. J, 1922-1926, 1932
Sackett, Clara E, 1928
Sadeleer, Marie L. De, 1915-1916
Sadlers Wells Fund, 1930
Sahler, Arnold, 1932
Sailors' Home, 1929
Saint (general), 1910-1919
Saint (general), 1920-1927
Saint (general), 1928-1934
Saint Aubyn Elizabeth, 1931
Saint Bernard's School, 1914-1917
Saint Cecilia Orchestra, 1919
Saint Dunstan's, 1913
Saint George's Society, 1915-1916
Saint Louis (general), 1932
Saint Mark's Hospital, 1914
Saint Nazaire Memorial Fund, 1926
Saint Opera House, 1915
Saint Point V. de, 1917
Salamagundi Club, 1917
Salemme, Antonio, 1929
Sallier, Fern, 1931
Salomon, E, 1932
Salomon, W, 1912
Salpeter, Harry, 1928
Salvini, Mario, 1916, 1920
Salvotti (general), 1929
Salzer, Joset M, 1928
Samaroff-Stokoski, Olga, 1928
Sampson, Flem, 1929
Sams, E. C, 1932
San Antonio Civic Opera, 1930
San Martino, Count di, 1921
Sanden, Aline, 1923, 1926
Sandoz, William, 1918
Sanger, Diane, 1932-1934
Sanger, Margaret, 1928
Sanitary Postage Service, 1927
Saranac Lake Day Nursery, 1922
Sard, F. N, 1917
Sarnoff, David, 1924
Sarolen, Charles, 1924
Sarsen, Ellen, 1928, 1931-1932
Saunders, W. F, 1933
Le Sauteriot (Opera), 1918
Savage, Conche V, 1928
Sawyer, Antonia, 1928
Sayler, Oliver M, 1929-1930
Scabs, 1910
Scapini, George, 1926
Scarborough, W. S, 1923, 1926
Schaaf, Edward, 1914
Schaaf, L. W, 1918
Schaefer, Hans, 1923
Schafmeister, Helen, 1923, 1929-1930
Schalit, Heinrich, 1930
Scharnagl (general), 1928-1929
Scharnagl, Karl, 1931
Schauinland, W. H, 1929
Schay, Mathilde, 1930
Schébéke, Myra, 1923
Schefer, Anton, 1923, 1930
Scheff, Alfred L, 1930
Scheff, Fritz, 1930
Scheide, May, 1916
Schelling, Ernest, 1916
Scherbatoff, Prince George, 1931
Scheuer, Irene, 1918
Schiff, Ernest, 1921
Schiff, Jacob, 1910, 1913-1917, 1931
Schiff, Ludwig, 1920
Schiller, M, 1916
Schindler, Kurt, 1923
Schirmer, Elizabeth, 1930
Schirokauer, F, 1932
Schlesinger, L. Inc, 1914
Schlitz, Alfred, 1932
Schmitt, Albert Felix, 1927
Schmitt, Herman, 1932
Schnall, Julius, 1928-1933
Schneevoight, G, 1928
Schneider, Hans, 1925
Schneider, Peter, 1933
Schoenberg, Arnold, 1921
Schonau, Sigmund, 1929
School of Art at Fontaine Bleu, 1928
School Art League, 1911-1918
School Art League, 1919-1923
School Art League, 1925, 1928-1932
Schoenberg, Arnold, 1921
Schreitmueller, Fred, 1917
Schrod, Andraes, 1930
Schryoch, B, 1931
Schubert Memorial, 1929-1930
Schulberg, 1928
Schulman, A. G, 1916
Schult, Karl A, 1931
Schult von..., 1923
Schulter, Augusta, 1921
Schulze-Gaevernitz, von, 1921
Schwab, Charles M, 1921
Schwarz, Albert, 1929
Schwarz, Hugo, 1932
Schwarz, P, 1930
Schweigger, M, 1932
Sciortino, Antonio, 1931
Scotti, A, 1924
Scott, E. H, 1914
Scott, Walter Judson, 1920
Scribner, Charles & Son, 1914-1922
Scribner, Charles & Son, 1923-1929
Sea Sled Corp, 1926
Seabord Airline Railway Co, 1930
Seagle, Oscar, 1923
Seamen's (general), 1920-1921
Seaverns, Charles F. T, 1930
Secours, 1916
Sedgwick, G. Stanley, 1922
See, Alonzo B, 1918
Seeger, Eugene, 1928
Seger, C. B, 1911-1912
Sehl, Otto, 1928
Seipel, Ignatz, 1928
Seitz, A, 1920
Sekiya, Toshiko, 1931-1932
Seldes, Gilbert, 1931
Selfridge, Mrs. S. K, 1922
Seligman, Edwin, 1910
Seligman, Isaac N, 1911, 1913, 1917
Seligmann, Jacques, 1913, 1915-1917
Seller, Lillian M, 1933
Seltzer, B, 1933
Selwyn (general), 1927, 1929
Selznick, David. O, 1931
Sembrich, Mme Marcella, 1914, 1927
Séminole Club, 1929
Sémo, Santo, 1923
Serelco Inc, 1928-1929
Servadio, L. A. N, 1931
Service League of Huntington, 1932
Serviss, Mrs. H Garrett, 1919
Servoss, Lee, 1921, 1923
Setti, Giulio, 1931
Seville- Baltimore Hotel, 1929
Seven Seas Society, 1919
Severn, Margaret, 1930
Seyfort, Aimée, 1931
Seymour Musical, dates not examined
Shakespeare Head Press, 1910
Shallard, Dillion, 1922
Shapiro, Isdor F, 1926
Sharlow, Myrec, 1914, 1919, 1930
Sharpe, Stanley, 1931
Shattuck, Edward, 1930
Shaw, A. W. Co, 1923
Sheen, Oliver, 1932
Sheldon, Edward, 1932
Shellenberger, Robert, 1932
Sheriff, Office of the, 1928-1933
Sherman C, 1914
Sherry, Mae A, 1931
Shesgreen, David W, 1932
Ship, Henry, 1915
Shipman, Louis Evan, 1929
Shipments, 1921
Shipments, 1922
Shipments, 1923, 1925-1927
Shipley, Joseph T, 1931
Shonts, T. P, 1914
Shore Line Builders, 1931
Short, Mrs. H. W, 1923
Showalter, Edna, 1923
Shrader, G. T, 1922
Shubert Centennial, 1929
Sick Children's Transfer, 1916
Sickels, D. B, 1910-1914, 1916-1917
Sieber, Carl, 1931
Siberling Research Corp, 1930-1931
Sillman, Leonardo, 1933
Silver, Mrs. K, 1914, 1925
Silver, Gray, 1925
