This series contains two items, a notebook and a notepad, which have notes and early drafts of Gringo viejo and Orquídeas a la luz de la luna, and drafts of short stories (or novellas) published in Constancia y otras novelas para vírgenes and El naranjo, o, Los círculos del tiempo. Notebooks by Fuentes which contain drafts of a single book, e.g., Terra Nostra, are filed by individual title in Series 2, Subseries 2A and 2C. There are also notebooks in the subseries Teaching Materials (H) and Juvenilia (I).
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Series 2: Writings, 1862-1997
The material under Series 2 covers the period 1942 to 1996, and contains all extant versions of Fuentes' fiction, plays, screenplays, short stories, and nonfiction writings. All subseries in this section are arranged alphabetically by title of published or unpublished work, with the exception of the following subseries: Nonfiction Short Works (E1), Speeches and Interviews (F), and Juvenilia (I). This series includes a few papers of others which are distributed in Screenplays/Television Scripts (C), Speeches and Interviews (F), and Translations (G).
This series is arranged into nine subseries: Novels and Novellas, Plays, Short Stories, Nonfiction, Speeches and Interviews, Translations, Teaching Materials, and Juvenilia.
La cabeza de la hidra, 1967-1978
Cambio de piel, 1962-1981
La campaña, 1989-1990
Draft, "Viva mi fama," TMs with holograph corrections, 105 pp.; printed maps, dates not examined
Cristóbal Nonato, 1979-1986
Third/antepenultimate version titled "Los Heredia," TMs (Xerox), pp. numbered 1-156, dated, 1979
Third/antepenultimate version titled "Los Heredia," TMs (Xerox), pp. numbered 157-253, dated, 1979
Lists of completed and planned fiction, drafted by author, TMs (carbon) and TMs (Xerox), undated
Old Gringo, 1967
Drafts, titled by author, "Notas, proyectos, primeras versiones," TMs, TMs (carbon), and AMs, 1955
Terra Nostra, 1966-1974
Draft, "Indice progresivo para lectores reaccionarios," TMs with author's corrections, circa 1968
Drafts, "Tántalo," TMss and TMss (carbons), varying pagination, dated by author "Mexico ", 1970-1972
Fourth version, "Fuentes numbered" version, TMs (carbon), pp. numbered 665-842, [Paris ], 1972
Fourth version, "Fuentes numbered" version, TMs (carbon), pp. numbered 843-1025, [Paris ], 1972
Fourth version, "Fuentes numbered" version, TMs (carbon), pp. numbered 1026-1199, [Paris ], 1972
Background materials compiled by [Ann M. Harkins], in English, TMss and AMs, approx. 20 pp., 1974
Subseries 2B: Plays, 1960-1992
Miscellaneous, 1960-1969
Short theatrical pieces, drafts, TMss, TMs (carbon), AMs. With holograph corrections, 1960s
Galley corrections (Xerox copies) sent by author to Pilar Noval, Mondadori España, 1990 June 19
Draft labeled "segundo borrador" by author, TMs with holograph corrections, dates not examined
El tuerto es rey, 1970
"Mexican Recce": photographs and commentary on sites in Mexico (Xerox copy), dated, 1986 July-August
Program 1, "The Virgin and the Bull": shooting script, TMs (Xerox), dated " ", 1989 January 16
Documents re: Spain and Brazil, printed material, dated " 1990 April" by Fuentes, 1990 April
Program 3: "The Age of Gold," Post Production Script, two copies with annotations by Fuentes, 1991
El espejo enterrado, 1862-1989
Subseries 2E: Nonfiction, 1950-1994
1. Books, 1967-1992 January 13
Draft, author's typed version, TMs (Xerox), pages numbered within chapters, circa 1990-1991
Draft, author's typed version, TMs (Xerox), pages numbered within chapters, circa 1990-1991
Draft (first version with consecutive pagination), TMs, pp. numbered 188-330, dates not examined
Draft (first version with consecutive pagination), TMs, pp. numbered 331-487, dates not examined
Page proofs with corrections by author(?), pp. numbered 9-272; title page, AMs, 1 p. dated " ", 1969
Early drafts and notes, TMss, TMss (Xeroxes) and AMs. With holograph corrections, dates not examined
Tiempo mexicano, 1971
Valiente Mundo Nuevo, 1990
2. Short Works, 1950-1994
circa 1960 Drafts, articles on Latin America and the United States, TMs and AMs., circa 1960
1961 Speech written by Fuentes for Foreign Secretary Luis Padilla Nervo, printed copy, 1961
[Mid- 1980s]: "Speech for Pres. de la Madrid," TMs and TMs (Xerox) with holograph corrections, 1980s
1988 Essays and journalism, TMss and TMss (Xeroxes) with holograph corrections; notes, AMs., 1988
1974 conference notes, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., 1974
1979 "Palabras de recepción," Premio Internacional "Alfonso Reyes," drafts, printed material, 1979
circa 1980 untitled speech, addressed to "President Alexander, Ladies and Gentlemen.", circa 1980
1984 Notes for speeches at various locales in Iowa, Salisbury, Md., and Washington, D.C., 1984
circa 1984 Untitled speech on inter-American relations, location undetermined, draft, circa 1984
circa 1987 "The United States and Latin America," lectures in Colorado and Arizona, circa 1987
1994 "Humanism and Creativity," draft, TMss (Xeroxes); manuscript has running head "SOKA.", 1994
1. Fiction, 1963-1997
Aura, 1963
French translation of El tuerto es rey by Céline Zins, TMs (Xerox), pp. numbered 3-107, undated
Cantar de ciegos, 1969 June
Draft, copy-edited manuscript, TMs with corrections in several hands, pp. numbered 251-407, 1989
Galleys marked "CF's Set" with corrections by Fuentes?, pp. numbered 1-175, dates not examined
Galleys marked "CF's Set" with corrections by Fuentes?, pp. numbered 176-245, dates not examined
Galleys marked "trans" (for translator?) with corrections, pp. numbered 1-143, dates not examined
Galleys marked "trans" (for translator?) with corrections, pp. numbered 144-207, dates not examined
TMs (Xerox) with corrections by translator and author, pp. numbered 140-263, dates not examined
Holy Place, 1978
" Malinche", 1992
The Old Gringo, 1984-1985
Final copy-edited version, TMs (Xerox) with copy editor's marks, loose pages, dates not examined
First page proofs "Master Set," pp. numbered i-xvi, 1-285 with corrections, dates not examined
Gatherings (#19-24) and additional unnumbered gathering covering pp. 751-[778], dates not examined
La Tête de l'Hydre, 1978
Zona sagrada, 1969-1973
2. Nonfiction, 1960-1996
Columbia University: Miscellaneous correspondence and recommendation for a student, 1978-1979, 1982
This series, which is arranged chronologically, includes watercolors, oil paintings, and pencil drawings, mostly drawn by the author in the 1940s, and some cartoons from later years. For other juvenile drawings and cartoons, see Juvenilia (Series 2I.).
Arranged by genre of material.
Caricatures by other artists: drawings of Fuentes and others by "Aragonés" and unidentified, 1970s
Series 4: Correspondence, 1940-1995
This series covers the years from 1944 to 1994 and is arranged alphabetically. Representative correspondents include Mexican, American, British, French and Spanish publishers, literary agents, faculty and administrators at colleges and universities throughout the U.S., Mexico, Latin America, and Europe, and writers, translators, theater directors, and filmmakers. Correspondence with publishers Farrar, Straus & Giroux covers 1963-1993; Éditions Gallimard, 1961-1993; Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1961-1993; Editorial Joaquín Mortiz, 1965-1984; and Editorial Seix Barral, 1967-1985. There is also a large amount of correspondence with members of Fuentes' family, especially his mother, Bertha Macías de Fuentes, and father Rafael Fuentes Boettiger, and some correspondence of Carlos Fuentes with friends in the 1950s. Some of the folder titles follow Fuentes' own labels used in filing correspondence. There are many letters from readers and students, filed chronologically, in the folders labeled "Students and Readers."
At the time of processing some correspondence was restricted and therefore, materials reflected via arrangement. These materials have seen been opened. This series is arranged into two subseries, with Subseries 4B containing the materials once restricted.
A (General), 1969-1993
A-Ant, dates not examined
Ara-Aza, dates not examined
ABC (Madrid), dates not examined
Abbas, dates not examined
Adami, Valerio, dates not examined
Adams, Thomas B., dates not examined
Alatorre, Javier, dates not examined
Alazraki, Jaime, dates not examined
de Alba, Pedro, dates not examined
Alcoriza, Luis, dates not examined
Alpha-Centauri, dates not examined
ALTI Publishing, dates not examined
American Review, dates not examined
Amezketa, Angel, dates not examined
Anguita, Eduardo, dates not examined
Arau, Alfonso, dates not examined
Aub, Max, dates not examined
B (General), 1961-1993
Bac-Biz, dates not examined
Bla-Byl, dates not examined
Bamberg, Maria, dates not examined
Bard College, dates not examined
Barnard College, dates not examined
Bartra, Roger, dates not examined
Bell, Daniel, dates not examined
Benedetti, Mario, dates not examined
Bennani, Aziza, dates not examined
Bertonni, Simone, dates not examined
Bianco, José, dates not examined
de Billy, Robert, dates not examined
Book Fairs, dates not examined
Books & Co., dates not examined
Boston Globe, dates not examined
Botsford, Keith, dates not examined
Bowdoin College, dates not examined
Brandt & Brandt, 1961-1963
Brandt & Brandt, 1964-1965
Brandt & Brandt, 1966-1967 September
Brandt & Brandt, 1967 October-1968
Brandt & Brandt, 1969
Brandt & Brandt, 1970-1971
Brandt & Brandt, 1972
Brandt & Brandt, 1973
Brandt & Brandt, 1974
Brandt & Brandt, 1975
Brandt & Brandt, 1976
Brandt & Brandt, 1977
Brandt & Brandt, 1979 April-December
Brandt & Brandt, 1980
Brandt & Brandt, 1981
Brandt & Brandt, 1982
Brandt & Brandt, 1983
Brandt & Brandt, 1984 January-July
Brandt & Brandt, 1985
Brandt & Brandt, 1986-1988
Brandt & Brandt, 1989
Brandt & Brandt, 1990-1991 May
Brandt & Brandt, 1991 June-1993
British Council, dates not examined
Brown, Jerry, dates not examined
Brown University, dates not examined
Bumas, Ethan, dates not examined
Buñuel, Luis, dates not examined
C (General), 1961-1993
Cab-Caz, dates not examined
Ce-Col, dates not examined
Com-Cur, dates not examined
Caillon, Thierry, dates not examined
Calvino, Italo, dates not examined
Cameron, Rondo, dates not examined
Campos, Julieta, dates not examined
Camus, Albert, dates not examined
Cano, José Luis, dates not examined
Caparrós, Martín, dates not examined
Carleton College, dates not examined
Casares, Maria, dates not examined
Castañeda, Jorge, dates not examined
Castro, Américo, dates not examined
Chao, Ramón, dates not examined
Chevigny, Bell, dates not examined
Cohen, Calman T., dates not examined
Colby College, dates not examined
El Colegio Nacional, 1972-1974
El Colegio Nacional, 1975-1976
El Colegio Nacional, 1977-1979
El Colegio Nacional, 1980
El Colegio Nacional, 1981
El Colegio Nacional, 1982
El Colegio Nacional, 1983
El Colegio Nacional, 1984-1986
El Colegio Nacional, 1988-1993
Coleman, John A., dates not examined
Collado, Manuel, dates not examined
Coloquio de Invierno (Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Mexico), dates not examined
Colorado College, dates not examined
Córdova, Roberto, dates not examined
Cortot, Jean, dates not examined
Costa-Gavras, dates not examined
Crédit Lyonnais, dates not examined
Cuperman, Pedro, dates not examined
D (General), dates not examined
Daedalus, dates not examined
D'Angelo, Rosaná, dates not examined
De'Angeli, Jorge, dates not examined
Debray, Régis, dates not examined
Demarest, Donald, dates not examined
Der Spiegel, dates not examined
Dillon, Wilton, dates not examined
Drache, Natalie, dates not examined
Dukakis, Michael, dates not examined
Duke University, dates not examined
E (General), dates not examined
Earlham College, dates not examined
Earth Day, 1990
Editorial Seix Barral ( 1976-1985 Antonio Comas, Pere Gimferrer, Ricardo Muñoz Suay), 1976-1985
Edwards, Jorge, dates not examined
Ehrmann, Hans, dates not examined
Emory University, dates not examined
" Excelsior Affair", 1976
F (General), 1946-1995
Fa-Fi, dates not examined
Fl-Fu, dates not examined
Fanger, Donald, dates not examined
Farer, Tom J., dates not examined
Faris, Wendy B., dates not examined
Farrar, Straus & Giroux ( 1969 August-1976 April Roger W. Straus, Jr.), 1969 August-1976 April
Félix, María, dates not examined
Fell, Claude, dates not examined
Festival Internazionale del film (Locarno, Switzerland; Vinicio Beretta), dates not examined
Fonda, Jane, dates not examined
Ford Foundation, dates not examined
Fortson, James, dates not examined
Francis, Eugenia, dates not examined
Frank, Joseph, dates not examined
"Friends: European" (early ), 1950s
