Series 1: General Files, 1926-1956
The General Files series consists of correspondence with reviewers and authors as well as Editorial Board dossiers (reports by staff and readers); contract information; files describing each project's editorial, production, and manufacturing characteristics and concerns ("Manuscript Transmittal Forms"); copyright and permissions information; production schedules; copyeditors' stylesheets and designers' specification sheets; and promotion and marketing files. Not included in this series are documents maintained by the Press in electronic form.
The General Files series is arranged in five overlapping chronological runs and alphabetically by author within. Run 5 is further subdivided by decade.
Adler, Elmer, 1941-1956
American Heritage Foundation, 1947
American People Series, 1939-1940
Arctic Institute, 1946-1947
Art and Archaeology, 1945-1948
Auerbach, Erich, 1950-1953
Aydelotte, Frank, 1939-1954
Bab, Julies, 1941
Berthier papers, 1939-1940
Black, Cyril E, 1942-1947
Blackmur, R. P, 1942-1945
Blum, Harold F, 1946-1955
Borgerhorf, E. B. O, 1942-1950
Bowers, F. T, 1938-1940
Boyd, George A, 1949-1953
Boyd, Julian, 1941-1948
Bragdon, Henry W, 1941-1945
Brantley, W. H, 1939-1940
Breese, Gerald, 1951-1952
Brodie, Bernard, 1941
Brodie, Bernard, 1945 January-1948
Bronk, Henry, 1938-1941
Brown, Lloyd A, 1941-1945
Butler, Elmer G, 1943-1946
Calhoun, Robert L, 1943-1944
Candee, Earle, 1944
Cantril: radio series, 1939-1940
Cantril, 1940-1979
Cawley, Elizabeth H, 1951-1952
Cawley, James, 1939-1946
Cawley, Robert R, 1939-1950
Cininatti, University of, 1945-1947
Cininatti, University of, 1948
Cininatti, University of, 1949-1950
Cininatti, University of: Troy, 1948
Coale, Ansley J, 1947-1954
De Tolnay, Charles, 1940-1948
De Tolnay, Charles, 1945-1960
Diserens, C. M, 1926-1936
Dodds, Harold W, 1938-1947
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 1942-1943
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 1944
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 1945-1947
Edge, Walter E, 1947-1951
Eisenhardt, L. P, 1931-1948
Einstein, Albert, 1944-1951
Einstein, Alfred, 1946-1954
Erdman, David W, 1952-1954
Feis, Herbert, 1949-1951
Fergusson, F, 1952-1954
Finegan, Jack, 1944-1945
Finnegan, Jack, 1945-1946
Finnegan, Jack, 1947-1948
Finnegan, Jack, 1949-1960
Fuller, General J. F. C, 1948-1949
Gallup, George, 1939 April-1948 May
Gauss, Christian, 1941-1948
Geiger project, 1941-1944
Granville-Barker, Harley, 1944-1952
Hitti, Phillip K, 1930-1935
Hitti, Phillip K, 1943
Hitti, Phillip K, 1943-1944
Homer, Paul, 1951-1952
Hughes, Charles E, 1928
Hughes, Charles E, 1929-1941
Hurd, Richard, 1941-1943
Janson, Hurst, 1947-1951
Janson, Hurst, 1952-1955
Janson, Hurst, 1956-1958
Jefferson, Thomas: file 1, 1950
Jefferson, Thomas: file 2, 1950-1951
Kent, Sherman, 1947-1949
Kracauer, Sherman, 1945-1946
Kracauer, Siefried, 1944-1945
Kuczynski, Robert, 1943-1945
Landa, Louis, 1948-1953
Lester, Richard A, 1939-1940
Levy, Marion J., Jr, 1950-1954
Leckert, Lacy, 1929-1932
Leckert, Lacy, 1933-1938
Leckert, Lacy, 1939-1947
Lopez-Rey, Jose, 1951-1954
Lynd, R. S, 1937-1939 March
Lynd, R. S, 1939 April-1942
Mason, Alpheus T, 1933-1937
Mason, Alpheus T, 1939-1942
More, Paul Elmer, 1927-1928
More, Paul Elmer, 1935-1953
Oxford University Press, 1926-1929
Oxford University Press, 1930-1933
Oxford University Press, 1934-1937
Oxford University Press, 1938-1939
Oxford University Press, 1940-1943
Oxford University Press, 1944-1945
Oxford University Press, 1946
Oxford University Press, 1947
Oxford University Press, 1948
Oxford University Press, 1949
Palmer, R. R, 1938-1943
Panofsky, E, 1939-1942
Panofsky, E, 1943-1948
Pirenne, Henri, 1922-1939
Place-names project, 1943-1947
Polya, George, 1945-1948
Pritchard, James B, 1947-1949
Pritchard, James B, 1950-1952
Pritchard, James B, 1953-1955
Smith, Harvey H, 1940
Smith, Harvey H, 1941 January
Smith, Harvey H, 1941 February
Smith, Harvey H, 1941 March
Smith, Harvey H, 1941 April
Smith, Harvey H, 1942-1945
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 August
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 September
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 September
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 October
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 November
Smyth, Henry D, 1945 December
Smyth, Henry D, 1946 January
Smyth, Henry D, 1946 February-1948
Sprout, Harold H.: general, 1945
Sprout, Harold H.: Navy, 1945-1946
Stace, Walter T, 1939-1940
Stauffer, Donald A, 1941-1947
Stimson, Henry L, 1933-1938
Strayer, Joseph H, 1938-1947
Swenson, Mrs. David F, 1942-1944
Swenson, Mrs. David F, 1945-1951
Thomas, Norman, 1940-1941
Thorp, Willard, 1933
Thorp, Willard, 1940-1947
Thorp, Mrs. Willard, 1936-1940
Vaughan, Elizabeth H, 1947-1949
Von Karman, Theodore, 1936-1955
Von Neumann, John, 1953-1955
Wertenbaker, Thomas J, 1913-1934
White, John A, 1947-1950
White, William A, 1939-1940
Whitehead, Arthur N, 1928-1930
Whitney, Bowers, 1936-1939
Whitten, John, 1943-1945
Wilde, Norman, 1923-1927
Williams and Norgate, 1941-1942
Willis, Agard and Lobo, 1940-1945
Winslow, C.E.H., 1942-1945
Wood, Ledger, 1940-1941
Wood, Ralph, 1940-1944
Woodfill, Walter L, 1950-1955
World Peace Foundation, 1946
World Peace Foundation, 1947-1948
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 1930-1953
Wright, Walter L, 1938-1949
Yakobson, Sergius, 1942-1946
Young, John Parke, 1923-1946
Zeis, Paul M, 1938-1939
Ziadeh, Farhat, 1944-1945
Ziadeh, Farhat, 1946-1950
Zucker, A. E, 1943-1944
ABPC Censorship, 1957-1961
Aeronautical Paperbacks, 1963-1970
Ahlfors, Lars V, 1957-1960
America's Lost Plays, 1942-1964
Arabic, 1944-1951
Arabic Composition, 1949-1951
Army, 1951-1959
Atheneum, 1961-1962
Atheneum, 1962
Atheneum, 1963-1964
Atheneum, 1965-1966
Barghoorn, Frederick C, 1958-1962
Barghoorn, Frederick C, 1963-1987
Bernstein, Marver, 1953-1985
Bienen, Henry: Tanzania, 1966-1982
Bigelow, Arthur: Carillon, 1945-1960
Biology Series, 1958-1980
Black Star Publishing Co, 1942-1949
Book Clubs, 1958-1962
Book-of-the-Month Club, 1940-1978
Bramson, Leon, 1959-1963
Brecht, Arnold, 1957-1959
Brill, 1948-1949
Bronson, B. H.: General, 1951-1954
Bronson, B. H.: General, 1955-1959
Bronson, B. H.: General, 1970-1980
Brown, Joseph E, 1934-1966
Burke, S. M, 1964-1965
Burks, R. V, 1956-1963
Butow, Robert J, 1955-1989
Butow, Robert J, 1961-1962
Butow, Robert J, 1963-1979
Cameron, Rondo, 1957-1963
Campus Guide, 1964
Catalogs&Bibliographies, 1947-1949
Center for Hellenic Studies, 1961
Chan, Wing-Tsit, 1954-1962
Chapman&Coxe: Billy Budd, 1950-1970
Chapman&Coxe: Billy Budd, 1962-1970
Cincinnati, University of, 1951-1955
Cincinnati, University of, 1956-1957
Cincinnati, University of, 1958-1963
Classical Studies, 1955
Coale&Hoover: Population Growth and Economic Development in Low-Income Countries, 1956-1986
College Book Exchange, 1949-1952
Corner, George W, 1945-1984
Criscitiello, John, 1963-1964
Curtis Brown, Ltd, 1941-1954
Curtis Brown, Ltd, 1955-1959
Curtis Brown, Ltd, 1960-1972
Dantzig, George, 1957-1986
Dantzig, George, 1963-1985
Doubleday, 1953-1967
Downey, Glanville, 1958-1960
Downey, Glanville, 1961-1970
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 1948-1981
Elliott Monographs, 1942-1972
Excavations at Nessana, 1964
Faber&Faber Ltd, 1954-1973
Fair Trade Agreement, 1940-1941
Faris, Nabih Amin, 1951-1981
Feis, Herbert, 1949-1953
Feis, Herbert, 1954-1957
Feis, Herbert, 1958-1960
Feis, Herbert, 1961-1962
Feis, Herbert, 1963-1985
Fergusson, Francis, 1946-1958
Fergusson, Francis, 1966-1989
Field, James A, 1945-1951
Field, James A, 1952-1983
Fletcher, Joseph, 1953
Fletcher, Joseph, 1954
Forbes, Elliot, 1948-1962
Ford Foundation Program, 1960-1964
Ford Foundation, 1961-1974
Foreign Policy Association, 1952
Foreign Translation, 1957-1964
Foster, Trufant, 1963-1964
Foundations, 1953-1960
Franklin Publications, 1952-1961
Free Books, 1954-1964
Fussell, Edwin, 1960-1962
Fussell, Edwin, 1963-1979
George, Charles&George, Katherine: The Protestant Mind of the English Reformation, 1959-1976
Gilbert, Felix, 1957-1984
Goheen, Robert, 1949-1981
Growth Symposia, 1955-1964
Harbison, E. Harris, 1938-1982
Harwood, Raymond, 1954-1964
Haskell House, 1956
Hassan, Ihab, 1958-1963
Hassan, Ihab, 1964-1989
Hazard, Harry W, 1956-1978
Heck, N. H.: Earthquakes, 1965-1966
Herr, Richard, 1957-1984
Herzfeld, Ernst, 1943-1974
Heymann, Frederick, 1952-1954
Heymann, Frederick, 1955-1963
Heymann, Frederick, 1964-1983
Highet, Gilbert, 1959-1962
Highet, Gilbert, 1963-1982
History Book Club, 1950-1957
History Book Club, 1958-1964
Hitti, Phillip K, 1939-1951
Hitti, Phillip K, 1952-1982
Hoffmann, Frederick, 1958-1963
Hoffmann, Frederick, 1964-1981
Holland, Laurence B, 1958-1982
Howell, W. Samuel, 1947-1984
Hudson, Hoyt H, 1939-1987
Humanities Press, 1956
Huntington library, 1946-1967
Insurance, 1938-1960
Jansen, Marius, 1955-1964