Silvester, Richard, 1924
Simmons, A. J, 1914
Simmons, E. G, 1915
Simon (general), 1930
Simon, Mrs. Theodore, 1933
Simonton, Ida V, 1921
Simplex Automobile Co, 1910-1911
Simpson, Herbert, 1932
Sims, Autumn, 1930-1931
Simur Reality Corp, 1928, 1930, 1932
Sincere, Victor, 1925
Sinclair, Murray & Co, 1929
Sinclair, Upton, 1932-1934
Singer, Isidor, 1917-1924
Singer, Isidor, 1928-1933
Singh, St. Nihal, 1918
Sisters of St. Dominic, 1932
Sisto, J. A, 1928
Sittig, Fred V, 1930-1933
Sixth St. Pancreas Troop, 1920
Sixty-Second St. Realty Corp, 1921
Skinner (general), 1932
Skinner, R. Dana, 1931, 1933
Skvirsky, B. E, 1922
Sladen, Douglas, 1922
Slagle, Frank, 1921, 1930
Slater, E. H, 1919
Slatis, Abraham, 1932
Slaughter & May, 1912
Slawson & Hobbs, 1930
Sloane, Henriette, 1930
Small, John H, 1931
Smalley (general), 1910-1911
Smalley, Evelyn G, 1920, 1922
Smiley, T. G, 1916
Smith (general), 1926-1933
Smith, Alfred E, 1923
Smith, E. Baldwin, 1929
Smith, Edward N, 1931
Smith George D, 1911, 1914
Smith, M. H, 1914
Smith, Walter Lloyd, 1921
Smith, Wilhelm, 1920
Smithsonian Institution, 1925
Smithtown Club Car, 1930-1931, 1933
Smoot, Reed (senator), 1927, 1932
Smyth, Sanford & Gerard, 1923, 1930
Snow Hill Normal, 1911
Sobel, Louis, 1932
Societa (Societé-Society), 1915-1920
Societa (Societé-Society), 1921-1927
Societa (Societé-Society), 1928-1934
Societa Idroelettrica Piemonte, 1928
Societa per la Musica Italiana, 1930
Socialist Party of Maine, 1931
Societé - Spinozana, 1932
Societé des Amis du Louvre, 1911
Society of Arts & Sciences, 1920
Society for Ethical Culture, 1916
Society for Modern Art, 1916
Society & Politics, 1912
Sokolsky, George E, 1930
Solberg, Marshall, 1929
Soldiers & Sails Club, 1927, 1930
Solomon, Alex, 1924
Solon, Leon V, 1919
Somaks, Andrew L, 1932
Sonoman, Carl, 1929-1930
Sorel, Felicia, 1931
Sorenson, Olga, 1914
Sorine, S, 1926
The Sound Club, 1932
Sotheby, 1912
Sothern, E. H, 1916
Southwest Chataura Assoc, 1929-1930
South Huntington School, 1932
Southern, 1928, 1932
Southern Commercial Congress, 1917
Southern Pacific Co, 1928
Soviet Russia Today, 1932
Spalding, Walter, 1922
Sparks, Robert, 1929
Sparling W. L, 1922
Spasseff, T, 1923
Specht, Paul, 1932
Speck, J, 1917
Speers, James M, 1931
Spencer, R. A. P, 1928
Speyer, Edga, 1916
Speyer Brothers, 1914
Spicer, Ernest Ivan, 1930
Spicer & Pegler, 1931
Spierling, Theodore, 1916
Spini, C, 1913
Spink & Son Ltd, 1932
Spitzer, Arthur, 1931
Spoor, W. L, 1923
Sport Club, 1927
Sports Dinner, 1933
Sprague, O. M. W, 1918
The Spur, 1928
Staats-Herold Corp, 1930, 1932
Stadelman, Emmy, 1930
Stage Society, 1913, 1915
Stage Women's War Relief, 1918, 1926
The Stagers, 1925-1926
Stallforth, F, 1923, 1925, 1931-1932
Stalter, George, 1911, 1915
Stanchfield, John B, 1917
Standard, Oil Co, 1918, 1920
Standard Statistics, 1931
Standish, Mrs. Danalt, 1921
Stanislavsky, 1929
Stanley, John A, 1932
Stanley & Patterson L, 1914
Stapel, Willy, 1929
Stark, 1923
Starnes, Pery J, 1929
Starrett & Van Vleck, 1925
State, 1929
State Council on Parks, 1926
Stearn, H, 1914
Stearn Co, 1930
Stearns, Wayland D, 1921
Steeholm, Hardy, 1930
Steel-Maitland, A, 1912
Steel-Maitland, Sir A, 1926
Steele, Mrs. Claude, 1922-1923
Steffens, Cornalius M, 1921
Steigman, B. M, 1920
Stein, Gertrude, 1930
Stein, Gustav C, 1917, 1922
Stein, Mrs. H. Blair, 1927
Stein Laplock Tire Co, 1912
Steinam, E. S, 1923, 1925-1927
Steinfeld, S. J, 1933
Steinhardt, L. N, 1916
Steinholz Co, 1930
Steinmeyer & Fils, 1912
Stenhouse, J. Armstrong, 1920-1921
Stepanek, Charles J, 1929
Stephens, Harriet, 1926
Sterling Gum Co, 1914
Stern, Edward, 1920
Stern-Ellbreicht, 1914
Sternfield, Mirriam, 1915
Sternick, Harry I, 1930
Sternen-Wenner, Violet, 1923
Sterrett, J. R. S, 1910-1911
Sterrett, Robert Montgomery, 1930
Steuben Club of Newark, 1930
Steuer, Max D, 1933-1934
Stevens, J. F, 1915
Stewart, H. S. A, 1926
Stewart, Katherine, 1931
Stewart, T. I, 1933
Stilbauer, Edward, 1921
Stiles, Miss Halle, 1927
Stillman, Marshall (Movement), 1930
Stimming, Carl J, 1929
Stimson, Henry L, 1917, 1926
Stippler, Wilhelm, 1926
Stockwell, H. I, 1928
Stoehr, M. W, 1928
Stokes, F. W, 1930, 1932
Stokes, Richard, 1925, 1930-1931
Stokowski, Leopold, 1926, 1931
Stone (general), dates not examined
Stone, Belle, 1933
Stone, Charles, 1916, 1919-1921
Stone, M. M, 1913
Stone & Webster, 1929
Stone Mountain, 1925
Stoneham & Co, 1918
Stoner (general), 1923
Storer, Mrs. Bellamy, 1925, 1928
Storey, Bobbie, 1928