Fundación Salvador Allende (Hortensia Bussi de Allende, Isabel Allende), dates not examined
G (General), dates not examined
Ga-Gi, dates not examined
Gl-Gw, dates not examined
Gálvez, Antonio, dates not examined
Gardels, Nathan, dates not examined
Garduño, Flor, dates not examined
Garro, Elena, dates not examined
Gavin, John G., dates not examined
Geist, Anthony, dates not examined
Geo (Magazine), dates not examined
Gerassi, John, dates not examined
Gimferrer, Pere, dates not examined
Glenn, Sen. John, dates not examined
Gligo, Maritza, dates not examined
Gordimer, Nadine, dates not examined
Gorostiza, José, dates not examined
Goytisolo, Juan, dates not examined
Goytisolo, Luis, dates not examined
Grass, Günter, dates not examined
Grobity, Michel, dates not examined
Grove Press, dates not examined
Grupo de los Cien Artistas e Intelectuales (México, D.F.: Homero Aridijis), dates not examined
Guerra, Alvaro, dates not examined
Guido, Beatriz, dates not examined
Guillén, Claudio, dates not examined
Guillén, Jorge, dates not examined
H (General), 1967-1993
Ha-He, dates not examined
Hi-Hy, dates not examined
Hamill, Pete, dates not examined
Harkins, Ann M., dates not examined
Harvard University ( 1978-1983 May Juan Marichal, Lili Wadsworth, Walter Kaiser), 1978-1983 May
"Hate Mail", dates not examined
Hellman, Lillian, dates not examined
Heydon, Peter N., dates not examined
Hileman, Sam, dates not examined
Hiram College, dates not examined
Hoeksma, Thomas, dates not examined
Holmberg, Arthur, dates not examined
Horgan, Paul, dates not examined
I (General), dates not examined
Ibañez, Juan, dates not examined
(Revista) Internacional y Diplomática (México, D.F.; Francisco Agüera Cenarro), dates not examined
International Monetary Fund (IMF): Michael Camdessus, Hélène de Margerie, dates not examined
Iseman, Peter A., dates not examined
J (General), dates not examined
Jagger, Bianca, dates not examined
Jansen, André, dates not examined
Jenson, Lee, dates not examined
Jones, James, dates not examined
Josephs, Allen, dates not examined
Jouffroy, Alain, dates not examined
"Julissa", dates not examined
K (General), dates not examined
Karol, K. S., dates not examined
Karvelis, Ugné, 1967-1972
Kemp, Lysander, dates not examined
Kenyon Review, dates not examined
King, John, dates not examined
Kinzer, Stephen, dates not examined
Knebel, Fletcher, dates not examined
Knox College, dates not examined
Kosinski, Jerzy, dates not examined
Kundera, Milan, dates not examined
Kuo, Mo-jo, dates not examined
L (General), dates not examined
La-Le, dates not examined
Li-Ly, dates not examined
Lafaye, Jacques, dates not examined
Lang, Jack, dates not examined
Laveaga, Gerardo, dates not examined
Lavelli, Jorge, dates not examined
"Lawyers", dates not examined
Leach, Rep. Jim, dates not examined
Leduc, Paul, dates not examined
Leñero, Vicente, dates not examined
Lennon, Yoko Ono, dates not examined
Levitt, Morton, dates not examined
Lewis, Flora, dates not examined
Lewis, Oscar, dates not examined
Life (Magazine), dates not examined
Linowitz, Sol M., dates not examined
Liss, Peggy K., dates not examined
Logan, Donald M., dates not examined
London Library, dates not examined
Lord, David, dates not examined
Losey, Joseph, dates not examined
Loveluck, Juan, dates not examined
Loyola, Yvonne, dates not examined
M (General), 1940-1994
Ma-Mc, dates not examined
Me-Mi, dates not examined
Mo-My, dates not examined
M (?), Alicie, dates not examined
M (?), "Chaneca", dates not examined
MacShane, Frank, dates not examined
Maldonado, José, dates not examined
Maloff, Saul, dates not examined
Malone Gill Productions, 1982-1988
Malraux, André, dates not examined
Manas Publishing Company (re: Fuentes' Harvard University Commencement Address), dates not examined
Manet, Eduardo, dates not examined
Marrast, Robert, dates not examined
Martinez, Juan, dates not examined
Matta, Roberto, dates not examined
Mellen, Joan, dates not examined
Menton, Seymour, dates not examined
de Mesa, Diego, dates not examined
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). Distinguished Service Award, 1983
Mexico. Departamento del Distrito Federal- Direccion General Acción Cultural y Social, 1971
Michel, Manuel, dates not examined
Miller, Arthur, dates not examined
Miller, Henry, dates not examined
Mills, C. Wright, dates not examined
Mjoberg, Jöran, dates not examined
Modern Language Association of America (Robert G. Mead, Jr., Joel Connaroe, dates not examined
Mohrbooks Literary Agency (Zurich, Switzerland; Rainer Heumann, Maria Wiget), dates not examined
Molina, Enrique, dates not examined
Moravia, Alberto, dates not examined
Moro, César, dates not examined
Mutis, Alvaro, dates not examined
N (General), 1982-1994
Na-Ne, dates not examined
Ni-Nu, dates not examined
Naime, Alexander, dates not examined
Nair, Mira, dates not examined
National Bipartisan Commission on Latin America (a/k/a "Kissinger Commission"), dates not examined
Neruda, Pablo, dates not examined
New Left Books, dates not examined
New York Newsday, dates not examined
New York Post, dates not examined
New York Public Library, 1982-1989
New York Public Library, 1990-1993
Newby, Cynthia, dates not examined
Newsweek, dates not examined
Nicholson, Irene, dates not examined
Nieto, Rodolfo, dates not examined
Novaceanu, Darie, dates not examined
Novo, Salvador, dates not examined
O (General), dates not examined
Ocampo, Victoria, dates not examined
Offroy, Raymond, dates not examined
Ortega, Julio, dates not examined
P (General), 1988-1992
Pa-Pe, dates not examined
Phi-Pur, dates not examined
Pacifica Radio, dates not examined
El País (Madrid), dates not examined
Pastor, Robert, dates not examined
Pauluzzi, Fausto, dates not examined
Pax: International Journal of Art, Science and Philosophy (Bryce Milligan), dates not examined
Peck, Gregory, dates not examined
Peck, Kenny, dates not examined
Pellicer, Pilar, dates not examined
Peyrou, Manuel, dates not examined
Piñón, Nélida, dates not examined
Pinter, Harold, dates not examined
Pitol, Sergio, dates not examined
Poetry Center of the 92nd St. YM-YWHA (New York, N.Y.; Grace Schulman et al.), dates not examined
"Polemics", dates not examined
Policy Review, dates not examined
Portilla, Jorge, dates not examined
Premio Cervantes 1988 (1), 1988
Premio Cervantes 1988 (2), 1988
Premio Illa (Rome, ), 1988
Premio Internacional de Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe (Juan Rulfo), dates not examined
Premios Principe de Asturias, 1990
Princeton University (Edward D. Sullivan, Albert Sonnenfeld, Joseph Frank), dates not examined
Producciones Barbachano Ponce (Manuel Barbachano Ponce, Federico Amérigo), dates not examined
"Puppy Loves", dates not examined
Puterbaugh Conference on Writers of the Hispanic and French-Speaking World, dates not examined
Q (General), dates not examined
R (General), 1956-1957
Ra-Ri, dates not examined
Ro-Ry, dates not examined
Rama, Angel, dates not examined
Ravoni, Marcelo, dates not examined
Raymont, Henry, dates not examined
Reeve, Richard, dates not examined
Regás, María Luz, dates not examined
La Règle du Jeu, dates not examined
El Rehilete, dates not examined
Reisz, Karel, dates not examined
Renfrew, Nita M., dates not examined
Represas, José, dates not examined
Révolution, dates not examined
Reyes, Alfonso, dates not examined
Reyes, Bernardo, dates not examined
Riding, Alan, dates not examined
Ríos, Julián, dates not examined
Rocha, Glauber, dates not examined
Rodman, Selden, dates not examined
Rojas, Gonzalo, dates not examined
Rosen, Laura, dates not examined
Rosen, Robert, dates not examined
Ross Associates, dates not examined
Rossi, Alejandro, dates not examined
Rozan, Micheline, dates not examined
Rueff, Jacques, dates not examined
Rukeyser, Muriel, dates not examined
S (General), 1962-1994
Sa-Sh, dates not examined
Si-Sp, dates not examined
St-Sz, dates not examined
SOGETEL, dates not examined
Sainz, Gustavo, dates not examined
Salinger, Pierre, dates not examined
Salvat, Ricard, dates not examined
Salvat Editores, dates not examined
Sampson, Anthony, dates not examined
Sandor, Serge, dates not examined
Sarduy, Severo, dates not examined
Saturday Review, dates not examined
Saura, Antonio, dates not examined
Saura, Carlos, dates not examined
Scarpetta, Guy, dates not examined
Schneider, Romy, dates not examined
Segovia, Tomás, dates not examined
Semprún, Jorge, dates not examined
Show, dates not examined
Shrady, Nicholas, dates not examined
Silva, Clara, dates not examined
Simon & Schuster, dates not examined
Sirol, Jean, dates not examined
Sjoberg, Leif, dates not examined
Smíd, Zdeněk, dates not examined
Sokol, John F., dates not examined
Sommers, Joseph, dates not examined
Sontag, Susan, dates not examined
Soriano, Juan, dates not examined
Sosnowski, Saul, dates not examined
Spain. Sociedad Estatal para la Ejecución de Programas del Quinto Centenario, dates not examined
Spender, Stephen, dates not examined
State University of New York (Binghamton, Brockport and Buffalo Campuses), dates not examined
Steiner, George, dates not examined
Stellweg, Carole, dates not examined
Straub, Peter, dates not examined
Straus, Dorothea, dates not examined
Stresino, Edward, dates not examined
Students and Readers ( ), undated
Students and Readers, 1962-1983
Students and Readers, 1984
Students and Readers, 1985-1986
Students and Readers, 1987-1988
Students and Readers, 1989-1991
Students and Readers, 1992
Students and Readers, 1993-1994
Sucre, Guillermo, dates not examined
Szulc, Tad, dates not examined
T (General), dates not examined
TVE, dates not examined
Tarshis, Jerome, dates not examined
Tébar, Juan, dates not examined
Téllez, Hernando, dates not examined
Thomas, Hugh, dates not examined
Time Warner, dates not examined
Tomic, Radomiro, dates not examined
Torreti, Roberto, dates not examined
Tovar, Juan, dates not examined
Toynbee, Arnold, dates not examined
U (General), dates not examined
UNESCO: Conferencia General 1982 November-December (Carlos Ortega Cárdenas), 1982 November-December
Unger, Roni, dates not examined
University of California. Office of the President (David Pierpont Gardner), dates not examined
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Lars Schoultz, Sharon S. Mújica), dates not examined
University of Southern California (R. Gottesman, M. Fromson, A. F. Lowenthal), dates not examined
University of Texas at El Paso (Willard Gingerich, Alina Camacho de Gingerich), dates not examined
Urbani, Giovanni, dates not examined
Uribe, Elena, dates not examined
V (General), dates not examined
Vassar College, dates not examined
Véliz, Claudio, dates not examined
Velo, Carlos, dates not examined
Venture, dates not examined
Viereck, Peter, dates not examined
Viking Penguin, dates not examined
Vilalta, Maruxa, dates not examined
Vildosola, Marta, dates not examined
Vitier, Cintio, dates not examined
Vogel, Amos, dates not examined
Vogue, dates not examined
Vuelta (México, D.F.: Enrique Krauze, Fausto Zerón-Medina, Alejandro Rossi), dates not examined
W (General), 1965-1993
Wa-We, dates not examined
Wh-Wr, dates not examined
W. W. Norton, dates not examined
White, Victor F., dates not examined
Whitman College, dates not examined
Williams College, dates not examined
World Arts Forum, dates not examined
Wyant, Lisa, dates not examined
Xirau, Ramón, dates not examined
Y (General), dates not examined
Yale University, dates not examined
Yanover, Héctor, dates not examined
Young Presidents' Organization: Dallas Chapter (Bob Buford, Richard Marcus), dates not examined
Z (General), dates not examined
Zagni, Giancarlo, dates not examined
Zambrano, Maria, dates not examined
Zins, Céline, 1970-1981
Zins, Céline, 1982-1992
Zora, dates not examined
Unidentified, dates not examined
Cixous, Hélène, 1969-1974
Cortázar, Julio, 1955-1968
Cortázar, Julio, 1969-1982
Donoso, José, 1962-1980
Donoso, José, 1962-1993
Mailer, Norman, dates not examined
Paz, Octavio, circa 1956-1967
Paz, Octavio, 1968-1970
Paz, Octavio, 1971-1982
Ramírez, María, dates not examined
Roth, Philip, dates not examined
Seberg, Jean, dates not examined
Series 5: Documents, 1943-1992
Includes report cards from schools which Fuentes attended, miscellaneous certificates, and identification papers issued by the Mexican government. There are also drafts of Fuentes' curriculum vitae, U.S. immigration forms, death papers for Rafael Fuentes Boettiger, and appointment calendars marked by Fuentes for the years 1975 1977-1982 and 1986-1987. Also includes bills, receipts, and tickets from hotels, airlines and cruise lines, bank statements, and a small amount of tax forms.