Jansen, Marius, 1965-1989
Johnston, John H, 1961-1962
Joseph, Franz M, 1959
Kahn, Herman, 1959-1960
Kahn, Herman, 1961-1965
Kahn, Herman, 1966-1990
Kienbusch, C. O, 1957-1970
King, Philip B, 1949-1987
Kirchheimer, Otto, 1958-1960
Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 1952-1955
Kirkpatrick, Ralph, 1956-1961
Klaus, K, 1965-1979
Knorr, K.&Verba, S, 1962-1980
Korbel, Josef, 1953-1956
Korbel, Josef, 1957-1960
Korbel, Josef, 1961-1963
Korbel, Josef, 1964-1987
Kraehe, Enno, 1959-1962
Kraehe, Enno, 1963-1983
Landa, Louis, 1965-1980
LeDoux, Louis V, 1948-1950
Lefschetz, Solomon, 1951-1984
Lensen, George A, 1956-1987
Levy, Marion J, 1962-1965
Lilienthal, David, 1962-1963
Lockert, Lacy, 1943-1956
Lockert, Lacy, 1957-1962
Lockert, Lacy, 1963-1967
Lockert, Lacy, 1968-1976
Lockert, Lacy, 1977-1987
Machlup, Fritz, 1961-1972
Mazur, Barry, 1965-1974
Meinecke, Friedrich (Robert Kimber, trans.): Cosmopolitanism and the National State, 1964-1983
Meiss, Millard, 1959-1964
Meiss, Millard, 1965-1975
Meiss, Millard, 1976-1986
Mestres, Ricardo A, 1950-1959
Mock, James R, 1964-1971
More, Paul E, 1947-1972
Morse, Marston, 1956-1974
National Book Committee, 1958-1964
National Book Foundation, 1958-1960
Navy, 1957-1958
Near Eastern Studies, 1939-1951
Near Eastern Studies, 1952-1977
New American Library, 1954-1959
Newcomen Society, 1957-1981
Noonday Press, 1954-1959
Oates, Whitney J, 1941-1981
Orenstein, Henry: Gaon.., 1963-1991
Philips, Almarin, 1962-1972
Pocket Books, 1951-1958
Population Council, 1944-1958
Princeton Alumni Weekly, 1948-1966
Princeton Library, 1929-1947
Princeton Library, 1948-1959
Princeton University Fund, 1940-1959
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1953-1959
Public Opinion Quarterly, 1960-1987
Publicity, 1940-1953
Publicity, 1954-1964
Pulitzer, 1939-1962
Rand, 1951-1959
Rand, 1960-1961
Rand, 1962
Rand, 1963
Rodgers, Andrew D., III, 1946-1979
Rogers, Eric, 1951-1960
Rogers, Eric, 1961-1963
Romance Series, 1940-1959
Rosenau, James N, 1960-1989
Royalties, 1948-1960
Rudnick, Dorothy, 1957-1985
Rushton Lectures, 1946-1964
Russell&Russell, 1949-1962
Rutgers University Press, 1949-1961
Saunders of Toronto Ltd, 1964-1966
Scholarly Books in America, 1961
Services, 1946-1959
Services, 1960-1964
Shklar, Judith, 1955-1958
Shklar, Judith, 1965-1985
Sickels, Mrs. Robert, 1963-1964
Singh, Khushwant, 1960-1991
Spitzer, Leo, 1944-1961
Spitzer, Leo, 1962-1986
Sprout, Harold&Margaret, 1944-1963
Stouffer, Samuel, 1949-1985
Tannehill, Ivan R, 1945-1984
Taylor, Hugh S, 1925-1974
Thomson, S. Harrison, 1947-1983
Tumin, Melvin M, 1950-1957
Tumin, Melvin M, 1958-1989
Turner, Henry A, 1960-1963
Turner, Henry A, 1964-1983
Tuttle, Charles, Company, 1956-1967
University Microfilms, 1958-1959
University Presses, 1957-1964
Vanuxem Lectures, 1914-1962
Vidich&Bensman, 1956-1958
VonBothmer, D, 1969-1974
Wade, Ira O, 1936-1978
Watkins, W. B. C, 1938-1980
Watson, Curtis B, 1957-1959
Watson, Curtis B, 1960-1985
Weiner, Myron, 1955-1990
Weiss, Paul: Reality, 1966
Wertenbaker, Thomas J, 1940-1991
Wethey, Harold E, 1953-1961
Wethey, Harold E, 1962-1971
Wethey, Harold E, 1977-1980
Weyl, Herman, 1943-1980
White, John A, 1955-1985
Widder&Hirschman, 1953-1984
Wigner&Eisenbud, 1946-1970
Winslow, C. E. A, 1945-1980
Wittenborn&Co, 1942-1949
Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 1942-1987
Woodrow Wilson School, 1956-1961
World Peace Foundation, 1949-1981
World Politics, 1951-1952
World Politics, 1953-1959
World Politics, 1960-1981
Zagoria, Donald S, 1961-1963
Zagoria, Donald S, 1964-1979
Zahl, Paul: Blindness.., 1947-1977
Zawodny, J. K, 1955-1970
Alex, William, 1968-1972
Amann, Peter H.-"Revolution and Mass Democracy: The Paris Club Movement of 1848", 1973-1983
Andrew, Donna T.-"Philanthropy and Police: London Charity in the Eighteenth Century", 1987-1989
Andrews, David F.& Hapel, F.R.-"Robust Estimates of Location :Survey and Advances", 1971-1977
Arkes, Hadley-"First Things: An Inquiry into the First Principles of Morals and Justice", 1982-1987
Armstrong, Edward Cooke-"The Authorship of the Vengement Alixandre and the Venjance Alixandre", 1967
Arnold, Vladimir Igorevich, 1977
Atiyah, Michael& Hitchin, Nigel-"The Geometry and Dynamic of Magnetic Monopoles", 1987-1988
Avrich, Paul-"The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States", 1979-1985
Bâ, Sylvia Washington-"The Concept of Negritude in the Poetry of Léopold Sédar Senghor, 1968-1980
Baldwin, Thomas Whitfield-"Organization and Personnel of the Shakespearean Company", 1965-1972
Barber, Benjamin R.-"The Conquest of Politics: Liberal Philosophy in Democratic Times", 1975-1989
Barth, J. Robert-"The Symbolic Imagination: Coleridge and the Romantic Tradition", 1975-1979
Ben-Israel, Adi, et. al.-"Optimality in Nonlinear Programming: A Feasible Directions Approach", 1979
Bennett, Douglas C.& Sharpe, Kenneth E.-"Transnational Corporations Versus the State", 1982-1994
Bentley, Jerry H.-"Humanists and Holy Writ: New Testament Scholarship in the Renaissance", 1981-1991
Bernstein, Michael-"The Tale of the Tribe: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic", 1978-1981
Beveridge, Andrew A.& Anthon R.-"African Bussinessmen and Development in Zambia", 1977-1982
Biersteker, Thomas J.-"Multinationals, the State, and Control of the Nigerian Economy", 1984-1994
Bisson, Thomas& Benton, John F.-"Medieval Statecraft and Perspective of History", 1969-1981
Blanchard, Marc Eli, 1980
Bogel, Fredric V.-"Literature and Insubstantiality in Later Eighteenth-Century England", 1992-1993
Bondurant, Joan Valerie-"Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict", 1953-1988
Bornstein, Morris-"From Planning Toward the Market: Economic Reform in Eastern Europe", 1972
Boudart, Michel& Djega-Mariadassou, D.-"Kinetics of Heterogenous Catalytic Reactions", 1980-1993
Braudy, Leo-"Narrrative Form in History and Fiction: Hume, Fielding, and Gibbon", 1968-1977
Braunfels, Wolfgang-"Monasteries of Western Europe: The Architecture of the Orders", 1973-1992
Breit, William& Elzinga, Kenneth G.-"The Antitrust Penalties: A Study in Law and Economics", 1975
Bremer, Stuart A.-"Simulated Worlds: A Computer Model of National Decision Making", 1973-1977
Brennar, Thomas E.-"Public Drinking and Popular Culture in Eighteenth-Cnetury Paris", 1982-1988
Brown, Alison-"Bartolomeo Scala, Chancellor of Florence: The Humanist as Bureaucrat", 1976-1996
Brownlee, Marina S.-"The Severed Word: Ovid's Heroides and the Novela Sentimental", 1988-1991
Calder, Kent E.-"Crisis and Compensation: Public Policy and Political Stability in Japan", 1986-1991
Campbell, Joan-"The German Werkbund: The Politics of Reform in the Applied Arts", 1976-1988
Cardoza, Anthony L.-"Agrarian Elites and Italian Fascism: The Province of Bologna", 1981-1989
Casson, L.& Hettich, E.L. (eds.)-"Excavations at Nessana, Volume II: Literary Papyri", 1981
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca-"Cultural Transmission and Evolution: A Quantitative Approach", 1978-1994
Cohen, Marshall& Nagel, Thomas& Scanlon, Thomas (eds.)-"War and Moral Responsibility", 1973-1983
Cole, Leonard A.-"Blacks in Power: A Comparitive Study of Black and White Elected Officials", 1992
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K, 1956-1979
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K, 1969-1986
Cox, Eugene L.-"The Eagles of Savoy: The House of Savoy in Thirteenth Century Europe", 1967-1985
Cox-Rearick, Janet-"Dynasty and Destiny in Medici Art: Pontomo, Leox, and the Two Cosimos", 1982
Craig, Harding& Parrott, Thomas-"The Tragedy of Hamlet: Critical Edition of 2nd Quarto", 1966-1978
Cramer, Harald-"Structural and Statistical Problems for a Class of Stochastic Processes", 1970-1993
Crosbie, Sylvia Kowitt-"A Tacit Alliance: France and Israel from Suez to the Six Day War", 1972-1975
Crosman, Inge& Suleiman, Susan-"The Reader in the Text: Essays on Audience and Interpretation", 1995
Cumings, Bruce-"The Origins of the Korean War, Volume Two: The Roaring of the Cataract", 1987-1993
Dakin, A.H.-"Paul Elmer More", 1994
Davies, Horton-"Worship and Theology in England: From Andrewes to Baxter and Fox, Vol. 2", 1973-1985
Davis, Lynn E.-"The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict Over Eastern Europe", 1972-1985
Day, Christine L.-"What Older Americans Think: Interest Groups and Aging Policy", 1987-1990
DeBelot, Raymond-"The Struggle for the Mediterranean" (trans. by James A. Field), 1951-1979
De Caso, Jacques-"David d'Angers: Sculptural Communication in the Age of Romanticism", 1964-1992
Dijksterhuis, E.J.-"The Mechanization of the World Picture: Pythagoras to Newton", 1984-1987
Dijkstra, Bram, 1968-1988
Downey, Glanville-"A History of Antioch in Syria: From Seleucus to the Arab Conquest", 1974-1983
Dumke, Rolf H, 1977
Eaton, Richard-"The Sufis of Bijapur: Social Roles of the Sufis in Medieval India", 1976-1991