Storer, Maria L, 1923
Storm, Harry, 1929
Storms, Alice, 1931
Stossinger, Felix, 1928
Stotesbury, E. T, 1923, 1930
Stoton, H. B, 1919
Strachey, J, 1925
Straight, 1931
Straight, Willard, 1910, 1916, 1917
Straightmore, Muriel, 1925
Strands, E, 1930
Strangers' Welfare Fellowships, 1925
Stransky, Josef, 1915, 1921-1922
Stratford-Upon-Avon Festival, 1931
Stratos, W, 1928
Straus, H, 1923
Straus, Percy, 1928
Strauss (general), 1928-1930, 1932
Strauss, M, 1927
Strauss, A & F, 1916
Strauss, Lewis I, 1928
Strauss, Richard, 1921
Strauss, Sara M, 1928, 1930
Strauss, Wm L, 1916
Stravinsky, Igor, 1919
Streeter, Wilson A, 1932
Strindberg, Frida, 1922
Stringfield, Mrs. A. M, 1925
Stringfield, Lamar, 1929, 1931
Strong, C. E, 1922
Strong, C. H, 1914
Stroock (general), 1929
Stroock, Joseph, 1926
Stroock & Stroock, 1920-1922
Stroock & Stroock, 1923
Stroock & Stroock, 1924-1928
Stroock & Stroock, 1929-1930
Stroock & Stroock, 1932
Stroock & Stroock, 1933-1934
Stuart, Donald Clive, 1924
Stuart, Horatins, 1933
Studies Publications, 1930
Studio Guild, 1930
Studzinkski, Paulino, 1933
Sturer, 1914
Stuyvestant Square Hospital, 1933
Suburban Acreage Dealers, 1926-1928
Suburban Acreage Dealers, 1932-1933
Success Magazine, 1926
Suffolk County, 1923, 1928-1929
Suffolk County, 1930-1933
Sugar, Samuel A. Inc, 1932
Suit, John A, 1926
Sulgave Institution, 1918-1923
Sulley, Arthur J, 1921
Sullivan, Mark, 1930
Summerville, Amelia, 1928
Sumner, Malcolm, 1921-1923
Sunrise Club, 1923
The Survey, 1918
Survey Associates, 1928-1931
Sutker, Anna G, 1931
Sutton, F. W, 1922
Suzuki, Kakutaro, 1933
Swales, Francis S, 1930
Swannonoa Country Club, 1930
Swarthmore Chautauqua Assoc, 1929
Swasel, R. & P, 1910
Swedish Chamber of Commerce, 1931
Sweet, Edward & Co, 1914
Swenson, E. P, 1915, 1931
Swenson, S. M, 1914, 1932
Swett, Samuel, 1919
De Swirsky (general), 1910
Sykes, Martin, 1917-1918
Sylva, Marguerita, 1921-1923, 1932
Symphony Society of NJ, 1923
Szechenyi, L, 1923
Szek, Joseph T, 1928
Szendrei (general), 1913-1914
Tabor, F. H, 1914
Taft, H. W, 1924
Talbot, Henri, 1915
Tamara, 1933
Tamiris, Miss, 1928
Tambour, Rudolf, 1915, 1920
Tams Inc, 1932
Tams & King, 1926, 1928-1929
Tams, Lemoine & Crane, 1912-1913
Tams, Lemoine & Crane, 1915-1916
Tams, Lemoine & Crane, 1924
Tanner, Julius, 1930
Tardieu, André, 1917-1918
Tarbell, Ida M, 1931
Tariff Reform League, 1913
Tate, Mr. & Mrs. Allen, 1933
Tatnall, Henry, 1923
Tatler & American Sketch, 1930-1932
Tattersall, Miss H. O. T, 1923
Taub, L, 1928
Tauscher, Hans, 1930
Tauscher, J. G, 1917
Tavender, Mrs. Augusta A, 1929
Tax League of America, 1921
Taxes, 1920-1921
Taylor (general), 1926-1929, 1933
Taylor, Admiral E. A, 1927
Taylor, Charles, 1930
Taylor, Deems, 1923, 1932
Taylor, Howard, 1930
Taylor, Talbot J, 1930
Taylor, W. P, 1917
Tcherkassky, Alexis, 1929
Technicolor, 1929
Technology Clubs Assoc, 1917
Teleregister Co, 1929
Tellheim, Paul, 1930
Teniere, Lucienne, 1920
Temperance League, 1932
Temple Gwathmey Memorial, 1928
Tennyson, Miss Jean, 1930-1931
Teresina, Madame, 1931
Terrell, Fredrick, 1926
Terry, Ellen, 1910-1911
Teshea, Arthur, 1922
Testa, Giovanni, 1923
Tewson, W. Orton, 1919
Texas, 1916
Texas Co, 1922
Texas Prairie Lands, Ltd, 1927
Textile Integrity Guild, 1931
Texture, Thelma, 1928, 1930
Thalberg, Irving, 1927
Thayer, Joseph, 1933
The Remain Studio, 1931
Theatre, 1922, 1928-1929
Theatre Arts Magazine, 1926
Theatre Classics, 1928
Théatre Français, 1913, 1916
Théatre Français, 1917
Theatre Guild, 1921
Theatre Guild, 1922-1926
Theatre Guild, 1927-1934
Theatre Magazine, 1921
Theatre Parisian Inc, 1921
Théatre du Vieux Colombier, 1917
Theatre Workshop Assoc, 1930
Theatrical Industries Corp, 1930
Theatrical Mutual Assoc, 1925
Thérémin, Leon, 1928, 1932, 1933
Thibaud, Jacques, 1921
Thimming, Helen, 1931, 1933
Thistleton, Frankl, 1929
Thomas (general), 1922-1924
Thomas (general), 1927-1933
Thomas, Augustus, 1911, 1926
Thomas, D. A, 1914
Thomas, Elmer, 1926
Thomas, Louis, 1919-1920, 1922-1927
Thomas, Lowell, 1924
Thomas, Nicolas, 1911
Thomas, Norman, 1925, 1930
Thomas-Evarts-Alan Inc, 1917
Thompson, Charles, 1931
Thompson, Dorothy, 1930
Thompson, H. S, 1913, 1915
Thompson, J. C, 1914
Thompson, P. Chester, 1913
Thompson, Paul, 1922
Thompson, Robert W. Jr, 1910, 1913
Thompson, Samuel, 1917-1918
Thompson, Slason, 1918
Thompson, T. Kenard, 1922
Thompson, Waldo, 1928
Thompson, Woodman, 1928
Thorigny, Colette P, 1929
Thorne, Clarence P, 1929
Thorne, W. V. S, 1911