This series is arranged into two subseries: School and Government, and Bills and Receipts.
Embassy of Mexico [Paris, France]: Working papers on Mexican foreign policy, circa 1975-1977
Miscellaneous, dates not examined
Crédit Lyonnais, dates not examined
Hotels, dates not examined
Lloyds Bank, dates not examined
Real Estate, dates not examined
Subscriptions, dates not examined
Includes photographs of Fuentes' parents, one of his sister Berta Macías de Fuentes, one photograph of Octavio Paz, and many photographs (some are reproductions) of Fuentes, dating from the 1950s to 1997.
Not arranged according to any arrangement scheme.
Five cassettes, recorded on both sides, of Fuentes reading his English version of his play Orchids in the Moonlight, probably recorded in 1982, and 31 other unprocessed audiocassettes. This series also includes 24 videocassettes of the author's speeches, interviews, and presentations on television, including The Buried Mirror series.
Arranged by genre of material.
Includes manuscript poems, short stories, and theater pieces by writers Julio Cortázar, Octavio Paz, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Guillén, Fernando Benítez, Claribel Alegría and Darwin J. Flakoll, and others; draft manuscript and page proofs for an anthology on Spanish American poetry by Cintio Vitier; printed screenplays, "Juarez" by John Huston et al., and "Love and Money" by James Toback et al.; literary criticism by others; and several doctoral dissertations and other theses on Fuentes. Short papers of others are filed in alphabetical order in folders at the start of the series. Longer papers of others are filed under the author's name or under "unidentified," in a separate folder or folders.
Arranged alphabetically by author.
Holograph material by Fuentes; Papers of others by people with surnames, A-Bro, dates not examined
Cas-Eyr, dates not examined
Far-Gar, dates not examined
Gav-Gro, dates not examined
Gun-Log, dates not examined
Lor-Nov, dates not examined
Ort-Sob, dates not examined
Sta-Zav, dates not examined
Cohen, Stanley: "The Assault on American Victorianism in the Twentieth Century, TMs (Xerox), 1975
Herron, Carol Olivia: fiction and nonfiction, TMss and TMss (Xeroxes), dated, 1983 February-May
Mexico. Government. Ambassador Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, speeches, 1983 March photocopies, 1983 March
Reyes, Alfonso, 1955 February 28
Roth, Philip: Galleys for novel Zuckerman Bound published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, circa 1985
Roy, Joaquín: "Forma y pensamiento de un discurso de Carlos Fuentes," TMs (Xerox), circa 1988
This series spans 1942 to 1993 and includes a large and diverse amount of biographical material about the author and memorabilia saved by Fuentes, including printed matter from schools attended in the 1940s; movie and theater program from Mexico, New York, and European countries in the 1950s; printed copies of Fuentes' journalism and fiction; interviews with Carlos Fuentes; and tearsheets of articles on Carlos Fuentes from academic journals published in the U.S., Mexico, Spain, and other countries.
This series is arranged into two subseries: Scrapbooks, and Clippings and Printed Material.
1. BY CARLOS FUENTES, 1949-1993
1980s, 1980s
1980s, 1980s
1980s, 1980s
1980s, 1980s
1980s, 1980s
1990s, 1990s
1990-1993, 1990-1993
Business Cards, dates not examined
Menus, 1970s-1991
Maps, dates not examined
Additional Papers, 1966-2002
The Additonal Papers (1966-2002) are comprised of notebooks; page proofs; drafts of writings by Fuentes; English translations of works by Fuentes; videocassettes and audiocassettes; drawings; and a scrapbook.
Materials are arranged, for the most part, as received by the repository.
Page proofs, labeled "Master" with corrections in several hands, 1996 pp. i-vi, 1-215, 1996
Additional Papers, 1945-2012
The Additional Papers (1945-2012) are comprised of drafts of writings by Fuentes, including novels, articles, essays, reviews, and speeches; subject files relating to academic and cultural institutions, publishers, forums, embassies, editors, colleagues, artists, cultural and political figures, friends, and many others; speeches and talks given at conferences, convocations, awards ceremonies, lectures, and symposia; printed materials, including event invitations, programs, posters, book covers, publication proofs, photographs, published speeches, press kits, and essays by and about Fuentes; a large number of newspapers and press clippings containing articles by and about Fuentes, including reviews of his works; a few digital files; and other materials. Also included are 14 letters from Carlos Fuentes to Carolyn Pfeiffer written between 1969 and 1971, covering topics of film, including Fuentes' collaboration with Luis Buñuel, theater, literature, and personal matters.
Materials are, for the most part, arranged as received by the repository.
Adán en Edén, 2009 April-August
Aura, circa 2000
Birthday, undated
La cabeza de la hidra, 1977
Carolina Grau, circa 2000s-2010
Contra Bush, 2004 July
Contre Bush, 2004 October
Diana, circa 1993
En esto creo, circa 2000s
La frontera de cristal, circa 1990s
Las dos tradiciones, undated
Geografía de la novela, undated
Old Gringo, 1987 November 12
Inquieta compañia, circa 2001-2004
Instinto de Inéz, circa 1990-2001
Los años con Laura Díaz, circa 1990s-2001
El naranjo, circa 1992
Orchids in the Moonlight, 1995
Retratos en el tiempo, circa 1990s
Santa Anna: Operetta, circa 2007
La silla del águila, circa 2000s
La sinfonía fantástica, circa 1999
Territories of Time, 2003-2004
El tuerto es rey, circa 1970, 2002, 2008
Viendo visiones, circa 1968-2002
Vlad, 2002
La voluntad y la fortuna, circa 2007-2010
Federico en su balcón, circa 2012
Personas, undated
La frontera de cristal, circa 1993-1998
Amor del cine, undated
Advertencia pre-ibérica, 2009
Nuria Amat, undated
Nuria Amat (Prólogo), 2004
AGPA 2000. Prólogo, 2000 August 16
Novela Alfaguara NYT, 1998 October
CNN: American Way, undated
Mi Argentina querida, undated
40 años de región, undated
Albas de Albion, 2004 February
Articulos políticos, undated
Anthropos, undated
Alatavismos anglosajones, undated
Abbas/Magnum, undated
Austin, 1993-1994
Americas Award, circa 1994
Auchwitz: ¿Nunca más?, undated
Las amigas, undated
Alta fidelidad, 2003 April 15
Arizona, undated
Asi que pasen cinco años, circa 2005
Articulos + Discursos, 2006 July
Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 2000 June 20
Alma de México, 2000
Año nuevo ¿nueva era?, 2007 December
Aventuras de un excluible, undated
Brazil - Bella, circa 1987
Buñuel, Luis, undated
Buñuel, Luis: The milky way, 2007
Buñuel, Luis: Nazarín, circa 2002
Buñuel, Luis: Harvard, circa 2002
Fernando Benítez, undated
Banco de México, 2008 November
Las coleccciones del BBVA, 2006
B.L.D., undated
Back a round - Docs., circa 1997
Drafts BBVA, undated
Bicentenario, undated
Bravo, Beatriz, circa 2004
Brown: Epic, undated
Buried Mirror - notas, undated
Buried Mirror - Spain, undated
Buried Mirror - drafts, undated
Buried Mirror - promo, undated
Barral, Carlos, 1998 April
Brown - Clases, undated
Brasil, circa 1987, 1997
Bosnia importa, undated
Bicentenario: Bis, undated
El bicentenario de Lincoln, 2009 May
Borges, undated
Borges, 1990 November
Not a border, but a scar?, undated
Buenos Aires revisited, undated
El debut de George W. Bush, undated
Bush de cal y arena, 2001 February 7
Bush y Cuba, undated
Cátedra Bolívar, undated
Borradores - '97, circa 1997
Botero, circa 2003
Buenos Aires, 2007
El bufón de un bufón, 2007
Birthdays, 1968 September 11
El Conde de Montecristo, undated
Courbert, undated
Cadáveres exquisitos, 2005
Leonora Carrington, undated
Carpentier, undated
Luis Carreño, 2011 April 18
Centenario, undated
Cándido, 2004 August 24
Cantera, 2006 October 9
Albert Camus, undated
Calderón y Cameron, 2005 December 19
El Sinaí de Calderón, circa 2009
Ramón Canet, 2005
Carter, Cuba, Castro, 2002 May 21
Casandra y el padrino, circa 2006
Centenarios, circa 2007
!Viva Cárdenas!, circa 2003
Juan Luis Cebrián, 2001 May 28
Castro, Clinton, Juan Pablo, undated
La iniciativa Clinton, circa 2005
Clinton / Lang-Suárez, 1998
Adiós, Mr. Clinton, 1992, 2001
El caso Clinton, circa 1998
Clinton en la encrucijada, undated
Clinton en Colombia, undated
Man of the century?, undated
Culture and crisis, circa 1992
Chile, 1993
Viva Chile, mierda!, 1998
Culture and Crisis, undated
A Memory of Chile, undated
Chile: A Memory of Chile, undated
Chile: For the Guardian, undated
Coloquio - Lecture, circa 1991
Jorge y Adolfo, 2003 November 25
Jorge Castañeda, undated
Castañeda, undated
La cápsula del tiempo, undated
Civilización latina, undated
Colores electorales, 2003 July 2
Ciudades para crecer, undated
Convención demócrata, 2008
Compromisos, undated
Crónicas: 1959-1989, circa 1986-1989
Cereceda, Angeles, circa 2003
Conexión con nexos, 2000
City + novel, undated
Colosio, circa 1998
Cien años de orilla reynal, undated
Campillo Sáinz, José, circa 2002
Conrad Hoseph, 2001 November
Cuentos, circa 1996
Cuentos circulo, 1996 January
Ciudades para crecer, undated
La ciudad minada, undated
La ciudad del amor fraterno, undated
La ciudad anterior, circa 1997
Caras nuevas para el 2000, undated
Crimen sin castigo, undated
Cooper Union speech, 1991-1993
Catedra Bolívar, undated
Core: III, V, VII y VIII, undated
Core: S.P. Culture, undated
Core: Inagural, 1987
Harvard Core: Mexico, circa 1994
Core 16. Carpentier - Notes, undated
Gallegos (Core). RG - Notes, undated
Rulfo. Core 18, undated
Consejo de seguridad, circa 2007
Círculo, Madrid, 1995 July 6
Cisneros, circa 2002-2004
Cosecha cultural, undated
La comedia narrativa, 2004 July 13
Carrillo Castro, 1996 January
V. Centenario, undated
Copias conferencias, undated
La cuestión Mexicana, undated
La casa a oscuras, 2001 October 7
Ojalá Juan Cruz, undated
Cosby, undated
Cuando muere un amigo, 2003
El sitio de Chiapas, circa 1998
Chiapas: La guerra y la paz, undated
Cuba: La hora de la verdad, undated
Cuba, circa 2002
Palabras de agradecimiento: Condecoración de la Orden de Isabel la Católica, 1994 October 19
¿Qué Chávez?, undated
Chiapas: Periodismo, 1998
¿China sí, Cuba no?, undated
Eduardo Chillida, undated
Memoria y vocación de Chile, undated
Chile: Política y ficción, 2010
Chile, undated
Chile, circa 1983
Don Quixote, 1998 January
El destino de un libro, undated
Los dos perros, undated
Dos peliculas dos, 2008
Drafts, 2005
D'Alema, circa 2006
Dickens, undated
Mario de la Cueva, undated
Debe y haber de Amlo, circa 2006
Debe y haber de Calderón, circa 2006
Discurso Los Angeles, 2006 May
Drafts - NYT, undated
¿El deshielo?, circa 2009
Las tres décadas de un rey, undated
Decir la verdad al poder, circa 2003
Delaware, undated
Después del domingo, circa 2006
De la herencia a la ponencia, 1999
Demócratas, undated
Democracia descarrilada, undated