Eckstein, Susan-"The Poverty of Revolution: The State and the Urban Poor in Mexico", 1973-1996
Evans, Arthur R.-"On Four Modern Humanists: Hofmansthal, Gundolf, Curtius,& Kantorowicz", 1968-1974
Faas, Ekbert-"Retreat Into the Mind: Victorian Poetry and the Rise of Psychiatry", 1986-1994
Fagles, Robert-"I, Vincent", 1995
Feinman, Alvin-"Poems", 1988-1994
Feis, Herbert-"Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin: The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought", 1967-1992
Feldman, Ruth& Swann, Bruce-"The Dawn is Always New: Selected Poetry of Rocco Scotellaro", 1992-1993
Findley, Carter V.-"Bureaucratic Reform in the Ottoman Empire: The Sublime Porte", 1977-1992
Fink, Steven-"Prophet in the Marketplace: Thoreau's Development as a Professional Writer", 1981-1991
Flint, V.E.-"Field Guide to Birds of the U.S.S.R." (trans. by Natalia Bourso-Leland), 1978-1992
Folland, Gerald B.& Kohn, Joseph J.-"The Neumann Problem for the Cauchy-Riemann Complex", 1972-1973
Fosdick, Elisabeth-"Letters on the League of Nations: From the Files of Raymond D. Fosdick", 1994
Fox, Daniel M.-"Health Policies, Health Politics: The British and American Experiences", 1984-1990
Frank, Fred R, 1968-1969
Frankel, Francine R.-"India's Green Revolution: Economic Grains and Political Costs", 1969-1987
Franklin Book Programs, 1966-1968
Franklin Book Programs, 1968-1979
Freeman, Ralph-"The Lyrical Novel: Studies in Herman Hess, Andre Gide, and Virginia Woolf", 1992
Friedberg, Aaron L.-"The Weary Titan: Britain and the Experience of Relative Decline", 1985-1989
Friedgut, Theodore-"Iuzovka and Revolution: Volume I: Life and Work in Russia's Donbass", 1987-1993
Friedman, Barton R.-"Adventures in the Deeps of the Mind: Cuchulain Cycle of W.B. Yeats", 1976-1993
Friedman, Barton R.-"Fabricating History: English Writers on the French Revolution", 1983-1989
Friend, Theodore-"The Blue-Eyed Enemy: Japan Against the West in Java and Luzon", 1986-1988
Galavaris, George-"Illustrations of the Liturgical Homilies of Gregorgy Nazianzenus", 1966-1983
Gatten, Aileen(trans.)& Miner, Earl(ed.)-"The History of Japanese Literature, Volume II", 1994
Geddes, Robert L, 1969
Genovese, Eugene D.& Engerman, Stanley L.-"Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere", 1971-1993
Georgi, Howard M., III, 1980-1983
Gibbons, Felton-"Catalogue of Italian Drawings in The Art Museum, Princeton Univeristy", 1970-1977
Goldin-Meadow, Susan, 1978-1983
Goldziher, Ignaz-"Introduction to Islamic Theology and Law" (edited by Bernard Lewis), 1976-1985
Good, Robert C.-"The U.D.I.: The International Politics of the Rhodesian Rebellion", 1972-1991
Goodin, Robert E.-"Reasons for Welfare: The Political Theory of the Welfare State", 1986-1989
Gottlieb, Gilbert, 1979-1982
Goubert, Jean-Pierre-"The Conquest of Water" (intro. by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie), 1988-1989
Grafton, Anthony-"Forgers and Critics: Creativity and Duplicity in Western Scholarship", 1988-1990
Graham, Jorie-"Erosion", 1990
Granville-Barker, Harley-"More Prefaces to Shakespeare" (ed. by Edward M. Moore), 1973-1984
Gray, Camilla, 1982
Green, Donald Ross& Carr, Lois Green-"Washington, The Capital City, Vol. II-1879-1950", 1991
Greene, Robert W.-"Six French Poets of Our Time: A Critical and Historical Study", 1976-1994
Greger, Debora, 1975-1984
Grew, Raymond A.(ed.) -"Crises of Political Development in Europe and the United States", 1976-1990
Griffiths, Phillips A.-"Entire Holomorphic Mappins in One and Several Complex Variables", 1975-1993
Griggs, Earl Leslie-"Wordsworth and Coleridge: Studies in Honor of George McLean Harper", 1961-1976
Griswold, Ralph E.& Madge T.-"The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language", 1985-1989
Gunning, Robert C.-"Lectures on Complex Analytic Varieties: Finite Analytic Mappings", 1970-1996
Gunning, Robert C.-"On Uniformization of Complex Manifolds: The Role of Connections", 1978-1996
Gunning, Robert C-"Problems in Analysis: A Symposium in Honor of Salamon Bochner", 1969-1971
Hanley, Susan B.& Yamamura, Kozo-"Economic and Demographic Change in Preindustrial Japan", 1971-1987
Harper, Prudence O.& Meyers, Pieter-"Silver Vessels of the Sasanian Period, Volume One", 1981-1995
Harrigan, Patrick J, 1973-1978
Hatfield, Robert A.-"Botticelli's Uffizi 'Adoration': A Study in Pictorial Content", 1974-1991
Hatt, Paul K.-"Backgrounds of Human Fertility in Puerto Rico: A Sociological Survey", undated
Hause, Steven C.-"Women's Suffrage and Social Policy in the French 3rd Republic", 1989-1991
Havelock, Eric A.-"The Literate Revolution in Greece and Its Cultural Consequences", 1978-1994
Hibbs, Douglas A., Jr, 1975-1987
Hollander, Robert, 1977-1980
Holden, Arun V.-"Chaos", 1987
Holmes, Douglas R.-"Cultural Disenchantments: Worker Peasantries in Northeast Italy", 1986-1996
Holton, Gerald& Elkana, Yehuda-"Albert Einstein: Historical and Cultural Perspectives", 1979-1996
Hooton, Earnest Albert-"Why Men Behave Like Apes,a nd vice versa; or, Body and Behavior", 1961-1968
Hopkins, Keith, 1970-1975
Humphrey, John-"Capitalist Control and Workers' Struggle in the Brazilian Auto Industry", 1995
Innes, Stephen-"Labor in a New Land: Economy and Society in 17th-Century Springfield", 1981-1991
Izenberg, Gerald N.-"The Existentialist Critique of Freud: The Crisis of Autonomy", 1974-1985
Jacquart, Danielle& Thomasset, Claude-"Sexuality and Medicine in the Middle Ages", 1988-1989
Jameson, Fredric-"Marxism and Form: Twentieth-Century Dialectical Theories of Literature", 1970-1986
Janecek, Gerald-"The Look of Russian Literature: Avant Garde Visual Experiments", 1981-1991
Jerison, Harry J, 1980-1986
Johnson, Theodore E, 1973-1977
Jordan, William Chester-" Louis IX: The Challenge of the Crusade: A Study in Rulership", 1977-1981
Jung, C.G., 1970-1986
Kahler, Erich-"The Germans", 1969-1982
Kantorowicz, Ernst H.-"The King's Two Bodies: A Study in Mediaeval Political Theology", 1953-1989
Katz, Friedrich-"Riot, Rebellion, and Revolution: Rural Social Conflict in Mexico", 1986-1996
Kauffman, Louis H.-"On Knots", 1994
Kedar, Benjamin Z.-"Crusade and Mission: European Approaches Toward the Muslims", 1982-1991
Keeley, Edmund& Sherrarad, Philip (trans.)-"Constantine P. Cavafy: Collected Poems", 1960-1991
Kemmerer, Donald J.-"Path to Freedom: The Struggle for Self Government in Colonial New Jersey", 1967
Kemmerer, Edwin Walter-"Inflation and Revolution: Mexico's Experience of 1912-1917", 1981-1982
Kerenyi, Karl, 1949-1978
Kerenyi, Karl, 1966-1984
Kerr, Hugh T.-"Sons of the Prophets: Leaders in Protestantism from Princeton Seminary", 1962-1963
Khoury, Philip S.-"Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism", 1982-1989
Kilgour, Maggie-"From Communion to Cannibalism: An Anatomy of Metaphors of Incorporation", 1987-1991
King, John N.-"Tudor Royal Iconography: Literature and Art in an Age of Religious Crisis", 1992
Krynski, Mangus J.& Maguire, Robert A.-"The Survivors and Other Poems by Tadeusz Rozewicz", 1993
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Slavin, Morris, The French Revolution in Miniature: Section Droits-De-L'Homme (1984), 1981-1985
Staniszkis, Jadwiga edited by Gross, Jan T., Poland's Self-Limiting Revolution (1984), 1980-1987
Thompson, Kristin, Eisenstein's "Ivan the Terrible": A Neoformalist Analysis (1982), 1978-1984
Tignor, Robert L., State, Private Enterprise, and Economic Change in Egypt (1984), 1978-1984
Torval, Saadia, The Peace Brokers: Mediators in the Arab-Israeli Conflict (1982), 1980-1985
Valentine, J., Phanerozoic Diversity Patterns: Profiles in Macroevolution (1986), 1983-1986
Van Kley, Dale K., The Damiens Affair and the Unraveling of the ANCIEN REGIME (1984), 1982-1987
Von Stimson, Otto Georg, Sacred Fortress: Byzantine Art and Statecraft in Ravenna (1987), 1984-1988
Weinbrot, Howard D., Alexander Pope and the Tradition of Formal Verse Satire (1982), 1980-1982
Wheeler, John Archibald and Zurek, Wojciech Hubert, Quantum Theory and Measurement (1983), 1980-1986
Whorton, James C., Crusaders for Fitness: The History of American Health Reformers (1982), 1981-1991
Wilbur, Donald Newton, Iran, Past and Present: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic (1982), 1971-1988
Wolff, Robert Paul, Understanding Marx: A Reconstruction and Critique of "Capital" (1985), 1979-1987
Zwicker, Steven N., Politics and Language in Dryden's Poetry: The Art of Disguise (1982), 1983-1984
General Files Run 5, Decade, 1990-1999
Agenor, Pierre-Richard and Montiel, Peter J., Development Macroeconomics (1995), 1993-1999
Agawu, V. Kofi, Playing with Signs: A Semiotic Interpretation of Classical Music (1991), 1988-1994
Alder, Ken, Engineering the Revolution: Arms and Enlightenment in France (1997), 1995-1999
Allen, James Smith, In the Public Eye: A History of Reading in Modern France (1991), 1989-1992
Andrew, Dudley, Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film (1995), 1986-1994