Thornton, Mrs. A. R, 1918
Thornton, Sir Henry W, 1927
Three Arts Theatre, 1925
Threefold Movement, 1929-1932
Thulman, Robert R, 1921
Thursday Morning Musicals, 1933
Thwaites, N. G, 1918-1919, 1922
Tiers, Fanny L, 1914
Tiffany Studios, 1931
Tift-Jones, Katherine, 1928
Tilney, Ladd & Co, 1918
Timbles, Harry G, 1931
Timber Point Club, 1932
Tinty, Karl F, 1931
Todd, Helen, 1932
Tofel, J, 1928
Tokatyan, Armand, 1932
Tokyo Asahi, 1930
Toland, Helen S, 1925
Toledo Museum, 1929
Toller, Ernst, 1929
Tompkins, F. H, 1918
Tompkins, Leslie A, 1928
Tonal Productions, 1928
Tony Sarg Puppets, 1924
Torre, Francis C, 1931
Torres, Mrs. H. Z, 1922-1923
Torres, H. Z, 1924-1932
Toscanini, Arturo, 1913
Toscanini, Walter, 1921-1922
Towle, Arthur, 1933
Towne, Charles Hanson, 1917
Towne, Robert D, 1921
Townsend..., 1928-1929
Townsend, Mrs. Lawrence, 1921, 1926
Townsend, Natalie, 1918
Tracy, Miriam, 1913
Tracy, Wm D, 1930
T Railroads, 1914-1915, 1917-1918
Trapper, E, 1924
Traube, Shepard, 1931-1932
Traumann, Fritz L, 1931
The Travelers, 1924
Traveler's Insurance, 1910
Travers, J. P, 1914
Travers, J. Wadworth, 1931
Travis, D. N, 1918-1919
Traube, Alexander, 1928-1929
Treadway Service Corp, 1933-1934
Tree, Herbert B, 1917
Trent Process Corp, 1928, 1931
Treskoff, Olga, 1930
Treven, Meina, 1917
Trevise, Duke de, 1926
Trevor, Constance, 1930-1931
Triangle Club, 1924
Triangle Co. Ltd, 1932-1933
Tri-Continental Allied Co, 1930
Triebel, F. E, 1923
Trilling, Lionel, 1929
Trimona Aviation Corp, 1931
Trip to Havana, 1916
Tripp, General Guy E, 1914, 1925
Trittler, Heinrich, 1928
Tropical American Corp, 1929
Trowbridge, Alexander B, 1929
Truax, Mrs. Charles H, 1915, 1930
Trumbull, Frank, 1916
Trust Companies, 1932
Tsuda College Rebuilding Fund, 1928
Tubize Chatillon Corp, 1930
Tucker, Samuel, 1919
Tuerk-Rohn, 1914
Tunstall, Albert H, 1929
Turkish Embassy, 1933
Turner, 1927
Turner, Paul N, 1928, 1930
Tuskegee Institute, 1911-1916
Tuthill, E. K, 1930
Twain Memorial, 1929
Twentieth Century Fund, 1929, 1932
Twilight Club, 1917
Tynauer, Lord, 1932
Tyrrell, Lord, 1932
Under-Privileged Child Benefit, 1932
U Finance, 1918
Ughet, S, 1923
Ulman, J. S, 1918
Ulrich, Bernard, 1911-1919
Union, 1915, 1921, 1923-1924
Union, 1927, 1929, 1931-1933
Union Trust, 1916-1918
United, 1912-1915, 1917
United, 1919
United, 1920-1924, 1925
United, 1926-1928
United, 1929
United, 1930-1933
United Services Travel Club, 1912
United States Freight Co, 1927
United States & Overseas Corp, 1929
United States Treasury Dept, 1923
United States War Department, 1919
Universal Religious Group, 1929
University (general), 1917, 1930
University Glee Club, 1932
University in Exile, 1933
University of Film Foundation, 1928
University of London, 1929
University Players, 1931
University Wilck, L. D, 1931
Unreich-Ulbrich, Rud, 1928
Untermyer, Alvin, 1923
Uppercu Cadillac Corp, 1930
Upthecrove, Daniel, 1930
Urban, Joseph, 1921, 1916-1918
Urguhart, Leslie, 1922
Uriewitsch, S, 1932
U Railroads, 1910-1912
U Railroads, 1913-1914, 1916
U Railroads, 1917-1919
U Railroads, 1920-1922
U Railroads, 1923-1930
Vacation Assoc, 1919
Vacation Relief Co, 1915
Vaile, P. A., dates not examined
Valentine, I. W, 1915
Valentiner, W. R, 1912
Valle, Mario, 1918
Valyi, Felix, 1928
Van Amburgh, Fred D, 1933
Van Antwerp. W. C, 1914-1915
Van Bokken, D, 1913-1914
Van Buskirk, Janet O, 1926
Van Den Berghen, Carlos, 1931
Van Der Hoeven, F, 1926
Van Der Straten, Eleone, 1924
Van Deventer, H. R, 1926
Van Dressor, Marcia, 1914, 1916
Van Dyke, Henry, 1919
Van Eddert, Elisabeth, 1915
Van Etten, Mrs. L. E, 1928-1930
Van Franken, Edgar, 1918
Van Hemert, C, 1916, 1920
Van Heukelon, Harry, 1920
Van Heukelon, Henri, 1932
Van Hoose, Ellison, 1912
Van Loan, Philip, 1921
Van Renssellaer, & Co, 1918
Van Ryn Deep Ltd, 1921
Van Schurman, Clifford, 1917
Van Vechten, Carl, 1925, 1929
Vance, Wilson, 1931
Vanderbilt, Cornelius Jr, 1923
Vanderlip, F. A, 1916, 1919, 1922
Vanity Fair, 1931-1934
Vannereau, 1932
Varady, Rozsi, 1922
Varese, Edgar, 1916
Vassenko, Xenia, 1928
Vassivère, Joseph, 1920
Vaughan, David, 1918
Vaught, Mrs. L. P, 1932
Velasquez, Giuseppe, 1929
Velsar, Helen S, 1930
Venturini, 1913
Vérady, Rozel, 1923
Verbist, Miss Felyne, 1916
Verein "Volksheim", 1920
Verein Deutsche Bwckunenstlen, 1930
Vereinigung, T. A. K, 1923
Verity, George M, 1923
Vermont University, 1929
Vermonte, Rosa, 1929
Vernon, Grenville, 1913-1915
Vernon, Miss Teddie, 1931
Veterans, 1923