Discursos (Drafts), undated
Drafts: Mexico lecture USA, undated
Drafts, 2000
Drafts - Fox, undated
Dos siglos de Diderot, undated
Drafts - Ensayos, circa 1990s
Drafts - Writers. Newsweek '96, 1996
Drafts - Speeches, undated
Drafts - England, undated
Drafts - Lectures, undated
Drafts, 2000
Drafts, 2009
Diana - US/UK, 1995
Diana - UK, 1995
Diana - NYT - Reading, 1995
Drafts, undated
Drafts (varios sin títulos), undated
El debate, desde afuera, circa 1999
Dar más - Fundación Down, 2004 May
El 68: Derrota pirrica, circa 1998
El diámetro del desastre, 2001
Diálogo con D'Alema, 1999
El destino de un libro, undated
Discriminaciones, undated
De domingo a domingo, 1997 July
Las dos orillas, circa 1991
Un día cualquiera, circa 1997
Un domingo cualquiera, circa 2001
El día más largo, circa 2004
Down Fundación, undated
Donoso: Brown, undated
José Donoso, siempre vivo, undated
Foro Educación, circa 1997
Elizondo, undated
Epílogo provisional, 2004
European - Utopia, undated
Grabriel Esquivada. El clarín, 2006
Escritores mexicanos, undated
La gran enchilada, 2000
Edad en el tiempo, undated
Una elección decisiva, undated
El eje México-Brasil, undated
The Elian Show, circa 2000
Entre Londres y México, undated
En eso creo, felicidad, undated
Europa cero nueve, 2009
Europa y América Latina, 2001
Europa en limbo, undated
Europa-Latinoamérica, undated
El rapto de Europa, circa 2007
España/Hispanoamérica, circa 2003
¿La escritura o la vida?, undated
Extraños camaradas, circa 2010
El espectador (Este País), undated
Este País, 2001 April
Ferrar Straus, undated
Biografía; Carlos Fuentes, undated
Fuentes, Carlos, undated
Feria Guadalajara, 2010
A la gloria de Francia, circa 2003
¿Que nos dice Francia?, 1997 June
Foreword, 1985
Don Felipe y Don Fidel, 1997 July
Carlos Fuentes, undated
Fuentes: Textos/Ensayo, undated
Carlos Fuentes: Lectura, undated
C. Fuentes: Prólogo, undated
C. Fuentes: Drafts, circa 1997
C. Fuentes: Nouvel Observateur, 1994
Fuentes to Shakespeare, undated
De Carlos Fuentes, undated
William Faulkner, circa 2000
Mensaje a Fernando, undated
Fitzgerald, undated
Feliz año nuevo, undated
¿Feliz año diez?, circa 2009
¿Feliz año nuevo?, circa 2001
Felicidad, undated
Frontier - Long. U.K., undated
Frontier - Copy, undated
Los dos caminos de Fox, 2001
Francia: La pipolización, 2008
La Francia dice que no, 2005
Ferrer Eulalio, 1993 November 11
Retorno a Formentor, undated
La frontera herida, undated
Federalismo, circa 2004
Fascinante fascismo, 2007
Un fantasma tropical, undated
Francomoribundia, 2003, 2011
El fin del sistema mexicano, 1995
FTA: Discurso, circa 1992-1993
Foro iberoamérica, circa 2005-2007
Gatos - Drafts, undated
John Kenneth Galbraith, 2007
Sofía Gandarias, undated
Gallimard Antoine, 2000
García Márquez: 1. Pogiolli lecture, Harvard University - 2. Drafts - 3. March '83, circa 1980s
Gabriel García Márquez, 1992
Gabriel García Márquez, 1998
García Márquez: (Core 19), undated
Gabo: Thanks for the Memory, undated
De generaciones, 2005
La gran tentación, undated
Género de géneros, undated
Grass, Gunter, undated
Gracia para Grass, 2006
Globalidad, undated
Gobernar la globalización, 2003
Gallegos: (Core 15), undated
Don Giovanni, 2007
Gringo viejo, undated
Santiago Gamboa, undated
Geografía de la novela, 1988, 1991
Globalización, undated
Global, mundial, internacional, 2007
La gloriosa victoria, undated
Marcos Guillén, undated
¿Gutenberg ha muerto?, 2000 August 5
Guadalajara, undated
Haití, undated
¿Ha terminado la comedia?, 2005
Héroes, pueblos, e historia, undated
Prólogo: Herrán Saturnino, undated
El hombre lobo, undated
Hacer política, 1998
Hanks, Nancy lecture, undated
Un humanista para el año nuevo, 2004
¿El hombre del siglo?, undated
La herida de Acteal, 1998
Historia de las cosas, undated
Hopenhayn, undated
Ilusiones y realidades, 2000
Internet, 1999-2000
El instituto de México, 2002
Independencia y lenguaje, 2010
Independencia hispanoamericana, 2010
Infidelidades, 2003 April
Un libro indispensable, circa 2005
Polos de la intolerancia, 2002
IBM/Mexico - USA, circa 1995
Irak: La experiencia mexicana, 2007
Irak: Llenando el vacío, 2004
¿Irán a Irak?, 2002
I.Q. + V.V., undated
Invierno caliente, 2007
Italia, 2008 April
Jefferson, circa 1988
Jesus, 2001
Un jardín literario, 1997
Journalism: Background, circa 1989
James Joyce: Ulises, undated
Los Cristos de Julián, undated
Frida Kahlo, circa 2007
Aga Khan, 1994
Edward Kennedy, 2009
Kafka no va a la playa, 2000
Leni, Buñuel y Roosevelt, 2003
El Yucatán de Lara Zavala, 2009
Saludo a Ricardo Lagos, circa 2000
Mensaje a Ricardo Lagos, 2004
Latin America, undated
Latinidad - Paris, 2000
Letras norteamericanas, 2001
Latinoamérica - Culture, undated
Luces y sombras en Guanajuato, 2001
Literatura (notas), undated
Lecture - Notes, circa 1993
Lecture: US-LAM, circa 2001
La lectura épica del poder, undated
Dos lecturas, dos países, 2005
Lecturas B.A., undated
Letras polacas, 2002
Los Angeles, 1997 April
Los Angeles, circa 1997
Londres: El terror, 2005
Una luz en el camino, 2003
Marxismo y postmodernismo, undated
Melodrama mexicano, undated
Monsiváis, 2010
Una modesta proposición, undated
Memorial de mañana, 1999, 2001, 2009
Memorias para la actualidad, undated
Tomás Eloy Martínez, undated
Medio oriente, 2006 February
Raúl Martínez Ostos, undated
La muerte del miedo, 1997 July
Multi-Culturalism, undated
Multicultural Education, 1991-1992
R.C. (Moros en la costa), circa 1996
Meditación del poder, undated
Mujeres políticas, undated
Meditación sobre la montaña, undated
Missan, Sergio, undated
Macbeth, 2003
Metamorfosis de los partidos, 2000
El muñeco, undated
El mal del tiempo, circa 1994
Madrid: Fundación Rubiales, undated
Maquiavelo no te rajes, 2003
¿Qué haría Maquiavelo?, 2006
Las marejadas del mal, undated
El mal, 2004, 2007
Mariana, di que sí, undated
Memorial del mañana, undated
Mexico in a Nutshell, undated
Mexico - US clips. X lectures, 1995
México, 2008
Mexico Post-Electoral, 2006
México: ciudad del refugio, undated
México y Francia, 1997 April 14
México-USA: la agenda, 2001
México mestizo, 2001-2002
Monclova - México, undated
México y Francia, Irak y Onu, 2002
Música del caribe, circa 2000
México, circa 1992
Miterrand, undated
The New Republic, undated
Notas Sevilla, undated
Names, Novels and Histories, undated
Un lapíz para Nicaragua, undated
Imagenes de Nicaragua, circa 1989
En Nicaragua, undated
El fuego en Nicaragua, undated
Conexión con nexos, 2000 May 12
Neruda, Pablo, undated
Newsweek, undated
Newsweek: Boom and Boomerang, 1996
Una novela libre, 2001
Novela latinoaméricana, 2001
Nissen, undated
A New Time for Mexico, undated
¿Nueva izquierda?, 2003
Nueva California, 1999
Notas viaje, circa 1992-1993
Notas, Spring '95, 1995
Notas RC, undated
Notes fiction, undated
NYT: Immigration, 1993-1994
Notas viaje, 1997-1998
Notas Rio, circa 1995-1996
Notes: ecosoc., circa 1995
Notes - 94 - lectures, 1994
Novela - CN, 1998 March
Notas: México, circa 1994
NTM - FSG, 1995-1996
NOI - Siglo XXI, circa 1990-1992
Notas V.C., undated
¿Ha muerto la novela?, undated
NAFTA, circa 1993
Nuevo tiempo mexicano, circa 1990-1994
A New Time in Mexico, undated
Notes - NOI - Speech, circa 1992
NYT - World order, circa 1993
Nos hemos quedado ciegos, 2007
Notas viaje, undated
Notas literatura - cultura, 2004
Notas cultura, undated
Notas culturas, undated
Notas literatura, undated
Notas varias (manuscritas), undated
Orson Welles - "It's All True", 1994
Obama y sus opositores, 2009
Bienvenido, señor Obama, undated
Presidente Obama, 2008
Obama el egipcio, 2009
La salud de Obama, 2010
NPQ (President Obama), 2008 October
Obamania, 2009
Obama y el joven siglo, 2010
Nueva Orleans, 2005
La O.E.A. cincuentona, circa 1998
Los olvidados, undated
The Orange Tree - Reading, 1994
Oregon Prog. V, 1995
Other, circa 1992
La oposición dividida, 2007
Proemio, circa 2004
Presentación, 2001
Príncipe de Asturias, undated
Pinter, Harold, circa 1993-1995
Prólogo cuentos, circa 1994
Gregory Peck, undated
Prensa, 2007, 2010-2012
Artículos periódicos USA, 2011
Presa - New York Times, 2010
Películas para periodistas, 2005
El pantano, 2005
Partidos por tres, 2009
El papa bueno y el papa malo, 2000
Partidos por la mitad, undated
Países de la luna creciente, 2006
La paz caliente, 2001
Un periodista ejemplar (Salas), 2000
Nélida Piñon, 1994-1995
Uslar Pietri, 2001
The Pinochet Case, undated
Una víctima de Pinochet, undated
El plaza de desplaza, circa 2005
Preludio, 2006
El peor presidente, 2001 April
Un premio merecido, 2009
Polyforum V., circa 1996
Polos de la intolerancia, 2002
Jesús de Polanco, circa 2008
Isabel Polanco, undated
Progreso incluyente - drafts, 1997
Prensa - viaje, 1998
¿Por quién vas a votar?, 1997 July
Pandora nuclear, 2003 February 18
Por la izquierda, 2001
¿Puede renovarse el PRI?, 1998
PRI, RIP? - New York Times, undated
Polyforum - notas, undated
Polonia, 2002
Política con "P" de petróleo, 2000
El prisionero de las lomas, undated
Políticas culturales, undated
Puebla (textos), 1956-2011
Don Quijote y Terra Nostra, undated
¿Qué tal?, undated
TV. Quijote - IV Cent., undated
Don Quijote - Notas - Mex, undated
Quijote - IV Cent. - Notas, undated
Quinto centenario, undated
RAI, undated
Reyes Heroles, novelista, 1995
Readings (Texas), 2005 October
Reading 2, circa 1997
US - Read, undated
Readings, undated
Readings (para el futuro), undated
Readings - English, circa 2000
Reading X CF, 1992
Ríos, Julián, undated
Rozental, Andrés, undated
Requiem for a Millenium, 1999
Republicanos, undated
El racista enmascarado, undated
Redimir a la Argentina, 2011
Mi reino por un lápiz, 1999 August
María Rojo, 1998
La revolución federalista, undated
Reflexiones para Monterrey, 2002
RR EE, undated
Rusia, país Potemkin, 1998
RMT, undated
Río Grande, undated
Rutgers / copia, undated
RAI - Roma, circa 1997
Read, 1994
Armando Reverón, undated
RSA - Transition, circa 1997
Revolución francesa, 1989
La revolución federalista, 2005
Francois Reichnbach, undated
Philip Roth, undated
Rolex, 2008
El premio Roosevelt, undated
Rushdie, circa 1992
Dos reyes y un actor, undated
El robot sacramentado, 1991
Un rey necesario, 2007
Rueda, undated
Sumar, restar, 1956
El siglo del cine, 2000
Seberg, circa 1980s-1990s
Nacionalismo: Sedesol, undated
Una ley Sherman par México, 2007
Santillana, 2011
The Invasion (Solares), 2009
Sarko y Sego, 2007
Mi Salamanca literaria, 2002
Santiago, 1993 November
Sentinelas del silencio, 1997
Y sigue la mata dando, 2001
Spring '95. Mexico - US - LAM, 1995
Aniversario revista Siempre, undated
Shakespeare y Cervantes, undated
Novela CN y Saramango, undated
Saramango en Lanzarote, 1997
See you in Santiago, undated
Seminario Sedasol, undated
Signos de admiración, 1989
El sitio del presidente, undated
The Story Teller (Picador), 1998
Speech resumees - NOI, circa 1992
Sedesol - NACS, circa 1993
5 soles, 2000
Sombras del año nuevo, 2007
Silvia Herzog, ¿por qué?, 1999