Antiff, Mark, Inventing Bergson: Cultural Politics and the Parisian Avant-Garde (1992), 1991-1993
Baer, Judith, Our Lives Before the Law: Constructing a Feminist Jurisprudence (1999), 1992-1999
Bahcall, John N. and Ostriker, Jeremiah P., Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics (1997), 1995-1997
Baker, Denise Nowakowski, Julian of Norwich's Showings: From Vision to Book (1994), 1993-1997
Balakain, Anna Elizabeth, The Fiction of the Poet: in the Post-Symbolist Mode (1992), 1990-1992
Edited by Barnet, Peter, Images in Ivory: Precious Objects of the Gothic Age (1997), 1996-1997
Barrow, Mark V. Jr., A Passion for Birds: American Ornithology After Audobon (1997), 1994-2000
Baucom, Ian, Out of Place: Englishness, Empire, and the Locations of Identity (1999), 1996-1999
Bell, Daniel A., East Meets West: Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia (1999), 1997-2000
Bencivenga, Ermanno, The Discipline of Subjectivity: An Essay on Montaigne (1990), 1988-1990
Bencivenga, Ermanno, Logic and Other Nonsense: The Case of Anselm and His God (1993), 1990-1993
Bernstein, Michael Andre, Bitter Carnival: Ressentiment and the Abject Hero (1992), 1990-1991
Blair, Roger D. and Harrison, Jeffrey, Monopsony: Antitrust Law and Economics (1993), 1991-1993
Edited by Bodnar, John, Bonds of Affection: Americans Define Their Patriotism (1996), 1994-1996
Edited and translated by Bonner, Anthony, Doctor Illuminatus: A Ramon Llull Reader (1994), 1986-1994
Bonner, John Tyler, Life Cycles: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist (1993), 1992-1995
Bonner, John Tyler, Sixty Years of Biology: Essays on Evolution and Development (1996), 1994-1996
Borjas, George J., Heaven's Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy (1999), 1997-2001
Bouveresse, Jacques, Wittgenstein Reads Freud: The Myth of the Unconscious (1996), 1991-1996
Bowen, John R., Muslims Through Discourse: Religion and Ritual in Gayo Society (1993), 1991-1993
Braider, Christopher, Refiguring the Real: Picture and Modernity in Word and Image (1992), 1991-1993
Brandon, Mark E., Free in the World: American Slavery and Constitutional Failure (1998), 1995-1998
Edited by Brogan, T.V.F., The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries (1995), 1993-1996
Edited by Brown, G.C., Nicholls, D.G. and Cooper, C.E., Mitochondria and Cell Death (1999), 1999
Bush, Alfred L. and Mitchell, Lee Clark, The Photograph and the American Indian (1994), 1994
Bushnell, C. and Kutzko, P.C., The Admission Dual of GL(N) via Compact Open Subgroups (1992), 1992
Calabrese, Omar translated by Lambert, Charles, Neo-Baroque: A Sign of the Times (1992), 1991-1992
Calame, Claude translated by Lloyd, Janet, The Poetics of Eros in Ancient Greece (1999), 1992-1998
Carnoy, Martin and Samoff, Joel, Education and Social Transition in the Third World (1990), 1989
Carson, Anne, Economy of the Unlost: (Reading Simonides of Keos with Paul Celan) (1999), 1991-1999
Castro, Isabel and Philips, Antonia, A Guide to the Birds of the Galapagos Islands (1996), 1996-1997
Chirot, Daniel, Modern Tyrants: The Power and Prevalance of Evil in Our Age (1996), 1992-1995
Christodoulou, Demetrios, The Action Principle and Partial Differential Equations (1999), 1999-2000
Chua, Daniel K.L., The Galitzin Quartets of Beethoven: Opp. 127, 132, 130 (1995), 1993-1995
Chudacoff, Howard P., The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture (1999), 1995-2000
Clotfelter, Charles T., Buying the Best: Cost Escalation in Elite Higher Education (1996), 1995-1996
Clover, Carol J., Men, Women, and Chain Saws: Gender in Modern Horror Film (1993), 1988-1993
Clowes, Edith W., Russian Experiemental Fiction: Resisting Ideology After Utopia (1993), 1991-1993
Coffin, Judith G., The Politics of Women's Work: The Paris Garment Trades (1996), 1993-1997
Cohn, Bernard S., Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge: The British in India (1996), 1990-1996
Coleman, John J., Party Decline in America: Policy, Politics, and the Fiscal State (1996), 1995-1996
Collins, Wilkie edited by Nadel, Ira B., iolani, or, Tahiti as it Was: A Romance (1999), 1993-1999
Cone, Michele C., Artists Under Vichy: A Case of Prejudice and Persecution (1992), 1988-1996
Cook, Ann Jennalie, Making a Match: Courtship in Shakespeare and His Society (1991), 1989-1993
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., The Door in the Sky: Coomaraswamy on Myth and Meaning (1997), 1996-1997
Crook, David, Orlando di Lasso's Magnificats for Counter-Reformation Munich (1994), 1992-1994
Dalle Vacche, Angela, The Body in the Mirror: Shapes of History in Italian Cinema (1992), 1986-1992
Daniel, E. Valentine, Charred Lullabies: Chapters in an Anthropology of Violence (1996), 1995-1997
Danielson, Michael N., Home Team: Professional Sports and the American Metropolis (1996), 1996-2001
Danto, Arthur C., After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (1998), 1995-1998
Dauben, Joseph Warren, Georg Cantor: His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite (1990), 1990
Dawson, Michael C., Behind the Mule: Race and Class in African-American Politics (1995), 1989-1995
Dean, Kenneth, Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast Asia (1998), 1995-1998
DeBevoise, Ken, Agents of Apogalypse: Epidemic Disease in the Colonial Philippines (1995), 1991-1995
De Luca, Vincent Arthur, Words of Eternity: Blake and the Poetics of the Sublime (1991), 1989-1992
Devlin, Robert, Debt and Crisis in Latin America: The Supply Side of the Story (1990), 1987-1993
de Voragine, Jacobus, The Golden Legend: Readings on the Saints, Volumes I and II (1993), 1990-1995
Dimock, Wai Chee, Empire for Liberty: Melville and the Poetics of Individualism (1991), 1987-1994
Eberhard, William G., Female Control: Sexual Selection by Cryptic Female Choice (1996), 1994-1997
Eldredge, Niles, Life in the Balance: Humanity and the Biodiversity Crisis (1998), 1997-2000
Eldredge, Niles, The Miner's Canary: Unraveling the Mysteries of Extinction (1994), 1989-1994
Elliott, Dyan, Spiritual Marriage: Sexual Abstinence in Medieval Wedlock (1995), 1989-1995
Faubion, James D., Modern Greek Lessons: A Primer in Historical Constructivism (1995), 1991-1995
Ferraresi, Franco, Threats to Democracy: The Radical Right in Italy After the War (1996), 1994-1997
Fineberg, Jonathan, The Innocent Eye: Children's Art and the Modern Artist (1997), 1996-1997
Flinn, Caryl, Strains of Utopia: Gender, Nostalgia, and Hollywood Film Music (1992), 1990-1992
Flint, Valerie Irene Jane, The Imaginative Landscape of Christopher Columbus (1992), 1991-1994
Folland, Gerald B., Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, Second Edition (1995), 1994-1995
Fowden, Garth, The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Pagan Mind (1993), 1992-1993
Frey, Sylvia R., Water from the Rock: Black Resistance in a Revolutionary Age (1991), 1989-1995
Frug, Gerald E., City Making: Building Communities Without Building Walls (1999), 1998-2001
Fry, Kathie and Fry, C. Hilary, Kingfishers, Bee-Eaters, and Rollers: A Handbook (1992), 1991-2000
Gilbert, Roger, Walks in the World: Representation and Experience in Modern Poetry (1991), 1989-1992
Gilbert, Felix, History: Politics of Culture? Reflections on Ranke and Burckhardt (1990), 1982-1990
Gillispie, Charles Coulston, Pierre-Simon Laplace: A Life in Exact Science (1997), 1995-1999
Gleason, Maud W., Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome (1995), 1991-1995
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Goethe: The Collected Works in Twelve Volumes (1994), 1990-1995
Golomb, Solomon W., Polyominoes: Puzzles, Patterns, Problems, and Packings (1996), 1988-1997
Goodfriend, Joyce D., Before the Melting Pot: Society and Culture in New York City (1991), 1990-1994
Gottfried, Paul Edward, After Liberalism: Mass Democracy in the Managerial State (1999), 1996-1998
Greene, Naomi, Landscapes of Loss: The National Past in Postwar French Cinema (1998), 1998-1999
Greenstone, J. David, The Lincoln Persuasion: Remaking American Liberalism (1993), 1991-1994
Griswold, Wendy, Bearing Witness: Readers, Writers, and the Novel in Nigeria (1999), 1997-2000
Grob, Gerald N., From Asylum to Community: Mental Health Policy in Modern America (1991), 1990-1991
Guegen, Yves and Palciauskas, Victor, Introduction to the Physics of Rocks (1994), 1993-1994
Guth, Christine M.E., Art, Tea, and Industry: Masuda Takashi and the Mitsui Circle (1993), 1991-1993
Guthrie, Doug, Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The Emergence of Capitalism in China (1999), 1997-1999
Guthrie, W.K.C., Orpheus and Greek Religion: A Study of the Orphic Movement (1993), 1992-1993
Haar, James edited by Corneilson, Paul, The Science and Art of Renaissance Music (1998), 1994-1998
Hacking, Ian, Rewriting the Soul: Multiple Personality and the Sciences of Memory (1995), 1993-1995