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1930-1931
Veth, C. Sowden, 1930
Vetter, Wilheim, 1923
Veverka, Madame F, 1930
V Finance, 1910, 1915-1916, 1921
Viarada, Mrs. Alexandra, 1916
Viardy, Von S, 1913
Victor Co, 1930
Victory Hall Assoc, 1920
Victor Talking Machine, 1929
Viereck, George S, 1910-1916
Viereck, George S, 1921-1925
Viereck, George S, 1926-1929
Viereck, George S, 1930-1933
Vigilantes, 1917
Vilgouroux, J, 1921
Viking Press, 1931
Village Deep Ltd, 1915-1916
Villard, E. O, 1913
Vilna Group, 1930
Virgin Islands Government, 1932
Virginia (University of ), 1930-1931
Vivalba, Baroness, 1925
Vleigh Golf Club, 1921
Voize, M, 1931
Volkshochschule Manheim, 1929, 1930
Vollberar, Otto H. F, 1931
Vollert, Hans E, 1933
Volunteers of America, 1923
Von (general), 1916
Von de Leyen, Friedrick, 1932
Von der Horst, Maria, 1933
Von Dorn, Maida, 1933
Von Ende, Herwegh, 1915
Von Hedemann, Baroness, 1928
Von Herrlich, John F, 1917
Von Hofmannsthal, 1923
Von Horn, Tony, 1926-1927
Von Lieven, Baron, 1934
Von Madarassy-Berk, J, 1932
Von Meister, F. W, 1930
Von Mueller, Mady Christmas, 1932
Von Muller, Hans, 1928
Von Prittwitz-Gafferon, 1930
Von Reichenberg, Frederick, 1933
Von Scheffer, Dr. Phil, 1933
Von Schmidt-Pauli, 1930
Von Schultze- Gaevernitz, 1929
Von Siemens, Dr, 1929
Vonseebeck, G, 1928
Von Steuben, Maud, 1928-1930
Vontoussaint, Mia, 1930
Voorhees, Don, 1931
Vosburch, Marytl, 1931
Voyer, Capt, 1916
V Railroads, 1915
Waddell, Robert M, 1915
Wade, Rev. John A, 1928
Wadhams, W. H, 1922
Wadsworth, Hon James W, 1912
Wage Earner's Theatre League, 1912
Wagel & Associates, 1933
Wagemans, Henry, 1919
Wagner (general), 1924, 1927, 1929
Wagner, Mrs. H. F, 1922
Wagner, Marianne, 1928, 1932
Wagner, Senator Robert F, 1932
Wagnerian Opera Festival, 1922
Wald, Lillian, 1916
Waldman, Prof M, 1929
Walden, V, 1930
Waldorf-Astoria, 1931
Walker (general), 1926, 1929, 1932
Walker, Allen, 1918
Walker, Stuart, 1916, 1918, 1920
Wall, Alma, 1930
Wall, Bernhaden, 1922
Wall, Herbert, 1926
Wall St. Synague, 1930
Wallace, Evan, 1919
Wallace, Henry C, 1924
Wallace, J. H, 1915
Wallace, Samuel, 1930
Wallace Reid Memorial Assoc, 1928
Wallace, J. H, 1915
Walser, G, 1915, 1920
Walsh (general), 1928
Walsh, Fran W, 1931
Walsh, E. de W, 1931
Walsh, R. D, 1919
Walska, Mme Granna, 1915-1916
Walstrom, S. S, 1910-1911
Walter, Mrs. A. C, 1911-1913
Walton, Eda Lou, 1929
Walton, Lester A, 1927-1928
Walton Producing Co, 1928
Wagner, Walter, 1923-1924, 1926
War Mother, 1926
Warburg, M, 1911-1913, 1915-1916
Warburg, M, 1920-1921, 1931
Ward (general), 1933
Ward, H, 1931
Ward, John H, 1919
Ward, L. de Lancy, 1926-1932
Ward, Robert E, 1932
Ward, Winifred, dates not examined
Wardell, Capt. J. N, 1929
Warden, Wmc, 1923
Warfield, Louis, 1916
Warfield, Davies, 1917, 1927
Waring, L. E, 1913
Warner, Mrs. Barnett, 1933-1934
Warner Brothers Pictures, 1929
Warren, Alice, 1911
Warren, L. Francis, 1928
Warren, Mrs. N, 1918
Warren Royalties Inc, 1928
Warshawsky, Harry, 1932
Washington Arch Players, 1930
Washington Square Players, 1916-1918
Watchorn, R, 1911
Waterbury, John, 1910
Waters, M. S, 1916
Watford, 1911
Watkins, Enid, 1923
Watkins, Maurice, 1927
Watkins & Doncaster, 1929
Watson, G. L. & Co, 1930, 1933
Watson, Mrs. P, 1920-1921
Watson, Thomas J, 1932
Wattley , Ralph, 1929
Webb, Creighton, 1921
Webb, Patrick J., dates not examined
Webster & Memorial Fund, 1932
Wedell, Egon, 1930
Wedepohl, Mrs. Theodore, 1929-1932
Weekly Review, 1926
Weese, Edna, 1930-1931
Weil (general), 1913, 1929
Weil, Irving, 1930
Weinberger, Harry, 1931
Weinberg, Hyman, 1928-1934
Weinthal, Leo, 1920, 1923, 1928-1929
Weiss, E. A, 1928
Weiss, Lily, 1923
Weiss, Paul, 1930-1931
Weinreich, Josef, 1925
Welfare Council of NY, 1932-1933
Wellesley College, 1930
Wellman, Walter, 1918
Wells, Mrs. Agatha, 1928
Wells, H, 1923
Wells, John H, 1929-1931
Welsh, Mrs. Fanny Betty, 1924
Welsh Male Chorus, 1933
Welte, M. & Sons, 1920
Welton, Kenneth, 1929
Wenck Marine Corporation, 1921-1927
Werck, Alfred, 1929
Wertheim, Jacob, 1912
Wertheim, H. P. & J, 1913
Wertheim, Maurice, 1911
Wessels, Florence, 1928, 1930
West, 1928-1929, 1931-1933
West Side Neighbors Assoc, 1930
West Side Tennis Club, 1923
Westchester, 1928, 1931-1933
Western Union, 1916-1917, 1920-1921
Westminster Bank Ltd, 1923-1926
Westminster Bank Ltd, 1927-1929
Westminster Bank Ltd, 1930-1933
Westminster Choir School, 1930
Westminster Hotel, 1930
Weston, Hugh M, 1931
Wetmore, Maude, 1921