5 soles - texto - Natshuell, undated
Salvados por la memoria, 1995
San Patricio, 1992
Contra Soros, 2004
Soka, undated
Süddeustche Zeitung, 2010
Suterm, circa 1977-1996
Arthur Schlesinger, 2007
Tlalnepantla 1, undated
La tercera Roma, 2008
Tiempo de morir, circa 2007
Tribunal penal internacional, 2002
Tamayo - Drafts, undated
Terrorismo, undated
El trabajador fantasma, 2004
Tradición, undated
La tradición de la Mancha, undated
Territorio de la Mancha, circa 2007
Terrorismos, undated
La transición mexicana, undated
Los tronos del alma, undated
Las tentaciones mexicanas, undated
La gran tentación, 2008
Toronto, undated
Tiempo de negociar, undated
Todos los niños del mundo, 2001
Las tres décadas de un rey, 2002
Tres discuros para dos aldeas, 1993
Juan Tomás, 2000
Tufts, 1993
Treinta años después, undated
Traición, sacrificio, undated
Mi cena con Trudeau, 2000
Territorios del tiempo, 1998
Un perro andaluz, undated
Universo mexicano, 2008
USA-Latinoamerica, 1994
The USA against itself, 2002
USA: elecciones 2000, 2000
USA: viejas y nuevas políticas, 2009
UNAM: ¿que sigue?, 2000
¿El último informe?, 2003
USA: la paradoja electoral, 2000
Lucinda Urrusti, undated
La vía láctea, 2007
Valores mexicanos, 2008
Valenzuela, Arturo, undated
Juan Gabriel Vásquez, 2007
Velázquez en Londres, undated
¡Viva mi manager!, undated
Vudú, vodevil y voz de la ciudad. Los Estados Unidos, El Vaticano, y Centroamérica, circa 1983
Las viñas de la ira, 2000
Volando fuera de río, 2001
Veinte años sin Julio, undated
VMN. (Multipolar), undated
V.V. (Introducción), 1994 May
Oye tu, Francisco Villa..., undated
La voluntad y la fortuna, undated
Juan Villoro, undated
Writing in Time (Ensayos), undated
W.P., 1992 May
Work in Progress, circa 1991-1992
Writer XXIC, circa 1994
Yo acuso, undated
My Very Own Zurich, 1997 February
Ernesto Zedillo, 2009
Felicidad, circa 2002
Fortune Wanted This, circa 1964
Discurso de aceptación de la Orden Nacional al Mérito de la República Francesa, 1997 April 14
Chac Mool, circa 2008
Academia México, 1994
Aga Khan, circa 2001-2002
Amigos '94, circa 1951-1995
Arango, Plácido, circa 1994-2009
Ateneo español, 1994
Alemán, Miguel, 1993-2012
Academia sueca, 1992 November
Aguilar M. (Editor), 1986, 1988
Alfonso Arau, 1989
American Way, circa 1993
Academia Mexicana, 2001
Alfaguara / Vintage, circa 1995
Alfaguara, circa 1993-2010
Alfaguara (España), 2009
Alfaguara (Argentina), 2004
Arango, Manuel Arias, circa 1994-2012
Archivo Arango, 2004
Aylwin, circa 1995
Los Angeles Times, circa 2001-2008
Adami, Valerio, circa 2003-2008
Alemania, gobernio de, 2003
Academia Latina, 2000
Academy of Achievement, 2006
Academy of American Poets, 2003
Academia Brasileira, 1997
Academia / Europe, 1997
AA - AM - Way, undated
Artisz' Studio, 1995
Ascher, Daisy, 1994
Aguilar, Zinser A., 1995, 2005
Adami, circa 1996
Arias, Oscar, circa 1997, 2003
Agentes, circa 1996-1997
Abogados, 1997
Arent Safir, Margery, 1997
Adler, 1999
Austin, circa 2000-2001
Aguilar, Camin, 2000-2001, 2005
Amant, Nuria, 2002
Alatriste, 2002, 2012
Arts Presenters, 2002
Atienza, 2003
American Experience, 2003
Auster, Paul, 2004
Amlo, 2005
Aura, 2006
Aranjuez, circa 2006-2007
Abedrop, 2007
Azcarraga Madero, Rogerio, 2008
Aristegui, Carmen, 2009
Albuquerque - El Paso, 2009
Adán en Edén, 2009-2010
Aura - Opera, 2005, 2009
Arroyo, 2010
Aix, circa 2011
Aspen Writers' Foundation, 2012
Argelia - Gobierno, 2002-2003
Brown University, circa 1989-2012
Bertelsmann - Munich, circa 1994
Buried Mirror, 1992-1993
Becerril, Soledad, 1996
Bogotá, 1992-1993, 2012
Buñuel, 1997
Borrel, José, 1999
Borges, 1997
Baleares, 2002
BBC London, circa 1998-1999
Basave Benítez, Agustín, 2003, 2007
Bertelsmann Media, 2002, 2004
Betancur, Belisario, 2001, 2006-2009
Biarritz (Foro), 2003 October
Bardasano, Carlos, 2003
Berlin, circa 1999-2007
Barcelona, 2002-2003, 2011
Brasil, 1945, 1995-1996, 2003, 2009
Bélgica, 2003, 2009
British Museum, circa 2010
Biblioteca C.F. Xalapa, 2005
Baylor University, 2003 February 24
The Blue Metropolis Foundation, 2008
Bicentenario (1810-2010), 2005-2006
Berta Macías de Fuentes, circa 2003
Botero, circa 2003, 2006-2009
Cortázar, Julio, 2003
Bremer, Juan J., circa 2003-2009
Bush, Peter, 2003
Brading, David, 2005-2006
Botana, Natalio, 2007
Bermúdez, Sari, 2009 January 30
Bumas, Ethan, 2011
Bellas Artes, 2012
Borrego, Genaro, 2008
Coover, Robert, 1995 December 19
Caracas, 1995
Chile, undated
Centro Histórico, 1998
Carrasco - Retrato, 1992 October
Correspondencia (Canada), 2001
Correspondencia Asia, 2001
Culturales México, circa 1993-2011
Culturales Europa, circa 1994-1995
Culturales U.S.A., circa 1995-2008
Culturales Suecia, circa 2005
El Colegio Nacional, circa 2000-2012
Conaculta, circa 1999-2012
Castañeda, Jorge, circa 1995-2002
Casa de América, 1995, 2003-2004
Cátedra Alfonso Reyes, circa 1999-2009
Conferencias, circa 1999-2005
Círculo de Bellas Artes, 2001, 2004
Ciudad de México - Cultura, 2000
Coloquio UNAM, 2003 October
Contacto Cultural, 2002-2003
Contra Bush, circa 2002-2004
Colegio Williams, 2002
Premio Grinzane Cavour, 1994
Canning House, 1994, 2003
Cardoza y Aragón, 1993
Caparrós, Martín, undated
Carrefour - Strasbourg, circa 1994
Colle, Marie-Pierre, 1994
Colosio (Sedosol), circa 1993
Cuba, 1994, 1998-1999
Civitella Ranieri Center, 1994
Contreras, Gonzalo, 1995
Canarias, 1988-1989
Colombia, 2003, 2009, 2012
Cartagena, circa 2006-2007, 2012
Chile, circa 2003-2010
Chapultepec, 2008
Chiapas, circa 2000
China, 2002-2003
Cataluña (Gobierno), 2004 June 30
Chillida, circa 1996, 2001-2003
Cortazar, Enrique, circa 2003-2012
Clinton, circa 1994, 1998
Cartier Bresson, circa 1995
Cordero, Kristina (traductora), 2005
Castro-Valle, Jorge, 2007-2009
Corea, circa 2004
Claude Bernard, 1995 December 20
Carreño, José, 1996 April 19
Conrad, Joyce, 2001 February 15
Caparrós, Martín, undated
Cebrián, Juan Luis, 2003
Canet, Ramón, 2005
Cuevas, José Luis, 2006-2007
Cantú, 2007 December 17
Carrington, 2009 January 21
Christophe Von Hohenberg, 2010
CNN México, 2010 February 2
Gonzalo, Celorio, 2010 August
Carreño, Luis, 2011
Carolina Grau (Alfaguara), 2010
De la Madrid, Miguel, 1997, 2001
Donoso, José, circa 1994, 2003-2004
Doggart, Sebastian, 1996
Dultzin, 1998 September 7
Dimanche, undated
Dallas, 2003
Davos, circa 2003-2005
Dalkey Archive, 2004
República Dominicana, 2004-2005
Del Mazo, Alfredo, 2007-2008
Jean, Daniel, circa 2002, 2011
D'Alema Massimo, 2008
D'Ormesson, circa 2008
De Icaza, Carlos, 2010
Dinamarca, 2011-2012
Danziger, D.C., 1991-1994
Deutsch Andre, circa 1989-1994
Dartmouth College, 1993-1994, 2002
DVA Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2002
España (Gobierno), circa 1989-2011
El País, circa 1994-1997
El Cairo, circa 1999
Encuentro de la Cultura Cubana, 2003
Esteves, Ricardo, circa 2001-2006
Europa, circa 1998-1999, 2003-2008
Euroforum Escorial, 1995
El Colegio de México, 1999
Editoriales, circa 1993-2011
Ediciones ERA, circa 1993
Ebrard, Marcelo, circa 2007
Editorial Il Saggiatore, circa 2004
Editora Rocco Ltda., circa 2005
Editorial Alfaguara, circa 2001-2007
Editores, circa 2004, 2007
Edinburgo, 2005
FRAC/España, undated
Extremadura, 2003
Estudiantes, circa 2003-2006
Eco-Soc-Issues, circa 2002
Espinosa, Alfredo, undated
Ecole Internationale de Geneve, 2005
The Economist, 2006, 2009
Este País, 2006
Embiricos, George A., circa 2007
Echeverría, Luis, 2010 March 23
Fontaine, Arturo, 1994, 2005, 2010
Fleur, Cowles, circa 1999
Fernández, Ordóñez, 1997
FRH, undated
Foro Iberoamérica, circa 2000-2012
Fonda, Jane, circa 1989
Fundación Comillas, circa 1996-1997
Fundación Bertelsmann, 2006
Fundación Bogotá, 1996 January
Fundación Cisneros, undated
Fundación Carolina, 2005, 2008-2009
Federaciones, circa 1996-1997
Frontera: Cine, 1996 April
Felicitaciones, 2002, 2004
Felipe González, undated
Francia, circa 1994-2010
Faxes, circa 1996-2006, 2012
Fox, Vicente, circa 2001, 2009
Ford, Richard, 2005
Folha, 2001 December 18
Fuentes, Rosanna, 2003
Facultad de Derecho UNAM, 2003-2004
Fanger, Donald, 2006
S. Fisher Verlag, 2005 August 30
Fernández, Castello, 2009
Florence, Peter, 2009 December 22
Florescano, Enrique, 2009
Fuster, Valentin, 2012
Premio Formentor, 2007, 2011-2012
Foro Iberoamérica, 2004, 2007
Gobierno, circa 1993-2011
Gobierno (España), circa 2010-2011
Guadalajara, circa 1994, 2007, 2009
Goytisolo, Juan, circa 1994-2006
Grupo Santillana, circa 1998-2002
González, Felipe, circa 2002-2003
Gardels, Nathan, circa 1989-2006
Gaviria, circa 1994
Gregory Peck - NYC, circa 1991-1997
G-3 Cambridge, 1994
Gore, Albert, 1994, 2006
Gordimer, Nadine, circa 2004, 2007
Giddens, Anthony, 2005
Groningen, Holanda, 1995
García Terres, Jaime, 1994
Guthrie Theater, 1994 October 18
Gira por el norte, circa 1998
Getty - Los Angeles, 1998
García, Loaeza, 2000 April 12
Premio González-Ruano, 2009
Giancarlo Puppo, circa 1996-1997
Gante, Bélgica, circa 1998-2000
Grecia, circa 2003, 2007
Grossman, Edie, circa 2010
Lord Giddens, 2010 July 15
Glantz, 2010 December 7
Houghton Mifflin, circa 1992
Hans lecture, circa 1996
Héctor Aguilar Camín, circa 1998
Hobsbaum, 2008 November
Haddad, Joumana S., 2003 October
Hill, Pam, 2003
Heyman, 2004 February 25
Hispanistas, 2004 May 21
Éditions de L'Herne, 2006
Honduras, 2005-2006
Holanda, circa 2004-2006
Herald Tribune, 2006 August 23
Hamlet, 2009
Instituto Cervantes, circa 2000-2011
Instituto México, circa 2005
Institute Josephson, circa 1997
Itinerarios, circa 2000
Instinto de Inez, 2001
Invitaciones, circa 1995-2012
Italia, circa 2002, 2006, 2009-2010
Inquieta compañia, circa 2004-2005
ITESM (Salvador Venegas), 2006
La Jornada, circa 1995, 2000-2011
Japón (Fundación), circa 1991
José Luis Cuevas, undated
Jorge Luis Borges, 1997
John Lennon, circa 1999
Juan Cruz, circa 1999
Jenkins, Simon, circa 2005
Jakober, Ben, circa 1995, 2002, 2005
Jacchia, Patricia, circa 2005
Kadorie - Hong Kong, circa 1993
Kahlo, Frida, circa 1995, 2003
Kundera, Milán, circa 1999-2001
Korea, circa 1997
Kennedy, Ted, circa 2002
Krauze, Enrique, 2004
Kansas, 2004 April
Locos, circa 1995-2010
Lectores, circa 1994-2009
Levy Bernard Henri, 2003
Lang, Jack, circa 2001-2005
Landucci, Sandro, 2002, 2004
Lledro, Emilio, 2002, 2004
Lewis, Willee, 2002 December 21
López-Portillo, José-Juan, 2011
Laura Díaz - letters, 1999
Lilia Walewski Mayer, undated
L'Herne Edition de, circa 2003-2006
Liceu (Barcelona), 2003
La Raza, 1997
La Jornada, 1999 March 22
Le Monde, circa 1999
Las Brisas, 2001
La Nación, Buenos Aires, 2002, 2006
Letras en el Golfo, 2003 November
Libera, Antoni, 2003 September 19
Leiden, Holanda, 2006 December
Los Angeles, 2010
Medios México, circa 1994-2006
Medios Europa, circa 1991-2011
Medios U.S.A., circa 1994-2008
Medios Canada, 2003 March 17
Mohrbooks, 1993, 1998, 2002
Museo José Luis Cuevas, 1998 January
Museo de Monterrey, circa 1996-1997
Maison de L'Amerique Latine, 2009
Museos, circa 1995, 2003-2004