Hammond, Bray, Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War (1991), 1979-1993
Handy, Robert T., Undermined Establishment: Church-State Relations in America (1991), 1990-1991
Hankins, Thomas L. and Silverman, Robert J., Instruments and the Imagination (1995), 1989-1998
Harrap, Simon and Quinn, David, Chickadees, Tits, Nuthatches, and Treecreepers (1996), 1994-1995
Hart, Vivien, Bound by Our Constitution: Women, Workers, and the Minimum Wage (1994), 1993-1997
Hartigan, John Jr., Racial Solutions: Class Predicaments of Whiteness in Detroit (1999), 1995-2001
Hartman, Charles O., Jazz Text: Voice and Improvisation in Poetry, Jazz, and Song (1991), 1988-1991
Hauptman, William, Charles Gleyre: Life and Works and Catalogue Raisonne (2 vols) (1997), 1992-1997
Hayum, Anree, The Isenheim Altarpiece: God's Medicine and the Painter's Vision (1990), 1981-1993
Hegeman, Susan, Patterns for America: Modernism and the Concept of Culture (1999), 1997-1999
Heibel, Yule F., Reconstructing the Subject: Modernist Painting in Western Germany (1995), 1993-1996
Heinich, Nathalie translated by Browne, Paul LeDuc, The Glory of Van Gogh (1996), 1993-1998
Helsinger, Elizabeth K., Rural Scenes and National Representation: Britain (1996), 1995-1997
Henig, Jeffrey R., Rethinking School of Choice: Limits of the Market Metaphor (1995), 1992-1995
Herrmann, David G., The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War (1997), 1993-1997
Herzfeld, Michael, A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town (1991), 1985-1992
Hoffman, Philip T., Growth in a Traditional Society: The French Countryside (1996), 1993-2000
Horn, David G., Social Bodies: Science, Reproduction, and Italian Modernity (1994), 1993-1994
Horton, Andrew, The Films of Theo Angelopoulous: A Cinema of Contemplation (1997), 1994-1999
Hsu, Kenneth J., The Geology of Switzerland: An Introduction to Tectonic Facies (1994), 1986-1996
Humphreys, R. Stephen, Islamic History: A Framework for Inquiry (Revised Edition) (1991), 1989-1991
Irwin, Douglas A., Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade (1996), 1995-1997
Iverson, Erik, The Myth of Egypt and Its Hieroglyphs in European Tradition (1993), 1992-1994
Jacpbi, Jolande transated by Guterman, Norbert, Paracelsus: Selected Writings (1995), 1988-1995
James, David E., To Free the Cinema: Jonas Mekas and the New York Underground (1992), 1990-1992
Jardine, Lisa, Erasmus, Man of Letters: The Construction of Charisma in Print (1993), 1985-1994
Javitch, Daniel, Proclaiming a Classic: The Canonization of Orlando Furioso (1991), 1989-1993
Johnston, David, The Idea of a Liberal Theory: A Ciritque and Reconstruction (1994), 1993-1994
Kagel, John H. and Roth, Alvin E., The Handbook of Experimental Economics (1995), 1990-1997
Kahn, Victoria, Machiavellian Rhetoric: From the Counter-Revolution to Milton (1994), 1992-1994
Kahn, Kim Fridkin and Kenney, Patrick J., The Spectacle of U.S. Senate Campaigns (1999), 1998-1999
Kaiser, Robert J., The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the U.S.S.R. (1994), 1992-1994
Kaminski, Barolomiej, The Collapse of State Socialism: The Case of Poland (1991), 1990-1991
Kato, Junko, The Problem of Beaurocratic Rationality: Tax Politics in Japan (1994), 1981-1994
Kibria, Nazli, Family Tightrope: The Changing Lives of Vietnamese Americans (1995), 1992-1994
Kier, Elizabeth, Imagining War: French and British Military Doctrine between Wars (1997), 1993-1998
Kingdon, John, Island Africa: The Evolution of Africa's Rare Animals and Plants (1990), 1990
Kishima, Takako, Political Life in Japan: Democracy in a Reversible World (1991), 1990-1991
Koenker, Diane P. and Rosenberg, William G., Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917 (1990), 1989
Kollman, Ken, Outside Lobbying: Public Opinion and Interest Group Strategies (1998), 1994-1998
Konstan, David, Sexual Symmetry: Love in the Ancient Novel and Related Genres (1993), 1992-1995
Kourany, Janet A., Philosophy in a Feminine Voice: Critiques and Reconstructions (1997), 1992-1999
Kowalewski, Michael, Deadly Musings: Violence and Verbal Form in American Fiction (1993), 1987-1993
Kuklick, Bruce, To Everything A Season: Shibe Park and Urban Philadelphia (1993), 1990-1993
Kurshan, Robert P., Computer-Aided Verification of Coordinating Processes (1995), 1992-1994
Lambropoulos, Vassilis, The Rise of Eurocentrism: Anatomy of Interpretation (1992), 1991-1993
Lansing, Carol, The Florentine Magnates: Lineage and Faction in a Medieval Commune (1991), 1989-1991
Lant, Antonia Caroline, Blackout: Reinventing Women for Wartime British Cinema (1991), 1990-1991
Lawton, Thomas, New Perspectives on Chu Culture During the Eastern Zhou Period (1991), 1991
Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava, Intertwined Worlds: Medieval Islam and Bible Criticism (1992), 1990-1992
Lescop, Christine, Global Surgery Formula for the Carson-Walker Invariant (1995), 1995-1996
Leupp, Gary P., Servants, Shophands, and Laborers in the Cities of Tokugawa, Japan (1992), 1989-1995
Lloyd, Elisabeth A., The Structure and Confirmation of Evolutionary Theory (1994), 1989-1994
Loesberg, Jonathan, Aestheticism and Deconstruction: Pater, Derrida, and de Man (1991), 1990-1991
Edited by Lopez, Donald S. Jr., Asian Religions in Practice: An Introduction (1999), 1998-1999
Edited by Luce, T.J. and Woodman, A.J., Tacitus and the Tacitean Tradition (1993), 1991-1995
Lyons, Deborah, Gender and Immortality: Heroines in Ancient Greek Myth and Cult (1996), 1989-1996
Maguire, Henry, The Icons of Their Bodies: Saints and Their Images in Byzantium (1996), 1995-1996
Malinowski, Bronislaw edited by Strenski, Ivan, Malinowski and the Work of Myth (1992), 1990-1992
Edited by Manganaro, Marc, Modernist Anthropology: From Fieldwork to Text (1990), 1987-1991
Marchand, Suzanne L., Down From Olympus: Archaeology and Philhellenism in Germany (1996), 1994-1997
Margandant, Jo Burr, Madame le Professeur: Women Educators in the Third Republic (1990), 1989-1991
Martin, Lisa L., Coercive Cooperation: Explaining Multilateral Economic Sanctions (1993), 1990-1994
Martin, Peter, The Pleasure Gardens of Virginia: From Jamestown to Jefferson (1991), 1989-1991
Mathews, Thomas F., The Clash of Gods: A Reinterpretation of Early Christian Art (1999), 1995-2000
Mathews, Thomas F., Treasures in Heaven: Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts (1994), 1993-1995
McFarland-Icke, Bronwyn Rebekah, Nurses in Nazi Germany: Moral Choice in History (1999), 1997-1999
McMullen, Curtis T., Renormalization and 3-Manifolds Which Fiber over the Circle (1996), 1996
Mir-Hosseini, Ziba, Islam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary Iran (1999), 1997-1999
Mitchell, Lee Clark and Bush, Alfred L., The Photograph and the American Indian (1994), 1986-1995
Monroe, Kristen Renwick, The Heart of Altruism: Perceptions of a Common Humanity (1996), 1994-1997
Montagu, Jennifer, Gold, Silver, and Bronze: Metal Sculpture of the Roman Baroque (1996), 1991-1996
Moon, J. Donald, Constructing Community: Moral Pluralism and Tragic Conflicts (1993), 1991-1995
Morawska, Ewa, Insecure Prosperity: Small-Town Jews in Industrial America (1996), 1993-1999
Morford, Mark P.O., Stoics and Neostoics: Rubens and the Circle of Lipsius (1991), 1989-1995
Morrow, Glenn R., Plato's Cretin City: A Historical Interpretation of the Laws (1993), 1991-1993
Moulin, Herve, Cooperative Microeconomics: A Game-Theoretic Introduction (1995), 1992-1997
Moynahan, Julian, Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture (1995), 1983-1995
Muensterberger, Werner, Collecting: An Unruly Passion: Psychological Perspective (1993), 1993-1994
Muller, Jerry Z., Adam Smith in His Time and Ours: Designing the Decent Society (1995), 1993-1995
Munitz, Milton K., Cosmic Understanding: Philosophy and Science of the Universe (1990), 1985-1990
Nandy, Ashis, The Savage Freud and Other Essays on Possible and Retreivable Selves (1995), 1991-1995
Nehamas, Alexander, Virtues of Authenticity: Essays on Plato and Socrates (1998), 1996-1998
Neils, Jennifer, Goddess and Polis: The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (1992), 1992-1995
Neumann, Erich, The Fear of the Feminine: And Other Essays on Feminine Psychology (1994), 1986-1994
Newbury, Nathan and Newman, Michael, Princeton Problems in Physics with Solutions (1991), 1990-1991
Noland, Carrie, Poetry at Stake: Lyric Aesthetics and the Challenge of Technology (1999), 1997-1999
Obenzinger, Hilton, American Palestine: Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land Mania (1999), 1993-1999
O'Leary, Cecilia Elizabeth, To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism (1999), 1996-2000
Olsen, Klaus Malling and Larsson, Hans, Terns of Europe and North America (1995), 1994-1995
Ostrower, Francie, Why the Wealthy Give: The Culture of Elite Philanthropy (1995), 1992-1997