Wetlzer, H, 1915, 1921, 1929
W Finance, 1914-1916, 1919, 1922
Whalen, Grover, 1929, 1933
Wharton, Edith, 1917
Wharton, Henry, 1930
Whelan, Paul M, 1916, 1930, 1932
Whippany, 1910, 1912, 1914-1917
Whitcomb, Robert, 1933
White, Edward J, 1924
White, Josephine, 1930
White, Mary, 1930
Whitehouse, Mrs. N. de R, 1915
Whiteside, George W, 1929-1932
Whitman, Paul, 1924
Whitman, Russell, 1923
Whitmore, R. D, 1930
Who Is Who in Music, 1929
Wichmann, Otto-Erich, 1930-1931
Widener, Joseph E, 1929
Wiegand, T, 1922
Wiener (general), 1928-1929
Wiener, Arthur F, 1923, 1927, 1930
Wiener, Capt. C, 1918, 1922-1923
Wiener Bank-Verein, 1926
Wiener Knozerttournée, 1930
Wiener Wirtschschafts-Voche, 1934
Wietham, M. J, 1929
Wiggin, K. D, 1910
Wigman, Mary, 1930
Wilber, Gretchen, 1915
Wilberforce Memorial, 1933
Wilberforce University, 1913-1917
Wilbur, Miss J, 1928
Wile, F. W, 1915
Wiley, Leila E, 1925
Wiley, Louis, 1930-1931
Wilkie, James, 1927
Wilkinson, Jack, 1932
Willard, Daniel, 1914, 1928
Willcocks Miss E. R, 1931
Willcocks, Miss G. B, 1930-1932
Willcox, William G, 1920-1922
Willets, Samuel, 1913-1915
William & Mary College, 1928
Williams, John D, 1919
Williams, Maurice, 1932
Williams, W. H, 1915-1916, 1920-1923
Williams' Agency, 1911-1912
Williams-Taylor, Sir Frederick, 1922
Williamson, Miss E. M, 1929
Willisch, Miss M, 1930
Wills, D. C, 1924
Willson, Donald, 1929
Wilson, George & Co Ltd, 1929
Wilson, Henry W, 1921
Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 1923-1924
Wilson, W. J. (Mrs.), 1929
Wilson, Woodrow, 1917
Wiluna Gold Corp, 1933
Winans, H. D, 1911, 1913
Winans & May, 1912
Winchell, B. L, 1916
Winchell, Paul, 1924
Windsor Publishing Corp, 1930
Winkley, John, 1931
Wintziger, K, 1928
Wisconsin (general), 1930
Wise, George J, 1930
Wise, Rabbi S, 1934
Wiss, Victor A. & Bro, 1914, 1918
Witham, Paul, 1920
Wohl, H. A, 1930, 1932-1934
Wolab Realty, 1926
Wolab Realty, 1926
Wolab Realty, 1928
Wolab Realty, 1928
Wolab Realty, 1929
Wolab Realty, 1929
Wolab Realty, 1930
Wolab Realty, 1930
Wolab Realty, 1931
Wolf, Eva, 1925
Wolf, Charles, 1929
Wolf, Mrs. Louis M, 1930
Wolf, Max, 1930
Wolf & Kohn, 1923
Wolf-Ferrari, E, 1922
Wolff (general), 1911, 1929
Wolff, Pierre, 1915, 1924
Wolfsohn Musical Bureau, 1916
Wolfungen, Cortez, 1910
Woljeska, Helen, 1929
Wollstein, Rose H, 1933
Woman's Hospital, 1912
Woman Pays Club, 1929
Wood, Clara Johnson, 1925
Wood, Cleora, 1932
Wood, Isaac, 1913-1914
Wood, John & Co, 1912-1913
Wood, General Robert E, 1921
Wood, William H, 1920
Woodman, Francis, 1933
Woodruff, Hale, 1929
Woods, A. H, 1926
Woods, Helen, 1930
Woodward, Henry N, 1919
Woodward, William C, 1933
Woodwark, G, 1919
Woollcott, Alex, 1924-1926
Woolwine, Frances, 1913
Worch, Edgar, 1929
Workers' Amusement Club, 1915-1916
World, 1926-1927, 1929-1931
The World, 1930
World Fellowship of Faith, 1933
World Narcotic Defense Assoc, 1932
Worthington, Dorothy, 1930
Worthington, Margaret, 1929
Wreede, Fritz, 1927, 1930, 1933
Wrench, Felix Bloch, 1932
Wright, Mrs. Cobina, 1931
Wright Aeronautical Corp, 1928
Wullner Fund, 1928
Wykes, Henry M, 1923, 1928-1931
Yachnin, Rose, 1932
Yacht Owners Assoc, 1930
Yachts, dates not examined
Yahraes, Herbert, 1932
Yale University Press, 1914, 1926
Yarnall, A. G, 1910
Yeshiva College, 1928
Yeshiva Endowment Foundation, 1933
Les Yeux Morts (Play Script), 1916
Yewen, Sylvia, 1929
Yiddish Art Theatre, 1928-1931
Yokohama Music Bank, 1921
Yorkville Music School, 1930
Yorska, Madame, 1918
Young, C. W. & Co, 1933-1934
Young, E. B, 1911
Young, H. de, 1914
Young, Owen D, 1929, 1931
Young, Stark, 1925
Young & Ottis Co, dates not examined
Young Men's Hebrew Association, 1915
Zabriskie, Edward C, 1926
Zacharias, S, 1933
Zacker, Maud S, 1921
Zarahoff, Basil, 1925
Zarske, Erma, 1916
Zeckendorf, William, 1929-1931
Zeitler, Heinrich, 1923
Zenatello, Maria G, 1915, 1917
Zerbe, F, 1933
Zerrilli, A. A, 1922
Ziccardi, J, 1914-1916
Ziegler, A. E, 1913
Ziegler, Edward, 1921
Ziegler Institute, 1914-1922
Zilberman, Bella, 1930
Zimbalist, Mr. Efren, 1927
Zinkin, Arthur, 1922
Zizianoff, Nina, 1925
Zukor, Adolph, 1931
Zuloaga, Ignacio, 1925
Series 2: Pamphlets, 1916-1934
Consists of printed pamphlet copies of addresses, opinions, speeches, and talks given by Kahn on a variety of topics, ranging from art to political matters. The pamphlets are numbered in the order (chronological, for the most part) they were kept in Kahn's office. Also included are a few biographical sketches on Kahn.