México, circa 1994-2009
Madrid, circa 1988, 2003, 2009
Mallorca, 2009
Milan, 2008
Montreal, 2004-2005
Miami, circa 1994-1995
Marruecos, 2003 February
Monterrey, 1993
Massey College, 1993
Migración, circa 2007
Morales, Armando, circa 1994-1996
Miguel de la Madrid, circa 1994-1997
Mayor, Federico, circa 1994, 1999
Menil, Dominique de, 1991
Manuel Arango A., circa 1995-1997
Marmolejo, Bernardo, circa 1997-2007
Mosiváis, Carlos, circa 2006-2008
Maragall, Pasqual, 2004-2005
Malone Gill Productions, 1996
Mantova, 2008
Maria Zambrano, undated
Menchú, 1999
Morton, Adam David, 1999 March 31
J.M. Meulenhoff (Editor), 2000
Merola, Marianne, 2001, 2003, 2011
Mazzucato, Eugenia, circa 2002
Matisse, circa 2003
Miller, Marjorie, 2006
Missana, Sergio, 2007
Martínez, Tomás Eloy, 2007, 2010
Mailer, Norman, 2008
Muñoz Bata, Sergio, circa 2008-2010
Márquez, Enrique, circa 2009
Gilmar Maccagnan, 2010
Marín, Jorge, circa 2010-2011
Medina Mora, Eduardo, 2012
Nexos, circa 1995-2007, 2010
NTM, 1998 December
Newsweek, circa 1997, 2001-2003
Nicaragua, circa 1989
Noruega, circa 1994
Nord-Sud Winterhur, 1994
Nuño Ana, 2004
Nissen, Brian, circa 2001
La Nación (Buenos Aires), 2002, 2006
Notre Dame, undated
Neruda, Pablo, 1999, 2004-2005
Oxford, 2003, 2005
Oscar Arias Sánchez, 1998
Ortega, Julio, circa 2003-2012
Premio Acerbi (Italia), 2004
Premio Latinidad, 1999
Premio Roosevelt, 2002, 2004
Premio Ana Seghers (Berlin), 2005
Premio Pegaso, 1994 August 18
Premio París, 2010
Premio Formertor, 2008
Premio Latino (Brasil), 1999
Prensa, circa 1997-1998, 2004
Proceso, circa 1995-2007
Pen Club, circa 2003-2012
El País, circa 2000-2008
Política, circa 1994, 1998, 2006
Polanco, Jesús de, circa 1992-2009
Pinter, Harold, circa 1999-2001
Piñon, Nelida, undated
Pitol, Sergio, 2008 March 30
Poniatowska, Elena, 2003
Perdomo, José Luis, 1995 December 13
Pérez Andrés Carlos, undated
Plebiscito D.F., undated
Palou Pedro Angel, circa 2009
Peden Margaret, 2001
Padilla Ignacio, 2002-2003, 2010
Pérez Gay, circa 2003-2005
Picador, circa 1992-1994
Pakistan, 1995 October
Panamá, 2003 April 16
Paris, circa 1999, 2002, 2009
Praga, 2005
Puerto Rico, 1991, 2010
Parliament Writers, circa 1995, 1998
Puppo Giancarlo, circa 1994-1995
Proyecto Comillas, 1995
People (En Español), 1997
Polyforum Escorial, 1997
Patarroyo, 2003 May 6
Propuesta Forum 2004, 2003
Grupo Planeta, 2004-2005
Boda Príncipe Felipe, 2004
Personajes, 2006
Personalities, circa 2007-2010
Política de drogas, 2011
Puebla, 2012
Polonia, circa 2001-2002
Rutgers, 1994, 1996
Radiopolis, circa 1998-1999
Rushdie Salman, 1991-1995, 2003
Reforma, circa 1998-2012
Royalty statements, circa 1989-2010
Random House, circa 1996-2011
Rocco (Brasil), circa 2008-2009
Ríos Julián, circa 1995, 2002-2006
Robert Lowell, 1994
Registro Federal de Electores, 1994
Rulfo Juan, 1993, 2004
Rocha Ricardo, circa 1997
Rodríguez Julia, circa 1991
Reina Sofía - Madrid, 1998
Roosevelt, 2000 January 1
Gallardón Ruiz, 2003 June
Rosenthal Tom, 2005 March 7
Rodes Leopoldo, 2004 March 14
Rodriguez Arriaga, 2000 April 17
Robledo Rincón Eduardo, 2006
Roma, 2006
Rosario, Argentina, circa 2004
República Dominicana, 2010
Rio, Brasil, circa 2001, 2011
Rizzante Massimo, circa 2007, 2010
Cátedra Alfonso Reyes, 2009
Sundance, circa 1991, 1996
Sevilla, 1996
Santander, 2002
Salamanca, circa 2002
Suecia (Gobierno), circa 1997
Stockholm, 1995
Siglo XXI, 1992
Soka University (L.A.), circa 1994
Sepulveda Bernardo, circa 1995-2012
Suárez Dávila Francisco, 1994, 2011
Senator Kennedy, 1989
Stone Oliver, circa 1990-1995
Sol Films, Inc., circa 1995
Shana Swanson, 1997 April 16
Silva Herzog Jesus, circa 1999
Sontag Susan, 2002, 2005, 2011
Shimon Peres, 2001
Schori Pierre, circa 2000-2004
Saramago José, 1998, 2002
Seix Barral, circa 2001-2002
Sydney Writers' Festival, 2001
Santa Anna, circa 2007-2008
San Antonio Express-News, 2003-2004
San Antonio, Texas, 2004 February
Slim Carlos, circa 2004-2005
Sevilla Pregon, circa 2003
Sarajevo, 2003
Sedgeley Carlton, 2004, 2006
Senado, circa 2005
South Bank Centre London, 2005-2006
Soriano Juan, undated
Surafrica / Gordimer, circa 2006
Saura Antonio, circa 2006
Saldivar Antonio, 2008 May 26
Sanchez Matilda, undated
Sartorius Joachim, circa 2009
Suave Patria, circa 2008
Schulman, 2010
Solana Javier, 2010
Sabina Berman, undated
Solares, undated
Spanish Institute Queen Sofía, 2010
Tarjetas de felicitación, circa 1995-2012
Trad-Mex, 1989
Tufts University, 1992-1993
The New York Times, 1998, 2001
Thomas Hugh, circa 1996, 2001
Tijuana, 1997
Texas, 2010
Toledo, 2008
Tampa, Florida, 2003-2004
Teaching materials, circa 1979-1982
Televisión Española, 2004
TV - France, 1997-1998
TV latinoamerica, 2007
TV - Argentina, 2007
Televisa, circa 2002-2005
Tomás Eloy Martínez, circa 2000
Terrazas Eduardo, 1996 February 4
Tremblay Emmanuelle, 2000 October 23
The World Bank, 2002
Tübingen (Universität), 2003 April 7
Tulane University, New Orleans, 2010
El Tiempo, Bogotá, 2011-2012
Teatros (Sur-América), 2005 July 28
Teatro Primaddona, 2005
Traductores, circa 1994, 2009
Tongolele, 2012
Tajonar Hector, 2012
UNESCO, circa 1994-2011
Urroz Eloy, undated
Unión latina, 1993 April
United Nations, 2006 March 2
Universidades (México), circa 1993-2012
UNICEF, circa 1999-2009
University of Miami, 1992
University of Texas, 1998, 2010
Universidad (Japan), circa 2000
Universidad de Valencia, 2003
Princeton University, 2007
Universidades (Europa), circa 1992-2009
Universidades (U.S.A.), circa 1988-2011
Universidades (España), circa 2008
Universidades (Asia), 2008 May 9
Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá), 2005
Arizona State University, circa 2004
University of Houston, circa 2004
Universidad de Chile, 2007
U.C.L.A., 2009
Universidad de Ginebra, circa 2010
Universidad de Brown, circa 2010
Universidades, circa 1992-1996, 2004
Union Europea, circa 2002-2003
UNPD, 2002
Vargas Llosa Mario, 1997 April 15
Villoro, Luis, 1999-2000
Vasconcelos, José, 2001
Valenzuela, Arturo, 2009
Volpi, Jorge, circa 2003
Vásquez, Juan Gabriel, 2011
Vélez, Gonzalo, 2003 February 14
Verano '98 (Europa), 1998
Viendo visiones, circa 2004
Venezuela (Gobierno), 2001
Veracruz, 2003, 2012
La voluntad y la fortuna, circa 2008
Viceversa, 1994-1995
World Media, circa 1994-1995
Woodrow Wilson Center, 1993 April 22
Washington Award, circa 1995
Wicker, Tom, circa 2007-2009
Williams, Raymond, circa 1992-1994
Wimer, Javier, circa 1994, 2006
Weiss, Stanley, 2006 May 15
Xalapa, circa 1994, 2000, 2012
Yale University, circa 2003, 2010
Zins, Céline, circa 1999-2011
Zermatt Symposium, circa 1994
Zamora, Stephen, circa 1993
Zinser Aguilar Adolfo, circa 2002
Zurinaga, 2004 January 8
Zand, Nicole, 1999 November 9
Die Zeit, circa 1995
Brown - Chile, circa 2011
Educación - México, circa 2009
América Latina entre dos milenios. Doctorado Honoris Causa. Uiversidad de Sinaloa, 2000 February 24
On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of American States. Washington, DC, 1998 March 5
Elogio del Barroco, 1992 June
Presentación de Natalio Botana. Cátedra Julio Cortazar, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2008 December 2
Borges, undated
Centennial Lecture, 1999 March 22
El Colegio Nacional, 2001
Dialogue of the Americas, undated
"Decalog for a Young Writer." Los Angeles Public Library, Los Angeles, California, 2001 April 23
Address by Fuentes, Dedication of the High Library, Elizabethtown College, 1990 September 24
Palabras inaugurales, XI Foro Iberoamérica, Cap Cana, República Dominicana, 2010 November 12
Rafael Fuentes. 1. Discurso en el Cabildo Veracruz, 2. Oración filial en Jalapa, circa 1994
Frontier/Long, U.S.A., circa 1997
Palabras para Gallimard. Feria Internacional del Libro, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 2000 November 26
Palabras de Agradecimiento, Premio González-Ruano, Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid, 2009 September 7
Globalization: A New Deal for a New Age. California State University, Bakersfield, 2010 October 13
Bienvenida a Felipe González. Catèdra Julio Cortázar, Universidad de Guadalajara, 1997 May 8
History and Imagination. California Lutheran University, Los Angeles, California, 2003 January 27
Immigration: Challenges on Both Sides of the Border. Indianapolis, Indiana, 2007 October 15
Keynote Speech, The Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA), New York, 1998 September 10
Latin America's Twin Novels, undated
Lezama Lima (I), undated
"Language and Society": The Culture of the Americas. University of Northern Iowa, 1999 March 29
Mexico - notes, undated
México - conferencias, undated
Mexico lecture, USA, undated
IBM - Miami, undated
Miami Lecture, 1993 May 4
Museo de Arte Popular, 2007 March
Olmos / Carrasco, undated
Discurso de aceptación de la Orden Nacional al Mérito de la República Francesa, 1997 April 14
Oaxaca (copias) - Discurso Magistral, Federación Mundial de Amigos de los Museos, circa 1996
Palabras en el Acto de Entrega de los XVIII Premios "Ortega y Gasset" de Periodismo, 2003 May 8
Premio Anna Seghers. Otorgado a la novelista mexicana Cristina Rivera Garza (Laudatio), 2005
Por un progreso incluyente, undated
Four Hundred Years with Don Quixote. The Nadine Gordimer Lecture, Johannesburg, 2005 February 15
La región más transparente, 50 años más tarde: amigos, maestros, lecturas. UNAM, 2008 November 14
Saramago en Jalisco, circa 1998
Discurso de recepción del Doctorado Honoris Causa, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2003 February 12
Discurso de aceptación del Doctorado Honoris Causa, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2005 April 20
Palabras inaugurales de la Cátedra de Humanidades de la Universidad de Chile, 2007 October 30
Discurso de aceptación del Doctorado Honoris Causa, Universidad Veracruzana, 2000 October 20
Palabras de agradecimiento Doctorado Honoris Causa, Universidad de Quintana Roo, 2009 February 23
Prefacio al informe de la Comisión para la Educación en América Latina y el Caribe, circa 2002
España/México, undated
América Latina, circa 1997
La latinidad: pasado, presente y futuro. Primer Premio de la Latinidad, Río de Janeiro, 1999 June 27
Other Papers, 1954-2012
De constancia y otras novelas para vírgenes (Steven Boldy, Emmanuel College, Cambridge), undated
Icoñografia - Nissen Brian, undated
La casa de la bandida, undated
Roald Hoffman, circa 1988
Joaquín Roy, circa 1989-1991
On Carlos Fuentes, circa 1989-1995
Ortega, Julio, 1992
Constancia y otras novelas para vírgenes: memoria y creación versus ruina e inconstancia, undated
Voluptuario, undated
Celebration - Harold Pinter, 1999
Hugh Thomas, undated
First Part: Sweet Homeland, undated
La patria de nadie - notas, undated
Notas proyectos, undated
Notepad: Drafts Radio, undated
Has llegado a la región más transparente del aire. Fundación de Amigos de Alfonso Reyes, 1994
Octavio Paz, circa 1965-1998
Financial documents, undated