Edited by Outka, Gene and Reeder, John P., Prospects for a Common Morality (1992), 1991-1992
Pais, Abraham, A Tale of Two Continents: A Physicist's Life in a Turbulent World (1997), 1995-1997
Selected and translated by Palmer, R.R., J.B. Say: An Economist in Troubled Times (1997), 1995-1997
Paret, Peter, Clausewitz and the State: The Man, His Theories, and His Times (1992), 1991-1992
Petrobelli, Pierluigi with translations by Parker, Roger, Music in the Theater (1994), 1986-1994
Philipse, Herman, Heidegger's Philosophy of Being: A Critical Interpretation (1998), 1997-1999
Poag, C. Wylie, Chesapeake Inventor: Discovering America's Giant Meteorite Crater (1999), 1998-1999
Polkington, John, The Faith of a Physicist: Reflections of a Bottom-Up Thinker (1994), 1990-1994
Prakash, Gyan, Another Reason: Science and the Imagination of Modern India (1999), 1998-1999
Principe, Lawrence M., The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and His Alchemical Quest (1998), 1990-2000
Quint, David, Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to Milton (1993), 1991-1992
Quirk, James and Fort, Rodney D., Hard Ball: The Abuse of Power in Team Sports (1999), 1995-1999
Radin, Paul, The Road of Life and Death: A Ritual Drama of the American Indians (1991), 1972-1991
Raveneal, Douglas C., Nilpotence and Periodicity in Stable Homotopy Theory (1992), 1992-1993
Edited by Redford, Bruce, The Letters of Samuel Johnson: Five Volume Set (1994), 1989-1993
Rees, Albert and Smith, Sharon P., Faculty Retirement in the Arts and Sciences (1991), 1990-1992
Reeves, Eileen, Painting from the Heavens: Art and Science in the Age of Galileo (1997), 1996-1999
Reiss, Jonathan B., the Renaissance Antichrist: Luca Signorelli's Orvieto Frescoes (1995), 1990-1995
Rose, Michael R., Darwin's Spectre: Evolutionary Biology in the Modern World (1997), 1996-1999
Rose, Steven, From Brains to Consciousness? Essays on the New Sciences of the Mind (1999), 1998-1999
Rothfield, Lawrence, Vital Signs: Medical Realism in Nineteenth-Century Fiction (1992), 1990-1994
Rovane, Carol, The Bounds of Agency: An Essay on Revolutionary Metaphysics (1997), 1993-1997
Rupp, Leila J., Worlds of Women: The Making of an International Women's Movement (1997), 1996-1997
Russett, Bruce, Grasping the Democratic Peace: Principles for a Post-Cold War World, 1992-1994
Schechner, Sara, Comets, Popular Culture, and the Birth of Modern Cosmology (1997), 1995-1999
Schmidt, Leigh Eric, Consumer Rites: The Buying and Selling of American Holidays (1995), 1993-1997
Scholem, Gershom G. translated by Arkush, Allan, Origins of the Kabbalah (1991), 1975-1991
Schopf, J. William, Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Ancient Fossils (1999), 1997-2001
Schorske, Carl, Thinking with History: Explorations in the Passage to Modernism (1998), 1997-1999
Scott, John Beldon, Images of Neoptism: The Painted Ceilings of Palazzo Barberini (1991), 1988-1991
Shearman, John, Only Connect: Art and the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance (1992), 1992-1994
Sheng, Michael M., Battling Western Imperialism: Mao, Stalin, and the United States (1997), 1996
Sherratt, Andrew, Economy and Society in Prehistoric Europe: Changing Perspectives (1997), 1996-1997
Shimura, Goro, Abelian Varieties with Complex Multiplication and Modular Functions (1997), 1996-1997
Sick, Helmut translated by Belton, William, Birds in Brazil: A Natural History (1993), 1989-1993
Sisk, Timothy D., Democratization in South Africa: The Elusive Social Contract (1994), 1990-1995
Slater, Philip Elliot, The Glory of Hera: Greek Mythology and the Greek Family (1992), 1991-1992
Sobchack, Vivian, The Address of the Eye: A Phenomenology of Film Experience (1991), 1984-1992
Sonenshein, Raphael J., Politics in Black and White: Race and Power in Los Angeles (1993), 1991-1994
Sparrow, Bartholomew H., From the Outside In: World War II and the American State (1996), 1994-1996
Stanley, David W., Eicosanoids in Invertebrate Signal Transduction Systems (1999), 1998-1999
Stark, Rodney, The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History (1996), 1995-1997
Stebbins, Robert C. and Cohen, Nathan W., A Natural History of Amphibians (1995), 1992-1996
Stewart, Alan, Close Readers: Humanism and Sodomy in Early Modern England (1997), 1994-1997
Stewart, Charles, Demons and the Devil: Moral Imagination in Modern Greek Culture (1991), 1990-1992
Stewart, William J., Introduction to the Numerica Solution on Markov Chains (1994), 1994-1995
Stolper, Wolfgang, Joseph Alois Schumpeter: The Public Life of a Private Man (1994), 1991-1995
Stone, Marla Susan, The Patron State: Culture and Politics and Fascist Italy (1998), 1997-1998
Straub, Kristina, Sexual Suspects: Eighteenth-Century Players and Sexual Ideology (1991), 1990-1992
Strohm, Paul, Hochon's Arrow: The Social Imagination of Fourteenth-Century Texts (1992), 1990-1992
Swedburg, Richard, Joseph A. Schumpeter: The Economics and Sociology of Capitalism (1991), 1988-1991
Talvacchia, Bette, Taking Positions: On The Erotic in Renaissance Culture (1999), 1995-2000
Tatar, Maria, Off With Their Heads!: Fairy Tales and the Culture of Childhood (1992), 1990-1993
Taylopr, Greg, Artists in the Audience: Cults, Camp, and American Film Criticism (1999), 1997-1999
Thaler, Richard, The Winner's Curse: Paradoxes and Anomalies of Economic Life (1994), 1992-1993
Thomas, Nicholas, Colonialism's Culture: Anthropology, Travel, and Government (1994), 1993-1994
Trachtenberg, Marc, A Constructed Peace: The Making of the European Settlement (1999), 1997-1999
Trezise, Thomas, Into the Breach: Samuel Beckett and the Ends of Literature (1990), 1987-1990
Tribble, Alan C., The Space Environment: Implications for Spacecraft Design (1995), 1993-1995
Trumpener, Katie, Bardic Nationalism: The Romantic Novel and the British Empire (1997), 1994-1998
Ts'ai, Chih-Chung translated by Bruya, Brian, Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature (1992), 1991-1993
Tsurumi, E. Patricia, Factory Girls: Women in the Thread Mills of Meiji Japan (1990), 1989-1992
Tunick, Mark, Practices and Principles: Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgement (1998), 1996-2000
Turner, Mark, Reading Minds: The Study of English in the Age of Cognitive Science (1991), 1990-1993
Turner, R. Steven, In the Eye's Mind: Vision and the Helmholtz-Hering Controversy (1994), 1992-1994
Vermeij, Geerat J., Evolution and Escalation: An Ecological History of Life (1993), 1979-1993
Watts, Duncan J., Small Worlds: The Dynamics of Networks Between Order and Randomness (1998), 1998
Welsh, Alexander, The Hero of the Waverly Novels: With New Essays on Scott (1993), 1990-1993
Weyl, Hermann, The Classical Groups: Their Invariants and Representations (1997), 1946-1997
White, G. Edward, Creating the National Pasttime: Baseball Transforms Itself (1996), 1994-1997
White, Harrison C., Identity and Control: A Structural Theory of Social Action (1992), 1991-1993
Wilats, John, Art and Representation: New Principles in the Analysis of Pictures (1997), 1994-1997
Williams, Michael, Groundless Belief: An Essay on the Possibility of Epistemology (1999), 1998-1999
Wilmerding, John, The Artist's Mount Desert: American Painters on the Maine Coast (1994), 1993-1994
Wilson, Diana de Armas, Allegories of Love: Cervantes' Persiles and Sigismunda (1991), 1989-1990
Wilson, Margaret Dauler, Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy (1999), 1998-1999
Witten, Marsha G., All is Forgiven: The Secular Message in American Protestantism (1993), 1992-1993
Wolfe, Alan Stephen, Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan: The Case of Dazai Osamu (1990), 1990
Woodward, Susan L., Socialist Unemployment: The Political Economy of Yugoslavia (1995), 1991-1995
Wuthnow, Robert, Acts of Compassion: Caring for Others and Helping Ourselves (1991), 1991-1992
Young, Allan, The Harmony of Illusions: Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (1995), 1994-1997
Zakaria, Fareed, From Wealth to Power: The Unusual Origins of America's World Role (1998), 1994-1999
Zimdars-Swartz, Sandra L., Encountering Mary: From La Salette to Medjugorje (1991), 1989-1992
Ziolkowski, Theodore, The View from the Tower: Origins of an Antimodernist Image (1998), 1995-1998
This series consists of the files personally maintained by Walter H. Lippincott, director of the Press from 1986-2005. It includes and continues files maintained by Lippincott's predecessors, Datus C. Smith and Herbert Smith Bailey, Jr. The series contains project files and proposals, financial information, trustee and editorial board files, reports, printing files, and printed material. Of particular interest are files documenting the Press's publication of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein.
The order of the files at the time of their transfer has been retained.