The pamphlets are numbered in the order (chronological, for the most part) they were kept in Kahn's office.
Missing, dates not examined
France, dates not examined
Missing, dates not examined
No. 'Tis Slander, dates not examined
The Task Ahead, dates not examined
Impressions of Europe, 1920
Impressions of Europe, 1922
European Impressions, 1923 November
Art & America, dates not examined
An International Survey, 1924 April
Europe Today, 1924 December
A Suggestion for the Settlement of The French Debt to The American Government, dates not examined
Mussolini and Italy, 1926 January
About Art, dates not examined
Leisure and Art, dates not examined
Taxation, 1919
The War and Business, 1917
War Taxation, 1917
Leisure and Art, dates not examined
Frenzied Liberty, 1918
High Finance, 1916
Series 3: Condolences, 1934
Consists of letters of condolence and statements of sympathy. There is also a bound volume of press clippings regarding Kahn's death in 1934.
Arranged alphabetically by title.
Series 4: Letterbooks, 1916-1930
Consists of 25 bound letterbooks, arranged chronologically, containing letters from prominent political officials and businessmen written in response to pamphlets published by Otto Kahn. There are also press clippings on various aspects of Kahn's life.
Arranged chronologically.
High Finance Correspondence, 1916
War Taxation Correspondence, 1917
From the Press, 1918 July-1920 June
Press Clippings, 1929
Press Clippings, Obituaries, 1934
Contains notes and photocopies of Kahn's correspondence assembled by John Kobler while preparing his biography Otto the Magnificent: The Life of Otto Kahn (1988). Also included is a manuscript of his text.
Arranged by genre of material.
Consists of additional miscellaneous correspondence arranged in alphabetical order and then by year.
Stored off-site.
A, 1910
A, 1911
A, 1912
A, 1913
A, 1914
A, 1915
A, 1916
A, 1917
An-Az, 1918
A, 1919
A, 1920
A, 1921
A, 1922
A, 1923
A, 1924
A, 1925
A, 1926
A-Am, 1927
An-Az, 1927
A-All, 1928
Alm-Az, 1928
A-All, 1929
Alm-Az, 1929
Alm-Az, 1930
A, 1931
A, 1932
A, 1933
A, 1934
B, 1910
B, 1911
B, 1912
B, 1913
B-Bq, 1914
B, 1915
B, 1916
B-Bor, 1917
Bos-Bz, 1917
B-Bos, 1918
Bot-Bz, 1918
B-Bak, 1919
Bi-Bz, 1919
B, 1920
B, 1921
B-Bn, 1922
Bo-Bz, 1922
B-Boq, 1923
Bor-Bz, 1923
B, 1924
B-Bh, 1925
Bi-Bz, 1925
B-Bk, 1926
Bi-Bov, 1926
Bow-Bz, 1926
B-Ben, 1927
Ber-Brh, 1927
Bri-Bz, 1927
B-Bom, 1928
Bon-Bz, 1928
B-Bk, 1929
Bl-Bz, 1929
Bar-Bou, 1930
Bov-Bz, 1930
B-Bn, 1931
Bo-Bz, 1931
B, 1932
B, 1933
B, 1934
C, 1911
C, 1912
C, 1913
C, 1914
C, 1915
C, 1916
C-Ci, 1917
Cj-Cz, 1917
C-Ch, 1918
Ci-Cz, 1918
C-Cn, 1919
Co-Cz, 1919
C-Cn, 1920
Co-Cz, 1920
C-Cz, 1921
C-Ck, 1922
Cl-Cz, 1922
C-Cn, 1923
Co-Cz, 1923
C-Cn, 1924
Co-Cz, 1924
C-Cn, 1925
Co-Cz, 1925
C-Ck, 1926
Com-Cz, 1926
C-Ch, 1927
Ci-Cz, 1927
C-Chq, 1928
Chr-Cz, 1928
C-Ch, 1930
Ci-Cz, 1930
C-Ch, 1931
Ci-Cz, 1931
C, 1932
C, 1933
C, 1934
D, 1910
D, 1911
D, 1912
D, 1913
D, 1914
D, 1915
D, 1916
D, 1917
D, 1918
D, 1919
D, 1920
D, 1921
D, 1922
D, 1923
D, 1924
D, 1925
D-Dh, 1926
Di-Dz, 1926
D-Dik, 1927
Dil-Dz, 1927
D-Der, 1928
Des-Dz, 1928
D, 1929
D, 1930
D, 1931
D, 1932
D, 1933
D, 1934
E, 1910
E, 1911
E, 1912
E, 1913
E, 1914
E, 1915
E, 1916
E, 1917
E, 1918
E, 1919
E, 1920
E, 1921
E, 1922
E, 1923
E, 1924
E, 1925
E, 1926
E, 1927
E, 1928
E, 1929
E, 1930
E, 1931
E, 1932
E, 1933
E, 1934
F, 1910
F, 1911
F, 1912
F, 1913
F, 1914
F, 1915
F, 1916
F, 1917
F, 1918
F, 1919
F, 1920
F, 1921
F, 1922
F, 1923
F-For, 1924
Fr-Fz, 1924
F, 1925
F-Fn, 1926
Fo-Fz, 1926
F, 1927
F-Fk, 1928
Fl-Fz, 1928
F-Fq, 1929
Fr-Fz, 1929
F, 1930
F, 1931
F, 1932
F, 1933
F, 1934
G, 1910
G, 1911
G, 1912
G, 1913
G, 1914
G, 1915
G, 1916
G, 1917
G, 1918
G, 1919
G, 1920
G, 1921
G, 1922
G, 1923
G, 1924
G, 1925
G-Gold, 1926
Gole-Gz, 1926
G-Gq, 1927
Gr-Gz, 1927
G-Gq, 1928
Gre-Gz, 1928
G, 1929
G, 1930
G, 1931
G, 1932
G, 1933
G, 1934
H, 1910
H, 1911
H, 1912
H, 1913
H, 1914
H, 1915
H, 1916
H, 1917
H, 1918
H, 1919
H, 1920
H, 1921
H, 1922
H, 1923
H-Hh, 1924
Hi-Hz, 1924
H, 1925
H-Hn, 1926
Ho-Hz, 1926
H-Heq, 1927
Hn-Hz, 1927
H-Hh, 1928
Hi-Hz, 1928
H, 1929
H-Hd, 1930
He-Hz, 1930
H-Hh, 1931
Hi-Hz, 1931
H, 1932
H, 1934
I, 1910
I, 1911
I, 1912
I, 1913
I, 1914
I, 1915
I, 1916
I, 1917
I, 1918
I, 1919
I, 1920
I, 1921
I, 1922
I, 1923
I, 1924
I, 1925
I, 1926
I, 1927
I, 1928
I, 1929
I, 1930
I, 1931
I, 1932
I, 1933
I, 1934
J, 1910
J, 1911
J, 1912
J, 1913
J, 1914
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W, 1934
W, 1920-1922
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W, 1930-1932
X-Z, 1910
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X-Z, 1913
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X-Z, 1926
X-Z, 1927
X-Z, 1928
X-Z, 1929
X-Z, 1930
X-Z, 1931
X-Z, 1932
X-Z, 1933
X-Z, 1934
- Scope and Contents
The collection consists primarily of correspondence (over 400 boxes) of Kahn during the last twenty-five years of his life when he was prominent as an international banker (with Kuhn, Loeb & Co.), a philanthropist, and a leader in the cultural life of both New York City and the nation. Much of the collection is related to Kahn's business interests in the financial community and in the arts, such as the Metropolitan Opera House where he was chairman of the board. The correspondence reflects not only his generosity as a philanthropist but also the active interest he took in the many groups he supported by serving on administrative and policy-making boards. The scope of Kahn's influence can be seen in the many letters, telegrams, and statements of sympathy from all over the world expressed at his death. As a patron of the arts and an international banking figure, he was often called upon to speak, and the collection contains many pamphlet copies of such public addresses and published opinions, as well as 25 bound volumes of correspondence and clippings regarding them. There is also material assembled by John Kobler while preparing his biography Otto the Magnificent: The Life of Otto Kahn (1988), with the manuscript of his text.