Presente y futuro de la literatura mexicana: simposio presidido por Carlos Fuentes, 1993 May
Calendars, 1982-1997
Aura, 1993-1994
Ideas de México, 1954
L'Herne Fuentes, circa 2005-2006
El espejo enterrado, 1986, 2010
Carlos Fuentes: La Mancha, 2006
El camino de Texas, circa 1989
El profesor mexicano, circa 1993
Redescubrimientos, undated
Readings - English, circa 1997
Bloomsbury - U.K., 2004-2005
Notas Lit-Mex, undated
Translation, undated
Quixote, circa 2005
Hispanic File, 2004
Cartagena, Foro V (notes), undated
Culturas, 2003, 2007, 2009
Justen Ahren - Poems, circa 2009
Ricardo Lagos, circa 2011
Nietzche, undated
Diálogos, N-N, circa 2000s
Vlad - English, undated
Lengua y sociedad civil, 1997-1999
Golfo México, 2000-2003
Brandt, Carl, 2010 October
Brown University, 2011
Diana - NYC reading, circa 1995
NYT - June, circa 1995
Drafts 94, circa 1994-1995
Madrid, 1997
Herrán, Saturnino, 1994
NT Mex, circa 1994-1998
Diana (notes), undated
Drafts - Carlos Fuentes, circa 2000
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, circa 2000
Nacionalismos, undated
Brown - Pres. Lecture, 1996, 1999
Don Quixote - Carlos Fuentes, 1998
Historia de las cosas, undated
CFL - Círculo Madrid, 2000
Education, 1997, 2000
Calendars, 1983-1986, 1994-1995
Goytisolo, Juan, 1994
Roald Hofman (letter), 1991 March 16
Hay-on-Wye Festival, 1992-1993
Archivo - etc., circa 1990
Giardinelli/B.A., 1994 June
Fox, Vicente, circa 1993
Pinter, Harold, circa 1995-1995
PR art critics, 1993 September
Proceso - USA, 1995
Julio Ortega, 1994 July 18
Oxenhandler, Neal, 1995
Notre Dame, 1993-1994
New York Public Library, 1995
Update L.A.M (notes), undated
Pablo Neruda, 1969, 1997
NYT Syndicate, circa 1993
Universidad de Murcia, 1991
Massey College - Toronto, 1993-1994
University of Miami, 1991
Legorreta Arquitectos, circa 1995
Kopit, 1992
Kennedy, Edward M., 1993-1994
Jorge Edwards (correspondence), 1994
Madrid - Círculo, 1995
Civicus, circa 1997
Reichenbach, Francoís, 1990
Sorela, Pedro, 1992
Sundance Board, 1994
Schlesinger, Arthur, 1992, 1994-1995
USA lectures/Fall '93, 1992-1993
Hay Festival, U.K., 1994
Torreti, Roberto, 1993 August 3
Thomas, Hugh, 1993, 1995
Arquitectura/Wimer, circa 1994
Periodismo - Sept. 08, 2008
Notes on literature, undated
Adán en Edén, circa 2000s
Ixtapa - Nov. 05 (notepad), undated
Untitled folder, circa 2011
NYC - June 08, 2008
Vanity Fair, 2008
Barroco - Sp, undated
Lecturas - Español, undated
Latin American Baroque 2, undated
El fundamentalismo democrático - Conferencia para siglo XXI - Juan Luis Cebrián, 2001 May 28
Diaspora, circa 1998-2001
Contestar (letters), 1998 February
Notebooks, circa 2005-2008
Paris, 2010
The Great American Novel, undated
Literatura - Historia, undated
Ref = Obama, circa 2010
Notas - Tragedia, undated
Notes - Reforma, undated
Bernal Díaz, 1995
Geo-Novela, circa 1999
Foro VIII - Chile, circa 2007
Quixote, 2001, 2004
XI Foro Iberoamérica, 2008 October
NYC, 2008 June
Brandt, 2008
Figuras literarias, circa 1997-2006
Sofia Gandarias, circa 2004
La novela potencial, circa 1988
Temas literatura, circa 2000s
Tema: Plural Traditions, undated
UK-USA novels, circa 2001-2004
Notebook, circa 1999
Viendo visiones (2), circa 2002
Aura - Opera, 2008
Time + Novel - notes, circa 1993
Lecciones y maestros: jornada de un escritor - Carlos Fuentes (with corrections), 2007 June 11
Globalization: A New Deal for a New Age - James Baker III Institute - Carlos Fuentes, 2008 April 28
Versiones, undated
Teatro, circa 1992
Jesús, circa 2004-2005
Notas cuentos, undated
Chile, circa 1998-2003
Notas a Londres, undated
Crónicas, circa 1996
Breviaria, circa 1991-1994
Notas 2009 - Lit, circa 2009
Cuestiones literarias, circa 2000
Notebooks, undated
Familias - España, undated
Historia Cosas, undated
Cortazar/Reyes- B.A., circa 2010
Los años con Laura Díaz, circa 1996
Cultual Transformations, undated
Past Texts, circa 2005
Latinidad, circa 1997-2001
Periodismo, circa 2005
Speech upon Receiving the Honorary Doctorate. Freie Universitat - Carlos Fuentes, 2004 June 29
Política, 2006
Temas Eco-Soc, 2006
Notas viaje, Eco-Soc-Pol, undated
Notas viaje, undated
Notas: Conferencias CN-1981; "Desplazamintos literarios"; "Cómo escribí algunos de mis libros", 1981
Lectures for Q+A, circa 1988
Notas, undated
Aaron Azar (notes), undated
N+C diálogos (notes), undated
Escritores jóvenes (notes), undated
Pendientes IX-04, circa 2004
Círculo Orwell, undated
Europa, circa 2005
Readings - English, undated
Periodismo, 2006
Crónicas - México, circa 1979
Writing in Time, undated
Mexico/USA, undated
Conferencias, circa 2001
Notas - Familia salvaje, circa 2005
Sierva del padre (notas), undated
Gay Divorce (notas), undated
Notas - Hijo estrella, undated
La hija perdida, circa 2005
España/México, 1994 June
Lois Hobart's Dream of Sor Juana - Dramatic Prelude to the 10th Siglo de Oro Festival, undated
Signos de admiración, undated
US election 92, circa 1992
Education and Multiculturalism. Speech for the Dies Natalis Ceremony - Carlos Fuentes, 2000 March 24
Foros, 2003 November
Copias Francia, undated
García Márquez, circa 2000
Del Boom al Boomerang, undated
Cuentos proyectos, circa 1993, 2004
The Creative Spirit as a Force for Humanism - Carlos Fuentes (with corrections), 2004 February 11
Met lectures, circa 1992
Artículos periodismo, circa 2011
Prensa, circa 2011 May
Brown University, circa 2006
R - Oct. (notes), undated
Munich, circa 1994
Drogas, undated
El caribe y el golfo, mediterraneos de América - Carlos Fuentes (with corrections), 2000 October 21
Carlos Fuentes: Imagenes y recuerdos, Capilla Alfonsina, U.A.N.L., Ciudad Universitaria, 1993 April
Miscellaneous materials, circa 2000s
Printed Materials, 1964-2012
Published speeches, 1983-2009
Colophon "Chac Mool", 1997
Dust jackets, circa 1964-2004
"The Diary of Frida Kahlo, An Intimate Self-Portrait, Introduction by Carlos Fuentes", 1995
Posters, circa 1980s-2000s
Press, 1947-2012
Argentina, circa 1993
Amsterdam, 1992 April 22
By C.F., 1993 November 11
Buried Mirror, circa 1991-1992
Cátedra Cortázar, 1995
Colombia, circa 1993
Chile, 1991-1992
Constancia - NRF, circa 1992
Cristóbal Nonato, circa 1989
La campaña, 1991 July 28
Chiapas, circa 1994
Chile - Orden al Mérito, circa 1993
Colombia, circa 1993
Coloquio, circa 1992-1993
Diana, circa 1994
Espejo enterrado, circa 1992
Escorial, 1992 August
Mexico, circa 1995
Rómulo Gallegos, 1993 January 29
Guadalajara, circa 1993
CF-ON-TO, circa 1994
Maria Felix, circa 1991
France, circa 1994
C.F. - Entrevistas, circa 1995
C.F. - Arts/Literature, circa 1994
C.F. - Arts/Politics, circa 1994
C.F. - Academic, circa 1994
On C.F., circa 1995
Conferencias Caracas, circa 1954
Clippings, circa 1950s
Clippings, circa 1950s-1960s
Clippings, undated
Coloquio I, circa 1992
Monterrey, 1993
El naranjo, circa 1993
Nuevo tiempo mexicano, circa 1995
On C.F., circa 1993
Príncipe de Asturias, circa 1994
Premio Cervantes, circa 1994
Política, 1994
Plebiscito, circa 1993
Polémica, circa 1948-1988
Rushdie, circa 1992
Cine, 1993 February 7
Reforma, circa 1994
Seminario - Sedesol, circa 1993
C.F. interviews, circa 1989
C.F. entrevistas, circa 1993
Por C.F., circa 1991
Premio "Cambio 16", 1993 March 12
Universidades/USA, circa 1992
Miscellaneous, circa 1960s-1990s
Clippings, circa 1960s
Clippings, circa 1970s
Clippings, circa 1980s
Clippings, circa 1990s
Clippings, circa 2000s-2012
Los años con Laura Díaz, circa 1999
Clippings, circa 1997-1999
Letters from Carlos Fuentes to Carolyn Pfeiffer, 1969-1971
- Scope and Contents
This collection consists of personal and working papers of Carlos Fuentes, Mexican author, editor, and diplomat: notebooks, manuscripts of novels and novellas, short stories, plays, screenplays, nonfiction writings, speeches and interviews, translations of fiction and nonfiction, correspondence, juvenilia, drawings, documents, photographs, audiocassettes, papers of others, scrapbooks, and printed material. Included are manuscripts and some galleys and page proofs with holograph corrections of the novels La cabeza de la hidra, Cambio de piel, La campaña, Constancia y otras novelas para vírgenes, Cristóbal Nonato, Una familia lejana, Gringo viejo, La muerte de Artemio Cruz, El naranjo, o los círculos del tiempo, La región más transparente, and Terra Nostra; draft manuscripts and some galleys and page proofs for the English translations of the novels listed above, and for novels Aura, Diana, The Goddess Who Hunts Alone, The Years with Laura Diaz, and Inez. There are also drafts of short stories collected under the titles Agua quemada, Cantar de ciegos, Chac Mool y otros cuentos, Cuerpos y ofrendas and Los días enmascarados; drafts of plays Todos los gatos son pardos, El tuerto es rey and Orchids in the Moonlight (English and Spanish versions); drafts of program scripts for the television series The Buried Mirror, and Spanish language version El espejo enterrado; and drafts of the companion books to the TV series.
The collection also includes drafts of screenplays written by Fuentes, or in collaboration with others, such as "Children of Sanchez," "Juarez," and a film about Luis Buñuel; and many manuscripts of screenplays written by others, several of which are adaptations of Fuentes' books, such as "Aura" by Serge Sandor, "Birthdays" by Guillermo Cabrera Infante, and "Old Gringo" by Luis Valdez. The Nonfiction and Speeches and Interviews subseries are extensive and include a wide variety of journalism written for major newspapers and magazines in the U.S., Mexico, and Spain and for other publications. Speechs include Fuentes' Harvard University commencement address, and his acceptance speech for the Premio Cervantes [literary prize] delivered in 1983 and 1988, respectively.
The papers also include correspondence with translators and drafts of many translations of Fuentes' writings. Included are typescript drafts, galleys, and page proofs of translations by Margaret Sayers Peden of several of Fuentes' novels, including Terra Nostra. Correspondence between Peden and Fuentes spans the period 1971-1990; correspondence with Céline Zins, primary translator of Fuentes' writings into French, is also extensive and spans 1970 to 1992.
The Correspondence series covers the period 1944-1994, and includes letters from family members and a wide range of publishers, literary agents, artists, filmmakers, and politicians.
There are letters received and letters sent by Fuentes to Latin American writers, including Alfonso Reyes, Miguel Angel Asturias, and Juan Carlos Onetti, and to writers of the "Boom" in Latin American fiction, such as Cabrera Infante, José Donoso, Gabriel García Márquez, Julio Cortázar, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Some of the Mexican writers represented in the collection are Octavio Paz, José Emilio Pacheco, Elena Garro, Elena Poniatowska, Fernando Benítez, Ramón Xirau, María Luisa Mendoza, and Carlos Monsiváis.