Thomas Jefferson Materials, 1946-1976
Henry David Thoreau Materials, 1980-1988
Subsidy Materials, 1974-1994
Sales, 1981-1986
Reprints, 1986
Editorial, 1984-1986
Accounting - Becker, undated
Marketing, 1986
Design - Lilly, 1983-1985
Pub Sched, 1992-1996
Dept Heads Old, 1995-1996
Production Memos, 1986
Expense Forms, 1995
Department Head Meeting, 1983-1986
Performance Appraisals, 1992-1997
FY 1997 List, 1996-1997
Confidential, 1992-1994
For Action (In-House Mail), 1988
Emily Wilkinson Trip, 1994
Inside Correspondence, 1989-1991
Administrative Handbook, 1978-1983
Marketing Design, 1987-1988
Proofreaders, 1987
Rosso - Kolb, 1986-1987
Sales Department, 1987
Rate of Sale, 1984-1985
Non-MFG Cost, 1954-1984
Price Per Page, 1982-1985
Sales Reference Guide, 1986
Chart of Accounts, 1980
Budget, 1988
Computer, 1986-1987
Skytop, 1987-1988
Department Heads, 1987-1988
Personnel, 1983-1989
Who Does What, undated
Correspondence, Memos, Reports, 1988
Publishing Plan Forms, 1987
Personnel, 1967-1986
Mr. McAlpin, 1948-1949
D.C. Smith, Jr., Director, 1949-1950
D.C. Smith, Jr., Director, 1950-1951
D.C. Smith, Jr., Director, 1951-1952
Report of the Director, 1955-1956
Report of the Director, 1956-1957
Report of the Director, 1957-1958
Report of the Director, 1957-1958
Report of the Director, 1958-1959
Report of the Director, 1958-1959
Correspondence with RMB, 1964-1978
Correspondence, 1956-1957
P.J. Conkwright, 1961-1966
Christ Ivusic, 1983
Employee Info, 1964-1983
Abbot Friedland, 1983-1984
Correspondence, 1983
Printing Hour Rates, 1983-1986
Bailey Personal Files, 1943-1962
Bailey Personal Files, 1961-1963
Employees, 1982-1983
Employees, 1983-1984
Employees, 1984-1985
Employees, 1985-1986
Employees, 1986-1987
75th Anniversary Cookbook, undated
Princeton Alumni Weekly - Article on the New Press and Article on P. J. Conkwright, 1963-1984
Princeton University Press, 1980
Princeton University Press Leaflets: Style Manual, Employee Booklet, and Memo on Symposia, 1981-1984
"University: A Princeton Quarterly"- Articles by Herbert S. Bailey and Robert F. Goheen, 1965-1968
"Book Prospect" Files, 1981-1999
Reverend Owen Lee, 1992
Beckerman, Michael, 1993
Beveridge, 1994-1995
Bliss, Russell A, 1995
William Bowen, 1993
Brann, Ross, 1993
Brecher, Michael, 1993
L. Carl Brown, 1990
Chelkowski, Peter, 1993
Milton Cummings, 1995
Cohen, 1995
Forrest Colburn, 1993
Danspeckgruber, Wolfgang, 1995
Jerry Doyle, 1993
Dworkin, Ronald, 1981-1995
Edelman, Robert, 1990-1991
Eisner, Thomas, 1991
Caryl Emerson, 1991-1992
Evans, Peter, 1991-1993
Farer Proposals, 1995
Oliver D. Filley, 1993
Lawrence Freedman, 1994-1995
Goehr, Lydia, 1995
B. Grant (Rice), 1992
Gary Gerstle, 1989
Hamilton, Neil, 1993
Lawrence E. Harrison, 1994
Katherine Healy, 1994
Dan Halpern, 1994
Stanley Hoffman, 1993
Inez G. Hollander, 1992
Huebner, undated
Diane Hughes, 1990-1991
Robert Hullot-Kentor, 1995
Jewish Museum Projects, 1994
Katzenstein, Peter J, 1988-1993
Kauzmann, Walter, 1993
Keohane, Robert O, 1994
Kepel - A L'Quest d'Allah, 1994
Kertzer, David, 1991
Desmond King, 1990
Alan Klein, 1993
Tom Knock, undated
Jessica Korn, 1995
Lefevere and Gillespie, 1993
Leo A. Lensing, 1988-1991
Bernard Lewis, 1998-1999
Harry Liebersohn, 1988-1989
Library of Congress Project, 1995
Tanya Luhrmann, 1994
John MacAloon, 1990
Sabine MacCormack, 1993
Stephen Macedo, "Reassessing the Sixties: The Constitutional legacy of the 1960's", 1994-1995
Mamdani, Mahmood, 1994
Michael Mandelbaum, 1993
Stuart A. Marks, 1993
David Mayers, 1994
Jerome McGann, 1991
Martha Merritt, 1993
William Miller, 1995
The Nature Conservancy, 1995
Maurice Olender, 1993-1995
Amos Oz, 1992-1993
Paret, Postcard Project, 1992-1994
Patricia Williams, 1992
Peterson-Perlman, 1993
D. T. Potts, 1995
D. Revill - Schoenberg Bio, 1993
Mariana Rexroth, 1993
Rosecrance, Richard, 1993
Jim Rosenau, 1994
Roger Sanjek, 1993
Bradd Shore, 1989-1994
Richard Sobel, 1994
Rebecca Spang, 1992
Stanlee Stahl, 1993
Michael P. Steinberg, 1989
Sharon Stephens, 1990-1991
Kathleen Stewart, 1991
Storr - "Wilkie Collins", 1990
Tyrrell - "Janacek's Letters", 1993
Spencer Weart, 1994
Stephen Van Evera, 1994
Joseph Vining, 1994
"Wagner and the Consequences", 1995
Wilentz, prospect, 1991-1993
Wohlforth, 1993
Yuzefovich, Victor, 1992
Zamir, Meir, 1995
Michael Wood, 1994
White, MIP file, 1995-1996
White, 1993
White - paper, 1997-1998
Correspondence, 1992-1996
Agenda Material, 1992-1996
Tanner - "Wagner", 1994-1996
Sutcliffe, 1996
Sutcliffe, Paper, 1997-1998
Putnam Correspondence, 1992-1995
Stearns, Paper, 1996-1999
Stearns, Correspondence, 1995-1996
Forms, Pub. Plan, Contract, 1995
Monteagle Stearns, 1996
Stearns, 1995
Skocpol Blurbs, 1994
Skocpol, Theda, 1994-1995
Permissions, 1994
Theda Skocpol, 1995-1997
Pais, 1996
Forms, 1993-1994
Correspondence, 1986-1994
Agenda Materials, 1985-1993
Yitzhak Nakash, 1993-1996
Maier - paperback, 1996-1999
Maeir, Charles S, 1996-1997
Kuklick, MIP File, 1995-1996
Kuklick, Bruce, 1995
Katznelson, paper, 1993-1998
"Three Swiss Cities", 1993-1995
"The Diplomats: 1939-1979", 1993-1997
I Ching Contract, 1995
Princeton Companion, 1985-1995
"Muslim Politics", 1996
Forms - "Muslim Politics", 1990-1996
Katznelson, Ira, 1995
Jonathan Brown, 1995
"Home Team", 1996-1997
Editorial Board, 1978-1986
MSS Lost and Won, 1994
Pre-Editorial/Editorial Board, 1995
Editorial Board Files, 1995-1998
Pre-Editorial Topsheets, 1992-1995
Random Agenda Info, 1990-1993
Lagemann (education), 1992
Fall 1993 List Info, 1992-1993
Spring 1993 List Info, 1992-1993
John Wilson, 1986-1990
Editorial Board, 1943-1978
Official Minutes Disk, 1989-1995
Editorial Board Topsheets, 1992-1996
Signed Originals, 1994
Denis Sullivan - Reject, 1993-1994
Gregory S. Starrett - "Religious Education and Political Authority in Mubarak's Egypt", 1993
Memoranda - Series, 1992
Literature in History Series, 1992
Pavel - "New French Thought", 1992
1993 Complexity Series, 1993
Agenda Materials, 1991-1995
Modern Greek Studies, 1994
Samothrace, 1983-1995
Lehmann - "Samothrace 7", 1989-1995
Jung, Current-1997, 1997-1999
Martin Lecture Series, 1993
Russell Sage Foundation Info, 1994
Coleridge Meeting 4/1/97 3PM, 1997
Bollingen - General, 1997
Millennium Project, 1996-1997
Blake, 1997
Goethe Project, 1993
Singerman, Diane, 1992-1997
Dante Proposal, 1996
Wilson Papers, 1989-1993
Thoreau, Henry D, 1988-1991
Johnson Letters, 1985-1994
Bert Young, 1993
Princeton University Press, et. al. v. Michigan Document Services, Inc. and James M. Smith, 1993
Michigan Docs. Lawsuit, 1992
Dr. Frank Close, 1990-1991
Mecklermedia, 1997-1998
Mecklermedia Cont'd, 1997
AAUP, 1993-1996
AAUP - 1989 Business, 1989
AAUP Business Meeting, 1995
AAUP - Pre-1989 Business, 1986-1988
P. U. Bookstore, 1987-1993
NEH Application, 1993-1994
PU Faculty Meeting Minutes, 1994
Thatcher Letter on Journals, 1991
Princeton Club of New York, 1993
WHL - Ivy Club, 1988
Mellon Foundation, 1992-1993
PAW Budget Reports, 1986-1988
Einstein: Leads, 1991
Einstein - Articles, 1990-1991
Einstein: IAS, 1991
Einstein: Translation, 1990
Einstein Individuals, 1991
Einstein Papers 1989-1990, 1989-1990
NSF Proposal, 1989
Sale of Lawrenceville Property, 1995
Printing Plant 5/11/92, 1992-1993
The Printing Operation, 1990
Printing Plant Sales Report, 1990
Meeting May 30, 1990
Printing Plant Management, 1981-1985
Freedman, Lawrence, 1992-1993
Mommsen, Hans, 1991
Frederick West, 1995
Golden, William, 1995-1996
Carneiro, Bob, 1992-1996
Freedman - Karsh, 1990-1992
Pirandello Photos, 1927-1994
Sales Meeting, 1991
Auden Reviews, 1988-1989
Ebrey Application, 1990-1991
Field - Genji 1986, 1986-1987
Konishi II 1986, 1986
Leupp 1990, 1990-1991
Published - Batatu, 1998-1999
Published - Bowen/Bok, 1998
Fineberg - Essays Volume, 1995-1997
Fineberg: "Innocent Eye", 1996-1998
Fineberg - Pub Plans, 1993-1997
Consists of the minutes of the Princeton University Press's Editorial Board meetings from 1913 to 1990.
Arranged chronologically.