Included among Kahn's correspondents are the world leaders Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Winston Churchill; and the well-known composers and performers Cleofonte Campanini, Enrico Caruso, George Gershwin, Alma Gluck, Lee Shubert, Jacob J. Shubert, and Arturo Toscanini.
- Arrangement
Organized into the following series:
On Site: Boxes 1-313; ReCap (off-site): Boxes A1-XYZ2
- Collection Creator Biography:
Otto Kahn, international banker, philanthropist, and patron of the arts and music, was born in Mannheim, Germany, on February 21, 1867. He was the son of Bernhard, a banker, and Emma Kahn. His father took part in the German Revolution of 1848 and was condemned to death. He escaped to America and became a naturalized citizen. After ten years he returned to Germany and was able to marry Emma Eberstadt with the consent of her parents on the condition that he not return to America.
At the age of 17, Kahn finished his studies and began work as a junior clerk in a banking house in Karlsruhe. While learning the fundamental skills of banking, he continued his musical studies and attended lectures at the local university. Kahn then served in the military for a few years. Afterward he returned to banking and spent the next five years in London with Deutsche-Bank. Then in 1893 he accepted a position in the United States with the banking firm Speyer & Co.
Kahn married Addie Wolff in 1896 and together they had four children: Emily Maud, Margaret-Dorothy, Gilbert Wolff, and Roger Wolff. On January 1, 1897, Kahn entered the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. as a partner. Kahn aided the reorganization of the Union Pacific and many other railroad companies making Kuhn, Loeb & Co. one of the top banking houses.
Kahn served as the director of both Equitable Trust Co. of New York and Los Angeles & Salt Lake R. R. Co., and as the chairman of the Finance and Currency Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York. He was also a trustee of MIT, Rutgers College, and Carnegie Institute of Technology. Many universities, such as Michigan, George Washington, and Lincoln Memorial, have awarded him honorary degrees.
During World War I, Kahn played a very active role in aiding public services in various countries. The governments of France, Belgium, Italy, and Spain bestowed high honors on him for his philanthropic work. Kahn was a life-long patron of the arts and music, especially in New York City, and held various positions on the Board of the Metropolitan Opera House for over 25 years. He was responsible for bringing in Guilo Gatti-Casazza as director and Arturo Toscanini as principal conductor, as well as making many artistic and business reforms. Kahn also founded the Chicago Opera and served on the board of various other musical companies.
Otto Kahn died of a heart attack in his New York office on March 30, 1934. His family received hundreds of condolences due to his long banking career, involvement in the arts, and other philanthropic endeavors.
- Acquisition:
The collection was a gift from Gilbert W. Kahn in 1951 .
- Appraisal
No appraisal information is available.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Sharon Strulowitz in 2002. Finding aid written by Sharon Strulowitz in 2002.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Otto H. Kahn Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- This is stored in multiple locations.
- Firestone Library (scamss): Box 1-313
- ReCAP (scarcpxm): Boxes A1; A2; A3; A4; A5; B1; B2; B3; B4; B5; B6; B7; B8; B9; B10; B11; C1; C2; C3; C4; C5; C6; C7; C8; C9; C10; C11; C12; D1; D2; D3; D4; D5; D6; D7; D8; E1; E2; E3; E4; F1; F2; F3; F4; F5; F6; F7; G1; G2; G3; G4; G5; G6; G7; G8; H1; H2; H3; H4; H5; H6; H7; H8; H9; H9a; H10; I1; I2; J1; J2; J3; K1; K2; K3; K4; K5; K6; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; L7; L8; M1; M2; M3; M4; M5; M6; M7; M8; M9; M10; M11; M12; N1; N2; N3; N4; O1; O2; O3; P1; P2; P3; P4; P5; P6; P7; P8; Q1; R1; R2; R3; R4; R5; R6; R7; R8; S1; S2; S3; S4; S5; S6; S7; S8; S9; S10; S11; S12; S13; S14; S15; T1; T2; T3; T4; T5; U1; V1; V2; V3; W1; W2; W3; W4; W5; W6; W7; W8; W9; XYZ1; XYZ2
- Bibliography
Some correspondence in the collection was published in Otto the Magnificent: The Life of Otto Kahn, edited by John Kobler (New York: Scribner's Sons, 1988).
- Subject Terms:
- Actors -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Actresses -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Art patronage -- United States. -- 20th century
Art patrons -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Arts -- United States -- Finance. -- 20th century
Bankers -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Banks and banking, International. -- 20th century
Opera -- United States. -- 20th century
Opera companies -- New York (State) -- New York. -- 20th century
Philanthropists -- United States. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Railroad companies -- United States. -- 20th century
Theater -- New York (State) -- New York. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Correspondence
Pamphlets. - Names:
- Metropolitan opera New York, N.Y.
Kahn, Otto H. (1867-1934)