There is also extensive correspondence with international writers Harold Pinter, Milan Kundera, Vasiles Vasilikos, Italo Calvino, Régis Debray, Philip Roth, Norman Mailer, and William Styron, among others, and with filmmakers and film producers, including Luis Buñuel, Joseph Losey, Manuel Barbachano Ponce, and Tomás Gutiérrez Alea. The series also includes correspondence with literary agents and publishers that documents the financial and public success of Fuentes' career. Some of the publishers and literary agents represented are Brandt & Brandt, Carmen Balcells/Agencia Literaria, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Fondo de CulturaEconómica, and Editorials Joaquín Mortiz and Seix Barral. Publishing executives include Carlos Barral, Joaquín Díez-Canedo, Claude Gallimard, José Luis Martínez, Arnaldo Orfila Reynal, and Roger W. Straus, Jr. Correspondence with Farrar, Straus & Giroux covers the period 1963-1993 and includes contracts and other publishing documents. There is also a large amount of correspondence with students and readers, covering the period 1962-1994.
The collection also includes juvenile writings and drawings from the 1940s and early 1950s, and other miscellaneous cartoons and drawings. There are photographs of Carlos Fuentes and others, miscellaneous documents, and audiocassettes and videcassettes of the author's readings speeches, and other presentations.
The Papers of Others series includes manuscripts by a wide variety of Latin American and American writers, including a one-act play by Octavio Paz and short stories by Juan Rulfo and Julio Cortázar; copies of several doctoral dissertations and other theses on Carlos Fuentes; and a typescript draft and page proofs of a book edited by Cintio Vitier, Antología de la poesía hispanoamericana contemporánea (1925-1955).
There is a large amount of printed material both by the author and about the author in the Scrapbooks, Clippings, and Printed Material series. There are clippings and articles in many languages and from publications around the world. Articles include essays, book reviews, interviews, and bibliographies of the author's work. There are 27 scrapbooks, compiled by the author, which contain clippings, memorabilia, and photographs. The series also includes Christmas cards, invitations, maps, menus, and lecture and conference programs.
The Additonal Papers are comprised of notebooks; page proofs; drafts of writings by Fuentes, including novels, articles, essays, reviews, and speeches; English translations of works by Fuentes; videocassettes and audiocassettes; drawings; subject files relating to academic and cultural institutions, publishers, editors, colleagues, other writers, artists, cultural and political figures, friends, and others; speeches and talks given at conferences, convocations, awards ceremonies, lectures, and symposia; printed materials, including event invitations, programs, posters, book covers, publication proofs, photographs, published speeches, press kits, and essays by and about Fuentes; a large number of newspapers and press clippings containing articles by and about Fuentes, including reviews of his works; a few digital files; and other materials. Also included are 14 letters from Carlos Fuentes to Carolyn Pfeiffer written between 1969 and 1971, covering topics of film, including Fuentes' collaboration with Luis Buñuel, theater, literature, and personal matters.
- Collection Creator Biography:
Carlos Fuentes was born in Panama City, Panama, on November 11, 1928, the son of Berta Macías Rivas and Rafael Fuentes Boettiger. At the time of his birth, Carlos Fuentes' father was serving as Mexico's ambassador to Panama. Growing up with a father who was a career diplomat, Carlos Fuentes lived and was educated in many cities in Latin America. During the years, 1934-1939, he lived in Washington, D.C. where his father served as first secretary of Mexico's foreign service delegation to the U.S. He attended primary and secondary schools in Washington, D.C., Mexico City, Mexico, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Santiago, Chile, and pursued postsecondary studies in Mexico City and Geneva, Switzerland. He received his bachelor's degree from Colegio México and his law degree from the law school of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), both in Mexico City. Fuentes pursued graduate study at the Institut de Hautes Études Internationales in Geneva in 1950-1951, and also served in the Mexican delegation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Geneva, in 1951.
In 1953, Fuentes won First Prize in an essay contest sponsored by the law school of UNAM, on the occasion of its Fourth Centenary. In the same year, he collaborated with other young Mexican writers, such as Marco Antonio Montes de Oca, José Emilio Pacheco, and Carlos Monsiváis in publishing the magazine Medio Siglo in Mexico City. In 1955, he collaborated with Jaime García Terrés in editing the publication Universidad de México; and throughout the 1950s, Fuentes wrote articles on literature, film, and politics which were published in a wide variety of newspapers and magazines. In 1956, he co-founded and edited the journal Revista Mexicana de Literatura with Mexican writer Emmanuel Carballo. He worked in several positions in the Secretary of Foreign Relations of the Mexican government during the 1950s.
In 1958, Fuentes' first novel, La región más transparente, was published by Fondo de Cultura Económica in Mexico. The first English translation of this novel was published in 1960. In 1962, Carlos Fuentes became an outspoken opponent of American foreign policy in Latin America, when he was invited by Richard N. Goodwin, U.S. assistant secretary of state for inter-American affairs, to participate in a debate on the Alliance for Progress program. Despite the invitation by Goodwin, he was denied a visa by the U.S. government because of his political views. Two years later, in 1964, the Attorney General granted a temporary waiver of his immigration status, and he was able to enter the U.S. Througout the '60s and '70s, Fuentes worked with lawyers to combat his U.S. immigration classification as "undesirable." In particular, he worked with lawyer William D. Rogers, Jr., of the firm Arnold & Porter, and by the 1980s, he had far less trouble obtaining a visa.
In 1962, Fuentes' novels La muerte de Artemio Cruz and Aura were published in Mexico. The first English translations of these novels were published as The Death of Artemio Cruz (translated by Sam Hileman) and Aura (translated by Lysander Kemp) by Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 1964 and 1965, respectively.
In 1965, Fuentes served as Mexico's ambassador to Italy, and he lived in Rome. He moved to Paris in 1966, and befriended artists and writers such as the painters Alberto Gironella, Pierre Alechinsky, and Valerio Adami, and novelist Julio Cortázar. In 1968, Fuentes traveled to Prague with writers Cortázar and Gabriel García Márquez to aid the writers and artists of Czechoslovakia, and he met Milan Kundera for the first time. Fuentes' plays Todos los gatos son pardos and El tuerto es rey were first published in 1970, and in the same year El tuerto es rey was produced at the Theater an der Wien of Vienna and the Festival of Avignon (France).
Fuentes's nonfiction essays and articles of the 1960s and early 1970s were published in two anthologies, Casa con dos puertas (1970) and Tiempo mexicano (1971). In 1972, Fuentes was elected to permanent membership in El Colegio Nacional, México. In 1974, Fuentes held a visiting fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C.During the period 1971-1974, Fuentes began writing the novel Terra Nostra, and he wrote the essay Cervantes o la crítica de la lectura as an outgrowth of his research for the novel. Terra Nostra was first published in Mexico in 1975, and the English translation by Margaret Sayers Peden, was published under the same title by Farrar, Straus & Giroux in 1976.
Carlos Fuentes served as Mexico's ambassador to France from 1975 to 1977. In 1977, he began a series of teaching and creative writing posts at American universities. He taught at Barnard College, Columbia University, University of Pennsylvania, and in the fall of 1979, at Princeton. He taught at Dartmouth College in 1980-1981 and at Harvard University from 1983 to 1985. In 1986-1987, he held the Simón Bolivar Chair at Cambridge University (England), and in the fall of 1987 he returned to Harvard to inaugurate the Robert F. Kennedy Professorship in Latin American Studies, which he held until July 1988.
In 1985, Fuentes' novel Gringo Viejo and the English translation (by Margaret Sayers Peden and the author) were published. The movie Old Gringo which is based on the novel, was produced by Jane Fonda, filmed in 1988, and released in 1989.
Fuentes moved to London, England in 1990 to collaborate with Malone Gill Productions in the making of the television series The Buried Mirror and the Spanish language version El espejo enterrado. Fuentes served as both principal writer and onscreen host of five television programs which explore the history of Spain and Latin America in light of the quincentenary of Christopher Columbus's landing on the island of San Salvador in 1492.
Some of Fuentes' writings in English were published in Myself with Others: Selected Essays in 1988; other literary essays are compiled in Geografía de la novela (1990) and Valiente Mundo Nuevo: Épica, utopía y mito en la novela hispanoamericana (1993). In recent years, he has published several books of fiction, a revised version of the play Todos los gatos son pardos (published as Ceremonias del alba), and the nonfiction work, Nuevo tiempo mexicano (1995).
Throughout his career, Carlos Fuentes has received many literary prizes, including the following: Biblioteca Breve Prize from Editorial Seix Barral (Barcelona, 1967) for Cambio de piel, Premio Internacional de Novela "Rómulo Gallegos" (Caracas, 1977), Premio Internacional "Alfonso Reyes" (Mexico, 1979), Premio Nacional de Lingüística y Literatura (Mexico, 1984), Premio Miguel de Cervantes (Spain, 1987), and Premio Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (Spain, 1992). He has received honorary doctorates from Harvard, Georgetown, UCLA, and Washington University of St. Louis, Mo., and from many colleges, including Dartmouth and Bard, and Cambridge and Essex Universities in England.
From 1957 to 1969, Carlos Fuentes was married to Rita Macedo, a Mexican film actress. In 1973, he married Sylvia Lemus, a television and newspaper journalist. From his first marriage, he has a daughter, Cecilia (b. 1962), and with Sylvia Fuentes de Lemus he has two children, Rafael (b. 1973) and Natasha (b. 1974). He died on May 15, 2012 in Mexico City, Mexico.
- Acquisition:
Carlos Fuentes initially deposited some of his papers in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections during the period 1978-1981 , when he lived in Princeton. The Library purchased the collection through an agreement made with Brandt & Brandt in 1995. Several hundred published books by Fuentes, initially part of the papers, are separately catalogued and housed in the Rare Books Division of the Department. Production matter for the English translations of Fuentes' novels and nonfiction, published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux as Christopher Unborn, The Campaign, Constancia and Other Stories for Virgins, The Death of Artemio Cruz (rev. ed.), The Orange Tree, Diana, The Goddess Who Hunts Alone, The Years with Laura Diaz, and A New Time for Mexico were given to the Library by the publisher.
Additional Papers purchased from Silvia Lemus and her literary agent Brandt & Hochberg in 2013 (AM 2013-112). Letters from Carlos Fuentes to Carolyn Pfeiffer purchased from Glenn Horowitz Bookseller in 2021 (AM 2022-045).
- Processing Information
This collection was processed by Claire A. Johnston in 1998. Finding aid written by Claire A. Johnston in 1998.
Finding aid updated with new materials by Armando Suárez, with the assistance of Alice Griffin and Alia M. Wood, in December 2019. Letters from Carlos Fuentes to Carolyn Pfeiffer processed and added to finding aid by Armando Suárez in October 2021.
The born-digital materials in this collection have been processed according to Princeton University Library's Born-Digital Processing Workflows. For more information on the workflow, please read our full Born-Digital Processing Information Note.
- Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
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- Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
For preservation reasons, original analog and digital media may not be read or played back in the reading room. Users may visually inspect physical media but may not remove it from its enclosure. All analog audiovisual media must be digitized to preservation-quality standards prior to use. Audiovisual digitization requests are processed by an approved third-party vendor. Please note, the transfer time required can be as little as several weeks to as long as several months and there may be financial costs associated with the process. Requests should be directed through the Ask Us Form.
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- Credit this material:
Carlos Fuentes Papers; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library
- Permanent URL:
- Location:
Firestone LibraryOne Washington RoadPrinceton, NJ 08544, USA
- Storage Note:
- This is stored in multiple locations.
- Firestone Library (scamss): Boxes 1-134; 136-351; 354-376; 379-380; P-000135; P-000136; P-000137; B-001719
- Firestone Library (scahsvm): Box 381-382
- Bibliography
The biographical sketch is based partly on information obtained in Retrato de Carlos Fuentes (Madrid: Círculo de Lectores, 1995).
- Subject Terms:
- Ambassadors -- Mexico -- 20th century -- Manuscripts.
Critics -- Mexico. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Diplomats -- Mexico. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Dramatists, Mexican -- 20th century -- Manuscripts.
Latin American fiction. -- 20th century
Latin American literature. -- 20th century
Mexican drama. -- 20th century
Mexican essays. -- 20th century
Mexican fiction. -- 20th century
Mexican literature -- 20th century -- Translations into English.
Mexican literature. -- 20th century
Novelists, Latin American. -- 20th century
Novelists, Mexican. -- 20th century
Spanish American literature. -- 20th century
Spanish American poetry. -- 20th century
Translators -- France. -- 20th century -- Correspondence
Translators -- United States -- 20th century -- Corresondence - Genre Terms:
- Articles.
Newspaper clippings.
Photographs, Original.
Videocassettes. - Names:
- Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Brandt & Brandt
Asturias, Miguel Ángel
Barbachano-Ponce, Manuel
Benítez, Fernando (1912-2000)
Buñuel, Luis (1900-1983)
Cabrera Infante, G. (Guillermo) (1929-2005)
Calvino, Italo
Cortázar, Julio
Debray, Régis
Donoso, José (1924-1996)
García Márquez, Gabriel (1927-2014)
Kundera, Milan
Losey, Joseph
Mendoza, María Luisa
Monsiváis, Carlos (1938-2010)
Pacheco, José Emilio
Peden, Margaret Sayers.
Pinter, Harold (1930-2008)
Poniatowska, Elena
Reyes, Alfonso (1889-1959)
Styron, William (1925-2006)
Vargas Llosa, Mario (1936) - Places:
- Latin America -- Politics and government. -- 20th century
Mexico -- Intellectual life. -- 20th century
Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1946-1970.
Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1970-1988.