Editorial Board Minutes, 1913-1926
Editorial Board Minutes, 1926-1964
Editorial Board Minutes, 1965-1966
Consists of the minutes of the Princeton University Press's Board of Trustees meetings from 1906 to 1973.
Arranged chronologically.
This series consists of the Princeton University Press's catalogs, trade lists, fall and spring book listings, and direct mail brochures from 1914-2008.
Arranged chronologically.
Publications, 1914-1939
Publications, 1940-1948
Publications, 1949-1959
Publications, 1960-1964
Publications, 1965-1968
Publications, 1968-1970
Publications, 1971-1973
Publications, 1974-1976
Publications, 1977-1979
Publications, 1980-1983
Publications, 1984-1988
The Review Clippings series consists of reviews of Princeton University Press titles clipped from the daily press. The clippings are loose with the exceptions of a few scrapbooks.
Arranged alphabetically by title of publication.
"Access to Power", 1979-1981
"Aesthetics", 1964-1968
"Andrea Sacchi", 1977-1979
"The Art of Indian Asia", 1954-1983
"The Art of Sculpture", 1956-1970
"Averroes' Middle Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories and De Interpretatione", 1983-1989
"Blake and Antiquity", 1977-1979
"China After Mao", 1967-1969
"The China Tangle", 1953-1973
"Chapman's Homer", 1958-1960
"China Under Mongol Rule", 1981-1982
"Christian Discourses", 1971
"Coffee and the Growth of Agrarian Capitalism in Nineteenth Century Puerto Rico", 1986-1988
"Colonel House in Paris", 1981-1983
"The Continuous Wave", 1985-1989
"The Corded Shell", 1992
"Crime in England", 1978-1986
"The Death of Communal Liverty: A History of Freedom in a Swiss Mountain Canton", 1974-1976
"Dynamic Programming", 1957-1977
"Economic Stabilization", 1953-1955
"Exile and Other Poems", 1949-1961
"The German Novelle", 1977-1979
"The Gothic Cathedral", 1988
"Helicopter Theory", 1980-1984
"A History of the Sikhs", 1988
"How Natives Think", 1985-1989
"The Idea of a Theater", 1949-1971
"Identity and Essence", 1980-1987
"Iran, Past and Present", 1949-1983
"The Litany of Re", 1964-1966
"The Living Symbol", 1961-1962
"Marxism in the USA", 1967-1969
"Masters, Princes, and Merchants: The Social Views of Peter the Chanter and His Circle", 1970-1973
"Milton and His England", 1971-1972
"Morals and Medicine", 1960-1979
"The Mortal Napoleon III", 1971-1974
"Motion and Motion's God: Thematic Variations in Aristotle, Cicero, Newton, and Hegel", 1971-1977
"The Murals of Bonampak", 1986-1988
"The Mystery of the Mind: A Critical Study of Consciousness and the Human Brain", 1966-1976
"The National Interest and the Human Interest: An Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy", 1980-1983
"Numerical Calculus", 1949-1978
"Of Divers Arts", 1962-1972
"Osip Mandelstam's Stone", 1981-1982
"Our Land Heritage", 1990
"The Passion of al-Hallaj: Mystic and Martyr of Islam, Vol. I: The Life of al-Hallaj", 1988
"Paul Klee and Cubism", 1984-1985
"Peasants in Power. Alexander Stamboliski and the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union", 1978-1979
"Physical Cosmology", 1972-1975
"Picturing Americ", 1988-1989
"Poems of Rene Char", 1976-1978
"The Poetry of Rimbaud", 1974-1976
"Radical Innocence", 1955-1971
"Rank and File", 1975-1983
"Reference and Essence", 1981-1985
"Reflections on Muscle", 1980-1983
"Ritsos in Parentheses", 1979-1985
"The Russian Revolution", 1987-1988
"Salamander", 1979-1982
"Science and Religion and the Sociology of Knowledge: Some Methodological Questions", 1975-1982
"Security in Disarmament", 1965-1967
"The Sense of Music", 1960-1974
"The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles among Western Publics", 1971-1989
"The Spectrum of Political Engagement: Mounier, Benda, Nizan, Brasillach, Sartre", 1979-1983
"Stellar Evolution", 1950-1953
"Students, Society, and Politics in Imperial Germany: The Rise of Academic Illiberalism", 1983-1985
"Theory and Evidence", 1980-1986
The Federal Tax Returns series consists of bound volumes including budget sheets, memos, and mail receipts.
Arranged chronologically.
The Production and Printing series contains information regarding the construction of a separate building plant under Herbert Bailey as well as files documenting printing plans and costs, orders, and vendors. Also included are binders of worksheets for reprinted titles.
The order of materials at the time of their transfer has been retained.
Printing Memorandums, 1967-1979
Printing Survey Report, 1964
Printing work papers-PAW, 1968-1969
Printing Reports, 1990
Printing Plant Press Study, 1980
Printing Study, 1986
Printing Plant Press Study, 1986
Printing Study, 1986
Printing Sales, 1990
Printing: Overview Papers, 1986-1990
Printing Equipment, 1990
Printing: Budget-Actual, 1991
Printing Capacity Study, 1975
Unions, 1983-1988
Printing Memorandums, 1977-1987
Printing Plant Capacity, 1975-1976
Printing Plant: VIP, 1970-1980
Printing Studies, 1970-1978
Publishing Memos, 1967-1979
Ex Libris - CPFS, 1997
Ex Libris - Estimates, 1991-1996
Ex Libris - Job Numbers, 1998
Ex Libris - In Production, 1998-2001
Reprints, 1974-1988
A - D, 1981-1987
E - I, 1979-1988
J - O, 1981-1988
P - R, 1980-1987
S - Z, 1974-1987
Reprints, 1988-1997
A - B, 1989-1996
C - D, 1988-1997
E - F, 1989-1996
G - H, 1990-1997
I - K, 1990-1997
L - M, 1989-1996
N - Pa, 1988-1996
Pe - Q, 1989-1997
R - S, 1988-1997
T - Z, 1988-1997
Reprints, 1997-2001
This series consists primarily of Princeton University Press stylebooks and pamphlets describing the history of the Press. Also included are announcements, financial statements (1963), Christmas pamphlets by H. L. Mencken, circulars, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous catalogs from other academic presses. This series is organized by subject.
The order of materials at the time of their transfer has been retained.
- Scope and Contents
The Princeton University Press Records document the business acitivities of Princeton University Press. They include extensive files on works published by the press. The bulk of the collection is made up of the Press's General Files, which include correspondence with reviewers and authors as well as Editorial Board dossiers (reports by staff and readers); contract information; files describing each project's editorial, production, and manufacturing characteristics and concerns ("Manuscript Transmittal Forms"); copyright and permissions information; production schedules; copyeditors' stylesheets and designers' specification sheets; and promotion and marketing files. The records also include the files of three former directors, Datus C. Smith, Herbert S. Bailey, and Walter H. Lippincott, as well as review files, editorial board and board of trustees files, financial information, production files, and selected publications.
This collection consists of the Press's paper records only. Records maintained by the Press in electronic form are not included and remain at Princeton University Press.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Princeton university press
Princeton University Press opened on 30 Nassau Street in Princeton, New Jersey, in 1905 with a capital of $25,000. Charles Scribner '1875 served as its first president. In 1910 the Press was reincorporated under an act providing for not-for-profit organizations "to establish, maintain, and operate a printing and publishing plant, for the promotion of education and scholarship, and to serve the University by its manufacturing and distributing publications." Its first incorporators were Charles Scribner, M. Taylor Pyne, Archibald D. Russell, Parker D. Handy, Clarence Blair Mitchell, Arthur H. Scribner, and Robert Bridges. In 1911, Mr. Scribner contributed the site for the Press at the corners of William and Charlton Streets as well as the Press building and much of the printing machinery.
Since the publication of its first book, Princeton University President John Witherspoon's Lectures in Moral Philosophy (1912), the P.U.P has published well over 2000 titles. Among these are such seminal works as Einstein's Theory of Relativity and von Neumann and Morgenstern's The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. The Press has also undertaken such long-range projects as the publication of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, edited by Julian Boyd, and The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, edited by Arthur Link. Since its 1905, the Press has also printed The Princeton Alumni Weekly.
Although closely connected with the University, the Princeton University Press is a separate corporation. Nine of its fifteen trustees must be members of the faculty or administration of the University or alumni. The president of Princeton University, an ex-officio trustee, appoints four faculty members to five-year terms on the editorial board, which controls the imprint of the Press.
- Acquisition:
This collection was formed from a donation of author files and printed material given by Princeton University Press director Datus C. Smith and transfers of printed material from the Princeton University Archives. Additional files were transferred from Princeton University Press in 1994 , 2001 , and 2011 .
- Appraisal
No material was separated during 2009 processing.
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by John Buntin, Class of 1994, Kate Snow, Class of 1998 and Karla J. Vecchia in 1992, 1995 and in 2002. Finding aid written by John Buntin, Class of 1994, Kate Snow, Class of 1998 and Karla J. Vecchia in 1992, 1995 and in 2002. Finding aid updated by Regine Heberlein in 2011. Additional folder inventories prepared by Allysse Terrell, Class of 2014, and Alex Rodgers, Class of 2014.
Researchers are advised that box # 32 was accidentally skipped when assigning box numbers.
- Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research use.
- Conditions Governing Use
Single copies may be made for research purposes. To cite or publish quotations that fall within Fair Use, as defined under U. S. Copyright Law, no permission is required. For instances beyond Fair Use, it is the responsibility of the researcher to determine whether any permissions related to copyright, privacy, publicity, or any other rights are necessary for their intended use of the Library's materials, and to obtain all required permissions from any existing rights holders, if they have not already done so. Princeton University Library's Special Collections does not charge any permission or use fees for the publication of images of materials from our collections, nor does it require researchers to obtain its permission for said use. The department does request that its collections be properly cited and images credited. More detailed information can be found on the Copyright, Credit and Citations Guidelines page on our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us through the Ask Us! form.
- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
- Credit this material:
Princeton University Press Records; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- ReCAP (scarcpxm): Boxes 1-31; 33-554; 42A
- Subject Terms:
- Authors, American. -- 20th century
Publishers and publishing -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century
University presses -- New Jersey -- Princeton. -- 20th century - Genre Terms:
- Catalogs.
Minutes. - Names:
- Princeton university press
Bailey, Herbert Smith
Lippincott, Walter H.
Smith, Datus C. (Datus Clifford) (1907-1999)